* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Videolist selection dialog
#include <hbdialog.h>
#include <qset.h>
#include <qitemselectionmodel.h>
#include <mpxitemid.h>
class QGraphicItem;
class QItemSelection;
class HbWidget;
class HbLabel;
class HbCheckBox;
class HbStackedWidget;
class VideoCollectionUiLoader;
class VideoCollectionWrapper;
class VideoSortFilterProxyModel;
class VideoListWidget;
class VideoListSelectionDialog: public HbDialog
* definition required for emitting / connecting signals
* disable copy-constructor and assignment operator
enum TSelectionFunction
* Constructor
* @param uiLoader used to load UI components from docml
* @param parent item's parent component
VideoListSelectionDialog(VideoCollectionUiLoader *uiLoader, QGraphicsItem *parent=0);
* Destructor
* Method setups provided title and videolist content widget.
* Prepares dialog for showing.
* If either provided title is empty or widget is NULL, dialog
* is in invalid state and cannot be shown using exec.
* @param type selection dialog function typy
* @param activeItem id of item that the selection concerns
void setupContent(int type, TMPXItemId activeItem = TMPXItemId::InvalidId());
public slots:
* Shows modal dialog build from the provided Videolistwidget.
void exec();
* Signaled by HbInputDialog when it's closed.
void newAlbumNameDialogFinished(HbAction *action);
private slots:
* Slot connected to mCheckBox's stateChanged -signal.
* Selects or deselects all items if mForcedCheck -flag is false.
* If Forcedcehck is true, it indeicates that we want to change the checked state
* only, not slect or deselect anything. This is needed for example if after
* all items are marked, user manually deselects item's. In that case all is not
* marked, so checked state needs to be changed.
* @param state Qt::Checked everything should be set as selected.
void markAllStateChangedSlot(int state);
* disables or enables popup's primary action in case selection changes
* @param selected item selection list containing selected
* @param deselected item selection list containing not selected (not used in this scope)
void selectionChangedSlot(const QItemSelection &selected, const QItemSelection &deselected);
* connected to list's activated -signal. Called when singel item is selected.
* If dialog's selection type is ESelectCollection, saves mpx id from provided index.
* and closes dialog by triggering primary action
* @param index of item selected
void singleItemSelectedSlot(const QModelIndex &index);
* handles model ready signal from model.
* In case dialog type is ESelectCollection and there are no data
* in model, opens up a selection dialog for user to input new album name
* In case type is something else than ESelectCollection, calls
* updateCounterSlot()
void modelReadySlot();
* Changes the counter value. Sets the checkbutton state based on selection count.
void updateCounterSlot();
* Primary action triggered signal slot.
void primaryActionTriggeredSlot();
* called when dialog has been finished
* @param action causing the finished
void finishedSlot(HbAction *action);
* Method initializes dialog by getting all ui components and
* checking if they are valid
* @return bool true if inisializaion ok
bool initDialog();
* Method activated dialog based on value in mTypeOfSelection
void activateSelection();
* connects all required signals into appropriate slots
* for selection mode
void connectSignals();
* disconnects all signals
void disconnectSignals();
* Gets selected item's name from appropriate model.
* @return QString item's name
QString getSelectedName();
* Finalizes the operation.
void finalize(QString albumName = "");
* docml UI loader, not owned
VideoCollectionUiLoader *mUiLoader;
* type for defining selection functionality
int mTypeOfSelection;
* Selection
QItemSelection mSelection;
* Selected video items
QSet<TMPXItemId> mSelectedVideos;
* selected single items album id
TMPXItemId mSelectedAlbumId;
* Text for a new album.
QString mNewAlbumText;
* header label
HbLabel *mHeading;
* container widget for itemcount and checkbox;
HbWidget *mCheckboxContainer;
* counter label from docml
HbLabel *mItemCount;
* checkbox label from docml
HbLabel *mCheckBoxText;
* mark all checkbox
HbCheckBox *mCheckBox;
* videolist container in dialog
HbStackedWidget *mListContainer;
* flag indicating that we've changed check-btn state
* explicitly and don't wanna handle selection based on that
bool mForcedCheck;
* Video list model
VideoSortFilterProxyModel *mModel;
* List widget to show in selection
VideoListWidget *mListWidget;
* Action to accept the selection dialog.
HbAction *mPrimaryAction;
* Action to cancel the selection dialog.
HbAction *mSecondaryAction;