changeset 0 ccd0fd43f247
child 2 208a4ba3894c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/harvesterplugins/file/src/cfileplugin.cpp	Mon Apr 19 14:40:05 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <pathinfo.h> // PathInfo
+#include <driveinfo.h> // TDriveInfo
+#include "cfileplugin.h"
+#include "harvesterserverlogger.h"
+#include "cfileharvester.h"
+#include "cfileplugin.h"
+#include "cfilemonitor.h"
+#include "cmmcmonitor.h"
+#include <rsearchserversession.h>
+#include <csearchdocument.h>
+#include <common.h>
+#include <ccpixindexer.h>
+// local declarations and functions
+namespace {
+_LIT(KCPixSearchServerPrivateDirectory, "\\Private\\2001f6f7\\");
+_LIT(KPathTrailer, "\\root\\file");
+_LIT(KFileBaseAppClassGeneric, ":root file");
+_LIT(KFilePluginAtSign, "@");
+_LIT(KFilePluginColon, ":");
+* MapFileToDrive - returns the TDriveNumber that the file is located on.
+* @aFilename filename
+* @aDrive returns the TDriveNumber
+* returns KErrNone on success or a standard error code
+TInt MapFileToDrive(const TDesC& aFilename, TDriveNumber& aDrive)
+    {
+    TParse file;
+    file.Set(aFilename, NULL, NULL);
+    TPtrC drvChar = file.Drive().Left(1);
+    TChar d(drvChar[0]);
+    TInt drive;
+    const TInt ret = RFs::CharToDrive(d, drive);
+    if (!ret)
+        {
+        aDrive = TDriveNumber(drive);
+        }
+    return ret;
+    }
+* MapBaseAppClassToDrive - gets the TDriveNumber associated with the aBaseAppClass.
+* @aBaseAppClass e.g. "@c:root file"
+* @aDrive returns the TDriveNumber for the aBaseAppClass
+* returns KErrNone on success or a standard error code
+TInt MapBaseAppClassToDrive(const TDesC& aBaseAppClass, TDriveNumber& aDrive)
+    {
+    if (KErrNone != aBaseAppClass.Left(1).Compare(KFilePluginAtSign))
+        {
+        return KErrGeneral;
+        }
+    TPtrC drvChar = aBaseAppClass.Left(2).Right(1);
+    TChar d(drvChar[0]);
+    TInt drive;
+    const TInt ret = RFs::CharToDrive(d, drive);
+    if (!ret)
+        {
+        aDrive = TDriveNumber(drive);
+        }
+    return ret;
+    }
+} // anonymous namespace
+CFilePlugin* CFilePlugin::NewL()
+    {
+    CFilePlugin* instance = CFilePlugin::NewLC();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(instance);
+    return instance;
+    }
+CFilePlugin* CFilePlugin::NewLC()
+    {
+    CFilePlugin* instance = new (ELeave)CFilePlugin();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(instance);
+    instance->ConstructL();
+    return instance;
+    }
+    {
+    for (TInt i=EDriveA; i<=EDriveZ; i++)
+        {
+        iIndexer[i] = NULL; //Initialize to NULL
+        }
+    }
+	{
+	CPIXLOGSTRING("CFilePlugin::~CFilePlugin()");
+	// remove notification paths before destroying iMonitor
+	for (TInt i=EDriveA; i<=EDriveZ; i++)
+		{
+		UnMount(TDriveNumber(i), EFalse);
+		}
+	delete iHarvester;
+	delete iMonitor;
+	delete iMmcMonitor;
+	TInt err = iFs.DismountPlugin(KFastFindFSPluginName);
+	CPIXLOGSTRING2("CFilePlugin::~CFilePlugin(), iFs.DismountPlugin: %i", err);
+	err = iFs.RemovePlugin(KFastFindFSPluginName);
+	CPIXLOGSTRING2("CFilePlugin::~CFilePlugin(), iFs.RemovePlugin: %i", err);
+	iFs.Close();
+	}
+void CFilePlugin::ConstructL()
+	{
+    User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() );
+    TInt err = iFs.AddPlugin(KFastFindFSPluginFile);
+    CPIXLOGSTRING2("CFilePlugin::ConstructL, iFs.AddPlugin: %i", err);
+    if ( err != KErrAlreadyExists )
+    	{
+    	err = iFs.MountPlugin(KFastFindFSPluginName);
+    	CPIXLOGSTRING2("CFilePlugin::ConstructL, iFs.MountPlugin: %i", err);
+    	}
+    // check if already up, unload and reload
+    else if ( err == KErrAlreadyExists )
+    	{
+    	// dismount
+    	TInt err = iFs.DismountPlugin(KFastFindFSPluginName);
+	    CPIXLOGSTRING2("CFilePlugin::ConstructL(), iFs.DismountPlugin: %i", err);
+		err = iFs.RemovePlugin(KFastFindFSPluginName);
+		CPIXLOGSTRING2("CFilePlugin::ConstructL(), iFs.RemovePlugin: %i", err);
+		// if no error reload
+		if ( err == KErrNone )
+			{
+			err = iFs.AddPlugin(KFastFindFSPluginFile);
+			CPIXLOGSTRING2("CFilePlugin::ConstructL, iFs.AddPlugin: %i", err);
+			err = iFs.MountPlugin(KFastFindFSPluginName);
+			CPIXLOGSTRING2("CFilePlugin::ConstructL, iFs.MountPlugin: %i", err);
+			}
+    	}
+    iHarvester = CFileHarvester::NewL(*this, iFs);
+    iMonitor = CFileMonitor::NewL(*this, &iFs);
+    iMmcMonitor = CMMCMonitor::NewL(*this, &iFs);
+    }
+void CFilePlugin::StartPluginL()
+	{
+    TInt error = KErrNone;
+    if (!iIsMonitorInit)
+        {
+        error = iMonitor->Initialize();
+        CPIXLOGSTRING2("CFilePlugin::StartMonitoring, error: %i", error );
+        iIsMonitorInit = ETrue;
+        }
+    // Start the monitoring
+    if (error == KErrNone && iIsMonitorInit)
+        {
+        iMonitor->StartMonitoring();
+        CPIXLOGSTRING("CFilePlugin::StartMonitoring - iFileMonitor->StartMonitoring ");
+        }
+    iMmcMonitor->StartMonitoring();
+    CPIXLOGSTRING("END CFilePlugin::StartMonitoring");
+    // Add harvesters for each non removable drive
+    for ( TInt driveNumber = EDriveA; driveNumber <= EDriveZ; driveNumber++ )
+        {
+        if ( iFs.IsValidDrive( driveNumber ) )
+            {
+    		TUint drvStatus( 0 );
+    		TInt err = DriveInfo::GetDriveStatus(iFs, TDriveNumber(driveNumber), drvStatus);
+    		if ( err != KErrNone )
+    			{
+    			continue;
+    			}
+    		// Harvest drive that are internal, non-removable, user visible, present
+    		if ( ( drvStatus & DriveInfo::EDriveInternal ) &&
+    			!( drvStatus & DriveInfo::EDriveRemovable ) && // NOT removable
+    			 ( drvStatus & DriveInfo::EDriveUserVisible ) &&
+    			 ( drvStatus & DriveInfo::EDrivePresent ) )
+    			{
+    		    MountL(TDriveNumber(driveNumber));
+    			}
+            }
+        }
+void CFilePlugin::MountL(TDriveNumber aMedia, TBool aForceReharvest)
+    {
+    CPIXLOGSTRING("ENTER CFilePlugin::MountL");
+    // Check if already exists
+    if (iIndexer[aMedia])
+        return;
+    // Add Notifications paths prior to opening IndexDB.
+    AddNotificationPathsL(aMedia);
+    // Form the baseappclass for this media
+    TBuf<KFilePluginBaseAppClassMaxLen> baseAppClass;
+    FormBaseAppClass(aMedia, baseAppClass);
+    // Define this volume
+    HBufC* path = DatabasePathLC(aMedia);
+    User::LeaveIfError(iSearchSession.DefineVolume(baseAppClass, *path));
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(path);
+    // construct and open the database
+    iIndexer[aMedia] = CCPixIndexer::NewL(iSearchSession);
+    iIndexer[aMedia]->OpenDatabaseL(baseAppClass);
+    // Add to harvesting queue
+    iObserver->AddHarvestingQueue(this, baseAppClass, aForceReharvest);
+    CPIXLOGSTRING("END CFilePlugin::MountL");
+    }
+void CFilePlugin::UnMount(TDriveNumber aMedia, TBool aUndefineAsWell)
+    {
+    CPIXLOGSTRING("ENTER CFilePlugin::UnMount ");
+    // Check if already exists
+    if (!iIndexer[aMedia])
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    // Form the baseappclass for this media
+    TBuf<KFilePluginBaseAppClassMaxLen> baseAppClass;
+    FormBaseAppClass(aMedia, baseAppClass);
+    // Remove from harvesting queue
+    iObserver->RemoveHarvestingQueue(this, baseAppClass);
+    // Delete the index object
+    if (iIndexer[aMedia])
+        {
+        delete iIndexer[aMedia];
+        iIndexer[aMedia] = NULL;
+        }
+    RemoveNotificationPaths(aMedia);
+    if (aUndefineAsWell)
+        {
+        iSearchSession.UnDefineVolume(baseAppClass);
+        }
+    CPIXLOGSTRING("END CFilePlugin::UnMount ");
+    }
+void CFilePlugin::StartHarvestingL(const TDesC& aQualifiedBaseAppClass)
+    {
+    CPIXLOGSTRING("ENTER CFilePlugin::StartHarvestingL ");
+    // Map base app class to a drive number
+    TDriveNumber drive(EDriveA); //Initialize to get rid of compiler warning.
+    if (KErrNone != MapBaseAppClassToDrive(aQualifiedBaseAppClass, drive))
+        {
+        User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+        }
+    // Leave if no indexer for this drive
+    if (!iIndexer[drive])
+        {
+        User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+        }
+    	iStartTime[drive].UniversalTime();
+    // Reset the database
+    iIndexer[drive]->ResetL();
+    // Start the actual harvest
+    iHarvester->StartL(drive);
+    CPIXLOGSTRING("END CFilePlugin::StartHarvestingL ");
+    }
+void CFilePlugin::CreateFileIndexItemL(const TDesC& aFilename, TCPixActionType aActionType)
+    {
+    TFileName lowerCaseFilename(aFilename);
+    lowerCaseFilename.LowerCase();
+    CPIXLOGSTRING3("CFilePlugin::CreateFileIndexItemL lowerCaseFilename = %S aActionType = %d ", 
+					&lowerCaseFilename, aActionType);
+	TDriveNumber drive(EDriveA);
+	User::LeaveIfError( MapFileToDrive( lowerCaseFilename, drive ) );
+	CCPixIndexer* indexer = iIndexer[drive];
+	if (!indexer)
+		{
+		CPIXLOGSTRING("CFilePlugin::CreateFileIndexItemL(): Could not map file to drive.");
+		return;
+		}
+	// Index an empty item if removal action
+	if (aActionType == ECPixRemoveAction)
+		{
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+		TRAPD(err, indexer->DeleteL(lowerCaseFilename));
+		CPIXLOGSTRING2("CFilePlugin::CreateFileIndexItemL(): DeleteL returned %d.", err);
+		TRAP_IGNORE( indexer->DeleteL(lowerCaseFilename) );
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// creating CSearchDocument object with unique ID for this application
+		CSearchDocument* index_item = CSearchDocument::NewLC(lowerCaseFilename, KNullDesC, KNullDesC, CSearchDocument::EFileParser);
+		// Send for indexing
+		if (aActionType == ECPixAddAction)
+			{
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+			TRAPD(err, indexer->AddL(*index_item));
+	        CPIXLOGSTRING2("CFilePlugin::CreateFileIndexItemL(): AddL returned %d.", err);
+			TRAP_IGNORE( indexer->AddL(*index_item) );
+			}
+		else if (aActionType == ECPixUpdateAction)
+			{
+#ifdef _DEBUG		
+			TRAPD(err, indexer->UpdateL(*index_item));
+	        CPIXLOGSTRING2("CFilePlugin::CreateFileIndexItemL(): UpdateL returned %d.", err);
+			TRAP_IGNORE( indexer->UpdateL(*index_item) );
+			}
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(index_item);
+		}
+    }
+void CFilePlugin::HarvestingCompleted(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TInt aError)
+    {
+    CPIXLOGSTRING("ENTER CFilePlugin::HarvestingCompleted ");
+    if (iIndexer[aDriveNumber])
+        {
+        Flush(*iIndexer[aDriveNumber]);
+        }
+    TBuf<KFilePluginBaseAppClassMaxLen> baseAppClass;
+    FormBaseAppClass(TDriveNumber(aDriveNumber), baseAppClass);
+    TRAP_IGNORE( UpdatePerformaceDataL(aDriveNumber) );
+    iObserver->HarvestingCompleted(this, baseAppClass, aError);
+    CPIXLOGSTRING("END CFilePlugin::HarvestingCompleted ");
+    }
+void CFilePlugin::AddNotificationPathsL(const TDriveNumber aDriveNumber)
+    {
+    CPIXLOGSTRING("ENTER CFilePlugin::AddNotificationPathsL ");
+    iMonitor->AddNotificationPathsL(aDriveNumber);
+    iHarvester->AddIgnorePathsL(aDriveNumber);
+    CPIXLOGSTRING("END CFilePlugin::AddNotificationPathsL ");
+    }
+void CFilePlugin::RemoveNotificationPaths(const TDriveNumber aDriveNumber)
+    {
+    CPIXLOGSTRING("ENTER CFilePlugin::RemoveNotificationPaths");
+    iMonitor->RemoveNotificationPaths(aDriveNumber);
+    iHarvester->RemoveIgnorePaths(aDriveNumber);
+    CPIXLOGSTRING("END CFilePlugin::RemoveNotificationPaths");
+    }
+TInt CFilePlugin::FormBaseAppClass(TDriveNumber aMedia, TDes& aBaseAppClass)
+    {
+    CPIXLOGSTRING("ENTER CFilePlugin::FormBaseAppClass");
+    TChar chr;
+    const TInt ret = RFs::DriveToChar(aMedia, chr);
+    if (KErrNone == ret)
+        {
+        aBaseAppClass.Copy(KFilePluginAtSign);
+        aBaseAppClass.Append(chr);
+        aBaseAppClass.LowerCase();
+        aBaseAppClass.Append(KFileBaseAppClassGeneric);
+        }
+    CPIXLOGSTRING("END CFilePlugin::FormBaseAppClass");
+    return ret;
+    }
+HBufC* CFilePlugin::DatabasePathLC(TDriveNumber aMedia)
+    {
+    CPIXLOGSTRING("ENTER CFilePlugin::DatabasePathLC");
+    // Allocate extra space for root path e.g. "C:\\Private\\2001f6f7\\"
+    const TInt KRootPathMaxLength = 30;
+    HBufC* indexDbPath = HBufC::NewLC(KRootPathMaxLength + KPathIndexDbPath().Length() + KPathTrailer().Length());
+    TPtr indexDbPathPtr = indexDbPath->Des();
+    // Data caging implementation
+    iFs.CreatePrivatePath(aMedia);
+    TChar chr;
+    RFs::DriveToChar(aMedia, chr);
+    indexDbPathPtr.Append(chr);
+    indexDbPathPtr.Append(KFilePluginColon);
+    TFileName pathWithoutDrive;
+    iFs.PrivatePath(pathWithoutDrive);
+    indexDbPathPtr.Append(KCPixSearchServerPrivateDirectory);
+    indexDbPathPtr.Append(KPathIndexDbPath);
+    indexDbPathPtr.Append(KPathTrailer);
+    CPIXLOGSTRING("END CFilePlugin::DatabasePathLC");
+    return indexDbPath;
+    }
+void CFilePlugin::UpdatePerformaceDataL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber)
+    {
+    TTime now;
+  	TChar aChar;
+    iCompleteTime.UniversalTime();
+    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeDiff = iCompleteTime.MicroSecondsFrom(iStartTime[aDriveNumber]);
+    RFs fileSession;
+    RFile perfFile;
+    User::LeaveIfError( fileSession.Connect () );
+	RFs::DriveToChar((TInt)aDriveNumber, aChar);	
+    /* Open file if it exists, otherwise create it and write content in it */
+        if(perfFile.Open(fileSession, _L("c:\\data\\FilePerf.txt"), EFileWrite))
+                   User::LeaveIfError(perfFile.Create (fileSession, _L("c:\\data\\FilePerf.txt"), EFileWrite));
+    HBufC8 *heap = HBufC8::NewL(100);
+    TPtr8 ptr = heap->Des();
+    now.HomeTime();
+    TBuf<50> timeString;             
+    _LIT(KOwnTimeFormat,"%:0%H%:1%T%:2%S");
+    now.FormatL(timeString,KOwnTimeFormat);
+    ptr.AppendNum(now.DateTime().Day());
+    ptr.Append(_L("/"));
+    ptr.AppendNum(now.DateTime().Month());
+    ptr.Append(_L("/"));
+    ptr.AppendNum(now.DateTime().Year());
+    ptr.Append(_L(":"));
+    ptr.Append(timeString);
+    ptr.Append(_L("Drive "));
+    ptr.Append(aChar);
+    ptr.Append( _L(" Ani: Time took for Harvesting File is : "));
+    ptr.AppendNum(timeDiff.Int64()/1000) ;
+    ptr.Append(_L(" MilliSeonds \n"));
+    TInt myInt = 0;
+    perfFile.Seek(ESeekEnd,myInt);
+    perfFile.Write (ptr);
+    perfFile.Close ();
+    fileSession.Close ();
+    delete heap;
+    }
+// End of file