changeset 23 e36f3802f733
parent 0 bf1d17376201
equal deleted inserted replaced
22:cad71a31b7fc 23:e36f3802f733
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation of the CVFolderInfo class
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <vcommandapi.h>
    20 #include <AknsSkinInstance.h>
    21 #include <AknsUtils.h>
    22 #include <AknsConstants.h>
    23 #include <gulicon.h>
    24 #include <mifconvdefs.h>
    25 #include "rubydebug.h"
    27 /**
    28  * File name to read icons from if icon file name is not specified
    29  */
    30 _LIT( KDefaultIconFile, "Z:\\resource\\apps\\vcommand.mif" );
    31 const TInt KDefaultIconIndex = KMifIdFirst;  // first image in the file
    33 /**
    34 * The version of the streamed data protocol
    35 * It is rather likely, that the format of the data streamed changes in the future.
    36 * Using the protocol version, the code can check if it knows how to parse the 
    37 * input stream
    38 */
    39 const TInt32 KVCFolderInfoProtocolVersion = 2;
    41 static const TAknsItemID* const KIconId[] = 
    42     {
    43     &KAknsIIDQgnPropFolderVcGeneral,
    44     &KAknsIIDQgnPropFolderVcTools,
    45     &KAknsIIDQgnPropFolderVcOrganiser,
    46     &KAknsIIDQgnPropFolderVcMessage,
    47     &KAknsIIDQgnPropFolderVcMedia,
    48     &KAknsIIDQgnPropFolderVcProfiles
    49     };
    51 /**
    52  * This object does not take an ownership of the passed descriptors, 
    53  * but makes own copies. 
    54  * 
    55  * @param aTitle Folder title. It is shown at the top of the screen,
    56  *        when the folder is opened in the VCommand application
    57  * @param aListedName Version of a title shown when the folder is
    58  *        is displayed in the list of VCommands in the VCommand app
    59  * @param aHelpTopicId Topic to open when help is requested for the 
    60  *        given folder
    61  * @param aIconIndex Index of the folder icon in the folder icons mbm file
    62  *        each index correspods to two images - the actual icon and its mask
    63  * @param aIconFile Mbm file where the icons are obtained from. If KNullDesC, 
    64  * 		  the default icon file is used
    65  */
    66 EXPORT_C CVCFolderInfo* CVCFolderInfo::NewL( const TDesC& aTitle,
    67         const TDesC& aListedName, TUint32 aHelpTopicId, TUint aIconIndex,
    68                 const TDesC& aIconFile )
    69     {
    70     CVCFolderInfo* self = new (ELeave) CVCFolderInfo( aHelpTopicId, aIconIndex );
    71     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    72     self->ConstructL( aTitle, aListedName, aIconFile );
    73     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    74     return self;
    75     }
    77 /**
    78 * Copy the existing CVCFolderInfo
    79 */
    80 EXPORT_C CVCFolderInfo* CVCFolderInfo::NewL( const CVCFolderInfo& aOriginal )
    81     {
    82     CVCFolderInfo* self = new (ELeave) CVCFolderInfo( aOriginal.HelpTopicId(), 
    83                                                       aOriginal.IconIndex() );
    84     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    85     self->ConstructL( aOriginal.Title(), aOriginal.ListedName(), aOriginal.IconFile() );
    86     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    87     return self;
    88     }
    90 /**
    91  * Constructs the folder information from stream
    92  * @leave KErrNotSupported if the stream data format is unsupported
    93  */
    94  EXPORT_C CVCFolderInfo* CVCFolderInfo::NewL( RReadStream &aStream )
    95     {
    96     CVCFolderInfo* self = new (ELeave) CVCFolderInfo;
    97     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    98     self->ConstructL( aStream );
    99     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   100     return self;
   101     }
   103 CVCFolderInfo::CVCFolderInfo( TUint32 aHelpTopicId, TUint aIconIndex ) :
   104     iHelpTopicId( aHelpTopicId ), iIconIndex (aIconIndex )
   105     {
   106     // empty
   107     }
   109 void CVCFolderInfo::ConstructL( RReadStream &aStream )
   110 	{
   111 	/**
   112 	* @todo extract the repeated descriptor internalization code into
   113 	*       a separate method
   114 	*/
   115 	TInt32 ver;
   116     aStream >> ver;
   117     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( ver == KVCFolderInfoProtocolVersion, User::Leave( KErrNotSupported  ) );
   118     iTitle = HBufC::NewL( aStream.ReadInt32L() );
   119     TPtr pTitle = iTitle->Des();
   120     aStream >> pTitle;
   121     iListedName = HBufC::NewL( aStream.ReadInt32L() );
   122     TPtr pListedName = iListedName->Des();
   123     aStream >> pListedName;
   124     iHelpTopicId = aStream.ReadUint32L();
   125     iIconFile = HBufC::NewL( aStream.ReadInt32L() );
   126     TPtr pIconFile = iIconFile->Des();
   127     aStream >> pIconFile;
   128     iIconIndex = aStream.ReadUint32L();
   129 	}
   132 /** 
   133 * Second-phase constructor 
   134 */
   135 void CVCFolderInfo::ConstructL( const TDesC& aTitle, const TDesC& aListedName,
   136                                 const TDesC& aIconFile )
   137     {
   138     RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCKL( "" );
   139     iTitle = HBufC::NewL( aTitle.Length() );
   140     *iTitle = aTitle;
   141     iListedName = HBufC::NewL( aListedName.Length() );
   142     *iListedName = aListedName;    
   143     iIconFile = HBufC::NewL( aIconFile.Length() );
   144     *iIconFile = aIconFile;
   145     }
   147 EXPORT_C CVCFolderInfo::~CVCFolderInfo() 
   148     {
   149     delete iListedName;
   150     delete iTitle;
   151     delete iIconFile;
   152     }
   154 /** 
   155  * Saves the command to stream.
   156  * Descriptor components are saved as <length><descriptor> pairs, where 
   157  * <length> is TInt32 and <descriptor> is the default descriptor represetation
   158  * TBools are saved as TInt32 either
   159  */
   160 EXPORT_C void CVCFolderInfo::ExternalizeL( RWriteStream &aStream ) const
   161     {
   162     aStream << KVCFolderInfoProtocolVersion;
   163     aStream << static_cast<TInt32>( iTitle->Length() );
   164     aStream << *iTitle;
   165     aStream << static_cast<TInt32>( iListedName->Length() );
   166     aStream << *iListedName;
   167     aStream << iHelpTopicId;
   168     aStream << static_cast<TInt32> ( iIconFile->Length() );
   169     aStream << *iIconFile;
   170     // Mandate saving index as Uint32 to preserve the string format
   171     aStream << static_cast<TUint32> ( iIconIndex );
   172     }
   175 EXPORT_C const TDesC& CVCFolderInfo::Title() const 
   176     {
   177     return *iTitle;
   178     }
   180 EXPORT_C const TDesC& CVCFolderInfo::ListedName() const 
   181     {
   182     return *iListedName;
   183     }
   185 EXPORT_C TUint32 CVCFolderInfo::HelpTopicId() const 
   186     {
   187     return iHelpTopicId;
   188     }
   190 EXPORT_C TBool CVCFolderInfo::operator==( const CVCFolderInfo& aFolderInfo ) const
   191     {
   192     return (
   193             ( iHelpTopicId == aFolderInfo.HelpTopicId() ) &&
   194             ( *iTitle == aFolderInfo.Title()            ) &&
   195             ( *iListedName == aFolderInfo.ListedName()  ) &&
   196             ( *iIconFile == aFolderInfo.IconFile()      ) &&
   197             ( iIconIndex == aFolderInfo.IconIndex()     ) 
   198            );
   199     }
   201 EXPORT_C TDesC& CVCFolderInfo::IconFile() const
   202 	{
   203 	return *iIconFile;
   204 	}    
   206 EXPORT_C TUint CVCFolderInfo::IconIndex() const
   207 	{
   208 	return iIconIndex;
   209 	}
   211 /**
   212 * Creates an icon to represent this folder. Works only if CEikonEnv is available
   213 * @return Icon for the folder
   214 */
   215 EXPORT_C CGulIcon* CVCFolderInfo::IconLC() const
   216 	{
   217  	MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
   218 	CFbsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
   219     CFbsBitmap* mask = NULL;
   220     const TInt KBitmapsPerIcon = 2;
   222     // Every "index" corrsponds to two bitmaps - actual icon and its mask
   223     TInt iconIndex = KMifIdFirst + IconIndex()*KBitmapsPerIcon;
   224     TInt maskIndex = iconIndex + 1;
   225     TDesC& iconFile = IconFile();
   226     if ( iconFile == KNullDesC )
   227         {
   228         iconFile = KDefaultIconFile;
   229         }
   231     TRAPD( err,    
   232 	    AknsUtils::CreateIconLC( skin, *KIconId[ IconIndex() ],
   233        	                     bitmap, mask, iconFile, iconIndex, 
   234        	                     maskIndex );
   235         CleanupStack::Pop( 2 );  // mask, bitmap
   236          )
   237     if( err != KErrNone )
   238         {
   239         RUBY_DEBUG1( "CreateIconLC failed with %d. Loading default icon", err );
   240         AknsUtils::CreateIconLC( skin, *KIconId[ IconIndex() ],
   241                              bitmap, mask, KDefaultIconFile, KDefaultIconIndex, 
   242                              KDefaultIconIndex + 1 );
   243         CleanupStack::Pop( 2 );  // mask, bitmap
   244         }
   246     CleanupStack::PushL( mask );
   247     CleanupStack::PushL( bitmap );
   248     CGulIcon* icon = CGulIcon::NewL( bitmap, mask );
   249     icon->SetBitmapsOwnedExternally( EFalse );
   251     // icon now owns the bitmaps, no need to keep on cleanup stack.
   252     CleanupStack::Pop( bitmap );  
   253     CleanupStack::Pop( mask );  
   255     CleanupStack::PushL( icon );
   256     return icon;
   257 	}
   259 //End of file