changeset 9 4a2987baf8f7
parent 5 3bc31ad99ee7
child 16 e918432ddd92
--- a/harvesterplugins/media/mediautils/src/cpixdocfetcher.cpp	Wed Jun 23 17:22:18 2010 +0100
+++ b/harvesterplugins/media/mediautils/src/cpixdocfetcher.cpp	Mon Jun 28 11:03:15 2010 +0530
@@ -126,7 +126,8 @@
         //Uri is our Document ID
                                KNameField, //URI as Name field
-                               name);
+                               name,
+                               CDocumentField::EStoreYes | CDocumentField::EIndexTokenized | CDocumentField::EIndexFreeText);
         //Store media ID for client to generate path and launch corresponding Item
         TBuf<KMaxMediaLength> mediaBuf;        
@@ -143,7 +144,8 @@
         //Get the media file extension and store
         TBuf<KMaxExtLength> extension;        
-        AddFiledtoDocumentL( *index_item, KExtensionField, extension );
+        AddFiledtoDocumentL( *index_item, KExtensionField, extension,
+                CDocumentField::EStoreYes | CDocumentField::EIndexTokenized | CDocumentField::EIndexFreeText);
         CMdEProperty* property(NULL);
         CMdEPropertyDef& titlePropDef = aObjectDef.GetPropertyDefL(MdeConstants::Object::KTitleProperty );
@@ -153,25 +155,42 @@
         if(aObject.Property( titlePropDef, property ) != KErrNotFound)
            //Add field to document
-           CMdETextProperty* textProperty = ( CMdETextProperty* ) property;
+           CMdETextProperty* textProperty = static_cast< CMdETextProperty* > (property );
            if(textProperty->Value() != KNullDesC)
-                                     textProperty->Value());
+                                     textProperty->Value(),
+                                     CDocumentField::EStoreYes | CDocumentField::EIndexTokenized | CDocumentField::EIndexFreeText);
         //Item type as MIME type
         CMdEPropertyDef& mimeTypePropDef = aObjectDef.GetPropertyDefL(MdeConstants::Object::KItemTypeProperty);
         if(aObject.Property( mimeTypePropDef, property )!= KErrNotFound)
            //Add field to document
-           CMdETextProperty* textProperty = ( CMdETextProperty* ) property;
+           CMdETextProperty* textProperty = static_cast< CMdETextProperty* > (property );
                                CDocumentField::EStoreYes | CDocumentField::EIndexUnTokenized);
+        //Get ratings field
+        CMdEPropertyDef& ratingsPropDef = aObjectDef.GetPropertyDefL(MdeConstants::MediaObject::KRatingProperty );
+        if(aObject.Property( ratingsPropDef, property )!= KErrNotFound)
+           {
+           //Add field to document
+           if( property->Def().PropertyType() == EPropertyInt32 )
+               {
+               CMdEInt32Property& ratingProperty = static_cast < CMdEInt32Property& > (*property );               
+               TBuf<32> buf;
+               buf.Format(_L("%d"), ratingProperty.Value());
+               AddFiledtoDocumentL(*index_item,
+                                  MdeConstants::MediaObject::KRatingProperty,
+                                  buf );
+               }
+           }
         CleanupStack::Pop(index_item);//pop up
     CPIXLOGSTRING("END CCPIXDocFetcher::GetCpixDocumentL");