changeset 67 72c709219fcd
parent 66 adb51f74b890
--- a/videocollection/tsrc/stubs/	Tue Oct 05 09:26:49 2010 +0300
+++ b/videocollection/tsrc/stubs/	Fri Oct 15 16:29:10 2010 +0300
@@ -30,11 +30,12 @@
-	inc/videoserviceurifetch.h \	
-	inc/videoservicebrowse.h \
-	inc/xqserviceutilstub.h \
-	inc/xqserviceproviderstub.h \
-	inc/xqsettingsmanagerstub.h \
+    inc/videocollectiontrace.h \
+    inc/videoserviceurifetch.h \	
+    inc/videoservicebrowse.h \
+    inc/xqserviceutilstub.h \
+    inc/xqserviceproviderstub.h \
+    inc/xqsettingsmanagerstub.h \
     inc/testobjectstore.h \
     inc/hbpopup.h \
     inc/hbabstractitemview.h \
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
     inc/hbcheckbox.h \
     inc/hbdeviceprofile.h \
     inc/hbdialog.h \
+    inc/hbselectiondialog.h \
     inc/hbnotificationdialog.h \
     inc/hbglobal.h \
     inc/hbgroupbox.h \
@@ -83,7 +85,14 @@
     inc/xqserviceutilxtra.h \
     inc/videooperatorservicedata.h \
     inc/videooperatorservice_pdata.h \
-    # We need stub for this because it has static data and HW compilation of moc file fails because of that.
+    inc/xqappmgrstub.h \
+    inc/xqaiwrequeststub.h \
+    inc/apaidstub.h \
+    inc/apgclistub.h \
+    inc/videocollectiontrace.h \
+    inc/apgtaskstub.h \
+    inc/coemainstub.h \
+    # We need stub for this because it has static data and HW compilation of moc file fails because of that. 
     inc/videoservices.h \
     ../../videocollectionview/inc/videocollectionuiloader.h \
     ../../videocollectionview/inc/videocollectionviewutils.h \
@@ -101,7 +110,7 @@
     ../../videocollectionwrapper/inc/videothumbnaildata.h \
     ../../videocollectionview/inc/videooperatorservice.h \
     src/xqserviceprovider.cpp \
     src/testobjectstore.cpp \
@@ -109,6 +118,7 @@
     src/hbaction.cpp \
     src/hbcheckbox.cpp \
     src/hbdialog.cpp \
+    src/hbselectiondialog.cpp \
     src/hbnotificationdialog.cpp \
     src/hbinputdialog.cpp \
     src/hbglobal.cpp \
@@ -148,8 +158,14 @@
     src/videoactivitystate.cpp \
     src/videooperatorservice.cpp \
     src/videooperatorservice_p.cpp \
-	src/videocollectionwrapperdata.cpp \
-    src/xqsettingsmanagerstub.cpp
+    src/videocollectionwrapperdata.cpp \
+    src/xqsettingsmanagerstub.cpp \
+    src/xqappmgr.cpp \
+    src/xqaiwrequest.cpp \
+    src/apaidstub.cpp \
+    src/apgclistub.cpp \
+    src/apgtask.cpp \
+    src/coemain.cpp