changeset 13 57b735022c18
parent 1 b13cd05eeb2f
--- a/srsf/nssvasapi/nssvasdb/inc/nssvasrvasdbsession.h	Mon Jan 18 20:20:30 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  RVasDbSession is the client-side(proxy) interface through which 
-*               communication with the vasdb server is channelled.
-#include "nssvascvasdbsrvdef.h"
-#include "nssvasdbkonsts.h"
-#include "nssvascvasdbdataexchanger.h"
-#include "nssvasccontext.h"
-#include "nssvasccontext.h"
-#include "nssvasctag.h"
-#include "nssvascvasdb.h"
-class CNssVasDb;
-*  The RVasDbSession class definition. 
-*  @lib NssVASApi.lib
-*  @since 2.0
-class RNssVasDbSession
-    {
-	// Functions
-    /**
-    * C++ 1st phase constructor
-    */
-	RNssVasDbSession();	
-    /**
-    * C++ destructor
-    */
-    ~RNssVasDbSession();
-    /**
-    * A method to create a new database. The name of the database file
-    * is read from a resource file (NssVasResource.rsc).
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return KErrNone or a Symbian-wide error code.
-    */
-	TInt  CreateDatabase();
-    /**
-    * A method to open the database. The name of the database file
-    * is read from a resource file (NssVasResource.rsc).
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return KErrNone or a Symbian-wide error code.
-    */
-	TInt  OpenDatabase();	
-    /**
-    * A method to close the database.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return KErrNone or a Symbian-wide error code.
-    */
-	TInt  CloseDatabase ();
-    /**
-    * A method to get the model bank id and lexicon id.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aModelBankId Model Bank ID will be returned here.
-    * @param aLexiconId Lexicon ID will be returned here.
-    * @return ETrue if success, otherwise EFalse.
-    */
-    TBool ModelBankIdLexiconId( TUint32 &iModelBankId, TUint32 &iLexiconId );
-    /**
-    * A method to check whether a context is empty or not.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aContextId Unique identifier of the context.
-    * @return ETrue if there are tags, EFalse if the context is empty.
-    */
-    TBool TagExist( TInt aContextId );
-    /**
-    * Method to return the number of tags in a context.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aContextId Unique identifier of the context.
-    * @return KErrNone or a Symbian-wide error code.
-    */
-    TInt  TagCount( TInt aContextId );
-    /**
-    * Method to save a context. When a context is saved, a context ID is 
-    * assigned to it. The newly assigned ID is returned
-    * in the reference parameter.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aContext Data of the context.
-    * @param aContextId Reference for returning the newly assigned context ID.
-    * @return KErrNone or a Symbian-wide error code.
-    */
-    //TInt SaveContext( TNssContext& aContext, TInt& aContextId );
-	TInt SaveContext( CNssContext& aContext, TInt& aContextId );
-    /**
-    * Method to delete a context from the database.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aName Name of the context to be deleted. 
-    * @return KErrNone or a Symbian-wide error code.
-    */
-    TInt DeleteContext( const TDesC& aName );
-    /**
-    * Method to update the data of a context.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aContext the context in serialized form.
-    * @return KErrNone or a Symbian-wide error code.
-    */
-	//TInt UpdateContext( TNssContext& aContext );
-	TInt UpdateContext( CNssContext& aContext );
-    /**
-    * Method to update the client data of a context.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aContext the context in serialized form.
-    * @return KErrNone or a Symbian-wide error code.
-    */
-    //TInt UpdateContextClientData( TNssContext& aContext );
-    TInt UpdateContextClientData( CNssContext& aContext );
-    /**
-    * Method to get a context by name.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aName Name of the context
-    * @return Array containing the context, or NULL if it is not found.
-    */
-    //TNssContextListArray* GetContextByName( const TDesC& aName );
-    CArrayPtrFlat<CNssContext>* GetContextByName( const TDesC& aName );
-    /**
-    * Method to list all global contexts.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return Array containing all global contexts.
-    */
-    //TNssContextListArray* GetGlobalContexts();
-    CArrayPtrFlat<CNssContext>* GetGlobalContexts();
-    /**
-    * Method to list all contexts.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @return Array containing all contexts.
-    */
-    //TNssContextListArray* GetAllContexts();
-    CArrayPtrFlat<CNssContext>* GetAllContexts();
-    /**
-    * Method to save a tag. During saving, a Tag ID is assigned for the tag.
-    * This ID is returned in the refrence parameter.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aTag Tag
-    * @param aNewId This variable is used to return the newly asssigned
-    *               Tag ID for the user.
-    * @return KErrNone or a Symbian-wide error code.
-    */
-	//TInt SaveTag( TNssTag& aTag, TInt& aNewId );
-	TInt SaveTag( CNssTag& aTag, TInt& aNewId );
-    /**
-    * Method to save a group of tags. During saving, a Tag IDs are assigned
-    * for the tags. These IDs is returned in the aTagIdArray.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aTagArray An array of previously unsaved tags.
-    * @param aTagIdArray Empty array, which will be filled with
-    *                    newly assigned Tag IDs.
-    * @return KErrNone or a Symbian-wide error code.
-    */
-	//TInt SaveTags( CArrayFixFlat<TNssTag>* aTagArray, RArray<TInt>& aTagIdArray );
-	TInt SaveTags( CArrayPtrFlat<CNssTag>* aTagArray, RArray<TInt>& aTagIdArray );
-    /**
-    * Method to delete a tag by name
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aTagName Trained text of the tag ( MNssSpeechItem::SetTextL() )
-    * @return KErrNone or a Symbian-wide error code.
-    */
-    TInt DeleteTag( const TDesC& aTagName );
-    /**
-    * Method to delete a tag.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aTagId Tag identifier.
-    * @return KErrNone or a Symbian-wide error code.
-    */
-    TInt DeleteTag( TInt aTagId );
-    /**
-    * Method to delete a group of tags.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aTagIdArray Array of tag identifiers.
-    * @return KErrNone or a Symbian-wide error code.
-    */
-	TInt DeleteTags( const RArray<TUint32>& aTagIdArray );
-    /**
-    * Method to update the information of an existing tag.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aTag New information about the tag
-    * @return KErrNone or a Symbian-wide error code.
-    */
-	//TInt UpdateTag( const TNssTag& aTag );
-	TInt UpdateTag( const CNssTag& aTag );
-    /**
-    * Method to get references to all tags in a context.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aContextId Context identifier.
-    * @return Array containing references to all tags.
-    */
-	TNssTagReferenceListArray* GetTagReferenceList( TInt aContextId );
-    /**
-    * Method to get all tags in a context.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aContext The context
-    * @return Array containing all tags in the context
-    */
-    //TNssTagListArray* GetTag( const TNssContext& aContext );
-    CArrayPtrFlat<CNssTag>* GetTag( const CNssContext& aContext );
-    /**
-    * Method to get a tag by grammar ID and rule ID.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aGrammarIdRuleId Structure containing the Grammar ID (which
-    *                         specifies a context) and Rule ID (which
-    *                         specifies a tag inside a context).
-    * @return Array containing the matching tag or NULL.
-    */
-    //TNssTagListArray* GetTag( TNssGrammarIdRuleId aGrammarIdRuleId );
-    CArrayPtrFlat<CNssTag>* GetTag( TNssGrammarIdRuleId aGrammarIdRuleId );
-    /**
-    * Method to get tags by their grammar ID and rule ID.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aGrammarIdRuleIds Structure containing the Grammar IDs (that
-    *                          specify a context) and Rule IDs (that
-    *                          specify a tag inside a context).
-    * @return Array containing the matching tags or NULL.
-    */
-    //TNssTagListArray* GetTags( TNssGrammarIdRuleIdListArray& aGrammarIdRuleIds );
-    CArrayPtrFlat<CNssTag>* GetTags( TNssGrammarIdRuleIdListArray& aGrammarIdRuleIds );
-    /**
-    * Method to get a tag by name (CNssSpeechItem::SetText).
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aName Tag's trained text.
-    * @return Array containing all matching tags.
-    */
-	//TNssTagListArray* GetTag( const TDesC& aName );
-	CArrayPtrFlat<CNssTag>* GetTag( const TDesC& aName );
-    /**
-    * Method to get a tag by RRD data, given RRD integer and the position (0-4)
-    * to which the integer is compared.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aContextId ID of the context, to which the tag belongs.
-    * @param aNum Integer, which should match the RRD integer.
-    * @param aPosition RRD integer array position (0-4).
-    * @return Array containing all matching tags.
-    */
-	//TNssTagListArray* GetTag( TInt aContextId, TInt aNum, TInt aPosition );
-	CArrayPtrFlat<CNssTag>* GetTag( TInt aContextId, TInt aNum, TInt aPosition );
-    /**
-    * Method to get a tag by RRD data, given RRD text and the position (0-4)
-    * to which the text is compared.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aContextId ID of the context, to which the tag belongs.
-    * @param aText Text, which should match the RRD text.
-    * @param aPosition RRD text array position (0-4).
-    * @return Array containing all matching tags.
-    */
-	//TNssTagListArray* GetTag( TInt aContextId, TDesC& aText, TInt aPosition );
-	CArrayPtrFlat<CNssTag>* GetTag( TInt aContextId, 
-	                                const TDesC& aText, TInt aPosition );
-    /**
-    * Method to get a tag, given the tag ID.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aTagId The ID of the tag.
-    * @return Array containing the tag or NULL.
-    */
-	//TNssTagListArray* GetTag( TUint32 aTagId );
-	CArrayPtrFlat<CNssTag>* GetTag( TUint32 aTagId );
-    /**
-    * Method to update the Rule IDs of some tags.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aRetrainedTags Array of tags with changed Rule IDs
-    * @return symbian-wide error code
-    */
-    TInt UpdateTagRuleIDs( const RArray<TNssSpeechItem>& aRetrainedTags );
-    /**
-    * Method to get the default model bank id
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aId reference where to put the model bank Id
-    * @return symbian-wide error code
-    */
-    TInt GetDefaultModelBankId( TUint32& aId );
-    /**
-    * Modifies the context table so that all contexts start using
-    * the new id as their model bank id.
-    * @since 2.8
-    * @param aNewId new model bank id
-    * @return symbian-wide error code
-    */
-    TInt ResetModelBank( TUint32 aNewId );
-    // Pointer to the object, which makes the actual operations on database.
-    CNssVasDb* iVasDb;
-    // How many VAS instances in this thread have connected.
-    TInt iConnected;
-    };