changeset 13 57b735022c18
parent 1 b13cd05eeb2f
--- a/speechsrv_plat/speech_synthesis_clientserver_api/inc/speechsynthesis.h	Mon Jan 18 20:20:30 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Client side header of Speech synthesis server
-#include <e32std.h>
-* Maximum length of text-to-speech voice name. 
-* @see TVoiceName
-const TInt KMaxNameLength = 64;
-* Text-to-speech voice name type definition. 
-* @see TVoice
-typedef TBuf<KMaxNameLength> TVoiceName;
-* Class containing basic information of text-to-speech voice. 
-class TVoice
-    {
-    public:
-        /**
-        * Language spoken by the voice
-        */
-        TLanguage               iLanguage;
-        /**
-        * Name of the voice
-        */
-        TVoiceName              iVoiceName;
-        /**
-        * Sampling rate of the voice
-        */
-        TInt                    iSamplingRate;
-        /**
-        * TVoice constructor
-        */
-        inline TVoice():
-            iLanguage( ELangNone ),
-            iSamplingRate( KErrNotFound )
-            {
-            // Nothing
-            }
-    };
-* Speech synthesis client side interface
-* @code
-* // Simple example how to use synthesis server synchronously
-* _LIT( KText, "This is a text sample" );
-* RSpeechSynthesis s;
-* TRequestStatus status;
-* // Open connection
-* s.Open();
-* // Initialise
-* s.InitialiseSynthesis( KText, status );
-* User::WaitForRequest( status );
-* // Start synthesis when initialisation is ready
-* s.Synthesise( status );
-* User::WaitForRequest( status );
-* // Close connection
-* s.Close();
-* @endcode
-* @code
-* // Another example how to use synthesis server synchronously
-* _LIT( KText, "Second text sample" );
-* RSpeechSynthesis s;
-* TRequestStatus status;
-* // Open connection
-* s.Open();
-* // Set volume to maximum value    
-* s.SetVolumeL( * s.MaxVolumeL() );
-* // Set speaking rate to half of maximum value
-* s.SetSpeakingRateL( * s.MaxSpeakingRateL() / 2 );
-* // Set synthesis language but leave voice name open
-* TVoice voice;
-* voice.iLanguage = User::Language();
-* s.SetVoiceL( voice );
-* // Initialise
-* s.InitialiseSynthesis( KText, status );
-* User::WaitForRequest( status );
-* // Ask estimated duration of synthesis. 
-* // Note: Leaves if current TVoice doesn't support duration
-* TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds duration = s.DurationL();
-* // Start synthesis when initialisation is ready
-* s.Synthesise( status );
-* User::WaitForRequest( status );
-* // Close connection
-* s.Close();
-* @endcode
-class RSpeechSynthesis : public RSessionBase
-    {
-    public:
-        /**
-        * Possible parameter values for SetAudioOutputL()
-        * 
-        * @see RSpeechSynthesis::SetAudioOutputL()
-        */
-        enum TTtsAudioOutput
-        	{
-        	ETtsOutputDefault = 0,  ///< Default
-        	ETtsOutputAll = 1,      ///< All output devices are used
-        	ETtsOutputNoOutput = 2, ///< No output
-        	ETtsOutputPrivate = 3,  ///< Private output device is used
-        	ETtsOutputPublic = 4    ///< Public output device is used
-        	};
-    public:
-        /**
-        * Constructor
-        */
-        IMPORT_C RSpeechSynthesis();
-        /**
-        * Connect to synthesis server
-        *
-        * @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise system-wide error code. 
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt Open();
-        /**
-        * Close connection to synthesis server
-        */    
-        IMPORT_C void Close();
-        /**
-        * Initialise text to be synthesised. If there is synthesis already 
-        * ongoing aStatus will be completed with KErrInUse. 
-        * 
-        *
-        * @param aText Text to be synthesized. Text has to be valid until 
-        *        aStatus is completed because this function is asynchronous 
-        *        and the request that it represents may not complete until 
-        *        some time after the call to the function has returned. 
-        *        It is important, therefore, that this descriptor remain valid, 
-        *        or remain in scope, until you have been notified that 
-        *        the request is complete.
-        * @param aStatus Status of priming. 
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void InitialiseSynthesis( const TDesC& aText,
-                                           TRequestStatus& aStatus );
-        /**
-        * Initialise text to be synthesised to the file. If there is synthesis 
-        * already ongoing aStatus will be completed with KErrInUse. 
-        *
-        * @param aText Text to be synthesized. Text has to be valid until 
-        *        aStatus is completed because this function is asynchronous 
-        *        and the request that it represents may not complete until 
-        *        some time after the call to the function has returned. 
-        *        It is important, therefore, that this descriptor remain valid, 
-        *        or remain in scope, until you have been notified that 
-        *        the request is complete.
-        * @param aFileName Output is written to this file. File name has to be
-        *        valid until aStatus is completed. Client should have capabilities 
-        *        needed for writing location defined in aFileName, otherwise aStatus
-        *        will be completed by KErrPermissionDenied. 
-        * @param aStatus Status of priming
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void InitialiseSynthesis( const TDesC& aText, 
-                                           const TFileName& aFileName,
-                                           TRequestStatus& aStatus ); 
-        /** 
-        * @todo Not supported. aStatus will be always completed with KErrNotSupported.
-        *
-        * Initialise text to be synthesised to the descriptor. If there is synthesis 
-        * already ongoing aStatus will be completed with KErrInUse. 
-        *
-        * @param aText Text to be synthesized. Text has to be valid until 
-        *        aStatus is completed because this function is asynchronous 
-        *        and the request that it represents may not complete until 
-        *        some time after the call to the function has returned. 
-        *        It is important, therefore, that this descriptor remain valid, 
-        *        or remain in scope, until you have been notified that 
-        *        the request is complete.
-        * @param aDataBuffer Reference to a descriptor where output is stored
-        *        after Synthesise() is called. If all the data does not fit 
-        *        into aDataBuffer Synthesise can be called several times. 
-        * @param aStatus Status of priming
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void InitialiseSynthesis( const TDesC& aText,
-                                           TDes8& aDataBuffer, 
-                                           TRequestStatus& aStatus );
-        /**
-        * Synthesise the text or resume paused synthesis. 
-        * InitialiseSynthesis() has to be called succesfully before call to 
-        * this function will succeed. aStatus is completed with KErrNotReady 
-        * if initialisation has not been done. 
-        *
-        * @param aStatus Status of synthesis
-        *
-        * @see RSpeechSynthesis::InitialiseSynthesis() 
-        * @see RSpeechSynthesis::PauseL() 
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void Synthesise( TRequestStatus& aStatus );     
-        /**
-        * Stop ongoing synthesis. Ongoing synthesis request is completed 
-        * with KErrAbort. Does nothing if there is no synthesis ongoing. 
-        *
-        * @leave KErrInUse if request is made to stop other client's synthesis. 
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void StopL();
-        /**
-        * Pause synthesis. Resuming can be done by calling Synthesize(). 
-        * Ongoing synthesis request is completed with KErrCancel. 
-        *
-        * @leave KErrNotSupported if trying to pause synthesis to file. 
-        * @leave KErrNotReady if there is no synthesis ongoing. 
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void PauseL();
-        /**
-        * Returns estimated duration of synthesis. This function returns valid 
-        * duration only after synthesis is initialised and before synthesis has
-        * completed. 
-        *
-        * @return Estimated duration of speech synthesis playback. 
-        *
-        * @leave KErrNotReady if state is incorrect
-        * @leave KErrNotSupported if current voice settings doesn't support 
-        *        duration information
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds DurationL();
-        /**
-        * Get supported synthesis languages
-        *
-        * @param aLanguages Contains supported languages after function call
-        *
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void GetLanguagesL( RArray<TLanguage>& aLanguages );
-        /**
-        * Get available voices 
-        *
-        * @param aVoices Contains supported voices in TVoice structure after 
-        *        the function call. 
-        * @param aLanguage Defines a language that returned voices can speak. 
-        *
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void GetVoicesL( RArray<TVoice>& aVoices, TLanguage aLanguage );
-        /**
-        * Get current voice. 
-        *
-        * @return Current voice. 
-        *
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TVoice VoiceL();
-        /**
-        * Change voice. Change is effective after next InitialiseSynthesis() call 
-        * is made and until new SetVoiceL() call is made or Close() is called. 
-        *
-        * @param aVoice New voice to be set. aVoice.iLanguage is the only mandatory 
-        *        parameter,others can be undefined and server may ignore 
-        *        those if invalid values are given. 
-        *
-        * @leave KErrArgument if aVoice is not valid
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void SetVoiceL( const TVoice& aVoice ); 
-        /**
-        * Returns maximum speaking rate.
-        *
-        * @return Maximum speaking rate
-        *
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt MaxSpeakingRateL(); 
-        /**
-        * Returns the current speaking rate value.
-        *
-        * @return Current speaking rate
-        *
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt SpeakingRateL(); 
-        /**
-        * Sets the speaking rate. Range is 1..MaxSpeakingRateL(). Setting will 
-        * be effective after next InitialiseSynthesis() call and until new rate 
-        * is set or Close() is called. Note: All voices doesn't support speaking 
-        * rate changes and in that case there is no audible change. 
-        *
-        * @param aSpeakingRate Rate value
-        *
-        * @leave KErrArgument if speaking rate is out of range. 
-        *
-        * @see MaxSpeakingRateL()
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void SetSpeakingRateL( TInt aSpeakingRate ); 
-        /**
-        * Get maximum volume
-        *
-        * @return Maximum volume
-        *
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt MaxVolumeL(); 
-        /**
-        * Get current volume.
-        *
-        * @return Volume level between 0 and MaxVolumeL()
-        *
-        */
-        IMPORT_C TInt VolumeL(); 
-        /**
-        * Change volume. Will be effective until new volume is set or Close()
-        * is called.
-        *
-        * @param aVolume New volume, accepted values are in range from 0 to MaxVolumeL()
-        *
-        * @leave KErrArgument if volume value is out of range, 
-        *
-        * @see MaxVolumeL()
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void SetVolumeL( TInt aVolume ); 
-        /**
-        * Sets the playback priority and preference values. Setting will 
-        * be effective after next InitialiseSynthesis() call and until new priority 
-        * is set or Close() is called. Client needs Nokia VID to use
-        * this function. 
-        *
-        * @param aPriority Audio priority
-        * @param aPreference Audio preference
-        *
-        * @leave KErrPermissionDenied if client doesn't have Nokia VID. 
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void SetAudioPriorityL( TInt aPriority, TInt aPreference ); 
-        /**
-      	* Sets the audio output. Setting will be effective immediately and until
-      	* new value is set or connection closed. Client needs WriteDeviceData 
-      	* capability if setting output to ETtsOutputAll
-        *
-      	* @param aAudioOutput - where the audio is routed. 
-      	*
-      	* @leave KErrPermissionDenied if client doesn't have WriteDeviceData when
-      	*        setting output to ETtsOutputAll. 
-        *
-      	*/
-        IMPORT_C void SetAudioOutputL( TTtsAudioOutput aAudioOutput );
-        /**
-        * Send custom command to the server. By using this function it is possible 
-        * to make adjustments to the synthesis process. 
-        * Note: Currently there is no supported commands. 
-        *
-        * @param aCommand A custom command 
-        * @param aValue Parameter value for aCommand 
-        * 
-        * @leave KErrNotSupported aCommand is not supported. 
-        * @leave KErrArgument if aValue is not valid. 
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void CustomCommandL( TInt aCommand, TInt aValue ); 
-    private:
-        /**
-        * Internal function used for handling initialisation. 
-        */
-        void DoInitialiseSynthesisL( const TDesC& aText, 
-                                     const TFileName& aFileName, 
-                                     TRequestStatus& aStatus ); 
-    };