author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 21:32:56 +0300
changeset 11 b2f9a76933e1
parent 0 bf1d17376201
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201011 Kit: 201013

* Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Implementations for CTTSAlgorithmManager methods.

#include <barsc.h>
#include <bautils.h>
#include <barsread.h>
#include <nssdevtts.rsg>
#include <AudioPreference.h>
#include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
#include "devttsalgorithmmanager.h"
#include "rubydebug.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#include <e32svr.h>

_LIT( KResourceFileName, "nssdevtts.rsc" );

// Default audio priority
const TInt KDefaultPriority = KAudioPriorityVoiceDial;

const TFileName KAudioBufferFileName( _L( "c:\\documents\\devttsaudio" ) );
const TFileName KAudioBufferFileNameExtension( _L( ".raw" ) );

// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::CTTSAlgorithmManager
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CTTSAlgorithmManager::CTTSAlgorithmManager( MDevTTSObserver& aObserver ):
        iPaused( EFalse ),
        iObserver( aObserver ),
        iAudio( NULL ),
        iAudioState( ETTSAudioPlayerNotInitialized ),
        iHw( NULL ),
        iError( KErrNone ),
        iState( EDevTTSNotInitialized ),
        iMode( EDevTTSSoundDeviceMode ),
        iLastBufferFromTts( EFalse ),
        iTtpHw( NULL ), 
		iApplyGain( ETrue ),
        iNlp( NULL ),
        iNlpInitialized( EFalse )
    // Nothing

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::ConstructL(/*CConsoleBase* console*/)
    RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CTTSAlgorithmManager::ConstructL" );
    TBool boolStereo( EFalse );
    TUint intStereo( 0 );
    TUint bitsPerSample( 16 );
    TUint samplingRate( 16000 );
    TUint bufferSize( 4096 );
    TInt defaultPriority( 0 );
    // Try to find resource file first from MMC, then from C-drive and only 
    // after that from flash
    // letters for drives in search order
    const TBuf<2> KResourceDrives = _L("cz"); 
    // load resources
    RResourceFile resourceFile;
    RFs fs;
    User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
    CleanupClosePushL( fs );
    TFileName name;
    TInt i( 0 );
    // try to find from the first driver
    name.Append( KResourceDrives[i] );
    name.Append( ':' );
    name.Append( KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR );
    name.Append( KResourceFileName );

    TBool found( EFalse );
    while ( !found && i < KResourceDrives.Length() )
        name[0] = KResourceDrives[i++];
        if ( BaflUtils::FileExists(fs, name) )
            // open resource
            resourceFile.OpenL( fs, name );
            CleanupClosePushL( resourceFile );
            found = ETrue;
    if ( !found )
        User::Leave( KErrNotFound );

    HBufC8* configurations = resourceFile.AllocReadLC( R_DEVTTS_CONFIGURATIONS );
    TResourceReader resReader;
    resReader.SetBuffer( configurations );
    // Sampling rate
    samplingRate = resReader.ReadUint32();

    // Bits per sample
    bitsPerSample = resReader.ReadUint32();
    // Mono / Stereo
    intStereo = resReader.ReadUint32();

    // Buffer size
    bufferSize = resReader.ReadUint32();

#ifdef __WINS__
    // CMMFDevSound uses currently buffer size of 16384 in emulator. 
    RUBY_DEBUG0( "CTTSAlgorithmManager::ConstructL - Hard coded buffer size in use!" );
    bufferSize = 16384;

    // Priority
    defaultPriority = KDefaultPriority;
    if ( intStereo == 0 )
        boolStereo = EFalse;
        boolStereo = ETrue;
    // Cleanup configurations, resourceFile, fs
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( configurations );    
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &resourceFile );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &fs );

    // Create new TtsHwDevice instance
    iHw = CTtsHwDevice::NewL( *this, samplingRate, bufferSize );
    // Create audio playback instance
    iAudio = CDevTTSAudio::NewL( *this, defaultPriority );
    iState = EDevTTSStopped;
    // Start audio device initialization process

    // Wait for callback only if it is asynchronous
    // (state will be something else if it is synchronous)
    if ( iAudioState == ETTSAudioPlayerNotInitialized )
        if ( !iAudioWait.IsStarted() )
            RUBY_DEBUG0( "CTTSAlgorithmManager::ConstructL iAudioWait.Start()" );
    iAudio->ConfigL( samplingRate, bitsPerSample, boolStereo, bufferSize);

    // Create & initialize TtpHwDevice
    iTtpHw = CASRSTtpHwDevice::NewL( *this );
    iTtpHw->SetPhonemeNotationL( _L( "NIPA8" ) );
    // Create NlpHwDevice
    TRAPD( error, iNlp = CNlpHwDevice::NewL( *this ) );
    if ( error == KErrNone )
        iNlpInitialized = ETrue;
        iNlpInitialized = EFalse;

    User::LeaveIfError( iSession.Connect() );
    iFileOpen = EFalse;
    iFileCounter = 0;

    RUBY_DEBUG1( "CTTSAlgorithmManager config, sampling rate: %d", samplingRate );
    RUBY_DEBUG1( "CTTSAlgorithmManager config, bits per sample: %d", bitsPerSample);
    RUBY_DEBUG1( "CTTSAlgorithmManager config, mono/stereo: %d", intStereo);
    RUBY_DEBUG1( "CTTSAlgorithmManager config, buffer size: %d", bufferSize);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CTTSAlgorithmManager* CTTSAlgorithmManager::NewL( MDevTTSObserver& aObserver/*, CConsoleBase* console*/ )
    CTTSAlgorithmManager* self = new( ELeave ) CTTSAlgorithmManager(aObserver);
    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    self->ConstructL( /*console*/ );
    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    return self;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::~CTTSAlgorithmManager
// Destructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ( iAudio )
        delete iAudio;
        iAudio = NULL;
    if ( iHw )
        delete iHw;
        iHw = NULL;
    if ( iTtpHw )
        delete iTtpHw;
        iTtpHw = NULL;
    if ( iNlp )
        delete iNlp;
        iNlp = NULL;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::AddStyleL
// Forwards call to TtsHwDevice
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TTtsStyleID CTTSAlgorithmManager::AddStyleL( const TTtsStyle& aStyle )
    return iHw->AddStyleL( aStyle );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::Balance
// Forwards call to the CDevTTSAudio.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CTTSAlgorithmManager::Balance()
    return iAudio->Balance();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::BufferProcessed
// Forwards call to TtsHwDevice
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::BufferProcessed( const TDesC8& aBuffer )
    // Client should call this only when buffers are provided to client
    if ( iMode == EDevTTSClientMode )
        iHw->BufferProcessed( aBuffer );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::CustomInterface
// Not in use currently. Now returns NULL.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TAny* CTTSAlgorithmManager::CustomInterface( TUid /*aInterfaceID*/ )
    return NULL;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::DeleteStyleL
// Forwards call to the actual implementation object.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::DeleteStyleL( TTtsStyleID aStyleID )
    iHw->DeleteStyleL( aStyleID );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::GetPositionL
// Forwards call to TtsHwDevice
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::GetPositionL( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTime ) const
    iHw->GetPositionL( aTime );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::GetPositionL
// Forwards call to TtsHwDevice
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::GetPositionL( TTtsSegment& aSegment, TInt& aWordIndex ) const
    iHw->GetPositionL( aSegment, aWordIndex );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::IsLanguageSupported
// Forwards call to TtsHwDevice
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CTTSAlgorithmManager::IsLanguageSupported( TLanguage aLanguage ) const
    return iHw->IsLanguageSupported( aLanguage );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::MaxVolume
// Forwards call to the CDevTTSAudio.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CTTSAlgorithmManager::MaxVolume()
    return iAudio->MaxVolume();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::NumberOfStyles
// Forwards call to TtsHwDevice
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint16 CTTSAlgorithmManager::NumberOfStyles() const
    return iHw->NumberOfStyles();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::Pause
// Pauses synthesis process in TtsHwDevice and also audio playback if needed.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::Pause()
    // Do nothing if not synthesizing currently
    if ( iState != EDevTTSSynthesizing )
    // Stop synthesis and playback

    if( iMode == EDevTTSSoundDeviceMode )
        // Do a complete stop to the audio player instead of pause.
        // Pausing and resuming after that leads to the situation where all of
        // the data won't be played...
        iAudioState = ETTSAudioPlayerPaused;
    iState = EDevTTSPrimed;
    iPaused = ETrue;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::PrimeSynthesisL
// Prepares a synthesizing process, data will be read from client using a 
// stream.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::PrimeSynthesisL( MTtsSegmentStream& aStream ) 
    // Not yet in use, leave every time
    // @todo: Remove this when functionality is available
    User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
    // Do the state check    
    if ( iState == EDevTTSNotInitialized )
        User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
    if ( iState != EDevTTSStopped )
        User::Leave( KErrInUse );
    iHw->PrimeSynthesisL( aStream );
    iState = EDevTTSPrimed;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::PrimeSynthesisL
// Prepares a synthesizing process.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::PrimeSynthesisL( CTtsParsedText& aText )
    RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CTTSAlgorithmManager::PrimeSynthesisL" );

    // Do the state check
    if ( iState == EDevTTSNotInitialized )
        User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
    if (iState != EDevTTSStopped)
        User::Leave( KErrInUse );
    // 1. Analyze structure if no segments in the parsed text object
    if ( aText.NumberOfSegments() == 0 )
        iHw->AnalyzeStructureL( aText );

    // 2. Call NLP if there is written text
    if ( ( aText.Text() != KNullDesC16 ) && iNlpInitialized )
        TBool useNlp( ETrue );
        TInt counter( 0 );
        // Loop through content types of segments to find out if NLP should be used
        for ( counter = 0; counter < aText.NumberOfSegments(); counter++ )
            TTtsSegment segment = aText.SegmentL( counter );
            TTtsStyleID styleID = segment.StyleID();
            TTtsStyle& style = StyleL( styleID );
            if ( !style.iNlp )
                useNlp = EFalse;                
        if ( useNlp )
            // If language is not specified, run LID before NLP
            for ( counter = 0; counter < aText.NumberOfSegments(); counter++ )
                TTtsSegment segment = aText.SegmentL( counter );
                TTtsStyleID styleID = segment.StyleID();
                TTtsStyle& style = StyleL( styleID );

                if ( style.iLanguage == ELangOther )
                    RArray<TLanguage> languages;
                    RArray<TInt> scores;
                    // Only one result is needed
                    iTtpHw->LanguageIdentificationL( segment.TextPtr(), 1, languages, scores );

                    if ( languages.Count() == 0 )
                        User::Leave( KErrGeneral );

                    style.iLanguage = languages[0];

                    RUBY_DEBUG1( "CTTSAlgorithmManager::PrimeSynthesisL called LID [lang id: %d] before NLP", style.iLanguage );

        if ( useNlp )
            iNlp->NormalizeTextL( aText );

    // Set the phoneme notation which is given within parsed text into TTP
    // Do this only if no phonemesequence is given and if notation is something
    // else than the default
    if ( ( aText.PhonemeNotation() != KNullDesC16 ) && ( aText.PhonemeSequence() == KNullDesC8 ) )
        iTtpHw->SetPhonemeNotationL( aText.PhonemeNotation() );

    // 3. Do the TTP if phoneme sequence not available
    if ( aText.PhonemeSequence() == KNullDesC8 )
        // If also text is NULL, argument is not ok
        if ( aText.Text() == KNullDesC16 )
            User::Leave( KErrArgument );
        RArray<TInt> segmentPhonemeLengths;
        // Find the style attached to each segment
        for ( TInt i = 0; i < aText.NumberOfSegments(); i++ )
            TTtsSegment segment = aText.SegmentL( i );
            TTtsStyleID styleID = segment.StyleID();
            TTtsStyle& style = StyleL( styleID );
            RUBY_DEBUG1( "CTTSAlgorithmManager::PrimeSynthesisL calling TTP with lang id [%d]", style.iLanguage );

            HBufC8* phonemeBuffer = iTtpHw->ConvertTextL( segment.TextPtr(), style.iLanguage );
            if ( phonemeBuffer == NULL )
                RUBY_DEBUG0( "CTTSAlgorithmManager::PrimeSynthesisL TTP returned NULL, calling again with ELangOther" );

                // Try with another approach, use ELangOther as language and let
                // the LID to do the job
                if ( style.iLanguage != ELangOther )
                    style.iLanguage = ELangOther;
                    phonemeBuffer = iTtpHw->ConvertTextL( segment.TextPtr(), style.iLanguage );
                    RUBY_DEBUG1( "CTTSAlgorithmManager::PrimeSynthesisL LID returned lang id [%d]", style.iLanguage );
                    if ( phonemeBuffer == NULL )
                        User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
                    User::Leave( KErrGeneral );

            CleanupStack::PushL( phonemeBuffer );

            // Append segment's phone sequence to CTtsparsedText's phoneme sequence
            HBufC8*  phonemeSeq = HBufC8::NewLC( aText.PhonemeSequence().Length() + phonemeBuffer->Des().Length() );
            phonemeSeq->Des().Append( aText.PhonemeSequence() );
            phonemeSeq->Des().Append( phonemeBuffer->Des() );
            // Set new phoneme sequence
            aText.SetPhonemeSequenceL( *phonemeSeq );
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( phonemeSeq );
            // Save the length of segment's phoneme sequence
            segmentPhonemeLengths.AppendL( phonemeBuffer->Des().Length() );

            aText.SetPhonemeSequenceL( phonemeBuffer->Des() );
            segment.SetPhonemeSequencePtr( aText.PhonemeSequence() );
            // Add modified segment to parsed text
            aText.DeleteSegmentL( i );
            aText.AddSegmentL( segment, i );
            // phonemeBuffer
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( phonemeBuffer );
        // Put pointers of the whole phone sequence in CTtsParsedText
        // to their respective segments 
        TInt position( 0 );
        for ( TInt i = 0; i < aText.NumberOfSegments(); i++ )
            TTtsSegment segment = aText.SegmentL( i );
            segment.SetPhonemeSequencePtr( aText.PhonemeSequence().Mid( position, segmentPhonemeLengths[i] ) );
            // Add modified segment to parsed text
            aText.DeleteSegmentL( i );
            aText.AddSegmentL( segment, i );
            // Move the position to next segments starting position
            position += segmentPhonemeLengths[i];
        // Release resources allocated by RArray    
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &segmentPhonemeLengths );

	iApplyGain = ETrue;

    // 4. Analyze prosody
    iHw->AnalyzeProsodyL( aText );    
    // 5. Prime TtsHwDevice
    iHw->PrimeSynthesisL( aText );
    iState = EDevTTSPrimed;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::SetAudioPriority
// Forwards call to the CDevTTSAudio
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::SetAudioPriority( TInt aPriority, TDevTTSAudioPreference aPref )
    iAudio->SetAudioPriority( aPriority, aPref );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::SetAudioOutputL
// Forwards call to the CDevTTSAudio
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::SetAudioOutputL( TInt aAudioOutput )
    iAudio->SetAudioOutputL( aAudioOutput );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::SetBalance
// Forwards call to the CDevTTSAudio
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::SetBalance( TInt aBalance )
    iAudio->SetBalance( aBalance );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::SetPositionL
// Forwards call to TtsHwDevice
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::SetPositionL( const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aTime )
    iHw->SetPositionL( aTime );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::SetPositionL
// Forwards call to TtsHwDevice
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::SetPositionL( const TTtsSegment& aSegment, 
                                         TInt aWordIndex )
    iHw->SetPositionL( aSegment, aWordIndex );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::SetVolume
// Forwards call to the CDevTTSAudio
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::SetVolume( TInt aVolume )
    iAudio->SetVolume( aVolume );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::SetVolumeRamp
// Forwards call to the CDevTTSAudio
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::SetVolumeRamp( const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aRampDuration )
    iAudio->SetVolumeRamp( aRampDuration );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::Stop
// Stop synthesis process as well as audio playback if running.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::Stop()
    if ( iState == EDevTTSNotInitialized )
        // Just to play it safe, do nothing if not initialized
    if ( iAudioState == ETTSAudioPlayerPlaying )
        iAudioState = ETTSAudioPlayerIdle;
    if ( iState == EDevTTSSynthesizing || iState == EDevTTSPrimed )
    iState = EDevTTSStopped;
    // Clear paused flag. might be that we are stopping after pausing
    iPaused = EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::StyleL
// Forwards call to TtsHwDevice
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TTtsStyle& CTTSAlgorithmManager::StyleL( TTtsStyleID aStyleID ) const
    return iHw->StyleL( aStyleID );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::StyleL
// Forwards call to TtsHwDevice
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TTtsStyle& CTTSAlgorithmManager::StyleL( TUint16 aIndex ) const
    return iHw->StyleL(  aIndex );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::SynthesizeL
// Starts or resumes synthesis process. 
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::SynthesizeL( TDevTTSOutputMode aOutputMode ) 
    if ( (iState == EDevTTSNotInitialized) || (iState == EDevTTSStopped) )
        User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
    if ( iState != EDevTTSPrimed )
        User::Leave( KErrInUse );
    // If iPaused flag is set, we know that there is an
    // ongoing synthesis process and we should resume that instead of starting
    // a new one.
    if ( iPaused )
        // Resume synthesis by calling hwdevice
        if ( iMode == EDevTTSSoundDeviceMode )
            iAudioState = ETTSAudioPlayerPlaying;
        iState = EDevTTSSynthesizing;
        iPaused = EFalse;
    iMode = aOutputMode;
    // Start synthesizing by calling hwdevice
    iLastBufferFromTts = EFalse;
    if ( iMode == EDevTTSSoundDeviceMode )
        // Check the audio player state
        if ( iAudioState == ETTSAudioPlayerNotInitialized || 
            iAudioState == ETTSAudioPlayerError )
            User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
        if ( iAudioState == ETTSAudioPlayerPlaying )
            User::Leave( KErrInUse );
        // Initialize audio device so that it is ready for playback
        iAudioState = ETTSAudioPlayerPlaying;
    iState = EDevTTSSynthesizing;

    RUBY_DEBUG0( "CTTSAlgorithmManager::SynthesizeL started" );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::Volume
// Forwards call to the CDevTTSAudio.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CTTSAlgorithmManager::Volume()
    return iAudio->Volume();

// ========================== CALLBACKS FROM DEVTTSAUDIO =======================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::InitializeComplete
// Audio has been initialized.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::MdtaoInitializeComplete(TInt aError) 
    if ( aError == KErrNone )
        iAudioState = ETTSAudioPlayerIdle;
        RUBY_DEBUG0( "CTTSAlgorithmManager::InitializeComplete ok" );
        iAudioState = ETTSAudioPlayerError;
        RUBY_DEBUG0( "CTTSAlgorithmManager::InitializeComplete ERROR" );
    if ( iAudioWait.IsStarted() )
        RUBY_DEBUG0( "DEVTTS iAudioWait.AsyncStop()" );                	

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::MdtaoBufferToBeFilled
// Audio player wants a new buffer so that it can be played.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::MdtaoBufferToBeFilled( TDes8& aBuffer, 
                                                  TInt aSizeRequested )
    RUBY_DEBUG1( "CTTSAlgorithmManager::MdtaoBufferToBeFilled size of wanted audio buffer: %d bytes", aSizeRequested );
    // Sometimes it might happen that we get still one callback even though
    // DevSound is not anymore playing
    if ( iAudioState != ETTSAudioPlayerPlaying )
        RUBY_DEBUG0( "CTTSAlgorithmManager::MdtaoBufferToBeFilled called even though iAudioState != ETTSAudioPlayerPlaying" );

    const TUint8* buffer = iPlaybackBuffer.Ptr();
    if ( iStartPoint >= iStopPoint )
        // Underflow, nothing to be sent to audio out
        aBuffer.FillZ( aSizeRequested );
        aBuffer.SetLength( aSizeRequested );
        iAudio->PlayData( iLastBufferFromTts );
    TInt copyLength = 0;
    // Tells if the whole buffer given by TtsHwDevice has been played
    TBool last = EFalse;
    if ( ( iStartPoint + aSizeRequested ) >= iStopPoint )
        // We get to the end of the data that needs to be played
        last = ETrue;
        copyLength = iStopPoint - iStartPoint + 1;
        // Empty buffer
        // Fill the whole requested size
        copyLength = aSizeRequested;
    // Copy data to audio out buffer
    aBuffer.Copy( &buffer[iStartPoint], copyLength);

	if( iApplyGain ) 
		const TInt32 KSqrt2FXP = 0x00002d41L;
		const TInt32 KSqrt2Shift = 13;
		TPtr16 audioData((TUint16*)(aBuffer.Ptr()), copyLength/2, copyLength/2);
		for( int i=0; i<copyLength/2; ++i )
			TInt16 sample = audioData[i];
			TInt32 newvalue = (sample * KSqrt2FXP) >> KSqrt2Shift; 
			if(newvalue > 0x7fffL | newvalue < -0x8000L) 
				iApplyGain = EFalse;
			audioData[i] = newvalue;
    // Notify TtsHwDevice
    if ( last )
        iHw->BufferProcessed( iPlaybackBuffer );
    RUBY_DEBUG1( "CTTSAlgorithmManager::MdtaoBufferToBeFilled Audio buffer size filled: %d bytes\n", aBuffer.Length() );
    iStartPoint = iStartPoint + copyLength;
    iAudio->PlayData( iLastBufferFromTts );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::PlayFinished
// Checks the incoming error code and sets the audio state accordingly.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::MdtaoPlayFinished( TInt aError )
    iAudioState = ETTSAudioPlayerIdle;
    if ( aError == KErrNone ) 
        // Don't put error code to aError since MthdTtsCompleted can
        // be called with error code before this function is called
        RUBY_DEBUG0( "CTTSAlgorithmManager::MdtaoPlayFinished ok" );
        // Audio is interrupted by something with higher priority.
        // Keep idle state for audio player since application might
        // try again with better luck. (When there is no other apps trying
        // to access audio out.)
        iError = aError;
        // Stop TTS Hw device too
        RUBY_DEBUG0( "CTTSAlgorithmManager::MdtaoPlayFinished audio interrupted" );
    // Move automatically to stopped state
    iState = EDevTTSStopped;
    // Call the client
    iObserver.MdtoEvent( EDevTTSEventComplete, iError );

// ========================== CALLBACKS FROM TtsHwDevice =======================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::MthdTtsCompleted
// Called by TtsHwDevice when synthesis has completed
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::MthdTtsCompleted( TInt aStatus )
    iState = EDevTTSStopped;
    // Mark that previous received buffer is the last one
    iLastBufferFromTts = ETrue;
    iError = aStatus;
    // Do the callback to client, handled by MdtaoPlayFinished if in sound device mode
    if ( iMode == EDevTTSClientMode )
        iObserver.MdtoEvent( EDevTTSEventComplete, aStatus );

    iFileOpen = EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::MthdCustomEvent
// Custom event from TtsHwDevice
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::MthdCustomEvent( TInt /*aEvent*/, TInt /*aStatus*/, 
                                           const TDesC8& /*aParameter*/ )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::MthdProcessBuffer
// Prepares buffer for playback or forwards callback to client, depends on the
// operation mode.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::MthdProcessBuffer( const TDesC8& aBuffer )
    RUBY_DEBUG0( "CTTSAlgorithmManager::MthdProcessBuffer" );
    if ( iFileOpen == EFalse )
        TFileName filename;
        filename.Append( KAudioBufferFileName );
        filename.AppendNum( iFileCounter );
        filename.Append( KAudioBufferFileNameExtension );

        iFile.Replace( iSession, filename, EFileWrite );
        iFileOpen = ETrue;
    TInt size( 0 );
    iFile.Size( size );
    iFile.Seek( ESeekEnd, size );
    iFile.Write( aBuffer );

    // Handle buffer internally if in sound device mode, otherwise just 
    // forward the callback to client
    if ( iMode == EDevTTSSoundDeviceMode )
        // Store pointer to buffer
        iPlaybackBuffer.Set( aBuffer );
        // Mark start and stop points for the audio playback
        iStartPoint = 0;
        iStopPoint = aBuffer.Size() - 1;
        iObserver.MdtoProcessBuffer( aBuffer );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::MthdoConfigurationData
// Forwards callback to client.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC8* CTTSAlgorithmManager::MthdoConfigurationData( TUint32 aPackageType, 
                                                      TUint32 aPackageID,
                                                      TUint32 aStartPosition,
                                                      TUint32 aEndPosition )
    return iObserver.MdtoConfigurationData( aPackageType, aPackageID, 
                                            aStartPosition, aEndPosition );

// ====================== CALLBACKS FROM MASRSTtpHwDeviceObserver ==============

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::MathdoConfigurationData
// Forwards callback to client.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC8* CTTSAlgorithmManager::MathdoConfigurationData( TUint32 aPackageType, 
                                                       TUint32 aPackageID,
                                                       TUint32 aStartPosition,
                                                       TUint32 aEndPosition )
    return iObserver.MdtoConfigurationData( aPackageType, aPackageID, 
                                            aStartPosition, aEndPosition );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::MathdoWordListReady
// Should not be called since we always use synchrnous TTP.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::MathdoWordListReady( const TInt /*aError*/ )
    // Do nothing

// ====================== CALLBACKS FROM MNlpHwDeviceObserver ==================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MNlpHwDeviceObserver::MnhdNlpCompleted
// Called when asynchronous NLP processing has been completed
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::MnhdoNlpCompleted( TInt /*aStatus*/ )
    // Should not be called currently since NLP is handled synchronously

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::MnhdoConfigurationData
// NLP calls when it needs its configuration data to be loaded
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC8* CTTSAlgorithmManager::MnhdoConfigurationData( TUint32 aPackageType, 
                                                      TUint32 aPackageID, 
                                                      TUint32 aStartPosition, 
                                                      TUint32 aEndPosition )
    return iObserver.MdtoConfigurationData( aPackageType, aPackageID, 
                                            aStartPosition, aEndPosition );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::MnhdoStyleL
// Called when NLP needs style information
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TTtsStyle& CTTSAlgorithmManager::MnhdoStyleL( TTtsStyleID styleID )
    // Call TtsHwDevice to get the wanted style
    return iHw->StyleL( styleID );

// ====================== New additions for SIND inc3 ==========================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::LanguageIdentificationL
// Does language identification.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::LanguageIdentificationL( CTtsParsedText& aText, 
                                                    TInt aNumberOfGuesses, 
                                                    RArray<TLanguage>& aLanguages,
                                                    RArray<TInt>& aScores )

    // Check that at least some text is given
    if ( aText.Text() == KNullDesC16 )
        User::Leave( KErrArgument);
    // Call TtpHwDevice
    iTtpHw->LanguageIdentificationL( aText.Text(), aNumberOfGuesses, aLanguages, aScores );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::NormalizeTextL
// Normalizes text using NLPHwDevice
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::NormalizeTextL( CTtsParsedText& aText )
    if ( iNlp == NULL || !iNlpInitialized )
        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );


    iNlp->NormalizeTextL( aText );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::NormalizeAndSegmentTextL
// Normalizes and segments the text using NLPHwDevice
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::NormalizeAndSegmentTextL( CTtsParsedText& aText )
    if ( iNlp == NULL || !iNlpInitialized )
        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );


    iNlp->NormalizeAndSegmentTextL( aText );

// ========================== PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ================================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTTSAlgorithmManager::CheckStateL
// Checks that state of DevTTS is idle.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTTSAlgorithmManager::CheckStateL()
    if ( iState == EDevTTSNotInitialized )
        User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
    if ( iState != EDevTTSStopped )
        User::Leave( KErrInUse );

// End of File