author hgs
Thu, 01 Apr 2010 23:22:15 +0300
changeset 34 bbb98528c666
parent 30 4f111d64a341
child 35 3738fe97f027
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Stub collection client to be used when unit testing videocollectionsortfilterproxy 


#include <QObject>
#include <QList>
#include <QString>
#include <qabstractitemmodel.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <mpxitemid.h>
#include "videocollectioncommon.h"

// CVideoListDataModel::Data returns valid variant when used this and name exists for the row. 
const int INVALID_ROLE_FOR_SORTING = VideoCollectionCommon::KeyStatus+10;

class VideoCollectionClient;

class  VideoListDataModel : public QAbstractItemModel

public: // Constructors and destructor

     * Constructor
    VideoListDataModel(QObject *parent = NULL);

     * destructor
    virtual ~VideoListDataModel();

     * Initializes model. Sets model cache proxy and cache's plugin to 
     * to be this object. Creates videolist and puts it to observe 
     * collection client. Calls  connectSignals to connect signals into
     * appropriate slots
     * @paran collection mpx video collectionobject
     * @return int: 0 if everything ok
	int initialize();
     * Method calls video list data to check if there are valid media object 
     * at the given index. If there is, item id is returned.
     * @param index index of the item to be opened
     * @return TMPXItemId item id ( > 0), < 0 if no valid item.
	TMPXItemId mediaIdAtIndex(int index) const;

     * Method calls video list data to check if there are valid media object 
     * for the given media id. If there is, file path for is returned.
     * @param mediaId id of the item to be opened
     * @return QString file path of the media at index, empty string if not valid item.
    QString mediaFilePathForId(int mediaId) const;
     * Called by the client when removal of videos are requested.
     * Sets video status to be removed to videolistdata and
     * eventually calls collection to handle the actual removing.
     * @param indexlist list of indeces of items requested for deletion
     * @return bool true if removal startup succeeds
    bool removeRows(const QModelIndexList &indexList);
     * sets mAlbumInUse
    void setAlbumInUse(TMPXItemId itemId);
     * returns mAlbumInUse
    TMPXItemId albumInUse();
     * returns mBelongsToAlbum
    bool belongsToAlbum(TMPXItemId itemId, TMPXItemId albumId = TMPXItemId::InvalidId());
     * returns index of first occurence of provided id
    QModelIndex indexOfId(TMPXItemId id);
     * returns collection client
    VideoCollectionClient* getCollectionClient();
public: // from QAbstractItemModel
     * Returns mRowCount value
     * @param parent - not used
     * @return int
    int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const;
     * Method does nothing in this stub
     * @param index - not used
     * @return QMap empty map
    QMap<int, QVariant> itemData(const QModelIndex &index) const;
     * Returns item value based on the role defined:
     * Qt::DisplayRole: from mNames -list
     * VideoCollectionCommon::KeySizeValue: from mSizes -list
     * VideoCollectionCommon::KeyDate: from mDates -list
     * @param index - item index to return
     * @parema role - role indicating wanted value
     * @return QVariant
    QVariant data(const QModelIndex & index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
     * Returns 0 always.
     * @param parent - not used
     * @return int
    int columnCount(const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const;

     * Calls QAbstractItemModel::createIndex to return appropriate QModelIndex
     * @param row - row index 
     * @param column - col index
     * @param parent - not used
     * @return QModelIndex
    QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const;
     * returns invalid QModelIndex
     * @return QModelIndex
    QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex & index) const;     

public: // helper methods for test

     * emit album changed signal
    void emitAlbumChanged();
     * clears mData
    void removeAll();
     * adds provided id to mData
    void appendData(TMPXItemId data);
     * appends given string to mData
     * @param data - value to append to list
    void appendData(QString data);
     * appends given uint to mData
     * @param data - value to append to list
    void appendData(uint data);
     * appends given QDate to mData
     * @param data - value to append to list
    void appendData(QDateTime data);
     * Appends given status to mData.
     * @param status - value to append to list.
    void appendStatus(int status);

	* This signal is connected to video list's details ready
	* -signal indicating that video details data is fetched ok
	* @param id of the item
	void fullVideoDetailsReady(TMPXItemId);
     * Signals that the model is ready, ie. loaded all data from
     * myvideocollection.
    void modelReady();	
     * signals when model's internal data has changed 
    void modelChanged();
     * signals when album data has changed
    void albumChanged();
	static bool mInitFails;
	static bool mRemoveRowsFails;
	static bool mGetMediaIdAtIndexFails;	
	static bool mBelongsToAlbum;
	static bool mReturnInvalid;
	static QString mMediaFilePathReturnValue;
	static int mLastDeletedIndexRow;
	TMPXItemId mAlbumInUse;
    class DummyData
        DummyData() :
        TMPXItemId mId;
        QString mName;
        uint mSize;
        QDateTime mDate;
        int mStatus;
     * List of strings when fetching Qt::DisplayRole 
    QList<DummyData*> mData;

     * colleciton client object, owned
    VideoCollectionClient *mCollectionClient;