author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Fri, 17 Sep 2010 08:29:53 +0300
changeset 23 af30d8015c58
parent 20 68cdadcf169e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201035 Kit: 201037

* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Indexer utility create indexes for each drive

#include <e32base.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <rsearchserversession.h>

//Forward declaration
class CCPixIndexer;

NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCPixIndexerUtils) : public CBase
     * Constructrion
     * @param RSearchServerSession& aSession valid search session
     * @return instance of Indexer util 
    static CCPixIndexerUtils* NewL(RSearchServerSession& aSession);
     * Constructrion
     * @param RSearchServerSession& aSession valid search session
     * @return instance of Indexer util 
    static CCPixIndexerUtils* NewLC(RSearchServerSession& aSession);
     * Destruction
    virtual ~CCPixIndexerUtils();
     * Mount all available drives 
     * TDesC& aBaseAppClassGeneric generic base app class
     * TDesC& aPath path of database e.g. \\root\\media\\audio
    void MountAllAvailableDriveL(const TDesC& aBaseAppClassGeneric,const TDesC& aPath);
     * Unmount all available drives 
     * TDesC& aBaseAppClassGeneric generic base app class
     * TBool aUndefine needs to be undefined or not
    void UnMountAllDrivesL(const TDesC& aBaseAppClassGeneric,TBool aUndefine = EFalse);
     * Mount drive
     * TDriveNumber aMedia drive to be mounted
     * TDesC& aBaseAppClassGeneric generic base app class
     * TDesC& aPath path of database
    void MountDriveL(TDriveNumber aMedia,const TDesC& aBaseAppClassGeneric,const TDesC& aPath);
     * UnMount drive
     * TDriveNumber aMedia drive to be mounted
     * TDesC& aBaseAppClassGeneric generic base app class
     * TBool aUndefine needs to be undefined or not
    void UnMountDriveL(TDriveNumber aMedia,const TDesC& aBaseAppClassGeneric,TBool aUndefine = EFalse);
     * Checks Media is removable or not
     * TDriveNumber& aDrive drive to check
     * @return ETrue if removable else EFalse
    TBool IsMediaRemovableL(const TDriveNumber& aDrive);
     * Checks drive can be mounted not
     * TDriveNumber aDrive drive to check
     * @return ETrue if mountable else EFalse
    TBool IsDriveCanbeMountedL(TDriveNumber aDrive);
     * Get Indexer for drive
     * TDriveNumber aDrive drive to check
     * @return instance of CCPixIndexer* ownership not passed
    CCPixIndexer* GetIndexerFromDrive(TDriveNumber aMedia);
     * Get Indexer From media Id
     * TUint aUniqueID media Id 
     * @return instance of CCPixIndexer* ownership not passed
    CCPixIndexer* GetIndexerFromMediaId(TUint aUniqueID);
     * Checks if Drive already mounted
     * TDriveNumber aMedia 
     * @return ETrue if mounted else EFalse
    TBool IsAlreadyAvilable(TDriveNumber aMedia);
     * Reset all indexes
    void ResetAllL();
     * Get array of all mounted drives
     * @return array of mounted drives
    RArray<TDriveNumber>& GetMountedDriveList();
     * Internale method GetDrive from media Id
     * @param TUint aUniqueID media Id
     * TDriveNumber& drive number in return
    void GetDriveFromMediaId(TUint aUniqueID,TDriveNumber&);
     * Default constructor
     * Second phase constructor
    void ConstructL(RSearchServerSession& aSession);
     * Form base app class for media
     * @param TDriveNumber aMedia media drive
     * @param TDesC& aBaseAppClassGeneric base app class
     * @param TDes& aBaseAppClass generated value of base app class
     * @return KErrNone on success else error 
    TInt FormBaseAppClass(TDriveNumber aMedia, const TDesC& aBaseAppClassGeneric, TDes& aBaseAppClass);
     * Database path for drive
     * @param TDriveNumber aMedia media drive
     * @param TDesC& aPath path of database
     * @return database path generated
    HBufC* DatabasePathLC(TDriveNumber aMedia,const TDesC& aPath);
     * Remove unmounted drive from Mounted list
     * @param TDriveNumber aMedia drive
    void RemoveUnmountedDrive(TDriveNumber aMedia);
    RArray<TDriveNumber>  iMountedDrives; //Array of mounted drives
    CCPixIndexer *iIndexer[EDriveZ + 1];//Array of all Indexers
    RFs           iFs; //File session
    RSearchServerSession iSearchSession; //Search session
    //for helping with testing.
        friend class CHarvesterPluginTester;

#endif /* CPIXINDERUTILS_H_ */