author Pat Downey <>
Wed, 01 Sep 2010 12:30:28 +0100
changeset 57 befca0ec475f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revert incorrect RCL_3 drop: Revision: 201033 Kit: 201035

# STIF test script file for testing service management client API.
# This cfg has test cases which are run when Helium generates ATS3 test drops.
# The cases are from other cfgs under the test module, if they are changed then 
# easiest way to update cases here is to run perl script in the internal tool folder.

CapsModifier= IptvTestClientApiCapsMod.exe

INCLUDE c:\testframework\
INCLUDE c:\testframework\
INCLUDE c:\testframework\
INCLUDE c:\testframework\
INCLUDE c:\testframework\
INCLUDE c:\testframework\

title ET11099 <not a test> Setup vod test services

create VCXTestUtilModule Util
// Copies some known 3G AP to "Internet" destination with "Internet" name for the AP.
Util CopyMethod "Internet" "Internet" "Internet"
Util SetMethodPriority "Internet" 3G_AP 0
Util SetUsedDestination "Internet"
// Disable connection dialog for "Internet" destination.
Util SetConnectionMethodIntAttribute "Internet" "Internet" 507 2 // 507 is ECmSeamlessnessLevel
Util SetDefaultIapCenrep
delete Util

pause PAUSE
create VCXServiceManagementApiTest ServUtil
ServUtil Create
ServUtil DeleteAllServices SYNC

ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	SYNC SERVICE_0 	3G_AP 1 0  	// OOPS
ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	SYNC SERVICE_1 	3G_AP 1 1 		// NokiaVideos
ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	SYNC SERVICE_10 	3G_AP 1 2 		// NSeries
ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	SYNC SERVICE_2	 	3G_AP 1 3 		// Rocketboom
ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	SYNC SERVICE_3	 	3G_AP 1 4 		// YLE Mediasali
ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	SYNC SERVICE_4	 	3G_AP 1 5 		// Kärppäkanava
ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	SYNC SERVICE_5	 	3G_AP 1 6 		// Rocketboom5
ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	SYNC SERVICE_6	 	3G_AP 1 7 		// OOPS6
ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	SYNC SERVICE_7	 	3G_AP 1 8 		// NokiaVideos7
ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	SYNC SERVICE_8	 	3G_AP 1 9 		// Rocketboom8

ServUtil UpdateServiceField SYNC SERVICE_0 ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
ServUtil UpdateServiceField SYNC SERVICE_1 ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
ServUtil UpdateServiceField SYNC SERVICE_2 ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
ServUtil UpdateServiceField SYNC SERVICE_3 ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
ServUtil UpdateServiceField SYNC SERVICE_4 ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
ServUtil UpdateServiceField SYNC SERVICE_5 ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
ServUtil UpdateServiceField SYNC SERVICE_6 ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
ServUtil UpdateServiceField SYNC SERVICE_7 ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
ServUtil UpdateServiceField SYNC SERVICE_8 ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
ServUtil UpdateServiceField SYNC SERVICE_10 ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1

// EXTRA_SERVICE_9 is reserved for cases to change it's address at will

ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	SYNC SERVICE_9	 	3G_AP 1 10 	// OOPS9
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		SYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		SYNC SERVICE_9 	EName 	EXTRA_SERVICE_1

ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	SYNC SERVICE_9	 	3G_AP 1 10 	// OOPS9
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		SYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		SYNC SERVICE_9 	EName 	EXTRA_SERVICE_2

ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	SYNC SERVICE_9	 	3G_AP 1 10
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		SYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		SYNC SERVICE_9 	EName 	EXTRA_SERVICE_3

ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	SYNC SERVICE_9	 	3G_AP 1 10
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		SYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		SYNC SERVICE_9 	EName 	EXTRA_SERVICE_4

ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	SYNC SERVICE_9	 	3G_AP 1 10
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		SYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		SYNC SERVICE_9 	EName 	EXTRA_SERVICE_5

ServUtil GetServices SYNC 0 250

ServUtil Destroy
delete ServUtil
pause 30000

title ET11000 UpdateEcg SERVICE_0
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test EnableThumbnails
test DeleteEpgDb
test Create SERVICE_0
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test UpdateEcg
waittestclass test
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11001 GetEcgList SERVICE_0
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_0
test EnableVerifying ET11001
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test GetEcgList 1 "" 0 10
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11002 EcgCategoryList SERVICE_0
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_0
test EnableVerifying ET11002
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test EcgCategoryList 0
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11003 EcgEcgAllList SERVICE_0
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_0
test EnableVerifying ET11003
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test EcgEcgAllList "" 0 5
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11004 CategoryDetails SERVICE_0
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_0
test EnableVerifying ET11004
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test CategoryDetails 1
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11005 ParentCategory SERVICE_0
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_0
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test ParentCategory 0
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11006 ContentDetailsList SERVICE_0
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_0
test EnableVerifying ET11006
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test ContentDetailsList 0
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11047 SetLastPosition SERVICE_0
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_0
test SetLastPosition 0 0 0
test SetLastPosition 0 0 500
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11029 UpdateEcg again SERVICE_0
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_0
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test UpdateEcg
waittestclass test
test EnableVerifying ET11029
test VerifyAllCategoryContent 0
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11032 Delete client while updating ECG SERVICE_1
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
// Delete while updating ECG
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test DeleteEpgDb
test Create SERVICE_1
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test UpdateEcg
Util WaitForConnectionActivity 3G_AP
waittestclass Util
pause 1000
test Destroy
delete test
delete Util
// Get ECG details, fails
pause 2000
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_1
test VerifyAllCategoryContent 0
allownextresult KIptvErrorVodNoIap // this will fail as there's no ECG in DB and no IAP selected when the client tries to start update
waittestclass test
test Destroy
delete test
// Update ECG
pause 2000
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_1
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test UpdateEcg
waittestclass test
test Destroy
delete test
// Delete while updating ECG
pause 2000
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test Create SERVICE_1
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test UpdateEcg
Util WaitForConnectionActivity 3G_AP
waittestclass Util
pause 1000
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11033 GetUpdateTime SERVICE_0
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test DeleteEpgDb
test Create SERVICE_0
test GetUpdateTime // database is empty
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test UpdateEcg
waittestclass test
test GetUpdateTime 1
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11034 UpdateEcg after service has changed SERVICE_0
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXServiceManagementApiTest SMUtil
SMUtil Create
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test DeleteEpgDb

SMUtil UpdateServiceField	ASYNC SERVICE_0 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"

test Create SERVICE_0
pause 2000
test EnableVerifying ET11034-1
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
// ECG is updated with old address
test UpdateEcg
SMUtil UpdateServiceField	ASYNC SERVICE_0 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
allownextresult EIptvDlGeneral
allownextresult KERRNONE
allownextresult KERRGENERAL
waittestclass test
test VerifyAllCategoryContent 0
test Destroy

pause PAUSE

test Create SERVICE_0
test EnableVerifying ET11034-2
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
// try again, this time ECG is updated with new address
test UpdateEcg
waittestclass test
test VerifyAllCategoryContent 0
test Verify ET11034-2
test Destroy

delete test
SMUtil Destroy
delete SMUtil
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title <not a test> Setup services
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
// Copies some known 3G AP to "Internet" destination with "Internet" name for the AP.
Util CopyMethod "Internet" "Internet" "Internet"
Util SetMethodPriority "Internet" 3G_AP 0
Util SetUsedDestination "Internet"
// Disable connection dialog for "Internet" destination.
Util SetConnectionMethodIntAttribute "Internet" "Internet" 507 2 // 507 is ECmSeamlessnessLevel
Util SetDefaultIapCenrep
delete Util

pause PAUSE
create VCXServiceManagementApiTest SMUtil
SMUtil Create
SMUtil DeleteAllServices SYNC

SMUtil AddHardCodedService 	    ASYNC SERVICE_1	 	3G_AP 1 10
SMUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_1 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
SMUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_1 	ESearchUrl	"http:\/\/"
SMUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_1 	EName 		EXTRA_SERVICE_1

SMUtil AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_0 	3G_AP 1 0  	// OOPS
SMUtil AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_1 	3G_AP 1 1   // NokiaVideos
SMUtil Destroy
delete SMUtil
pause 3000

title ET11048 Automatic ECG update
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test EnableThumbnails
test DeleteEpgDb
test Create SERVICE_0
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP

// This launches automatic update.
test GetEcgList 1 "" 0 10

Util WaitForConnectionActivity 3G_AP
waittestclass Util

waittestclass test
test GetEcgList 1 "" 0 10
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11049 No update done before - Is update needed
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test EnableThumbnails
test DeleteEpgDb
test Create SERVICE_1
test UpdateAvailable 1
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11050 Last update less than hour ago - Is update needed
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test EnableThumbnails
test DeleteEpgDb
test Create SERVICE_1
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP

// Right after update
test UpdateEcg
waittestclass test
test UpdateAvailable 0

// 59 minutes after update
Util AdvanceSystemTimeMinutes 59
test UpdateAvailable 0

test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11051 Last update over hour ago - Is update needed
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test EnableThumbnails
test DeleteEpgDb
test Create SERVICE_1
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP

test UpdateEcg
waittestclass test

// Over hour ago
Util AdvanceSystemTimeMinutes 60
pause 1000
test UpdateAvailable 1

test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11052 Last update failed - Is update needed
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util SetMethodPriority DEFAULT_DEST 3G_AP 0
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test EnableThumbnails
test DeleteEpgDb
test Create SERVICE_1
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP

// Update succeeds
test UpdateEcg
waittestclass test

pause 2000

// Failed update
test UpdateEcg

loop 3
Util WaitForConnectionActivity 3G_AP
allowerrorcodes KERRTIMEDOUT
waittestclass Util
allowerrorcodes KERRNOTFOUND
Util Attach 3G_AP
allowerrorcodes KERRNOTREADY
Util Terminate

allownextresult EIptvDlContentNotFound
allownextresult EIptvDlConnectionFailed
allownextresult KIptvErrorEpgUpdateFailed
waittestclass test

test UpdateAvailable 0

test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11053 Cancel update - Update available
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test EnableThumbnails
test DeleteEpgDb
test Create SERVICE_1

test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP

test SetMsgWhichToSignal KIptvVodUpdateStarted
test UpdateEcg
allownextresult KIptvVodUpdateStarted
waittestclass test
test CancelUpdate

Util WaitUntilConnectionIsClosed 3G_AP
waittestclass Util

test EnableVerifying ET11053
test VerifyAllCategoryContent 0
test VerifyAllCategoryContent KIptvTestSearchCategoryId
test UpdateAvailable 1
test Verify ET11053

test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11054 Cancel when no update
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test EnableThumbnails
test DeleteEpgDb
test Create SERVICE_1

test CancelUpdate

test UpdateAvailable 1

test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11299 <not a test> Setup search test services

create VCXTestUtilModule Util
// Copies some known 3G AP to "Internet" destination with "Internet" name for the AP.
Util CopyMethod "Internet" "Internet" "Internet"
Util SetMethodPriority DEFAULT_DEST 3G_AP 0
Util SetUsedDestination DEFAULT_DEST
// Disable connection dialog for "Internet" destination.
Util SetConnectionMethodIntAttribute "Internet" "Internet" 507 2 // 507 is ECmSeamlessnessLevel
delete Util

pause PAUSE
create VCXServiceManagementApiTest SMTest
SMTest Create
SMTest DeleteAllServices SYNC

// nseries test search
SMTest AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_9	 	3G_AP 1 10 	// OOPS9
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	ESearchUrl	"http:\/\/"
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9		ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EName 		EXTRA_SERVICE_1

// no search address
SMTest AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_9	 	3G_AP 1 10 	// OOPS9
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9		ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EName 		EXTRA_SERVICE_2

// nseries test search, second
SMTest AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_9	 	3G_AP 1 10 	// OOPS9
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	ESearchUrl	"http:\/\/"
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9		ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EName 		EXTRA_SERVICE_3

// search url length is 256 chars
SMTest AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_9	 	3G_AP 1 10 	// OOPS9
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	ESearchUrl	EAddress_256charsLongSearchUrl
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9		ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EName 		EXTRA_SERVICE_4

// search service with parental rating information
SMTest AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_9	 	3G_AP 1 10 	// OOPS9
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	ESearchUrl	"http:\/\/"
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9		ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EName 		EXTRA_SERVICE_5

// search service with preview videos
SMTest AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_9	 	3G_AP 1 10 	// OOPS9
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	ESearchUrl	"http:\/\/"
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9		ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EName 		EXTRA_SERVICE_6

//SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	ESearchUrl	"http:\/\/"
//SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	ESearchUrl	"http:\/\/"
//SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	ESearchUrl	"http:\/\/"

SMTest GetServices SYNC 0 250

SMTest Destroy
delete SMTest
pause 3000

title ET11201 Search NSeries 3G
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util SetMethodPriority DEFAULT_DEST 3G_AP 0
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test EnableThumbnails
test DeleteEpgDb
test Create EXTRA_SERVICE_1
test SelectIap 3G_AP
test Search Amaz
waittestclass test
test EnableVerifying ET11201
test VerifyAllCategoryContent KIptvTestSearchCategoryId
test Verify ET11201
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11239 Search - GetEcgList
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util SetMethodPriority DEFAULT_DEST 3G_AP 0
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test DisableThumbnails
test Create EXTRA_SERVICE_1
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test Search Amaz
waittestclass test
test GetEcgList KIptvTestSearchCategoryId "" 0 10
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11240 Search - EcgCategoryList
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test DisableThumbnails
test Create EXTRA_SERVICE_1
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test Search Amaz
waittestclass test
test EcgCategoryList KIptvTestSearchCategoryId
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11241 Search - CategoryDetails
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test DisableThumbnails
test Create EXTRA_SERVICE_1
test EnableVerifying ET11241
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test Search Amaz
waittestclass test
test CategoryDetails KIptvTestSearchCategoryId
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11242 Search - ParentCategory
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test DisableThumbnails
test Create EXTRA_SERVICE_1
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test Search Amaz
waittestclass test
test ParentCategory 0 //KIptvTestSearchCategoryId
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11243 Search - ContentDetailsList
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test DisableThumbnails
test Create EXTRA_SERVICE_1
test EnableVerifying ET11243
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test Search Amaz
waittestclass test
test ContentDetailsList KIptvRssSearchContentId1
test VerifyAllCategoryContent KIptvTestSearchCategoryId
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11221 Cancel Search NSeries
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test EnableThumbnails
test DeleteEpgDb
test Create EXTRA_SERVICE_1
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP

test Search Promo
pause 100
test CancelSearch

pause 60000

test VerifyAllCategoryContent KIptvTestSearchCategoryId
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11204 After Search
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test DisableThumbnails
test DeleteEpgDb
test Create EXTRA_SERVICE_1
test VerifyAllCategoryContent KIptvTestSearchCategoryId
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11209 Authorization fail

pause PAUSE
create VCXServiceManagementApiTest SMTest
SMTest Create

// invalid pw
SMTest AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_9 	3G_AP 1 10 	// invalid service
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
SMTest UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	ESearchUrl	"http:\/\/"
SMTest UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EPassword 	"Invaliidipw"

SMTest Destroy
delete SMTest
pause PAUSE

create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test DisableThumbnails
test DeleteEpgDb
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test Search Promo
allownextresult EIptvDlAuthFailed
waittestclass test
test VerifyAllCategoryContent KIptvTestSearchCategoryId
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11999 <not a test> Setup category test services

create VCXTestUtilModule Util
// Copies some known 3G AP to "Internet" destination with "Internet" name for the AP.
Util CopyMethod "Internet" "Internet" "Internet"
Util SetMethodPriority DEFAULT_DEST 3G_AP 0
Util SetUsedDestination DEFAULT_DEST
// Disable connection dialog for "Internet" destination.
Util SetConnectionMethodIntAttribute "Internet" "Internet" 507 2 // 507 is ECmSeamlessnessLevel
delete Util

pause PAUSE
create VCXServiceManagementApiTest ServUtil
ServUtil Create
ServUtil DeleteAllServices SYNC

ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_9	 	3G_AP 1 10 	// OOPS9
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
ServUtil UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC	SERVICE_9		ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EName 	EXTRA_SERVICE_1

ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_9	 	3G_AP 1 10 	// OOPS9
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
ServUtil UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC	SERVICE_9		ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EName 	EXTRA_SERVICE_2

ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_9	 	3G_AP 1 10 	// OOPS9
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
ServUtil UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC	SERVICE_9		ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EName 	EXTRA_SERVICE_3

ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_9	 	3G_AP 1 10 	// OOPS9
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
ServUtil UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC	SERVICE_9		ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EName 	EXTRA_SERVICE_4

ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_9	 	3G_AP 1 10 	// OOPS9
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
ServUtil UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC	SERVICE_9		ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EName 	EXTRA_SERVICE_5

ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_9	 	3G_AP 1 10 	// OOPS9
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
ServUtil UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC	SERVICE_9		ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EName 	EXTRA_SERVICE_6

ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_9	 	3G_AP 1 10 	// OOPS9
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
ServUtil UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC	SERVICE_9		ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EName 	EXTRA_SERVICE_7

ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_9	 	3G_AP 1 10 	// OOPS9
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
ServUtil UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC	SERVICE_9		ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EName 	EXTRA_SERVICE_8

ServUtil AddHardCodedService 	ASYNC SERVICE_9	 	3G_AP 1 10 	// OOPS9
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EAddress 	"http:\/\/"
ServUtil UpdateServiceField 	ASYNC	SERVICE_9		ESetIapList WLAN_AP 1 3G_AP 1
ServUtil UpdateServiceField		ASYNC SERVICE_9 	EName 	EXTRA_SERVICE_9

ServUtil GetServices SYNC 0 250

ServUtil Destroy
delete ServUtil
pause 3000

title ET11901 UpdateEcg channels
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test EnableThumbnails
test DeleteEpgDb
test Create EXTRA_SERVICE_1
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test UpdateEcg
waittestclass test
test EnableVerifying ET11901
test VerifyAllCategoryContent 0
test Verify ET11901
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11902 UpdateEcg categories
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test EnableThumbnails
test DeleteEpgDb
test Create EXTRA_SERVICE_2
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test UpdateEcg
waittestclass test
test EnableVerifying ET11902
test VerifyAllCategoryContent 0
test Verify ET11902
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11903 UpdateEcg categories unorganized
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test EnableThumbnails
test DeleteEpgDb
test Create EXTRA_SERVICE_3
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test UpdateEcg
waittestclass test
test EnableVerifying ET11903
test VerifyAllCategoryContent 0
test Verify ET11903
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util

title ET11904 UpdateEcg categories and channels
create VCXTestUtilModule Util
Util CreateMobilecrashWatcher
pause PAUSE
create VCXVodContentApiTest test
test EnableThumbnails
test DeleteEpgDb
test Create EXTRA_SERVICE_4
test SelectIap DEFAULT_AP
test UpdateEcg
waittestclass test
test EnableVerifying ET11904
test VerifyAllCategoryContent 0
test Verify ET11904
test Destroy
delete test
Util CheckMobilecrashes
delete Util