changeset 24 10c6e6d6e4d9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/extras/calcsoft/src/CalcOutSheet.cpp	Wed Sep 01 12:29:54 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,821 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  The OutputSheet sub-pane class, CCalcOutputSheet.
+*                Derived from CCoeControl.
+*                The CCalcOutputSheet displays histroy data.
+*                History data is scroll up and down.
+#include    <AknUtils.h>
+#include    <Calcsoft.rsg>
+#include    <applayout.cdl.h>
+#include     <AknsDrawUtils.h>
+#include    <layoutmetadata.cdl.h>
+#include    "CalcEnv.h"
+#include    "CalcCont.h"    
+#include    "CalcOutSheet.h"
+#include    "CalcDoc.h"
+#include    "CalcEditline.h"
+#include    "CalcAppUi.h"
+#include    "CalcHistory.h"
+#include    "CalcDrawingConst.laf"
+#include "fbs.h"
+#include <AknIconUtils.h>
+#include <aknlayoutscalable_apps.cdl.h>
+#include <AknsBasicBackgroundControlContext.h>
+#include <AknFepInternalCRKeys.h>
+#include <eiksbfrm.h> 
+#include <eikscrlb.h>
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
+// Two-phased constructor.
+CCalcOutputSheet* CCalcOutputSheet::NewL(
+                    CCalcContainer* aContainer)
+    {
+    CCalcOutputSheet* self = new (ELeave) CCalcOutputSheet();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL(aContainer);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self); 
+    return self;
+    }
+// Destructor
+    {
+    delete iOpSheetContext;
+    if(iOperatorLayout)
+        {
+        iOperatorLayout->Reset();
+        delete iOperatorLayout;    
+        }
+    if(iOperandLayout)
+        {
+        iOperandLayout->Reset();
+        delete iOperandLayout;    
+        }
+    if(iEqualLineLayout)
+        {
+        iEqualLineLayout->Reset();
+        delete iEqualLineLayout;    
+        }
+    if(iResultsLineLayout)
+        {
+        iResultsLineLayout->Reset();
+        delete iResultsLineLayout;    
+        }
+    if (iCRKey)
+        {
+        delete iCRKey;
+        iCRKey = NULL;
+        }
+    //Delete the scrollbar frame
+    if(iSBFrame)
+        {
+        delete iSBFrame;
+        iSBFrame = NULL;
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalcOutputSheet::ScrollToBottomL
+// Scroll to bottom line.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalcOutputSheet::ScrollToBottomL()
+    {
+    iScrollOffset = 0;
+    //If scrollbar is present, update the scrollbar as well
+     if( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled()  )
+        {
+          UpdateScrollIndicatorL();
+        }
+    DrawNow();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalcOutputSheet::NotifyClearHistory
+// Called after clearing calculation history.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalcOutputSheet::NotifyClearHistoryL()
+    {
+    iScrollOffset = 0;
+    if( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled()  )
+    {
+        UpdateScrollIndicatorL();    
+    }
+    DrawNow();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalcOutputSheet::CanUp
+// Check whether scroll-up can be done or not.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CCalcOutputSheet::CanUp() const
+    {
+    // The number of lines of the history which a document has is got.
+    TInt historyLine(iCalcHistory->Count());
+    if ( (iCalcOutputSheetLines + iScrollOffset) < historyLine )
+        {
+        return ETrue;
+        }
+    return EFalse;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalcOutputSheet::CanDown
+// Check whether scroll-down can be done or not.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CCalcOutputSheet::CanDown() const
+    {
+    // The number of lines of the history which a document has is got.
+    return (iScrollOffset != 0);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalcOutputSheet::ScrollUp
+// history is scrolled up.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalcOutputSheet::ScrollUp()
+    {
+    if (CanUp())
+        {
+        iScrollOffset++;
+        DrawNow();
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalcOutputSheet::ScrollDown
+// history is scrolled down.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalcOutputSheet::ScrollDown()
+    {
+    if (CanDown())
+        {
+        iScrollOffset--;
+        DrawNow();
+        }
+    }
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+    {
+    }
+// default constructor can leave.
+void CCalcOutputSheet::ConstructL
+        (CCalcContainer* aContainer) 
+    {
+    SetContainerWindowL(*aContainer);
+    iCalcContainer = aContainer;
+    iCalcAppEnv = CCalcAppEnv::Static();
+    iCalcPaper = iCalcAppEnv->PaperBitmap();
+    iCalcAppEnv->ScalablePaperBitmaps(iCalcScalablePaper);
+    iCalcResultsLine = iCalcAppEnv->ResultsLineBitmap();
+    CCalcAppUi* appui = iCalcAppEnv->AppUi();
+    CCalcDocument* calcDocument = 
+                   STATIC_CAST(CCalcDocument*, appui->Document());
+    iCalcHistory = calcDocument->History(); 
+    TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listLimits;
+    listLimits = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::list_calc_item_pane_ParamLimits();
+    iCalcOutputSheetLines   = (listLimits.LastRow()-listLimits.FirstRow()) + 1;
+    iOpSheetContext = CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext::NewL(KAknsIIDQsnFrCalcPaper , TRect(0,0,0,0), EFalse);
+    iOperatorLayout = new(ELeave)CArrayFixFlat<TAknLayoutText>(iCalcOutputSheetLines);
+    iOperandLayout = new(ELeave)CArrayFixFlat<TAknLayoutText>(iCalcOutputSheetLines);
+    iResultsLineLayout = new(ELeave)CArrayFixFlat<TAknLayoutRect>(iCalcOutputSheetLines-1);
+    iEqualLineLayout = new(ELeave)CArrayFixFlat<TAknLayoutRect>(iCalcOutputSheetLines-1);
+    iUiLanguage = User::Language();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalcOutputSheet::SizeChanged
+// Set size of control.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalcOutputSheet::SizeChanged()
+    {
+    TRAP_IGNORE( SizeChangedOutSheetL() );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalcOutputSheet::SizeChanged
+// Set size of control.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalcOutputSheet::SizeChangedOutSheetL()
+    {
+    TRect parentRect(iCalcContainer->Rect());
+    TAknLayoutScalableParameterLimits listLimits;
+    if(AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled())
+    {
+        listLimits = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::list_calc_item_pane_ParamLimits(enTouch_enabled);    
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        listLimits = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::list_calc_item_pane_ParamLimits(enTouch_disabled);    
+    }
+    iCalcOutputSheetLines   = (listLimits.LastRow()-listLimits.FirstRow()) + 1;
+    iOperatorLayout->ResizeL(iCalcOutputSheetLines);
+    iOperandLayout->ResizeL(iCalcOutputSheetLines);
+    iResultsLineLayout->ResizeL(iCalcOutputSheetLines-1);
+    iEqualLineLayout->ResizeL(iCalcOutputSheetLines-1);
+    iOperatorLayout->Reset();
+    iOperandLayout->Reset();
+    iResultsLineLayout->Reset();
+    iEqualLineLayout->Reset();
+    TAknLayoutRect rectParent;
+    TAknWindowLineLayout layoutOfParentResultsLine;
+    TAknLayoutRect rectListCalcPane;
+    if( AknLayoutUtils::ScalableLayoutInterfaceAvailable() )
+        {
+            TAknWindowLineLayout  calcPaperPane;
+            //For Touch UI Layouts, different configuration
+            if( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
+            {
+                if (Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation())
+                {
+                    calcPaperPane = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::calc_paper_pane(enTouch_with_lsc).LayoutLine();
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    calcPaperPane = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::calc_paper_pane(enTouch_with_prt).LayoutLine();
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                calcPaperPane = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::calc_paper_pane(enTouch_disabled).LayoutLine();
+            }
+            TAknLayoutRect rectcalcPaperPane;    
+            rectcalcPaperPane.LayoutRect(parentRect,calcPaperPane);
+            iSBBrPoint = rectcalcPaperPane.Rect().iBr;
+            TAknWindowLineLayout layoutListCalcPane;
+            if( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
+            {
+                layoutListCalcPane = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::list_calc_pane(enTouch_enabled).LayoutLine();
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                layoutListCalcPane = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::list_calc_pane(enTouch_disabled).LayoutLine();
+            }
+            rectListCalcPane.LayoutRect(rectcalcPaperPane.Rect(),layoutListCalcPane);
+        }
+    TInt nTimes=(iCalcOutputSheetLines-1);
+    for (TInt cnt(0); cnt < iCalcOutputSheetLines; cnt++)
+        {
+        if (AknLayoutUtils::ScalableLayoutInterfaceAvailable())
+        {
+        if(AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled())
+        {
+            if (Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation())
+            {
+                layoutOfParentResultsLine =  AknLayoutScalable_Apps::list_calc_item_pane(nTimes,enTouch_enabled).LayoutLine();    
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                layoutOfParentResultsLine =  AknLayoutScalable_Apps::list_calc_item_pane(nTimes,enTouch_enabled).LayoutLine();
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            layoutOfParentResultsLine =  AknLayoutScalable_Apps::list_calc_item_pane(nTimes,enTouch_disabled).LayoutLine();    
+        }
+        rectParent.LayoutRect(rectListCalcPane.Rect(),layoutOfParentResultsLine) ;
+        TAknLayoutText operatorLayout;
+        TAknLayoutText operendLayout;
+        if(AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled())
+        {
+            operatorLayout.LayoutText(rectParent.Rect(),AknLayoutScalable_Apps::list_calc_item_pane_t2(enTouch_with_prt).LayoutLine(),iCalcAppEnv->OutSheetOperatorFont()); 
+            iOperatorLayout->AppendL(operatorLayout);
+            operendLayout.LayoutText(rectParent.Rect(),AknLayoutScalable_Apps::list_calc_item_pane_t1(enTouch_with_lsc).LayoutLine(),iCalcAppEnv->OutSheetOperatorFont()); 
+            iOperandLayout->AppendL(operendLayout);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            operatorLayout.LayoutText(rectParent.Rect(),AknLayoutScalable_Apps::list_calc_item_pane_t2(enTouch_disabled).LayoutLine(),iCalcAppEnv->OutSheetOperatorFont()); 
+            iOperatorLayout->AppendL(operatorLayout);
+            operendLayout.LayoutText(rectParent.Rect(),AknLayoutScalable_Apps::list_calc_item_pane_t1(enTouch_disabled).LayoutLine(),iCalcAppEnv->OutSheetOperatorFont()); 
+            iOperandLayout->AppendL(operendLayout);    
+        }
+      // aCustomFont
+     --nTimes;
+        }
+      else
+      {
+      //Scalable UI.
+          TAknLayoutText operatorLayout;
+        TAknLayoutText operendLayout;
+          operatorLayout.LayoutText(parentRect,AppLayout::Calculator_texts_Line_8(nTimes),iCalcAppEnv->OutSheetOperatorFont()); // aCustomFont
+        iOperatorLayout->AppendL(operatorLayout);        
+        operendLayout.LayoutText(parentRect,AppLayout::Calculator_texts_Line_7(nTimes), NULL);
+        iOperandLayout->AppendL(operendLayout);            
+     --nTimes;
+      }
+    }
+    //Scalable UI.
+    nTimes = iCalcOutputSheetLines - 2;      
+    for (TInt ii(0); ii < (iCalcOutputSheetLines - 1); ii++)
+        {
+        if( AknLayoutUtils::ScalableLayoutInterfaceAvailable() )
+            {
+#ifdef __SCALABLE_ICONS        
+            layoutOfParentResultsLine =  AknLayoutScalable_Apps::list_calc_item_pane(nTimes).LayoutLine();
+            rectParent.LayoutRect(rectListCalcPane.Rect(),layoutOfParentResultsLine) ;
+            TAknWindowLineLayout   layoutOfResultsLine = AknLayoutScalable_Apps::list_calc_item_pane_g1().LayoutLine(); 
+            TAknLayoutRect lineLayout;
+            lineLayout.LayoutRect(rectParent.Rect(),layoutOfResultsLine);
+            iResultsLineLayout->AppendL(lineLayout);
+            TAknLayoutRect lineLayout;
+            lineLayout.LayoutRect(parentRect,AppLayout::Calculator_elements_Line_3(nTimes)); 
+            iEqualLineLayout->AppendL(lineLayout);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+            TAknLayoutRect lineLayout;
+            lineLayout.LayoutRect(parentRect,AppLayout::Calculator_elements_Line_3(nTimes)); 
+            iEqualLineLayout->AppendL(lineLayout);
+            }
+        --nTimes;
+        }
+    TAknLayoutRect  paperRect;
+    if( AknLayoutUtils::ScalableLayoutInterfaceAvailable() )
+            {
+            TAknLayoutRect rectCalcPaperPane;    
+            TAknLayoutRect rectbgCalcPaperPane;
+            //Different configuration for Touch Layouts
+            if( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
+            {
+                    //In landscape mode different configuration is needed
+                 if (Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation())
+                 {
+                    rectCalcPaperPane.LayoutRect(parentRect,AknLayoutScalable_Apps::calc_paper_pane(enTouch_with_lsc).LayoutLine());  
+                 }
+                 else
+                 {
+                    rectCalcPaperPane.LayoutRect(parentRect,AknLayoutScalable_Apps::calc_paper_pane(enTouch_with_prt).LayoutLine());      
+                 }
+                 rectbgCalcPaperPane.LayoutRect(rectCalcPaperPane.Rect(),AknLayoutScalable_Apps::bg_calc_paper_pane(enTouch_enabled).LayoutLine());
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                rectCalcPaperPane.LayoutRect(parentRect,AknLayoutScalable_Apps::calc_paper_pane(enTouch_disabled).LayoutLine());    
+                rectbgCalcPaperPane.LayoutRect(rectCalcPaperPane.Rect(),AknLayoutScalable_Apps::bg_calc_paper_pane().LayoutLine());
+            }
+            iPaperPaneRect  = rectCalcPaperPane;
+            iCalcPaperLayout[0].LayoutRect(rectbgCalcPaperPane.Rect(),AknLayoutScalable_Apps::bg_calc_paper_pane_g1().LayoutLine());
+            iCalcPaperLayout[1].LayoutRect(rectbgCalcPaperPane.Rect(),AknLayoutScalable_Apps::bg_calc_paper_pane_g2().LayoutLine());
+            iCalcPaperLayout[2].LayoutRect(rectbgCalcPaperPane.Rect(),AknLayoutScalable_Apps::bg_calc_paper_pane_g3().LayoutLine());
+            iCalcPaperLayout[3].LayoutRect(rectbgCalcPaperPane.Rect(),AknLayoutScalable_Apps::bg_calc_paper_pane_g4().LayoutLine());
+            iCalcPaperLayout[4].LayoutRect(rectbgCalcPaperPane.Rect(),AknLayoutScalable_Apps::bg_calc_paper_pane_g5().LayoutLine());
+            iCalcPaperLayout[5].LayoutRect(rectbgCalcPaperPane.Rect(),AknLayoutScalable_Apps::bg_calc_paper_pane_g6().LayoutLine());
+            iCalcPaperLayout[6].LayoutRect(rectbgCalcPaperPane.Rect(),AknLayoutScalable_Apps::bg_calc_paper_pane_g7().LayoutLine());
+            iCalcPaperLayout[7].LayoutRect(rectbgCalcPaperPane.Rect(),AknLayoutScalable_Apps::bg_calc_paper_pane_g8().LayoutLine());
+            iCalcPaperLayout[8].LayoutRect(rectbgCalcPaperPane.Rect(),AknLayoutScalable_Apps::calc_bg_paper_pane_g9().LayoutLine());
+            }
+       iOpSheetContext->SetRect(Rect());
+        //Only for touch UI, scrollbars are present
+       if( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled()  )
+        {
+          UpdateScrollIndicatorL();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+        if(iSBFrame)
+        {
+            delete(iSBFrame);
+            iSBFrame = NULL;
+        }
+        }
+        }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalcOutputSheet::UpdateScrollIndicatorL
+// Creates and updates the scrollbar
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalcOutputSheet::UpdateScrollIndicatorL()
+    {
+        if( !AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled()  )
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        TAknLayoutRect rectCalcScrollPane;    
+        //Get the layout information for the scrollbar
+        if( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
+        {
+         if (Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation())
+         {
+            rectCalcScrollPane.LayoutRect(iPaperPaneRect.Rect(),AknLayoutScalable_Apps::scroll_pane_cp024().LayoutLine());  
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            rectCalcScrollPane.LayoutRect(iPaperPaneRect.Rect(),AknLayoutScalable_Apps::scroll_pane_cp024().LayoutLine());      
+         }
+        }
+                //Create scrollbar if not created already
+        if ( !iSBFrame )
+        {
+        //Make this class as the observer class as well
+        iSBFrame = new( ELeave ) CEikScrollBarFrame( this,this, ETrue );
+        // Decide which type of scrollbar is to be shown
+        CAknAppUi* appUi = iAvkonAppUi;
+        if (AknLayoutUtils::DefaultScrollBarType(appUi) == CEikScrollBarFrame::EDoubleSpan)
+        {
+            // For EDoubleSpan type scrollbar
+            iSBFrame->CreateDoubleSpanScrollBarsL(ETrue, EFalse); // non-window owning scrollbar            
+            iSBFrame->SetTypeOfVScrollBar(CEikScrollBarFrame::EDoubleSpan);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // For EArrowHead type scrollbar
+            iSBFrame->SetTypeOfVScrollBar(CEikScrollBarFrame::EArrowHead);
+        }  
+        iSBFrame->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff,CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff);
+        }
+        TEikScrollBarModel hSbarModel;
+        TEikScrollBarModel vSbarModel;
+        //By default span is one if only one page is present
+        if(iCalcHistory->Count() < iCalcOutputSheetLines)
+        {
+            vSbarModel.iScrollSpan = 1;    
+            vSbarModel.iThumbPosition = 0;    
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                //span calculator if no of lines exceeds one page
+            vSbarModel.iScrollSpan = 1 + iCalcHistory->Count() - iCalcOutputSheetLines;  
+        }
+        iPrevThumbPosition = vSbarModel.iThumbPosition = vSbarModel.iScrollSpan - 1;
+        vSbarModel.iThumbSpan = 1;
+        TRect clientRect( iAvkonAppUi->ClientRect() );
+        TRect rec(rectCalcScrollPane.Rect()); 
+        TPoint point = rectCalcScrollPane.Rect().iBr;
+        TInt width = rectCalcScrollPane.Rect().Width();
+        TInt rightPointRectX = iSBBrPoint.iX;
+        TInt pointRectX = point.iX;
+        TInt pointRectY = point.iY;
+        pointRectX = rightPointRectX;
+        TPoint newPoint;
+        newPoint.SetXY( pointRectX, pointRectY );
+        TRect rect;
+        rect.SetRect( rec.iTl, newPoint );
+        TEikScrollBarFrameLayout layout;
+        layout.iTilingMode = TEikScrollBarFrameLayout::EInclusiveRectConstant;
+        if (iSBFrame->TypeOfVScrollBar() == CEikScrollBarFrame::EDoubleSpan)
+        {    
+        // For EDoubleSpan type scrollbar
+        if (vSbarModel.iThumbPosition + vSbarModel.iThumbSpan > vSbarModel.iScrollSpan)
+        {
+            // Not let scrollbar values overflow
+            vSbarModel.iThumbPosition = vSbarModel.iScrollSpan - vSbarModel.iThumbSpan;
+        }
+        TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel hDsSbarModel(hSbarModel);
+        TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel vDsSbarModel(vSbarModel);
+        if (iCalcHistory->Count() <= iCalcOutputSheetLines )
+        {
+        iSBFrame->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff,
+                CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+        iSBFrame->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff,
+                CEikScrollBarFrame::EOn);
+        }
+        iSBFrame->TileL(&hDsSbarModel, &vDsSbarModel, clientRect, rect, layout);               
+        iSBFrame->SetVFocusPosToThumbPos(vDsSbarModel.FocusPosition());
+        }  
+        else
+        {
+        iSBFrame->TileL( &hSbarModel, &vSbarModel, clientRect, rect, layout );
+        iSBFrame->SetVFocusPosToThumbPos( vSbarModel.iThumbPosition );
+        }
+        }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalcOutputSheet::Draw
+// Drawing frame and history.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalcOutputSheet::Draw
+        (const TRect& aRect) const
+    {
+    CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
+    gc.Clear(aRect);
+    gc.SetClippingRect(aRect);
+    TRect rect(Rect());
+    MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
+    AknsDrawUtils::Background( AknsUtils:: SkinInstance(), AknsDrawUtils::ControlContext(this), this, gc, rect );
+    gc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
+    gc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+    //set the size of the bitmap. SVG-T upgrade.
+    CAknsItemData* idata = NULL;                    
+    if (skin)
+        {
+        idata = skin->GetCachedItemData( KAknsIIDQsnFrCalcPaper);
+        }
+    if ( idata && idata->Type() == EAknsITImageTable )
+        {
+            if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() ) 
+            {//when touch input,the paper become bigger,so it needs only one paper 
+                AknIconUtils::SetSize(iCalcScalablePaper[0]->Bitmap(),iCalcPaperLayout[0].Rect().Size(),EAspectRatioNotPreserved); 
+                AknIconUtils::SetSize(iCalcScalablePaper[0]->Mask(),iCalcPaperLayout[0].Rect().Size(),EAspectRatioNotPreserved);
+                iCalcPaperLayout[0].DrawImage(gc, iCalcScalablePaper[0]->Bitmap(),iCalcScalablePaper[0]->Mask());    
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                for(TInt Cnt=0;Cnt < 9; Cnt++)
+                {
+                AknIconUtils::SetSize(iCalcScalablePaper[Cnt]->Bitmap(),iCalcPaperLayout[Cnt].Rect().Size(),EAspectRatioNotPreserved); 
+                AknIconUtils::SetSize(iCalcScalablePaper[Cnt]->Mask(),iCalcPaperLayout[Cnt].Rect().Size(),EAspectRatioNotPreserved);
+                iCalcPaperLayout[Cnt].DrawImage(gc, iCalcScalablePaper[Cnt]->Bitmap(),iCalcScalablePaper[Cnt]->Mask());
+                }
+            }
+          }
+    else
+        {
+            // Make outsheet displayed in Jingmask is the same size as in other themes
+            // when there is a scrollbar on outsheet.
+            if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
+                {
+                AknsDrawUtils::Background( AknsUtils:: SkinInstance(), iOpSheetContext, this, gc, iCalcPaperLayout[0].Rect() );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                AknsDrawUtils::Background( AknsUtils:: SkinInstance(), iOpSheetContext, this, gc, rect );
+                }    
+        }
+    for (TInt loop(iCalcOutputSheetLines - 1); loop >= 0; loop--)
+        {
+        const TCalcEditLine& history = (*iCalcHistory)[loop + iScrollOffset];
+        TCalcEditLine::TCalcOperatorType operatorType(
+            history.Operator());
+        if (loop < iCalcOutputSheetLines - 1)
+            {
+            // When an operator is Equal, a line is drawn at an upper end.
+            if (TCalcEditLine::ECalcEqual == operatorType)
+                {
+                    TRgb ResultsLineolor;
+                    TInt error1 = AknsUtils::GetCachedColor( skin, ResultsLineolor, KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG29);
+                    if(error1 == KErrNone)
+                    {
+                        AknIconUtils::SetIconColor(iCalcResultsLine->Bitmap(),ResultsLineolor);
+                    }
+                if( AknLayoutUtils::ScalableLayoutInterfaceAvailable() )
+                    {
+                    TAknLayoutRect& lineLayout = iResultsLineLayout->At(loop);
+                    AknIconUtils::SetSize(iCalcResultsLine->Bitmap(),lineLayout.Rect().Size(),EAspectRatioNotPreserved);
+                    AknIconUtils::SetSize(iCalcResultsLine->Mask(),lineLayout.Rect().Size(),EAspectRatioNotPreserved);
+                    lineLayout.DrawImage(gc, iCalcResultsLine->Bitmap(),iCalcResultsLine->Mask()); 
+                    TAknLayoutRect& equalLineLayout= iEqualLineLayout->At(loop);
+                    TRect rectLine = equalLineLayout.Rect();
+                    equalLineLayout.DrawRect(gc);
+                    }
+                else 
+                    { 
+                    TAknLayoutRect& equalLineLayout= iEqualLineLayout->At(loop);
+                    TRect rectLine = equalLineLayout.Rect();
+                    equalLineLayout.DrawRect(gc);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            TRgb color;
+            TInt error = AknsUtils::GetCachedColor( skin, color, KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG29);
+            if(error == KErrNone)
+            {
+                gc.SetPenColor(color);
+            }
+        //change TBuf<10> to TBuf<KCalcMaxNumberWidth>
+       TBuf<KCalcMaxNumberWidth> keyvalue;
+       keyvalue.Append(history.NumberString());
+       AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion  (keyvalue);
+        // An operand's drawing
+        TAknLayoutText& operendLayout = iOperandLayout->At(loop);
+                    if ( iUiLanguage == ELangFarsi || iUiLanguage == ELangHindi || 
+                        iUiLanguage == ELangUrdu || iUiLanguage == ELangArabic )
+                        {
+                         if( iUiLanguage == ELangUrdu || iUiLanguage == ELangArabic )
+                 {
+                    TInt len = keyvalue.Length();
+                    TInt pos = KErrNotFound;
+                    TBuf<1> ch;
+                    ch.Append(iCalcAppEnv->MinusIndicator());
+                    if( (pos = keyvalue.Locate(iCalcAppEnv->MinusIndicator())) != KErrNotFound &&
+                         pos == keyvalue.LocateReverse(iCalcAppEnv->MinusIndicator()))
+                    {
+                     keyvalue.Delete( pos, 1 );
+                     keyvalue.Insert( 0, ch );     
+                    }
+                 }
+            operendLayout.DrawText(gc,keyvalue,EFalse,color);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            operendLayout.DrawText(gc,history.NumberString(),EFalse,color);    
+            }
+        // An operator's drawing
+        TPtrC operatorString(
+            iCalcAppEnv->OutSheetOperator(operatorType));
+        TAknLayoutText& operatorLayout = iOperatorLayout->At(loop);
+        operatorLayout.DrawText(gc, operatorString , EFalse, color);
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalcOutputSheet::HandleScrollEventL
+// Handles the events from the scrollbar
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalcOutputSheet::HandleScrollEventL(CEikScrollBar* aScrollBar, TEikScrollEvent aEventType)
+    {
+          //Only on page up/down,scroll up/down and drag events
+    if((aEventType == EEikScrollPageDown) || (aEventType == EEikScrollPageUp) || 
+       (aEventType == EEikScrollThumbDragVert) || (aEventType == EEikScrollUp) ||
+       (aEventType == EEikScrollDown))
+        {
+           //Get the current position from the scroll bar
+           if(iPrevThumbPosition >aScrollBar->ThumbPosition() )
+           {
+                     //Move the scroll bar n times up
+                while(iPrevThumbPosition != aScrollBar->ThumbPosition())
+                {
+                    ScrollUp();
+                    iPrevThumbPosition--;
+                }
+           }
+           else
+           {
+                //Move the scroll bar n times down
+                while( iPrevThumbPosition != aScrollBar->ThumbPosition() )
+                {
+                    ScrollDown();
+                    iPrevThumbPosition++;
+                }
+           }
+           DrawNow();
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalcOutputSheet::HandleResourceChange
+// Handles the events that needs to be taken care after resource change
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalcOutputSheet::HandleResourceChange(TInt aType)
+    TRAP_IGNORE(HandleResourceChangeOutSheetL(aType) );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CCalcOutputSheet::HandleResourceChangeOutSheetL
+// Handles the events that needs to be taken care after resource change
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CCalcOutputSheet::HandleResourceChangeOutSheetL(TInt aType)
+    if ( aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch )
+        {
+        if (AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled())
+            {
+            ScrollToBottomL();
+            }
+        }
+    if ( aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange )
+        {
+        if (AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled())
+            {
+            delete (iSBFrame);
+            iSBFrame = NULL;
+            UpdateScrollIndicatorL();
+            }
+        }
+//  End of File