changeset 24 10c6e6d6e4d9
parent 0 3ee3dfdd8d69
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/extras/calcsoft/inc/CalcEnv.h	Wed Sep 01 12:29:54 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Calculator environment class, CCalcAppEnv
+*                Derived from CBase
+*                This class maintain global data. e.g font, bitmap.
+#ifndef     CALCENV_H
+#define     CALCENV_H
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <badesca.h>
+#include <gulicon.h>  
+#include <eikenv.h>
+//Extended Icon Skin Implementation
+#include <AknsConstants.h>
+#include "CalcFunc.h"
+#include "CalcEditline.h"
+#include <AknUtils.h>
+const  TInt  KMaxMemoryIndicatorLength(4);
+const  TInt  KCalcCountOfOperatorType( 10 ); // +,-,*,/,=, sqrt, % , none ,* and /. 
+//Extended Icon Skin implementation.
+const  TInt KCalcAknsConstCount(26);
+const  TInt  KCalcCountOfButtonPressed(10);
+const  TInt  KCalcCountOfButtonInactive(16);
+const  TInt  KCountOfBitmaps(9);
+class CCalcAppUi;
+class CFont;
+CCalcAppEnv : Maintains global data.
+class   CCalcAppEnv 
+        : public CBase
+    {
+    public:  // Constructors and destructor
+		//Button Type
+		//Extended Icon Skin Implementation
+        /**
+        * Two-phased constructor.
+        * @param aApp : Pointer of CCalcAppUi class 
+        */
+        static CCalcAppEnv* NewL(CCalcAppUi* aAppUi);
+        /**
+        * Destructor.
+        */
+        virtual ~CCalcAppEnv();
+    public:     // New functions
+        /**
+        * Return pointer of CCalcAppEnv class  
+        * @return Pointer of CCalcAppEnv class
+        */
+        static CCalcAppEnv* Static();
+        /**
+        * Return pointer of CCalcAppUi class
+        * @return Pointer of CCalcAppUi class
+        */
+        inline CCalcAppUi* AppUi() const;
+        /**
+        * Return charactor for editor operator  
+        * @param Operator type enum
+        */
+        inline const TPtrC EditorOperator(
+            const TCalcEditLine::TCalcOperatorType aType) const;
+        /**
+        * Return charactor for OutputSheet operator  
+        * @param Operator type enum
+        */
+        inline const TPtrC OutSheetOperator(
+            const TCalcEditLine::TCalcOperatorType aType) const;
+        /**
+        * Return decimal separator. 
+        * @return Decimal separator, e.g "."
+        */
+        inline const TChar DecimalSeparator() const;
+        /**
+        * Set new decimal separator. 
+        * @param aChar: New decimal separator, e.g "."
+        */
+        inline void SetDecimalSeparator(TChar aChar);
+        /**
+        * Return minus indicator. 
+        * @return minus indicator, e.g "-"
+        */
+        inline const TChar MinusIndicator() const;
+        /**
+        * Return memory indicator. 
+        * @return memory indicator, e.g "M".
+        */
+        inline TPtrC MemoryIndicator() const;
+        /**
+        * Return shadow of memory indicator. 
+        * @return memory indicator, e.g "M".
+        */
+        inline TPtrC MemoryIndicatorShadow() const;
+        /**
+        * Return font for number shadow in editor.
+        * @return Font for number shadow in editor
+        */
+        inline const CFont* NumberShadowFont() const;
+        /**
+        * Return font for number in editor.
+        * @return Font for number in editor
+        */
+        inline const CFont* NumberFont() const;
+        /**
+        * Return font for operator shadow in editor.
+        * @return Font for operator shadow in editor
+        */
+        inline const CFont* OperatorShadowFont() const;
+        /**
+        * Return font for operator in editor.
+        * @return Font for operator in editor
+        */
+        inline const CFont* OperatorFont() const;
+        /**
+        * Return font for operator in OutputSheet.
+        * @return Font for operator in OutputSheet
+        */
+        inline const CFont* OutSheetOperatorFont() const;
+        /**
+        * Return 'qsn_fr_calc_display_side_l' 'qsn_fr_calc_display_center.svg' 
+		  and 'qsn_fr_calc_display_side_r 'Bitmap pointers.
+        */
+		    inline const CGulIcon* DisplaySideLBitmap() const;
+    	    inline const CGulIcon* DisplayCenterBitmap() const;
+    	    inline const CGulIcon* DisplaySideRBitmap() const;		
+        /**
+        * Return 'qgn_indi_calc_paper' Bitmap pointer.
+        * @return 'qgn_indi_calc_paper' Bitmap pointer.
+        */
+        inline const CGulIcon* PaperBitmap() const;
+		/**
+        * Return 'qgn_fr_calc_paper' Bitmap pointers.
+        * @return 'qgn_fr_calc_paper' Bitmap pointers.
+        */
+		inline void ScalablePaperBitmaps(const CGulIcon* [])const;
+        /**
+        * Return 'qgn_graf_calc_results_line' Bitmap pointer.
+        * @return 'qgn_graf_calc_results_line' Bitmap pointer.
+        */
+		inline const CGulIcon* ResultsLineBitmap()const;
+        /**
+        * Return unpressed bitmap of correspondent index
+        * @param aIndex : index of bitmap array
+        * @return : Bitmap pointer.
+        */
+        inline CGulIcon* UnpressedButtonBmp(
+            const TInt aIndex) const;
+        /**
+        * Return pressed bitmap of correspondent index
+        * @param aIndex : index of bitmap array
+        * @return : Bitmap pointer.
+        */
+        inline CGulIcon* PressedButtonBmp(
+            const TInt aIndex) const;
+        /**
+        * Return inactive bitmap of correspondent index
+        * @param aIndex : index of bitmap array
+        * @return : Bitmap pointer. If return value is NULL,
+        *          no bitmap exists on correspondent index.
+        */
+        inline CGulIcon* InactiveButtonBmp(
+            const TInt aIndex) const;
+		/**
+		* To load the functionmap bitmaps when the skin change event  has occured.
+		*/
+		void LoadFuncMapBitmapSkinChangeL();
+		        /**
+        * Load bitmaps for FunctionMap SubPane.
+        */
+        void LoadFuncMapBitmapL();
+        /*update the array when function map changed*/
+        void UpdateAknConstArrayForFuncMap();
+        //Function sets value as to whether skin is changed or not		
+        void SetSkinChangedValue(TBool aValue);
+    private:    // New functions
+        /**
+        * By default constructor is private.
+        * @param aApp : CCalcAppUi class pointer 
+        */
+		CCalcAppEnv();
+        CCalcAppEnv(CCalcAppUi* aAppUi);
+        /**
+        * Second-phase constructor
+        */
+        void ConstructAppEnvL();
+		/**
+        * Load bitmaps for Paper Pane.
+        */
+		void LoadPaperBitmapsL();
+        void InitializeAppUI(CCalcAppUi* aAppUi);
+        /**
+        * Load bitmaps for function map button.
+        * @param aStartBitmapId : Bitmap ID of loading start  
+        * @param aStartMaskId : Mask ID of loading start  
+        * @param aStartIndex : Start index of array which is set to 
+        *                      bitmap.
+        * @param aCount : Count of loading bitmaps
+        * @param aBitmapArray : Load bitmap to this array. 
+        */
+        void LoadBitmapForFuncMapL(TInt aStartBitmapId, TInt aStartMaskId, TInt aStartIndex,
+	    TInt aCount, CGulIcon* aBitmapArray[], ButtonType aType);
+		//Extended Icon Skin Implementation
+		void UpdateAknConstArray();
+		//Extended Icon Skin Implementation for Paper
+		void UpdateAknConstArrayforPaper();
+    private:    // Data 
+        CCalcAppUi*     iAppUi;  // Pointer of CCalcAppUi class  
+	     static CCalcAppEnv iself;
+	     CEikonEnv* iEnv;
+        // Text
+        CDesCArrayFlat* iEditorOperArray;  // Operator for editor
+        CDesCArrayFlat* iOutSheetOperArray;// Operator for OutputSheet
+        TChar iDecimalSeparator;  // Decimal separator
+        TChar iMinusIndicator;    // Minus indicator
+        TBuf<KMaxMemoryIndicatorLength> iMemoryIndicator;  
+        TBuf<KMaxMemoryIndicatorLength> iMemoryIndicatorShadow;  
+        // Font
+        CFont* iNumberShadowFont;
+        CFont* iNumberFont;
+        CFont* iOperatorShadowFont;
+        CFont* iOperatorFont;
+        CFont* iOutSheetOperatorFont;
+        // Bitmap
+         // Bitmap for background for editor
+        CGulIcon* iDisplaySideLBitmap;
+        CGulIcon* iDisplayCenterBitmap;
+        CGulIcon* iDisplaySideRBitmap;
+        CGulIcon* iPaperBitmap;     // Bitmap for background for OutputSheet
+		CGulIcon* iScalablePaperBitmap[KCountOfBitmaps];//Bitmpaps for background for outputSheet
+		CGulIcon* iResultsLineBitmap;    //  Bitmap for drawing line in OutputSheet
+        CGulIcon* iUnpressedButtonBmp[KCountOfButtonsTouch];  // Bitmap for button of FunctionMap
+        CGulIcon* iPressedButtonBmp[KCountOfButtons];
+        CGulIcon* iDimmedButtonBmp[KCountOfButtons];
+		//Extended Icon Skin Implementation
+		RArray<TAknsItemID> iAknsConstArray;
+		RArray<TAknsItemID> iAknsConstArrayForPaper;
+		TBool	iIsSkinChanged;
+    };
+#include    "CalcEnv.inl"
+#endif      //  CALCENV_H
+// End of File