* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* An AVKON form class containing popup fields and floating point editors.
* Implements the 'Main State' of the application.
#ifndef __CCNVMAINFORM_H__
#define __CCNVMAINFORM_H__
#include <AknForm.h>
#include <TCnvCategory.h>
//Select Edwin
#include <eikedwob.h>
class CCnvConverter;
class CAknPopupField;
class CErrorUI;
* An AVKON form class containing popup fields and floating point editors.
* Implements the 'Main State' of the application.
class CCnvMainForm : public CAknForm , public MEikEdwinObserver
public: // constructors and destructor
* Default constructor.
CCnvMainForm( TBool &aAlreadyDead );
* Destructor.
* 2nd phase constructor.
void ConstructL();
private: // constructors
* Default constructor. Not implemented.
public: // from CCoeControl
* Specifies the help context for this form.
* @param aContext the context IDs are placed here
void GetHelpContext( TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const;
public: // from MEikCommandObserver
* Handles menu commands.
* @param aCommandId Command identifier.
void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId );
public: // from MEikDialogPageObserver
* Takes any action required when the current line is
* changed to aControlId.
* @param aControlId Control identifier.
void LineChangedL( TInt aControlId );
public: // from MEikMenuObserver
* Dynamically initialises a menu pane. The Uikon framework calls this
* function, immediately before the menu pane is activated.
* @param aResourceId Resource ID identifying a menu pane to initialise
* @param aMenuPane The in-memory representation of the menu pane.
void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
protected: // from MCoeControlObserver
* Handles an event originating from one of the form's controls.
* @param aControl The control that reported the event.
* @param aEventType The type of the reported event.
void HandleControlEventL( CCoeControl* aControl,
TCoeEvent aEventType );
protected: // from CAknForm
* Saves form popup field states to a file (not implemented, yet).
* @return ETrue if the editable state can be left
* (always in this case).
TBool SaveFormData();
* Deal with that the field is empty,when move focus to other field.
* The Uikon framework calls this function,immediately before focus move.
void PrepareForFocusTransitionL();
protected: // from CEikDialog
* Tests if it is OK to exit the dialog.
* @param aButtonId The ID of the button that was activated.
* @return ETrue to validate and exit the dialog,
* EFalse to keep the dialog active.
TBool OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId );
* Pre-layout dialog initialisation.
void PreLayoutDynInitL();
private: // new methods
* returns ETrue if the the character is an integer
TBool IsDigit(TUint aChar);
* Checks if a form control has REALLY changed (uses history knowledge)
* Form controls report bogus state changed events, this is used to
* filter them out.
* @param controlId Form ID of the control to be checked
* @return ETrue if the specified control's state has changed
TBool HasReallyChanged( TInt controlId );
* Initialised change history (for HasReallyChanged)
void InitialiseChangeHistory();
* Called when the user has changed
* the unit type popup field selection.
void HandleCategoryChangedL();
* Called when the user has changed
* either of the unit popup field selections.
void HandleUnitChangedL();
* Checks if the unit rates (factors) are defined in the model
* for the currently selected unit type.
* @param aShowNote If ETrue "rates missing note" is shown, if
* rates are not valid.
* @return ETrue if rates are valid, EFalse otherwise.
TBool AreRatesValidL(TBool aShowNote);
* Checks if a floating point editor's value is within allowable range.
* @param aEditorId Resource ID of the editor control to be checked.
* @return ETrue If value is in range, EFalse otherwise.
TBool IsEditorValueValidL( TUint aEditorId );
* Checks if a floating point editor's value is such that no conversion
* should be made and no "invalid value" error should be reported.
* @param aEditorId Resource ID of the editor control to be checked.
* @return ETrue Indicates that conversion should not proceed.
TBool EditorValueCausesHold( TUint aEditorId );
* Handles the ECmdRates command. Launches the Rates Form.
void CmdRatesL();
* Handles the ECmdSetType command.
void CmdSetTypeL();
* Handles the ECmdSetUnit command.
void CmdSetUnitL();
* Tells the model to load its state from a file.
void LoadStateL();
* Tells the model to save its state to a file.
* Displays an error note if there is not enough space in permanent
* storage.
void SaveState();
* Calculates and displays the unit conversion immediately.
void SynchronousConversionL( TBool aShowRateInvalidNote = ETrue );
* Calculates and displays the unit conversion after 0.75 seconds.
void AsynchronousConversion();
* Cancels a queued asynchronous conversion request, if any.
void CancelConversion();
* Called by the conversion timer after the 0.75 second timeout
* has exipred. Calls SynchronousConversion() to do
* the actual conversion.
* @param aMainForm Pointer to the CCnvMainForm instance.
static TInt TimerCallback( TAny* aMainForm );
* Shows an error note for invalid value situation
* @param aEditorId Id of the editor that holds the invalid value
void ShowInvalidValueNoteL(TInt aEditorId);
* From CCoeControl processing of a key event
* @param aKeyEvent : Key event information
* aType : EEventKeyDown | EEventKey | EEventKeyUp
* @return : EKeyWasConsumed if keyevent is consumed.
* EKeyWasNotConsumed if keyevent is not consumed.
* Handling of the keys is taken care for the editor fields
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
TEventCode aType);
*Checks if the number entered in the editor field is a valid number
*@param aEditroId : Id of the editor that needs to be evaluated
*@return : EFalse if the editor value is not a vaild number
* : ETrue if the number is a valid number
TBool IsVaildNumberEntered(TInt aEditorId);
*From MEikEdwinObserver. handles the Navigation on the editor control.
void HandleEdwinEventL(CEikEdwin* aEdwin,TEdwinEvent aEventType);
*Do the calculation and change the value for the related edit field
void ValueCalculationL( TUint aUnit1Popup, TUint aUnit2Popup, TReal aMount );
private: // data
* Pointer to our model. Owned.
CCnvConverter* iModel;
* Model accessor for unit types.
TCnvCategory iTypeCategory;
* Model accessor for source units.
TCnvCategory iUnit1Category;
* Model accessor for destination units.
TCnvCategory iUnit2Category;
* Pointer to the Unit Type popup field. Not owned.
CAknPopupField* iTypePopupCtrl;
* Pointer to the source Unit popup field. Not owned.
CAknPopupField* iUnit1PopupCtrl;
* Pointer to the destination Unit popup field. Not owned.
CAknPopupField* iUnit2PopupCtrl;
* Id of the currency category in the model.
TUint iCurrencyCategoryId;
* ETrue if this instance is fully constructed, EFalse otherwise.
TBool iIsFullyConstructed;
* ETrue if the user has already been notified that the disk is full.
TBool iHasNotifiedDiscFull;
* ETrue if the iLastUsedEditorId has changed after the focus
* has entered the editor.
TBool iActiveEditorChanged;
* Pointer to the timer used for asynchronous conversions
* (which need a0.75 second delay..)
CPeriodic* iConversionTimer;
* The id of the unit amount field that the user has modified last.
TInt iLastUsedEditorId;
* The id of the line that was last active in the form.
TInt iLastActiveEditorLine;
* The previous type selection.
TInt iHistoryTypeCategory;
* The previous source unit selection.
TInt iHistoryUnit1Category;
* The previous destination unit selection.
TInt iHistoryUnit2Category;
* Pointer to the Error UI object. Owned
* Used for displaying the Disk Full error message.
CErrorUI* iErrorUI;
* Reference to a flag in this form's owner.
* Used to indicate that we have been deleted by someone
* (could be the app framework.. <sigh>)
TBool& iAlreadyDead;
TKeyEvent iKeyEvent;
TBool isEdwinNavigated;
TBool isEdwinUpdateText;
#endif // __CCNVMAINFORM_H__