--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildverification/smoketest/SmokeTestROM.pm Tue Jan 26 15:16:33 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# The SmokeTestROM package contains all the subroutines needed to build a ROM for
+# automated smoke testing.
+# This script was born on 18/04/2005
+# Revision number 1: 11/08/2005
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+package SmokeTestROM;
+use strict;
+# Define Core IMAGE file name as created by rombuild
+my $coreImage = "*techview.nand.img";
+# Define the target filename for the Core ROM
+my $newCoreImage = "core.img";
+# Define ROFS IMAGE file name as created by rombuild
+my $ROFSImage = "*techview.nand.rofs.img";
+# Define the target file name for the ROFS ROM
+my $newROFSImage = "rofs1.img";
+# Define NAND image file name.
+my $nandImage = "*ARMV5.IMG";
+# CR 0844 (Both H2 and H4 use -D_NAND2)
+# PrepareNANDROM - subroutine to create the NAND ROM for smoke testing; zero arguments
+# USAGE: PrepareNANDROM("h2");
+# USAGE: PrepareNANDROM("h4hrp");
+sub PrepareNANDROM
+ my ($arg) = @_; # Grab the first and only argument
+ # Change dir to NAND Loader directory
+ chdir "$SmokeTest::NandDir" or &SmokeTest::DieLog("Can't cd to $SmokeTest::NandDir");
+ if(lc($arg) eq "h2") # Here we are in the H2 NAND case
+ {
+ # Run the rom command to create the image ... H2 also to use -D_NAND2
+ SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("rom -v=h2 -i=armv5 -t=nandtest_load_noext -d=_NAND2 -b=urel");
+ }
+ elsif(lc($arg) eq "h4hrp") # Here we are in the H4 NAND case
+ {
+ SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("rom -v=h4hrp -i=armv5 -t=nandtest_load_noext -d=_NAND2 -b=urel");
+ }
+ # Change directory to Smoketest directory
+ chdir "$SmokeTest::SmokeTestDir" or &SmokeTest::DieLog("Can't cd to $SmokeTest::SmokeTestDir");
+ # Get the filename of the NAND image file
+ my @NANDname = glob("$SmokeTest::NandDir\\$nandImage");
+ # There should be exactly one file matching $nandImage. If not give warning.
+ if(@NANDname != 1)
+ {
+ print "PrepareNANDROM: warning: " . scalar(@NANDname) . " files matching $nandImage in $SmokeTest::NandDir\\: [@NANDname].\n";
+ }
+ # Attempt to delete any files already in this directory left over from previous runs
+ print "PrepareNANDROM: attempting to delete any debris from the last run:\n";
+ SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("DEL /Q $nandImage");
+ for my $filename(@NANDname)
+ {
+ if((lc($arg) eq "h2") && ($filename =~ /h2/i)) # This is the H2 NAND case, so copy H2 image
+ {
+ # Copy $nandImage to the current working directory
+ print "PrepareNANDROM: copying $filename to .\n";
+ SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("COPY $filename");
+ }
+ elsif((lc($arg) eq "h4hrp") && ($filename =~ /h4hrp/i)) # This is the H4 NAND case, so copy H4 image
+ {
+ # Copy $nandImage to the current working directory
+ print "PrepareNANDROM: copying $filename to .\n";
+ SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("COPY $filename");
+ }
+ }
+# CR 0844 (Both H2 and H4 use -D_NAND2)
+# CreateAndZipROM creates the various ROMS; up to 5 arguments.
+# Usage:
+# CreateAndZipROM("ARMV5", "lubbock", "-DRVCT", "PlatSec");
+# CreateAndZipROM("ARMV5", "h2", "-DRVCT", "PlatSec");
+# CreateAndZipROM("ARMV5", "h2", "-DRVCT", "PlatSec", "-D_NAND2");
+# CreateAndZipROM("ARMV5", "h4hrp", "-DRVCT", "PlatSec", "-D_NAND2");
+sub CreateAndZipROM
+ my @args = @_; # Array to hold the arguments
+ # This sixth argument $args[5] determines whether to build the NAND version
+ # of the ROM or not. Set it equal to the empty string if the argument
+ # isn't defined otherwise it should equal the argument
+ my $nandROM;
+ if(defined $args[5])
+ {
+ if($args[5] =~ /-D_NAND/)
+ {
+ $nandROM = $args[5];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "Invalid final argument in CreateAndZipROM. Exiting.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $nandROM = "";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ #
+ # Build ROM with STAT run automatically
+ #
+ print "\n";
+ print "#\n# Build $args[0] $args[1] ROM with STAT run automatically\n#\n";
+ print "\n";
+ SmokeTest::PrintDateTime();
+ my $eabi = "";
+ if ($args[0] eq "ARMV5")
+ {
+ $eabi = "-D_EABI=$args[0]";
+ }
+ my ($iProductNum,$buildrom);
+ $iProductNum = $args[4];
+ if ($iProductNum eq 'Future' || $iProductNum >= 9.5 || $iProductNum eq 'tb92' || $iProductNum eq 'tb101sf')
+ {
+####????DavidZjang#$buildrom = SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("buildrom -D_STARTUPMODE2 -D_EABI=ARMV5 -fm=\\epoc32\\rom\\include\\featuredatabase.xml h4hrp techview statauto.iby -osys$rom.bin");
+####????MCL########$buildrom = SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("buildrom -D_STARTUPMODE2 $eabi -fm=\\epoc32\\rom\\include\\featuredatabase.XML GTC_Standard statauto.iby testconfigfileparser.iby");
+ $buildrom = SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("buildrom -D_STARTUPMODE2 $eabi -fm=\\epoc32\\rom\\include\\featuredatabase.XML GTC_Standard_H4 statauto.iby testconfigfileparser.iby");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $buildrom = SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("buildrom -D_STARTUPMODE2 $eabi -fr=\\epoc32\\rom\\include\\featureUIDs.XML GTC_Standard_H4 statauto.iby testconfigfileparser.iby");
+ }
+ print $buildrom;
+ if ( ($buildrom =~ m/rombuild.*failed/i) )
+ {
+ print "\n*** Error In Smoke Test ***\n Building the ROM failed\n$!\n";
+ #&SmokeTest::DieLog("Error In Smoke Test: Building the ROM failed");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "\n*** ROM built successfully ***\n";
+ }
+ if ($nandROM =~ /-D_NAND/)
+ {
+ # Need to rename each on individually as there are several files ending in ".img"
+ print "\n";
+ print "#\n# Renaming NAND ROMs\n#\n";
+ print "\n";
+ SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("MOVE /Y $ROFSImage $newROFSImage");
+ SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("MOVE /Y $coreImage $newCoreImage");
+ # Copy each of the image files to the \epoc32\rom directory
+ print "\n";
+ print "#\n# Copying NAND ROMs\n#\n";
+ print "\n";
+ SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("COPY $newROFSImage \\epoc32\\rom\\");
+ SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("COPY $newCoreImage \\epoc32\\rom\\");
+ # Delete the images
+ print "\n";
+ print "#\n# Deleting images\n#\n";
+ print "\n";
+ SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("DEL *.img");
+# passing $args[1] i.e. h2 / h4hrp to PrepareNANDROM due to CR 0844 (Both H2 and H4 use -D_NAND2)
+ &PrepareNANDROM("$args[1]");
+ }
+ # Rename the IMG file to sys$rom.bin
+ my $ImgDir = SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("DIR *.img");
+ $ImgDir =~ /(\S+\.img)/i;
+ #&SmokeTest::DieLog("Building ROMs failed: Cannot find .IMG file") unless defined $1;
+ print "Name of ROM : $1 \n";
+ SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("MOVE /Y $1 sys\$rom.bin");
+ print "\n";
+ #
+ # ZIP ROM using \epoc32\tools\zip.exe
+ #
+ print "\n";
+ print "#\n# ZIP ROM using \\epoc32\\tools\\zip.exe\n#\n";
+ print "\n";
+ SmokeTest::PrintDateTime();
+ # Now zip the file
+ my $zipresult = SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("$SmokeTest::BuildDir$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\tools\\zip.exe -Tv sys\$rom sys\$rom.bin");
+ print "\n";
+ # Test for zip errors
+ if ($zipresult =~ m/No errors detected/i) # Good case: no errors detected.
+ {
+ print "*** ROM zip successful: no errors detected ***\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($zipresult =~ m/zip error/i) # Zip error
+ {
+ print "*** Error In Smoke Test ***\n Zipping the ROM failed $!\n";
+ #&SmokeTest::DieLog("Error In Smoke Test: Zipping the ROM failed");
+ }
+ else # Worst case
+ {
+ print "*** Error In Smoke Test ***\n Zipping unable to start $!\n";
+ }
+ # Form the string for the temporary zip file locations
+ my $tempZipLocation = "$SmokeTest::SmokeTestDir\\$args[0]\\$args[1]";
+ if ($nandROM =~ /-D_NAND/) # Add \NAND folder if a NAND ROM is being built
+ {
+ if ($args[2] eq "pagedrom") # Add \NAND_DP folder if a Demand Paging NAND ROM is being built
+ {
+ $tempZipLocation .= "\\NAND\(DP\)";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $tempZipLocation .= "\\NAND";
+ }
+ }
+ # Make the temp zip folder
+ SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("MKDIR $tempZipLocation");
+ print "\n";
+ # Copy the ROM to the appropriate directory to be copied later
+ SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("MOVE /Y sys\$rom.zip $tempZipLocation\\sys\$rom.zip");
+ print "\n";
+ SmokeTest::PrintDateTime();