changeset 52 e3cecb93e76a
parent 47 45e72b57a2fd
child 59 a76e86df7ccd
--- a/videoplayback/hbvideoplaybackview/controlsrc/mpxvideoplaybacktoolbar.cpp	Tue Jul 06 14:17:50 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,755 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Implementation of QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar
-// Version : %version:  7 %
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <QGraphicsLayout>
-#include <hbaction.h>
-#include <hbtoolbar.h>
-#include <hbinstance.h>
-#include <hbtoolbutton.h>
-#include <w32std.h>
-#include "mpxvideo_debug.h"
-#include "hbvideobaseplaybackview.h"
-#include "mpxvideoplaybacktoolbar.h"
-#include "mpxcommonvideoplaybackview.hrh"
-#include "mpxvideoplaybackdocumentloader.h"
-#include "mpxvideoplaybackviewfiledetails.h"
-#include "mpxvideoplaybackcontrolscontroller.h"
-const int KSeekStartTimeOut = 700;
-const int KRetrieveButtonTimeOut = 1000;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar()
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        QMPXVideoPlaybackControlsController* controller )
-    : mController( controller )
-    , mSeekStartTimer( NULL )
-    , mRetrieveButtonTimer( NULL )
-    , mSeekingState( EMPXNotSeeking )
-    , mInitialized( false )
-    , mPosition( 0 )
-    , mDuration( 0 )
-    , mAspectRatio( EMPXPbvCmdNaturalAspectRatio )
-    MPX_ENTER_EXIT(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar"));
-    mToolBar = mController->view()->toolBar();
-    mToolBar->setOrientation( Qt::Horizontal );
-    mController->view()->hideItems( Hb::ToolBarItem );
-    initialize();
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::~QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar()
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    MPX_DEBUG(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::~QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar()"));
-    mToolBar->clearActions();
-    for ( int i = 0 ; i < mButtonIcons.count() ; i++ )
-    {
-        if ( mButtonIcons[i] )
-        {
-            delete mButtonIcons[i];
-        }
-    }
-    mButtonIcons.clear();
-    if ( mSeekStartTimer )
-    {
-        if ( mSeekStartTimer->isActive() )
-        {
-            mSeekStartTimer->stop();
-        }
-        delete mSeekStartTimer;
-        mSeekStartTimer = NULL;
-    }
-    if ( mRetrieveButtonTimer )
-    {
-        if ( mRetrieveButtonTimer->isActive() )
-        {
-            mRetrieveButtonTimer->stop();
-        }
-        delete mRetrieveButtonTimer;
-        mRetrieveButtonTimer = NULL;
-    }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::initialize()
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::initialize()
-    MPX_ENTER_EXIT(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::initialize()"));
-    //
-    // Don't need to initialize buttons once it gets initialized
-    //
-    if ( ! mInitialized )
-    {
-        mInitialized = true;
-        QActionGroup *actionsGroup = new QActionGroup( mToolBar );
-        for ( int i = 0 ; i < EMPXButtonCount ; i++ )
-        {
-            mButtonActions.append( new HbAction( actionsGroup ) );
-        }
-        for ( int i = 0 ; i < EMPXIconCount ; i++ )
-        {
-            mButtonIcons.append( new HbIcon() );
-        }
-        //
-        // RW button
-        //
-        mButtonIcons[EMPXRWIcon]->setIconName( "qtg_mono_previous" );
-        mButtonActions[EMPX2ndButton]->setIcon( *mButtonIcons[EMPXRWIcon] );
-        //
-        // Play/Pause button
-        //
-        mButtonIcons[EMPXPlayIcon]->setIconName( "qtg_mono_play" );
-        mButtonIcons[EMPXPauseIcon]->setIconName( "qtg_mono_pause" );
-        mButtonActions[EMPX3rdButton]->setIcon( *mButtonIcons[EMPXPlayIcon] );
-        //
-        // FF button
-        //
-        mButtonIcons[EMPXFFIcon]->setIconName( "qtg_mono_next" );
-        mButtonActions[EMPX4thButton]->setIcon( *mButtonIcons[EMPXFFIcon] );
-        //
-        // Details button
-        //
-        mButtonIcons[EMPXDetailsIcon]->setIconName( "qtg_mono_info" );
-        mButtonActions[EMPX5thButton]->setIcon( *mButtonIcons[EMPXDetailsIcon] );
-        //
-        // Aspect ratio buttons
-        //
-        mButtonIcons[EMPXNaturalIcon]->setIconName( "qtg_mono_aspect_ratio_natural" );
-        mButtonIcons[EMPXStretchIcon]->setIconName( "qtg_mono_aspect_ratio_stretched" );
-        mButtonIcons[EMPXZoomIcon]->setIconName( "qtg_mono_aspect_ratio_zoom" );
-        mButtonActions[EMPX1stButton]->setIcon( *mButtonIcons[EMPXNaturalIcon] );
-        //
-        // Attach/Share button
-        //
-        mButtonIcons[EMPXAttachIcon]->setIconName( "qtg_mono_attach" );
-        mButtonIcons[EMPXShareIcon]->setIconName( "qtg_mono_share" );
-        for ( int i = 0 ; i < EMPXButtonCount ; i++ )
-        {
-            mButtonActions[i]->setCheckable( false );
-            mToolBar->addAction( mButtonActions[i] );
-        }
-        mDuration = (qreal)mController->fileDetails()->mDuration / (qreal)KPbMilliMultiplier;
-        //
-        // Create a timer for seeking.
-        // We will issue SetPosition every KSeekingTimeOut msec to show the current frame to user
-        //
-        mSeekStartTimer = new QTimer();
-        mSeekStartTimer->setSingleShot( true );
-        mSeekStartTimer->setInterval( KSeekStartTimeOut );
-        //
-        // get window size
-        //
-        RWindow *window = mController->view()->getWindow();
-        TRect displayRect = TRect( TPoint( window->Position() ), TSize( window->Size() ) );
-        //
-        // get window aspect ratio
-        //   if device is in portrait mode, width > height
-        //   if device is in landscape mode, width < height
-        //
-        TReal32 width = (TReal32) displayRect.Width();
-        TReal32 height = (TReal32) displayRect.Height();
-        mDisplayAspectRatio = (width > height)? (width / height) : (height / width);
-    }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::playPause()
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::playPause()
-    MPX_DEBUG(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::playPause()"));
-    mController->resetDisappearingTimers( EMPXTimerReset );
-    mController->handleCommand( EMPXPbvCmdPlayPause );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::ffPressing()
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::ffPressing()
-    MPX_ENTER_EXIT(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::ffPressing()"),
-                   _L("mSeekingState = %d"), mSeekingState );
-    if ( mSeekingState == EMPXNotSeeking )
-    {
-        mSeekingState = EMPXFastForwarding;
-        mController->handleCommand( EMPXPbvCmdSeekForward );
-    }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::rwPressing()
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::rwPressing()
-    MPX_ENTER_EXIT(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::rwPressing()"),
-                   _L("mSeekingState = %d"), mSeekingState );
-    if ( mSeekingState == EMPXNotSeeking )
-    {
-        mSeekingState = EMPXRewinding;
-        mController->handleCommand( EMPXPbvCmdSeekBackward );
-    }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::ffReleased()
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::ffReleased()
-    MPX_ENTER_EXIT(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::ffReleased()"),
-                   _L("mSeekingState = %d"), mSeekingState );
-    disconnect( mSeekStartTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( ffPressing() ) );
-    if ( mSeekStartTimer->isActive() )
-    {
-        mSeekStartTimer->stop();
-    }
-    if ( mSeekingState == EMPXFastForwarding )
-    {
-        mController->handleCommand( EMPXPbvCmdEndSeek );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        int temp = mPosition + KMPXFastForward;
-        MPX_DEBUG(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::ffReleased() temp position = %d"), temp);
-        //
-        // If it has the playing time which is less than KMPXFastForward, ignore
-        //
-        if ( temp < mDuration )
-        {
-            mController->handleCommand( EMPXPbvCmdSetPosition, temp );
-        }
-    }
-    mSeekingState = EMPXNotSeeking;
-    mController->resetDisappearingTimers( EMPXTimerReset );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::rwReleased()
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::rwReleased()
-    MPX_ENTER_EXIT(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::rwReleased()"),
-                   _L("mSeekingState = %d"), mSeekingState );
-    disconnect( mSeekStartTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( rwPressing() ) );
-    if ( mSeekStartTimer->isActive() )
-    {
-        mSeekStartTimer->stop();
-    }
-    if ( mSeekingState == EMPXRewinding )
-    {
-        mController->handleCommand( EMPXPbvCmdEndSeek );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        int temp = mPosition + KMPXRewind;
-        MPX_DEBUG(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::rwReleased() temp position = %d"), temp);
-        //
-        // If it played less than KMPXRewind, jump to 0
-        //
-        if ( temp < 0 )
-        {
-            temp = 0;
-        }
-        mController->handleCommand( EMPXPbvCmdSetPosition, temp );
-    }
-    mSeekingState = EMPXNotSeeking;
-    mController->resetDisappearingTimers( EMPXTimerReset );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::changeAspectRatio()
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::changeAspectRatio()
-    MPX_DEBUG(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::changeAspectRatio()"));
-    mController->resetDisappearingTimers( EMPXTimerReset );
-    TMPXVideoPlaybackViewCommandIds cmd = EMPXPbvCmdStretchAspectRatio;
-    switch( mAspectRatio )
-    {
-        case EMMFZoom:
-        {
-            cmd = EMPXPbvCmdNaturalAspectRatio;
-            break;
-        }
-        case EMMFStretch:
-        {
-            cmd = EMPXPbvCmdZoomAspectRatio;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    mController->handleCommand( cmd );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::updateState()
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::updateState( TMPXPlaybackState state )
-    MPX_DEBUG(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::updateState() state = %d"), state );
-    switch ( state )
-    {
-        case EPbStatePlaying:
-        {
-            mToolBar->setEnabled( true );
-            mButtonActions[EMPX3rdButton]->setIcon( *mButtonIcons[EMPXPauseIcon] );
-            break;
-        }
-        case EPbStatePaused:
-        {
-            mToolBar->setEnabled( true );
-            mButtonActions[EMPX3rdButton]->setIcon( *mButtonIcons[EMPXPlayIcon] );
-            break;
-        }
-        default:
-        {
-            mToolBar->setEnabled( false );
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::aspectRatioChanged()
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::aspectRatioChanged( int aspectRatio )
-    MPX_DEBUG(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::aspectRatioChanged() aspectRatio = %d"), aspectRatio );
-    mAspectRatio = aspectRatio;
-    //
-    // If we are in attach service or audio only view, then don't update the icon.
-	// Aspect ratio icon slots are shared with attach and share icon.
-	// Just update the mAspectRatio
-	// and once we go back to full screen, we will show the correct aspect ratio icon
-	//
-    if ( ! mController->isAttachOperation() && mController->viewMode() == EFullScreenView )
-    {
-        switch( mAspectRatio )
-        {
-            case EMMFNatural:
-            {
-                mButtonActions[EMPX1stButton]->setIcon( *mButtonIcons[EMPXStretchIcon] );
-                break;
-            }
-            case EMMFStretch:
-            {
-                mButtonActions[EMPX1stButton]->setIcon( *mButtonIcons[EMPXZoomIcon] );
-                break;
-            }
-            default:
-            {
-                mButtonActions[EMPX1stButton]->setIcon( *mButtonIcons[EMPXNaturalIcon] );
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::handleButtonPressed()
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::handleButtonPressed()
-    MPX_DEBUG(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::handleButtonPressed()"));
-    mController->resetDisappearingTimers( EMPXTimerCancel );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::handleRWButtonPressed()
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::handleRWButtonPressed()
-    MPX_DEBUG(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::handleRWButtonPressed()"));
-    mController->resetDisappearingTimers( EMPXTimerCancel );
-    connect( mSeekStartTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( rwPressing() ) );
-    if ( mSeekStartTimer->isActive() )
-    {
-        mSeekStartTimer->stop();
-    }
-    mSeekStartTimer->start();
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::handleFFButtonPressed()
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::handleFFButtonPressed()
-    MPX_DEBUG(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::handleButtonPressed()"));
-    mController->resetDisappearingTimers( EMPXTimerCancel );
-    connect( mSeekStartTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( ffPressing() ) );
-    if ( mSeekStartTimer->isActive() )
-    {
-        mSeekStartTimer->stop();
-    }
-    mSeekStartTimer->start();
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::updateWithFileDetails()
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::updateWithFileDetails(
-        QMPXVideoPlaybackViewFileDetails* details )
-    MPX_DEBUG(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::updateWithFileDetails()"));
-    if ( mController->isAttachOperation() )
-    {
-        //
-        // Show attach button
-        //
-        mButtonActions[EMPX1stButton]->setIcon( *mButtonIcons[EMPXAttachIcon] );
-        if ( mButtons.count() )
-        {
-            disconnect( mButtons[EMPX1stButton], SIGNAL( released() ), 0, 0 );
-            connect( mButtons[EMPX1stButton], SIGNAL( released() ),
-                     mController, SLOT( attachVideo() ) );
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        if ( mController->viewMode() == EFullScreenView )
-        {
-            //
-            // Show aspect ratio button
-            //
-            aspectRatioChanged( mAspectRatio );
-            if ( ! details->mVideoEnabled ||
-                   details->mVideoHeight <= 0 ||
-                   details->mVideoWidth <= 0 ||
-                   details->mTvOutConnected )
-            {
-                //
-                // dim 'aspect ratio' buttons
-                //
-                mButtonActions[EMPX1stButton]->setEnabled( false );
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                //
-                // check if video clip has same aspect ratio as display window
-                //
-                TReal32 videoAspectRatio = (TReal32) details->mVideoWidth / (TReal32) details->mVideoHeight;
-                bool enabled = ( mDisplayAspectRatio == videoAspectRatio )? false : true;
-                //
-                // enable or dim 'aspect ratio' buttons accordingly
-                //
-                mButtonActions[EMPX1stButton]->setEnabled( enabled );
-                if ( mButtons.count() )
-                {
-                    disconnect( mButtons[EMPX1stButton], SIGNAL( released() ), 0, 0 );
-                    connect( mButtons[EMPX1stButton], SIGNAL( released() ),
-                             this, SLOT( changeAspectRatio() ) );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        else if ( mController->viewMode() == EAudioOnlyView )
-        {
-            //
-            // Show share button
-            //
-            mButtonActions[EMPX1stButton]->setIcon( *mButtonIcons[EMPXShareIcon] );
-            if ( mController->fileDetails()->mPlaybackMode == EMPXVideoStreaming ||
-                 mController->fileDetails()->mPlaybackMode == EMPXVideoLiveStreaming )
-            {
-                //
-                // dim 'share' button for streaming
-                //
-                mButtonActions[EMPX1stButton]->setEnabled( false );
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                //
-                // enable 'share' button
-                //
-                mButtonActions[EMPX1stButton]->setEnabled( true );
-                if ( mButtons.count() )
-                {
-                    disconnect( mButtons[EMPX1stButton], SIGNAL( released() ), 0, 0 );
-                    connect( mButtons[EMPX1stButton], SIGNAL( released() ),
-                             mController, SLOT( sendVideo() ) );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    //
-    // for audio-only clips and tv-out, default view is audionOnlyView
-    // therefore, dim details button
-    //
-    if ( ! details->mVideoEnabled || details->mTvOutConnected )
-    {
-        mButtonActions[EMPX5thButton]->setEnabled( false );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        mButtonActions[EMPX5thButton]->setEnabled( true );
-    }
-    if ( details->mSeekable && details->mPausableStream )
-    {
-        mButtonActions[EMPX2ndButton]->setEnabled( true );
-        mButtonActions[EMPX4thButton]->setEnabled( true );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        mButtonActions[EMPX2ndButton]->setEnabled( false );
-        mButtonActions[EMPX4thButton]->setEnabled( false );
-    }
-    if ( details->mPausableStream )
-    {
-        mButtonActions[EMPX3rdButton]->setEnabled( true );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        mButtonActions[EMPX3rdButton]->setEnabled( false );
-    }
-    //
-    // toolbar creates button once it gets visible, so we don't know exact timing when toolbar
-    // creates button, so start timer to get layout information once the toolbar gets visible.
-    // This is needed since we don't use toolbar in proper way.
-    //
-    if ( ! mRetrieveButtonTimer && ! mButtons.count() )
-    {
-        mRetrieveButtonTimer = new QTimer();
-        mRetrieveButtonTimer->setSingleShot( false );
-        mRetrieveButtonTimer->setInterval( KRetrieveButtonTimeOut );
-        connect( mRetrieveButtonTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( retrieveButtons() ) );
-        mRetrieveButtonTimer->start();
-    }
-    durationChanged( (qreal)mController->fileDetails()->mDuration / (qreal)KPbMilliMultiplier );
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::openDetailsView()
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::openDetailsView()
-    MPX_ENTER_EXIT(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::openDetailsView()"));
-    TPlaybackViewMode viewMode = mController->viewMode();
-    if ( viewMode == EFullScreenView )
-    {
-        mController->changeViewMode( EDetailsView );
-    }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::positionChanged
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::positionChanged( int position )
-    MPX_DEBUG(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::positionChanged position = %d"), position );
-    mPosition = position;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::durationChanged
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::durationChanged( int duration )
-    MPX_DEBUG(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::durationChanged duration = %d"), duration );
-    mDuration = duration;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::setVisible
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::setVisible( bool visible )
-    MPX_DEBUG(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::setVisible visible = %d"), visible );
-    if ( visible )
-    {
-        mController->view()->showItems( Hb::ToolBarItem );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        mController->view()->hideItems( Hb::ToolBarItem );
-    }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::retrieveButtons()
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::retrieveButtons()
-    MPX_DEBUG(_L("QMPXVideoPlaybackToolBar::retrieveButtons()"));
-    if ( mButtons.count() == 0 )
-    {
-        QGraphicsLayout *layout = mToolBar->layout();
-        if ( layout )
-        {
-            if ( mRetrieveButtonTimer )
-            {
-                disconnect( mRetrieveButtonTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( retrieveButtons() ) );
-                if ( mRetrieveButtonTimer->isActive() )
-                {
-                    mRetrieveButtonTimer->stop();
-                }
-            }
-            for ( int i = 0 ; i < layout->count() ; i++ )
-            {
-                mButtons.append( dynamic_cast<HbToolButton*>( layout->itemAt( i ) ) );
-            }
-            //
-            // Connect signal and slots
-            //
-            connect( mButtons[EMPX1stButton], SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, SLOT( handleButtonPressed() ) );
-            connect( mButtons[EMPX2ndButton], SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, SLOT( handleRWButtonPressed() ) );
-            connect( mButtons[EMPX2ndButton], SIGNAL( released() ), this, SLOT( rwReleased() ) );
-            connect( mButtons[EMPX3rdButton], SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, SLOT( handleButtonPressed() ) );
-            connect( mButtons[EMPX3rdButton], SIGNAL( released() ), this, SLOT( playPause() ) );
-            connect( mButtons[EMPX4thButton], SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, SLOT( handleFFButtonPressed() ) );
-            connect( mButtons[EMPX4thButton], SIGNAL( released() ), this, SLOT( ffReleased() ) );
-            connect( mButtons[EMPX5thButton], SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, SLOT( handleButtonPressed() ) );
-            connect( mButtons[EMPX5thButton], SIGNAL( released() ), this, SLOT( openDetailsView() ) );
-            if ( mController->isAttachOperation() )
-            {
-                connect( mButtons[EMPX1stButton], SIGNAL( released() ),
-                         mController, SLOT( attachVideo() ) );
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                if ( mController->viewMode() == EFullScreenView )
-                {
-                    connect( mButtons[EMPX1stButton], SIGNAL( released() ),
-                             this, SLOT( changeAspectRatio() ) );
-                }
-                else if ( mController->viewMode() == EAudioOnlyView )
-                {
-                    connect( mButtons[EMPX1stButton], SIGNAL( released() ),
-                             mController, SLOT( sendVideo() ) );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-//End of file