author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 21:32:56 +0300
changeset 11 b2f9a76933e1
parent 0 bf1d17376201
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201011 Kit: 201013

* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Speech synthesis server



#include <e32base.h>
#include <nssttsutility.h>
#include <speechsynthesis.h>

#include "speechsynthesisclientserver.h"
#include "speechsynthesisserverutilities.h"


// Total number of ranges
const TUint KSpeechSynthesisRangeCount = 4;

// Definition of the ranges of IPC numbers
const TInt KSpeechSynthesisRanges[KSpeechSynthesisRangeCount] = 
        0,                  // Messages 0..19
        ESetAudioPriority,  // Message 20
        ESetAudioOutput,    // Message 21
        ESetAudioOutput+1   // Messages 22..

// Policy to implement for the above range        
const TUint8 KSpeechSynthesisElementsIndex[KSpeechSynthesisRangeCount] = 
        CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass,     // Applies to 0th range
        0,                              // Applies to 1st range 
        CPolicyServer::ECustomCheck,    // Applies to 2nd range
        CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass,     // Applies to 3rd range

// Specific capability checks
const CPolicyServer::TPolicyElement KSpeechSynthesisElements[] = 
        // Only clients having Nokia VID capability passes this policy element. 
        { _INIT_SECURITY_POLICY_V0( VID_DEFAULT ), CPolicyServer::EFailClient },

// Package all the above together into a policy
const CPolicyServer::TPolicy KSpeechSynthesisPolicy =
        CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass,     // Specifies all connect attempts should pass
        KSpeechSynthesisRangeCount,     // Number of ranges                                   
        KSpeechSynthesisRanges,         // Ranges array
        KSpeechSynthesisElementsIndex,  // Elements<->ranges index
        KSpeechSynthesisElements,       // Array of elements

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSpeechSynthesisServer
// Server implementation
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CSpeechSynthesisServer : public CPolicyServer, 
                               public MConfigurationObserver,
                               public MTtsClientUtilityObserver
    public: // New functions
        * 2nd phase constructor
        static CServer2* NewLC();
        * Destructor
        virtual ~CSpeechSynthesisServer();
        * Add new sessios
        void AddSession();
        * Remove session
        void DropSession();

        * Reserve server for aSession
        void ReserveL( MSpeechSynthesisServerObserver* aSession );
        void ReserveL( MSpeechSynthesisServerObserver* aSession, TInt aPriority );
        * Release server to be used by other sessions
        void Release( const MSpeechSynthesisServerObserver* aSession );
        * Used to ask server's default settings
        void GetDefaultSettingsL( TVoice& aVoice, 
                                  TInt& aSpeakingRate, TInt& aMaxSpeakingRate,
                                  TInt& aVolume, TInt& aMaxVolume, 
                                  TInt& aAudioPriority, TInt& aAudioPreference,
                                  TInt& aAudioOutput );
        * Used to ask server's default voice
        void GetDefaultVoiceL( TVoice& aVoice );

        * Prime the synthesizer
        * @param aText Text to be synthesized
        void PrimeL( const TDesC& aText );
        * Prime the synthesizer
        * @param aText Text to be synthesized
        * @param aFile Open handle to file
        void PrimeL( const TDesC& aText, const RFile& aFile );
        * Synthesize text
        void Synthesize();
        * Stop synthesis
        void Stop();
        * Pause synthesis
        void Pause();
        * Get available languages
        * @param aLanguages Contains supported languages after function call
        void GetSupportedLanguagesL( RArray<TLanguage>& aLanguages );

        * Get available voices
        * @param aLanguage Language
        * @param aVoices Contains voices after the function call
        void GetSupportedVoicesL( TLanguage aLanguage, RArray<TVoice>& aVoices );
        * Change voice. 
        * @param aVoice New voice
        * @param aSpeakingRate Speaking rate to be used
        void SetVoiceL( const TVoice aVoice, TInt aSpeakingRate );

        * Change volume. 
        * @param aVolume New volume
        void SetVolume( TInt aVolume );

        * Set audio priority
        * @param aPriority New priority
        * @param aPreference New preference
        void SetAudioPriorityL( TInt aPriority, TInt aPreference );
        * Set audio output
        void SetAudioOutputL( TInt aAudioOutput );
        * Custom command
        * @param aCommand A custom command
        * @param aValue Value
        * @return Error code
        TInt CustomCommand( TInt aCommand, TInt aValue );
        * Checks if given voice exists
        * @param aVoice Voice to be checked
        * @return ETrue if voice exists, EFalse otherwise
        TBool IsVoiceValidL( const TVoice& aVoice );
         * Returns pointer to the previous session. Plugin is closed if it doesn't 
         * match new session in order to avoid using settings from other session. 
        const MSpeechSynthesisServerObserver* PreviousSession(); 
         * Closes open plugin 
        void ClosePlugin();

    public: // From base class MConfigurationObserver
        * This is called when installation or removal of SIS package is detected 
        void McoConfigurationChanged();
    public: // From base class MTtsClientUtilityObserver

        * Called when asynchronous custom command finishes.
        void MapcCustomCommandEvent( TInt aEvent, TInt aError );
        * Callback when initialized
        void MapcInitComplete( TInt aError, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration );

        * Callback when playback finished
        void MapcPlayComplete( TInt aError );
        * Callback function called when server has been idle certain time. 
        static TInt ClosePlugin( TAny* aAny );

        // Constructor
        // 2nd phase constructor
        void ConstructL();
        // Create new session
        CSession2* NewSessionL( const TVersion& aVersion, 
                                const RMessage2& aMessage ) const;
        // Custom access policy check
        TCustomResult CustomSecurityCheckL( const RMessage2& aMsg, 
                                            TInt& aAction, 
                                            TSecurityInfo& aMissing );
        // Updates configuration if needed
        void UpdateSynthesisConfigurationIfNeededL();

        // Updates configuration 
        void UpdateSynthesisConfigurationL();

        // Pointer to active session observer, not owned. 
        MSpeechSynthesisServerObserver* iSession;
        // Pointer to previous session observer, not owned. 
        MSpeechSynthesisServerObserver* iPreviousSession;
        // Pointer to tts, owned. 
        CTtsUtility*                    iTtsUtility; 
        // Object used to stop the server when it has been idle for a while. 
        // Owned
        CShutdown*                      iShutdown; 
        // Object for closing tts plugin when server has been idle some time.
        // Frees memory and lets tts components to be removed. 
        CPeriodic*                      iPluginCloser;
        // SIS package installer listener, owned. 
        CConfigurationListener*         iConfigurationListener;
        // MMC status listener, owned. 
        CMMCListener*                   iMMCListener;
        // Supported voice configurations
        RArray<TVoiceConfiguration>     iTtsVoiceConfigs;

        // Uid of open tts plugin
        TUid                            iOpenTtsPlugin;
        // Number of sessions using this server
        TInt                            iSessionCount;
        TInt                            iSessionPriority;
        // Default settings
        TVoice                          iDefaultVoice;
        TInt                            iDefaultSpeakingRate;
        TInt                            iDefaultVolume;
        TInt                            iDefaultMaxVolume;
        TInt                            iDefaultAudioPriority;
        TInt                            iDefaultAudioPreference;
        // If ETrue updates to voice configuration and 
        // default settings are needed. 
        TBool                           iUpdateNeeded;