changeset 0 9736f095102e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:9736f095102e
     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // engine.cpp - IP administration tool engine
    15 //
    17 #include <eikenv.h>
    18 #include "ipadm.h"
    19 #include "engine.h"
    21 #include "uniload.h"
    24 #include <in_sock_internal.h>
    25 #endif
    27 #ifndef __SECURE_DATA__
    28 #define DEFAULT_ROUTES_FILE	_L("C:\\Data\\IpAdm\\route.ini")
    29 #else
    30 #define DEFAULT_ROUTES_FILE	_L("route.ini")
    31 #endif
    33 LOCAL_C void AppendInterfaceStatus(TDes& buf, const TInt aStatus)
    34 	{
    35 	switch (aStatus)
    36 		{
    37 		case EIfPending:	buf.Append(_L("PEND ")); break;
    38 		case EIfUp:			break;
    39 		case EIfBusy:		buf.Append(_L("BUSY ")); break;
    40 		case EIfDown:		buf.Append(_L("DOWN ")); break;
    41 		default:			buf.Append(_L("???? ")); break;
    42 		}
    43 	}
    45 LOCAL_C void AppendInterfaceName(TDes& buf, const TName& aName)
    46 	{
    47 	if (aName.Length() > 0)
    48 		{
    49 		buf.Append(aName);
    50 		}
    51 	else
    52 		{
    53 		buf.Append(_L("default"));
    54 		}
    55 	}
    57 LOCAL_C void AppendRouteType(TDes& buf, const TInt aType)
    58 	{
    59 	switch (aType)
    60 		{
    61 		case ERtNormal:		buf.Append(_L(" ")); break;
    62 		case ERtUser:		buf.Append(_L("u ")); break;
    63 		case ERtIcmpAdd:	buf.Append(_L("- ")); break; // for IPv6, this is ND entry
    64 		case ERtIcmpDel:	buf.Append(_L("d ")); break;
    65 		default:			buf.Append(_L("? ")); break;
    66 		}
    67 	}
    69 LOCAL_C void AppendRouteState(TDes& buf, const TInt aState)
    70 	{
    71 	switch (aState)
    72 		{
    73 		case ERtNone:		buf.Append(_L("NONE ")); break;
    74 		case ERtPending:	buf.Append(_L("PEND ")); break;
    75 		case ERtBusy:		buf.Append(_L("BUSY ")); break;
    76 		case ERtReady:		break;
    77 		case ERtDown:		buf.Append(_L("DOWN ")); break;
    78 		default:			buf.Append(_L("???? ")); break;
    79 		}
    80 	}
    82 //
    83 //
    84 // Just count the number of rightmost zeroes in an IPv6 address
    85 // and return (128 - count).
    86 //
    87 LOCAL_C TInt MaskLength(const TIp6Addr &aAddr)
    88 	{
    89 	TInt count = 0;
    90 	for (TInt i = sizeof(aAddr.u.iAddr8) / sizeof(aAddr.u.iAddr8[0]); --i >= 0; )
    91 		{
    92 		if (aAddr.u.iAddr8[i])
    93 			{
    94 			TUint8 nonZeroByte = aAddr.u.iAddr8[i];
    95 			while ((nonZeroByte & 1) == 0)
    96 				{
    97 				count += 1;
    98 				nonZeroByte >>= 1;
    99 				}
   100 			break;
   101 			}
   102 		count += 8;
   103 		}
   104 	return 128-count;
   105 	}
   108 LOCAL_C TInt MaskLength(TUint32 aAddr)
   109 	{
   110 	TInt count = 0;
   111 	// obviously, this is "brute force" counting
   112 	while (aAddr & 0x80000000)
   113 		{
   114 		count++;
   115 		aAddr <<= 1;
   116 		}
   117 	return count;
   118 	}
   121 // TRawAddr
   122 // *********
   123 // Lightweight internal help class for handling the link layer addresses
   124 //
   125 class TRawAddr : public TSockAddr
   126 	{
   127 public:
   129 	void Output(TDes& aBuf) const
   130 		{
   131 		TUint8* p = (TUint8*)UserPtr();
   132 		TInt len = ((TSockAddr *)this)->GetUserLen();	//lint !e1773 // it's a kludge but works anyway
   134 		aBuf.SetLength(0);
   135 		if (len == 0)
   136 			return;
   137 		if (aBuf.MaxLength() < len * 4)
   138 			{
   139 			aBuf.Fill('*', aBuf.MaxLength());
   140 			return;
   141 			}
   142 		if (len == 0)
   143 			return;
   144 		for (;;)
   145 			{
   146 			aBuf.AppendFormat(_L("%02X"), *p++ & 0xFF);
   147 			if (--len == 0)
   148 				break;
   149 			aBuf.Append(TChar(':'));
   150 			}
   151 		}
   153 	inline static TRawAddr& Cast(const TSockAddr& aAddr)
   154 		{
   155 		return *((TRawAddr *)&aAddr); //lint !e1773 // standard way to implement Cast
   156 		}
   157 	inline static TRawAddr& Cast(const TSockAddr* aAddr)
   158 		{
   159 		return *((TRawAddr *)aAddr); //lint !e1773 // standard way to implement Cast
   160 		}
   161 	};
   163 //
   164 CIpAdmEngine::~CIpAdmEngine()
   165 	{
   166 	//
   167 	// Ordering is important... Do not close iSS before
   168 	// all sockets associated with it have been closed!
   169 	//
   170 	iFS.Close();
   171 	iSS.Close();
   172 	}
   174 void CIpAdmEngine::ConstructL()
   175 	{
   176 	//
   177 	// Start Socket Reader activity
   178 	//
   179 	CheckResultL(_L("Active Scheduler"), CActiveScheduler::Current() == NULL);
   180 	CheckResultL(_L("Connect to File server"), iFS.Connect());
   181 	CheckResultL(_L("Connect to Socket server"), iSS.Connect());
   182 	}
   185 LOCAL_C void AppendIpAddress(TDes &buf, const TDesC &aLabel, const TInetAddr &aAddr, TInt aSkip = 1)
   186 	{
   187 	if (aSkip && aAddr.IsUnspecified())
   188 		return;
   189 	TBuf<64> out;
   190 	buf.Append(aLabel);
   191 #ifdef HURRICANE_INSOCK
   192 	aAddr.Output(out);
   193 #else
   194 	aAddr.OutputWithScope(out);
   195 #endif
   196 	buf.Append(out);
   197 	}
   199 LOCAL_C void AppendRawAddress(TDes &buf, const TDesC &aLabel, const TSockAddr &aAddr)
   200 	{
   201 	if (aAddr.Family() == KAFUnspec)
   202 		return;
   203 	TBuf<100> out;
   204 	buf.Append(aLabel);
   205 	TRawAddr::Cast(aAddr).Output(out);
   206 	buf.Append(out);
   207 	}
   209 LOCAL_C void AppendIpMask(TDes &buf, const TInetAddr &aAddr)
   210 	{
   211 	if (aAddr.Family() == KAfInet6)
   212 		buf.AppendFormat(_L("/%d"), MaskLength(aAddr.Ip6Address()));
   213 	else
   214 		buf.AppendFormat(_L("/%d"), MaskLength(aAddr.Address())); 
   215 	}
   217 void CIpAdmEngine::Show(TInt /*aVersion*/, const TSoInetInterfaceInfo &aInfo)
   218 	{
   219 	TBuf<1000> buf;
   220 	buf = _L("if ");
   221 	AppendInterfaceStatus(buf, aInfo.iState);
   222 	AppendInterfaceName(buf, aInfo.iName);
   223 	AppendIpAddress(buf, _L(" addr="), (const TInetAddr &)aInfo.iAddress, 0);
   224 	AppendIpMask(buf, (const TInetAddr &)aInfo.iNetMask);
   225 	AppendIpAddress(buf, _L(" bcast="), (const TInetAddr &)aInfo.iBrdAddr);
   226 	AppendIpAddress(buf, _L(" gw="), (const TInetAddr &)aInfo.iDefGate);
   227 	AppendIpAddress(buf, _L(" ns1="), (const TInetAddr &)aInfo.iNameSer1);
   228 	AppendIpAddress(buf, _L(" ns2="), (const TInetAddr &)aInfo.iNameSer2);
   229 	AppendRawAddress(buf, _L(" hwa="), aInfo.iHwAddr);
   230 	buf.AppendFormat(_L(" Mtu=%d, SM=%d, F=%x"), aInfo.iMtu, aInfo.iSpeedMetric, (TUint)aInfo.iFeatures);
   231 	ShowText(buf);
   232 	}
   234 void CIpAdmEngine::Show(TInt /*aVersion*/, const TSoInetRouteInfo &aInfo)
   235 	{
   236 	TBuf<1000> buf;
   237 	buf = _L("rt");
   238 	AppendRouteType(buf, aInfo.iType);
   239 	AppendRouteState(buf, aInfo.iState);
   240 	AppendIpAddress(buf, _L(""), (const TInetAddr &)aInfo.iDstAddr, 0);
   241 	AppendIpMask(buf, (const TInetAddr &)aInfo.iNetMask);
   242 	// the iIfAddr is actually the src address to be used for this route destination
   243 	AppendIpAddress(buf, _L(" src="), (const TInetAddr &)aInfo.iIfAddr);
   244 	if (aInfo.iGateway.Family() == KAfInet6 || aInfo.iGateway.Family() == KAfInet)
   245 		AppendIpAddress(buf, _L(" gw="), (const TInetAddr &)aInfo.iGateway);
   246 	else
   247 		AppendRawAddress(buf, _L(" hwa="), aInfo.iGateway);
   248 	buf.AppendFormat(_L(" M=%d"), aInfo.iMetric);
   249 	ShowText(buf);
   250 	}
   252 void CIpAdmEngine::ListInterfaces(TInt aVersion, const TDesC &aProtocol)
   253 	{
   254 	RSocket socket;
   256 	if (CheckResult(aProtocol, socket.Open(iSS, aProtocol)) != KErrNone)
   257 		return;
   258 	if (socket.SetOpt(KSoInetEnumInterfaces, KSolInetIfCtrl) == KErrNone)
   259 		{
   260 		TPckgBuf<TSoInetInterfaceInfo> opt;
   261 		while (socket.GetOpt(KSoInetNextInterface, KSolInetIfCtrl, opt) == KErrNone)
   262 			Show(aVersion, opt());
   263 		}
   264 	socket.Close();
   265 	}
   267 void CIpAdmEngine::ListRoutes(TInt aVersion, const TDesC &aProtocol)
   268 	{
   269 	RSocket socket;
   271 	if (CheckResult(aProtocol, socket.Open(iSS, aProtocol)) != KErrNone)
   272 		return;
   273 	if (socket.SetOpt(KSoInetEnumRoutes, KSolInetRtCtrl) == KErrNone)
   274 		{
   275 		TPckgBuf<TSoInetRouteInfo> opt;
   276 		while (socket.GetOpt(KSoInetNextRoute, KSolInetRtCtrl, opt) == KErrNone)
   277 			Show(aVersion, opt());
   278 		}
   279 	socket.Close();
   280 	}
   282 class TParser : public TLex
   283 	{
   284 public:
   285 	TParser(const TDesC &aStr);
   286 	void NextToken();
   287 	int SkipSpaceAndMark();
   288 	TInt ParameterValue(const TDesC &aKey, TInt &aValue, const TInt aDefault = 0);
   289 	TInt ParameterValue(const TDesC &aKey, TInetAddr &aValue);
   290 	TLexMark iLine;
   291 	TLexMark iCurrent;
   292 	TPtrC iLastLine;
   293 	TPtrC Line();
   294 	inline void MarkLine() { iCurrent = iLine; iOpen = 1; }
   295 	TPtrC iToken;
   296 	TInt iOpen;
   297 	TInt iFirst;	// Non-zero, if next token is first in line
   298 	};
   300 #pragma warning (disable:4097)
   301 TParser::TParser(const TDesC &aStr) : TLex(aStr), iLine(), iCurrent(), iLastLine(), iToken(), iOpen(0), iFirst(1)
   302 	{
   303 	Mark(iLine);
   304 	MarkLine();
   305 	}
   306 #pragma warning (default:4097)
   308 //
   309 // Return current line as a descriptor
   310 // (and skip to the next line, if not fully parsed)
   311 //
   312 TPtrC TParser::Line()
   313 	{
   314 	if (iOpen)
   315 		{
   316 		// Line not fully parsed yet, search to the EOL
   317 		while (!Eos())
   318 			{
   319 			TChar ch = Get();
   320 			if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r')
   321 				{
   322 				iLastLine.Set(MarkedToken(iCurrent));
   323 				iOpen = 0;
   324 				Mark(iLine);
   325 				break;
   326 				}
   327 			}
   328 		}
   329 	return iLastLine;
   330 	}
   331 //
   332 // Skip white space and mark, including comments!
   333 //
   334 int TParser::SkipSpaceAndMark()
   335 	{
   336 	TChar ch;
   337 	TInt comment = 0;
   338 	TInt newline = 0;
   340 	while (!Eos())
   341 		{
   342 		ch = Get();
   343 		if (ch =='\n')
   344 			{
   345 			comment = 0;
   346 			newline = 1;
   347 			if (iOpen)
   348 				{
   349 				iLastLine.Set(MarkedToken(iCurrent));
   350 				iOpen = 0;
   351 				}
   352 			Mark(iLine);
   353 			}
   354 		else if (comment || ch == '#')
   355 			comment = 1;
   356 		else if (!ch.IsSpace())
   357 			{
   358 			UnGet();
   359 			break;
   360 			}
   361 		}
   362 	Mark();
   363 	return newline;
   364 	}
   366 //
   367 // Extract Next token and return
   368 //
   369 void TParser::NextToken()
   370 	{
   371 	if (SkipSpaceAndMark())
   372 		iFirst = 1;		// New line!
   373 	if (Eos())
   374 		{
   375 		iFirst = -1;
   376 		return;
   377 		}
   378 	while (!Eos())
   379 		{
   380 		TChar ch = Peek();
   381 		if (ch == '#' || ch.IsSpace())
   382 			break;
   383 		Inc();
   384 		}
   385 	iToken.Set(MarkedToken());
   386 	iFirst = SkipSpaceAndMark();
   387 	}
   389 TInt TParser::ParameterValue(const TDesC &aKey, TInt &aValue, const TInt aDefault)
   390 	{
   391 	if (aKey.Compare(iToken) != 0)
   392 		return KErrNotFound;		// Doesn't match, do nothing
   393 	//
   394 	// When the keyword matches, return is always KErrNone
   395 	// (caller must deduce errors by aDefault.
   396 	//
   397 	if (iFirst)
   398 		aValue = aDefault;
   399 	else if (Val(aValue) == KErrNone)
   400 		iFirst = SkipSpaceAndMark();
   401 	else
   402 		aValue = aDefault;
   403 	return KErrNone;
   404 	}
   406 TInt TParser::ParameterValue(const TDesC &aKey, TInetAddr &aValue)
   407 	{
   408 	if (aKey.Compare(iToken) != 0)
   409 		return KErrNotFound;		// Doesn't match, do nothing
   410 	//
   411 	// When the keyword matches, return is always KErrNone
   412 	// (caller must deduce errors by aDefault.
   413 	//
   414 	if (!iFirst)
   415 		{
   416 		NextToken();
   417 		if (aValue.Input(iToken) == KErrNone)
   418 			return KErrNone;
   419 		}
   420 	aValue.SetFamily(0);
   421 	return KErrNone;
   422 	}
   425 void CIpAdmEngine::AddRoutes(const TDesC &aProtocol)
   426 	{
   427 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   428 	RSocket socket;
   430 	if (CheckResult(aProtocol, socket.Open(iSS, aProtocol)) != KErrNone)
   431 		return;
   433 	HBufC *buf = NULL;
   434 #ifndef __DATA_CAGING__
   435 	TRAP(err, buf = UnicodeLoad::LoadL(iFS, DEFAULT_ROUTES_FILE));
   436 	if (CheckResult(DEFAULT_ROUTES_FILE, err))
   437 #else // __DATA_CAGING__
   438 // get private path
   439 	TFileName filename;
   440 	RFs theFS;
   442 	theFS.Connect();
   443 	theFS.PrivatePath(filename);
   444 	theFS.Close();
   445 	filename.Append(DEFAULT_ROUTES_FILE);
   447 	TRAP(err, buf = UnicodeLoad::LoadL(iFS, filename));
   448 	if (CheckResult(filename, err))
   449 #endif // __DATA_CAGING__
   450 		{
   451 		socket.Close();
   452 		return;
   453 		}
   454 	//lint -save -e613 Trapped above
   455 	TParser inifile(*buf); //lint -restore
   456 	TInt route_count = 0;
   457 	TInt if_count = 0;
   458 	while (!err)
   459 		{
   460 		// Skip until first token in line
   461 		while (inifile.iFirst == 0)
   462 			inifile.NextToken();
   463 		if (inifile.iFirst < 0)
   464 			break;
   466 		//
   467 		// The route file is a simple list of lines with following format
   468 		//
   469 		inifile.NextToken();
   470 		inifile.MarkLine();
   471 		if ((inifile.iToken.Compare(_L("route-add")) == 0))
   472 			{
   473 			//    route-add destination netmask metric gateway interface
   474 			//
   475 			// all except the "metric" are assumed to be addresses
   476 			//
   477 			TPckgBuf<TSoInetRouteInfo> opt;
   478 			opt().iType = ERtUser;
   479 			opt().iState = ERtReady;
   480 			opt().iIfAddr.SetFamily(KAFUnspec);
   481 			for (int i = 0; !err && inifile.iFirst == 0; ++i)
   482 				{
   483 				switch (i)
   484 					{
   485 					case 0:	// Destination
   486 						inifile.NextToken();
   487 						err = (TInetAddr::Cast(opt().iDstAddr)).Input(inifile.iToken);
   488 						break;
   489 					case 1: // Netmask
   490 						inifile.NextToken();
   491 						err = (TInetAddr::Cast(opt().iNetMask)).Input(inifile.iToken);
   492 						break;
   493 					case 2:	// metric
   494 						err = inifile.Val(opt().iMetric);
   495 						break;
   496 					case 3:	// Gateway
   497 						inifile.NextToken();
   498 						if (inifile.iToken.Compare(_L("-")) == 0)
   499 							opt().iGateway.SetFamily(KAFUnspec);
   500 						else
   501 							err = (TInetAddr::Cast(opt().iGateway)).Input(inifile.iToken);
   502 						break;
   503 					case 4: // Interface
   504 						inifile.NextToken();
   505 						if (inifile.iToken.Compare(_L("-")) == 0)
   506 							opt().iIfAddr.SetFamily(KAFUnspec);
   507 						else
   508 							err = (TInetAddr::Cast(opt().iIfAddr)).Input(inifile.iToken);
   509 						break;
   510 					default:
   511 						inifile.NextToken();
   512 						break;
   513 					}
   514 				inifile.SkipSpaceAndMark();
   515 				}
   516 			if (err)
   517 				{
   518 				ShowText(_L("Syntax error on line"));
   519 				ShowText(inifile.Line());
   520 				break;
   521 				}
   522 			else if (CheckResult(inifile.Line(), socket.SetOpt(KSoInetAddRoute, KSolInetRtCtrl, opt)) == KErrNone)
   523 				route_count++;
   524 			}
   525 		else if ((inifile.iToken.Compare(_L("ifconfig")) == 0))
   526 			{
   527 			//
   528 			// For now only simple format
   529 			//
   530 			//	ifconfig interface [address [remote]] [parameters]
   531 			//
   532 			//  perameters can be
   533 			//
   534 			//	prefix n	netmask (ip4)/prefix (ip6) [default 32/128]. This *IS* not same
   535 			//				as Unix ifconfig. Here the value tells whether a "single address"
   536 			//				or netmask/prefix configuration is to be performed.
   537 			//
   538 			//		*NOTE*	prefix splits the bits in the address into two sections: (prefix,id)
   539 			//				if prefix part is non-ZERO, it will be added as if router had sent
   540 			//				RA with prefix option with L=1, A=1
   541 			//				if id part is non-ZERO, it will be processed as interface id (alias
   542 			//				keyword will control whether this is primary or additional).
   543 			//
   544 			//		*NOTE*	prefix 128 => id part is zero length, assumed ZERO
   545 			//				prefix 0 => prefix part is zero length, and treated as ZERO
   546 			//
   547 			//		*NOTE*	If configuring for single address, do not specify prefix!
   548 			//
   549 			//	alias		specify additional network address ([address] required)
   550 			//				'alias' is not present, but [address] is, then the primary
   551 			//				network address is configured.
   552 			//	delete		remove specified network address
   553 			//	down		mark interface down
   554 			//	up			mark interface up
   555 			//	metric n	set metric to n
   556 			//	mtu n		set MTU to n
   557 			//	ns1 address	nameserver 1 address
   558 			//	ns2 address	nameserver 2 address
   559 			//	proxy		speficy address as proxy
   560 			//	anycast		specify address as anycast
   561 			//
   563 			TPckgBuf<TSoInet6InterfaceInfo> opt;
   564 #if 1
   565 			opt().iDoState = 0;
   566 			opt().iDoId = 0;
   567 			opt().iDoPrefix = 0;
   568 			opt().iDoAnycast = 0;
   569 #ifndef HURRICANE_INSOCK
   570 			opt().iDoProxy = 0;
   571 #endif
   572 			opt().iAlias = 0;
   573 			opt().iDelete = 0;
   574 			opt().iAddress.SetFamily(0);
   575 			opt().iDefGate.SetFamily(0);
   576 			opt().iNetMask.SetFamily(0);
   577 			opt().iNameSer1.SetFamily(0);
   578 			opt().iNameSer2.SetFamily(0);
   579 			opt().iMtu = 0;
   580 			opt().iSpeedMetric = 0;
   581 #else
   582 			// unfortunately, this does not work.. "has initialized data" in MARM compile!
   583 			static const TSoInet6InterfaceInfo init_opt;
   584 			opt() = init_opt;
   585 #endif
   586 			TInt prefix = -1;
   587 			for (int i = 0; !err && inifile.iFirst == 0; ++i)
   588 				{
   589 				inifile.NextToken();
   590 				switch (i)
   591 					{
   592 					case 0:	// Interface Name
   593 						opt().iName = inifile.iToken;
   594 						opt().iTag = inifile.iToken;
   595 						break;
   596 					case 1: // Address
   597 						if ((TInetAddr::Cast(opt().iAddress)).Input(inifile.iToken) != KErrNone)
   598 							{
   599 							i = 2;	// We won't have remote address either!
   600 							goto parameters; //lint !e801 // no clean way to do it without goto
   601 							}
   602 						break;
   603 					case 2: // Remote Address
   604 						if ((TInetAddr::Cast(opt().iDefGate)).Input(inifile.iToken) == KErrNone)
   605 							break;
   606 						//lint -fallthrough
   607 					default:
   608 parameters:
   609 						if (opt().iDoState == 0)
   610 							{
   611 							if (inifile.iToken.Compare(_L("down")) == 0)
   612 								{
   613 								opt().iState = EIfDown;
   614 								opt().iDoState = 1;
   615 								break;
   616 								}
   617 							if (inifile.iToken.Compare(_L("up")) == 0)
   618 								{
   619 								opt().iState = EIfUp;
   620 								opt().iDoState = 1;
   621 								break;
   622 								}
   623 							}
   624 						if (opt().iDoAnycast == 0 &&
   625 #ifndef HURRICANE_INSOCK
   626 							opt().iDoProxy == 0 &&
   627 #endif
   628 							prefix < 0)
   629 							{
   630 							// Only one of 'proxy' or 'anycast' can be present. Also, prefix must not
   631 							// be present.
   632 							if (inifile.iToken.Compare(_L("anycast")) == 0)
   633 								{
   634 								opt().iDoAnycast = 1;
   635 								break;
   636 								}
   637 							else if (inifile.iToken.Compare(_L("proxy")) == 0)
   638 								{
   639 #ifndef HURRICANE_INSOCK
   640 								opt().iDoProxy = 1;
   641 #endif
   642 								break;
   643 								}
   644 							}
   645 						if (opt().iNameSer1.Family() == 0 && inifile.ParameterValue(_L("ns1"), opt().iNameSer1) == KErrNone)
   646 							break;
   647 						if (opt().iNameSer2.Family() == 0 && inifile.ParameterValue(_L("ns2"), opt().iNameSer2) == KErrNone)
   648 							break;
   649 						if (opt().iDelete == 0 && inifile.iToken.Compare(_L("delete")) == 0)
   650 							{
   651 							opt().iDelete = 1;
   652 							break;
   653 							}
   654 						if (opt().iAlias == 0 && inifile.iToken.Compare(_L("alias")) == 0)
   655 							{
   656 							opt().iAlias = 1;
   657 							break;
   658 							}
   659 						if (opt().iMtu == 0 && inifile.ParameterValue(_L("mtu"), opt().iMtu) == KErrNone)
   660 							break;
   661 						if (opt().iSpeedMetric == 0 && inifile.ParameterValue(_L("metric"), opt().iSpeedMetric) == KErrNone)
   662 							break;
   663 						if (opt().iDoAnycast == 0 &&
   664 #ifndef HURRICANE_INSOCK
   665 							opt().iDoProxy == 0 &&
   666 #endif
   667 							prefix < 0 &&
   668 							inifile.ParameterValue(_L("prefix"), prefix, 129) == KErrNone)
   669 							{
   670 							// prefix == 129, if value is missing => Error
   671 							if (prefix > 128)
   672 								err = KErrArgument;
   673 							break;
   674 							}
   675 						err = KErrGeneral;
   676 						break;
   677 					}
   678 					inifile.SkipSpaceAndMark();
   679 				}
   680 			if (!err)
   681 				{
   682 				// Munge the prefix information into TSoInet6InterfaceInfo
   683 				if (prefix < 0)
   684 					{
   685 					// No prefix present, iNetMask is left unspecified,
   686 					// request "single address" processing (prefix = 128)
   687 					opt().iDoId = 1;
   688 					opt().iDoPrefix = 1;
   689 					}
   690 				else if (opt().iAddress.Family() == KAfInet && prefix <= 32)
   691 					{
   692 					// IPv4 processing -- defines the netmask
   693 					const TUint32 mask = ~0UL << (32 - prefix);
   694 					const TUint32 addr = opt().iAddress.Address();
   695 					TInetAddr::Cast(opt().iNetMask).SetAddress(mask);
   696 					if (mask & addr)
   697 						opt().iDoPrefix = 1;
   698 					if ((~mask) & addr)
   699 						opt().iDoId = 1;
   700 					}
   701 				else if (opt().iAddress.Family() == KAfInet6 && prefix <= 128)
   702 					{
   703 					// IPv6 processing
   704 					TInetAddr p;
   705 					// Is Prefix part all zeroes?
   706 					p.Prefix(TInetAddr::Cast(opt().iAddress), prefix);
   707 					if (!p.Ip6Address().IsUnspecified())
   708 						opt().iDoPrefix = 1;
   709 					TInetAddr::Cast(opt().iNetMask).PrefixMask(prefix);
   710 					// Is Id part all zeroes?
   711 					p.SetAddress(TInetAddr::Cast(opt().iAddress).Ip6Address());
   712 					const TIp6Addr addr = p.Ip6Address();
   713 					const TIp6Addr mask = TInetAddr::Cast(opt().iNetMask).Ip6Address();
   714 					if ((addr.u.iAddr32[0] & ~mask.u.iAddr32[0]) != 0 ||
   715 						(addr.u.iAddr32[1] & ~mask.u.iAddr32[1]) != 0 ||
   716 						(addr.u.iAddr32[2] & ~mask.u.iAddr32[2]) != 0 ||
   717 						(addr.u.iAddr32[3] & ~mask.u.iAddr32[3]) != 0)
   718 						opt().iDoId = 1;
   719 					}
   720 				else
   721 					{
   722 					// incorrect of prefix value
   723 					err = KErrArgument;
   724 					}
   725 				}
   726 			if (err)
   727 				{
   728 				ShowText(_L("Syntax error on line"));
   729 				ShowText(inifile.Line());
   730 				break;
   731 				}
   732 			else if (CheckResult(inifile.Line(), socket.SetOpt(KSoInetConfigInterface, KSolInetIfCtrl, opt)) == KErrNone)
   733 				if_count++;
   734 			}
   735 #ifndef HURRICANE_INSOCK
   736 		else if ((inifile.iToken.Compare(_L("setscope")) == 0))
   737 			{
   738 			//
   739 			// For now only simple format
   740 			//
   741 			//	setscope interface interface2 level
   742 			//
   743 			//  perameters can be
   744 			//
   745 			//	interface	the name of the interface to be change
   746 			//	interface2	the name of the interface to used as a source for the scope values
   747 			//	scope		the scope of the join point [2..16]
   749 			TPckgBuf<TSoInetIfQuery> opt1;
   750 			TPckgBuf<TSoInetIfQuery> opt2;
   751 			TInt scope = -1;
   752 			TInt i = 0;
   753 			for (i = 0; !err && inifile.iFirst == 0; ++i)
   754 				{
   755 				inifile.NextToken();
   756 				switch (i)
   757 					{
   758 					case 0:	// Interface Name (to modify)
   759 						opt1().iName = inifile.iToken;
   760 						err = CheckResult(inifile.iToken, socket.GetOpt(KSoInetIfQueryByName, KSolInetIfQuery, opt1));
   761 						break;
   762 					case 1: // Interface Name (the source)
   763 						opt2().iName = inifile.iToken;
   764 						err = CheckResult(inifile.iToken, socket.GetOpt(KSoInetIfQueryByName, KSolInetIfQuery, opt2));
   765 						break;
   766 					case 2: // Scope Level
   767 						err = inifile.ParameterValue(_L("level"), scope);
   768 						break;
   769 					default:
   770 						err = KErrArgument;
   771 						break;
   772 					}
   773 				inifile.SkipSpaceAndMark();
   774 				}
   775 			if (err || scope < 2 || scope > 16)
   776 				{
   777 				ShowText(_L("Syntax error on line"));
   778 				ShowText(inifile.Line());
   779 				break;
   780 				}
   781 			//
   782 			// Build a new scope id vector
   783 			//
   784 			scope -= 1; // scope array is indexed from 0
   785 #if 0
   786 			for (i = 0; ++i < scope;)
   787 				opt1().iZone[i] = ~opt1().iZone[0];
   788 			for ( ;scope < STATIC_CAST(TInt, sizeof(opt1().iZone) / sizeof(opt1().iZone[0])); ++scope)
   789 				opt1().iZone[scope] = opt2().iZone[scope];
   790 #else
   791 			opt1().iZone[scope] = opt2().iZone[scope];
   792 #endif
   793 			opt1().iIndex = opt1().iZone[0];
   794 			err = CheckResult(inifile.Line(), socket.SetOpt(KSoInetIfQuerySetScope, KSolInetIfQuery, opt1));
   795 			}
   796 #endif
   797 		}
   798 	delete buf;
   799 	TBuf<80> text;
   800 	text.Format(_L("Added %d routes, configured %d interfaces"), route_count, if_count);
   801 	ShowText(text);
   802 	socket.Close();
   803 	}
   805 void CIpAdmEngine::HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand)
   806 	{
   807 	switch (aCommand)
   808 		{
   809 		case EIpAdmInterfaces:
   810 			ListInterfaces(4,_L("udp"));
   811 //			ListInterfaces(6,_L("udp6"));
   812 			break;
   813 		case EIpAdmRoutes:
   814 			ListRoutes(4, _L("udp"));
   815 //			ListRoutes(6, _L("udp6"));
   816 			break;
   817 		case EIpAdmAddRoutes:
   818 			AddRoutes(_L("udp"));
   819 			break;
   820 		default:
   821 			break;
   822 		}
   823 	}
   826 //
   827 // CIpAdmEngine::CheckResult
   828 //	Output success or fail message, returns the error code
   829 //
   830 TInt CIpAdmEngine::CheckResult(const TDesC &aText, TInt aResult)
   831 	{
   832 	if (aResult == KErrNone)
   833 		return KErrNone;
   835 	TBuf<100> err;
   836 	CEikonEnv::Static()->GetErrorText(err, aResult);
   838 	TBuf<200> str(aText);
   839 	str.AppendFormat(_L(" returned with [%s] "), err.PtrZ());
   840 	iAppView->Write(str);
   842 	return aResult;
   843 	}
   844 //
   845 // CIpAdmEngine::CheckResultL
   846 //	Output success or fail message, and Leave if the code is not
   847 //	KErrNone.
   848 //
   849 void CIpAdmEngine::CheckResultL(const TDesC &aText, TInt aResult)
   850 	{
   851 	if (CheckResult(aText, aResult) != KErrNone)
   852 		User::Leave(aResult);
   853 	}
   855 void CIpAdmEngine::ShowText(const TDesC &aText)
   856 	{
   857 	iAppView->Write(aText);
   858 	}