* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: The Function-Map subpane class, CCalcFuncmapSubPane
* Derived from CCoeControl.
* CCalcFuncmapSubPane is container class of CCalcCommandButton.
#ifndef CALCFUNC_H
#define CALCFUNC_H
#include <coecntrl.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <PtiDefs.h>
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <cenrepnotifyhandler.h>
const TInt KCountOfButtons(10); // Number of buttons
const TInt KCountOfButtonsTouch(20); // Number of buttons for touch UI layout
_LIT(KAllowedNumericChars, "0123456789.,");
_LIT(KAllowedOperatorPlus, "+");
_LIT(KAllowedOperatorMinus, "-");
_LIT(KAllowedOperatorStar, "*");
_LIT(KAllowedOperatorDivide, "/");
_LIT(KAllowedOperatorEquals, "=");
_LIT(KAllowedOperatorPercent, "%");
_LIT(KAllowedOperatorDecimal, ".");
const TInt KMaxNumCharsPerCase = 50;
//class CCalcCommandButton;
//Use of new AknButtons
class CAknButton;
class CCalcContainer;
class CCalcAppEnv;
class CPtiEngine;
class CPtiQwertyKeyMappings;
class CPtiCoreLanguage;
class CPtiHalfQwertyKeyMappings;
CCalcFuncmapSubPane : 'FunctionMap Sub-Pane' class
: Class also derived from MCoeControlObserver to get events
from Avkon buttons
class CCalcFuncmapSubPane
:public CCoeControl , public MCoeControlObserver
enum TButtonTID// ButtonIDs for Touch Layout
ECmdTCancel = 0,
enum TButtonID // ButtonID for non touch Layout
EPlusButton, // +
EMinusButton, // -
EMultiplyButton, // *
EDivideButton, // /
EChangeSignButton, // +/-
EEqualButton, // =
ESqrtButton, // sqrt
EPercentButton, // %
EScrollUp, // <<
EScrollDown // >>
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aContainer : Pointer of CCalcContainer class
static CCalcFuncmapSubPane* NewL(CCalcContainer* aContainer);
* Destructor.
virtual ~CCalcFuncmapSubPane();
public: // New functions
* Redraw scroll up and down button on scrolling enable.
void RedrawScrollButtons();
* Redraw ChangeSign button on ChangeSign enable.
* @param aEnable : Flag of ChangeSign enable
void SetChangeSignEnable(TBool aEnable);
* Redraw Sqrt button on Sqrt enable.
* @param aEnable : Flag of SqrtEnable enable
void SetSqrtEnable (TBool aEnable);
* Redraw Clear button on Clear enable.
* @param aEnable : Flag of ClearEnable enable
void SetClearKeyEnable( TBool aEnable );
* Redraw Sqrt button on Percent enable.
* @param aEnable : Flag of PercentEnable enable
void SetPercentEnable(TBool aEnable);
* If no key is pressed until timeout of *-key,
* this function is called.
void NotifyTimeoutL();
* Notify any key is released. If pressed button exists.
* command which is releated is executed.
void NotifyReleaseKeyL();
* If key other than OK-key is pressed this function is called.
void NotifyOtherThanOkKeyPressed();
* Called if language is changed.
* Change layout according to the language.
void NotifyLangChange();
* Called to find key pad is Active.
TInt IsQwertyKeypadActive();
* Called to find Key is long Pressed.
TBool IsKeyLongPressed();
* Called when an error is displayed.
* @param aErrorCode : an error code from CCalcContainer
void SetErrorCode(TInt aErrorCode);
* Called when there is a release event .
* @param aErrorCode : an error code ,it used to display dialog
void ErrorMsgL(TInt aErrorCode);
public: // Functions from base classes
* From MCoeControlObserver.
* Handles events from Avkon Buttons
void HandleControlEventL(CCoeControl* aControl,TCoeEvent aEventType);
* From CCoeControl ?member_description.
* @param aKeyEvent : Key event details
* @param aType : EEventKeyDown || EEventKey || EEventKeyUp
* @return EKeyWasConsumed : Key event was used
* EKeyWasNotConsumed : Key event was not used
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType);
*Refresh with latest button Icons when the skin change event has occured.
void RefreshButtonIcons();
* CCalcFuncmapSubPane::GetButtonBitmapControl
* This function is called when the size changes.
CAknButton* GetButtonBitmapControl(TInt aIndex); //Return iButtons
* From CCoeControl : Handling pointer event
* Handles all pen input events on function pane.
void HandlePointerEventL
( const TPointerEvent& aKeyEvent );
* FunctionPaneRect
* Gets the layout of function pane.
TRect FunctionPaneRect();
* HandleMiddleSoftKeyOREKeyOK
* Called to handle MSK or EKeyOk
void HandleMiddleSoftKeyOREKeyOKL();
* GetChangeSignButtonState
* Gets the state of the Sign Button
TBool GetChangeSignButtonState();
* GetSqrtButtonState
* Gets the state of the Squareroot Button
TBool GetSqrtButtonState();
* GetSqrtButtonState
* Gets the state of the Percent Button
TBool GetPercentButtonState();
* GetClearButtonState
* Gets the state of the Clear Button
TBool GetClearButtonState();
* GetSelectedButtonId
* returns the id of current button
TInt GetSelectedButtonId();
* SetHighlightButton
* set highlight button
void SetHighlightButton( TUint aOldId, TUint aNewId );
* GetKeyboardType
* returns the type of keyboard
TInt GetKeyboardType();
private: // New functions
* C++ default constructor.
* Second-phase constructor
* @param aContainer : Pointer of CCalcContainer class
void ConstructL(CCalcContainer* aContainer);
* Redraw scroll-up button on scrolling enable.
* @param aEnable : Flag of scroll-up enable
void SetScrollupEnable(TBool aEnable);
* Redraw scroll-down button on scrolling enable.
* @param aEnable : Flag of scroll-down enable
void SetScrolldownEnable(TBool aEnable);
* Set next cursor position whwn pressing uparrow key.
void SetNextCursorPosForUpArrow(TInt aOldPos);
* Set next cursor position whwn pressing downarrow key.
void SetNextCursorPosForDownArrow(TInt aOldPos);
* An old highlight rectangle and
* a new highlight rectangle are redrawn.
* @param aOldId : The button chosen before
* @param aNewId : The button chosen newly
void RedrawHighlight(TUint aOldId, TUint aNewId) ;
* An old highlight rectangle and
* a new highlight rectangle are redrawn.
* @param aOldId : The button chosen before
* @param aNewId : The button chosen newly
* @param aShowHightlight: control hightlight display
void RedrawHighlight(TUint aOldId, TUint aNewId,TBool aShowHightlight) ;
* Set functionmap button layout.
void SetLayout();
* MapNumericChar.
TBool MapNumericCharL( TKeyEvent aKeyEvent );
TBool MapNumerics( TKeyEvent aKeyEvent );
TBool MapNumericCharL(TPtiKey aKey, TPtiTextCase aCase);
TBool MapNumerics(TPtiKey aKey, TPtiTextCase aCase);
* MapDataForChrShiftKey.
void MapDataForChrShiftKey( TDes& aOperators, TInt& aFirstOperator, TInt& aSecondOperator);
* MapOperators.
TBool MapOperators( TUint16 aOperator, TInt& aResult);
private: // Functions from base classes
* From CCoeControl : Return count of controls contained
* in a compound control.
* @return Count of buttons in FunctionMap Subpane
TInt CountComponentControls() const;
* From CCoeControl : Get the components of a compound control
* @param aIndex
* @return Control of argument aIndex
CCoeControl* ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const;
* From CCoeControl : This is called when control size is changed.
void SizeChanged();
* From CCoeControl : This is called when control size is changed.
TInt CalculatingCorrectButton(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
private: // Data
CAknButton* iButtons[KCountOfButtonsTouch]; // Array of buttons
TInt iSelected; // Index of the selected button
TBool iDecimalPoint;
TUint iLastKeyCode; // The key code inputted at the last.
CCalcContainer* iContainer; // Pointer of CCalcContainer class
CCalcAppEnv* iCalcAppEnv; // Not own
RProperty iQwertyModeStatusProperty; // To check the Qwerty keypad active
TPtiTextCase iShiftKeyPressed;
CPtiEngine* iEngine;
CRepository* iCRKey;
CPtiCoreLanguage* iCoreLanguage;
CPtiQwertyKeyMappings* iQwertyKeyMappings;
CPtiHalfQwertyKeyMappings* iHalfQwertyKeyMappings;
TInt iLanguage;
TInt iUiLanguage;
TInt iShiftKey;
TBool iValue;
TInt iCountOfButtons; //keeps track of the count of buttons
TInt iButtonsInRow; //Number of buttons in the row
TInt iButtonsInColumn; //Number of buttons in the Column
TBool iIsSqrtDimmed; //Holds the state of the squareroot button
TBool iIsPercentDimmed; //Holds the state of the percent button
TBool iIsChangeSignDimmed; //Checks if the change sign button is dimmed or not
TBool iIsOfferKeyEvent; //checks if the event on select is from Offer key or pointer
TBool iIsClearKeyEnabled; //Checks if the Clear button is Enabled or not
TBool iIsKeyLongPress; //Checks if the button is Long Pressed or not
TInt iKeyboardType;
TBool iIsShiftKeyPressed;
TInt iErrorCode;
TBool iShowDrawHight;
TBool iInputData;
#endif // CALCFUNC_H
// End of File