# Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Sequence
# Reads parameters -> [if !ok params] ShowHelp
# ReadConfigFiles
# -> ParseCfg
# -> ReadCase
# for all testreports:
# ReadTestRunInfoFromStifReport
# GetReportLogFileNames
# ParseResultsAndLogs
# ParseResultsAndLogs
# WriteCaseLog
# LogLineTimeMatchesForCase
# FormatLogLine
# UpdateCase
# CheckCaseEntriesInLog
# OLD:
# -> ParseReportFile
# -> ReadReportLogs
# -> WriteCaseLog
# -> LogLineTimeMatchesForCase
# -> FormatLogLine
# -> CheckCaseEntriesInLog
# ReportNotDocumentedCases
# SortCases
# CalculateStats
# WriteOfficeXml -> XmlReadyText
# exit()
# Other functions:
# RemoveWhiteSpaces
# SpecialChars
# ReplaceChar
# GetCaseField
# GetCase (id or name)
# GetCaseDesc (id or name)
# PrintCases
# JustFormatLogFile
# Testname: <insert text here>
# Purpose: <insert text here>
# Means: <insert text here>
# Required environment settings: <insert text here>
# Verification: <insert text here>
# Note: <insert text here>
# Related requirements: <reqid> <reqid> <reqid> ..
# do stuff here
# Includes
#use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd; # for cwd
use FindBin; # for FindBin:Bin
use File::Path; # for mkpath
use File::Copy;
use Date::Calc;
# Globals
my $lastCaseLogLine = 0;
my $ALT_RESULTCOUNT = 10; # maximum number of runs in alternative report
my @cases; #references to case arrays
my @gCfgFiles; # list of cfg files.
my @caseDescs; # case description and the case itself in text
my @notDocumentedCases; #array to hold information about the cases without documentation
$regexpCaseName = '[\x3C\x3E\(\)\w.,\/:_\-&\' ]+';
my $caseDefaultStatus = "NOT RUN";
# Case field numerations
my $CASE_NAME = 0;
my $CASE_ID = 1;
my $CASE_FAILED = 4;
my $CASE_PASSED = 5;
my $CASE_STATUS = 6;
my $CASE_MEANS = 8;
my $CASE_NOTE = 12;
my $CASE_REASON = 13; # where crashed or what returned the error code
my $CASE_RESULT = 14; # error code
my $CASE_LOG_FILE = 15; # test case specific log file.
my $CASE_LOG_FILE_SCRIPTER = 16; # test case specific log from STIF testscripter logs.
my $CASE_CHECK_RESULT_LOG_FILE = 17; # set if the case is in the log files, if next line is found: >>>Case start: ETxxxxx CaseName
# or STIF own trace: Starting testcase [ET1000 Add multiple Iaps] (usually from fasttrace or emulator log)
my $CASE_CFG_FILE = 18;
my $CASE_RUN_TIME_SECONDS = 19; # how many seconds it took to run the case
my $TDTOOLRESULTFILE = ".\\text_file.txt";
my $XML_OUTPUT_FILE = ".\\test_cases.xml";
my $XML_BRIEF_OUTPUT_FILE = ".\\test_cases_brief.xml";
my $NOT_DOCUMENTED_CASES_FILE = ".\\test_cases_notdocumented.txt";
my @globalTempFiles;
# Tags inside the xml, will be replaced by case data when writing the xml file
my $CaseCountMul8 = "CASE_COUNT_MUL8";
my $STYLE_ID_STATUS_TAG = "STYLE_ID_STATUS"; # must be in the xml data
my $STYLE_ID_STATUS_NA = "s39";
my $STYLE_ID_STATUS_NA_CENTERED = "s39centered";
# these must be in the xml data to get the results inserted into xml
my $xmlDataCaseName = "XML_DATA_CASE_NAME";
my $xmlDataCaseRunTimes = "XML_DATA_CASE_RUN_TIMES";
my $xmlDataCaseFailed = "XML_DATA_CASE_FAILED";
my $xmlDataCaseCrashed = "XML_DATA_CASE_CRASHED";
my $xmlDataCasePassed = "XML_DATA_CASE_PASSED";
my $xmlDataCaseStatus = "XML_DATA_CASE_STATUS";
my $xmlDataCasePurpose = "XML_DATA_CASE_PURPOSE";
my $xmlDataCaseMeans = "XML_DATA_CASE_MEANS";
my $xmlDataCaseRequiredSettings = "XML_DATA_CASE_REQUIRED_SETTINGS";
my $xmlDataCaseRelatedRequirements = "XML_DATA_CASE_RELATED_REQUIREMENTS";
my $xmlDataCaseVerification = "XML_DATA_CASE_VERIFICATION";
my $xmlDataCaseNote = "XML_DATA_CASE_NOTE";
my $xmlDataCaseReason = "XML_DATA_CASE_REASON";
my $xmlDataCaseResult = "XML_DATA_CASE_RESULT";
my $xmlDataCaseLink1 = "XML_DATA_CASE_LINK1";
my $xmlDataCaseLink2 = "XML_DATA_CASE_LINK2";
my $xmlDataSummaryCaseCount = "XML_DATA_SUMMARY_TOTAL_CASES";
my $xmlDataSummaryPassed = "XML_DATA_SUMMARY_PASSED";
my $xmlDataSummaryFailed = "XML_DATA_SUMMARY_FAILED";
my $xmlDataSummaryCrashed = "XML_DATA_SUMMARY_CRASHED";
my $xmlDataSummaryTimeout = "XML_DATA_SUMMARY_TIMEOUT";
my $xmlDataSummaryPassRateTotal = "XML_DATA_SUMMARY_PASS_RATE_TOTAL";
my $xmlDataSummaryPassRateRun = "XML_DATA_SUMMARY_PASS_RATE_RUN";
my $xmlDataSummaryRunRate = "XML_DATA_SUMMARY_RUN_RATE";
my $xmlDataAltDateX = "XML_DATA_ALTDATE";
my $xmlDataAltResultX = "XML_DATA_ALTRESULT";
my $xmlDataCfgFile = "XML_DATA_CFG_FILE";
# Statistics
my $summaryCaseCount = 0;
my $summaryPassedCases = 0;
my $summaryFailedCases = 0;
my $summaryCrashedCases = 0;
my $summaryTimeoutCases = 0;
my $summaryPassRateTotal = 0;
my $summaryPassRateRun = 0;
my $summaryRunRate = 0;
# Xml data
my $xmlHeader;
my $xmlHeaderTableColumns;
my $xmlHeaderTableColumnsBrief;
my $xmlFooter;
my $xmlDataEmptyRow;
my $xmlSummaryData;
my $xmlData;
my $xmlDataCaseStatusDisabled;
my $xmlData2;
my $xmlDataBriefHeader;
my $xmlDataBrief;
my $xmlCfgFileBrief;
my $xmlHeaderTableColumnsAlt;
my $xmlCfgFileAltHeader;
my $xmlCfgFileAltData;
my $argcount = scalar(@ARGV);
my $optionSortCases = 0;
my $optionShowMessages = 0;
my $optionHtml = 0;
my $optionLogAllCases = 1;
my $optionNoLogs = 0;
my $optionNoSecurityTests = 0;
my $optionNoLiveTvTests = 0;
my $optionCaseIncludedInLog = 0;
my $optionGoodIsBetter = 1;
my $optionPrintCfgSummaries = 0;
my $optionCaseRunTimes = 0;
my $optionFinalDoc = 1;
my $optionFixFilename = "";
my $optionDebug = 0;
my $optionCaseList = "";
my $optionAltResults = 0;
my $optionLogFileName = "fusion";
while(scalar(@ARGV) >= 1)
my $argument = shift(@ARGV);
if($argument eq "-h")
elsif($argument eq "-e")
$optionShowMessages = 1;
elsif($argument eq "-s")
$optionSortCases = 1;
elsif($argument eq "-html")
$optionHtml = 1;
elsif($argument eq "-logall")
$optionLogAllCases = 1;
elsif($argument eq "-nologs")
$optionNoLogs = 1;
elsif($argument eq "-nosecuritytests")
$optionNoSecurityTests = 1;
elsif($argument eq "-nolivetvtests")
$optionNoLiveTvTests = 1;
elsif($argument eq "-i")
$optionCaseIncludedInLog = 1;
elsif($argument eq "-file")
$file = shift(@ARGV);
elsif($argument eq "-runtimes")
$optionCaseRunTimes = 1;
elsif($argument eq "-xxx")
$optionCaseIncludedInLog = 1;
$optionNoLiveTvTests = 1;
$optionNoSecurityTests = 1;
$optionHtml = 1;
elsif($argument eq "-good")
$optionGoodIsBetter = 1;
elsif($argument eq "-cfgsum")
$optionPrintCfgSummaries = 1;
elsif($argument eq "-finalize")
$optionFinalDoc = 1;
elsif($argument eq "-fix") {
$optionFixFilename = shift(@ARGV);
elsif($argument eq "-debug") {
$optionShowMessages = 1;
$optionDebug = 1;
elsif($argument eq "-caselist") {
$optionCaseList = shift(@ARGV);
elsif($argument eq "-alt") {
$optionAltResults = 1;
elsif( $argument eq "-logfile") {
$optionLogFileName = shift(@ARGV);
my $totalExecutionTime = 0;
my $caseLogOutDir = "testcase_logs\\testcase_logs\\";
my @caseList;
if($optionCaseList ne "")
ReadCaseList(\@caseList, $optionCaseList);
# Find cfg files.
FindCfgFiles( ".", \@gCfgFiles );
# None found from current dir, see one dir lower.
FindCfgFiles( "..", \@gCfgFiles ) if( scalar( @gCfgFiles ) < 1 );
# Parse results
elsif( !$optionAltResults )
my $res = ReadTestReports();
if( $res == 0 )
foreach my $file ( @globalTempFiles )
unlink $file if( -e $file );
print("No reports to read.\n");
@cases = sort SortCases @cases;
#WriteOfficeXml($XML_OUTPUT_FILE, 0);
WriteOfficeXml($XML_BRIEF_OUTPUT_FILE, 1);
my @runs;
WriteOfficeXmlAlt($XML_BRIEF_OUTPUT_FILE, \@runs);
#print("Total run time: " . $totalExecutionTime . "\n") if( $optionCaseRunTimes );
foreach my $file ( @globalTempFiles )
unlink $file if( defined( $file ) && -e $file );
# UnzipAndCopyFiles
sub UnzipAndCopyFiles
my @files;
system("rmdir ziptemp /s /q>NUL") if( -e "ziptemp" );
# Unzip zips in current directory and one level of subdirectories. -> ATS results.
GetAllFiles( ".", \@files, 1 );
foreach my $file ( @files )
if( $file =~ m/\.zip/i )
my $fileName = GetPathFileName( $file );
mkdir ("ziptemp");
my $cmd = "unzip -o \"$file\" -d ziptemp\\$fileName >NUL";
print("Unzipping $file\n") if( $optionShowMessages );
system( $cmd );
undef( @files );
GetAllFiles( ".", \@files, -1 );
# Copy files to current dir.
my $currDir = cwd;
foreach my $file ( @files )
next if( -d $file );
$file =~ s/\//\\/g;
# Do nothing for files which are in current dir.
my $srcDir = GetPathDir( $file );
my $currpath = cwd;
$currpath =~ s/\//\\/g;
next if( $srcDir eq $currpath );
my $filename = GetPathFileName( $file );
# LOOP all testreport*.txt testscripter*.txt
# if file is testreport.txt
# lastFolder = last folder from the path
# LOOP all fusion*.txt
# LOOP remove tailing text from lastFolder starting from last index of '.' until it matches with folder of fusion*.txt
# pair fusion*.txt with testreport
if( ( $filename =~ m/testreport/i || $filename =~ m/testscripter/i ) && $filename =~ m/\.txt/i )
#if( ( $filename =~ m/$optionLogFileName/i || $filename =~ m/testreport/i || $filename =~ m/testscripter/i ) && $filename =~ m/\.txt/i )
my $dst = "";
if( $filename =~ m/testreport/i )
# Pair testreports and logs.
CopyTestReportWithLog( $file, \@files );
print("Copying file $file\n") if( $optionDebug );
# For other files we just need unique filename and copy them.
$dst = $filename;
if( -e $filename )
# Separate file's name and extension.
my $name = "";
my $ext = "";
my $pos = index($filename, ".");
if( $pos != -1)
$ext = substr( $filename, $pos );
$name = substr( $filename, 0, $pos );
my $count = 0;
while( 1 )
$dst = "$name" . "_" . $count . $ext;
last if( ! -e "$dst" );
if( $count > 1000 )
$dst = "";
push @globalTempFiles, $dst;
print("Dest: $dst\n") if( $optionDebug );
copy( $file, $dst ) or die "Could not copy '$file' to '$dst'\n";
system("rmdir ziptemp /s /q>NUL") if( -e "ziptemp" );
sub CopyTestReportWithLog
my ( $reportFileName, $refFiles ) = @_;
print("\nTrying to pair: $reportFileName\n") if( $optionDebug );
my $reportPath = GetPathDir( $reportFileName );
my $logFileName = "";
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ matching part
# Find log file with about same path with the report.
while( 1 )
# Check the log files.
foreach $file ( @$refFiles )
$file =~ s/\//\\/g;
my $filename = GetPathFileName( $file );
if( $filename =~ m/$optionLogFileName/i )
if( index( $file, $reportPath ) == 0 )
$logFileName = $file;
print("PAIRED: \n") if( $optionDebug );
print("reportPath: $reportPath\n") if( $optionDebug );
print("report: $reportFileName\n") if( $optionDebug );
print("log : $logFileName\n") if( $optionDebug );
print("Report log pair: $logFileName\n") if( $optionShowMessages && !$optionDebug );
last if( $logFileName ne "" );
# Remove all from last dot in the path.
my $pos = rindex( $reportPath, "." );
last if( $pos == -1 );
$reportPath = substr( $reportPath, 0, $pos );
# The first 4 numbers might be same with multiple reports and logs. Ignore file if match is not found before.
last if( rindex( $reportPath, "\\" ) == -1 );
my $dotstr = substr( $reportPath, rindex( $reportPath, "\\" )+1 );
last if( ! ( $dotstr =~ m/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/ ) );
print( "DOT: $dotstr\n" ) if( $optionDebug );
if( $logFileName eq "" )
print("Could not find log file for: $reportFileName\n") if( $optionShowMessages );
my $dstReportFileName = "";
my $dstReportLogName = "";
# Find first available name for the report in current directory.
my $fileNum = 0;
my $filename = GetPathFileName( $reportFileName );
# Separate file's name and extension.
my $name = "";
my $ext = "";
my $pos = index($filename, ".");
return if( $pos == -1);
$ext = substr( $filename, $pos );
$name = substr( $filename, 0, $pos );
# Find free filename.
while( 1 )
$dstReportFileName = "$name" . "_" . $fileNum . $ext;
last if( ! -e "$dstReportFileName" );
if( $fileNum > 1000 )
die("Too many files to copy.");
if( $logFileName ne "" )
# Get new name for the log with same numbering.
$filename = GetPathFileName( $logFileName );
$pos = index($filename, ".");
return if( $pos == -1);
$ext = substr( $filename, $pos );
$name = substr( $filename, 0, $pos );
$dstLogFileName = "$name" . "_" . $fileNum . $ext;
die("Log filename already exists.") if( -e "$dstLogFileName" ); # Shouldn't happen.
# Copy the files.
push @globalTempFiles, $dstReportFileName;
push @globalTempFiles, $dstLogFileName;
print("Copying $reportFileName\n") if( $optionShowMessages );
print("Dest: $dstReportFileName\n") if( $optionShowMessages );
copy( $reportFileName, $dstReportFileName ) or die "Could not copy '$reportFileName' to '$dstReportFileName'\n";
if( $logFileName ne "" )
print("Copying $logFileName\n") if( $optionShowMessages );
print("Dest: $dstLogFileName\n") if( $optionShowMessages );
copy( $logFileName, $dstLogFileName ) or die "Could not copy '$logFileName' to '$dstLogFileName'\n";
# ReadCaseList
sub ReadCaseList
my ($refList, $filename) = @_;
if( open(FILE_HANDLE, ".\\" . $filename) )
my @lines = <FILE_HANDLE>;
foreach $line (@lines)
my $caseId;
if($line =~ m/^case /i)
if($line =~ m/^case ET([0-9]+) /i)
$caseId = "ET" . $1;
$caseId = substr($line, 4);
push @$refList, $caseId;
# IsCaseInCaseList
sub IsCaseInCaseList
my ($caseNameOrId) = @_;
return 1 if(scalar(@caseList) <= 0);
my $caseIdFromName = GetCaseIdFromName($caseNameOrId);
foreach $caseId (@caseList)
if($caseId eq $caseNameOrId)
return 1;
foreach $caseId (@caseList)
if($caseId eq $caseIdFromName)
return 1;
return 0;
# FixExcelLogPaths
# Changes the paths on lines:
#<Cell ss:StyleID="s60" ss:HRef="C:\Documents and Settings\senbom\Desktop\testcase_logs\testcase_logs\ET17099_4371843802.txt"><Data>
# To:
#<Cell ss:StyleID="s60" ss:HRef="testcase_logs\ET17099_4371843802.txt"><Data>
# Because the absolute path does not work in Excel.
sub FixExcelLogPaths
if( open(FILE_HANDLE, ".\\" . $optionFixFilename) )
my @lines = <FILE_HANDLE>;
if(!open(FILE_HANDLE, ">" . $optionFixFilename) )
die("Could not write to file $file\n");
foreach my $line(@lines)
my $pos = index($line, "\\testcase_logs\\testcase_logs\\");
if($pos != -1)
my $start = rindex($line, "\"", $pos);
my $remstr = substr($line, $start+1, $pos-$start + length("\\testcase_logs") );
$line = substr( $line, 0, index($line, $remstr) ) .
substr( $line, index($line, $remstr) + length($remstr) );
print FILE_HANDLE ($line);
print("Fixed paths in $optionFixFilename\n");
die("Coult not open file $optionFixFilename\n");
# CalculateStats
sub CalculateStats
$summaryCaseCount = scalar( @cases );
$summaryPassedCases = 0;
$summaryFailedCases = 0;
$summaryCrashedCases = 0;
$summaryTimeoutCases = 0;
$summaryPassRateTotal = 0;
$summaryPassRateRun = 0;
$summaryRunRate = 0;
foreach $case(@cases)
my $status = @{$case}[$CASE_STATUS];
$summaryPassedCases++ if($status eq "PASSED");
$summaryFailedCases++ if($status eq "FAILED");
$summaryCrashedCases++ if($status eq "CRASHED");
my $runCases = $summaryPassedCases + $summaryFailedCases + $summaryCrashedCases;
$summaryPassRateTotal = $summaryPassedCases / $summaryCaseCount * 100;
$summaryPassRateRun = $summaryPassedCases / $runCases * 100;
$summaryRunRate = $runCases / $summaryCaseCount * 100;
# SortCases
sub SortCases()
$aprio = 0;
$bprio = 0;
#print @{$a}[$CASE_STATUS] . " - " . $a . " vs " . $b . " - " . @{$b}[$CASE_STATUS] . "\n";
if(@{$a}[$CASE_STATUS] eq "CRASHED") { $aprio = 5; }
elsif(@{$a}[$CASE_STATUS] eq "FAILED") { $aprio = 4; }
elsif(@{$a}[$CASE_STATUS] eq "PASSED") { $aprio = 3; }
if(@{$b}[$CASE_STATUS] eq "CRASHED") { $bprio = 5; }
elsif(@{$b}[$CASE_STATUS] eq "FAILED") { $bprio = 4; }
elsif(@{$b}[$CASE_STATUS] eq "PASSED") { $bprio = 3; }
if($aprio == $bprio)
return lc(@{$a}[$CASE_NAME]) cmp lc(@{$b}[$CASE_NAME]);
return $bprio cmp $aprio;
# ShowHelp
sub ShowHelp {
print <<USAGE_EOF;
Create folder to VaDo root folder for STIF results and copy this script and
the results there. STIF CFG files are searched from . and .. from the script
run folder. The STIF results can be either ATS results zips or multiple
TestReport*.txt and fusion*.txt files as long as they have the same ending
in the name. Script also parses the STIF testscripter logs it finds.
-i: STIF case will be included in the start of the case log
-s: cases will be sorted by status
-e: Shows extra information during the tool run
-html: Case logs are generated in html format instead of text
-logall: Logs are created for passed cases too.
-nologs: Logs are not processed.
-nosecuritytests: Security tests are not included in the reports.
-nolivetvttests: Live TV tests are not included in the reports.
-i: Test case from the CFG is included in the log file
-file <file>: Only formats defined log file into html
-runtimes: Result of the case will contain the case execution time in seconds.
-good: If case has passed once it will be marked as passed no matter how many
times it has failed.
-cfgsum: Prints summary info for cfgs: how many cases and how long the cfg did
take to execute.
-fix if you save the file in Excel the log paths will come absolute and don't
work if moved to another directory. use this fix it.
-caselist <file>: Only reports the cases in caselist.txt, see genrerun.pl for
file format.
-logfile <file>: Sets filter for log filenames. Default is fusion.
-slogs: Reads STIF testscripter logs instead of custom logs.
These files will be generated:
Case specific log files are generated in testcase_logs directory and result
file has links to them.
# ReadReportLogs
# Parameters:
# $fileName
# $refLogLines
# Reads log file of specific TestReport.
# The function has two different behaviours:
# Filenames for test report and log must match. For example
# if test report file is TestReport_XXX.txt then fusion_XXX.txt is read if found.
# If fileName is * then *fusion*.txt files will be read one by one and processed by function CheckCaseEntriesInLog()
sub ReadReportLogs
my ($fileName, $refLogLines) = @_;
return if($optionNoLogs || $optionPrintCfgSummaries);
opendir(DIR, ".");
my @filelist = sort(readdir(DIR));
#default mask for logs
my $filemask = "^$optionLogFileName\.TXT";
#create file mask for logs if testreport.txt is in format: testreport_*.txt
if(index($fileName, "_") != -1)
my $spos = index($fileName, "_");
my $epos = rindex($fileName, ".");
$filemask = substr($fileName, $spos, $epos - $spos);
#print("filemask: $filemask\n");
#$filemask = "$optionLogFileName" . $filemask . "[a-z\-0-9_]*\.txt"; # this finds $optionLogFileName_xxx*.txt
$filemask = "$optionLogFileName" . $filemask . "\.txt"; # this finds only $optionLogFileName_xxx.txt
#print("filemask: $filemask\n");
my $processLogsHere = 0;
if($fileName eq "*")
$processLogsHere = 1;
$filemask = $optionLogFileName . "[a-z\-0-9_]*\.txt"
my $i;
#read the files into refLogLines array
foreach $file(@filelist)
#if($file =~ m/^$optionLogFileName[a-z0-9_]+\.TXT$/i or $file =~ m/^$optionLogFileName\.TXT$/i )
if($file =~ m/$filemask/i )
print("Reading log file: " . $file . ".");
if( open(FILE_HANDLE, ".\\" . $file) )
my @tempArray = <FILE_HANDLE>;
FindAndMarkCaseEntriesInLog(\@tempArray, \@cases);
while(scalar(@tempArray) > 0)
push @$refLogLines, (shift(@tempArray));
FindAndMarkCaseEntriesInLog($refLogLines, \@cases);
# GetReportLogFileNames
# Parameters:
# $fileName
# $refLogFiles
# Gets log filenames for specific testreport.
# The function has two different behaviours:
# Filenames for test report and log must match. For example
# if test report file is TestReport_XXX.txt then $optionLogFileName_XXX.txt is read if found.
# If fileName is * then *$optionLogFileName*.txt files will be read one by one and processed by function CheckCaseEntriesInLog()
sub GetReportLogFileNames
my ($fileName, $refLogFiles) = @_;
return if($optionNoLogs || $optionPrintCfgSummaries);
opendir(DIR, ".");
my @filelist = sort(readdir(DIR));
#default mask for logs
my $filemask = "^$optionLogFileName\.TXT";
#create file mask for logs if testreport.txt is in format: testreport_*.txt
if(index($fileName, "_") != -1)
my $spos = index($fileName, "_");
my $epos = rindex($fileName, ".");
$filemask = substr($fileName, $spos, $epos - $spos);
$filemask = "$optionLogFileName" . $filemask . "\.txt"; # this finds only $optionLogFileName_xxx.txt
if($fileName eq "*")
$filemask = $optionLogFileName . "[a-z0-9_]*\.txt"
foreach $file(@filelist)
if($file =~ m/$filemask/i )
push @$refLogFiles, $file;
# FindAndMarkCaseEntriesInLog
# Parameters:
# $refLogLines
# Searches for case entries in the log and if found then marks the case in @cases array
sub FindAndMarkCaseEntriesInLog
my ($refLogLines, $refCases) = @_;
my $line;
print(" - Searching case start entries from log\n") if($optionShowMessages);
my $startLineIndex = 0;
# scan the log thru and mark if there's log start entries
for( my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$refLogLines); $i++ )
my $line = @$refLogLines[$i];
my $caseStartInLog = 0;
my $caseId = "";
if($line =~ m/>>> Case start:/i)
$startLineIndex = $i;
$caseStartInLog = 1;
$caseId = substr($line, index($line, ">>> Case start:") + length(">>> Case start:"));
print("Found case start: $caseId\n") if($optionShowMessages);
my $refCase = GetCase($caseId, $refCases);
@$refCase[$CASE_ENTRY_LOG_START] = $startLineIndex;
print("Case start in log found: $caseId\n") if($optionShowMessages);
print("ERROR! The start in log found but case is not found from report or cfg.\n");
# FormatFasttraceTraces
# Parameters:
# $refLogArray
sub FormatFasttraceTraces
my ($refLogArray) = @_;
my $ftDebug = 0;
# strip fasttrace logging text from the start of lines
#[13:58:17.234] sti: MCU_ASCII_PRINTF; channel:0xE0; msg:$optionLogFileName.TXT 09/10/2006¿1:57:08¿C$optionLogFileName::CheckIsPluginRunning
my $stripFasttrace = 0;
# find first occurance of Musti message, remove anything before that
my $i;
for($i= 0; $i<100; $i++)
if(@$refLogArray[$i] =~ m/MCU_ASCII_PRINTF/i)
$stripFasttrace = 1;
print("fasttrace: end $i, strip: $stripFasttrace\n") if($ftDebug);
#remove the fasttrace specific lines
print("fasttrace: lines before: " . scalar(@$refLogArray) . "\n") if($ftDebug);
splice(@$refLogArray, 0, $i) if($stripFasttrace);
return if(!$stripFasttrace);
print("fasttrace: lines " . scalar(@$refLogArray) . "\n") if($ftDebug);
#remove the fasttrace line startings and change format of STIF messages
for($i = 0; $i<scalar(@$refLogArray); $i++)
#before: [14:38:40.641] sti: MCU_ASCII_PRINTF; channel:0xE0; msg:TestCase [ET1024 Sort IapList when it has no IAPs] finished with verdict[0]
#after: [14:38:40.641] sti: MCU_ASCII_PRINTF; channel:0xE0; msg:$optionLogFileName.TXT 18/10/2006¿2:37:37¿TestCase [ET1024 Sort IapList when it has no IAPs] finished with verdict[0]
if(@$refLogArray[$i] =~ m/TestCase \[([[a-z0-9_]+) ($regexpCaseName)\] finished with verdict\[[-]?([0-9]+)/i)
my $startStr = substr(@$refLogArray[$i], 0, index(@$refLogArray[$i], "TestCase"));
my $endStr = substr(@$refLogArray[$i], index(@$refLogArray[$i], "TestCase"));
my $timeStr = FasttraceLogFindIptvTraceTime($refLogArray, $i);
@$refLogArray[$i] = $startStr . "$optionLogFileName.TXT " . $timeStr . "\t" . $endStr;
print("fasttrace: " . @$refLogArray[$i] . "\n") if($ftDebug);
#print("\n\n" . $startStr . "'\n$optionLogFileName.TXT \n" . $timeStr . "'\n" . $endStr . "'\n" );
#change the lines where is STIF message saying starting testcase to "$optionLogFileName.TXT <TIME> >>> Case start: <CASEID>" format, otherwise it will be not be recognized later
if(@$refLogArray[$i] =~ m/Starting testcase \[([[a-z0-9_]+) ($regexpCaseName)\]/i)
print("debug: " . @$refLogArray[$i] . "\n");
@$refLogArray[$i] = substr(@$refLogArray[$i], 0, index(@$refLogArray[$i], "Starting testcase"));
my $timeStr = FasttraceLogFindIptvTraceTime($refLogArray, $i);
@$refLogArray[$i] .= "$optionLogFileName.TXT $timeStr\t>>> Case start: $1" . "\r\n";
print("fasttrace: '" . @$refLogArray[$i] . "'\n") if($ftDebug);
#@$refLogArray[$i] = "[14:38:37.953] sti: MCU_ASCII_PRINTF; channel:0xE0; msg:$optionLogFileName.TXT 18/10/2006\t2:37:34\t>>> Case start: $1";
if(@$refLogArray[$i] =~ m/channel\:[0-9a-z]+; msg:$optionLogFileName.TXT [0-9]+\/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+/i)
@$refLogArray[$i] = substr(@$refLogArray[$i], index(@$refLogArray[$i], "msg:$optionLogFileName.TXT") + length("msg:$optionLogFileName.TXT") + 1);
#replace fasttrace tab chars
@$refLogArray[$i] =~ s/¿/\t/g;
# if there's no match then this is not a trace for $optionLogFileName
splice(@$refLogArray, $i, 1);
# FastTraceLogFindIptvTraceTime
# Parameters:
# $refLines: reference to array of the log line
# $startLine: line where to start looking for
# Finds next time stamp of Iptvengine from Fasttrace log
sub FasttraceLogFindIptvTraceTime
my ($refLines, $startLine) = @_;
#find next trace of iptvengine and get the time and date
my $timeStr = "";
for(my $e = $startLine+1; $e < scalar(@$refLines); $e++)
if(@$refLines[$e] =~m/msg:$optionLogFileName.TXT/)
my $line = @$refLines[$e];
#remove the fasttrace trace from line start, we don't want it's time
$line = substr($line, index($line, "msg:$optionLogFileName.TXT"));
if($line =~ m/([0-9]+\/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+)/i)
$timeStr .= $1 . "\t";
if($line =~ m/([0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+)/i)
$timeStr .= $1;
last if($timeStr ne "");
return $timeStr;
# ReportNotDocumentedCases
# Parameters:
# $file
# Writes the @notDocumentedCases array into a file
sub ReportNotDocumentedCases
my ($file) = @_;
if(scalar(@notDocumentedCases) > 0)
if(!open(FILE_HANDLE, ">" . $file) )
print("ERROR! Could not open file '" . $file . "'\n");
} else {
print FILE_HANDLE ( @notDocumentedCases );
print("Report " . $NOT_DOCUMENTED_CASES_FILE . " written.\n");
} else
print("All cases are documented.");
# ReadTestReports
# Reads TestReportXX.txt files from the current directory and updates the cases with the results.
# Reads also logs for the report and creates case specific logs.
sub ReadTestReports
# Read filelist of current directory
opendir(DIR, ".");
my @filelist = sort(readdir(DIR));
my $readSomething = 0;
my @testScripterLogLines;
ReadTestScripterLogs( \@testScripterLogLines );
# Read reports and logs in the current directory
foreach $file(@filelist)
next if( -d $file or $file eq "." or $file eq "..");
# Read results STIF testreport
if($file =~ m/^TestReport[a-z\-0-9_]+\.txt$/i or $file =~ m/^TestReport\.txt$/i )
if($optionShowMessages) { print("***************************\n"); };
print("Report file: " . $file . "\n");
my @logFiles;
my @caseResults;
ReadTestRunInfoFromStifReport( $file, \@caseResults, \@logFiles );
ParseResultsAndLogs( \@caseResults, \@logFiles, \@testScripterLogLines );
return if($optionPrintCfgSummaries);
# No testreports found. Read all logs and parse them.
if($readSomething == 0)
print("\nNo test reports found in the current directory. Trying to read all the logs.\n");
my @logFileLines;
ReadReportLogs("*", \@logFileLines);
if( scalar( @logFileLines ) > 0 )
$readSomething = 1;
return $readSomething;
# ReadTestReportsAlt
# Every test report is one run and those should have as much same cases as possible.
sub ReadTestReportsAlt
my ($refRuns) = @_;
# Read filelist of current directory
opendir(DIR, ".");
my @filelist = sort(readdir(DIR));
my @runs;
# Read reports and logs in the current directory
foreach $file(@filelist)
if($file eq "." or $file eq "..") {next};
# Read results STIF testreport
if($file =~ m/^TestReport[a-z0-9_]+\.txt$/i or $file =~ m/^TestReport\.txt$/i )
if($optionShowMessages) { print("***************************\n"); };
print("Report file: " . $file . "\n");
# Store report filename, run date and then cases into array
# Read date from report
if( !open(FILE_HANDLE, $file) ) {
print("ERROR! Could not open file '" . $file . "'\n");
my @array = <FILE_HANDLE>;
#Monday 25th August 2008
my @pieces = split(' ', $array[1]);
$pieces[1] =~ s/st//;
$pieces[1] =~ s/nd//;
$pieces[1] =~ s/rd//;
$pieces[1] =~ s/th//;
my @runInfo;
$runInfo[0] = $file;
$runInfo[1] = substr( $pieces[0], 0, 3 ) . " " . $pieces[1] . " " . substr( $pieces[2], 0, 3 );
my @runResults;
my @logFiles;
ReadTestRunInfoFromStifReport($file, \@runResults, \@logFiles );
$runInfo[2] = \@runResults;
push @$refRuns, \@runInfo;
# ReadTestScripterLogs
sub ReadTestScripterLogs
my ( $refLogLines ) = @_;
return if($optionNoLogs || $optionPrintCfgSummaries);
opendir(DIR, ".");
my @filelist = sort(readdir(DIR));
foreach $file(@filelist)
if($file =~ m/^testscripter[a-z0-9_]+.txt/i )
print("Reading scripter log: $file\n") if( $optionDebug );
if( open(FILE_HANDLE, $file) )
my @tempArray = <FILE_HANDLE>;
while(scalar(@tempArray) > 0)
push @$refLogLines, ( shift( @tempArray ) );
print("ERROR: Could not open the log file: $file!\n");
print("Not a scripter log: $file\n") if( $optionDebug );
# ReadTestReportDates
# Reads the date from each testreport in current directory
sub ReadTestReportDates
my ($refDates) = @_;
# Read filelist of current directory
opendir(DIR, ".");
my @filelist = sort(readdir(DIR));
my @runs;
# Read reports and logs in the current directory
foreach $file(@filelist)
if($file eq "." or $file eq "..") {next};
# Read results STIF testreport
if($file =~ m/^TestReport[a-z0-9_]+\.txt$/i or $file =~ m/^TestReport\.txt$/i )
my @fileDate;
$fileDate[0] = $file;
if( !open(FILE_HANDLE, $file) ) {
print("ERROR! Could not open file '" . $file . "'\n");
my @array = <FILE_HANDLE>;
#Monday 25th August 2008
my @pieces = split(' ', $array[1]);
$pieces[1] =~ s/st//;
$pieces[1] =~ s/nd//;
$pieces[1] =~ s/rd//;
$pieces[1] =~ s/th//;
$fileDate[1] = substr( $pieces[0], 0, 3 ) . " " . $pieces[1] . " " . substr( $pieces[2], 0, 3 );
push @$refDates, \@fileDate;
# ParseTimeFromLine
sub ParseTimeFromLine
my ($line) = @_;
my $timestr = "";
if($line =~ m/([0-9]+)(:[0-9]+:[0-9]+\,[0-9]*)/i || $line =~ m/([0-9]+)(:[0-9]+:[0-9]+\.[0-9]*)/i)
$timestr = "" . $1 . $2;
if($1 > 12)
$timestr = "" . ($1-12) . $2;
return $timestr;
# ReadTestRunInfoFromStifReport
# Parameters:
# $file, the testreport
# $refCaseResults, results for all cases of the testreport
# $refLogFiles, filenames for the log files of the testreport
sub ReadTestRunInfoFromStifReport
my ($file, $refCaseResults, $refLogFiles) = @_;
if( !open(FILE_HANDLE, $file) ) {
print("ERROR! Could not open file '" . $file . "'\n");
my @array = <FILE_HANDLE>;
# Get log files for the report
GetReportLogFileNames($file, $refLogFiles);
my $index = 0;
my $line = "";
for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@array); $i++)
$line = $array[$i];
#[testscripter_iptvservicetest][C:\TestFramework\IptvServiceTest.cfg][10] Title:[ET9009 Set id]
#[testscripter][c:\testframework\iptvvoddlapitest2.cfg][2] Title:[ET12100 Purchase]
# StartTime: 8:54:23.5565 PM, EndTime: 8:54:24.3471 PM
# Result: 0 [] ==> PASSED
# Info: xxx
# found a start of a result
#[1] Title:[ET1000 Add multiple Iaps]
my $cfgFile = "";
if($line =~ m/([a-z_0-9.]+)\]\[[0-9]+\][ ]+Title:\[/i)
$cfgFile = $1;
if($optionShowMessages) { print(" - Cfg: $cfgFile\n"); };
for( my $e = 0; $e < scalar( @gCfgFiles ); $e++ )
if( $gCfgFiles[$e] =~ m/$cfgFile/i )
my $caseCount = ParseCfg( $gCfgFiles[$e] );
$gCfgFiles[$e] = ""; # We don't want to read it again.
if($line =~ m/\[[0-9]+\][ ]+Title:\[($regexpCaseName)\]$/i)
if($optionShowMessages) { print(" - Case: " . $1 . "\n"); };
#get the case name
my $caseName = $1;
my $caseId = GetCaseIdFromName($caseName);
my $caseRunTime = CountCaseRunTime($array[$i+1]);
# Save case report lines for later use
my $caseLine1 = $array[$i];
my $caseLine2 = $array[$i+1];
my $caseLine3 = $array[$i+2];
# Read the case result
# StartTime: 3:54:10.1670 PM, EndTime: 3:54:23.8226 PM
$line = $array[$i+2];
my $info = "";
my $result = "N/A";
my $status = "$caseDefaultStatus";
my $reason = "";
# Result: 0 [] ==> PASSED / something
if($line =~ m/^Result:[ ]([-]*[0-9]+)[ ]\[[\w]*\][ ]==>[ ]([\w ]+)$/i)
$result = $1;
$status = $2;
# Result: -2 [CTestRunner::RunError [CTestRunner::ExecuteCommandL returned error]] ==> FAILED
# Result: -2 [CTestRunner::ExecuteCommandL returned error] ==> FAILED
elsif($line =~ m/^Result:[ ]([-]*[0-9]+)[ ]\[([\w: ]+)\][ ]==>[ ]([\w]+)$/i or
$line =~ m/^Result:[ ]([-]*[0-9]+)[ ]\[[\w: ]+\[([\w: ]+)\]\][ ]==>[ ]([\w]+)$/i )
$result = $1;
$status = $3;
$reason = $2;
#CaseExecutionResult: Test case execution fails with -15
elsif($line =~ m/^CaseExecutionResult:[ ]Test case execution fails with ([-]*[0-9]+)$/i)
$result = $1;
$status = "FAILED";
$reason = "Test case execution failed.";
# CaseExecutionResult: Leave during case: with -4
elsif($line =~ m/^CaseExecutionResult:[ ]Leave during case: with ([-]*[0-9]+)$/i)
$result = $1;
$status = "FAILED";
$reason = "Leave during case";
#CaseExecutionResult: Crash reason:Error in test ca with 69
#CaseExecutionResult: Crash reason:IptvEngineServer with 13
elsif($line =~ m/^CaseExecutionResult:[ ]Crash reason:([\w_ \-]+)[ ]with[ ]([-]*[0-9]+)$/i)
$result = $2;
$status = "CRASHED";
$reason = $1;
# Result: -2 [Crash reason:KERN-EXEC] ==> FAILED
elsif($line =~ m/^Result:[ ]([-]*[0-9]+)[ ]\[Crash reason:([\w\-:\. ]+)\] ==> ([\w]+)/i)
$result = $1;
$status = "CRASHED";
$reason = $2;
# CaseExecutionResult: TestModule loading fails, cannot connect to the TestModule with -2
elsif($line =~ m/^CaseExecutionResult: TestModule loading fails, cannot connect to the TestModule with ([-]*[0-9]+)/i)
$result = $1;
$status = "FAILED";
$reason = "Test module loading failed.";
print("Error while parsing case result line: " . $line . "\n");
$line = $array[$i+3];
# Info: xxx
if($line =~ m/^Info:/i)
$info = substr($line, 5) . " / ";
$info .= " ";
my @caseResult;
$caseResult[$CASE_CFG_FILE] = $cfgFile;
$caseResult[$CASE_NAME] = $caseName;
$caseResult[$CASE_ID] = $caseId;
$caseResult[$CASE_RUN_TIME_SECONDS] = $caseRunTime;
$caseResult[$CASE_NOTE] = $info;
$caseResult[$CASE_RESULT] = $result;
$caseResult[$CASE_STATUS] = $status;
$caseResult[$CASE_REASON] = $reason;
$caseResult[$CASE_REPORTLINE1] = $caseLine1;
$caseResult[$CASE_REPORTLINE2] = $caseLine2;
$caseResult[$CASE_REPORTLINE3] = $caseLine3;
push @$refCaseResults, \@caseResult;
# ParseResultsAndLogs
# Parameters:
# $refCaseResults
# $refLogFiles
# $refTestScripterLogLines
sub ParseResultsAndLogs
my ($refCaseResults, $refLogFiles, $refTestScripterLogLines) = @_;
my @logLines;
# Read log files
foreach $file (@$refLogFiles)
$file =~ s/\//\\/g;
print("Reading log file: " . $file . " .. ");
if( open(FILE_HANDLE, $file) )
my @tempArray = <FILE_HANDLE>;
print " .. ";
while(scalar(@tempArray) > 0)
push @logLines, (shift(@tempArray));
print " done.\n";
print("ERROR: Could not open the log file: $file!\n");
FindAndMarkCaseEntriesInLog( \@logLines, $refCaseResults );
my @caseSpecificLogs;
foreach $refCaseResult (@$refCaseResults)
my $cfgFile = @$refCaseResult[$CASE_CFG_FILE];
my $caseName = @$refCaseResult[$CASE_NAME];
my $caseId = @$refCaseResult[$CASE_ID];
my $caseRunTime = @$refCaseResult[$CASE_RUN_TIME_SECONDS];
my $info = @$refCaseResult[$CASE_NOTE];
my $result = @$refCaseResult[$CASE_RESULT];
my $status = @$refCaseResult[$CASE_STATUS];
my $reason = @$refCaseResult[$CASE_REASON];
my $reportLine1 = @$refCaseResult[$CASE_REPORTLINE1];
my $reportLine2 = @$refCaseResult[$CASE_REPORTLINE2];
my $reportLine3 = @$refCaseResult[$CASE_REPORTLINE3];
if($optionShowMessages) { print(" - Case: " . $caseName . "\n"); };
# Create case specific log into the log directory
my $caseLogFile = GetCaseField($caseId, $CASE_LOG_FILE);
my $caseScripterLogFile = GetCaseField($caseId, $CASE_LOG_FILE_SCRIPTER);
my $refCaseDesc = GetCaseDesc($caseId);
$caseLogFile = GetFileNameForCaseLog( $reportLine1, $reportLine2, $reportLine3 );
$caseScripterLogFile = GetFileNameForCaseLog( $reportLine1, $reportLine2, $reportLine3, "_scripter" );
if( -e $caseLogFile )
unlink ( $caseLogFile );
if( -e $caseScripterLogFile )
unlink ( $caseScripterLogFile );
my @logInfo;
$logInfo[0] = $caseLogFile;
if( defined( @$refCaseResult[$CASE_CHECK_RESULT_LOG_FILE] ) )
# Case start entry trace was found from log.
$logInfo[1] = @$refCaseResult[$CASE_ENTRY_LOG_START];
$logInfo[1] = -1;
$logInfo[2] = $reportLine1;
$logInfo[3] = $reportLine2;
$logInfo[4] = $reportLine3;
$logInfo[5] = $refCaseDesc;
$logInfo[6] = $caseScripterLogFile;
push @caseSpecificLogs, \@logInfo;
# Update case
my $refCase = GetCase($caseId, \@cases);
$refCase = GetCaseByNameOnly($caseName);
UpdateCase($refCase, $caseLogFile, $caseScripterLogFile, $result, $status, $info, $reason, $caseRunTime);
# Case doesn't exist yet, add it.
my @case;
$case[$CASE_NAME] = $caseName;
$case[$CASE_ID] = $caseId;
$case[$CASE_RUN_TIMES] = 0;
$case[$CASE_CRASHED] = 0;
$case[$CASE_FAILED] = 0;
$case[$CASE_PASSED] = 0;
$case[$CASE_STATUS] = "$caseDefaultStatus";
$case[$CASE_PURPOSE] = "N/A";
$case[$CASE_MEANS] = "N/A";
$case[$CASE_NOTE] = "N/A";
$case[$CASE_REASON] = "";
$case[$CASE_RESULT] = "";
$case[$CASE_LOG_FILE] = "";
$case[$CASE_CFG_FILE] = $cfgFile;
$refCase = GetCaseByNameOnly($caseName);
UpdateCase(\@case, $caseLogFile, $caseScripterLogFile, $result, $status, $info, $reason, $caseRunTime);
# Insert case after other cases from same CFG, if any.
my $indexToInsert = -1;
for( my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@cases); $i++ )
my $case = $cases[$i];
if( defined(@$case[$CASE_CFG_FILE]) )
if( @$case[$CASE_CFG_FILE] eq $cfgFile )
$indexToInsert = $i;
if( $indexToInsert == -1 )
push @cases, [ @case ];
splice @cases, $indexToInsert+1, 0, [ @case ];
my $caseCount = scalar( @$refCaseResults );
my @testScripterLogCaseLocations;
PrepareTestScripterLogs( $refTestScripterLogLines, \@testScripterLogCaseLocations );
WriteCaseSpecificScripterLogs( \@caseSpecificLogs, $refTestScripterLogLines, \@testScripterLogCaseLocations );
WriteCaseSpecificLogs( \@caseSpecificLogs, $caseCount, \@logLines );
if($caseCount >= 10 && $optionShowMessages == 0)
print("\n"); #line break for the progress bar
elsif($optionShowMessages == 0)
print("##########\n"); # fake it
# WriteCaseSpecificLogs
# Parameters:
# $refCaseSpecificLogs
# $caseCount
# $refLogLines
sub WriteCaseSpecificLogs
my ($refCaseSpecificLogs, $caseCount, $refLogLines ) = @_;
my $caseLogProgress = 0;
foreach my $refLogInfo ( @$refCaseSpecificLogs )
#@logInfo[1] = @$refCaseResult[$CASE_ENTRY_LOG_START];
my $caseLogFile = @$refLogInfo[0];
my $reportLine1 = @$refLogInfo[2];
my $reportLine2 = @$refLogInfo[3];
my $reportLine3 = @$refLogInfo[4];
my $refCaseDesc = @$refLogInfo[5];
my $logWritten = 0;
if( @$refLogInfo[1] != -1 )
# Case start entry trace found from log files.
$logWritten = WriteCaseLogFromEntry($caseLogFile, $refLogLines, @$refLogInfo[1], $reportLine1, $reportLine2, $reportLine3);
if( !$logWritten )
# Use case start and end times to write case specific log.
WriteCaseLog($caseLogFile, $refLogLines, $refCaseDesc, $reportLine1, $reportLine2, $reportLine3);
# Show simple progress bar
if($caseCount >= 10 && $optionShowMessages == 0)
if($caseLogProgress > $caseCount/10)
$caseLogProgress = 0;
if($caseCount >= 10 && $optionShowMessages == 0)
print("\n"); #line break for the progress bar
elsif($optionShowMessages == 0)
print("##########\n"); # fake it
# PrepareTestScripterLogs
# Parameters:
# $refTestScripterLogLines
# $refTestScripterLogCaseLocations
sub PrepareTestScripterLogs
my ($refTestScripterLogLines, $refTestScripterLogCaseLocations ) = @_;
for( my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$refTestScripterLogLines); $i++ )
my $line = @$refTestScripterLogLines[$i];
if( $line =~ m/RunTest:/ )
push @$refTestScripterLogCaseLocations, ( $i );
# WriteCaseSpecificScripterLogs
# Parameters:
# $refLogFiles
# $refCaseResults
# $refTestScripterLogCaseLocations
sub WriteCaseSpecificScripterLogs
my ($refCaseSpecificLogs, $refScripterLogLines, $refTestScripterLogCaseLocations ) = @_;
foreach my $refLogInfo ( @$refCaseSpecificLogs )
my $caseLogFile = @$refLogInfo[6];
my $reportLine1 = @$refLogInfo[2];
my $reportLine2 = @$refLogInfo[3];
my $reportLine3 = @$refLogInfo[4];
my $refCaseDesc = @$refLogInfo[5];
WriteCaseLogFromTestScripterLogs( $caseLogFile, $refScripterLogLines, $refTestScripterLogCaseLocations, $refCaseDesc, $reportLine1, $reportLine2, $reportLine3);
# WriteCaseLogFromTestScripterLogs
sub WriteCaseLogFromTestScripterLogs
my ( $caseLogFile, $refLogLines, $refTestScripterLogCaseLocations, $refCaseDesc, $line1, $line2, $line3 ) = @_;
print("### WriteCaseLogFromTestScripterLogs") if( $optionDebug );
# Don't generate log files if we only print summary
my $lineBreak = "\n";
$lineBreak = "<br>\n" if($optionHtml);
my $caseName = "";
if($line1 =~ m/\[[0-9]+\][ ]+Title:\[([a-z0-9]+$regexpCaseName)\]$/i)
#"' ultraedit
$caseName = $1;
print(" Writing scripter log for: $caseName.\n") if($optionShowMessages);
# Write header for case
my @writeArray;
# split the first line
push @writeArray, ( "<hr>" ) if($optionHtml);
push @writeArray, ( substr($line1, 0, index($line1, "Title:")) . $lineBreak );
push @writeArray, ( substr($line1, index($line1, "Title:")) . $lineBreak );
my $title = substr($line1, index($line1, "Title:"));
#($line1 . "\n");
push @writeArray, ($line2 . $lineBreak);
push @writeArray, ($line3 . $lineBreak);
push @writeArray, ("\n");
push @writeArray, ( "<hr>" ) if($optionHtml);
# Include the script for the case in the file?
foreach $linexxx (@{$refCaseDesc})
push @writeArray, ("$linexxx");
push @writeArray, ($lineBreak) if($optionHtml);
push @writeArray, ( "<hr>" ) if($optionHtml);
push @writeArray, ("\n");
# Create log directory
if ( !(-e "testcase_logs") )
if ( !(-e "$caseLogOutDir") )
mkdir($caseLogOutDir, 0755);
# Find start and end lines for the case.
my $startLine = -1;
my $endLine = -1;
my $caseNameRegexp = $caseName;
$caseNameRegexp =~s/\)/\\\)/;
$caseNameRegexp =~s/\(/\\\(/;
# Try to find case start from cached locations.
foreach my $lineNum ( @$refTestScripterLogCaseLocations )
if( @$refLogLines[$lineNum] =~ m/RunTest: $caseNameRegexp/ )
print(" - found cached start: $lineNum") if( $optionDebug );
$startLine = $lineNum;
for( my $i = $startLine; $i < scalar(@$refLogLines); $i++ )
$i++ if( $i < 0 );
my $line = @$refLogLines[$i];
next if( !defined $line );
# Case start was not found from cached locations, find it as we go thru the lines.
if( $startLine == -1 )
if( $line =~ m/RunTest: $caseNameRegexp/ )
print(" - found start: $line") if( $optionDebug );
$startLine = $i;
if( $line =~ m/\*\*\*Testcase [a-z]+\*\*\*/i )
print(" - found end: $line") if( $optionDebug );
$endLine = $i + 1;
if( $startLine == -1 || $endLine == -1 )
# Write the log file
my $fileMode = ">>";
print(" - Case log file: " . $caseLogFile ."\n") if($optionShowMessages);
if( open(FILE_HANDLE, $fileMode . $caseLogFile) )
"<html>\n" .
"<head>\n" .
"<title>$title</title>\n" .
"</head>\n" .
"<body>\n" .
"<basefont color=\"black\" face=\"arial\" size=\"4\">\n"
foreach $line(@writeArray)
print FILE_HANDLE ($line);
for( my $i = $startLine; $i < $endLine; $i++ )
my $line = @$refLogLines[$i];
FormatLogLine(\$line) if($optionHtml);
print FILE_HANDLE ($line);
"</body>\n" .
print FILE_HANDLE ( $lineBreak );
print FILE_HANDLE ( $lineBreak );
} else
print("ERROR: Could not write to file: " . $caseLogFile . "\n");
# CheckCaseEntriesInLog
# Parameters:
# $refLogLines: reference to array of log lines
# Finds if there's log entries for cases that are not reported in the testreport files
# and create case specific logs for them
sub CheckCaseEntriesInLog
my ($refLogLines) = @_;
foreach $case(@cases)
if(@{$case}[$CASE_CHECK_RESULT_LOG_FILE] == 1)
#create the next lines for WriteCaseLog function
#line1: [testscripter_iptvservicemanagementapitestasync][c:\TestFramework\IptvServiceManagementApiTestAsync.cfg][2] Title:[ET08203 Add valid hardcoded service_0 ASYNC]
#line2: StartTime: 3:06:14.2212 PM, EndTime: 3:06:18.1037 PM
#line3: Result: 0 [] ==> PASSED
#starttime = case startline
#endttime = next case starttline | lastline
my $line1 = "[unknown.cfg][0] Title:[" . @{$case}[$CASE_NAME] . "]";
my $line2 = "";
my $line3 = "Result: 0 [] ==> UNKNOWN";
my $startTime = "";
my $endTime = "";
my $status = "UNKNOWN";
my $caseLogFile = "";
my $result = "0";
my $info = "";
my $reason = "";
my $caseId = "";
foreach $line(@$refLogLines)
# take the times from lines where is case start text
if($startTime eq "" && $line =~ m/>>> Case start:/i)
$caseId = substr($line, index($line, ">>> Case start:") + length(">>> Case start:"));
# set start time if case matches
#02/08/2006 12:15:42 >>> Case start: ET00000 caseId
if($caseId eq @{$case}[$CASE_ID])
#print("*** Reading case name\n\n");
if($line =~ m/([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)/)
#print("CASESTART: $line\n");
$startTime = "$1:$2:$3.0000";
#print("*** READ TIME $startTime\n\n");
next; # skip the rest of loop otherwise endtime will be same
# find endtime for case if starttime is set
if($startTime ne "")
#[14:38:40.641] sti: MCU_ASCII_PRINTF; channel:0xE0; msg:TestCase [ET1024 Sort IapList when it has no IAPs] finished with verdict[0]
#die("$line") if($line =~m/$caseId/i);
#die("line: $line\n") if($line =~ m/finished with verdict/);
if($line =~ m/$caseId/i and $line =~ m/finished with verdict\[([-]*[0-9]+)\]/)
$result = $1;
if($1 eq "0")
$status = "PASSED";
$line3 = "Result: $1 [] ==> PASSED";
$status = "FAILED";
$line3 = "Result: $1 [] ==> FAILED";
#if line has time then grab it
if($line =~ m/([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)/)
$endTime = "$1:$2:$3.9999";
# stop searching when next case is starting
if( ($line =~ m/>>> Case start:/i || $line =~ m/>>> Case end./i) and !($line =~ m/$caseId/) )
#print("CASEEND: $line\n");
$line2 = "StartTime: $startTime PM, EndTime: $endTime PM";
#print("l1: $line1\nl2: $line2\nl3: $line3\n\n");
my $refCaseDesc = GetCaseDesc($caseId);
$caseLogFile = GetFileNameForCaseLog( $line1, $line2, $line3 );
WriteCaseLog($caseLogFile, $refLogLines, $refCaseDesc, $line1, $line2, $line3);
my $refCase = GetCase($caseId, \@cases);
UpdateCase($refCase, $caseLogFile, "", $result, $status, $info, $reason, 0);
sub UpdateCase
my ($refCase, $caseLogFile, $caseScripterLogFile, $result, $status, $info, $reason, $caseRunTimeSeconds) = @_;
if($optionShowMessages) { print(" - Case update: $result, $status, $reason, $caseRunTimeSeconds\n\n"); };
die("Result not defined. Cannot update.\n") if(!defined($result) );
die("Status not defined. Cannot update.\n") if(!defined($status) );
die("Info not defined. Cannot update.\n") if( !defined($info) );
die("Reason not defined. Cannot update.\n") if( !defined($reason) );
$caseRunTimeSeconds = 0 if($caseRunTimeSeconds < 0);
# we have actual result, no need for this anymore
@$refCase[$CASE_RUN_TIME_SECONDS] = $caseRunTimeSeconds;
if($status eq "CRASHED") {
elsif($status eq "FAILED") {
elsif($status eq "PASSED") {
if($status eq "PASSED") {
@$refCase[$CASE_PASSED] = 1;
@$refCase[$CASE_CRASHED] = 0;
@$refCase[$CASE_FAILED] = 0;
elsif($status eq "CRASHED" && @$refCase[$CASE_STATUS] ne "PASSED") {
@$refCase[$CASE_PASSED] = 0;
@$refCase[$CASE_CRASHED] = 1;
@$refCase[$CASE_FAILED] = 0;
elsif($status eq "FAILED" && @$refCase[$CASE_STATUS] ne "PASSED" && @$refCase[$CASE_STATUS] ne "CRASHED") {
@$refCase[$CASE_PASSED] = 0;
@$refCase[$CASE_CRASHED] = 0;
@$refCase[$CASE_FAILED] = 1;
my $updateCase = 0;
if(!$optionGoodIsBetter and !$optionFinalDoc)
# Only update case status if it's more fatal than the current, CRASHED > FAILED > UNKNOWN > PASSED
if($status ne "$caseDefaultStatus")
if (@$refCase[$CASE_STATUS] eq "$caseDefaultStatus") {
$updateCase = 1;
elsif (@$refCase[$CASE_STATUS] eq "CRASHED" ) {
elsif (@$refCase[$CASE_STATUS] eq "FAILED") {
$updateCase = 1 if($status eq "CRASHED");
elsif(@$refCase[$CASE_STATUS] eq "PASSED") {
$updateCase = 1;
# Only update case status if it's less fatal than the current, PASSED > FAILED > CRASHED > UNKNOWN
if($status ne "$caseDefaultStatus")
if (@$refCase[$CASE_STATUS] eq "$caseDefaultStatus") {
$updateCase = 1;
elsif(@$refCase[$CASE_STATUS] eq "UNKNOWN") {
$updateCase = 1;
elsif($status eq "PASSED")
$updateCase = 1;
elsif (@$refCase[$CASE_STATUS] eq "CRASHED" ) {
$updateCase = 1 if($status eq "FAILED");
elsif (@$refCase[$CASE_STATUS] eq "FAILED") {
@$refCase[$CASE_REASON] = $info . $reason;
@$refCase[$CASE_RESULT] = $result;
@$refCase[$CASE_STATUS] = $status;
@$refCase[$CASE_LOG_FILE] = $caseLogFile;
@$refCase[$CASE_LOG_FILE_SCRIPTER] = $caseScripterLogFile;
# -1112 overrides other error codes because the case succeeded but verifying has failed.
if(@$refCase[$CASE_RESULT] ne "-1112" and $result eq "-1112")
@$refCase[$CASE_RESULT] = $result;
#print "case: " . @{$case}[$CASE_NAME] . "\n" . "run: " . @{$case}[$CASE_RUN_TIMES] . ", crash: " . @{$case}[$CASE_CRASHED] . ", fail " . @{$case}[$CASE_FAILED] . ", passed: " . @{$case}[$CASE_PASSED] . "\n";
sub CountCaseRunTime
my ($line) = @_;
my $found = 0;
#StartTime: 16:12:10,2440, EndTime: 16:12:34,3880
#StartTime: 12:02:49.9302 pm, EndTime: 12:03:04.5781 pm
if($line =~ m/^StartTime: ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\,[0-9]*, Endtime: ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\,[0-9]*$/i)
$found = 1;
elsif($line =~ m/^StartTime: ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\.[0-9]*[ A-Z]*, Endtime: ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\.[0-9]*[ A-Z]*$/i)
$found = 1;
my $caseRunTime = 0;
my $startSeconds = ($1 * 60 * 60) + $2 * 60 + $3;
my $endSeconds = ($4 * 60 * 60) + $5 * 60 + $6;
$caseRunTime = $endSeconds - $startSeconds;
$caseRunTime = 0 if($caseRunTime < 0);
$totalExecutionTime += $caseRunTime;
return $caseRunTime;
sub GetFileNameForCaseLog
my ($line1, $line2, $line3, $extra) = @_;
my $caseId = "";
if($line1 =~ m/\[[0-9]+\][ ]+Title:\[([a-z0-9]+)$regexpCaseName\]$/i)
#"' ultraedit
$caseId = $1;
my $caseTimeStr = "";
#StartTime: 16:12:10,2440, EndTime: 16:12:34,3880
if($line2 =~ m/^StartTime: ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\,[0-9]*, Endtime: ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\,[0-9]*$/i)
$found = 1;
elsif($line2 =~ m/^StartTime: ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\.[0-9]*[ A-Z]*, Endtime: ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\.[0-9]*[ A-Z]*$/i)
$found = 1;
if( $found )
$caseTimeStr = $1 . $2 . $3 . $4 . $5 . $6;
my $fileext = ".txt";
$fileext = ".html" if($optionHtml);
my $caseLogFile;
if( !defined( $extra ) )
$caseLogFile = $caseLogOutDir . $caseId . "_" . $caseTimeStr . $fileext;
$caseLogFile = $caseLogOutDir . $caseId . "_" . $caseTimeStr . $extra . $fileext;
print(" - Case log file: " . $caseLogFile ."\n") if($optionShowMessages);
return $caseLogFile;
# WriteCaseLog
# Parameters:
# $caseLogFile: filename to write
# $refLogLines: input where log lines are stored
# $caseDesc: optional text description of case which will be written into the log file
# $line1: [testscripter_iptvservicemanagementapitestasync][c:\TestFramework\IptvServiceManagementApiTestAsync.cfg][2] Title:[ET08203 Add valid hardcoded service_0 ASYNC]
# $line2: StartTime: 3:06:14.2212 PM, EndTime: 3:06:18.1037 PM
# $line3: Result: 0 [] ==> PASSED
# Writes case specific log file into testcase_logs/testcase_logs directory. Reads the lines from @caseLogLines array
sub WriteCaseLog
#[testscripter_iptvservicemanagementapitestasync][c:\TestFramework\IptvServiceManagementApiTestAsync.cfg][2] Title:[ET08203 Add valid hardcoded service_0 ASYNC]
# StartTime: 3:06:14.2212 PM, EndTime: 3:06:18.1037 PM
# StartTime: 12:34:41.5407, EndTime: 12:34:41.9687
# Result: 0 [] ==> PASSED
my ($caseLogFile, $refLogLines, $refCaseDesc, $line1, $line2, $line3) = @_;
# Don't generate log files if we only print summary
#print("1: $line1"); print("2: $line2"); print("3: $line3");
my $lineBreak = "\n";
$lineBreak = "<br>\n" if($optionHtml);
my $caseId = "";
if($line1 =~ m/\[[0-9]+\][ ]+Title:\[([a-z0-9]+)$regexpCaseName\]$/i)
#"' ultraedit
$caseId = $1;
print("Writing log for: $caseId.\n") if($optionShowMessages);
# Write header for case
my @writeArray;
# split the first line
push @writeArray, ( "<hr>" ) if($optionHtml);
push @writeArray, ( substr($line1, 0, index($line1, "Title:")) . $lineBreak );
push @writeArray, ( substr($line1, index($line1, "Title:")) . $lineBreak );
my $title = substr($line1, index($line1, "Title:"));
#($line1 . "\n");
push @writeArray, ($line2 . $lineBreak);
push @writeArray, ($line3 . $lineBreak);
push @writeArray, ("\n");
push @writeArray, ( "<hr>" ) if($optionHtml);
# Include the script for the case in the file?
foreach $linexxx (@{$refCaseDesc})
push @writeArray, ("$linexxx");
push @writeArray, ($lineBreak) if($optionHtml);
push @writeArray, ( "<hr>" ) if($optionHtml);
push @writeArray, ("\n");
my $passed = 0;
$passed = 1 if($line3 =~ m/==> PASSED/);
# Get the log for the case
my $startLine = 0;
my $endLine = 0;
my $logLineCount = scalar(@$refLogLines);
if($logLineCount > 0 && ($optionLogAllCases || !$passed) )
if($lastCaseLogLine >= $logLineCount)
$lastCaseLogLine = 0;
# Get the start and end time for the case
my $found = 0;
#StartTime: 16:12:10,2440, EndTime: 16:12:34,3880
if($line2 =~ m/^StartTime: ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\,[0-9]*, Endtime: ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\,[0-9]*$/i)
$found = 1;
elsif($line2 =~ m/^StartTime: ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\.[0-9]*[ A-Z]*, Endtime: ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\.[0-9]*[ A-Z]*$/i)
$found = 1;
print(" *ERROR* Could not parse case run time for case $caseId. Can not write case log note. Returning.\n");
my $startSeconds = 0;
my $endSeconds = 0;
$startSeconds = ($1 * 60 * 60) + $2 * 60 + $3;
$endSeconds = ($4 * 60 * 60) + $5 * 60 + $6;
my $caseRunTime = $endSeconds - $startSeconds;
if($caseRunTime < 0)
# It's possible to code solution but it'd slow down the script.
print(" *ERROR* Case $caseId has probably passed midnight/midday. Giving up writing case specific log.\n");
#print " - start:" . $1 . ":" . $2 . ":" . $3 . " = " . $startSeconds . "\n";
#print " - end: " . $4 . ":" . $5 . ":" . $6 . " = " . $endSeconds . "\n";
# Find indexes for start and end lines
$startLine = -1;
# If the line at $lastCaseLogLine matches then find backwards the first matching line,
# otherwise some lines might be missed from the log note.
if(LogLineTimeMatchesForCase(\@$refLogLines[$lastCaseLogLine], $startSeconds, $startSeconds))
#print("find back\n");
for(my $i=$lastCaseLogLine; $i > 0; $i--)
if(!LogLineTimeMatchesForCase(\@$refLogLines[$i], $startSeconds, $startSeconds))
$startLine = $i+1;
# Otherwise try to find match forward.
$startLine = FindLogLineMatch($refLogLines, $startSeconds, $endSeconds, $lastCaseLogLine, 1);
# If that doesn't succeed then lets go at start of the log. SLOW for huge logs.
if($startLine == -1)
$startLine = FindLogLineMatch($refLogLines, $startSeconds, $endSeconds, 0, 1);
$lastCaseLogLine = 0;
if($startLine == -1)
print(" *ERROR* startLine not found!\n");
print(" - StartLine: $startLine\n") if($optionShowMessages);
# Find forward the last line which does not match.
$endLine = FindLogLineMatch($refLogLines, $startSeconds, $endSeconds, $startLine+1, 0);
if($endLine == -1 || $endLine < $startLine)
print(" - End line not found, trying alternative method.\n") if($optionShowMessages);
# Find first not matching line forward from the case start.
$endLine = FindLogLineMatch($refLogLines, $startSeconds, $endSeconds, scalar(@$refLogLines)-1, 0);
if( $endLine == -1 || $endLine < $startLine )
# Just take the rest of the log
$endLine = scalar(@$refLogLines)-1;
print(" - EndLine: $endLine\n") if($optionShowMessages);
$lastCaseLogLine = $endLine-1;
# Create log directory
if ( !(-e "testcase_logs") )
if ( !(-e "$caseLogOutDir") )
mkdir($caseLogOutDir, 0755);
# Write the log file
my $fileMode = ">>";
print(" - Case log file: " . $caseLogFile ."\n") if($optionShowMessages);
if( open(FILE_HANDLE, $fileMode . $caseLogFile) )
"<html>\n" .
"<head>\n" .
"<title>$title</title>\n" .
"</head>\n" .
"<body>\n" .
"<basefont color=\"black\" face=\"arial\" size=\"4\">\n"
foreach $line(@writeArray)
print FILE_HANDLE ($line);
for(my $i=$startLine;$i<$endLine;$i++)
my $line = @$refLogLines[$i];
FormatLogLine(\$line) if($optionHtml);
print FILE_HANDLE ($line);
"</body>\n" .
print FILE_HANDLE ( $lineBreak );
print FILE_HANDLE ( $lineBreak );
} else
print("ERROR: Could not write to file: " . $caseLogFile . "\n");
# There's case start entry in the log, write case log from there onwards.
sub WriteCaseLogFromEntry
my ($caseLogFile, $refLogLines, $caseEntryLogStartLine, $line1, $line2, $line3) = @_;
# Don't generate log files if we only print summary
return 0;
my $lineBreak = "\n";
$lineBreak = "<br>\n" if($optionHtml);
my $caseId = "";
if($line1 =~ m/\[[0-9]+\][ ]+Title:\[([a-z0-9]+)$regexpCaseName\]$/i)
#"' ultraedit
$caseId = $1;
# Write header for case
my @writeArray;
# split the first line
push @writeArray, ( "<hr>" ) if($optionHtml);
push @writeArray, ( substr($line1, 0, index($line1, "Title:")) . $lineBreak );
push @writeArray, ( substr($line1, index($line1, "Title:")) . $lineBreak );
my $title = substr($line1, index($line1, "Title:"));
#($line1 . "\n");
push @writeArray, ($line2 . $lineBreak);
push @writeArray, ($line3 . $lineBreak);
push @writeArray, ("\n");
push @writeArray, ( "<hr>" ) if($optionHtml);
my $passed = 0;
$passed = 1 if($line3 =~ m/==> PASSED/);
# Get the log for the case
my $logLineCount = scalar(@$refLogLines);
if($logLineCount > 0 && ($optionLogAllCases || !$passed) )
# Get the start and end time for the case
my $found = 0;
#StartTime: 16:12:10,2440, EndTime: 16:12:34,3880
if($line2 =~ m/^StartTime: ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\,[0-9]*, Endtime: ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\,[0-9]*$/i)
$found = 1;
elsif($line2 =~ m/^StartTime: ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\.[0-9]*[ A-Z]*, Endtime: ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\.[0-9]*[ A-Z]*$/i)
$found = 1;
print(" *ERROR* Could not parse case run time for case $caseId. Can not write case log note. Returning.\n");
return 0;
my $startSeconds = 0;
my $endSeconds = 0;
$startSeconds = ($1 * 60 * 60) + $2 * 60 + $3;
$endSeconds = ($4 * 60 * 60) + $5 * 60 + $6;
my $caseRunTime = $endSeconds - $startSeconds;
if($caseRunTime < 0)
# It's possible to code solution but it'd slow down the script.
#print(" *ERROR* Case has probably passed midnight/midday. Giving up writing case specific log.\n");
# Create log directory
if ( !(-e "testcase_logs") )
if ( !(-e "$caseLogOutDir") )
mkdir($caseLogOutDir, 0755);
# Write the log file
my $fileMode = ">>";
print(" - Case log file: " . $caseLogFile ."\n") if($optionShowMessages);
my $caseEntryLogEndLine = -1;
for(my $i=$caseEntryLogStartLine; $i<scalar(@$refLogLines); $i++ )
if(@$refLogLines[$i] =~ m/<<< Case end/i)
$caseEntryLogEndLine = $i;
if( $caseEntryLogEndLine == -1 )
print("ERROR: $caseId is missing case end command in the script?\n");
return 0;
if( open(FILE_HANDLE, $fileMode . $caseLogFile) )
"<html>\n" .
"<head>\n" .
"<title>$title</title>\n" .
"</head>\n" .
"<body>\n" .
"<basefont color=\"black\" face=\"arial\" size=\"4\">\n"
for( my $i = $caseEntryLogStartLine; $i < $caseEntryLogEndLine; $i++ )
my $line = @$refLogLines[$i];
FormatLogLine(\$line) if($optionHtml);
print FILE_HANDLE ($line);
"</body>\n" .
print FILE_HANDLE ( $lineBreak );
print FILE_HANDLE ( $lineBreak );
} else
print("ERROR: Could not write to file: " . $caseLogFile . "\n");
return 0;
return 1;
# FindLogLineMatchRecurse
# Parameters:
# $startsSeconds the min time the log line will match
# $endSeconds the max time the log line will match
# $refStartLine index of line to start searching
# $refLogLines reference to array of the log
# $boolOp 1 = first line with match is returned, 0 = first line with no match is returned
# $inc increment in the search loop
# $recurse can the function call itself, if yes this will be passed to the new call too
# $maxLine the last line to search
sub FindLogLineMatchRecurse
my ($startSeconds, $endSeconds, $refStartLine, $refLogLines, $boolOp, $inc, $recurse, $maxLine) = @_;
print("IN FindLogLineMatchRecurse\n") if($optionDebug);
my $spacer = "";
for(my $i = 0;$i<$recurse; $i++)
$spacer .= "-";
$maxLine = scalar(@$refLogLines) if(!defined($maxLine) or $maxLine > scalar(@$refLogLines));
print("s: $startSeconds, e: $endSeconds, sl: $$refStartLine, b: $boolOp, i: $inc, r: $recurse, ml: $maxLine\n") if($optionDebug);
print("$spacer ENTER: range: $$refStartLine - $maxLine, $inc\n") if($optionDebug);
print("$spacer rec: $recurse\n") if($optionDebug);
print("$spacer prev: $$refStartLine\n") if($optionDebug);
print("$spacer inc: $inc\n") if($optionDebug);
# First try to find the start line without recursion.
for(my $i = $$refStartLine; $i < $maxLine; $i += $inc)
if(LogLineTimeMatchesForCase(\@$refLogLines[$i], $startSeconds, $endSeconds) == $boolOp)
# We have exact match.
if($inc == 1)
$$refStartLine = $i;
# Not exatch match. Return start of previous block.
elsif($i >= $$refStartLine + $inc)
$$refStartLine = $i - $inc;
print("MATCH LINE: $i: " . @$refLogLines[$i] . "\n") if($optionDebug);
print("return line: " . $$refStartLine . "\n") if($optionDebug);
print("EXIT FindLogLineMatchRecurse. return 1\n") if($optionDebug);
return 1;
if($recurse && $inc > 500)
# Split the current search block to smaller blocks and do search to them
for(my $i = $$refStartLine; $i < $maxLine; $i += $inc)
print("$spacer $i\n") if($inc != 1 && $optionDebug);
print("...RECURSING!\n") if($optionDebug);
# Start search from the start of current block.
my $prevPos = $i;
# New last line to search
my $end = $i + $inc;
$end = scalar(@$refLogLines)-1 if($end > scalar(@$refLogLines)-1);
# New increment, twice smaller than now
my $newInc = int($inc / 2 + 0.5);
$newInc = 200 if($newInc < 200);
if(FindLogLineMatchRecurse($startSeconds, $endSeconds, \$prevPos, $refLogLines, $boolOp, $newInc, $recurse-1, $end) == 1)
$$refStartLine = $prevPos;
print("EXIT FindLogLineMatchRecurse. return 1\n") if($optionDebug);
return 1;
print("EXIT FindLogLineMatchRecurse. return 0\n") if($optionDebug);
return 0;
# FindLogLineMatch
# Searches for log line with time between the startSeconds and endSeconds.
# Parameters:
# $refLogLines reference to array of the log
# $startsSeconds the min time the log line will match
# $endSeconds the max time the log line will match
# $startLine index of line to start searching
# $boolOp 1 = first line with match is returned, 0 = first line with no match is returned
sub FindLogLineMatch
my ($refLogLines, $startSeconds, $endSeconds, $startLine, $boolOp) = @_;
print("IN FindLogLineMatch\n") if($optionDebug);
my $prevPos = $startLine;
#print("\n\nSTART: $startLine, boolop: $boolOp \n");
my $match = 0;
$match = FindLogLineMatchRecurse($startSeconds, $endSeconds, \$prevPos, $refLogLines, $boolOp, 6000, 5);
$prevPos = 0 if(!$match);
# Refine the search to be exact line
$match = FindLogLineMatchRecurse($startSeconds, $endSeconds, \$prevPos, $refLogLines, $boolOp, 1, 0);
print("EXIT FindLogLineMatch\n") if($optionDebug);
# Not found.
return -1 if(!$match);
return $prevPos;
# JustFormatLogFile
# Parameters:
# $fileName
sub JustFormatLogFile
my ($fileName) = @_;
if( !open(FILE_HANDLE, $fileName) )
die("ERROR! Could not open file '" . $fileName . "'\n");
my @array = <FILE_HANDLE>;
$fileName = substr($fileName, 0, index($fileName, ".txt")) . ".html";
if( open(FILE_HANDLE, ">" . $fileName) )
"<html>\n" .
"<head>\n" .
"<title>$fileName</title>\n" .
"</head>\n" .
"<body>\n" .
"<basefont color=\"black\" face=\"arial\" size=\"4\">\n"
my $i;
for($i = 0;$i<scalar(@array); $i++)
my $line = $array[$i];
$line =~ s/\t/ /; #remove tabs
print FILE_HANDLE ($line);
"</body>\n" .
} else
print("ERROR: Could not write to file: " . $fileName . "\n");
# LogLineTimeMatchesForCase
# Parameters:
# $refLine
# $startSeconds
# $endSeconds
sub LogLineTimeMatchesForCase
my ($refLine, $startSeconds, $endSeconds) = @_;
return 0 if(!defined($$refLine));
$$refLine =~ s/\t/ /; #remove tabs
#print($$refLine . "\n");
#print(" - $startSeconds, $endSeconds\n");
if(${$refLine} =~ m/[0-9\/]+ ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)/i)
# print("YES " . $1 . "\n");
my $currSeconds = $1 * 60 * 60 + $2 * 60 + $3;
#print(" - curr: $currSeconds\n");
#print("curr: $currSeconds, start: $startSeconds, end: $endSeconds\n");
if($currSeconds >= $startSeconds and $currSeconds <= $endSeconds)
#print("MATCH curr: " . $1 . ":" . $2 . ":" . $3 . " = " . $currSeconds . "\n");
return 1;
#print("NO MATCH\n");
return 0;
# FormatLogLine
# Parameters:
# $line
sub FormatLogLine
my ($line) = @_;
# sisään
#27/06/2006 9:37:52 >>>* royalblue #2B60DE
# pois
#27/06/2006 9:37:52 <<<* lightblue #0000FF
#27/06/2006 9:23:57 * exit
# destructor
#27/06/2006 9:23:58 ~* #FF0000
#27/06/2006 9:23:58 >>>~*
#27/06/2006 9:37:52 CIptv*Test * GREY #808080
#27/06/2006 9:37:52 *error/fail RED #FF0000
#27/06/2006 9:23:41 CreateServerProcess() GREEN #00FF00
#!! TTestObject::~TTestObject #800080
my $color = "#000000";
if(${$line} =~ m/([0-9\/]+ [0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+)/i)
$date = $1;
${$line} = substr(${$line}, length($date));
$color = "#808080" if(${$line} =~ m/CIptvTest[a-z0-9]+Test/i);
$color = "#2B60DE" if(${$line} =~ m/^[\t ]*>>>/i);
$color = "#2B60DE" if(${$line} =~ m/\(\)$/i);
$color = "#2B60DE" if(${$line} =~ m/enter$/i);
$color = "#0000FF" if(${$line} =~ m/^[\t ]*<<<*/i);
$color = "#0000FF" if(${$line} =~ m/ exit$/i);
$color = "#800080" if(${$line} =~ m/^[\t ]*~/i);
$color = "#800080" if(${$line} =~ m/^[\t ]*>>>~/i);
$color = "#800080" if(${$line} =~ m/::~/i);
$color = "#FF0000" if(${$line} =~ m/error|fail/i);
$color = "#00AA00" if(${$line} =~ m/passed/i);
$color = "#FF0000" if(${$line} =~ m/\*\*\*Testcase[a-z ]+\*\*\*/i);
$color = "#00AA00" if(${$line} =~ m/\*\*\*Testcase PASSED+\*\*\*/i);
$color = "#0000FF" if(${$line} =~ m/Executing line/i);
my $formatStart = "", $formatEnd = "";
if(${$line} =~ m/Client created semaphore, init/i) { $formatStart = "<b>"; $formatEnd = "</b>"; }
if(${$line} =~ m/CIptvEngineServer:: ->Starting server shutdown/i) { $formatStart = "<b>"; $formatEnd = "</b>"; }
$date = "<font color=\"black\" face=\"arial\" size=\"2\">" . $date . "</font>";
${$line} = $date . "$formatStart<font color=\"$color\" face=\"arial\" size=\"2\">" . ${$line} . "</font>$formatEnd<br>";
#$line = "<font color=\"$color\" face=\"arial\" size=\"2\"> . $line
#$color = "#2B60DE" if($line =~ m/([0-9\/]+ [0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+) >>>/i)
sub PrintCfgSummaries
my $caseCfgFileName = "";
my %cfgCaseCount;
my %cfgCaseTotalTime;
foreach $case(@cases)
$caseCfgFileName = @{$case}[$CASE_CFG_FILE];
$cfgCaseCount{$caseCfgFileName} = 0;
$cfgCaseTotalTime{$caseCfgFileName} = 0;
$cfgCaseTotalTime{$caseCfgFileName} += @{$case}[$CASE_RUN_TIME_SECONDS];
$cfgCaseCount{$caseCfgFileName}++ if(@{$case}[$CASE_STATUS] ne "$caseDefaultStatus") ;
my $totalTime = 0;
printf("\n%-50s %10s %10s\n", "CFG", "Case count", "Case run time");
foreach $caseCfgFileName (sort keys(%cfgCaseCount))
if($cfgCaseCount{$caseCfgFileName} > 0)
my $mins = ($cfgCaseTotalTime{$caseCfgFileName}/60);
$totalTime += $mins;
printf("%-50s %10d %10.1f\n", $caseCfgFileName, $cfgCaseCount{$caseCfgFileName}, $mins);
printf("Total time: %.2f hours\n\n", $totalTime/60 );
print("No cases run for:\n");
foreach $caseCfgFileName (sort keys(%cfgCaseCount))
if($cfgCaseCount{$caseCfgFileName} == 0)
# WriteOfficeXml
# Parameters:
# $outputFile
# $briefSummary
# Writes the cases into a word formatted xml file.
sub WriteOfficeXml
my ($outputFile, $briefSummary) = @_;
if( !open(FILE_HANDLE, ">" . $outputFile) )
print("ERROR! Could not open file '" . $outputFile . "'\n");
my $writeData = $xmlHeader;
my $replacement;
if($briefSummary == 0) {
$writeData .= $xmlHeaderTableColumns;
else {
$writeData .= $xmlHeaderTableColumnsBrief;
$excelRowCount = scalar(@cases) * 9 + 100;
$writeData =~ s/$CaseCountMul8/$excelRowCount/;
print FILE_HANDLE ( $writeData );
if($briefSummary) {
$writeData = $xmlSummaryData;
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataSummaryCaseCount/$summaryCaseCount/;
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataSummaryPassed/$summaryPassedCases/;
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataSummaryFailed/$summaryFailedCases/;
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataSummaryCrashed/$summaryCrashedCases/;
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataSummaryTimeout/$summaryTimeoutCases/;
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataSummaryRunRate/$summaryRunRate/;
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataSummaryPassRateTotal/$summaryPassRateTotal/;
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataSummaryPassRateRun/$summaryPassRateRun/;
print FILE_HANDLE ( $writeData );
my $caseCfgFileName = "";
my %cfgCaseCount;
# Sort the cases by the config files, cfg's which have no run cases come last
#print("HASH CREATE\n");
#create hash of cfg case counts
foreach $case(@cases)
$caseCfgFileName = @{$case}[$CASE_CFG_FILE];
$cfgCaseCount{$caseCfgFileName} = 0;
$cfgCaseCount{$caseCfgFileName}++ if(@{$case}[$CASE_STATUS] ne "$caseDefaultStatus") ;
#print("THRU CASES\n");
foreach $caseCfgFileName (keys(%cfgCaseCount))
# if cfg has zero cases run then it's cases are put back of the array
if($cfgCaseCount{$caseCfgFileName} == 0)
#print("ZERO CASES RUN: $caseCfgFileName\n");
my @moveCases;
my $i;
for($i=0; $i< scalar(@cases); $i++)
if($cases[$i][$CASE_CFG_FILE] eq $caseCfgFileName)
push @moveCases, splice(@cases, $i, 1);
push @cases, @moveCases;
# Write the xml file
$caseCfgFileName = "";
foreach $case(@cases)
if($optionShowMessages || $optionDebug)
print(" - Case Xml : " . @{$case}[$CASE_NAME] . ", status: " . @{$case}[$CASE_STATUS] . "\n") if( $optionDebug || @{$case}[$CASE_STATUS] ne "Not planned" );
if($briefSummary == 0)
$writeData = $xmlData;
$writeData .= $xmlData2;
$writeData .= $xmlDataEmptyRow;
$writeData = "";
# Write cfg file to the brief xml if it has changed for the case
if($optionSortCases == 0 && $caseCfgFileName ne @{$case}[$CASE_CFG_FILE])
$caseCfgFileName = @{$case}[$CASE_CFG_FILE];
$writeData .= $xmlDataEmptyRow;
$writeData .= $xmlCfgFileBrief;
$writeData .= $xmlDataBriefHeader;
$replacement = @{$case}[$CASE_CFG_FILE];
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataCfgFile/$replacement/;
# Write log file links to xml.
my $caseHasLog = ( defined(@{$case}[$CASE_LOG_FILE]) and @{$case}[$CASE_LOG_FILE] ne "" );
my $caseHasScripterLog = ( defined(@{$case}[$CASE_LOG_FILE_SCRIPTER]) and @{$case}[$CASE_LOG_FILE_SCRIPTER] ne "" );
my $caseLogLink1 = "";
my $caseLogLink2 = "";
if( $caseHasLog && $caseHasScripterLog )
print(" - Case has both log files\n") if ($optionDebug );
$writeData .= $xmlDataBrief2Links;
$caseLogLink1 = @{$case}[$CASE_LOG_FILE];
$caseLogLink2 = @{$case}[$CASE_LOG_FILE_SCRIPTER];
elsif( $caseHasLog )
print(" - Case has log file\n") if ($optionDebug );
$writeData .= $xmlDataBrief1Link;
$caseLogLink1 = @{$case}[$CASE_LOG_FILE];
elsif( $caseHasScripterLog )
print(" - Case has scripter log file\n") if ($optionDebug );
$writeData .= $xmlDataBrief1Link;
$caseLogLink1 = @{$case}[$CASE_LOG_FILE_SCRIPTER];
print(" - Case has no log files\n") if ($optionDebug );
$writeData .= $xmlDataBriefNoLinks;
if( $caseLogLink1 ne "" )
print(" - Log file 1: $caseLogLink1\n") if ($optionDebug );
$replacement = $caseLogLink1;
#print("wordxml log file 1: $replacement\n";
#print("repl: " . $replacement . "\n");
$replacement = substr($replacement, index($replacement, "\\") + 1);
#$replacement = ".\\testcase_logs\\..\\" . $replacement;
#print("repl: " . $replacement . "\n");
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataCaseLink1/$replacement/;
if( $caseLogLink2 ne "" )
print(" - Log file 2: $caseLogLink2\n") if ($optionDebug );
$replacement = $caseLogLink2;
#print("wordxml log file 2: $replacement\n";
#print("repl: " . $replacement . "\n");
$replacement = substr($replacement, index($replacement, "\\") + 1);
#$replacement = ".\\testcase_logs\\..\\" . $replacement;
#print("repl: " . $replacement . "\n");
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataCaseLink2/$replacement/;
# Write case fail reason to xml.
$replacement = @{$case}[$CASE_REASON];
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataCaseReason/$replacement/;
# Write case run time or result to xml.
$replacement = @{$case}[$CASE_RESULT];
$replacement = @{$case}[$CASE_RUN_TIME_SECONDS];
# Write result to xml.
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataCaseResult/$replacement/;
#$writeData = $xmlData;
#if($option_brief_summary == 0) { $writeData .= $xmlData2; }
#$writeData .= $xmlDataEmptyRow;
$replacement = @{$case}[$CASE_NAME];
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataCaseName/$replacement/;
$replacement = @{$case}[$CASE_RUN_TIMES];
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataCaseRunTimes/$replacement/;
$replacement = @{$case}[$CASE_FAILED];
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataCaseFailed/$replacement/;
$replacement = @{$case}[$CASE_CRASHED];
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataCaseCrashed/$replacement/;
$replacement = @{$case}[$CASE_PASSED];
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataCasePassed/$replacement/;
$replacement = @{$case}[$CASE_STATUS];
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataCaseStatus/$replacement/;
$replacement = @{$case}[$CASE_PURPOSE];
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataCasePurpose/$replacement/;
$replacement = @{$case}[$CASE_MEANS];
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataCaseMeans/$replacement/;
$replacement = @{$case}[$CASE_REQUIRED_SETTINGS];
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataCaseRequiredSettings/$replacement/;
$replacement = @{$case}[$CASE_RELATED_REQUIREMENTS];
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataCaseRelatedRequirements/$replacement/;
$replacement = @{$case}[$CASE_VERIFICATION];
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataCaseVerification/$replacement/;
$replacement = @{$case}[$CASE_NOTE];
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataCaseNote/$replacement/;
if(@{$case}[$CASE_STATUS] eq "UNKNOWN") {
$replacement = $STYLE_ID_STATUS_UNKNOWN;
elsif(@{$case}[$CASE_STATUS] eq "CRASHED") {
$replacement = $STYLE_ID_STATUS_CRASHED;
elsif(@{$case}[$CASE_STATUS] eq "FAILED") {
$replacement = $STYLE_ID_STATUS_FAILED;
elsif(@{$case}[$CASE_STATUS] eq "PASSED") {
$replacement = $STYLE_ID_STATUS_PASSED;
else {
$replacement = $STYLE_ID_STATUS_NA;
$writeData =~ s/$STYLE_ID_STATUS_TAG/$replacement/;
print FILE_HANDLE ( $writeData );
print FILE_HANDLE ( $xmlFooter );
print("Report " . $outputFile . " written.\n");
# WriteOfficeXmlAlt
# Parameters:
# $outputFile
# Writes the cases into a word formatted xml file.
sub WriteOfficeXmlAlt
my ($outputFile, $refRuns) = @_;
if( !open(FILE_HANDLE, ">" . $outputFile) )
print("ERROR! Could not open file '" . $outputFile . "'\n");
my $writeData = $xmlHeader;
my $replacement;
$writeData .= $xmlHeaderTableColumnsAlt;
my $xRefRunInfo = @$refRuns[0];
my $xRefCases = @$xRefRunInfo[2];
my $caseCount = scalar( @$xRefCases ) + 1000;
$excelRowCount = $caseCount * 9 + 100;
$writeData =~ s/$CaseCountMul8/$excelRowCount/;
print FILE_HANDLE ( $writeData );
my $caseCfgFileName = "";
my %cfgCaseCount;
# Sort the cases by the config files, cfg's which have no run cases come last
#print("HASH CREATE\n");
#create hash of cfg case counts
foreach $case(@cases)
$caseCfgFileName = @{$case}[$CASE_CFG_FILE];
$cfgCaseCount{$caseCfgFileName} = 0;
$cfgCaseCount{$caseCfgFileName}++ if(@{$case}[$CASE_STATUS] ne "$caseDefaultStatus") ;
#print("THRU CASES\n");
foreach $caseCfgFileName (keys(%cfgCaseCount))
# if cfg has zero cases run then it's cases are put back of the array
if($cfgCaseCount{$caseCfgFileName} == 0)
#print("ZERO CASES RUN: $caseCfgFileName\n");
my @moveCases;
my $i;
for($i=0; $i< scalar(@cases); $i++)
if($cases[$i][$CASE_CFG_FILE] eq $caseCfgFileName)
push @moveCases, splice(@cases, $i, 1);
push @cases, @moveCases;
my @sortedRuns;
#Monday 25th August 2008
while( 1 )
my $maxTotal = 0;
my $refWinner;
for( my $i=0; $i<scalar(@$refRuns); $i++ )
my $refRunInfo = @$refRuns[$i];
my $date = @$refRunInfo[1];
my @parts = split(" ", $date);
my $total = 0 + $parts[1];
if( $parts[2] eq "Jan" )
$total += 1 * 30;
elsif( $parts[2] eq "Feb" )
$total += 2 * 30;
elsif( $parts[2] eq "Mar" )
$total += 3 * 30;
elsif( $parts[2] eq "Apr" )
$total += 4 * 30;
elsif( $parts[2] eq "May" )
$total += 5 * 30;
elsif( $parts[2] eq "Jun" )
$total += 6 * 30;
elsif( $parts[2] eq "Jul" )
$total += 7 * 30;
elsif( $parts[2] eq "Aug" )
$total += 8 * 30;
elsif( $parts[2] eq "Sep" )
$total += 9 * 30;
elsif( $parts[2] eq "Oct" )
$total += 10 * 30;
elsif( $parts[2] eq "Nov" )
$total += 11 * 30;
elsif( $parts[2] eq "Dec" )
$total += 12 * 30;
if( $maxTotal < $total )
my $foundAlready = 0;
foreach my $xrun ( @sortedRuns )
if( $xrun == @$refRuns[$i] )
$foundAlready = 1;
if( !$foundAlready )
$maxTotal = $total;
$winner = @$refRuns[$i];
push @sortedRuns, $winner;
if( scalar(@sortedRuns) == scalar(@$refRuns) )
foreach $run ( @sortedRuns )
#print("sorted: " . @$run[1] . "\n");
foreach $run ( @$refRuns )
#print("orig: " . @$run[1] . "\n");
my $refMainRunInfo = $sortedRuns[0];
my $refMainCases = @$refMainRunInfo[2];
$caseCfgFileName = "";
$replacement = "";
# This prints only cases which are in first run. Build list of cases in all runs and use that.
foreach $mainCase ( @$refMainCases )
$writeData = "";
# Status of the current case in different runs
my @statuses;
my @results;
for( my $i = 0; $i<100; $i++ )
$statuses[$i] = "UNKNOWN";
$results[$i] = "";
for( my $i = 0; $i<scalar( @sortedRuns ); $i++ )
my $refRunInfo = $sortedRuns[$i];
my $refCases = @$refRunInfo[2];
foreach $case ( @$refCases )
if( @$case[$CASE_ID] eq @$mainCase[$CASE_ID] )
$statuses[$i] = @$case[$CASE_STATUS];
$results[$i] = @$case[$CASE_RESULT];
# If cfg changes, write xml header for it
if($caseCfgFileName ne @$mainCase[$CASE_CFG_FILE])
$caseCfgFileName = @$mainCase[$CASE_CFG_FILE];
$writeData .= $xmlDataEmptyRow;
$writeData .= $xmlCfgFileBrief;
$writeData .= $xmlCfgFileAltHeader;
$replacement = @$mainCase[$CASE_CFG_FILE];
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataCfgFile/$replacement/;
for( $i = 0; $i<$ALT_RESULTCOUNT; $i++ )
$replacement = "";
if( defined( $sortedRuns[$i] ) )
$refRunInfo = $sortedRuns[$i];
$replacement = @$refRunInfo[1];
my $field = $xmlDataAltDateX . ($i+1);
$writeData =~ s/$field/$replacement/;
# Write xml for X cases
$writeData .= $xmlCfgFileAltData;
$replacement = @$mainCase[$CASE_NAME];
$writeData =~ s/$xmlDataCaseName/$replacement/;
# Replace the X fields for runs
for( my $i = 0; $i<$ALT_RESULTCOUNT; $i++ )
$replacement = $statuses[$i];
$replacement = $results[$i];
my $field = $xmlDataAltResultX . ($i+1);
$writeData =~ s/$field/$replacement/;
if($statuses[$i] eq "CRASHED") {
elsif($statuses[$i] eq "FAILED") {
elsif($statuses[$i] eq "PASSED") {
else {
$writeData =~ s/$STYLE_ID_STATUS_TAG/$replacement/;
print FILE_HANDLE ( $writeData );
print FILE_HANDLE ( $xmlFooter );
print("Alternative report " . $outputFile . " written.\n");
# WriteTDToolResultFile
# Parameters:
# $outputFile
# Writes the cases into TDTool formatted file which can be exported into Quality Center
sub WriteTDToolResultFile
my ($outputFile) = @_;
if( !open(FILE_HANDLE, ">" . $outputFile) )
print("ERROR! Could not open file '" . $outputFile . "'\n");
my $writeData;
my $replacement;
my %cfgCaseCount;
# sort the cases by the config files, cfg's which have no run cases come last
foreach $case(@cases)
$caseCfgFileName = @{$case}[$CASE_CFG_FILE];
$cfgCaseCount{$caseCfgFileName} = 0;
$cfgCaseCount{$caseCfgFileName}++ if(@{$case}[$CASE_STATUS] ne "$caseDefaultStatus") ;
#print("THRU CASES\n");
foreach $caseCfgFileName (keys(%cfgCaseCount))
# if cfg has zero cases run then it's cases are put back of the array
if($cfgCaseCount{$caseCfgFileName} == 0)
#print("ZERO CASES RUN: $caseCfgFileName\n");
my @moveCases;
my $i;
for($i=0; $i< scalar(@cases); $i++)
if($cases[$i][$CASE_CFG_FILE] eq $caseCfgFileName)
push @moveCases, splice(@cases, $i, 1);
push @cases, @moveCases;
#[1]APES PTSW_WBA_TS -1.1. - Server Version - (01) - COMM_SERVER_VERSION_GET_REQ
#Passed&Actual result: Info: 0
print FILE_HANDLE ( "IPTV_Engine test set\n" );
foreach $case(@cases)
$writeData = "[1]";
my $caseName = @{$case}[$CASE_NAME];
$writeData .= $caseName;
$writeData .= "\n";
my $result;
if(@{$case}[$CASE_STATUS] eq "UNKNOWN") {
$result = "N/A";
elsif(@{$case}[$CASE_STATUS] eq "CRASHED") {
$result = "Failed";
elsif(@{$case}[$CASE_STATUS] eq "FAILED") {
$result = "Failed";
elsif(@{$case}[$CASE_STATUS] eq "PASSED") {
$result = "Passed";
else {
$result = "No Run";
$writeData .= $result;
my $comments = "&Info";
#$comments = "CFG file: @{$case}[$CASE_CFG_FILE];
#$comments .= "Actual result = " . @{$case}[$CASE_RESULT] . ", Info = " . @{$case}[$CASE_REASON];
$writeData .= $comments;
$writeData .= "\n";
# Replace bad characters for QC
$writeData =~ s/\\/-/g;
$writeData =~ s/\//-/g;
$writeData =~ s/:/-/g;
$writeData =~ s/\"/-/g;
$writeData =~ s/\?/-/g;
$writeData =~ s/\'/-/g;
$writeData =~ s/\|/-/g;
$writeData =~ s/\*/-/g;
$writeData =~ s/\%/-/g;
$writeData =~ s/ä/a/g;
$writeData =~ s/ö/o/g;
$writeData =~ s/\å/a/g;
$writeData =~ s/</(/g;
$writeData =~ s/>/)/g;
if($result eq "Passed" or $result eq "Failed")
print FILE_HANDLE ( $writeData );
print("Report " . $outputFile . " written.\n");
# FindCfgFiles
# Parameters:
# $godir, $refFiles
# Finds cfg files from the the specified directory and it's sub directories.
sub FindCfgFiles
my ($godir, $refFiles) = @_;
my $startDir = cwd;
chdir($godir) or die("Could not change dir to $godir");
opendir(DIR, ".");
my @files = sort(readdir(DIR));
foreach $file(@files)
if($file eq "." or $file eq "..") {next};
if (-d $file)
FindCfgFiles( $file, $refFiles );
} else {
if($file =~ m/\.cfg$/i)
next if($file =~ m/livetv/i and $optionNoLiveTvTests);
next if(
($file =~ m/IptvSecurityServicesTest/i or
$file =~ m/IptvRssSecurityTest/i or
$file =~ m/IptvLiveTvSep/i or
$file =~ m/IptvRssDownloadSecurityTest/i)
and $optionNoSecurityTests
next if($file =~ m/example.cfg/i);
push @$refFiles, ( cwd . "/" . $file );
chdir("$startDir") or die("Could not change dir to $startDir");
# ParseCfg
# Parameters:
# $file
sub ParseCfg
my ($file) = @_;
my $fileCaseCount = 0;
if( !open(FILE_HANDLE, $file) )
print("ERROR! Could not open file '" . $file . "'\n");
return 0;
my @array = <FILE_HANDLE>;
my $lineCount = scalar(@array);
my $i;
my $cfgFileWritten = 0;
my $caseDocumentationStart = -1;
my $line;
my @caseDesc; # lines for case desc and case itself
for($i=0; $i<$lineCount; $i++ ) {
$line = $array[$i];
#print(" $line\n");
if($line =~ m/^\#\[IptvETDescription\]/)
$caseDocumentationStart = $i;
if($line =~ m/\[Test\]/)
if($caseDocumentationStart >= 0)
ReadCaseAndDescText(\@array, \@caseDesc, $caseDocumentationStart-1)
ReadCaseAndDescText(\@array, \@caseDesc, $i);
#print("readcase desc: " . scalar(@caseDesc) . "\n");
#print("NOT READ readcase desc: " . scalar(@caseDesc) . "\n");
#test case starts here
if($line =~ m/^title /)
#print("COUNT: " . scalar(@caseDesc) . "\n\n");
if($caseDocumentationStart >= 0)
#print(">>> Case start: " . $line . "\n");
#$i +=
ReadCase(\@array, $caseDocumentationStart, $file);
$caseDocumentationStart = -1;
my $caseName = substr($line, length("title "));
my $caseId = GetCaseIdFromName($caseName);
my $documentationExists = GetCase($caseId, \@cases);
$caseDesc[0] = $caseName;
push @caseDescs, [ @caseDesc ];
@caseDesc = (); #new case starts
# create empty array for case
if($cfgFileWritten == 0)
$cfgFileWritten = 1;
push @notDocumentedCases, ("\n\n" . $file .
push @notDocumentedCases, ($caseName . "\n");
#create dummy case
my @case;
$case[$CASE_NAME] = $caseName;
$case[$CASE_ID] = $caseId;
$case[$CASE_RUN_TIMES] = 0;
$case[$CASE_CRASHED] = 0;
$case[$CASE_FAILED] = 0;
$case[$CASE_PASSED] = 0;
$case[$CASE_STATUS] = "$caseDefaultStatus";
$case[$CASE_PURPOSE] = "N/A";
$case[$CASE_MEANS] = "N/A";
$case[$CASE_NOTE] = "N/A";
$case[$CASE_REASON] = "";
$case[$CASE_RESULT] = "";
$case[$CASE_LOG_FILE] = "";
$case[$CASE_CFG_FILE] = lc( GetPathFileName($file) );
if( IsCaseInCaseList( $case[$CASE_ID] ) )
push @cases, [ @case ];
if($optionShowMessages) { print(" - Case: " . $caseName . "\n"); };
return $fileCaseCount;
# ReadCaseAndDescText
# Parameters:
# $lines
# $caseInfo
# $startIndex
sub ReadCaseAndDescText
my ($lines, $caseInfo, $startIndex) = @_;
my $lineCount = @{$lines};
my $readLines = 0;
my $i = 0;
@{$caseInfo}[0] = "N/A";
for($i=$startIndex; $i<$lineCount; $i++)
my $line = @{$lines}[$i];
@{$caseInfo}[ scalar(@{$caseInfo}) ] = $line;
#print($line . "\n");
if($line =~ m/\[Endtest\]/i)
# push @cases, [ @case ];
#foreach $xxx (@{$caseInfo}) { print("XXX: " . $xxx . ""); }
return $readLines;
return $readLines;
# ReadCase
# Parameters:
# $lines
# $startIndex
# $file
sub ReadCase
my ($lines, $startIndex, $file) = @_;
my $lineCount = @{$lines};
my $readLines = 0;
my $i = 0;
my $caseName = "";
my $casePurpose = "";
my $caseMeans = "";
my $caseRequiredSettings = "";
my $caseRelatedRequirements = "";
my $caseVerification = "";
my $caseNote = "";
#this is where text is appended if it's on a line which has no description tag
# -> multiline descriptions can be specified
my $refAppend = 0;
for($i=$startIndex; $i<$lineCount; $i++)
my $line = @{$lines}[$i];
#print($line . "\n");
#$line =~ s/\s+$//; #whitespaces in the end
#$line =~ s/^\s+//; #whitespaces at the start
if($line =~ m/^\#\[EndIptvETDescription\]/)
#print(" ***** End case\n");
my @case;
$case[$CASE_NAME] = $caseName;
$case[$CASE_ID] = GetCaseIdFromName($caseName);
$case[$CASE_RUN_TIMES] = 0;
$case[$CASE_CRASHED] = 0;
$case[$CASE_FAILED] = 0;
$case[$CASE_PASSED] = 0;
$case[$CASE_STATUS] = "$caseDefaultStatus";
$case[$CASE_PURPOSE] = $casePurpose;
$case[$CASE_MEANS] = $caseMeans;
$case[$CASE_REQUIRED_SETTINGS] = $caseRequiredSettings;
$case[$CASE_RELATED_REQUIREMENTS] = $caseRelatedRequirements;
$case[$CASE_VERIFICATION] = $caseVerification;
$case[$CASE_NOTE] = $caseNote;
$case[$CASE_REASON] = "";
$case[$CASE_RESULT] = "";
$case[$CASE_LOG_FILE] = "";
$case[$CASE_CFG_FILE] = $file;
if( IsCaseInCaseList( $case[$CASE_ID] ) )
push @cases, [ @case ];
return $readLines;
elsif($line =~ m/^\# Testname:/)
$caseName = substr($line, length("# Testname:"));
$refAppend = \$caseName;
elsif($line =~ m/^\# Purpose:/)
$casePurpose = substr($line, length("# Purpose:"));
$refAppend = \$casePurpose;
elsif($line =~ m/^\# Means:/)
$caseMeans = substr($line, length("# Means:"));
$refAppend = \$caseMeans;
elsif($line =~ m/^\# Required environment settings:/)
$caseRequiredSettings = substr($line, length("# Required environment settings:"));
$refAppend = \$caseRequiredSettings;
elsif($line =~ m/^\# Related requirements:/)
$caseRelatedRequirements = substr($line, length("# Related requirements:"));
$refAppend = \$caseRelatedRequirements;
elsif($line =~ m/^\# Verification:/)
$caseVerification = substr($line, length("# Verification:"));
$refAppend = \$caseVerification;
elsif($line =~ m/^\# Note:/)
$caseNote = substr($line, length("# Note:"));
$refAppend = \$caseNote;
elsif($line =~ m/^\#/)
my $text = substr($line, length("#"));
#print(" ***** JOTTAI MUuTA: " . $text. "\n");
${$refAppend} .= " " . $text;
return $readLines;
# GetCaseIdFromName
# Parameters:
# $caseName
sub GetCaseIdFromName
my ($caseName) = @_;
return "NOID" if(!defined($caseName) || $caseName eq "");
if($caseName =~ m/(ET[0-9]+)[ ]+/)
return $1;
return $caseName;
# GetCaseField
# Parameters:
# $caseName
# $caseField
sub GetCaseField
my ($caseNameOrId, $caseField) = @_;
my $ret = "";
foreach my $case(@cases)
if(@{$case}[$CASE_NAME] eq $caseNameOrId or @{$case}[$CASE_ID] eq $caseNameOrId)
if( defined(@{$case}[$caseField]) )
$ret = @{$case}[$caseField];
return $ret;
# GetCaseByNameOnly
# Parameters:
# $caseName
# Removes the case IDs from case names and tries to find case from @cases array
sub GetCaseByNameOnly
my ($caseName) = @_;
my $startPos = index($caseName, " ");
$caseName = substr($caseName, $startPos) if($startPos != -1);
for(my $i = 0; $i<scalar(@cases); $i++)
my $name = $cases[$i][$CASE_NAME];
$startPos = index($name, " ");
return if($startPos == -1);
$name = substr($name, $startPos);
return $cases[$i] if($name eq $caseName);
# GetCase
# Parameters:
# $caseNameOrID
# Returns reference to case
sub GetCase
my ($caseNameOrID, $refCases) = @_;
for(my $i = 0; $i<scalar(@$refCases); $i++)
$case = @$refCases[$i];
if(@$case[$CASE_NAME] eq $caseNameOrID or @$case[$CASE_ID] eq $caseNameOrID)
return $case;
# GetCaseDesc
# Parameters:
# $caseNameOrID
# Returns reference to casedesc
sub GetCaseDesc
my ($caseNameOrID) = @_;
for(my $i=0; $i<scalar(@caseDescs); $i++)
if($caseDescs[$i][0] eq $caseNameOrID || $caseDescs[$i][0] eq $caseNameOrID)
return $caseDescs[$i];
# RemoveWhiteSpaces
# Parameters:
# $text
sub RemoveWhiteSpaces()
my ($text) = @_;
${$text} =~ s/\s+$//; #whitespaces in the end
${$text} =~ s/^\s+//; #whitespaces at the start
# XmlReadyText
# Parameters:
# $text
sub XmlReadyText
my ($text) = @_;
$txtlt = "<";
$txtgt = ">";
${$text} =~ s/</$txtlt/g;
${$text} =~ s/>/$txtgt/g;
${$text} =~ s/Ä/Ä/g;
${$text} =~ s/ä/ä/g;
${$text} =~ s/Ö/Ö/g;
${$text} =~ s/ö/ö/g;
#ä ä
# Ö Ö
# ö ö
# SpecialChars
# Parameters:
# $text
sub SpecialChars
my ($text) = @_;
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkki#39;", "'" );
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkkiamp;", "&" );
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkkiacute;", "´" );
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkkilsquo;", "‘" );
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkkirsquo;", "’" );
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkkisbquo;", "‚" );
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkkildquo;", "“" );
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkkirdquo;", "”" );
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkkibdquo;", "„" );
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkki#34;", "\"" );
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkki#40;", "(" );
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkki#41;", ")" );
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkkifrasl;", "/" );
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkkilt;", "<" );
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkkigt;", ">" );
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkki#166;" , "¦" );
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkkipara;", "¶" );
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkkimiddot;", "·" );
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkkifrac14;", "¼" );
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkkifrac12;", "½" );
ReplaceChar($text, "etmerkkifrac34;" , "¾" );
${$text} =~ s/etmerkki/&/g;
# print("TEXT: " . ${$text} . "\n");
# ReplaceChar
# Parameters:
# $text
# $replacement
# $char
sub ReplaceChar
my ($text, $replacement, $char) = @_;
# print("txt: " . ${$text} . "char: " . $char . ", repl: " . $replacement . "\n");
while(index(${$text}, $char) != -1)
my $pos = index(${$text}, $char);
if($pos < 0) { $pos = 0 };
$str1 = substr(${$text}, 0, $pos);
$str2 = substr(${$text}, $pos+1);
# print "STR: '" . $str1 . "' - '" . $str2 . "'\n";
# print "XXX: " . $str1 . $replacement . $str2 . "\n";
${$text} = $str1 . $replacement . $str2;;
# PrintCases
sub PrintCases
my ($fileName) = @_;
my @buff;
push @buff, ("Name, Status, LogFile\n");
my $i;
push @buff, ("----------------------------------------\nCASES\n--------------------------------------\n");
foreach $case(@cases)
# my $case = $cases[$i];
if(0 or @{$case}[$CASE_STATUS] ne "$caseDefaultStatus")
push @buff, (@{$case}[$CASE_NAME] . " ");
push @buff, (@{$case}[$CASE_STATUS] . " ");
push @buff, ("file: " . @{$case}[$CASE_LOG_FILE] . " ");
push @buff, ("check log: " . @{$case}[$CASE_CHECK_RESULT_LOG_FILE] . " ");
push @buff, ("\n");
open(XXX, ">" . $fileName);
print XXX ( @buff );
# FindFiles
# Parameters:
# $goDir, where to start finding
# $fileSearch, filename search
# $searchType, 0 = fullname search, 1 = filetype search
# $refIncfiles, reference to array which will hold found files
sub FindFiles
my ($godir, $fileSearch, $searchType, $refIncfiles) = @_;
my $startDir = cwd;
chdir($godir) or die("Could not change dir to $godir");
#print("Now in: " . cwd . "\n");
opendir(DIR, ".");
my @filelist = sort(readdir(DIR));
foreach my $file(@filelist)
if($file eq "." or $file eq "..") {next};
if (-d $file)
FindFiles( $file, $fileSearch, $searchType, $refIncfiles);
} else
if( ($file =~ m/$fileSearch/i and $searchType == 0 ) or ($file =~ m/$fileSearch$/i and $searchType == 1 ) )
$file = cwd . "/" . $file;
push @$refIncfiles, $file;
chdir ($startDir) or die("Could not change dir to $startDir");
# GetAllFiles
# Parameters:
# $goDir, where to start finding
# $refIncfiles, reference to array which will hold found files
# $subDirLevel, how deep in the directories we go to search files. < 0 is no limit.
sub GetAllFiles
my ($godir, $refIncfiles, $subDirLevel) = @_;
my $startDir = cwd;
chdir($godir) or die("Could not change dir to $godir");
#print("Now in: " . cwd . "\n");
opendir(DIR, ".");
my @filelist = sort(readdir(DIR));
foreach my $file(@filelist)
if($file eq "." or $file eq "..") {next};
if (! (-d $file) )
my $path = $startDir . "/" . $file;
push @$refIncfiles, $path;
} elsif( $subDirLevel > 0 || $subDirLevel < 0 )
my $backupDir = cwd;
chdir( $file ) or die("Could not change dir to $file");
GetAllFiles( $godir, $refIncfiles, $subDirLevel-1 );
chdir( $backupDir ) or die("Could not change dir to $backupDir");
chdir ($startDir) or die("Could not change dir to $startDir");
# FindDirs
# Parameters:
# $goDir, where to start finding
# $fileSearch, filename search
# $refIncfiles, reference to array which will hold found files
sub FindDirs
my ($godir, $fileSearch, $refIncfiles) = @_;
my $startDir = cwd;
chdir($godir) or die("Could not change dir to $godir");
#print("Now in: " . cwd . "\n");
opendir(DIR, ".");
my @filelist = sort(readdir(DIR));
foreach my $file(@filelist)
if($file eq "." or $file eq "..") {next};
if (-d $file)
if( $file =~ m/$fileSearch/i )
push @$refIncfiles, (cwd . "/" . $file);
FindDirs( $file, $fileSearch, $refIncfiles );
chdir ($startDir) or die("Could not change dir to $startDir");
# GetPathFileName
# Parameters:
# $str
sub GetPathFileName
my ($str) = @_;
my $startPos = rindex($str, "\\");
if($startPos == -1)
$startPos = rindex($str, "/");
return $str if($startPos == -1);
my $filename = substr($str, $startPos+1);
return $filename;
# GetPathDir
# Parameters:
# $str
sub GetPathDir
my ($str) = @_;
my $startPos = rindex($str, "\\");
if($startPos == -1)
$startPos = rindex($str, "/");
return $str if($startPos == -1);
my $filename = substr($str, 0, $startPos);
return $filename;
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#crashed style
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" <Alignment ss:Vertical='Top' ss:WrapText='1'/>" .
" <Borders>" .
" <Border ss:Position='Bottom' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>" .
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" <Border ss:Position='Top' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>" .
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# UNKNOWN style
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" <Borders>" .
" <Border ss:Position='Bottom' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>" .
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" <Border ss:Position='Top' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>" .
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" <Borders>" .
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" <Border ss:Position='Right' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>" .
" <Border ss:Position='Top' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>" .
" </Borders>" .
" </Style>" .
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" <Style ss:ID='s36centered'>" .
" <Alignment ss:Horizontal=\"Center\" ss:Vertical='Top' ss:WrapText='1'/>" .
" <Borders>" .
" <Border ss:Position='Bottom' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>" .
" <Border ss:Position='Left' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>" .
" <Border ss:Position='Right' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>" .
" <Border ss:Position='Top' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>" .
" </Borders>" .
" <Interior ss:Color='#FFFF00' ss:Pattern='Solid'/>" .
" </Style>" .
#passed style centered
" <Style ss:ID='s37centered'>" .
" <Alignment ss:Horizontal=\"Center\" ss:Vertical='Top' ss:WrapText='1'/>" .
" <Borders>" .
" <Border ss:Position='Bottom' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>" .
" <Border ss:Position='Left' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>" .
" <Border ss:Position='Right' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>" .
" <Border ss:Position='Top' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>" .
" </Borders>" .
" <Interior ss:Color='#CCFFCC' ss:Pattern='Solid'/>" .
" </Style>" .
#crashed style centered
" <Style ss:ID='s38centered'>" .
" <Alignment ss:Horizontal=\"Center\" ss:Vertical='Top' ss:WrapText='1'/>" .
" <Borders>" .
" <Border ss:Position='Bottom' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>" .
" <Border ss:Position='Left' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>" .
" <Border ss:Position='Right' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>" .
" <Border ss:Position='Top' ss:LineStyle='Continuous' ss:Weight='1'/>" .
" </Borders>" .
" <Interior ss:Color='#FF6600' ss:Pattern='Solid'/>" .
" </Style>" .
# UNKNOWN style centered
" <Style ss:ID='s401centered'>" .
" <Alignment ss:Horizontal=\"Center\" ss:Vertical='Top' ss:WrapText='1'/>" .
" <Borders>" .
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" <Cell ss:StyleID='s35'/>" .
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" <Row>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s35' ss:MergeAcross='20'>" . "<Data ss:Type='String'>INSERT TEST SOFTWARE HERE</Data></Cell>" .
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" <Row>" .
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$xmlDataEmptyRow .
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" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='12' ss:StyleID='s35'/>\n" .
" </Row>\n" .
" <Row>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s25'><Data ss:Type='String'>Total cases:</Data></Cell>" .
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" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='12' ss:StyleID='s35'/>\n" .
" </Row>\n" .
" <Row>\n" .
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" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='12' ss:StyleID='s35'/>\n" .
" </Row>\n" .
" <Row>\n" .
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" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='12' ss:StyleID='s35'/>\n" .
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" <Row>\n" .
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" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='12' ss:StyleID='s35'/>\n" .
" </Row>\n" .
" <Row>\n" .
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" </Row>\n" .
" <Row>\n" .
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" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='12' ss:StyleID='s35'/>\n" .
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" <Row>\n" .
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" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='12' ss:StyleID='s35'/>\n" .
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" <Row>\n" .
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" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='12' ss:StyleID='s35'/>\n" .
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" <Cell ss:StyleID='s35'/>" .
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# not included in the case documentation report
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" <Cell ss:StyleID='s25'><Data ss:Type='String'>Run times:</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s26'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_CASE_RUN_TIMES</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s27'><Data ss:Type='String'>Crashed</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s28'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_CASE_CRASHED</Data></Cell>" .
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" <Cell ss:StyleID='s28'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_CASE_FAILED</Data></Cell>" .
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" <Cell ss:StyleID='s28'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_CASE_PASSED</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s27'><Data ss:Type='String'>Status</Data></Cell>" .
#orig status style id s28
" <Cell ss:StyleID='STYLE_ID_STATUS'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_CASE_STATUS</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s28'/>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s28'/>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s28'/>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s28'/>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s28'/>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s28'/>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s28'/>" .
#" <Cell ss:StyleID='s28'/>" .
#" <Cell ss:StyleID='s29'/>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s35'/>" .
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$xmlData2 =
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" <Cell ss:StyleID='s30'><Data ss:Type='String'>Purpose:</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='15' ss:StyleID='m155266426'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_CASE_PURPOSE</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s35'/>" .
" </Row>" .
" <Row ss:AutoFitHeight='0' ss:Height='30'>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s30'><Data ss:Type='String'>Means:</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='15' ss:StyleID='m155266436'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_CASE_MEANS</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s35'/>" .
" </Row>" .
" <Row ss:AutoFitHeight='0' ss:Height='30'>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s30'><Data ss:Type='String'>Required environment settings:</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='15' ss:StyleID='m155266446'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_CASE_REQUIRED_SETTINGS</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s35'/>" .
" </Row>" .
" <Row ss:AutoFitHeight='0' ss:Height='30'>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s30'><Data ss:Type='String'>Related requirements:</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='15' ss:StyleID='m155266446'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_CASE_RELATED_REQUIREMENTS</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s35'/>" .
" </Row>" .
" <Row ss:AutoFitHeight='0' ss:Height='30'>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s30'><Data ss:Type='String'>Verification:</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='15' ss:StyleID='m155260432'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_CASE_VERIFICATION</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s35'/>" .
" </Row>" .
" <Row ss:AutoFitHeight='0' ss:Height='30'>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s34'><Data ss:Type='String'>Note:</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='15' ss:StyleID='m155260442'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_CASE_NOTE</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s35'/>" .
" </Row>\n\n";
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" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='5' ss:StyleID='brief_header'><Data ss:Type='String'>Name</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='brief_header'><Data ss:Type='String'>Status</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='brief_header'><Data ss:Type='String'>Passes</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='brief_header'><Data ss:Type='String'>Fails</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='brief_header'><Data ss:Type='String'>Crashes</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='brief_header'><Data ss:Type='String'>Result</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='brief_header'><Data ss:Type='String'>Info</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='6' ss:StyleID='s35'/>" .
" </Row>\n\n";
$xmlDataBriefNoLinks =
" <Row>\n" .
" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='5' ss:StyleID='m155266416'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_CASE_NAME</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='STYLE_ID_STATUS'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_CASE_STATUS</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s39'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_CASE_PASSED</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s39'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_CASE_FAILED</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s39'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_CASE_CRASHED</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s39'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_CASE_RESULT</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s39'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_CASE_REASON</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='7' ss:StyleID='s35'/>\n" .
" </Row>\n\n";
$xmlDataBrief1Link =
" <Row>\n" .
" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='5' ss:StyleID='m155266416'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_CASE_NAME</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='STYLE_ID_STATUS'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_CASE_STATUS</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s39'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_CASE_PASSED</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s39'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_CASE_FAILED</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s39'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_CASE_CRASHED</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s39'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_CASE_RESULT</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s39'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_CASE_REASON</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='url' ss:HRef='XML_DATA_CASE_LINK1'><Data ss:Type='String'>Link</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='6' ss:StyleID='s35'/>\n" .
" </Row>\n\n";
$xmlDataBrief2Links =
" <Row>\n" .
" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='5' ss:StyleID='m155266416'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_CASE_NAME</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='STYLE_ID_STATUS'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_CASE_STATUS</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s39'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_CASE_PASSED</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s39'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_CASE_FAILED</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s39'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_CASE_CRASHED</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s39'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_CASE_RESULT</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='s39'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_CASE_REASON</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='url' ss:HRef='XML_DATA_CASE_LINK1'><Data ss:Type='String'>Link</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='url' ss:HRef='XML_DATA_CASE_LINK2'><Data ss:Type='String'>Link</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='5' ss:StyleID='s35'/>\n" .
" </Row>\n\n";
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" <Row>" .
" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='11' ss:StyleID='brief_heading_cfgfilename'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_CFG_FILE</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='6' ss:StyleID='s35'/>" .
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$xmlCfgFileAltHeader =
" <Row>" .
" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='5' ss:StyleID='brief_header'><Data ss:Type='String'>Name</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='brief_header'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_ALTDATE1</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='brief_header'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_ALTDATE2</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='brief_header'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_ALTDATE3</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='brief_header'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_ALTDATE4</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='brief_header'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_ALTDATE5</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='brief_header'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_ALTDATE6</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='brief_header'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_ALTDATE7</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='brief_header'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_ALTDATE8</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='brief_header'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_ALTDATE9</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='brief_header'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_ALTDATE10</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='6' ss:StyleID='s35'/>" .
" </Row>\n\n";
$xmlCfgFileAltData =
" <Row>" .
" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='5' ss:StyleID='m155266416'><Data ss:Type='String'>XML_DATA_CASE_NAME</Data></Cell>\n" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='STYLE_ID_STATUS'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_ALTRESULT1</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='STYLE_ID_STATUS'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_ALTRESULT2</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='STYLE_ID_STATUS'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_ALTRESULT3</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='STYLE_ID_STATUS'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_ALTRESULT4</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='STYLE_ID_STATUS'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_ALTRESULT5</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='STYLE_ID_STATUS'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_ALTRESULT6</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='STYLE_ID_STATUS'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_ALTRESULT7</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='STYLE_ID_STATUS'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_ALTRESULT8</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='STYLE_ID_STATUS'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_ALTRESULT9</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:StyleID='STYLE_ID_STATUS'><Data ss:Type='Number'>XML_DATA_ALTRESULT10</Data></Cell>" .
" <Cell ss:MergeAcross='6' ss:StyleID='s35'/>" .
" </Row>\n\n";
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