Add missing docml files.
* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: CCPixNPPlugin implementation
#include <fbs.h> // CFbsBitmap
#include <bitdev.h> // CFbsBitmapDevice
#include <bitstd.h> // CFbsBitGc
#include <coemain.h> // CCoeEnv
#include <smsclnt.h> // SMS Headers
#include <EIKENV.H>
#include <eikappui.h>
//@TODO: CPbkViewState not available in TB10.1 so removed
//#include <cpbkviewstate.h>
//#include <Pbk2ViewId.hrh>
//@TODO: Not supported in TB10.1
//#include <calenlauncher.h> // Calendar launching
#include "mnproviderfinder.h"
#include "mnmapview.h"
#include "CCPixNPPlugin.h"
#include "CCPixNPPluginEcom.h"
#include "CCPixNPSearcher.h"
#include "indevicecfg.h"
#include "MsvUI.h"
#include <APGCLI.H>
#include <APGTASK.H> //TApaTaskList
#include <W32STD.H> //RWsSession
//UID of PinbMdl
const TInt KUidApaMessagePinboardValue(0x1000590C);
//UID of NotepadApp
const TInt KUidApaNotePad(0x10005907);
const TInt KNotePadIdMaxLength(10);
_LIT( KCPixExcerptFieldName, CPIX_EXCERPT_FIELD );
_LIT( KCPixAggregateFieldName, CPIX_DEFAULT_FIELD );
_LIT( KCPixDefaultFieldName, CPIX_DEFAULT_FIELD );
_LIT( KCPixTermTextFieldName, TERM_TEXT_FIELD );
_LIT( KCPixTermDocFreqFieldName, TERM_DOCFREQ_FIELD );
_LIT( KCPixStandardAnalyzerId, "" CPIX_ANALYZER_STANDARD );
_LIT( KCPixStandardTokenizerId, "" CPIX_TOKENIZER_STANDARD );
_LIT( KCPixWhitespaceTokenizerId, "" CPIX_TOKENIZER_WHITESPACE );
_LIT( KCPixLetterTokenizerId, "" CPIX_TOKENIZER_LETTER );
_LIT( KCPixKeywordTokenizerId, "" CPIX_TOKENIZER_KEYWORD );
_LIT( KCPixStandardFilterId, "" CPIX_FILTER_STANDARD );
_LIT( KCPixLowercaseFilterId, "" CPIX_FILTER_LOWERCASE );
_LIT( KCPixAccentFilterId, "" CPIX_FILTER_ACCENT );
_LIT( KCPixStopFilterId, "" CPIX_FILTER_STOP );
_LIT( KCPixStemFilterId, "" CPIX_FILTER_STEM );
_LIT( KCPixLengthFilterId, "" CPIX_FILTER_LENGTH );
_LIT( KCPixEnglishLanguageId, "" CPIX_WLANG_EN );
_LIT( KCPixFinnishLanguageId, "" CPIX_WLANG_FI );
_LIT( KCPixHungarianLanguageId, "" CPIX_WLANG_HU );
_LIT( KCPixRussianLanguageId, "" CPIX_WLANG_RU );
// Version number. This should be updated to current svn revision number
const TInt KVersionNumber = 1339;
delete iMapView;
delete iMsvUI;
CCPixNPPlugin* CCPixNPPlugin::NewLC()
CCPixNPPlugin* self = new (ELeave)CCPixNPPlugin();
return self;
CCPixNPPlugin* CCPixNPPlugin::NewL()
CCPixNPPlugin* self = CCPixNPPlugin::NewLC();
CleanupStack::Pop(); // self;
return self;
void CCPixNPPlugin::ConstructL()
User::LeaveIfError( iSearchServer.Connect() );
iMsvUI = new (ELeave) CMsvUI();
// Exposed functions
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::DocUidFieldName() const
return KCPixDocUidFieldName();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::AppClassFieldName() const
return KCPixAppClassFieldName();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::ExcerptFieldName() const
return KCPixExcerptFieldName();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::MimeTypeFieldName() const
return KCPixMimeTypeFieldName();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::AggregateFieldName() const
return KCPixAggregateFieldName();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::DefaultFieldName() const
return KCPixDefaultFieldName();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::TermTextFieldName() const
return KCPixTermTextFieldName();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::TermDocFreqFieldName() const
return KCPixTermDocFreqFieldName();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::StandardAnalyzerId() const
return KCPixStandardAnalyzerId();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::StandardTokenizerId() const
return KCPixStandardTokenizerId();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::WhitespaceTokenizerId() const
return KCPixWhitespaceTokenizerId();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::LetterTokenizerId() const
return KCPixLetterTokenizerId();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::KeywordTokenizerId() const
return KCPixKeywordTokenizerId();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::StandardFilterId() const
return KCPixStandardFilterId();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::LowercaseFilterId() const
return KCPixLowercaseFilterId();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::AccentFilterId() const
return KCPixAccentFilterId();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::StopFilterId() const
return KCPixStopFilterId();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::StemFilterId() const
return KCPixStemFilterId();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::LengthFilterId() const
return KCPixLengthFilterId();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::EnglishLanguageId() const
return KCPixEnglishLanguageId();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::FinnishLanguageId() const
return KCPixFinnishLanguageId();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::HungarianLanguageId() const
return KCPixHungarianLanguageId();
const TDesC& CCPixNPPlugin::RussianLanguageId() const
return KCPixRussianLanguageId();
CCPixNPSearcher* CCPixNPPlugin::CreateSearcherL( const TDesC& aDomainSelector, const TDesC& aDefaultSearchField ) const
return CCPixNPSearcher::NewL( aDomainSelector, aDefaultSearchField );
CCPixNPSearcher* CCPixNPPlugin::CreateSearcherL( const TDesC& aDomainSelector ) const
return CCPixNPSearcher::NewL( aDomainSelector );
void CCPixNPPlugin::DefineVolumeL( const TDesC& aQualifiedBaseAppClass, const TDesC& aIndexDbPath )
User::LeaveIfError(iSearchServer.DefineVolume( aQualifiedBaseAppClass, aIndexDbPath ));
void CCPixNPPlugin::UnDefineVolumeL( const TDesC& aQualifiedBaseAppClass )
User::LeaveIfError(iSearchServer.UnDefineVolume( aQualifiedBaseAppClass ));
void CCPixNPPlugin::OpenContactL( TInt aContactId )
//@TODO: Contact can not belaunched by this API in TB10.1
CPbkViewState* pbkViewParam = CPbkViewState::NewLC();
// Package and return object in a buffer.
HBufC8* paramBuf = pbkViewParam->PackLC();
// Uid for Contacts application
const TUid appUid = {0x101f4cce};
// Messaging: 0x100058C5
// Activate the view
// 3 is the Contact Group Info View's ID
CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi()->ActivateViewL(TVwsViewId(appUid, TUid::Uid(EPbk2ContactInfoViewId)), CPbkViewState::Uid(), *paramBuf);
// Cleanup
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // paramBuf, pbkViewParam
void CCPixNPPlugin::OpenMessagingL( TInt aMessagingId )
void CCPixNPPlugin::OpenCalendarL( TInt aCalId )
//@TODO: Not supported in TB10.1
void CCPixNPPlugin::OpenMapsL( TReal aLatitude, TReal aLongitude )
const TReal KMapRadius = 500; // Radius in meters
if ( !iMapView )
MnProviderFinder::FindProvidersL( iMnProviders, CMnProvider::EServiceMapView );
if ( iMnProviders.Count() > 0 )
iMapView = CMnMapView::NewL( *iMnProviders[0] );
TCoordinate coord(aLatitude, aLongitude);
iMapView->SetMapAreaL( coord, KMapRadius );
TInt CCPixNPPlugin::GetVersionNumber() const
return KVersionNumber;
void CCPixNPPlugin::HandleServerAppExit(TInt /*aReadon*/)
// Maps application close. We can't use maps handle anymore.
delete iMapView;
iMapView = 0;
//Added to launch Notes from Widget
void CCPixNPPlugin::OpenNoteL( const TInt aNoteId)
RWsSession wssession;
User::LeaveIfError( wssession.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( wssession );
TBuf8<KNotePadIdMaxLength> notesId;
//Get the tasklist from the Window server session
TApaTaskList taskList( wssession );
//Find the task related to NotePad app
TApaTask task = taskList.FindApp( TUid::Uid( KUidApaNotePad ) );
if ( task.Exists() )
// NotePad app is running
//Send a message to Notepad app with PinBoard UID as
//NotePad is handling the message only if it get Pinboard Uid
User::LeaveIfError( task.SendMessage( TUid::Uid( KUidApaMessagePinboardValue ),
notesId ) );
//Bring the Notepad to Foreground
{ // NotePad app not yet running
RApaLsSession appArcSession;
CleanupClosePushL( appArcSession );
User::LeaveIfError( appArcSession.Connect() );
TApaAppInfo appInfo;
const TInt err = appArcSession.GetAppInfo( appInfo,
TUid::Uid( KUidApaNotePad ) );
if( err == KErrNone )
CApaCommandLine* cmdLine = CApaCommandLine::NewLC();
cmdLine->SetExecutableNameL( appInfo.iFullName );
cmdLine->SetCommandL( EApaCommandRun );
//Send the Note Id as the tail
cmdLine->SetTailEndL( notesId );
User::LeaveIfError( appArcSession.StartApp( *cmdLine ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cmdLine );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &appArcSession );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &wssession );
void CCPixNPPlugin::GetDriveFromMediaIdL(HBufC* aMediaId,TDes& aDrive)
TUint32 mediaId;
TBuf<14> bufMedia;
TUint mediaNum;
TLex lex(bufMedia);
TDriveNumber drive = TDriveNumber(KErrNotSupported);//Initialize to not supported first
TVolumeInfo volumeInfo;
TChar driveLetter;
for(TInt i=0;i<=EDriveZ;i++)
TInt err= iFs.Volume(volumeInfo,i);
if (err!=KErrNotReady)
// Volume() returns KErrNotReady if no volume present.
// In this case, check next drive number
if(volumeInfo.iUniqueID == mediaNum)
drive = TDriveNumber(i);//Is the drive
//Convert to Int and get the drive
// End of File