changeset 15 5b5908ec640f
parent 13 3a35f7917fa6
child 17 03d9ade4748d
--- a/networkingutils/nameresolverutility/src/engine.cpp	Thu May 27 12:52:45 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// engine.cpp - nslookup client engine
-#include <e32math.h>
-#include <e32std.h>
-#include <eikenv.h>
-#include <plpsess.h>	//Used for RRemoteLink
-#include <networking/dnd_err.h>
-#include <dns_ext.h>
-#include <dns_qry.h>
-#include "engine.h"
-#include <nslookup.rsg>
-#include "nslookup.h"
-CNslookup::CNslookup(): CActive(EPriorityStandard)
-	{
-	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);	//Adds itself to the scheduler only the first time
-	}
-//Sets the remote link to off
-void CNslookup::DisableRemoteLink()
-	{
-	RRemoteLink link;
-	TRemoteLinkStatus state;
-	TInt err=link.Open();
-	if (err==KErrNone)
-		{
-		if (link.Status(state)!=KErrNone)
-			return;
-		if (state.iStatus!=TRemoteLinkStatus::EDisabled)
-			{
-			iConsole->WriteLine(_L("Disabling Remote link\n"));
-			link.Disable(); 
-			}
-		link.Close();
-		}
-	}
-//Sets all default values. Actually it's no more a L function
-void CNslookup::ConstructL(const TPreferences& aPref)
-	{
-	// Base class second-phase construction.
-	iHostname=aPref.iHostname;
-	}
-//return the current preferences
-void CNslookup::GetPreferences(TPreferences &aPref) const
-	{	
-	aPref.iHostname=iHostname;		//Address to Ping
-	}
-void CNslookup::DefaultPreferences(TPreferences &aPref)
-	{	
-	aPref.iHostname=_L("");
-	}
-const TDesC* CNslookup::GetHostName() const
-	{
-	return &iHostname;
-	}
-void CNslookup::SetHostName(const TDes& aHostname)
-	{
-	iHostname = aHostname;
-	}
-void CNslookup::SetConsole(CNslookupContainer* aConsole)
-	{
-	iConsole = aConsole;
-	}
-	{
-	Cancel();
-	}
-//Shows the error and set the application as not running. 
-//Requires a return after calling it!
-void CNslookup::Error(const TDesC& string,TInt error)
-	{
-	TBuf<150> aux;
-	TBuf<100> errtxt;
-	CEikonEnv::Static()->GetErrorText( errtxt,error);
-	aux.Append(string);	
-	aux.Append(_L(": "));
-	aux.Append(errtxt);
-	aux.AppendFormat(_L(" (%d)\n"), error);
-	iConsole->WriteLine(aux);
-	}
-void CNslookup::Stop()
-	{
-	iHostResolv.Close();
-	iSockServ.Close();
-	CEikonEnv::Static()->BusyMsgCancel();
-	}
-void CNslookup::BeginL()
-	{
-	TInt err=0;
-	if (IsRunning())	// There's another instance running
-		return;
-	DisableRemoteLink();
-	iConsole->WriteHostL(iHostname);
-	//connecting the Socket Server
-	err = iSockServ.Connect();	//KESockDefaultMessageSlots
-	if (err!=KErrNone)
-		{
-		Error(_L("Socket Server Error (Connect)"),err);
-		return;
-		}
-	err = iHostResolv.Open(iSockServ, KAfInet, KProtocolInetUdp);	// Address Resolver 
-	if (err != KErrNone)
-		{
-		Error(_L("Resolver Error (Open)"),err);
-		iSockServ.Close();
-		return;
-		}
-	iConsole->WriteLine(_L("\nResolving...\n"));	
-	CEikonEnv::Static()->BusyMsgL(R_RESOLVING_NAME);
-	TUint16 querytype = KDnsRRTypeInvalid;
-	// This lengthy code checks what the user selected as query type in UI dialog
-	switch (iQueryType)
-		{
-	case 0:		// Default (GetName)
-		break;
-	case 1:		// Query A
-		querytype = KDnsRRTypeA;
-		break;
-	case 2:		// Query NS
-		querytype = KDnsRRTypeNS;
-		break;
-	case 3:		// Query CNAME
-		querytype = KDnsRRTypeCNAME;
-		break;
-	case 4:		// Query WKS
-		querytype = KDnsRRTypeWKS;
-		break;
-	case 5:		// Query PTR
-		querytype = KDnsRRTypePTR;
-		break;
-	case 6:		// Query HINFO
-		querytype = KDnsRRTypeHINFO;
-		break;
-	case 7:		// Query MX
-		querytype = KDnsRRTypeMX;
-		break;
-	case 8:		// Query TXT
-		querytype = KDnsRRTypeTXT;
-		break;
-	case 9:		// Query AAAA
-		querytype = KDnsRRTypeAAAA;
-		break;
-	case 10:	// Query SRV
-		querytype = KDnsRRTypeSRV;
-		break;
-	case 11:	// Query NAPTR
-		querytype = KDnsRRTypeNAPTR;
-		break;
-	case 12:	// Query Any
-		querytype = KDnsQTypeANY;
-		break;
-	case 13:	// Cache Clear
-		querytype = KDnsQTypeCacheClear;
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-		}
-	// If query type was something else than default using GetName(), use the new
-	// Query() interface instead
-	if (querytype != KDnsRRTypeInvalid)
-		{
-		TBuf8<KHostNameLimit> name8;
-		name8.Copy(iHostname);
-		TDnsQuery query(name8, querytype);
-		TPckgC<TDnsQuery> querybuf(query);	
-		// Hmm... Esock seems to use the current length when allocating a buffer for result
-		// output. It should use MaxLength() instead, and now we have to do this to get
-		// over with it
-		iResult.SetLength(iResult.MaxLength());
-		iHostResolv.Query(querybuf, iResult, iStatus);
-		TBuf<80> aux;
-		aux.Copy(_L("Query() interface not supported\n"));
-		iConsole->WriteLine(aux);
-		iQueryType = 0;
-		Stop();
-		return;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		if (iAddress.Input(iHostname) == KErrNone)
-			{
-			iHostResolv.GetByAddress(iAddress, iEntry, iStatus);
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			iHostResolv.GetByName(iHostname, iEntry, iStatus);
-			}
-		}
-	iCount = 0;
-	SetActive();	//Sets the object as Active.
-	}
-static TPtrC ErrorTextL(const TInt aCode)
-	{
-	switch (aCode)
-		{
-		case KErrNotFound:			return _L("Name not found");
-//		case KErrDndTimedOut:		return _L("timed out");
-//		case KErrDndNoHost:			return _L("no host");	// [dubious error code -- eliminate? ]
-//		case KErrDndNoMemorySend:	return _L("Out of memory on send");
-//		case KErrDndNotSent:		return _L("Query not sent");
-		case KErrDndCache:			return _L("Cache error");
-		case KErrDndFormat:			return _L("Bad DNS reply format");
-		case KErrDndServerFailure:	return _L("DNS server failed");
-		case KErrDndBadName:		return _L("Name does not exist in DNS");
-		case KErrDndNotImplemented:	return _L("Query not implemented by DNS server");
-		case KErrDndRefused:		return _L("DNS Server refused query");
-//		case KErrDndNoMemoryProc:	return _L("Insufficient memory - can not process the response");
-		case KErrDndNoRecord:		return _L("No record found of the desired type and class"); 
-		case KErrDndNameTooBig:		return _L("Buffer overflow");
-		case KErrDndUnknown:		return _L("Error in DND");
-		case KErrDndServerUnusable:	return _L("No answer available from current server");
-		default:
-			break;
-		}
-	User::Leave(aCode);
-	return _L("");  // to make compiler happy
-	}
-void CNslookup::RunL()
-	{
-	TInt src_addr = 0;
-	TBuf<100> textIPaddress;	//text address to be displayed
-	TBuf<356> aux;
-	if (iStatus != KErrNone)
-		{
-		if (iCount == 0)
-			{
-			// An error message is only shown, if the primary query
-			// failes, and not for subsequent Next() operations.
-			TBuf<100> msg(iHostname);
-			TRAPD(err,
-				TPtrC errText = ErrorTextL(iStatus.Int());
-				msg.AppendFormat(_L(" - %S\n"), &errText));
-			if (err == KErrNone)
-				iConsole->WriteLine(msg);
-			else
-				Error(msg, iStatus.Int());
-			}
-		Stop();
-		return;
-		}	
-	// Check if we are using the query interface instead of GetName()
-	if (iQueryType != KDnsRRTypeInvalid)
-		{
-		QueryResponse();
-		// See explanation of this SetLength() hack above
-		iResult.SetLength(iResult.MaxLength());
-		iHostResolv.QueryGetNext(iResult, iStatus);
-		iCount++;
-		SetActive();
-		return;
-		}
-	aux.Append(iEntry().iName);   // maybe the main name is not the entered
-	switch (iEntry().iAddr.Family())
-		{
-	case KAfInet:
-	case KAfInet6:
-		aux.Append(_L(" is "));
-		iHostAddr = TInetAddr::Cast(iEntry().iAddr);	//host address
-		iHostAddr.Output(textIPaddress);
-		aux.Append(textIPaddress);
-		src_addr = iShowSource && !iHostAddr.IsUnspecified();
-		break;
-	case KAfDns:
-		{
-		SDnsRR &rr = TInetDnsRR::Cast(iEntry().iAddr).RR();
-		if (rr.iClass == 1 /* IN */)
-			{
-			if (rr.iType == 2 /* NS */)
-				{
-				aux.Append(_L(" NS"));
-				break;
-				}
-			else if (rr.iType == 6 /* SOA */)
-				{
-				aux.AppendFormat(_L(" SOA serial=%u refresh=%u retry=%u expire=%u min=%u"),
-					(TUint)rr.iSOA.iSerial,
-					(TUint)rr.iSOA.iRefresh,
-					(TUint)rr.iSOA.iRetry,
-					(TUint)rr.iSOA.iExpire,
-					(TUint)rr.iSOA.iMinimum);
-				break;
-				}
-			else if (rr.iType == 15 /* MX */)
-				{
-				aux.AppendFormat(_L(" MX preference=%d"), (TInt)rr.iMX.iPreference);
-				break;
-				}
-			else if (rr.iType == 33 /* SRV */)
-				{
-				aux.AppendFormat(_L(" SRV port=%d priority=%d weight=%d"),
-					(TInt)iEntry().iAddr.Port(), (TInt)rr.iSRV.iPriority, (TInt)rr.iSRV.iWeight);
-				break;
-				}
-			else if (rr.iType == 35 /* NAPTR */)
-				{
-				TPtrC replacement = rr.iNAPTR.REPLACEMENT(iEntry().iName);
-				TPtrC services = rr.iNAPTR.SERVICES(iEntry().iName);
-				TPtrC regexp = rr.iNAPTR.REGEXP(iEntry().iName);
-				aux.AppendFormat(_L(" NAPTR order=%d, preference=%d repl=%S services=%S regexp=%S"),
-					(TInt)rr.iNAPTR.iOrder,
-					(TInt)rr.iNAPTR.iPreference,
-					&replacement,
-					&services,
-					&regexp);
-				break;
-				}
-			}
-		aux.AppendFormat(_L(" class=%d type=%d"), (TInt)rr.iClass, (TInt)rr.iType);
-		}
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-		}
-	const TUint flags = iEntry().iFlags;
-	if (flags)
-		{
-		aux.Append(_L(" ( "));
-		if (flags & EDnsAlias)
-			aux.Append(_L("Alias "));
-		if (flags & EDnsAuthoritive)
-			aux.Append(_L("Authoritative "));
-		if (flags & EDnsHostsFile)
-			aux.Append(_L("Hostfile "));
-		if (flags & EDnsServer)
-			aux.Append(_L("DNS "));
-		if (flags & EDnsHostName)
-			aux.Append(_L("MyName "));
-		if (flags & EDnsCache)
-			aux.Append(_L("Cached "));
-		aux.Append(')');
-		}
-	aux.Append(_L("\n"));
-	iConsole->WriteLine(aux);
-	iCount++;
-	if (src_addr)
-		{
-		// Show a matching SRC address.
-		RSocket socket;
-		TPckgBuf<TSoInetIfQuery> opt;
-		opt().iDstAddr = iHostAddr;
-		if (socket.Open(iSockServ, KAfInet, KSockDatagram, KProtocolInetUdp) == KErrNone)
-			{
-			_LIT(KIsVIF, " (VIF)");
-			_LIT(KIsIF, "");
-			_LIT(KNoRoute, "(no route)");
-			(void)socket.GetOpt(KSoInetIfQueryByDstAddr, KSolInetIfQuery, opt);
-			socket.Close();
-			opt().iSrcAddr.OutputWithScope(textIPaddress);
-			aux.Format(_L("   src= %S @ %S%S\n"), &textIPaddress, &opt().iName,
-				opt().iName.Length() == 0 ? &KNoRoute() : opt().iIsUp ? &KIsIF() : &KIsVIF());
-			iConsole->WriteLine(aux);
-			}
-		else
-			iConsole->WriteLine(_L("cannot find src, UDP socket open failed\n"));
-		}
-	//
-	// Get next address
-	//
-	iHostResolv.Next(iEntry, iStatus);
-	SetActive();
-	}
-void CNslookup::DoCancel()
-	{
-	// Called only from Cancel() if there is pending resolve going on... (IsActive())
-	iHostResolv.Cancel();
-	}
-// Outputs some text about the Query() response to the console
-void CNslookup::QueryResponse()
-	{
-	TBuf<256> aux;
-	TBuf<128> addrbuf;
-	if (iResult.Length() < (TInt)sizeof(TDnsQryRespBase))
-		{
-		aux.AppendFormat(_L("Malformed response (length: %d)\n"), iResult.Length());
-		return;
-		}
-	TDnsQryRespBase *respbase = (TDnsQryRespBase *)iResult.Ptr(); //lint !e826 // area length checked above
-	aux.Append(iHostname);
-	aux.AppendFormat(_L(": cl: %d  ttl: %d  "),
-			respbase->RRClass(), respbase->RRTtl());
-	// ugh... I'll do this the hard way: temporary buffer for converting from 8-bit
-	// DNS result descriptors to 16-bit descriptor and the append to output buffer.
-	// A better solution will follow a bit later...
-	switch(respbase->RRType())
-		{
-	case KDnsRRTypeA:
-		{
-		const TDnsRespA *const respA = (TDnsRespA *) respbase;
-		respA->HostAddress().Output(addrbuf);
-		aux.Append(_L("type: A  "));
-		aux.Append(_L("addr: "));
-		aux.Append(addrbuf);
-		}
-		break;
-	case KDnsRRTypeAAAA:
-		{
-		const TDnsRespAAAA *const respAAAA = (TDnsRespAAAA *) respbase;
-		respAAAA->HostAddress().Output(addrbuf);
-		aux.Append(_L("type: AAAA  "));
-		aux.Append(_L("addr: "));
-		aux.Append(addrbuf);
-		}
-		break;
-	case KDnsRRTypePTR:
-		{
-		const TDnsRespPTR *const respPTR = (TDnsRespPTR *) respbase;
-		aux.Append(_L("type: PTR  "));
-		aux.Append(_L("name: "));
-		addrbuf.Copy(respPTR->HostName());
-		aux.Append(addrbuf);
-		}
-		break;
-	case KDnsRRTypeMX:
-		{
-		const TDnsRespMX *const respMX = (TDnsRespMX *) respbase;
-		aux.Append(_L("type: MX  "));
-		aux.AppendFormat(_L("pref: %d  "), respMX->Pref());
-		aux.Append(_L("name: "));
-		addrbuf.Copy(respMX->HostName());
-		aux.Append(addrbuf);
-		}
-		break;
-	case KDnsRRTypeSRV:
-		{
-		const TDnsRespSRV *const respSRV = (TDnsRespSRV *) respbase;
-		aux.Append(_L("type: SRV  "));
-		aux.AppendFormat(_L("prio: %d  wght: %d  port: %d  targ: "),
-				respSRV->Priority(), respSRV->Weight(), respSRV->Port());
-		addrbuf.Copy(respSRV->Target());
-		aux.Append(addrbuf);
-		}
-		break;
-	case KDnsRRTypeNAPTR:
-		{
-		const TDnsRespNAPTR *const respNAPTR = (TDnsRespNAPTR *) respbase;
-		aux.Append(_L("type: NAPTR  "));
-		aux.AppendFormat(_L("ordr: %d  pref: %d  flag: "));
-		addrbuf.Copy(respNAPTR->Flags());
-		aux.Append(addrbuf);
-		aux.Append(_L("  serv: "));
-		addrbuf.Copy(respNAPTR->Service());
-		aux.Append(addrbuf);
-		aux.Append(_L("  regx: "));
-		addrbuf.Copy(respNAPTR->Regexp());
-		aux.Append(addrbuf);
-		aux.Append(_L("  repl: "));
-		addrbuf.Copy(respNAPTR->Replacement());
-		aux.Append(addrbuf);
-		}
-		break;
-	case KDnsQTypeCacheClear:
-		{
-		aux.Append(_L("  OK"));
-		break;
-		}
-	default:
-		aux.AppendFormat(_L("Unknown response type: %d"), respbase->RRType());
-		break;
-		}
-	aux.Append(_L("\n"));
-	iConsole->WriteLine(aux);			
-	}
-// Stops NSLOOKUP
-void CNslookup::EndNslookup()
-	{	
-	Cancel();
-	Stop();
-	}
-// Just checks if sending packets from a previous ping
-TBool CNslookup::IsRunning() const
-	{
-	return IsActive();
-	}