* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: header file for CIptvEpgDb class. Engine version 1.1.*
#include <e32std.h>
#include <badesca.h> // CDesCArrayFlat (cannot be forward declarated)
#include <d32dbms.h> // RDbStoreDatabase
#include <f32file.h> // RFs
#include "CIptvUtil.h"
#include "MIptvEpgVodCallback.h"
#include <cenrepnotifyhandler.h>
const int KCustomSqlMaxLength( 256 );
const TInt KIptvDbNameMaxLength( 50 );
// Category table
_LIT( KIptvEpgCategoryTable, "Cat" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgCategoryDbKeyCol, "Key" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgCategoryDbParentKeyCol, "PKey" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgCategoryDbIdCol, "Id" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgCategoryDbNameCol, "Name" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgCategoryDbIconFileIdCol, "IconId" ); // Obsolete field
_LIT( KIptvEpgCategoryDbIsIconFilePathUrlCol, "IsIconPathUrl" ); // Obsolete
_LIT( KIptvEpgCategoryDbIconFilePathCol, "IconPath" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgCategoryDbDescriptionCol, "Desc" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgCategoryDbPubDateCol, "PD" ); // Obsolete field
_LIT( KIptvEpgCategoryDbContentCountCol, "ContentCount" );
// Content table
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentTable, "Con" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbKeyCol, "Key" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbIdCol, "Id" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbNameCol, "Name" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbFileIdCol, "FID" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbDriveIdCol, "Dr" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbPreviewFileIdCol, "PFID" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbPreviewDriveIdCol, "PDr" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbContentProtectionCol, "CP" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbIconFileIdCol, "IconId" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbIsIconFilePathUrlCol, "IsIconPathUrl" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbIconFilePathCol, "IconPath" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbContentFileIdCol, "ConId" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbDescriptionCol, "Desc" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbPubDateCol, "PD" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbBrowserUrlCol, "BU" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbOrderCol, "Ord" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbAuthorCol, "Aut" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbCopyrightCol, "Cop" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbSizeCol, "Siz" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbDurationCol, "Dur" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbLanguageCol, "Lan" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbRatingAgeCol, "RatingAge" );
// Category_Content table
_LIT( KIptvEpgCategoryContentTable, "CategoryContent" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgCategoryContentCategoryKeyCol, "CategoryKey" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgCategoryContentContentKeyCol, "ContentKey" );
// Service table
_LIT( KIptvEpgServiceTable, "Service" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgServiceLastUpdate, "LastUpdate" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgServiceNextUpdate, "NextUpdate" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgServiceETag, "ETag" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgServiceLastModifiedSince, "LastModifiedSince" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgServiceXmlFileHash, "EXmlFileHash" );
_LIT( KIptvEpgServiceVersion, "Version" );
// ContentAccess
_LIT( KIptvCATable, "ContentAccess" );
_LIT( KIptvCAContentKey, "ContentKey" );
_LIT( KIptvCAContentUrl, "ContentUrl" );
_LIT( KIptvCADlType, "DlType" );
_LIT( KIptvCALanguage, "Language" );
_LIT( KIptvCAPrice, "Price" );
_LIT( KIptvCAPurchaseType, "PurchaseType" );
_LIT( KIptvCAPurchaseUrl, "PurchaseUrl" );
_LIT( KIptvCALastPlayPosition, "LastPlayPosition" );
_LIT( KIptvCAMimeType, "MimeType" );
_LIT( KIptvCAFileSize, "FileSize" );
_LIT( KIptvCADuration, "Duration" );
_LIT( KIptvCAFileId, "FileId" );
_LIT( KIptvCADriveId, "DriveId" );
_LIT( KIptvCAIndex, "Index" );
_LIT( KIptvCAExpression, "Expression" );
// Name of the category Key index
_LIT( KIptvEpgCategoryDbIndexName, "CategoryIndex" );
// Name of the content Key index
_LIT( KIptvEpgContentDbIndexName, "ContentIndex" );
// Name of the CategoryContent Key index
_LIT( KIptvEpgCategoryContentDbIndexName, "CatConIndex" );
class CIptvEpgCategory;
class CIptvEpgContent;
class CIptvVodContentCategoryBriefDetails;
class CIptvVodContentContentBriefDetails;
class CIptvVodContentContentFullDetails;
class CIptvMyVideosGlobalFileId;
class CIptvServer;
class CIptvEpgSession;
* An instance of class CIptvEpgDb provides Epg database access creating and
* manipulating Epg database files and database entries (categories and
* contents.
* Database definition:
* The Epg database contains one table as follows:
* Table name: Category
* Column: Type: Length (bytes):
* ------ ----- ---------------
* Key EDbColUint32 4
* ParentKey EDbColUint32 4
* Id EDbColText KIptvIdMaxLength * 2
* Name EDbColText KIptvEpgCategoryNameMaxLength * 2
* IconFileId EDbColUint32 4
* IsIconFilePathUrl EDbColUint32 4
* IconFilePath EDbColText KIptvEpgCategoryIconFilePathMaxLength * 2
* PubDate EDbColDateTime 8
* Description EDbColText KIptvEpgCategoryDescriptionMaxLength * 2
* contentCount EDbColUint32 4
* There is also index for Category table with name "CategoryIndex". It
* consists of Key column.
* Index provides quick find.
* Database definition:
* The Epg database contains one table as follows:
* Table name: Content
* Column: Type: Length (bytes):
* ------ ----- ---------------
* Key EDbColUint32 4
* Id EDbColText KIptvIdMaxLength * 2
* Name EDbColText KIptvEpgContentNameMaxLength * 2
* FileId EDbColUint32 4
* Drive EDbColUint32 4
* PFileId EDbColUint32 4
* PDrive EDbColUint32 4
* ContentProtection EDbColUint32 4 (NOT USED)
* IconFileId EDbColUint32 4
* IsIconFilePathUrl EDbColUint32 4
* IconFilePath EDbColText KIptvEpgContentIconFilePathMaxLength * 2
* ContentFileId EDbColUint32 4
* Description EDbColText KIptvEpgContentDescriptionMaxLength * 2
* PubDate EDbColDateTime 8
* BrowserUrl EDbColText KIptvEpgContentBrowserUrlMaxLength * 2
* Order EDbColUint32 4
* Author EDbColText KIptvEpgContentAuthorLength * 2
* Copyright EDbColText KIptvEpgContentCopyrightLength * 2
* Size EDbColUint32 4
* Duration EDbColUint32 4
* Language EDbColText KIptvCALanguageLength * 2
* RatingAge EDbColUint16 2
* Missing from content table, not implemented in increment 1:
* - Next postponed download time
* - Next scheduled download time
* There is also index for Content table with name "ContentIndex". It
* consists of Key column.
* Index provides quick find.
* Database definition:
* The Epg database contains one table as follows:
* Table name: CategoryContent
* Column: Type: Length (bytes):
* ------ ----- --------------
* CategoryKey EDbColUint32 4
* ContentKey EDbColUint32 4
* Database definition:
* The Epg database contains one table as follows:
* Table name: Service
* Column: Type: Length (bytes):
* ------ ----- ---------------
* LastUpdate EDbColDateTime 8
* NextUpdate EDbColDateTime 8
* ETag EDbColText 64
* LastModifiedSince EDbColText 64
* EXmlFileHash EDbColText 20
* Version EDbColUint32 4
* Database definition:
* The Epg database contains one table as follows:
* Table name: ContentAccess
* Column: Type: Length (bytes):
* ------ ----- ---------------
* ContentKey EDbColUint32 4
* ContentUrl EDbColLongText KIptvCAContentUrlLength * 2
* DlType EDbColUint32 4
* Language EDbColText KIptvCALanguageLength * 2
* Price EDbColText KIptvCAPriceLength * 2
* PurchaseType EDbColUint32 4
* PurchaseURL EDbColLongText KIptvCAPurchaseUrlLength * 2
* LastPlayPosition EDbColUint32 4
* MimeType EDbColText KIptvCAMimeTypeLength * 2
* FileSize EDbColUint32 4
* Duration EDbColUint32 4
* FileId EDbColUint32 4
* DriveId EDbColUint32 4
* Index EDbColUint32 4
* Expression EDbColUint32 4
* @lib IptvServer.exe
* @since Engine 1.0
class CIptvEpgDb : public CBase,
public MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aEpgFile Database file name.
* @param aServiceId Service id.
* @param aServer Server.
static CIptvEpgDb* NewL(
const TFileName& aEpgFile,
const TUint32& aServiceId,
CIptvServer& aServer );
* Destructor.
// Query methods for EpgMsgHandler from VodContentClient interface
* Get list of ECG categories.
* The ownership of the returned list is transferred to caller.
* The order of categories is defined by database originated from
* service provider.
* @param aParentCategoryId Points to category ID which sub-categories
* should be listed. If NULL, the root is
* referenced.
* @param aCategoryList Reference to a storage where pointer to
* created category list is returned.
* @return Error code, KErrNone if no errors,
* KErrCouldNotConnect if server is needs
* permission for connection,
* otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
TInt GetEcgCategoryListL(
TIptvCategoryId aParentCategoryId,
RPointerArray<CIptvVodContentCategoryBriefDetails>& aCategoryList );
* Get detais of one category item.
* @since Engine 1.1
* @param aCategoryId Selected category ID identifier.
* @param aCategory Reference to a full details data returned.
* @return Error code, KErrNone if no errors.
TInt GetCategoryDetailsL(
TIptvCategoryId aCategoryId,
CIptvVodContentCategoryBriefDetails& aCategory );
* Get parent category ID identifier.
* This method allows application to browse toward root category,
* then two consecutive calls are needed.
* @param aCategoryId Points to category ID which parent category is
* requested.
* @param aParentId Reference to a storage where parent ID is returned.
* @return Error code, KErrNone if no errors,
* KErrCouldNotConnect if server is needs permission
* for connection,
* otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
TInt GetParentCategoryL(
TIptvCategoryId aCategoryId,
TIptvCategoryId& aParentId );
* Get list of ECG contents in the specified category in order defined
* by database originated from service provider.
* The ownership of the returned list is transferred to caller.
* @param aCategoryId Selected category ID identifier
* @param aSearchString A search string used to filter contents search.
* If NULL, no filtering issued.
* @param aFrom The start index for listed contents. If NULL, start from
* the first one.
* @param aAmount Amount of content elementes to be listes. If NULL,
* all starting from aFrom.
* @param aTotalAmount Pointer to a variable where total amount of
* content is returned.
* @param aEcgList Reference to returned ECG list items.
* @return Error code, KErrNone if no errors,
* KErrCouldNotConnect if server is needs permission
* for connection,
* otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
TInt GetEcgListL(
TIptvCategoryId aCategoryId,
const TDesC& aSearchString,
TUint32 aFrom,
TUint32 aAmount,
TUint32& aTotalAmount,
RPointerArray<CIptvVodContentContentBriefDetails>& aEcgList );
* Get list of all ECG contents in alphabetical order.
* The ownership of the returned list is transferred to caller.
* @param aSearchString A search string used to filter contents search.
* If NULL, no filtering issued.
* @param aFrom The start index for listed contents.
* If NULL, start from the first one.
* @param aAmount Amount of content elementes to be listes.
* If NULL, all starting from aFrom.
* @param aTotalAmount Pointer to a variable where total amount of
* content is returned.
* @param aEcgList Reference to returned ECG list items.
* @return Error code, KErrNone if no errors,
* KErrCouldNotConnect if server is needs permission
* for connection,
* otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
TInt GetEcgAllListL(
const TDesC& aSearchString,
TUint32 aFrom,
TUint32 aAmount,
TUint32& aTotalAmount,
RPointerArray<CIptvVodContentContentBriefDetails>& aEcgList );
* Get full detais of one content item.
* The ownership of the returned data is transferred to caller.
* @param aContentId Selected content ID identifier.
* @param aContentFullDetails Reference to returned full details data.
* @return Error code, KErrNone if no errors,
* KErrCouldNotConnect if server is needs permission
* for connection,
* otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
TInt GetContentDetailsL(
TIptvContentId aContentId,
CIptvVodContentContentFullDetails& aContentFullDetails );
* Marks the database files to be deleted after database has been closed.
* @param aDelete ETrue to delete the files (default value), EFalse to clear this flag.
void DeleteDatabaseFiles( TBool aDelete = ETrue );
// from MIptvEpgPluginManager interface
* Add new category to database.
* @param aCategory Reference to CIptvEpgCategory object.
* @param aCategoryKey New category key value is inserted to
* aCategoryKey
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the
* system-wide error codes.
TInt AddCategoryL(
CIptvEpgCategory& aCategory,
TUint32& aCategoryKey );
* Add relation between category and content.
* @param aCategoryKey Category key.
* @param aContentKey Content key.
TInt AddRelationL( TUint32& aCategoryKey, TUint32& aContentKey );
* Add new content to given category.
* @param aContent Reference to CIptvEpgContent object.
* @param aMediaContents Pointer array containing media content objects.
* There can be n media content's for one content.
* @param aContentKey New content key value is inserted to
* aContentKey
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of
* the system-wide error codes.
TInt AddContentL(
CIptvEpgContent& aContent,
RPointerArray<CIptvMediaContent> aMediaContents,
TUint32& aContentKey );
* Update category icon.
* @param aCategoryKey Category key.
* @param aIconFileId Icon file id to search from the database.
* @param aIconFilePath Full path to icon file or URL + filename.
* @param aIsUrl If aIconFilePath is URL aIsUrl == ETrue,
* if aIconFilePath is path
* to local filesystem aIsUrl == EFalse.
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of
* the system-wide error codes.
TInt UpdateCategoryIconL(
TUint32& aCategoryKey,
TUint32& aIconFileId,
const TDesC& aIconFilePath,
TBool aIsUrl );
* Update content icon.
* @param aCategoryKey Content key.
* @param aIconFileId Icon file id to search from the database.
* @param aIconFilePath Full path to icon file or URL + filename.
* @param aIsUrl If aIconFilePath is URL aIsUrl == ETrue,
* if aIconFilePath is path
* to local filesystem aIsUrl == EFalse.
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of
* the system-wide error codes.
TInt UpdateContentIconL(
TUint32& aContentKey,
TUint32& aIconFileId,
const TDesC& aIconFilePath,
TBool aIsUrl );
* Get service update information.
* @param aLastUpdate Last update time.
* @param aInterval Update interval.
TInt GetServiceInformationL(
TTime& aLastUpdate,
TTime& aInterval);
* Update service update information.
* @param aLastUpdate Last update time.
* @param aInterval Update interval.
TInt UpdateServiceInformationL(
const TTime& aLastUpdate,
const TTime& aInterval );
* Get service update information for HTTP headers.
* @param aETag ETag
* @param aLastModifiedSince LastModifiedSince
TInt GetServiceETagAndLastmodifiedSinceL(
TDes& aETag,
TDes& aLastModifiedSince );
* Update service update information for HTTP headers.
* @param aETag ETag
* @param aLastModifiedSince LastModifiedSince
TInt UpdateServiceETagAndLastModifiedSinceL(
const TDesC& aETag,
const TDesC& aLastModifiedSince );
* Get hash for service XML file.
* @param aHash Hash string
TInt GetServiceXmlFileHashL(
TDes& aHash);
* Update hash for service XML file.
* @param aHash Hash string
TInt UpdateServiceXmlFileHashL(
const TDesC& aHash);
* Reset global Id.
* @param aId Global file id to be reset.
TInt ResetGlobalId( CIptvMyVideosGlobalFileId& aId );
* Set global Id.
* @param aContentKey Key of content to be updated.
* @param aId Global file id to be set.
* @param aIndex Index of content to be updated.
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide
* error codes.
TInt SetGlobalId(
TUint32 aContentKey,
CIptvMyVideosGlobalFileId& aId,
TUint32 aIndex );
// Engine 1.1
* Start to update database, firstly to a temporaty work version.
void StartUpdateL();
* Replace the database in use with the newly updated one.
* @param aSession Related EPG session.
void EndUpdateL( CIptvEpgSession& aSession );
* Finish database update and delete work database if still exists.
void FinishUpdateL();
* Fetch content access list from database.
* @param aContentId Id of required content access list.
* @param aContents Required content access list.
* @return Completion status.
TInt GetContentAccessListL(
TUint32 aContentId,
RPointerArray<CIptvMediaContent>& aContents );
* Fetch content access from database.
* @param aContentId Id of required content access.
* @param aIndex Index of required content access.
* @return Required content access.
CIptvMediaContent* GetContentAccessL(
TUint32 aContentId,
TUint32 aIndex );
* Set last play position of the video.
* @param aContentId Id of position to be set.
* @param aIndex Index of position to be set.
* @param aPosition New position.
* @return Completion status.
TInt SetLastPositionL(
TUint32 aContentId,
TUint32 aIndex,
TUint32 aPosition );
* Set mpx id for content.
* @param aContentId Id of position to be set.
* @param aCaIndex Index of position to be set.
* @param aMpxId Mpx Id.
* @return Completion status.
TInt SetMpxIdL( TUint32 aContentId, TUint32 aCaIndex, TUint32 aMpxId );
* Set update time to service manager.
* @param aTime New update time.
void SetUpdateTimeToServiceManagerL( const TTime& aTime );
// From MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback
* CenRep callback.
* @param aId CenRep key id.
* @param aNewValue CenRep key new value.
void HandleNotifyInt( TUint32 aId, TInt aNewValue );
* CenRep callback.
* @param aId CenRep key id.
* @param error CenRep failure code.
* @param aHandler Handler.
void HandleNotifyError(
TUint32 aId,
TInt error,
CCenRepNotifyHandler* aHandler );
* CenRep callback.
* @param aId CenRep key id.
void HandleNotifyGeneric( TUint32 aId ) ;
* Default constructor.
* @param aServiceId Service id.
* @param aServer Server.
const TUint32& aServiceId,
CIptvServer& aServer );
* ConstructL
* @param aEpgFile Full path to DB file.
* @param aDbCreated Database was created.
void ConstructL( const TFileName& aEpgFile );
* Initialize DB.
void InitDbL();
* Create new Epg database if DB file is not found.
* @param aFile Database file name.
* @param aCreated Database was really created.
void CreateDbL( const TDesC& aFile, TBool& aCreated );
* Create category table to DB.
* @param aDatabase Handle to database.
* @return Completion status.
TInt CreateCategoryTableL( RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase ) const;
* Create index for category table.
* @param aDatabase Handle to database.
void CreateCategoryIndexL( RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase ) const;
* Create content table to DB.
* @param aDatabase Handle to database.
* @return Completion status.
TInt CreateContentTableL( RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase ) const;
* Create index for content table.
* @param aDatabase Handle to database.
void CreateContentIndexL( RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase ) const;
* Create CategoryContent table to DB.
* @param aDatabase Handle to database.
void CreateCategoryContentTableL( RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase ) const;
* Create index for CategoryContent table.
* @param aDatabase Handle to database.
void CreateCategoryContentIndexL( RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase ) const;
* Create Service table to DB.
* @param aDatabase Handle to database.
* @return Completion status.
TInt CreateServiceTableL( RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase ) const;
* Create ContentAccess table to DB.
* @param aDatabase Handle to database.
* @return Completion status.
TInt CreateContentAccessTableL( RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase ) const;
* This method combines two GetCategoryKeyL methods to one method
* (with parameters TDesC& aValue and TUint32& aValue).
* Get category key for given category defined by aField, aDesValue or
* aIntValue. Key is databases internal autoincrement which is unique
* for every category. If category is already in the database key value
* is inserted to aKey parameter and aUpdateCategory is set to ETrue.
* If category is not in the database, aUpdateCategory parameter is
* EFalse.
* @param aField TCategorySearchField enumeration defines the
* search field.
* @param aDesValue Value which is usedas a "search key" if it is
* type TDesC.
* @param aIntValue Value which is usedas a "search key" if it is
* type TUint32.
* @param aKey Category key if given category found from the
* database.
* @param aUpdateCategory ETrue if category can be updated, EFalse if
* new category must be created to database.
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the
* system-wide error codes.
TInt GetCategoryKeyL(
TCategorySearchField aField,
TDesC& aDesValue,
TUint32& aIntValue,
TUint32& aKey,
TBool& aUpdateCategory );
* Set service update information.
* @param aLastUpdate Last update time.
* @param aInterval Update interval.
* @param aUpdateSet Update set.
* @return Completion status.
TInt SetServiceInformationL(
RDbNamedDatabase& aDb,
const TTime& aLastUpdate,
const TTime& aInterval) const;
* Initialize common SQL command strings.
void MakeSqlStrings();
* Store category to database..
* @param aView Predefined database view.
* @param aCategory Category descriptor.
void WriteCategoryToDbL(
RDbView& aView,
CIptvEpgCategory& aCategory ) const;
* Store video content to database.
* @param aView Predefined database view.
* @param aContent Content descriptor.
* @param aLeave Disables global file id store.
void WriteContentToDbL(
RDbView& aView,
CIptvEpgContent& aContent,
TBool aLeave ) const;
* Read category from database.
* @param aView Predefined database view.
* @param aCategory Category descriptor.
void ReadCategoryFromDbL(
const RDbView& aView,
CIptvVodContentCategoryBriefDetails& aCategory ) const;
* Read videos short details from database.
* @param aView Predefined database view.
* @param aBriefDetails Content short descriptor
void ReadContentBriefDetailsFromDbL(
const RDbView& aView,
CIptvVodContentContentBriefDetails& aBriefDetails ) const;
* Read videos full details from database.
* @param aView Predefined database view.
* @param aContentFullDetails Content full descriptor.
void ReadContentFullDetailsFromDbL(
const RDbView& aView,
CIptvVodContentContentFullDetails& aContentFullDetails ) const;
* Fetch content access from database.
* @param aView Predefined database view.
* @return Required content access.
CIptvMediaContent* ReadContentAccessFromDbL(
const RDbView& aView ) const;
* Create root category to database.
* @param aDb Handle to database.
void CreateRootCategoryL( RDbNamedDatabase& aDb ) const;
* Check whether selected content has been downloaded.
* @param aView Predefined database view.
* @return True indicates download.
TBool IsDownloadedL( const RDbView& aView ) const;
* Open existing database.
* @param aDb Handle to database.
* @param aFile database file.
void OpenDatabaseL( RDbNamedDatabase& aDb, const TDesC& aFile );
* Get database version.
* @return Required version.
TInt GetVersionL();
* Write content access to database.
* @param aView Predefined database view.
* @param aMediaContent Content descriptor.
* @param aContentKey Content key.
* @param aIndex Content index.
void WriteContentAccessToDbL(
RDbView& aView,
const CIptvMediaContent* aMediaContent,
TUint32 aContentKey,
TUint32 aIndex ) const;
* Add category to database.
* @param aDb Handle to database.
* @param aCategory Category descriptor.
* @param aCategoryKey Category key.
* @return Completion status.
TInt AddCategoryL(
RDbNamedDatabase& aDb,
CIptvEpgCategory& aCategory,
TUint32& aCategoryKey ) const;
* Get list of contents associated with global file id.
* @param aContents .Contents list.
void GetGlobalFileIdsL( RPointerArray<CIptvMediaContent>& aContents );
* Copy content associated with global file Id. Also gathers a list of changed
* Content IDs so that clients having old information can be notified.
* @param aContent Content descriptor.
* @param aOldContentIds Array for old Content IDs.
* @param aNewContentIds Array for new Content IDs.
void CopyGlobalFileIdToNewDbL( CIptvMediaContent* aContent,
RArray<TUint32>& aOldContentIds,
RArray<TUint32>& aNewContentIds );
* Reads CenRep data to internal variables.
void ReadCenRepData();
* Reset global Id.
* @param aId Global file id to be reset.
* @param aError Completion status.
void ResetGlobalIdL(
CIptvMyVideosGlobalFileId& aId,
TInt& aError );
* Set global Id.
* @param aContentKey Key of content to be updated.
* @param aId Global file id to be set.
* @param aIndex Index of content to be updated.
* @param aError Completion status.
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide
* error codes.
void SetGlobalIdL(
TUint32 aContentKey,
CIptvMyVideosGlobalFileId& aId,
TUint32 aIndex,
TInt& aError );
* Deletes EPG-database from file system.
void DeleteDatabaseL();
private: // Data
* File system session.
RFs iFsSession;
* Database file.
TFileName iEpgFile;
* Database session.
RDbNamedDatabase iEpgDb;
* Temporary database for update.
RDbNamedDatabase iTmpDb;
* Temp database is open.
TBool iTmpDbOpen;
* Category SQL-query.
TBuf<KCustomSqlMaxLength> iSqlCategory;
* Content SQL-query.
TBuf<KCustomSqlMaxLength> iSqlContent;
* Service id.
TUint32 iServiceId;
* Temporary database name.
TBuf<KIptvDbNameMaxLength> iTmpDbName;
* Server.
CIptvServer& iServer;
* User age to check rating age limit limit.
TUint16 iParentalControl;
* Central Repository session.
CRepository* iCenRepSession;
* Central Repository handler.
CCenRepNotifyHandler* iCenRepNotifyHandler;
* Flag that tells if database is to be deleted from file system after close.
TBool iDeleteDatabaseFiles;
#endif // CIPTVEPGDB_H