changeset 2 208a4ba3894c
parent 0 ccd0fd43f247
child 3 6832643895f7
--- a/harvesterplugins/messaging/src/cmessageplugin.cpp	Mon Apr 19 14:40:05 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,612 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  
-#include <e32base.h> 
-#include <msvids.h>
-#include <msvuids.h>
-#include <mmsconst.h>
-#include <mmsclient.h>
-#include <smsclnt.h>
-#include <txtrich.h>
-#include <smuthdr.h>
-#include <smut.h>
-#include <miutset.h>
-#include <senduiconsts.h>
-#include <mtclreg.h>
-#include <gsmuelem.h>
-#include <msventry.h>
-#include <ccpixindexer.h>
-#include "cmessageplugin.h"
-#include "cmessagemonitor.h"
-#include "cmessageharvester.h"
-#include "cmessagedatahandler.h"
-#include "harvesterserverlogger.h"
-// maximum length that the fully qualified msg Plugin base app class descriptor can be
-// e.g. "@c:root msg"
-const TInt KMsgPluginBaseAppClassMaxLen = 64;
-// local declarations and functions
-namespace {
-_LIT(KCPixSearchServerPrivateDirectory, "\\Private\\2001f6f7\\");
-_LIT(KPathTrailer, "\\root\\msg");
-_LIT(KMsgBaseAppClassGeneric, ":root msg");
-_LIT(KAtSign, "@");
-_LIT(KColon, ":");
-* MapFileToDrive - gets the TDriveNumber associated with the aBaseAppClass.
-* @aBaseAppClass e.g. "@c:root file"
-* @aDrive returns the TDriveNumber for the aBaseAppClass
-* returns KErrNone on success or a standard error code
-TInt MapBaseAppClassToDrive(const TDesC& aBaseAppClass, TDriveNumber& aDrive)
-    {
-    if (KErrNone != aBaseAppClass.Left(1).Compare(KAtSign))
-        {
-        return KErrGeneral;
-        }
-    TPtrC drvChar = aBaseAppClass.Left(2).Right(1);
-    TChar d(drvChar[0]);
-    TInt drive;
-    const TInt ret = RFs::CharToDrive(d, drive);
-    if (!ret)
-        {
-        aDrive = TDriveNumber(drive);
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-}// anonymous namespace
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMessagePlugin::NewL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CMessagePlugin* CMessagePlugin::NewL()
-	CMessagePlugin* instance = CMessagePlugin::NewLC();
-    CleanupStack::Pop(instance);
-    return instance;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMessagePlugin::NewLC
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CMessagePlugin* CMessagePlugin::NewLC()
-	CMessagePlugin* instance = new (ELeave)CMessagePlugin();
-    CleanupStack::PushL(instance);
-    instance->ConstructL();
-    return instance;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMessagePlugin::CMessagePlugin
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	iMessageDataHandler = NULL;
-	iMessageHarvester = NULL;
-	iMessageMonitor = NULL;
-	iMsvSession = NULL;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMessagePlugin::~CMessagePlugin
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // remove notification paths before destroying iMonitor
-    for (TInt i=EDriveA; i<=EDriveZ; i++)
-        UnMount(TDriveNumber(i), EFalse);
-	delete iMessageDataHandler;
-	delete iMessageHarvester;	
-	delete iMessageMonitor;	
-	delete iMsvSession;
-	iFs.Close();
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMessagePlugin::ConstructL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMessagePlugin::ConstructL()
-    TInt err = iFs.Connect();
-    CPIXLOGSTRING2("CMessagePlugin::ConstructL, iFs.Connect: %i", err);
-    User::LeaveIfError(err);
-    iCurrentDrive = EDriveC; //Default drive is C drive
-    iMsvSession = CMsvSession::OpenSyncL(*this);
-    iMessageMonitor = CMessageMonitor::NewL( *this, *iMsvSession );    
-    iMessageHarvester = CMessageHarvester::NewL( *this, *iMsvSession );    
-    iMessageDataHandler = CMessageDataHandler::NewL( *this, *iMsvSession );    
-    for (TInt i=EDriveA; i<=EDriveZ; i++)
-        {
-        iIndexer[i] = NULL; //Initialize to NULL
-        }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMessagePlugin::StartPluginL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMessagePlugin::StartPluginL()
-	{
-	//Get the current Drive for storage
-	iCurrentDrive = iMsvSession->CurrentDriveL();
-	CPIXLOGSTRING2("currentDrive from messaging app : %d", iCurrentDrive );
-	MountL(TDriveNumber(iCurrentDrive)); //Mount current drive
-	// Define this base application class, use default location
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMessagePlugin::StartHarvestingL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMessagePlugin::StartHarvestingL(const TDesC& aQualifiedBaseAppClass)
-	{
-	CPIXLOGSTRING("START CMessagePlugin::StartHarvestingL");
-	// Map base app class to a drive number
-	TDriveNumber drive ( EDriveA );//Initialize to silence compiler warnings.
-	if (KErrNone != MapBaseAppClassToDrive(aQualifiedBaseAppClass, drive))
-	   User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
-    // Leave if no indexer for this drive
-	if (!iIndexer[drive])
-	   User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
-    // Reset the database
-	iIndexer[drive]->ResetL();
-    iStartTime.UniversalTime();
-    iMessageHarvester->StartHarvestingL();
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMessagePlugin::MountL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMessagePlugin::MountL(TDriveNumber aMedia,TBool aForceReharvesting)
-    {
-    CPIXLOGSTRING("START CMessagePlugin::MountL");
-    // Check if already exists
-    if (iIndexer[aMedia])
-        return;
-    // Form the baseappclass for this media
-    TBuf<KMsgPluginBaseAppClassMaxLen> baseAppClass;
-    FormBaseAppClass(aMedia, baseAppClass);
-    // Define this volume
-    HBufC* path = DatabasePathLC(aMedia);
-    User::LeaveIfError(iSearchSession.DefineVolume(baseAppClass, *path));
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(path);
-    // construct and open the database
-    TRAPD(err,iIndexer[aMedia] = CCPixIndexer::NewL(iSearchSession));
-    CPIXLOGSTRING2("CCPixIndexer::NewL returned : %d", err );
-    TRAP(err,iIndexer[aMedia]->OpenDatabaseL(baseAppClass));
-    // Add to harvesting queue
-    iObserver->AddHarvestingQueue(this, baseAppClass,aForceReharvesting);  
-    CPIXLOGSTRING("END CMessagePlugin::MountL");
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMessagePlugin::UnMount
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMessagePlugin::UnMount(TDriveNumber aMedia, TBool aUndefineAsWell)
-    {
-    CPIXLOGSTRING("START CMessagePlugin::UnMount");
-    // Check if already exists
-    if (!iIndexer[aMedia])
-        return;
-    // Form the baseappclass for this media
-    TBuf<KMsgPluginBaseAppClassMaxLen> baseAppClass;
-    FormBaseAppClass(aMedia, baseAppClass);             
-    // Remove from harvesting queue
-    iObserver->RemoveHarvestingQueue(this, baseAppClass);   
-    // Delete the index object
-    if (iIndexer[aMedia])
-        {
-        delete iIndexer[aMedia];
-        iIndexer[aMedia] = NULL;
-        }
-    // if the aActionType is EFFMmcDismount, then the
-    // parameter aFilename is the baseAppClass of the Index database
-    // to be dropped.
-    if (aUndefineAsWell)
-        iSearchSession.UnDefineVolume(baseAppClass);
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMessagePlugin::FormBaseAppClass
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CMessagePlugin::FormBaseAppClass(TDriveNumber aMedia, TDes& aBaseAppClass)
-    {
-    TChar chr;
-    const TInt ret = RFs::DriveToChar(aMedia, chr);
-    if (KErrNone == ret)
-        {
-        aBaseAppClass.Copy(KAtSign);
-        aBaseAppClass.Append(chr);
-        aBaseAppClass.LowerCase();
-        aBaseAppClass.Append(KMsgBaseAppClassGeneric);
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMessagePlugin::DatabasePathLC
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-HBufC* CMessagePlugin::DatabasePathLC(TDriveNumber aMedia)
-    {
-    CPIXLOGSTRING("START CMessagePlugin::DatabasePathLC");
-    // Allocate extra space for root path e.g. "C:\\Private\\2001f6f7\\"
-    const TInt KRootPathMaxLength = 30;
-    HBufC* indexDbPath = HBufC::NewLC(KRootPathMaxLength + KPathIndexDbPath().Length() + KPathTrailer().Length());
-    TPtr indexDbPathPtr = indexDbPath->Des();
-#if 1 // Data caging implementation
-    iFs.CreatePrivatePath(aMedia);
-    TChar chr;
-    RFs::DriveToChar(aMedia, chr);
-    indexDbPathPtr.Append(chr);
-    indexDbPathPtr.Append(KColon);
-    TFileName pathWithoutDrive;
-    iFs.PrivatePath(pathWithoutDrive);
-    indexDbPathPtr.Append(KCPixSearchServerPrivateDirectory);
-#else // here is the way to calculate the path if data caging is not being used.
-    TFileName rootPath;
-    PathInfo::GetRootPath(rootPath, aMedia);
-    indexDbPathPtr.Append(rootPath);
-    indexDbPathPtr.Append(KPathIndexDbPath);
-    indexDbPathPtr.Append(KPathTrailer);
-    return indexDbPath;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMessagePlugin::GetIndexer
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCPixIndexer* CMessagePlugin::GetIndexer()
-    {
-    return iIndexer[iCurrentDrive];
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMessagePlugin::IsMediaRemovableL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CMessagePlugin::IsMediaRemovableL(TDriveNumber& aDrive)
-    {
-    TDriveInfo driveInfo; 
-    User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Drive(driveInfo,aDrive));
-    TBool mediaRemovable(EFalse);
-    driveInfo.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttRemovable ? mediaRemovable = ETrue : mediaRemovable = EFalse;
-    return mediaRemovable;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMessagePlugin::HandleSessionEventL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMessagePlugin::HandleSessionEventL( TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, 
-										  		 TAny* aArg1, 
-										  		 TAny* aArg2, 
-										  		 TAny* aArg3 )
-	{		
-	CPIXLOGSTRING("ENTER CMessagePlugin::HandleSessionEventL");
-	CPIXLOGSTRING2("TMsvSessionEvent aEvent: %d", aEvent );			
-	switch( aEvent )
-		{
-		case EMsvEntriesCreated:
-		case EMsvEntriesChanged:
-			{
-			// Handle changed / created event
-            CMsvEntrySelection* selection = reinterpret_cast<CMsvEntrySelection*>(aArg1);
-            TMsvId folderId = *( reinterpret_cast<TMsvId*>(aArg2));
-            iStartTime.UniversalTime();
-		    iMessageMonitor->HandleMsgCreatedChangedL(*selection, folderId, aEvent);
-		    UpdatePerformaceDataL(EMsvEntriesChanged);
-		    iMessageMonitor->HandleMsgCreatedChangedL(*selection, folderId, aEvent);
-			break;
-			}		
-		case EMsvEntriesDeleted:
-			{
-			// Handle deletion event
-		    CMsvEntrySelection* selection = reinterpret_cast<CMsvEntrySelection*> ( aArg1 );
-            iStartTime.UniversalTime();
-		    iMessageMonitor->HandleMsgDeletedL( *selection );
-		    UpdatePerformaceDataL(EMsvEntriesDeleted);
-		    iMessageMonitor->HandleMsgDeletedL( *selection );
-			break;
-			}
-		case EMsvEntriesMoved:
-			{
-			// track move operations
-			// or sent folder
-			// ... extract the useful parameters
-            if( aArg1 && aArg2 && aArg3 )
-                {
-                CMsvEntrySelection* selection = reinterpret_cast<CMsvEntrySelection*> ( aArg1 );
-                // aArg2 is the TMsvId of the new parent. aArg3 is the TMsvId of 
-                // the old parent entry.
-                TMsvId newFolderId = *(reinterpret_cast<TMsvId*>(aArg2));
-                TMsvId oldFolderId = *(reinterpret_cast<TMsvId*>(aArg3));
-                iStartTime.UniversalTime();
-                iMessageMonitor->HandleMsgMovedL(newFolderId, oldFolderId, *selection);
-                UpdatePerformaceDataL(EMsvEntriesMoved);
-                iMessageMonitor->HandleMsgMovedL(newFolderId, oldFolderId, *selection);
-                }
-			break;
-			}			
-		case EMsvMediaChanged:
-		    {
-		    //Unmount old media drive
-		    CPIXLOGSTRING("ENTER CMessagePlugin::HandleSessionEventL EMsvMediaChanged");
-		    TDriveNumber drive = *(reinterpret_cast<TDriveNumber*>(aArg1));
-		    UnMount(drive);
-		    drive = *(reinterpret_cast<TDriveNumber*>(aArg2));
-		    //Check if Media is removable then force reharvesting else keep indexes same
-		    MountL(drive,IsMediaRemovableL(drive)); //Mount new media drive for harvesting
-		    iCurrentDrive = drive;//Index of current drive
-		    }
-		    break;
-		case EMsvMediaUnavailable:
-		    {
-		    //No need to handle as when drive will be removed EMsvMediaChanged event
-		    //will be received for default media drive can be handled there
-		    //Unmount old media drive
-		    CPIXLOGSTRING("ENTER CMessagePlugin::HandleSessionEventL EMsvMediaUnavailable");
-		    TDriveNumber drive = *(reinterpret_cast<TDriveNumber*>(aArg1));
-		    UnMount(drive);
-		    }
-		    break;
-		case EMsvMediaAvailable:
-			{
-			CPIXLOGSTRING("ENTER CMessagePlugin::HandleSessionEventL EMsvMediaAvailable");
-			//Removed media drive available again mount media drive and unmount default
-			UnMount(TDriveNumber(iCurrentDrive)); //Unmount current drive
-			TDriveNumber drive = *(reinterpret_cast<TDriveNumber*>(aArg1));
-			MountL(drive,IsMediaRemovableL(drive)); //Mount avilable media drive for harvesting
-			}
-			break;
-		case EMsvServerFailedToStart:			
-		case EMsvCloseSession:
-		case EMsvServerTerminated:
-			{
-			User::Panic(_L("CMessagePlugin PANIC"), KErrServerTerminated);
-			break;				
-			}			
-		case EMsvMtmGroupInstalled:
-		case EMsvMtmGroupDeInstalled:
-		case EMsvGeneralError: // not used after v5
-		case EMsvServerReady:
-		case EMsvCorruptedIndexRebuilt:
-		case EMsvMediaIncorrect:
-		case EMsvCorruptedIndexRebuilding:
-		default:
-			{
-			break;
-			}							
-		}	
-	CPIXLOGSTRING("END CMessagePlugin::HandleSessionEventL");	
-	}	
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMessageDataHandler::CalculateMessageType
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TMsgType CMessagePlugin::CalculateMessageType (const TMsvEntry& aEntry )
-    CPIXLOGSTRING("ENTER CMessagePlugin::CalculateMessageType");
-	TMsgType ret = EMsgTypeInvalid;
-	CPIXLOGSTRING2("CMessagePlugin::CalculateMessageType uid: %x", aEntry.iMtm.iUid );
-    if( aEntry.iMtm.iUid  == KUidMsgTypeMultimedia.iUid ) 
-        {
-        CPIXLOGSTRING("CMessagePlugin:CalculateMessageType  ###  Mms Message ###");
-        ret = EMsgTypeMms;
-        }
-    else if( aEntry.iMtm.iUid  == KUidMsgTypeSMTP.iUid )
-		{
-		CPIXLOGSTRING("CMessagePlugin:CalculateMessageType  ### ESmtpEmail ###");
-        ret = EMsgTypeEmailSmtp;
-		}
-	else if( aEntry.iMtm.iUid  == KUidMsgTypePOP3.iUid )
-		{
-		CPIXLOGSTRING("CMessagePlugin:CalculateMessageType  ### EPop3Email ###");
-        ret = EMsgTypeEmailPop3;
-		}
-	else if( aEntry.iMtm.iUid  == KUidMsgTypeIMAP4.iUid )
-		{
-		CPIXLOGSTRING("CMessagePlugin:CalculateMessageType  ### EImap4Email ###");
-        ret = EMsgTypeEmailImap4;
-		}
-	// Add J.J	
-#ifndef __SERIES60_30__ // Not supported before S60 3d FP1
-   	else if ( aEntry.iMtm.iUid == KSenduiMtmUniMessageUid.iUid )
-	    {
-	    CPIXLOGSTRING("CMessagePlugin:CalculateMessageType  ### EDraftMessage ###");
-        ret = EMsgTypeDraft;
-	    }
-    // else if we have a normal text based SMS it is valid    
- 	else if ( aEntry.iMtm.iUid == KUidMsgTypeSMS.iUid )
- 		{
- 		CPIXLOGSTRING("CMessagePlugin:CalculateMessageType  ###  SMS Message ###");
-        ret = EMsgTypeSms;
- 		}
-   	else if ( aEntry.iMtm.iUid == KSenduiMtmSmsUid.iUid )
-		{
-		CPIXLOGSTRING("CMessagePlugin:CalculateMessageType  ### Sms Message ###");
-        ret = EMsgTypeSms;
-		}
-    CPIXLOGSTRING("END CMessagePlugin::CalculateMessageType");
-	return ret;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMessagePlugin::MessageItemL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMessagePlugin::MessageItemL( TMsvId aMsgId, TCPixActionType aActionType, TMsvId aFolderId  )	
-    {
-    //New item found gather data from that.
-     iMessageDataHandler->GatherDataL( aMsgId, aActionType, aFolderId ); 
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMessagePlugin::HarvestingCompleted
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMessagePlugin::HarvestingCompleted(TInt aError)
-	// Notifies the indexing manager of completed harvesting, called by CMessageHarvester
-    Flush( *GetIndexer() );
-    TBuf<KMsgPluginBaseAppClassMaxLen> baseAppClass;
-    FormBaseAppClass(TDriveNumber(iCurrentDrive), baseAppClass);
-    TRAP_IGNORE( UpdatePerformaceDataL() );
-    iObserver->HarvestingCompleted(this, baseAppClass, aError);
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMessagePlugin::UpdatePerformaceDataL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMessagePlugin::UpdatePerformaceDataL()
-    {
-    TTime now;
-    iCompleteTime.UniversalTime();
-    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeDiff = iCompleteTime.MicroSecondsFrom(iStartTime);
-    RFs fileSession;
-    RFile perfFile;
-    User::LeaveIfError( fileSession.Connect () );
-    /* Open file if it exists, otherwise create it and write content in it */
-        if(perfFile.Open(fileSession, _L("c:\\data\\MessagePerf.txt"), EFileWrite))
-                   User::LeaveIfError(perfFile.Create (fileSession, _L("c:\\data\\MessagePerf.txt"), EFileWrite));
-    HBufC8 *heap = HBufC8::NewL(100);
-    TPtr8 ptr = heap->Des();
-    now.HomeTime();
-    TBuf<50> timeString;             
-    _LIT(KOwnTimeFormat,"%:0%H%:1%T%:2%S");
-    now.FormatL(timeString,KOwnTimeFormat);
-    ptr.AppendNum(now.DateTime().Day());
-    ptr.Append(_L("/"));
-    ptr.AppendNum(now.DateTime().Month());
-    ptr.Append(_L("/"));
-    ptr.AppendNum(now.DateTime().Year());
-    ptr.Append(_L(":"));
-    ptr.Append(timeString);
-    ptr.Append( _L("Time taken for Harvesting Message is : "));
-    ptr.AppendNum(timeDiff.Int64()/1000) ;
-    ptr.Append(_L(" MilliSeonds \n"));
-    TInt myInt = 0;
-    perfFile.Seek(ESeekEnd,myInt);
-    perfFile.Write (ptr);
-    perfFile.Close ();
-    fileSession.Close ();
-    delete heap;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CMessagePlugin::UpdatePerformaceDataL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CMessagePlugin::UpdatePerformaceDataL(TMsvSessionEvent action) {
-        iCompleteTime.UniversalTime();
-        TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeDiff = iCompleteTime.MicroSecondsFrom(iStartTime);
-        RFs fileSession;
-        RFile perfFile;
-        User::LeaveIfError( fileSession.Connect () );
-        /* Open file if it exists, otherwise create it and write content in it */
-            if(perfFile.Open(fileSession, _L("c:\\data\\MessagePerf.txt"), EFileWrite))
-                       User::LeaveIfError(perfFile.Create (fileSession, _L("c:\\data\\MessagePerf.txt"), EFileWrite));
-        HBufC8 *heap = HBufC8::NewL(100);
-        TPtr8 ptr = heap->Des();
-        switch (action) {
-            case EMsvEntriesDeleted: ptr.Append( _L("del "));break;
-            case EMsvEntriesChanged: ptr.Append( _L("upd "));break;
-            case EMsvEntriesMoved: ptr.Append( _L("mov "));break;
-        }
-        ptr.AppendNum(timeDiff.Int64()/1000) ;
-        ptr.Append(_L("\n"));
-        TInt myInt = 0;
-        perfFile.Seek(ESeekEnd,myInt);
-        perfFile.Write (ptr);
-        perfFile.Close ();
-        fileSession.Close ();
-        delete heap;
-    }