* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Offers interface to IPTV Settings database*
#include <bautils.h> // file helpers
#include "IptvLiveLogger.h"
#include "CIptvSettingsDatabase.h"
// Column numbers
const TInt KIptvParentalControlColNo = 1;
const TInt KIptvRecordingTimeColNo = 2;
const TInt KIptvReminderTimeColNo = 3;
const TInt KIptvLastUsedServiceColNo = 4;
const TInt KIptvLastUsedChannelColNo = 5;
const TInt KIptvIsLastUsedColNo = 6;
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIptvSettingsDatabase::CIptvSettingsDatabase
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CIptvSettingsDatabase::CIptvSettingsDatabase( const TFileName& aDbFile ) :
iDbFile( aDbFile )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIptvSettingsDatabase::ConstructL
// Second phase construction. Leaves, if RFs session cannot be created.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CIptvSettingsDatabase::ConstructL()
User::LeaveIfError( iFsSession.Connect() );
TRAPD( error, CreateDbSessionL() );
if ( error != KErrNone )
LIVE_TV_TRACE2(_L("CIptvSettingsDatabase:: Could not open session to db (%d)"), error);
if ( error != KErrNoMemory &&
error != KErrLocked &&
error != KErrDisMounted &&
error != KErrDiskFull &&
error != KErrNotReady )
// Delete and recreate database file. Cannot recover other way.
LIVE_TV_TRACE1(_L("CIptvSettingsDatabase:: fatal error occured while opening db, recreating db"));
iFsSession.Delete( iDbFile ); //ignore error
TRAP( error, CreateDbL() );
if ( error != KErrNone )
LIVE_TV_TRACE2(_L("CIptvSettingsDatabase:: couldnt recreate db (%d), leaving."), error);
User::Leave( error );
TRAP( error, CreateDbSessionL() );
if ( error != KErrNone )
LIVE_TV_TRACE2(_L("CIptvSettingsDatabase:: couldnt open session to db (%d), leaving."), error);
User::Leave( error );
LIVE_TV_TRACE1(_L("CIptvSettingsDatabase:: temporary error occured while opening db, leaving db intact, leaving."));
User::Leave( error );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIptvSettingsDatabase::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CIptvSettingsDatabase* CIptvSettingsDatabase::NewL(
const TFileName& aDbFile )
CIptvSettingsDatabase* self = new ( ELeave ) CIptvSettingsDatabase( aDbFile );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIptvSettingsDatabase::~CIptvSettingsDatabase()
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CIptvSettingsDatabase::~CIptvSettingsDatabase()
LIVE_TV_TRACE1(_L("CIptvSettingsDatabase::~CIptvSettingsDatabase in"));
LIVE_TV_TRACE1(_L("CIptvSettingsDatabase::~CIptvSettingsDatabase out"));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIptvSettingsDatabase::CreateDbL()
// Create a new database.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CIptvSettingsDatabase::CreateDbL()
if ( !BaflUtils::FileExists( iFsSession, iDbFile ) )
LIVE_TV_TRACE1( _L("Database file wasn't found, creating new"));
RDbNamedDatabase database;
CleanupClosePushL( database );
User::LeaveIfError( database.Create( iFsSession, iDbFile ) );
CreateTableL( database );
SetDefaultValuesL( database );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &database );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIptvSettingsDatabase::CreateDbSessionL()
// Open a new database session and the database
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CIptvSettingsDatabase::CreateDbSessionL()
User::LeaveIfError( iDbSession.Connect() );
User::LeaveIfError( iDb.Open( iDbSession, iDbFile ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iDb.Compact() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIptvSettingsDatabase::CreateTableL()
// Creates table. Leaves, if the table cannot be created.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CIptvSettingsDatabase::CreateTableL( RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase ) const
LIVE_TV_TRACE1( _L("CIptvSettingsDatabase::CreateTableL in" ) );
TDbCol column;
CDbColSet* columns = CDbColSet::NewLC();
// create columns and add them to the column set
column = TDbCol( KIptvParentalControlCol, EDbColInt32 );
columns->AddL( column );
column = TDbCol( KIptvRecordingTimeCol, EDbColInt32 );
columns->AddL( column );
column = TDbCol( KIptvReminderTimeCol, EDbColInt32 );
columns->AddL( column );
// last used service+channel can be here in creating db
column = TDbCol( KIptvLastUsedServiceCol, EDbColUint32 );
columns->AddL( column );
column = TDbCol( KIptvLastUsedChannelCol, EDbColInt64 );
columns->AddL( column );
column = TDbCol( KIptvIsLastUsedCol, EDbColInt32 );
columns->AddL( column );
// create table
User::LeaveIfError( aDatabase.CreateTable( KIptvSettingsTable, *columns ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( columns );
LIVE_TV_TRACE1( _L("CIptvSettingsDatabase::CreateTableL out" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIptvSettingsDatabase::SaveSettingsL
// Writes settings to the database.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CIptvSettingsDatabase::SaveSettingsL(
const TIptvLiveUISettings& aSettings )
RDbView view;
CleanupClosePushL( view );
User::LeaveIfError( view.Prepare( iDb, TDbQuery( KIptvQuerySettingsSql ),
TDbWindow::EUnlimited ) );
User::LeaveIfError( view.EvaluateAll() );
if ( view.AtRow() )
// write given settings to the database
view.SetColL( KIptvParentalControlColNo, aSettings.iParentalControl );
view.SetColL( KIptvRecordingTimeColNo, aSettings.iRecordingTimeReserve );
view.SetColL( KIptvReminderTimeColNo, aSettings.iReminderTime );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &view ); // closes the view
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIptvSettingsDatabase::ReadSettingsL
// Reads settings from the database.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CIptvSettingsDatabase::ReadSettingsL( TIptvLiveUISettings& aSettings )
RDbView view;
CleanupClosePushL( view );
User::LeaveIfError( view.Prepare( iDb, TDbQuery( KIptvQuerySettingsSql ),
TDbWindow::EUnlimited ) );
User::LeaveIfError( view.EvaluateAll() );
if ( view.AtRow() )
// write settings to the settings structure
aSettings.iParentalControl = view.ColInt( KIptvParentalControlColNo );
aSettings.iRecordingTimeReserve = view.ColInt( KIptvRecordingTimeColNo );
aSettings.iReminderTime = view.ColInt( KIptvReminderTimeColNo );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &view ); // closes the view
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIptvSettingsDatabase::SetDefaultValuesL
// Sets default values to the database.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CIptvSettingsDatabase::SetDefaultValuesL(
RDbNamedDatabase& aDatabase ) const
LIVE_TV_TRACE1( _L("CIptvSettingsDatabase::SetDefaultValuesL in" ) );
RDbView view;
CleanupClosePushL( view );
User::LeaveIfError( view.Prepare( aDatabase,
TDbQuery( KIptvQuerySettingsSql ), TDbWindow::EUnlimited ) );
User::LeaveIfError( view.EvaluateAll() );
// default values, settings
view.SetColL( KIptvParentalControlColNo, KIptvDefaultParentalControl );
view.SetColL( KIptvRecordingTimeColNo, KIptvDefaultRecordingTimeReserve );
view.SetColL( KIptvReminderTimeColNo, KIptvDefaultReminderTime );
view.SetColL( KIptvLastUsedServiceColNo, KIptvDefaultLastUsedServiceId );
view.SetColL( KIptvLastUsedChannelColNo, KIptvDefaultLastUsedChannelId );
view.SetColL( KIptvIsLastUsedColNo, KIptvDefaultIsLastUsed );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &view ); // closes the view
LIVE_TV_TRACE1( _L("CIptvSettingsDatabase::SetDefaultValuesL out" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIptvSettingsDatabase::SaveLastUsageL
// Writes last usage to the database, separated from actual settings.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CIptvSettingsDatabase::SaveLastUsageL(
const TIptvLiveUISettings& aSettings )
LIVE_TV_TRACE1( _L("CIptvSettingsDatabase::SaveLastUsageL in" ) );
RDbView view;
CleanupClosePushL( view );
User::LeaveIfError( view.Prepare( iDb, TDbQuery( KIptvQuerySettingsSql ),
TDbWindow::EUnlimited ) );
User::LeaveIfError( view.EvaluateAll() );
// Reset value, which is for checking Active Space UI at first
while ( view.AtRow() )
view.SetColL( KIptvIsLastUsedColNo, KIptvDefaultIsLastUsed );
TBool found( EFalse );
while ( view.AtRow() && !found )
if ( aSettings.iLastUsedServiceId ==
view.ColUint32( KIptvLastUsedServiceColNo ) )
// Write ch id to the database
view.SetColL( KIptvLastUsedChannelColNo,
aSettings.iLastUsedChannelId );
// Set this for the Active Space UI row
view.SetColL( KIptvIsLastUsedColNo, 1 );
found = ETrue;
// New service id, add new
if ( !found )
view.SetColL( KIptvLastUsedServiceColNo, aSettings.iLastUsedServiceId );
view.SetColL( KIptvLastUsedChannelColNo, aSettings.iLastUsedChannelId );
view.SetColL( KIptvIsLastUsedColNo, 1 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &view ); // closes the view
LIVE_TV_TRACE1( _L("CIptvSettingsDatabase::SaveLastUsageL out" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIptvSettingsDatabase::ReadLastUsageByServiceL
// Reads last watched channel by given service from the database. Separated
// from actual settings.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CIptvSettingsDatabase::ReadLastUsageByServiceL(
const TUint32 aServiceId, TIptvLiveUISettings& aSettings )
LIVE_TV_TRACE1( _L("CIptvSettingsDatabase::ReadLastUsageByServiceL in" ) );
RDbView view;
CleanupClosePushL( view );
User::LeaveIfError( view.Prepare( iDb, TDbQuery( KIptvQuerySettingsSql ),
TDbWindow::EUnlimited ) );
User::LeaveIfError( view.EvaluateAll() );
TBool found( EFalse );
while ( view.AtRow() && !found )
// Service found, get ch id
if ( aServiceId == view.ColUint32( KIptvLastUsedServiceColNo ) )
// write last usage values to the settings structure
aSettings.iLastUsedChannelId =
view.ColInt64( KIptvLastUsedChannelColNo );
found = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &view ); // closes the view
// Last usage not found, leave so that values will be zero
if ( !found )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
LIVE_TV_TRACE1( _L("CIptvSettingsDatabase::ReadLastUsageByServiceL out" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CIptvSettingsDatabase::ReadLastUsageL
// Reads the actual last watched channel and service from the database.
// Separated from actual settings.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CIptvSettingsDatabase::ReadLastUsageL(
TIptvLiveUISettings& aSettings )
LIVE_TV_TRACE1( _L("CIptvSettingsDatabase::ReadLastUsageL in" ) );
RDbView view;
CleanupClosePushL( view );
User::LeaveIfError( view.Prepare( iDb, TDbQuery( KIptvQuerySettingsSql ),
TDbWindow::EUnlimited ) );
User::LeaveIfError( view.EvaluateAll() );
TBool found( EFalse );
while ( view.AtRow() && !found )
// Space UI value found
if ( view.ColInt32( KIptvIsLastUsedColNo ) == 1 )
// write last usage values to the settings structure
aSettings.iLastUsedServiceId =
view.ColUint32( KIptvLastUsedServiceColNo );
aSettings.iLastUsedChannelId =
view.ColInt64( KIptvLastUsedChannelColNo );
found = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &view ); // closes the view
// Last usage not found, leave so that values will be zero
if ( !found )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
LIVE_TV_TRACE1( _L("CIptvSettingsDatabase::ReadLastUsageL out" ) );
// End of File