author Pat Downey <>
Wed, 01 Sep 2010 12:30:28 +0100
changeset 57 befca0ec475f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revert incorrect RCL_3 drop: Revision: 201033 Kit: 201035

# STIF test script file for testing VOD content client API.

CapsModifier= IptvTestClientApiCapsMod.exe

INCLUDE c:\testframework\
INCLUDE c:\testframework\
INCLUDE c:\testframework\
INCLUDE c:\testframework\
INCLUDE c:\testframework\

# Setup services in service database and delete the EPG db.
title ET11399 <not a test> Setup error test services

create VCXTestUtilModule Util
// Copies some known 3G AP to "Internet" destination with "Internet" name for the AP.
Util CopyMethod "Internet" "Internet" "Internet"
Util SetMethodPriority DEFAULT_DEST 3G_AP 0
Util SetUsedDestination DEFAULT_DEST
// Disable connection dialog for "Internet" destination.
Util SetConnectionMethodIntAttribute "Internet" "Internet" 507 2 // 507 is ECmSeamlessnessLevel
Util SetDefaultIapCenrep
delete Util

pause PAUSE
create VCXServiceManagementApiTest IptvTest
IptvTest Create
IptvTest DeleteAllServices SYNC

IptvTest AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_0 3G_AP 1 0
IptvTest UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC	SERVICE_0	ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1

IptvTest AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_1 3G_AP 1 1
IptvTest UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC	SERVICE_1	ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1

IptvTest AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_2 3G_AP 1 1
IptvTest UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC	SERVICE_2	ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1

IptvTest AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_10 	3G_AP 1 3 		// invalid service
IptvTest UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC	SERVICE_10	ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
IptvTest UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC SERVICE_10 	EName 		SERVICE_INVALID_URL1
IptvTest UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC SERVICE_INVALID_URL1 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"

IptvTest AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_10 	3G_AP 1 4 		// invalid service
IptvTest UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC	SERVICE_10	ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
IptvTest UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC SERVICE_10 	EName 		SERVICE_INVALID_URL2
IptvTest UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC SERVICE_INVALID_URL2 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"

IptvTest AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_10 	3G_AP 1 5 		// invalid service
IptvTest UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC	SERVICE_10	ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
IptvTest UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC SERVICE_INVALID_PASSWORD 	EPassword 	"Invaliidipw"

IptvTest AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_10 	3G_AP 1 6 		// invalid service
IptvTest UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC	SERVICE_10	ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
IptvTest UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC SERVICE_10 	EName 		SERVICE_INVALID_URL3
IptvTest UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC SERVICE_INVALID_URL3 	EAddress 	"hXttp:\/\/"

IptvTest AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_10 	3G_AP 1 2 		// nseries
IptvTest UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC	SERVICE_10	ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1

IptvTest GetServices 0 0 200

IptvTest Destroy
delete IptvTest
pause 3000

# Check that IptvVodContentClient handles UpdateEcgL request correctly when no IAP is selected and ECG DB is empty.
title ET11323 UpdateEcg No iap selected SERVICE_0
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test DeleteEpgDb
test Create SERVICE_0
test UpdateEcg
allownextresult KIptvErrorVodNoIap
waittestclass test
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Check that IptvVodContentClient handles GetEcgListL request correctly when no IAP is selected and ECG DB is empty.
title ET11324 GetEcgList No iap selected SERVICE_0
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_0
test GetEcgList 1 "" 0 10
allownextresult KIptvErrorVodNoIap
waittestclass test
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Check that IptvVodContentClient handles GetEcgCategoryListL request correctly when no IAP is selected and ECG DB is empty.
title ET11325 EcgCategoryList No iap selected SERVICE_0
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_0
test EcgCategoryList 0
allownextresult KIptvErrorVodNoIap
waittestclass test
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Check that IptvVodContentClient handles GetEcgAllListL request correctly when no IAP is selected and ECG DB is empty.
title ET11326 EcgEcgAllList No iap selected SERVICE_0
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_0
test EcgEcgAllList "" 0 5
allownextresult KIptvErrorVodNoIap
waittestclass test
test EcgEcgAllList "" 0 5
pause 10000
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Check that IptvVodContentClient handles GetCategoryDetailsL request correctly when no IAP is selected and ECG DB is empty.
title ET11327 CategoryDetails No iap selected SERVICE_0
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_0
//allownextresult KIptvErrorVodNoIap
test CategoryDetails 1
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Check that IptvVodContentClient handles GetParentCategoryL request correctly when no IAP is selected.
title ET11328 ParentCategory No iap selected SERVICE_0
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_0
test ParentCategory 0
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Check that IptvVodContentClient handles GetContentDetailsL request correctly when no IAP is selected and ECG DB is empty.
title ET11329 ContentDetailsList No iap selected SERVICE_0
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_0
//allownextresult KIptvErrorVodNoIap
test ContentDetailsList 0
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Check that updating ecg works. Content needed in next cases.
title ET11339 UpdateEcg SERVICE_10
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_10
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test UpdateEcg
waittestclass test
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Test CIptvVodContentClient::SetLastPositionL
title ET11344 SetLastPosition invalid content index
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_10
test SetLastPosition 1000 500 0
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Test CIptvVodContentClient::SetLastPositionL
title ET11345 SetLastPosition invalid content access index
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_10
test SetLastPosition 0 100 500
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Check that CIptvVodContentClient handles GetEcgListL request with invalid category id.
title ET11337 GetEcgList invalid category id SERVICE_10
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_10
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test GetEcgList 100 "" 0 10
test GetEcgList 0 "" 5 10
test GetEcgList 100 "" 10 1
test GetEcgList 100 "" 500 5
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Check that CIptvVodContentClient handles GetEcgCategoryListL request with invalid category ID.
title ET11338 EcgCategoryList invalid category id SERVICE_10
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_10
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test EcgCategoryList 100
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Check that CIptvVodContentClient handles GetCategoryDetailsL request with invalid category ID.
title ET11340 CategoryDetails invalid category id SERVICE_10
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_10
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test CategoryDetails 100
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Check that CIptvVodContentClient returns parentCategoryId correctly
title ET11341 ParentCategory invalid category id SERVICE_10
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_10
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test ParentCategory 100
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Check that CIptvVodContentClient handles GetContentDetailsL request with invalid category id.
title ET11342 ContentDetailsList invalid category id SERVICE_10
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_10
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test ContentDetailsList 1000
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Check that CIptvVodContentClient recovers when it's created with invalid serviceid
title ET11314 CIptvVodContentClient Invalid service
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
allownextresult KERRNOTFOUND
test Create 10000
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Check that CIptvVodContentClient recovers when the service has invalid URL, the www server exists and returns 404.
title ET11330 UpdateEcg service with invalid url
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test UpdateEcg
allownextresult EIptvDlContentNotFound
waittestclass test
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Check that CIptvVodContentClient recovers when the service has invalid URL, the www server does not exist.
title ET11331 UpdateEcg service with invalid url 2
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test UpdateEcg
//allownextresult EIptvDlGeneral
allownextresult EIptvDlContentNotFound
waittestclass test
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Check that CIptvVodContentClient recovers when service has wrong password.
title ET11332 UpdateEcg service with invalid password
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test UpdateEcg
allownextresult EIptvDlAuthFailed
waittestclass test
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Check that updating ecg recovers if (valid)IAP is not available
title ET11315 UpdateEcg via not available IAP SERVICE_2
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher

pause PAUSE
create VCXServiceManagementApiTest SMTest
SMTest Create
SMTest UpdateServiceField SYNC SERVICE_2 ESetIapList 3G_AP 0 // Vod content will use this AP instead

pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_2
test SelectIap BAD_AP
test UpdateEcg
allownextresult KIptvErrorEpgUpdateFailed
allownextresult EIptvDlConnectionFailed
waittestclass test

test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test UpdateEcg
waittestclass test
test GetEcgList 1 "" 0 10
test Destroy
delete test

SMTest Destroy
delete SMTest

Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Testname:ET11335 GetEcgList while updating ECG SERVICE_0
title ET11335 GetEcgList while updating ECG SERVICE_0
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_0
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test UpdateEcg
test GetEcgList 1 "" 0 10
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Check that CIptvVodContentClient recovers when the service URL's protocol is invalid.
title ET11343 UpdateEcg service with invalid url 3
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test DeleteEpgDb
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP

test UpdateEcg
//allownextresult EIptvDlGeneral
allownextresult KIptvErrorEpgUpdateFailed
allownextresult EIptvDlContentNotFound
waittestclass test

test Destroy
delete test

// crashed ast least before
pause 10000

Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Try to update ecg from invalid webaddress
title ET11346 Update ecg from invalid webaddress
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
create VCXServiceManagementApiTest IptvTest
IptvTest Create
IptvTest DeleteAllServices SYNC
IptvTest AddHardCodedService ASYNC SERVICE_1 3G_AP 1
IptvTest UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC	SERVICE_1	ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
IptvTest UpdateServiceField ASYNC SERVICE_1 EAddress "http:\/\/www.edcba/abcd.xml"
IptvTest UpdateServiceField ASYNC SERVICE_1 EName SERVICE_1
create VCXVodContentApiTest IptvVCTest
IptvVCTest Create SERVICE_1
IptvVCTest SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
IptvVCTest UpdateEcg
allownextresult EIptvDlContentNotFound
waittestclass IptvVCTest
IptvTest Destroy
IptvVCTest Destroy
delete IptvTest
delete IptvVCTest
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Test changing service address while ECG is updated
title ET11349 Change service address while ECG is updated
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
create VCXServiceManagementApiTest IptvTest

IptvTest Create
IptvTest DeleteAllServices SYNC
IptvTest AddHardCodedService ASYNC SERVICE_1 3G_AP 1
IptvTest UpdateServiceField ASYNC	SERVICE_1 ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
IptvTest UpdateServiceField ASYNC SERVICE_1 EAddress "http:\/\/"

create VCXVodContentApiTest IptvVCTest

IptvVCTest Create SERVICE_1
IptvVCTest SelectIap DEFAULT_AP

IptvVCTest UpdateEcg
waittestclass IptvVCTest

IptvVCTest UpdateEcg
pause 1000
IptvTest UpdateServiceField ASYNC SERVICE_1 EAddress "http:\/\/"
allownextresult EIptvDlGeneral
waittestclass IptvVCTest

IptvVCTest UpdateEcg
waittestclass IptvVCTest

IptvVCTest EnableVerifying ET11349
IptvVCTest GetEcgList 1 "" 0 10
IptvVCTest Verify ET11349

IptvTest Destroy
IptvVCTest Destroy
delete IptvTest
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

# Download a file which can be downloaded but isn't valid rss -xml file
title ET11347 Update ecg with non-xml file
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
create VCXServiceManagementApiTest IptvTest
IptvTest Create
IptvTest DeleteAllServices SYNC
IptvTest AddHardCodedService ASYNC SERVICE_1 3G_AP 1
IptvTest UpdateServiceField ASYNC	SERVICE_1	ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
IptvTest UpdateServiceField ASYNC SERVICE_1 EAddress "http:\/\/"
create VCXVodContentApiTest IptvVCTest
IptvVCTest Create SERVICE_1
IptvVCTest SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
IptvVCTest UpdateEcg
allownextresult KIptvRssParserError
waittestclass IptvVCTest
IptvTest Destroy
IptvVCTest Destroy
delete IptvTest
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util