author Stefan Karlsson <>
Sat, 10 Apr 2010 13:40:32 +0100
changeset 8 1c7b0f9777f7
parent 0 951a5db380a0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Got rid of some trivial warnings (nested comments and tokens after #endif).

* Copyright (c) 2010 Ixonos Plc.
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - Initial contribution
* Contributors:
* Ixonos Plc
* Description:  

#include "ProcEncoder.h"
#include "audconstants.h"
#include    <MmfDatabuffer.h>
#include    <mmfcontrollerpluginresolver.h>
#include    <mmfutilities.h>
#include    <mmf/plugin/mmfCodecImplementationUIDs.hrh>
#include    <MMFCodec.h>


// Debug print macro
#if defined _DEBUG 
#include <e32svr.h>
#define PRINT(x) RDebug::Print x; 
#define PRINT(x)

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TCMRAMREncParams
// Encoding parameters structure for SW AMR codec
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TVedACAMREncParams
    // encoding mode (for AMR-NB: 0=MR475,1=MR515,...,7=MR122, default 7)
    TInt iMode;
    // DTX flag (TRUE or default FALSE)
    TInt iDTX;

CProcEncoder* CProcEncoder::NewL()
    CProcEncoder* self = NewLC();
    return self;

CProcEncoder* CProcEncoder::NewLC()

    CProcEncoder* self = new (ELeave) CProcEncoder();
    return self;


    delete iSourceInputBuffer;
    delete  iDestInputBuffer;
    delete iDestCodec;
TBool CProcEncoder::InitL(TAudType aAudioType, TInt aTargetSamplingRate, TChannelMode aChannelMode,
                          TInt aBitrate)
    PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::InitL() in")));
    if (aAudioType == EAudAMR)
        iOutputFrameDurationMilli = 20;
    else if (aAudioType == EAudAAC_MPEG4)
        iOutputFrameDurationMilli = (1024*1000)/(aTargetSamplingRate);
        // only AMR & AAC encoding supported
        PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::InitL() out, unsupported audio type")));
    iToBitRate = aBitrate;
    iAudioType = aAudioType;
    iNumberOfFramesInOutputBuffer = 0;

    iToSampleRate = aTargetSamplingRate;
    iToChannels = 1; 
    if (aChannelMode == EAudStereo)
        iToChannels = 2;    

    TInt destInputBufferSize = 0;
    TInt sourceInputBufferSize = 0;
    // input buffer size:
    // we never get longer than 64 milliseconds input
    // as it is limited by the input formats
    // for 16kHz AAC the frame duration is 64 ms
    const TInt KMaxInputDurationMilli = 64;
    // multiplied by 2 as we have a bitdepth of 16
    sourceInputBufferSize = (2*aTargetSamplingRate*KMaxInputDurationMilli)/1000;

    if (aChannelMode == EAudStereo)
        sourceInputBufferSize *= 2;

    if ( aAudioType == EAudAMR )
        // from 64 ms input we can have maximum 4 AMR frames
        destInputBufferSize = KAedMaxAMRFrameLength*4;
    else if (aAudioType == EAudAAC_MPEG4)
        if ( aChannelMode == EAudSingleChannel )
            destInputBufferSize = KAedMaxAACFrameLengthPerChannel;
            destInputBufferSize = 2 * KAedMaxAACFrameLengthPerChannel;
    if ( iSourceInputBuffer )
        delete iSourceInputBuffer;
        iSourceInputBuffer = NULL;
    iSourceInputBuffer = CMMFDataBuffer::NewL(sourceInputBufferSize*5);
    if ( iDestInputBuffer )
        delete iDestInputBuffer;
        iDestInputBuffer = NULL;

    TInt errC = KErrNone;

    if (aAudioType == EAudAMR)
        // shouldn't get more than 6 AMR frames at a time -> 120 ms
        iDestInputBuffer = CMMFDataBuffer::NewL( destInputBufferSize);
        iDestInputBuffer = CMMFDataBuffer::NewL( destInputBufferSize);
    TRAP (errC,SetDestCodecL());
    if (errC != KErrNone)
        // initialization failed for some reason

    TInt err = KErrNone;

    if ( iAudioType == EAudAAC_MPEG4 )
        TRAP( err, ConfigureAACEncoderL());
    else if (iAudioType == EAudAMR)
        TRAP( err, ConfigureAMREncoderL());
    if (err != KErrNone || errC != KErrNone)

        // initialization failed for some reason

    iReady = ETrue;
    PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::InitL() out")));

    return ETrue;

TBool CProcEncoder::FillEncBufferL(const TDesC8& aRawFrame, HBufC8* aEncBuffer, TInt& aOutputDurationMilli)
    PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::FillEncBufferL() in")));
    aOutputDurationMilli = 0;

    if (!iReady)
    iEncBuffer = aEncBuffer;
    if (iEncBuffer->Length() == 0)
        iNumberOfFramesInOutputBuffer = 0;
    if ( !aRawFrame.Length() )
        return EFalse;
    if ( (TInt)(aRawFrame.Length() + iSourceInputBuffer->Position() ) > iSourceInputBuffer->Data().MaxLength() )
        ReAllocBufferL( iSourceInputBuffer, aRawFrame.Length() + iSourceInputBuffer->Position() );
    // copy the input data to MMF buffer
    iSourceInputBuffer->Data().SetLength( 0 );
    iSourceInputBuffer->SetPosition( 0 );

    iSourceInputBuffer->Data().Append( aRawFrame );
    iSourceInputBuffer->Data().SetLength( iSourceInputBuffer->Data().Length() );
    FeedCodecL( iDestCodec, iSourceInputBuffer, iDestInputBuffer);

    if (iEncBuffer->Size() > 0)
       aOutputDurationMilli = iOutputFrameDurationMilli * iNumberOfFramesInOutputBuffer;
       PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::FillEncBufferL() out with ETrue (complete)")));
       return ETrue;
    PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::FillEncBufferL() out with EFalse (incomplete)")));
    return EFalse;

TAudType CProcEncoder::DestAudType()
    return iAudioType;

void CProcEncoder::ConstructL()

void CProcEncoder::ConfigureAMREncoderL()
    PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::ConfigureAMREncoderL() in")));

    if ( (iToBitRate < KAedMinAMRBitRate) || (iToBitRate > KAedMaxAMRBitRate) )
        User::Leave( KErrArgument );

    TVedACAMREncParams* configData = new (ELeave) TVedACAMREncParams;
    CleanupStack::PushL( configData );

    // the bitrates in the switch & if below are not magic numbers but AMR bitrates in bits per seconds and mode indices from TAmrEncParams

    switch ( iToBitRate )
        case 4750:
            configData->iMode = 0;
            configData->iDTX = EFalse;
        case 5150:
            configData->iMode = 1;
            configData->iDTX = EFalse;
        case 5900:
            configData->iMode = 2;
            configData->iDTX = EFalse;
        case 6700:
            configData->iMode = 3;
            configData->iDTX = EFalse;
        case 7400:
            configData->iMode = 4;
            configData->iDTX = EFalse;
        case 7950:
            configData->iMode = 5;
            configData->iDTX = EFalse;
        case 10200:
            configData->iMode = 6;
            configData->iDTX = EFalse;
        case 12200:
            configData->iMode = 7;
            configData->iDTX = EFalse;
        default :
            // Interprets now the bitrate proprietarily: bitrates that are not exactly AMR bitrates 
            // mean that voice activity detection is used and the AMR bitrates is the given bitrate rounded upwards to the next AMR bitrate
            if ( iToBitRate < 4750 )
                configData->iMode = 0;
                configData->iDTX = ETrue;
            else if ( iToBitRate < 5150 )
                configData->iMode = 1;
                configData->iDTX = ETrue;
            else if ( iToBitRate < 5900 )
                configData->iMode = 2;
                configData->iDTX = ETrue;
            else if ( iToBitRate < 6700 )
                configData->iMode = 3;
                configData->iDTX = ETrue;
            else if ( iToBitRate < 7400 )
                configData->iMode = 4;
                configData->iDTX = ETrue;
            else if ( iToBitRate < 7950 )
                configData->iMode = 5;
                configData->iDTX = ETrue;
            else if ( iToBitRate < 10200 )
                configData->iMode = 6;
                configData->iDTX = ETrue;
            else // must be: ( iToBitRate < 12200 ) since checked earlier
                configData->iMode = 7;
                configData->iDTX = ETrue;

    TUid uid ={KUidMmfCodecAudioSettings}; // Use Uid reserved for codec configurations
    iDestCodec->ConfigureL( uid, reinterpret_cast<TDesC8&>(*configData));
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( configData );
    PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::ConfigureAMREncoderL() out")));

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CProcEncoder::ConfigureAACEncoderL
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CProcEncoder::ConfigureAACEncoderL()
    PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::ConfigureAACEncoderL() in")));
    TInt i = 0;
    TBool iSet = EFalse;
    for ( i = 0; i < KAedNumSupportedAACSampleRates; i++ )
        if ( iToSampleRate == KAedSupportedAACSampleRates[i] )
            iSet = ETrue;
    if ( !iSet )
        // given samplerate is not supported
        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );

    // AAC codec interprets the input as array of TInts, not as a class
    RArray<TInt> config;
    config.Append (iToBitRate); //BitRate
    config.Append (iToSampleRate);  //SamplingRate
    config.Append (0);  //iToolFlags
    config.Append (iToChannels);    //iNumChan
    // NOTE Ali: for 48kHz stereo we might need to use ADTS as output format
    // as we can get more than one frame in synchronous call!
    config.Append (0);  //iuseFormat 0=RAW; 1=ADTS; 2=ADIF
    config.Append (0);  // 0 = 1 Frame only; 1 = Full Buffer

    TUid uid ={KUidMmfCodecAudioSettings}; // Use Uid reserved for codec configurations
    iDestCodec->ConfigureL( uid,  reinterpret_cast<TDesC8&>(config));
    PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::ConfigureAACEncoderL() out")));

void CProcEncoder::ReAllocBufferL( CMMFDataBuffer* aBuffer, TInt aNewMaxSize )
    if ( aBuffer->Data().Length() )
        TInt position = aBuffer->Position();
        TInt length = aBuffer->Data().Length();
        HBufC8* oldData = aBuffer->Data().AllocL();
        CleanupStack::PushL( oldData );
        ((CMMFDescriptorBuffer*)aBuffer)->ReAllocBufferL( aNewMaxSize );
        aBuffer->Data().Copy( *oldData );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( oldData );
        aBuffer->Data().SetLength( length );
        aBuffer->SetPosition( position );
        ((CMMFDescriptorBuffer*)aBuffer)->ReAllocBufferL( aNewMaxSize );
void CProcEncoder::FeedCodecL( CMMFCodec* aCodec, CMMFDataBuffer* aSourceBuffer, CMMFDataBuffer* aDestBuffer )
    PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::FeedCodecL() in")));
    TBool completed = EFalse;
    TCodecProcessResult result;
    TInt aSrcUsed = 0;

    while ( !completed )

        // encode and check the result
        result = EncodeL(aCodec, aSourceBuffer, aDestBuffer);
        switch ( result.iStatus )
            case TCodecProcessResult::EProcessIncomplete:
                // Not all data from input was consumed (EncodeL updated buffer members), but output was generated
                aDestBuffer->Data().SetLength( 0 );
                aDestBuffer->SetPosition( 0 );

            case TCodecProcessResult::EProcessComplete:
                // all data from input was used and output was generated
                aDestBuffer->Data().SetLength( 0 );
                aDestBuffer->SetPosition( 0 );
                //completed = ETrue;

            case TCodecProcessResult::EDstNotFilled:
                // need more input data, can't fill the output yet; put it back to the empty queue
                //completed = ETrue;

                // EEndOfData, EProcessError, EProcessIncompleteRepositionRequest, EProcessCompleteRepositionRequest
                User::Leave( KErrUnknown );
        aSrcUsed += result.iSrcBytesProcessed;
        if (aSrcUsed >= (STATIC_CAST(CMMFDataBuffer*, aSourceBuffer)->Data().Length()))
            PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::FeedCodecL() ProcessL is completed aSrcUsed[%d]"), aSrcUsed));
			completed = ETrue;

    PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::FeedCodecL() out")));

TBool CProcEncoder::GetIsSupportedDestCodec()
    TFourCC fourCC; 
    TUid euid;
    if (iAudioType == EAudAMR)
        fourCC = TFourCC(KMMFFourCCCodeAMR);
        euid = KAedAMRNBEncSWCodecUid;
    else if (iAudioType == EAudAAC_MPEG4 )
        fourCC = TFourCC(KMMFFourCCCodeAAC);
        euid = KAedAACEncSWCodecUid;
    _LIT8(emptyFourCCString, "    ,    ");
    TBufC8<9> fourCCString(emptyFourCCString);
    TPtr8 fourCCPtr = fourCCString.Des();
    TPtr8 fourCCPtr1(&fourCCPtr[0], 4);
    TPtr8 fourCCPtr2(&fourCCPtr[5], 4 );

    TFourCC srcFourCC(' ','P','1','6');

    TBool found = EFalse;
    TRAPD( err, found = CheckIfCodecAvailableL( fourCCPtr, euid ));
    if (err == KErrNone)
        return found;    
        return EFalse;

void CProcEncoder::SetDestCodecL()
    PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::SetDestCodecL() in")));

    if ( !GetIsSupportedDestCodec() )
        PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::SetDestCodecL() error, unsupported codec")));
        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
    if ( iDestCodec )
        delete iDestCodec;
        iDestCodec = NULL;

    TUid euid = TUid::Null();
    if (iAudioType == EAudAMR)
        euid = KAedAMRNBEncSWCodecUid;
    else if (iAudioType == EAudAAC_MPEG4 )
        euid = KAedAACEncSWCodecUid;
    iDestCodec = CMMFCodec::NewL (euid);
    iReady = EFalse;

    PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::SetDestCodecL() out")));
TBool CProcEncoder::CheckIfCodecAvailableL(
    const TDesC8& aCodecFourCCString, const TUid& aCodecUId )
    PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::CheckIfCodecAvailableL() in")));
    TBool found = EFalse;

    // Create a TEcomResolverParams structure.
    TEComResolverParams resolverParams ;
    resolverParams.SetDataType( aCodecFourCCString ) ;
    resolverParams.SetWildcardMatch( EFalse ) ;

    RImplInfoPtrArray plugInArray ; // Array to return matching decoders in (place on cleanupstack _after_ ListImplementationsL() )

    TUid UidMmfPluginInterfaceCodec = {KMmfUidPluginInterfaceCodec};

    // ListImplementationsL leaves if it cannot find anything so trap the error and ignore it.
    TRAPD( err, REComSession::ListImplementationsL(UidMmfPluginInterfaceCodec, resolverParams, plugInArray ) ) ;

    if (err == KErrNone)
        found = EFalse;
        for ( TInt i = 0; i < plugInArray.Count(); i++)
            // there is a match, but 1st we need to ensure it is the one we have tested with, and that have compatible implementation of ConfigureL
            PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::CheckIfCodecAvailable() plugin found with Uid 0x%x"), plugInArray[i]->ImplementationUid().iUid ));
            if ( plugInArray[i]->ImplementationUid() == aCodecUId )
			    //match accepted
                PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::CheckIfCodecAvailable() plugin accepted")));
			    found = ETrue;
        PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::CheckIfCodecAvailable() Error in ListImp.: %d"), err));
        //no match
        found = EFalse;

    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  //plugInArray
    PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::CheckIfCodecAvailableL() out")));
    return found;

TCodecProcessResult CProcEncoder::EncodeL( CMMFCodec* aCodec, CMMFDataBuffer* aInBuffer, CMMFDataBuffer* aOutBuffer)
    PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::EncodeL() in, input pos: %d, length: %d"), aInBuffer->Position(), aInBuffer->Data().Length() ));
    TCodecProcessResult result;

    result = aCodec->ProcessL (*aInBuffer, *aOutBuffer);

    switch (result.iStatus)
        case TCodecProcessResult::EProcessComplete:
            // finished processing source data, all data in sink buffer
            PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::FeedCodecL() EProcessComplete")));
            aInBuffer->SetPosition( 0 );

        case TCodecProcessResult::EDstNotFilled:
            // the destination is not full, we need more data. Handled in caller
            PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::FeedCodecL() EDstNotFilled")));
            aInBuffer->SetPosition( 0 );

        case TCodecProcessResult::EProcessIncomplete:
            // the sink was filled before all the source was processed
            PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::FeedCodecL() EProcessIncomplete")));
            aOutBuffer->SetPosition( 0 );
            aInBuffer->SetPosition( aInBuffer->Position() + result.iSrcBytesProcessed );



    PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::EncodeL() out, %d -> %d"),result.iSrcBytesProcessed, result.iDstBytesAdded));
    PRINT((_L("CProcEncoder::EncodeL() out, input pos: %d, length: %d"), aInBuffer->Position(), aInBuffer->Data().Length() ));
    return result;