* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Media Audio harvester plugin header
#include <cindexingplugin.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "mediaobjecthandler.h"
#include "mmceventobserver.h"
//Forward declaration
class CSearchDocument;
class CCPixIndexer;
class CMdeHarvester;
class CMdeObjectQueueManager;
class CMdsMediaMonitor;
class CMdsSessionObjectUtils;
class CCPIXMediaImageDoc;
class CCPixIndexerUtils;
class CMMCMonitorUtil;
class CCPIXMDEDbManager;
class CMDSEntity;
// to get perf data
class CImagePlugin : public CIndexingPlugin,
public MdeMEdiaObserver,
public MMediaObjectHandler,
public MMMCEventObserver
// Constructor and Destructors.
* NewL
* @return instance of Media plugin
static CImagePlugin *NewL();
* NewLC
* @return instance of Media plugin
static CImagePlugin *NewLC();
* Destructor
virtual ~CImagePlugin();
* Prepares the plugin for StartHarvesterL and also starts
* the favourites db observer.
void StartPluginL();
* @description Start the harvester.
* @param aQualifiedBaseAppClass the base app class. In this case
* @return void
* Leaves in case of errors.
void StartHarvestingL(const TDesC & aQualifiedBaseAppClass);
* HandleMdeItemL callback from MMediaObjectHandler
* @param TItemId aObjId object Id
* @param TCPixActionType aActionType cpix action type
void HandleMdeItemL( TItemId aObjId, TCPixActionType aActionType);
void UpdateLogL();
* HarvestingCompletedL callback from MdeEventHandler
void HarvestingCompletedL();
* HandleMMCEventL callback from MMMCEventObserver
* @param TDriveNumber aDrive drive number of MMC
* @param TBool aMMCInsertRemoval ETrue if inserted else EFalse
void HandleMMCEventL(const TDriveNumber aDrive,const TBool aMMCInsertRemoval);
//private constructors.
* Default constructor
* Second phase constructor
void ConstructL();
CCPixIndexer *iIndexer; //Indexer
CMdeHarvester* iMdeHarvester; //Mde harvester owned
CMdeObjectQueueManager* iObjectJobQueueManager; //Objectqueue manager owned
CMdsMediaMonitor* iMdsMonitor;//MDS monitor owned
CMdsSessionObjectUtils* iMdsUtils;//Mds utils owned
CCPIXMediaImageDoc* iImageDocument;//MDS audio doc owned
CCPixIndexerUtils* iIndexerUtil;//Indexer util owned
CMMCMonitorUtil* iMMcMonitor;//MMC monitor owned
CCPIXMDEDbManager* iDBManager;
CMDSEntity* iMdsItem;
//for helping with testing.
friend class CHarvesterPluginTester;
TTime iStartTime;
TTime iCompleteTime;
void UpdatePerformaceDataL();
TInt count;
#endif // CImagePlugin_H