author Mikael Laine <>
Fri, 29 Jan 2010 14:08:33 +0200
changeset 0 951a5db380a0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Committing the Video Editor package under the Eclipse Public License

* Copyright (c) 2010 Ixonos Plc.
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - Initial contribution
* Contributors:
* Ixonos Plc
* Description:  

#include <f32file.h>
#include "AudPanic.h"
#include "ProcInFileHandler.h"
#include "AudClipInfo.h"
#include "ProcTools.h"
#include "audconstants.h"

// Debug print macro
#if defined _DEBUG 
#include <e32svr.h>
#define PRINT(x) RDebug::Print x;
#define PRINT(x)


    if (iFileOpen && iOwnsFile)

    if (iProperties != 0)
        delete iProperties;
        iProperties = 0;

    delete iRawSilentFrame;
    delete iInputBuffer;
    delete iWavFrameHandler;


TBool CProcInFileHandler::DecodingRequired()
    return iDecodingRequired;

TInt CProcInFileHandler::GetDecodedFrameSize()
    if (iProperties == 0)
        return 0;
        // divided by 1000000/2 cause time is in 
        // microseconds and 16 bits are used for one sample
#ifdef EKA2
        TInt frameSize = (iProperties->iFrameDuration.Int64())*(iTargetSampleRate)/(1000000/2);
        TInt frameSize = (iProperties->iFrameDuration.Int64().GetTInt())*(iTargetSampleRate)/(1000000/2);
        if (iChannelMode == EAudStereo)
            frameSize *= 2;
        return frameSize;

void CProcInFileHandler::SetDecodingRequired(TBool aDecodingRequired)
    iDecodingRequired = aDecodingRequired;

TBool CProcInFileHandler::GetAudioFrameL(HBufC8*& aFrame, TInt& aSize, TInt32& aTime, TBool& aRawFrame) 

    if (iDecodingRequired)
        aRawFrame = ETrue;
        return GetRawAudioFrameL(aFrame, aSize, aTime);
        aRawFrame = EFalse;
        return GetEncAudioFrameL(aFrame, aSize, aTime);
TBool CProcInFileHandler::GetRawAudioFrameL(HBufC8*& aFrame, TInt& aSize, TInt32& aTime)
    while (iInputBuffer == 0 || iInputBuffer->Length() < iRawFrameLength)
        TBool ret = GetOneRawAudioFrameL(aFrame, aSize, aTime);
        if (!ret)
            return ret;
        delete aFrame;
        aFrame = 0;
    if (iInputBuffer->Length() >= iRawFrameLength)
        aFrame = HBufC8::NewL(iRawFrameLength);
        TInt bytesInSecond = iTargetSampleRate*2;
        if (iChannelMode == EAudStereo)
            bytesInSecond *= 2;
        // Fix for synchronizing problem ---------------------------------->
        // If the accurate frame length cannot be represented in milliseconds
        // store the remainder and increase the output frame lenght by one ms 
        // when needed. Accuracy depends on sampling rate
        TReal accurateFrameLen = TReal(aFrame->Length()*1000)/bytesInSecond;
        aTime = TUint((aFrame->Length()*1000)/bytesInSecond);
        iFrameLenRemainderMilli += accurateFrameLen - aTime;
        if (iFrameLenRemainderMilli > 1)
            aTime += 1;
            iFrameLenRemainderMilli -= 1;
        // <---------------------------------- Fix for synchronizing problem
        iInputBuffer->Des().Delete(0, iRawFrameLength);

    return ETrue;

TBool CProcInFileHandler::GetOneRawAudioFrameL(HBufC8*& aFrame, TInt& aSize, TInt32& aTime)

    TInt size = 0;
    TInt32 time = 0;
    HBufC8* frame = 0;
    TBool encFrameRead = GetEncAudioFrameL(frame, size, time);    
    if (encFrameRead) 
    aTime = time;
    if (!encFrameRead)
        return EFalse;
    TRAPD(err, iDecoder->FillDecBufferL(frame, aFrame));
    if (err == KErrNotFound)
        // S60 audio decoders seem to leave with KErrNotFound if they find problems in input clips. 
        // However, sometimes the problem is only in one frame, e.g. the 1st frame may contain some metadata that can't be decoded,
        // but decoding can continue after that. But if there are many errors, the clip is most likely unusable.
	    PRINT((_L("CProcInFileHandler::GetOneRawAudioFrameL() iDecoder->FillDecBufferL leaved with %d"),err));
        if ( iDecoderErrors > 0 )
            // several errors, leave, but change the error code to more readable
    	    PRINT((_L("CProcInFileHandler::GetOneRawAudioFrameL() leave with %d"),KErrCorrupt));
    else if (err == KErrNone)
        // keep filling the decoder buffer; the decoder seem to leave with KErrNone if it can't get enough data, ignore the leave
        // some other error
	    PRINT((_L("CProcInFileHandler::GetOneRawAudioFrameL() iDecoder->FillDecBufferL leaved with %d, leaving"),err));
    if (encFrameRead) 
        frame = 0;
    while (aFrame == 0 || aFrame->Size() == 0)
        encFrameRead = GetEncAudioFrameL(frame, size, time);
        if (encFrameRead) 
            return EFalse;
        aTime += time;
        iDecoder->FillDecBufferL(frame, aFrame);
        if (encFrameRead) 
            frame = 0;
    aSize = aFrame->Length();
    if (iProperties->iAudioTypeExtension != EAudExtensionTypeNoExtension) 
        // AACPlus is always decoded, therefore the gain manipulation can be done
        // in time domain
        aSize = aFrame->Length();
    return ETrue;

TBool CProcInFileHandler::SetRawAudioFrameSize(TInt aSize)
    const TInt KMaxRawFrameSize = 4096;
    if (aSize > 0 && aSize <= KMaxRawFrameSize)
        iRawFrameLength = aSize;
        return ETrue;
    return EFalse;

TBool CProcInFileHandler::GetSilentAudioFrameL(HBufC8*& aFrame, TInt& aSize, TInt32& aTime, TBool& aRawFrame)
    if (iDecodingRequired)
        aRawFrame = ETrue;
        return GetRawSilentAudioFrameL(aFrame, aSize, aTime);
        aRawFrame = EFalse;
        return GetEncSilentAudioFrameL(aFrame, aSize, aTime);

TBool CProcInFileHandler::GetRawSilentAudioFrameL(HBufC8*& aFrame, TInt& aSize, TInt32& aDuration)
    aFrame = HBufC8::NewL(iRawFrameLength);    
    aFrame->Des().Fill(0, aFrame->Des().MaxLength());

    TInt bytesInSecond = iTargetSampleRate*2;
    if (iChannelMode == EAudStereo)
        bytesInSecond *= 2;
    aDuration = TUint((aFrame->Length()*1000)/bytesInSecond);
    aSize = aFrame->Length();
    // input buffer is created only if needed
    if (iInputBuffer)
        iInputBuffer->Des().Delete(0, iInputBuffer->Size());
    return ETrue;

TBool CProcInFileHandler::GetEncSilentAudioFrameL(HBufC8*& aFrame, TInt& aSize, TInt32& aDuration)
    if (iSilentFrame == 0)
        return EFalse;
    aFrame = HBufC8::NewL(iSilentFrame->Size());    

    aDuration = iSilentFrameDuration;
    aSize = iSilentFrame->Size();
    return ETrue;


CProcInFileHandler::CProcInFileHandler() : iFileOpen(EFalse)

TInt32 CProcInFileHandler::GetCurrentTimeMilliseconds() 
    return iCurrentTimeMilliseconds;


// default implementation for files that do not have buffered bytes
TBool CProcInFileHandler::ReadAudioDecoderSpecificInfoL(HBufC8*& /*aBytes*/, TInt /*aBufferSize*/)
    return EFalse;

TBool CProcInFileHandler::OpenFileForReadingL() 

    if (iFileOpen)
    TInt err = iFs.Connect();
    if (err != KErrNone) 
        iFileOpen = EFalse;

    err=iFile.Open(iFs, iFileName->Des(), EFileShareReadersOnly);
    if (err != KErrNone) 
        err=iFile.Open(iFs, iFileName->Des(), EFileShareAny);
    if (err != KErrNone) 
        iFileOpen = EFalse;
        iFileOpen = ETrue;
        return ETrue;

    return EFalse;


TBool CProcInFileHandler::
SetPropertiesL(TAudFileProperties aProperties) 
  if(iProperties == 0)
    iProperties = new (ELeave) TAudFileProperties();

  iProperties->iAudioType = aProperties.iAudioType;
  iProperties->iBitrate = aProperties.iBitrate;
  iProperties->iBitrateMode = aProperties.iBitrateMode;
  iProperties->iChannelMode = aProperties.iChannelMode;
  iProperties->iDuration = 0;
  iProperties->iFileFormat = aProperties.iFileFormat;
  iProperties->iSamplingRate = aProperties.iSamplingRate;
  iProperties->iFrameLen = aProperties.iFrameLen;
  iProperties->iFrameDuration = aProperties.iFrameDuration;
  iProperties->iFrameCount = aProperties.iFrameCount;
  return (ETrue);

TBool CProcInFileHandler::SetPriority(TInt aPriority)
    if (aPriority < 0) return EFalse;

    iPriority = aPriority;

    return ETrue;

TInt CProcInFileHandler::Priority() const
    return iPriority;


TBool CProcInFileHandler::CloseFile() 

    if (iOwnsFile)
        iFileOpen = EFalse;
    return ETrue;


TBool CProcInFileHandler::InitAndOpenFileL(const TDesC& aFileName, 
                                           RFile* aFileHandle,
                                           TInt aReadBufferSize) 

    iBufferStartOffset = 0;
    iBufferEndOffset = 0;
    iCutInTime = 0;

    if (!aFileHandle)
        iFileName = HBufC::NewL(aFileName.Length());
        *iFileName = aFileName;
    iReadBufferSize = aReadBufferSize;
    iReadBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(iReadBufferSize);
    const TInt KVedACSizeAMRBuffer = 320;
    // [JK]: Moved from OpenFileForReadingL
    // AMR buffer is the smallest possible
    // buffersize fill be increased if needed
    iRawFrameLength = KVedACSizeAMRBuffer;
    iInputBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(iRawFrameLength);

    if (aFileHandle)
        iFile = *aFileHandle;
        iOwnsFile = EFalse;
        iFileOpen = ETrue;
        return 0;
    TBool err = OpenFileForReadingL();
    if (!err) iFileOpen = ETrue;
    iOwnsFile = ETrue;
    return err;


void CProcInFileHandler::ResetAndCloseFile()

    if (iFileOpen) 
    if (iFileName != 0)
        delete iFileName;
    iFileName = 0;
    if (iReadBuffer != 0)
        delete iReadBuffer;
    iReadBuffer = 0;
    delete iRawSilentFrame;
    iRawSilentFrame = 0;


TInt CProcInFileHandler::BufferedFileRead(TInt aPos,TDes8& aDes) 
    TInt bufSize;
    if (!iFileOpen) 
    TBool readingNeeded = EFalse;
    if (aPos < iBufferStartOffset || aPos + aDes.MaxSize() > iBufferEndOffset) 
        readingNeeded = ETrue;
        TInt fSize;

        if(aPos >= fSize) 
            return 0;

        TPtr8 tmpDes((TPtr8)iReadBuffer->Des());

        iFile.Read(aPos, (TPtr8&)tmpDes, iReadBufferSize);

        iBufferStartOffset = aPos;
        iBufferEndOffset = aPos+iReadBuffer->Des().Size()-1;        

    if (iReadBuffer->Size() == 0) 
        return 0;
        bufSize = Min(iReadBuffer->Des().Length(), aDes.MaxSize());
        aDes.Copy(iReadBuffer->Des().Mid(aPos-iBufferStartOffset, bufSize));
        iFilePos = aPos+aDes.Size();

        return aDes.Size();

TInt CProcInFileHandler::BufferedFileRead(TDes8& aDes) 

    if (!iFileOpen) 

    return BufferedFileRead(iFilePos, aDes);


TInt CProcInFileHandler::BufferedFileRead(TDes8& aDes,TInt aLength) 
    TInt bufSize;

    if (!iFileOpen) 

    TBool readingNeeded = EFalse;
    if (iFilePos < iBufferStartOffset || iFilePos + aLength-1 > iBufferEndOffset) 
        readingNeeded = ETrue;
        TPtr8 tmpDes((TPtr8)iReadBuffer->Des());

        iFile.Read(iFilePos, (TPtr8&)tmpDes, iReadBufferSize);
        if (iReadBuffer->Size() == 0) return 0; 
        iFile.Seek(ESeekStart, iFilePos);
        iBufferStartOffset = iFilePos;
        iBufferEndOffset = iFilePos+iReadBuffer->Des().Size()-1;        
    bufSize = Min(iReadBuffer->Des().Length(), aLength);
    aDes.Copy(iReadBuffer->Des().Mid(iFilePos-iBufferStartOffset, bufSize));
    iFilePos = iFilePos+aDes.Size();
    return aDes.Size();


TInt CProcInFileHandler::BufferedFileReadChar(TInt aPos, TUint8& aChar)

    TBuf8<1> cha;
    BufferedFileRead(aPos, cha);

    if (cha.Size() == 1)
        aChar = cha[0];
        return 1;
        return 0;


TBool CProcInFileHandler::BufferedFileSetFilePos(TInt aPos) 

    TInt fileSize = 0;
    iFile.Seek(ESeekEnd, fileSize);

    iFile.Seek(ESeekStart, aPos);

    if (aPos == 0)
        iBufferStartOffset = 0;
        iBufferEndOffset = 0;

    if (aPos < 0) 
        return EFalse;
    else if (aPos > fileSize) 
        return EFalse;
        iFilePos = aPos;
    return ETrue;

TInt CProcInFileHandler::BufferedFileGetFilePos() 

    return iFilePos;


TInt CProcInFileHandler::BufferedFileGetSize()

    TInt fileSize = 0;

    return fileSize;


TInt8 CProcInFileHandler::NormalizingMargin() const 
    return iNormalizingMargin;
TBool CProcInFileHandler::ManipulateGainL(HBufC8*& aFrameIn) 
    if (iClip == 0)
        return ETrue;
    if (iProperties->iAudioTypeExtension != EAudExtensionTypeNoExtension)
        // gain manipulation with AACPlus is done in time domain
        if (iWavFrameHandler == 0)
            const TInt KBitDepth = 16;
            iWavFrameHandler = CProcWAVFrameHandler::NewL(KBitDepth);
    // check if the clip is normalized
    TInt8 normalizingGain1 = iNormalizingMargin;
    // check what is the current gain according to dynamic level marks
    TInt8 newGain1 = GetGainNow();
    // the combination of dynamic level marks + normalizing
    TInt8 normalizedGain1 = 0;
    if ( ((TInt)newGain1+normalizingGain1) > (TInt)KMaxTInt8)
        normalizedGain1 = KMaxTInt8;
        normalizedGain1 = static_cast<TInt8>(newGain1+normalizingGain1); 
    if (normalizedGain1 != 0)
        HBufC8* frameOut = 0;    
        // if we need to adjust gain...
        TBool manip = ETrue;
        if (iProperties->iAudioTypeExtension != EAudExtensionTypeNoExtension)
            manip = iWavFrameHandler->ManipulateGainL(aFrameIn, frameOut, normalizedGain1);
            manip = iFrameHandler->ManipulateGainL(aFrameIn, frameOut, normalizedGain1);    
        if (manip)
            if (frameOut->Size() > aFrameIn->Size())
                // if manipulated frame was longer than the original
                aFrameIn = aFrameIn->ReAllocL(frameOut->Size());
            aFrameIn->Des().Delete(0, aFrameIn->Size());
            CleanupStack::Pop(); // aFrameIn
        return EFalse;
    return ETrue;

TInt8 CProcInFileHandler::GetGainNow() 
    TInt markAmount = iClip->DynamicLevelMarkCount();
    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds ti(0);
    TAudDynamicLevelMark previous(ti,0);
    //TInt32 durationMilliseconds =     (aClip->Info()->Properties().iDuration.Int64()/1000).GetTInt();
    TAudDynamicLevelMark next(iClip->Info()->Properties().iDuration,0);

    for (TInt a = 0 ; a < markAmount ; a++) 
        TAudDynamicLevelMark markNow = iClip->DynamicLevelMark(a);
        if (ProcTools::MilliSeconds(markNow.iTime) > iCurrentTimeMilliseconds) 
            next = markNow;

        previous = markNow;


    TInt32 previousMilli = ProcTools::MilliSeconds(previous.iTime);
    TInt32 nextMilli = ProcTools::MilliSeconds(next.iTime);
    TInt32 timeDifference = nextMilli - previousMilli;
    TInt8 previousLevel = previous.iLevel;
    TInt8 nextLevel = next.iLevel;
    // If the levels are positive then the amount of gain needs to be reduced
    if (previousLevel > 0)
        previousLevel /= KAedPositiveGainDivider;
    if (nextLevel > 0)
        nextLevel /= KAedPositiveGainDivider;

    if (timeDifference == 0) 
        return previousLevel;
    TInt32 fraction = ((iCurrentTimeMilliseconds-previousMilli)*100)/timeDifference;
    TInt8 newGain = 0;
    TInt8 levelDifference = static_cast<TInt8>(Abs(nextLevel - previousLevel));
    TInt8 inc = 0;
    if (fraction > 0) 
        inc = static_cast<TInt8>((levelDifference*fraction)/100);

    if (nextLevel - previousLevel >= 0) 
        newGain = static_cast<TInt8>(previousLevel + inc);
        newGain = static_cast<TInt8>(previousLevel - inc);
    return newGain;

TBool CProcInFileHandler::WriteDataToInputBufferL(const TDesC8& aData)
    if (iInputBuffer == 0)
        iInputBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(aData.Size());
    else if (iInputBuffer->Des().MaxSize() < iInputBuffer->Length() + aData.Length())
        iInputBuffer = iInputBuffer->ReAllocL(iInputBuffer->Length() + aData.Length());
    return ETrue;