changeset 9 d87d32eab1a9
parent 0 951a5db380a0
--- a/videoeditorengine/h263decoder/src/h263dntc.cpp	Fri Jan 29 14:08:33 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,750 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2010 Ixonos Plc.
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - Initial contribution
-* Contributors:
-* Ixonos Plc
-* Description:  
-* Video decoder control interface.
- * Includes
- */
-/* Include the definition header for the active build target */
-#include "h263dConfig.h"
-/* Include the header for this file */
-#include "h263dntc.h"
-/* All other inclusions */
-#include "biblin.h"
-#include "h263dapi.h"
-#include "vde.h"
-#include "vdemain.h"
-#include "vdeti.h"
-#include "biblin.h"
-/* MVE */
-//#include "InnerTranscoder.h"
-#include "core.h"
-#include "MPEG4Transcoder.h"
- * Constants 
- */
-const TUint KH263StartCodeLength = 3;  // H.263 picture start code length
-const TUint KMPEG4StartCodeLength = 4; // MPEG4 picture start code length
-* Global functions
-/* {{-output"h263dClose.txt"}} */
-* h263dClose
-* Parameters:
-*    hInstance                  instance handle
-* Function:
-*    This function closes an H.263 decoder instance.
-* Returns:
-*    Nothing
-void H263D_CC h263dClose(h263dHInstance_t hInstance)
-/* {{-output"h263dClose.txt"}} */
-    if (hInstance)
-        vdeShutDown(hInstance);
-/* {{-output"h263dDecodeFrame.txt"}} */
-* h263dDecodeFrameL
-* Parameters:
-*    hInstance                  instance data
-*    pStreamBuffer              pointer to input data (>= 1 video frames)
-*    streamBufferSize           size of pStreamBuffer
-*    fFirstFrame                pointer to flag telling if the very first
-*                               frame is being decoded
-*    frameSize                  If non-NULL, frameSize is used to return 
-*                               the number of bytes that were decoded 
-*                               to produce the reconstructed output frame.
-* Function:
-*    This function decodes the bitstream until it gets at least one decoded
-*    frame. It also shows the resulting frames. 
-*    In addition, the function handles the parameter updating synchronization.
-* Returns:
-*    H263D_OK                   if the function was successful
-*    H263D_OK_EOS               if the end of stream has been reached
-*    H263D_ERROR                if a fatal error, from which the decoder
-*                               cannot be restored, has occured
-*    H263D_ERROR_HALTED         the instance is halted, it should be closed
-int H263D_CC h263dDecodeFrameL(h263dHInstance_t hInstance,
-                               void *pStreamBuffer,
-                               void *pOutStreamBuffer,
-                               unsigned streamBufferSize,
-                               u_char *fFirstFrame,
-                               TInt *frameSize,
-                               TInt *outframeSize, 
-                               vdeDecodeParamters_t *aDecoderInfo
-                               )
-/* {{-output"h263dDecodeFrame.txt"}} */
-    TInt colorEffect = aDecoderInfo->aColorEffect;
-    TInt colorToneU  = aDecoderInfo->aColorToneU;
-    TInt colorToneV  = aDecoderInfo->aColorToneV;
-    TInt frameOperation = aDecoderInfo->aFrameOperation;
-    TInt* trP = aDecoderInfo->aTrP;
-    TInt* trD = aDecoderInfo->aTrD; 
-    TInt videoClipNumber = aDecoderInfo->aVideoClipNumber; 
-    TInt smSpeed = aDecoderInfo->aSMSpeed;
-    TInt getDecodedFrame = aDecoderInfo->aGetDecodedFrame; 
-    bibBuffer_t 
-        *buffer = 0;                   /* input buffer */
-    bibBuffer_t 
-        *outbuffer = 0;               /* output buffer */
-    bibBuffer_t 
-        *tmpbuffer = 0;                /* temporary buffer */
-    u_char* tmpbuf=0;
-    bibBufferEdit_t
-        *bufEdit = 0;
-    int StartByteIndex=0;
-    int StartBitIndex=7;
-    int tr = 0;
-    int newtr = 0;
-    int efftr;
-    int numBitsGot;
-    int bitsErrorIndication;
-    int16 bibError;
-    int retValue;                  /* return value for vde functions */
-    int leaveError = 0;
-    int16
-        errorCode = 0;             /* return code for bib functions */
-  /* MVE */
-    int startCodeLen = 0;
-    CMPEG4Transcoder *hTranscoder = NULL;
-    TBool modifyMPEG4Afterwards = EFalse;
-    vdeAssert(hInstance);
-    vdeAssert(pStreamBuffer);
-    vdeAssert(pOutStreamBuffer);
-    vdeAssert(streamBufferSize);
-    vdeAssert(fFirstFrame);
-    vdeInstance_t *vdeinstance = (vdeInstance_t *) hInstance;
-    /* Create bit buffer */
-    buffer = bibCreate(pStreamBuffer, streamBufferSize, &errorCode);
-     if (!buffer || errorCode)
-         return H263D_ERROR;
-     /* MVE */
-     if ((aDecoderInfo->streamMode==EVedVideoBitstreamModeMPEG4ShortHeader) || (aDecoderInfo->streamMode == EVedVideoBitstreamModeH263) )
-         outbuffer = bibCreate(pOutStreamBuffer, streamBufferSize-3, &errorCode);
-     else
-         outbuffer = bibCreate(pOutStreamBuffer, streamBufferSize-4-3, &errorCode);
-     if (!outbuffer || errorCode)
-     {
-         bibDelete(buffer, &errorCode);
-         return H263D_ERROR;
-     }
-     bufEdit = bibBufferEditCreate(&errorCode);
-     if (!bufEdit || errorCode)
-     {
-         bibDelete(outbuffer, &errorCode);
-         bibDelete(buffer, &errorCode);
-         return H263D_ERROR;
-     }   
-     if(frameOperation==4 /*ENoDecodeNoWrite*/)
-     {
-         bufEdit->copyMode = CopyNone;
-     }
-     if(colorEffect==1 || colorEffect==2)
-     {
-         outbuffer->numBytesRead=0;
-         outbuffer->size=0;
-     }
-   /* Associate bit buffer with the VDE instance */
-     retValue = vdeSetInputBuffer(hInstance, buffer);
-     if (retValue < 0)
-         goto freeBufferAndReturn;
-     /* Associate output bit buffer with the VDE instance */
-     retValue = vdeSetOutputBuffer(hInstance, outbuffer);
-     if (retValue < 0)
-         goto freeBufferAndReturn;
-     retValue = vdeSetBufferEdit(hInstance, bufEdit);
-     if (retValue < 0)
-         goto freeBufferAndReturn;
-     retValue = vdeSetVideoEditParams(hInstance, colorEffect,
-       getDecodedFrame, colorToneU, colorToneV);
-     if (retValue < 0)
-         goto freeBufferAndReturn;
-   /* MVE */
-     if (aDecoderInfo->streamMode == EVedVideoBitstreamModeH263 /*H.263*/)
-     {
-         /* read current TR */
-         bibForwardBits(22,buffer); // streamBufferSize is in bytes
-         tr = bibGetBits(8,buffer,&numBitsGot, &bitsErrorIndication, &bibError);    
-         bibRewindBits(30,buffer,&bibError);
-     }
-  /* get first frame's QP */
-  if (!(*fFirstFrame))
-  {
-    vdeinstance->iRefQp = aDecoderInfo->aFirstFrameQp;
-  }
-  vdeinstance->iColorEffect = aDecoderInfo->aColorEffect;
-  vdeinstance->iColorToneU = aDecoderInfo->aColorToneU;
-  vdeinstance->iColorToneV = aDecoderInfo->aColorToneV;
-  /* MVE */
-  /* one frame is ready, initialize the transcoder */
-    TRAP( leaveError, (hTranscoder = CMPEG4Transcoder::NewL(vdeinstance, vdeinstance->inBuffer, vdeinstance->outBuffer)) );
-    if ( leaveError != 0 )
-    {
-        retValue = leaveError;
-        goto freeBufferAndReturn;
-    }
-    if (aDecoderInfo->aGetVideoMode)
-    {
-        /* we are to determine the bitstream mode */
-        aDecoderInfo->aOutputVideoFormat = EVedVideoTypeNoVideo;
-        int dummy1, dummy2; // position of the error resillence bit,not used here
-        vdtGetVideoBitstreamInfo(buffer, aDecoderInfo, &dummy1, &dummy2);
-    }
-    /* set transcoding information */
-    retValue = hTranscoder->SetTranscoding(aDecoderInfo);
-    if ( retValue != TX_OK )
-    {
-        goto freeBufferAndReturn;
-    }
-    /* before the first frame is decoded, determine the stream type */
-    if (*fFirstFrame) {
-        retValue = vdeDetermineStreamType(hInstance, hTranscoder);
-        if (retValue < 0)
-            goto freeBufferAndReturn;
-    /* MVE */
-        /* for the first frame of the bitstream, we may need to construct a new VOS */
-        hTranscoder->ConstructVOSHeader(vdeinstance->fMPEG4, aDecoderInfo);
-        if (vdeinstance->fMPEG4 == 1 )
-        {
-            StartByteIndex = buffer->getIndex;
-            StartBitIndex  = buffer->bitIndex;
-            /* for MPEG4 (not including shortheader) stuffing bits are inserted at the end of the VOS
-            but the index here indicates the position of the stuffing bits
-            */
-            if (StartBitIndex != 7)
-            {
-                StartByteIndex += 1;
-                StartBitIndex = 7;
-            }
-            // update the output stream size by removing VOS size
-            streamBufferSize -= StartByteIndex; 
-        }
-        else if (aDecoderInfo->streamMode == EVedVideoBitstreamModeMPEG4ShortHeader)
-        {
-            if (aDecoderInfo->aOutputVideoFormat == EVedVideoTypeH263Profile0Level10 ||
-                aDecoderInfo->aOutputVideoFormat == EVedVideoTypeH263Profile0Level45)
-            {
-                // we don't need the VOS header
-                StartByteIndex = buffer->getIndex;
-                StartBitIndex  = buffer->bitIndex;
-                // update the output stream size by removing VOS size
-                streamBufferSize -= StartByteIndex; 
-            }
-            else if (aDecoderInfo->aOutputVideoFormat == EVedVideoTypeMPEG4SimpleProfile &&
-                aDecoderInfo->fModeChanged == EFalse)
-            {
-                // update the output stream size by removing VOS size
-                // but we need the original MPEG4 shortheader VOS, which is not yet copied to the output buffer
-                streamBufferSize -= buffer->getIndex;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /* This may produce multiple output frames, and that is why it is commented
-     out. However, it may be useful if the bitstream is corrupted and picture
-     start codes are lost
-     while (buffer->bitsLeft > 8) { */
-     /* Decode frame */
-  /* MVE */
-  /* The buffer size is changed in h263decoder.cpp
-    In the old version, it is fixed to 3, which may be incorrect 
-    */
-    startCodeLen = (aDecoderInfo->streamMode == EVedVideoBitstreamModeH263)? KH263StartCodeLength : KMPEG4StartCodeLength;
-    if ( ((aDecoderInfo->aOutputVideoFormat == EVedVideoTypeMPEG4SimpleProfile) 
-            && !(aDecoderInfo->streamMode == EVedVideoBitstreamModeMPEG4ShortHeader))
-        || ((aDecoderInfo->streamMode == EVedVideoBitstreamModeMPEG4ShortHeader) && aDecoderInfo->fModeChanged) )
-        {
-        modifyMPEG4Afterwards = ETrue;
-        }
-    if (frameOperation==1/*EDecodeAndWrite*/ || frameOperation==2/*EDecodeNoWrite*/)
-        {
-        if ( vdeinstance->fMPEG4 == 1 )
-            {
-            buffer->size -= startCodeLen;
-            buffer->bitsLeft -= ( startCodeLen << 3 );
-            }
-        retValue = vdeDecodeFrame(hInstance, StartByteIndex, StartBitIndex, hTranscoder);
-        if ( retValue < VDE_OK )
-            {
-            // negative means fatal error
-            goto freeBufferAndReturn;
-            }
-         // get first frame QP for possible color toning
-         if (*fFirstFrame)
-         {
-           aDecoderInfo->aFirstFrameQp = hTranscoder->GetRefQP();
-        }
-     }
-     else if (frameOperation==3/*EWriteNoDecode*/) 
-        {
-        /* first reset bit counter to beginning of buffer */
-        /* copy input frame as it is */
-        bibForwardBits((streamBufferSize-startCodeLen)<<3,buffer); // streamBufferSize is in bytes
-        if (aDecoderInfo->streamMode == EVedVideoBitstreamModeMPEG4ShortHeader &&
-            aDecoderInfo->aOutputVideoFormat == EVedVideoTypeMPEG4SimpleProfile &&
-            !(aDecoderInfo->fModeChanged))
-            {
-            bibRewindBits(32,buffer,&bibError);
-            }
-        /* reset buffer edit to CopyWhole mode */
-        bufEdit->copyMode = CopyWhole/*CopyWhole*/;
-        if ( vdeinstance->fMPEG4 == 1 )
-            {
-            if (*fFirstFrame)
-                {
-                buffer->getIndex = buffer->size - startCodeLen;
-                buffer->bitIndex = 7;
-                buffer->bitsLeft = 24;
-                buffer->numBytesRead = buffer->size - startCodeLen;
-                }
-            if ( buffer->numBytesRead > 4 )
-                {
-                buffer->numBytesRead -= 4;
-                buffer->getIndex = buffer->numBytesRead;
-                }
-            }
-         // Reassign pointers so that outbuffer actually has the pointer to (in)buffer's data, 
-         // if we have MPEG4 output (not short header) and we need to change e.g. timestamps
-         // This eliminates 2 memory copies - otherwise we would copy from buffer to outbuffer to tmpbuffer to outbuffer; 
-         // the content is modified when copying from tmpbuffer to outbuffer. 
-         // tmpbuffer is needed since we can't modify the content directly in the outbuffer.
-         // Now we can copy directly from buffer to outbuffer.
-         // In this branch we don't call vdeDecodeFrame at all, but use either CopyEditVopL for MPEG-4 or
-         // CopyStream for H.263
-         if ( modifyMPEG4Afterwards )
-             {
-             tmpbuffer = buffer;
-             }
-         else
-             {
-             /* copy from buffer to outbuffer. This simulates vdeDecodeFrame with EDecodeAndWrite */
-             CopyStream(buffer,outbuffer,bufEdit,StartByteIndex,StartBitIndex);
-             }
-         retValue=0;
-     }
-     outbuffer->size = outbuffer->getIndex;
-     outbuffer->bitsLeft = 0;
-     if ( !tmpbuffer )
-        {
-         /* if tr values are changes, need another buffer */
-         /* first create temp buffer in memory */
-         tmpbuf = (u_char*) malloc(outbuffer->size + 4);
-         if (tmpbuf == NULL) 
-         {
-             bibDelete(outbuffer, &errorCode);
-             bibDelete(buffer, &errorCode);
-             bibBufEditDelete(bufEdit, &errorCode);
-             return H263D_ERROR;
-         }
-         tmpbuffer = bibCreate((void*)tmpbuf, outbuffer->size + 4, &errorCode);
-         if (!tmpbuffer || errorCode)
-         {
-            free(tmpbuf);
-            bibDelete(outbuffer, &errorCode);
-            bibDelete(buffer, &errorCode);
-            bibBufEditDelete(bufEdit, &errorCode);
-            return H263D_ERROR;
-         }
-        }
-   /* MVE */
-     if (aDecoderInfo->aOutputVideoFormat != EVedVideoTypeNoVideo)
-        {
-        if ( modifyMPEG4Afterwards )
-            {
-            if ( tmpbuffer != buffer )
-                {
-                // the bitstream was decoded too, need to copy it temporarily from outbuffer to tmpbuffer since it needs to be modified
-                bibRewindBits(bibNumberOfFlushedBits(tmpbuffer),tmpbuffer,&bibError);
-                bibRewindBits(bibNumberOfFlushedBits(outbuffer),outbuffer,&bibError);
-                bibForwardBits(((outbuffer->size)<<3),outbuffer);
-                outbuffer->bitsLeft = 0;
-                StartByteIndex = 0;
-                StartBitIndex = 7;
-                CopyStream(outbuffer,tmpbuffer,bufEdit,StartByteIndex,StartBitIndex);
-                tmpbuffer->baseAddr[tmpbuffer->getIndex] = 0x0;
-                tmpbuffer->baseAddr[tmpbuffer->getIndex+1] = 0x0;
-                tmpbuffer->baseAddr[tmpbuffer->getIndex+2] = 0x01;
-                tmpbuffer->baseAddr[tmpbuffer->getIndex+3] = 0xb6;
-                }
-             else
-                {
-                // the tmpbuffer was used as a shortcut to the buffer, no need to copy anything here. 
-                tmpbuffer->bitsLeft = 32;
-                // the following ones are probably not needed
-                tmpbuffer->baseAddr[tmpbuffer->getIndex+4] = 0x0;
-                tmpbuffer->baseAddr[tmpbuffer->getIndex+5] = 0x0;
-                tmpbuffer->baseAddr[tmpbuffer->getIndex+6] = 0x01;
-                tmpbuffer->baseAddr[tmpbuffer->getIndex+7] = 0xb6;
-                }
-            bibForwardBits(32,tmpbuffer);
-            // Copy bitstream part-by-part, possibly modifying it, from tmp to output. 
-            // StartByteIndex may be > 0 if there is VOS header in tmpbuffer already. It is always byte-aligned so no need to have StartBitIndex
-            TInt skip = 0;
-            if ( StartByteIndex > 0 )
-                {
-                // startByteIndex refers to input buffer. 
-                // The skip however should refer to the output buffer. The output header size is in aDecoderInfo
-                skip = aDecoderInfo->vosHeaderSize;
-                }
-            int retVal= CopyEditVop(hInstance, skip, tmpbuffer, aDecoderInfo);
-            if(retVal<0)
-                {
-                retValue = retVal;  //will be handled later
-                }
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            /* copy input frame while changing TR */
-            if((videoClipNumber>0) || (smSpeed!=1000))
-                {
-                if ((frameOperation==1) || ((frameOperation==2) && !getDecodedFrame))
-                    {
-                    /* if the output buffer will not be use, leave it as it is! */
-                    }
-                else
-                    {
-                    /* get new TR */
-                    StartByteIndex = 0;
-                    StartBitIndex = 7;
-                    outbuffer->bitsLeft = 0;
-                    newtr = GetNewTrValue(tr, trP, trD, smSpeed);
-                    /* change TR value in output bitstream */
-                    /* prepare editing position */
-                    if (!bufEdit->editParams)
-                        {
-                        bufEdit->editParams = (bibEditParams_t *) malloc(sizeof(bibEditParams_t));
-                        if (bufEdit->editParams == NULL)
-                            {
-                            retValue = H263D_ERROR;
-                            goto freeBufferAndReturn;
-                            }
-                        bufEdit->numChanges=1;
-                        bufEdit->copyMode = CopyWithEdit; // CopyWithEdit
-                        }
-                    bufEdit->editParams->curNumBits = bufEdit->editParams->newNumBits = 8; 
-                    bufEdit->editParams->StartByteIndex=2; //2;     // starting position for the TR marker 
-                    bufEdit->editParams->StartBitIndex=1; //1;          // starting position for the TR marker 
-                    bufEdit->editParams->newValue=newtr; 
-                    /* copy the input buffer to the output buffer with TR changes */
-                    CopyStream(outbuffer,tmpbuffer,bufEdit,StartByteIndex,StartBitIndex);
-                    bibRewindBits((streamBufferSize)<<3,buffer,&bibError);
-                    /* copy the changed bitstream from tmpbuffer back to buffer */
-                    bufEdit->copyMode = CopyWhole; // CopyWhole
-                    bibRewindBits(bibNumberOfFlushedBits(outbuffer),outbuffer,&bibError);
-                    CopyStream(tmpbuffer,outbuffer,bufEdit,StartByteIndex,StartBitIndex);
-                    bibRewindBits((streamBufferSize)<<3,buffer,&bibError);
-                    }
-                }
-            /* update TR values */
-            efftr = (videoClipNumber>0 || smSpeed!=1000) ? newtr : tr; 
-            *trP = efftr;
-            *trD = tr; 
-        }
-    }
-    *fFirstFrame = 0;
-    if (retValue < 0)
-        goto freeBufferAndReturn;   
-        /* See the comment above.
-        else if (retValue == H263D_OK_EOS)
-        break;
-   } */
-    if (frameSize)
-        *frameSize = bibNumberOfFlushedBytes(buffer) + 
-        ((bibNumberOfFlushedBits(buffer) % 8 > 0) ? 1 : 0);
-    *outframeSize = outbuffer->numBytesRead; 
-    int bitError = buffer->error;
-    if (hTranscoder)
-    {
-        delete hTranscoder;
-        hTranscoder = NULL;
-    }
-    if ( tmpbuffer == buffer )
-        {
-        // tmpbuffer was a shortcut to inbuffer, set it to NULL to avoid deleting it
-        tmpbuffer = NULL;
-        }
-    int16 deleteError = 0;
-    /* Delete bit buffer */
-    bibDelete(buffer, &errorCode);
-    if ( errorCode )
-        {
-        deleteError = errorCode;
-        }
-    /* Delete output bit buffer */
-    bibDelete(outbuffer, &errorCode);
-    if ( errorCode )
-        {
-        deleteError = errorCode;
-        }
-    /* Delete tmp bit buffer, if it was used */
-    if ( tmpbuffer )
-        {
-        bibDelete(tmpbuffer, &errorCode);
-        if ( errorCode )
-            {
-            deleteError = errorCode;
-            }
-        }
-    if(tmpbuf)
-        free(tmpbuf);
-    /* Delete bufEdit */
-    bibBufEditDelete(bufEdit, &errorCode);
-    if ( errorCode )
-        {
-        deleteError = errorCode;
-        }
-    if (deleteError || errorCode)
-        return H263D_ERROR;
-    if ( bitError )
-        {
-        return H263D_OK_BUT_FRAME_USELESS;
-        }
-    return retValue;
-/* {{-output"h263dGetLatestFrame.txt"}} */
-* h263dGetLatestFrame
-* Parameters:
-*    hInstance                  instance data
-*    ppy, ppu, ppv              used to return Y, U and V frame pointers
-*    pLumWidth, pLumHeight      used to return luminance image width and height
-*    pFrameNum                  used to return frame number
-* Function:
-*    This function returns the latest correctly decoded frame
-*    (and some side-information).
-* Returns:
-*    H263D_OK                   if the function was successful
-*    H263D_ERROR                if a fatal error, from which the decoder
-*                               cannot be restored, has occured
-*    H263D_ERROR_HALTED         the instance is halted, it should be closed
-int H263D_CC h263dGetLatestFrame(
-                                                                 h263dHInstance_t hInstance,
-                                                                 u_char **ppy, u_char **ppu, u_char **ppv,
-                                                                 int *pLumWidth, int *pLumHeight,
-                                                                 int *pFrameNum)
-                                                                 /* {{-output"h263dGetLatestFrame.txt"}} */
-    vdeAssert(hInstance);
-    vdeAssert(ppy);
-    vdeAssert(ppu);
-    vdeAssert(ppv);
-    vdeAssert(pLumWidth);
-    vdeAssert(pLumHeight);
-    vdeAssert(pFrameNum);
-    return vdeGetLatestFrame(hInstance, ppy, ppu, ppv, pLumWidth, pLumHeight,
-        pFrameNum);
-/* {{-output"h263dIsIntra.txt"}} */
-* h263dIsIntra
-* Parameters:
-*    hInstance                  handle of instance data
-*    frameStart                 pointer to memory chunk containing a frame
-*    frameLength                number of bytes in frame
-* Function:
-*    This function returns 1 if the passed frame is an INTRA frame.
-*    Otherwise the function returns 0.
-* Returns:
-*    See above.
-int h263dIsIntra(
-                                 h263dHInstance_t hInstance,
-                                 void *frameStart,
-                                 unsigned frameLength)
-                                 /* {{-output"h263dIsIntra.txt"}} */
-    vdeAssert(hInstance);
-    vdeAssert(frameStart);
-    vdeAssert(frameLength);
-    return vdeIsINTRA(hInstance, frameStart, frameLength);
-/* {{-output"h263dOpen.txt"}} */
-* h263dOpen
-* Parameters:
-*    openParam                  initialization parameters
-* Function:
-*    This function creates and initializes a new H.263 decoder instance.
-* Returns:
-*    an instance handle if the function was successful
-*    NULL if an error occured
-h263dHInstance_t H263D_CC h263dOpen(h263dOpen_t *openParam)
-/* {{-output"h263dOpen.txt"}} */
-    vdeAssert(openParam);
-    /* No extra space needs to be allocated after the VDE instance data
-    (of type vdeInstance_t) due to the fact that no thread specific
-    data is needed. */
-    openParam->freeSpace = 0;
-    return vdeInit(openParam);
-int GetNewTrValue(int aTrCurOrig, int* aTrPrevNew, int* aTrPrevOrig, int aSMSpeed)
-    int trCurNew=0;
-    int trDiff=0;
-    TReal speedFactor = (TReal)aSMSpeed/1000.0;
-    trDiff = aTrCurOrig - *aTrPrevOrig;
-    if(trDiff==0)  // if corrupt TR values
-        trDiff=1;  
-    else if(trDiff<0)  // jump in TR values (change of clip or end of limit)
-        trDiff = 3;    // arbitrary, for 10 fps default
-    // check for slow motion 
-    vdeAssert(aSMSpeed);
-    if(aSMSpeed!=1000)
-        trDiff = (int)((TReal)trDiff/speedFactor + 0.5);
-    trCurNew = *aTrPrevNew + trDiff; 
-    if(trCurNew>255)
-        trCurNew = trCurNew%256;
-    return trCurNew;
-// End of File