changeset 2 453d490c84a5
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testfwuis/symbianunittestui/qt/mainwindow.cpp	Fri Sep 17 08:58:49 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+ * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+ *
+ * Initial Contributors:
+ * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ *
+ * Description: QT C++ main window Class.
+ *
+ */
+#include <QAction>
+#include <QMenuBar>
+#include <QMenu>
+#include <QGridLayout>
+#include <QTreeWidgetItem>
+#include <QKeyEvent>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QLatin1String>
+#include <QApplication>
+#include "mainwindow.h"
+#include <symbianunittestversion.h>
+#include "dialogaddtests.h"
+#include "tabwidgettestrun.h"
+#include "dialogsettings.h"
+#include "dialogmsg.h"
+static const QString APPNAME = "symbianunittestqt";
+static const QString STYLESHEET = ":/qss/coffee.qss";
+//Symbian EKeyLeftArrow = 0x807
+static const int KeyLeftArrow = 63495;
+//Symbian EKeyRightArrow = 0x808
+static const int KeyRightArrow = 63496;
+//Symbian EKeyUpArrow = 0x809
+static const int KeyUpArrow = 63497;
+//Symbian EKeyDownArrow = 0x80a
+static const int KeyDownArrow = 63498;
+//Symbian EKeyEnter = 0x10
+static const int KeyEnter = 0x10;
+MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget* parent) :
+    QMainWindow(parent)
+    {
+    setTitle();
+    QWidget* centralWidget;
+    centralWidget = new QWidget(this);
+    centralWidget->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
+    setCentralWidget(centralWidget);
+    load();
+    }
+    {
+    }
+void MainWindow::SetStyle(const QString& styleFile)
+    {
+    QFile file(styleFile);
+    bool rst = file.open(QFile::ReadOnly);    
+    if(rst)
+        {
+        QString styleSheet = QLatin1String(file.readAll());    
+        qApp->setStyleSheet(styleSheet);    
+        }
+    file.close();
+    }
+void MainWindow::popupDialogAddTests()
+    {
+    dlgAddTests->clear();
+    dlgAddTests->showMaximized();
+    }
+void MainWindow::popupDialogSettings()
+    {
+    dlgSettings->restoreSettings();
+    dlgSettings->showMaximized();
+    }
+void MainWindow::popupDialogAbout()
+    {
+    dlgAbout->showMsg(tr("%1 v%2.%3.%4").arg(APPNAME) .arg(
+    }
+void MainWindow::setTitle()
+    {
+    this->setWindowTitle(tr("%1 v%2.%3.%4").arg(APPNAME) .arg(
+    }
+void MainWindow::load()
+    {
+    createTabWidget();
+    loadTabWidget();
+    setupTabWidgetEventHandlers();
+    createDialogs();
+    setupDialogEventHandlers();
+    createMenu();
+    setupMenuEventHandlers();
+    loadMenu();
+    setupKeyEventHandlers();
+    SetStyle(STYLESHEET);
+    }
+void MainWindow::createMenu()
+    {
+    atnAddTests = new QAction(tr("Add Tests"), this);
+    menuMarkUnmark = new QMenu(tr("Mark / Unmark"), this);
+    menuMarkUnmark->setEnabled(false);
+    atnMark = new QAction(tr("Mark"), menuMarkUnmark);
+    atnMarkAll = new QAction(tr("Mark All"), menuMarkUnmark);
+    atnUnmark = new QAction(tr("Unmark"), menuMarkUnmark);
+    atnUnmarkAll = new QAction(tr("Unmark All"), menuMarkUnmark);
+    atnRun = new QAction(tr("Run"), this);
+    atnRun->setEnabled(false);
+    atnSettings = new QAction(tr("Settings"), this);
+    atnAbout = new QAction(tr("About"), this);
+    atnExit = new QAction(tr("Exit"), this);
+    }
+void MainWindow::setupMenuEventHandlers()
+    {
+    // add tests
+    connect(atnAddTests, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
+            SLOT(popupDialogAddTests()));
+    // Mark / Unmark single / all
+    connect(atnMark, SIGNAL(triggered()), tabWdgtTestRun,
+            SLOT(selectCurrentCase()));
+    connect(atnMarkAll, SIGNAL(triggered()), tabWdgtTestRun,
+            SLOT(selectAllCases()));
+    connect(atnUnmark, SIGNAL(triggered()), tabWdgtTestRun,
+            SLOT(deselectCurrentCase()));
+    connect(atnUnmarkAll, SIGNAL(triggered()), tabWdgtTestRun,
+            SLOT(deselectAllCases()));
+    // Run tests
+    connect(atnRun, SIGNAL(triggered()), tabWdgtTestRun, SLOT(runTests()));
+    // set options to run cases
+    connect(atnSettings, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
+            SLOT(popupDialogSettings()));
+    connect(atnAbout, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(popupDialogAbout()));
+    connect(atnExit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close()));
+    }
+void MainWindow::createTabWidget()
+    {
+    tabWdgtTestRun = new TabWidgetTestRun(this);
+    }
+void MainWindow::loadMenu()
+    {
+    menuBar()->clear();
+    menuBar()->addAction(atnAddTests);
+    menuMarkUnmark->addAction(atnMark);
+    menuMarkUnmark->addAction(atnMarkAll);
+    menuMarkUnmark->addAction(atnUnmark);
+    menuMarkUnmark->addAction(atnUnmarkAll);
+    menuBar()->addAction(menuMarkUnmark->menuAction());
+    menuBar()->addAction(atnRun);
+    menuBar()->addAction(atnSettings);
+    menuBar()->addAction(atnAbout);
+    menuBar()->addAction(atnExit);
+    }
+void MainWindow::loadTabWidget()
+    {
+    QGridLayout* tabLayout = new QGridLayout(this);
+    tabLayout->setVerticalSpacing(2);
+    tabLayout->setHorizontalSpacing(2);
+    tabLayout->setSpacing(2);
+    tabLayout->setMargin(2);
+    tabLayout->addWidget(tabWdgtTestRun, 0, 0);
+    centralWidget()->setLayout(tabLayout);
+    }
+void MainWindow::setupTabWidgetEventHandlers()
+    {
+    connect(tabWdgtTestRun, SIGNAL(testsAdded()), this,
+            SLOT(enableMenuMarkUnmark()));
+    connect(tabWdgtTestRun, SIGNAL(selectedTestsChanged(bool, bool, bool)), this,
+            SLOT(setRunMarkUnmarkEnabled(bool, bool, bool)));
+    // current tab changed
+    connect(tabWdgtTestRun, SIGNAL(currentTabChangedToTests(bool)), this,
+            SLOT(changCurrentTabToTests(bool)));
+    connect(tabWdgtTestRun, SIGNAL(currentTabChangedToExecution()), this,
+            SLOT(changCurrentTabToExecution()));
+    }
+void MainWindow::createDialogs()
+    {
+    dlgAddTests = new DialogAddTests(this);
+    dlgSettings = new DialogSettings(this);
+    dlgAbout = new DialogMsg(this);
+    }
+void MainWindow::setupDialogEventHandlers()
+    {
+    connect(dlgAddTests, SIGNAL(testsSaved(QStringList)), tabWdgtTestRun,
+            SLOT(addTests(QStringList)));
+    connect(dlgSettings, SIGNAL(settingsSaved(const Settings*)),
+            tabWdgtTestRun, SLOT(saveSettings(const Settings*)));
+    }
+void MainWindow::changCurrentTabToTests(bool hasTests)
+    {
+    if (hasTests)
+        {
+        menuMarkUnmark->setEnabled(true);
+        }
+    }
+void MainWindow::changCurrentTabToExecution()
+    {
+    menuMarkUnmark->setEnabled(false);
+    }
+void MainWindow::setRunMarkUnmarkEnabled(bool noneSelected, bool allSelected, bool curSelected)
+    {
+    atnRun->setEnabled(!noneSelected);
+    atnUnmarkAll->setEnabled(!noneSelected);
+    atnUnmark->setEnabled(curSelected);
+    atnMark->setEnabled(!curSelected);
+    atnMarkAll->setEnabled(noneSelected || !allSelected);
+    }
+void MainWindow::enableMenuMarkUnmark()
+    {
+    menuMarkUnmark->setEnabled(true);
+    atnMarkAll->setEnabled(true);
+    atnMark->setEnabled(true);
+    atnUnmark->setEnabled(false);
+    atnUnmarkAll->setEnabled(false);
+    }
+void MainWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event)
+    {
+    // Handle arrow keys and selection key events
+    switch (event->nativeVirtualKey())
+        {
+        case KeyLeftArrow:
+            {
+            // TODO
+            emit this->leftArrowPressed();
+            break;
+            }
+        case KeyRightArrow:
+            {
+            // TODO
+            emit this->rightArrowPressed();
+            break;
+            }
+        case KeyUpArrow:
+            {
+            // TODO
+            emit this->upArrowPressed();
+            break;
+            }
+        case KeyDownArrow:
+            {
+            // TODO
+            emit this->downArrowPressed();
+            break;
+            }
+        case KeyEnter:
+            {
+            // TODO
+            emit this->enterPressed();
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void MainWindow::setupKeyEventHandlers()
+    {
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(leftArrowPressed()), tabWdgtTestRun,
+            SLOT(pressLeftArrow()));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(rightArrowPressed()), tabWdgtTestRun,
+            SLOT(pressRightArrow()));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(upArrowPressed()), tabWdgtTestRun,
+            SLOT(pressUpArrow()));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(downArrowPressed()), tabWdgtTestRun,
+            SLOT(pressDownArrow()));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(enterPressed()), tabWdgtTestRun, SLOT(pressEnter()));
+    }