author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 11 May 2010 16:15:40 +0300
changeset 21 55fa1ec415c6
parent 1 6711b85517b7
child 15 cf5481c2bc0b
child 26 67eb01668b0e
child 30 4f111d64a341
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201017 Kit: 201019

* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:    Contains cached MDS media items*


#include "vcxmyvideosmdsdb.h"

class CVcxMyVideosCollectionPlugin;
class CMPXMedia;
class CVcxMyVideosDownloadCache;
class CRepository;



* Used for storing MDS items to RAM for fast access.
* @lib mpxmyvideoscollectionplugin.lib
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVcxMyVideosVideoCache) : public CBase
    public: // Constructors and destructor

        * Two-phased constructor
        * @param aMyVideosCollectionPlugin  Owner of this object.
        * @return                           Object constructed
        static CVcxMyVideosVideoCache* NewL (
                CVcxMyVideosCollectionPlugin& aMyVideosCollectionPlugin );

        * Destructor
        virtual ~CVcxMyVideosVideoCache();
        * Constructor
        CVcxMyVideosVideoCache( CVcxMyVideosCollectionPlugin& aMyVideosCollectionPlugin );

        * Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
        void ConstructL ();
        * Finds correct position in iVideoList for the new video.
        * @param aMedia        Video to be inserted to the list.
        * @param aSortingOrder Sorting order.
        * @return              Position in the cache.
        TInt FindCorrectPositionL( CMPXMedia& aMedia, TVcxMyVideosSortingOrder aSortingOrder );

        * Compares aNewVideo and aVideoInList in sizes, creation dates
        * or titles.
        * @param aNewVideo     Video to be added to the list.
        * @param aVideoInList  Video in cache video list which is currently compared against
        *                      aNewVideo.
        * @param aSortingOrder Defines which attributes are compared. Size, Creation Date and Title
        *                      are possible.
        * @return              -1 if aVideoInList has smaller value, 1 if greater and 0 if equal.
        TInt CompareL( CMPXMedia& aNewVideo, CMPXMedia& aVideoInList,
                TVcxMyVideosSortingOrder aSortingOrder );

        * Adds video to iVideoList to the correct position, according to sorting order.
        * MDS ID is used to identify the video.
        * @param aVideo            Video to add.
        * @param aSortingOrder     Sorting order used.
        * @param aUpdateCategories If ETrue, then categories are updated.
        * @return                  KErrNone if added, KErrAlreadyExists if already exists and
        *                          was not added.
        TInt AddToCorrectPlaceL( CMPXMedia& aVideo, TVcxMyVideosSortingOrder aSortingOrder,
                TBool aUpdateCategories = ETrue );

        * Moves a video to correct place on iVideoList, according to sorting order.
        * aVideo should be a refrence to iVideoList item. After the call the referenced
        * item is gone and the reference shouldn't be used anymore.
        * @param aVideo        Video to move.
        * @param aSortingOrder Sorting order used.
        void MoveToCorrectPlaceL( CMPXMedia& aVideo,
                TVcxMyVideosSortingOrder aSortingOrder );

        * Removes video from iVideoList or iPartialVideoList.
        * MDS ID is used to identify the video.
        * @param aVideo            Video to remove, MDS ID is read from here.
        * @param aUpdateCategories If ETrue, then categories are updated.
        * @return                  KErrNotFound if not found, KErrNone otherwise.
        TInt RemoveL( CMPXMedia& aVideo, TBool aUpdateCategories = ETrue );
        * Fetches sorting order from Cenrep.
        * @return Sorting order.
        TVcxMyVideosSortingOrder SortingOrderL();

        * Called when Title in video cache has been modified. 
        * Updates sorting order and category attributes if necessarry.
        * NOTICE that aVideoInCache is not allowed to own the media object, since this
        * function may change the pointer value to point to a new object.
        * @param aVideoInCache  Video in cache which Title has been modified. aVideoInCache
        *                       is not allowed to own the data.
        void HandleVideoTitleModifiedL( CMPXMedia*& aVideoInCache );
        * Deletes iPartialList.
        void DeletePartialList();

        * Adds video to cache (iVideoList or iPartialVideoList). Ownership moves.
        * @param aVideo             Video to add.
        * @param aSortingOrder      Sorting order.
        * @return                   KErrNone if added, KErrAlreadyExists if already exists and
        *                           was not added.
        TInt AddL( CMPXMedia* aVideo, TVcxMyVideosSortingOrder aSortingOrder );
        * Adds video to iPartialVideoList. Ownership moves.
        * @param aVideo  Video to add.
        * @return        KErrNone if item was added, KErrAlreadyExists if video
        *                was already on the list and was not added.
        TInt AddToPartialListL( CMPXMedia* aVideo );

        * Finds the array position of aVideo in iPartialVideoList .
        * @param aVideo  Video which position is searched.
        * @return        Position, KErrNotFound if item is not in iPartialVideoList.
        TInt PosOnPartialVideoListL( CMPXMedia& aVideo );

        * Finds the array position of aVideo in iVideoList.
        * @param aVideo  Video which position is searched.
        * @return        Position, KErrNotFound if item is not in iVideoList.
        TInt PosOnVideoListL( CMPXMedia& aVideo );
        * Creates filtered video list from iVideoList. This is used for
        * showing video categories by origin.
        * @param aOrigin Only videos with this origin are added to list,
        *                see values from TVcxMyVideosOrigin (in vcxmyvideosdefs.h).                
        * @return        New video list, containing videos from aOrigin.
        CMPXMedia* CreateVideoListByOriginL( TUint8 aOrigin );

        * Appends items from aFromList to aToList if items origin is equal with
        * aOrigin. This is used when fetching other than All category from MDS.
        * @param aToList    List to append
        * @param aFromList  List to append from.
        * @param aOrigin    Only items with this origin are copied.
        * @param aNewItemsStartIndex Start index in aFromList where from the copying is started.
        void AppendToListL( CMPXMedia& aToList, CMPXMedia& aFromList,
                TUint8 aOrigin, TInt aNewItemsStartIndex );
        * Tries to find media with matching URI from the cached video list.
        * @param aUri URI to compare
        * @return     Contains pointer to media if match found, NULL otherwise.
        *             Pointer ownership is not moved to the caller.
        CMPXMedia* FindVideoByUriL( const TDesC& aUri );

        * Tries to find media with matching MdsId from iVideoList and iPartialVideoList.
        * @param aMdsId ID to compare
        * @param aPos   If found from iVideoList, the position index is written here,
        *               KErrNotFound otherwise. If found from iPartialVideoList, then
        *               the value is still set to KErrNotFound.
        * @return       Contains pointer to media if match found, NULL otherwise.
        *               Pointer ownership is not moved to the caller.
        CMPXMedia* FindVideoByMdsIdL( TUint32 aMdsId, TInt& aPos );
        * Tries to find media with matching download ID from iVideoList and iPartialVideoList.
        * If aDownloadId is 0, then NULL is returned.
        * @param aDownloadId ID to compare
        * @return            Contains pointer to media if match found, NULL otherwise.
        *                    Pointer ownership is not moved to the caller.
        CMPXMedia* FindVideoByDownloadIdL( TUint aDownloadId );

        * Gets medias from iVideoList and iPartialVideoList.
        * @param aMdsIds  IDs of the items to fetch.
        * @return         Pointer to fetched items, KMPXMediaArrayContents
        *                 attribute contains the media items. Ownership
        *                 moves to caller.
        CMPXMedia* GetVideosL( RArray<TUint32> aMdsIds );

        * Removes video from iVideoList (or from iPartialVideoList).
        * @param aMdsId             MDS ID of the video to be removed.
        * @param aUpdateCategories  If ETrue, then categories are updated.
        * @return                   KErrNotFound if not found, KErrNone otherwise.
        TInt RemoveL( TUint32 aMdsId, TBool aUpdateCategories = ETrue );

        * Removes videos from iVideoList.
        * @param aUpdateCategories  If ETrue, then categories are updated.
        * @param aMdsIds            Array containing MDS IDs of the videos to be deleted.
        void RemoveL( RArray<TUint32>& aMdsIds, TBool aUpdateCategories = ETrue );

        * Adds videos to cache (iVideoList or iPartialVideoList). After the function call aMdsIds
        * will contain only those items which were actually added to cache.
        * @param aMdsIds                   Array containing MDS IDs of the videos to be added.
        * @param aListFetchingWasCanceled  This is set to EFalse if video list fetching from mds
        *                                  had to be cancelled. EFalse otherwise. 
        void AddVideosFromMdsL( RArray<TUint32>& aMdsIds, TBool& aListFetchingWasCanceled );

        * Deletes old and creates new iVideoList. After the function call iVideoList exists,
        * but it might not contain any media items yet, only empty array.
        * Media items are added to the list asynchronoysly in
        * VcxMyVideosColletionPlugin::HandleCreateVideoListResp(), called by
        * VcxMyVideosMdsDb. When new items are added, they are synchronized with
        * Download Manager. Once iVideoList is complete, iVideoListIsPartial
        * is set to EFalse. During the video list fetching
        * VcxMyVideosMdsDb::iVideoListFetchingIsOngoing is ETrue.
        * If there is video list creation already ongoing
        * and the aSortingOrder is the same, nothing is done.
        * During the video list fetching iPartialVideoList items are moved to
        * iVideoList. When fetch is complete, iPartialVideoList is empty.
        * @param aForce  If ETrue, then the list is always created from scratch, possible
        *                ongoing fetch is cancelled.
        void CreateVideoListL( TBool aForce = EFalse );
        * Resets iVideoList (removes items, empty list is left) and cancels possible ongoing
        * asynchronous videolist fetching. iVideoListIsPartial is set to ETrue.
        * CVcxMyVideosCollection plugin variables are not touched. Caller is responsible to
        * either cancel the fetch from plugin, or restart fetch from mds in a way that
        * client gets its list. iVideoList media object remains pointing to same shared data.
        void ResetVideoListL();
        * Updates video attributes in cache from aVideo. NOTE: iVideoList might be changed
        * if Size or Title values are modified and matching sorting order is currently on.
        * Pointers to iVideoList items should be refreshed after calling this with size and title
        * parameters.
        * @param aVideo  Attributes are read from here and updated to cache if difference exists. 
        * @return        ETrue if any parameter was changed. 
        TBool UpdateVideoL( CMPXMedia& aVideo );

        * iVideoList and its media array are deleted and recreated. New instances point to
        * different global heap position. Media objects stay the same and point to
        * same global heap.
        void ReCreateVideoListL();

         * Replaces items in iVideoList with items from iPartialVideoList.
         * Called by iCollection when fetching videolist.
        void CheckForPartialVideoListItemsL( TInt aNewItemsStartIndex );
        * Contains list of all videos in MDS. Used for caching MDS to RAM.
        CMPXMedia* iVideoList;

        * Items fetched by MDS ID which don't (yet) have instance in iVideoList
        * are added here. When iVideoList instance is received from MDS, it is
        * replaced by item from iPartialVideoList and instance from iPartialVideoList
        * is removed.
        RArray<CMPXMedia*> iPartialVideoList;

        * If ETrue then iVideoList does not contain all items from MDS.
        TBool iVideoListIsPartial;
        * Sorting order which was used last time when list was queryed from MDS.
        TVcxMyVideosSortingOrder iLastSortingOrder;
        * Circular buffer containing download id and media object pointer pairs.
        * Media object pointers are owned by iVideoList.
        * Used to speed up access to media objects which are used regularly during the
        * download.
        CVcxMyVideosDownloadCache* iDownloadCache;

        * My Videos collection plugin, owner of this object.
        CVcxMyVideosCollectionPlugin& iCollection;        

        * Provides access to the sorting order key in cenrep. Own.
        CRepository* iCenRep;
