* Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: IPTV / Video Center application localisation strings*
// Do not include other localisation files here, does not work with generated files.
//d:Displayed on Main UI ring (as label for icon) when "Add new services"
//d:browser link is focused.
//d:Operator customizable item
#define qtn_iptv_new_service_main "Add new services"
//d:Title of the Videos application in the main screen
//d: Used also in general settings plugin title.
//d: Ui Spec sec 1.4 Corrections April 2009 (p9)
#define qtn_vcx_title_suite "Videos"
//d:last is an addejective meaning the most recently watched
//d: UI Spec sec 5 Main View(p19)
//l: list_logical_template_6a_title
#define qtn_vcx_ns_list_last_watched "Last watched"
//d:%U is the name of the last watched video clip if last watched item was
//d:a video clip, or the name of the last viewed TV channel if a TV channel
//d:was last watched item, or empty, if the user has not watched video or TV
//d:at all, or if last watched video is not available
//d: UI Spec sec 5 Main View(p19)
//l: list_logical_template_6a_detail
#define qtn_vcx_ns_list_last_watched_name "%U"
//d:The videos the user has in his terminal
//d: UI Spec sec 5 Main View(p20)
#define qtn_vcx_ns_list_my_videos "My videos"
//d:Detail for my videos item in matrix
//d:to be shown, in case there is no videos in the device
//d: UI Spec sec 5 Main View(p21)
#define qtn_vcx_ns_list_no_videos "No videos"
//d:%N is total amount of videos in My videos, to be used in matrix
//d: UI Spec sec 5 Main View(p20)
#define qtn_vcx_ns_list_my_videos_amount "%N videos"
//d:When there is only ONE video, to be used in matrix
//d: UI Spec sec 5 Main View(p20)
#define qtn_vcx_ns_list_my_videos_amount_one "1 video"
//d:A video feed is a group of channels that have videos that
//d:can be downloaded by the user.
//d: UI Spec sec 5 Main View(p21)
#define qtn_vcx_ns_list_video_feeds "Video feeds"
//d:%N is the amount of available video feeds in the Video feeds view
//d: UI Spec sec 5 Main View(p21)
#define qtn_vcx_ns_list_video_feeds_amount "%N video feeds"
//d:options settings opens the application configuration.
//d: UI Spec sec 5 Main View(p22)
#define qtn_vcx_options_settings "Settings"
//d:in ptions menu, it starts a selected item from the matrix menu
//d: UI Spec sec 5 Main View(p22)
#define qtn_vcx_options_open "Open"
// d:Main list's "Video directory" item's first text line.
// d: Not in UI spec.
// l:list_double_large_graphic_pane_t1
// r:5.0
#define qtn_iptv_video_directory_list "Video directory"
// d:Main list's "Nokia video store" item's first text line
// l:list_double_large_graphic_pane_t1
// r:5.0
#define qtn_iptv_video_store_list "Nokia video store"
//d:Second line for main list view's video storage item, there is one new video.
//d: used in matrix menu
//d: UI Spec sect 5 page 14
//d:%U is the name of the new video.
#define qtn_vcx_ns_one_new_video "1 new video: %U"
//d:Second line for main list view's video storage item, there is
//d:more than 1 new videos. %N is the count of new videos, %u is the name of
//d:the last added video.
//d:used in matrix menu
//d:UI Spec sect 5 page 14
#define qtn_vcx_ns_n_new_videos "%0N new videos: %1U"
//d:Second line for main list view's vodcast item, there is no video feeds.
//d: UI spec sec 5 Video Tile - Main View (p23)
#define qtn_vcx_ns_no_feeds "No feeds"
//d:Second line for main list view's vodcast item, there is one video feed.
//d: UI spec sec 5 Video Tile - Main View (p21)
#define qtn_vcx_ns_one_feed "1 feed"
* ==============================================================================
* Main UI: application settings state
* ==============================================================================
//d:Title pane text in application settings state
//d: Ui Spec sec 14.5 Add Service (p95)
#define qtn_iptv_settings_title "Settings"
//d:Command in options menu in application settings state.
//d:Opens the focused setting item.
#define qtn_iptv_open_service_selection_setting "Open"
//d:Command in options menu in application settings state.
//d:Opens editor for the focused setting item.
//d: Ui Spec sec 14.5 Add Service (p95)
#define qtn_iptv_change_setting "Change"
//d:Name of setting item in application settings state.
//d:Opens the service selection state.
#define qtn_iptv_service_selection_setting "Video service selection"
//d:Name of setting item in application settings state.
//d:Defines which memory is used for downloaded videos.
//d: Ui spec sec 14 Application Settings (p85)
#define qtn_iptv_memory_setting "Preferred memory"
//d:Possible value for "Preferred memory" setting item.
//d: Ui spec sec 14 Application Settings (p88)
#define qtn_iptv_setting_phone_memory "Phone memory"
//d:Possible value for "Preferred memory" setting item.
//d: Ui spec sec 14 Application Settings (p88)
#define qtn_iptv_setting_memory_card "Memory card"
//d:Possible value for "Preferred memory" setting item.
//d: Ui spec sec 14 Application Settings (p88)
#define qtn_iptv_locked_memory_card "Locked memory card"
//d:Possible value for "Preferred memory" setting item.
//d: Ui spec sec 14 Application Settings (p88)
#define qtn_iptv_setting_mass_memory "Mass memory"
//d:Name of setting item in application settings state.
//d:Defines if thumbnail pictures are shown in the VoD service state.
//d: Ui spec sec 14 Application Settings (p88)
#define qtn_iptv_setting_thumbnails "Thumbnails"
//d:Possible value for "Thumbnails" setting item.
//d:Indicates that thumbnail setting is on.
//d: Ui spec sec 14 Application Settings (p88)
#define qtn_iptv_setting_on "On"
//d:Possible value for "Thumbnails" setting item.
//d:Indicates that thumbnail setting is off.
//d: Ui spec sec 14 Application Settings (p88)
#define qtn_iptv_setting_off "Off"
//d:Title of "Service type" view of application settings state.
//d: Ui spec sec 14.3 Video Sevice Selection Settings (p93)
#define qtn_iptv_service_selection_title "Video service selection"
//d:Command in options menu in "Service selection" view of application settings state
//d: Ui spec sec 14.3 Video Sevice Selection Settings (p94)
#define qtn_iptv_mark_service "Mark"
//d:Command in options menu in "Service selection" view of application settings state.
//d: Ui spec sec 14.3 Video Sevice Selection Settings (p94)
#define qtn_iptv_unmark_service "Unmark"
//d:Displayed in confirmation query when user removes a video service
//d:in "Service selection" view of application settings state. The service type is
//d:either VoD or LiveTv (these services are called video services).
//d:%U is the name of the service
//d: Ui spec sec 14.3 Video Sevice Selection Settings (p94) (remove feed)
#define qtn_iptv_remove_service_confirmation "Remove video service %U?"
//d:Displayed in confirmation query when user removes a video service
//d:in "Service selection" view of application settings state. The service type is
//d:Vodcast (these services are called feeds).
//d:%U is the name of the feed
//d: Ui Spec sec 7.1 Video Feeds Main View(p26)
#define qtn_iptv_remove_feed_confirmation "Remove feed %U?"
//d:Empty list text in "Service selection" view of application settings state when
//d:there is no services. The service type is either VoD or LiveTv.
//d:Ui spec chapt 14.3 p 83
#define qtn_iptv_no_video_services "No services"
//d:Command in options menu in "Service selection" view of application settings state
//d:and in Vodcast feed view.
//d:Opens the vodcast feed details dialog.
//d: Ui Spec sec 7.1 Video Feeds Main View(p26)
#define qtn_iptv_feed_details "Feed details"
//d:Menu item in "Service selection" view of application settings state.
//d: Ui Spec sec 14.3 Video service selection setting (p94)
#define qtn_iptv_edit_feed "Edit feed"
//d:Menu item in "Service selection" view of application settings state.
//d: Ui Spec sec 14.3 Video service selection setting (p94)
#define qtn_iptv_remove_feed "Remove feed"
//d:Menu item in "Service selection" view of application settings state.
//d: Ui Spec sec 14.3 Video service selection setting (p94)
#define qtn_iptv_add_feed "Add feed"
//d:Second line for "Default access points" setting item.
//d:Describes that there is several access points selected as default.
//d:%N is the number of the selected access points
//d: Ui Spec sec 8.7 Scheduled downloads (p45)
#define qtn_iptv_multiple_ap_selected "%N selected"
//d:Name of the setting item that has service's name when adding or
//d:editing a service.
//d: Ui Spec sec 14.3 Video service selection setting (p95)
#define qtn_iptv_service_name "Name"
//d:Default value for the "Name" setting item when adding a new service.
//d: Ui Spec sec 14.3 Video service selection setting (p95)
#define qtn_iptv_new_service_default "Default"
//d:Name of the setting item that has service's address when adding or
//d:editing a service.
//d: Ui Spec sec 14.3 Video service selection setting (p95)
#define qtn_iptv_service_address "Address"
//d:Description of service that user has added from Settings.
//d:Will be shown in service details dialog.
//d: Ui Spec sec 14.4 Video service details (p95)
#define qtn_iptv_user_defined_service "User defined service"
//d:Displays the current SW version number of Video Center
//d: Ui Spec sec 14.4 Video service details (p95)
#define qtn_vcx_setting_version_number "Version "
* ==============================================================================
* IAP Selection
* ==============================================================================
//d:If there is an usable connection available, a wait note is displayed while
//d:the connection is being established. The text for the wait note is for e.g.
//d:'Connecting via MyHomeWlan'
//d: Not in UI spec. probably not needed after OCC?
#define qtn_iptv_connecting_wait_note "Connecting via %U"
* ==============================================================================
* My Videos UI
* ==============================================================================
//d:General command in options menu and context sensitive menu
//d:Plays selected video clip
//d: Ui Spec sec 8.4 Video list (p36)
#define qtn_iptv_play "Play"
//d:Command in options menu .
//d:Opens selected folder.
//d: Ui Spec sec 13 My Videos (p75)
#define qtn_iptv_open_folder "Open"
//d:Command in options menu.
//d:Deletes selected video clip (used only for completed files).
//d: Ui Spec sec 13.1 My Videos sub levels (p79)
#define qtn_iptv_delete_video_clip "Delete"
//d:General command in options menu
//d:Cancels ongoing download or download of that video has failed.
//d: Ui Spec sec 13.1 My Videos sub levels (p80)
#define qtn_iptv_cancel_download "Cancel download"
//d:General command in options menu
//d:Shows details of video clip.
//d: Ui Spec sec 13.1 My Videos sub levels (p81)
#define qtn_iptv_video_details "Video details"
//d:Title pane text in My videos view
//d: Ui Spec sec 13 My Videos (p73)
#define qtn_iptv_my_videos_title "My Videos"
//d:Displayed in progress note when My Videos UI is copying a file
//d:to new location.
//d:%U is the name of the file
//d: Ui Spec sec 13.1 My Videos sub levels (p82)
#define qtn_iptv_copying_one "Copying %U"
//d:Displayed in progress note when My Videos UI is copying several
//d:files to new location.
//d: Ui Spec sec 13.1 My Videos sub levels (p82)
#define qtn_iptv_copying_many "Copying files"
//d:Displayed in progress note when My Videos UI is moving file
//d:to new location.
//d:%U is the name of the file
//d: Ui Spec sec 13.1 My Videos sub levels (p82)
#define qtn_iptv_moving_one "Moving %U"
//d:Displayed in progress note when My Videos UI is moving several
//d:files to new location.
//d: Ui Spec sec 13.1 My Videos sub levels (p82)
#define qtn_iptv_moving_many "Moving files"
//d:Title pane text in application settings state service details view,
//d:VoD video details view and My Videos details view
//d: Ui Spec sec 14.4 Service details (p95)
#define qtn_iptv_details_header "Details:"
//d:Name of the video in Video Details dialog.
//d:%U is the name of the video under the text "Title"
//d: Not in UI spec
#define qtn_iptv_video_name "Name: %U"
//d:Language of the video in VOD Video Details dialog.
//d:%U is the language of the video
#define qtn_iptv_video_language "Language: %U"
//d:Length of the video (hours and minutes) in Video Details dialog.
//d:%0N is the length of the video in full hours
//d:%1N is the minutes exceeding the last full hours
#define qtn_iptv_video_length "Length: %0N h %1N min"
//d:Size of the video in Video Details dialog.
//d:%N is the video size in kilobytes
//d: Ui Spec sec 13.3 Memory status (p84)
#define qtn_iptv_size_kb "Size: %N kB"
//d:Size of the video in Video Details dialog.
//d:%N is the video size in megabytes
//d: Ui spec sec 13.3 Memory status (p84)
#define qtn_iptv_size_mb "Size: %N MB"
//d:Size of the video in Video Details dialog.
//d:%N is the video size in gigabytes
//d: Ui spec sec 13.3 Memory status (p84)
#define qtn_iptv_size_gb "Size: %N GB"
//d:Description of the video in Video Details dialog.
//d:%U is the description of the video clip taken from the ECG
//d:Ui spec chapt 8.6 Figure 8
#define qtn_iptv_video_description "Description: %U"
//d:Menu item for Memory Status dialog.
//d: Ui Spec sec 13 My Videos (p75)
#define qtn_iptv_memory_status "Memory status"
//d:Title of Memory Status dialog.
//d: Ui spec sec 13.3 Memory status (p84)
#define qtn_iptv_memory_status_header "Memory status:"
//d:Title of free memory part of Memory Status dialog.
//d: Ui spec sec 13.3 Memory status (p84)
#define qtn_iptv_free_memory "Free memory:"
//d:Percentage display for free/used memory in Memory Status dialog.
//d:Same string is also used in r6 to display download progress information
//d:in percentages on Vod UI and My Videos UI item's second row.
//d: Ui spec sec 13.3 Memory status (p84)
#define qtn_iptv_memory_percentage "%N %"
//d:Title of used memory part of Memory Status dialog.
//d: Ui spec sec 13.3 Memory status (p84)
#define qtn_iptv_used_memory "Used memory:"
//d:Size of the video (kilobytes) in Memory Status dialog.
//d: Ui spec sec 13.3 Memory status (p84)
#define qtn_iptv_size_kb_short "%N kB"
//d:Size of the video (megabytes) in Memory Status dialog.
//d: Ui spec sec 13.3 Memory status (p84)
#define qtn_iptv_size_mb_short "%N MB"
//d:Size of the video (gigabytes) in Memory Status dialog.
//d: Ui spec sec 13.3 Memory status (p84)
#define qtn_iptv_size_gb_short "%N GB"
//d:This confirmation note is displayed when
//d:a download of video has been cancelled by user.
//d: Ui spec sec 8.4 Video list (p39)
#define qtn_iptv_download_canceled "Download canceled"
//d:This error note is displayed when ongoing download fails.
//d:%U is the name of video clip.
//d: Ui spec sec 17 Error cases (p108)
#define qtn_iptv_download_failed_note "Download failed: %U"
//d:Info pop-up note shown to user when video service added.
//d: Ui Spec sec 7.1.2 Video feeds view content and service installation promotion (p27)
#define qtn_iptv_added_service_open "Video service added successfully. Open?"
//d:page 69 qtn_iptv_downloads_title Videos downloaded by the user.
//d: Ui Spec sec 13.1 My Videos sub-levels(p75)
#define qtn_vcx_downloads_title "Downloads"
//d:Video list title pane text for videos captured by the user.
#define qtn_vcx_captured_title "Captured videos"
* ==============================================================================
* My Videos UI : DRM
* ==============================================================================
//d:This is displayed in view info popup.
//d:Count label. In parentheses there will be either play, display, execute or print word.
//d:When checking the length of this string, replace %U with the longest translation of
//d:the following strings: qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_display, qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_play,
//d:qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_execute, and qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_print.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p100)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_utl_x "Times left (%U)"
//d:This is displayed in view info popup
//d:Count data. 1 count
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p100)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_1_count "1 count"
//d:This is displayed in view info popup
//d:Count data. more than 1 count
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p100)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_n_counts "%N counts"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is 1 year.
//d:Other quantities of time may follow.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p102)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_years_one "1 year"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of years of an interval
//d:It is used for period of years ending with 1 from 21 (21, 31, 41,etc.)
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N years.
//d:Other quantities of time may follow.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p102)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_years_one_final "%N years"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of years of an interval
//d:It is used for period of years ending from 2 to 4, excluded 12-14 (2-4,
//d:22-24, 32-34, etc.)
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N years.
//d:Other quantities of time may follow.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p102)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_years_two_four "%N years"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of years of an interval
//d:It is used for period of years ending from 5 to 0 plus range between 11 and
//d:14 (5-20, 25-30, 35-40, etc.)
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N years.
//d:Other quantities of time may follow.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p102)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_years_five_zero "%N years"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is 1 month.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p102)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_months_one "1 month"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of months of an interval
//d:It is used for period from two to four months
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N months.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p102)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_months_two_four "%N months"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of months of an interval
//d:It is used for period greater than four months
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N months.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p102)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_months_five_zero "%N months"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is 1 day.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p102)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_days_one "1 day"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of days of an interval
//d:It is used for a period of 21 days
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N days.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p102)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_days_one_final "%N days"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of days of an interval
//d:It is used for period of days ending from 2 to 4, excluded 12-14 (2-4,
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N days.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p102)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_days_two_four "%N days"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of days of an interval
//d:It is used for period of days ending from 5 to 0 plus range between 11 and
//d:14 (5-20, 25-30)
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N days.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p102)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_days_five_zero "%N days"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is 1 hour.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p102)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_hours_one "1 hour"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of hours of an interval
//d:It is used for a period of 21 hours
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N hours.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p103)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_hours_one_final "%N hours"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of hours of an interval
//d:It is used for period of hours ending from 2 to 4, excluded 12-14 (2-4,
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N hours.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p103)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_hours_two_four "%N hours"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of hours of an interval
//d:It is used for a period included from 5 to 20 hours
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N hours.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p103)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_hours_five_zero "%N hours"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is 1 minute.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p103)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_mins_one "1 minute"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of minutes of an interval
//d:It is used for period of minutes ending with 1 from 21 (21, 31, 41, 51)
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N minutes.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p103)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_mins_one_final "%N minutes"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of minutes of an interval
//d:It is used for period of minutes ending from 2 to 4, excluded 12-14 (2-4,
//d:22-24, 32-34, 42-44, 52-54)
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N minutes.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p103)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_mins_two_four "%N minutes"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of minutes of an interval
//d:It is used for period of minutes ending from 5 to 0 plus range between 11
//d:and 14 (5-20, 25-30, 35-40, 45-50, 53-59)
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N minutes.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede or follow.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p103)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_mins_five_zero "%N minutes"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is 1 second.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p103)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_secs_one "1 second"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of seconds of an interval
//d:It is used for period of seconds ending with 1 from 21 (21, 31, 41, 51)
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N seconds.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p103)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_secs_one_final "%N seconds"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of seconds of an interval
//d:It is used for period of seconds ending from 2 to 4, excluded 12-14 (2-4,
//d:22-24, 32-34, 42-44, 52-54)
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N seconds.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p103)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_secs_two_four "%N seconds"
//d:Possible second line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:%N number of seconds of an interval
//d:It is used for period of minutes ending from 5 to 0 plus range between 11
//d:and 14 (5-20, 25-30, 35-40, 45-50, 53-59)
//d:It reports that the time constraint for this type of object is %N seconds.
//d:Other quantities of time may precede.
//d:Ui spec chapt 12.1
#define qtn_iptv_drm_nbr_of_secs_five_zero "%N seconds"
//d:This is displayed in view info popup
//d:Interval data. One measurement
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p101)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_inter "%U"
//d:This is displayed in view info popup
//d:Interval data. Two measurement
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p101)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_inter_two "%0U, %1U"
//d:Possible first line for fourth entry of Details View listbox
//d:Second line is qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_inter or
//d:qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_inter_two, meaning a quantity of time that
//d:specifies how long this object can be used.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p101)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_accum_time_left "Usage time left"
//d:This is displayed in view info popup.
//d:Interval time left label. In parentheses there will be either play,
//d:display, execute or print word.
//d:When checking the length of this string, replace %U with the longest translation of
//d:the following strings: qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_display, qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_play,
//d:qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_execute, and qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_print.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p101)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_udl_x "Time left (%U)"
//d:This is displayed in view info popup.
//d:Interval label, which is not activated. In parentheses there will be either play,
//d:display, execute or print word.
//d:When checking the length of this string, replace %U with the longest translation of
//d:the following strings: qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_display, qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_play,
//d:qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_execute, and qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_print.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p101)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_uts_x "Times status (%U)"
//d:This is displayed in view info popup
//d:Interval data. Not activated
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p101)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_not_act "Not activated"
//d:This is displayed in view info popup.
//d:Date and time label. Beginning time. In parentheses there will be either play,
//d:display, execute or print word.
//d:When checking the length of this string, replace %U with the longest translation of
//d:the following strings: qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_display, qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_play,
//d:qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_execute, and qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_print.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p101)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_rvf_x "Valid from (%U)"
//d:This is displayed in view info popup.
//d:Date and time label. Ending time. In parentheses there will be either play,
//d:display, execute or print word.
//d:When checking the length of this string, replace %U with the longest translation of
//d:the following strings: qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_display, qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_play,
//d:qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_execute, and qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_print.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p101)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_rvt_x "Valid until (%U)"
//d:This is displayed in view info popup
//d:Full Rights label. In parentheses there will be either play, display, execute or print word.
//d:When checking the length of this string, replace %U with the longest translation of
//d:the following strings: qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_display, qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_play,
//d:qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_execute, and qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_print.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p100)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_full_x "Rights (%U)"
//d:This is displayed in view info popup
//d:Full Rights data, unlimited usage
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p100)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_unlimited "Unlimited"
//d:First line of first entry of Details View listbox
//d:It indicates the current status of the selected Right Object
//d:Second line is qtn_drm_mgr_det_valid or qtn_drm_mgr_det_exp
//d: Ui spec sec 16.12 Windows Media DRM (p104)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_stat "Status"
//d:Text in information note
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p100)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_exp "Usage rights have expired"
//d:Possible second line for first entry of Details View listbox
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p100)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_valid "Activation key is valid"
//d:This is displayed in view info popup
//d:Type of rights, play
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p100)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_play "play"
//d:This is displayed in view info popup
//d:Type of rights, display
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p100)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_display "view"
//d:This is displayed in view info popup
//d:Type of rights, execute
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p100)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_execute "use"
//d:This is displayed in view info popup
//d:Type of rights, print
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p100)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det2_print "print"
//d:This is displayed in view info popup
//d:Sending label.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p100)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_cs "Content sending"
//d:This is displayed in view info popup
//d:Sending data. Item sending is allowed
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p101)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_allowed "Allowed"
//d:This is displayed in view info popup
//d:Sending data. Item sending is forbidden
//d: Ui spec sec 16.11 OMA DRM in video details (p102)
#define qtn_iptv_drm_mgr_det_forbid "Forbidden"
* ==============================================================================
* ==============================================================================
//d:Command in video list options menu and context sensitive menu
//d:Starts video download.
//d: Ui Spec sec 8.4 Video List (p36)
#define qtn_iptv_download "Download"
//d:Command in video list options menu and context sensitive menu
//d:Resumes the download if possible, visible for video which
//d:download has failed.
//d: Ui Spec sec 8.4 Video List (p36)
#define qtn_iptv_resume_download "Resume download"
//d:Command in video list options menu.
//d:Opens the web link in embedded browser ( if it its provided
//d:within the video clip data ).
//d: Ui Spec sec 8.4 Video List (p40)
#define qtn_iptv_open_link "Open link in browser"
//d:When there is no data in ECG data stored from previous usage,
//d:video list is initially empty. This text is displayed in
//d:the empty view.
//d: Ui Spec modification on Nov 2008 (p10)
#define qtn_vcx_ns_updating_items "Updating items"
//d:page17 qtn_iptv_wait_general_connecting
//d:displayed while the terminal connects to internet
//d:Not needed after OCC
#define qtn_vcx_wait_general_connecting "Connecting"
//d:If the video list is empty, this text is shown in the empty list.
//d: Ui Spec sec 8.4 Video List (p35)
#define qtn_iptv_no_videos "(No videos)"
//d:If the video list is empty, this text is shown in the empty list.
//d: Ui Spec sec 8.5 Video search (p42)
#define qtn_vcx_ns_no_videos "(No videos)"
//d:Command in vodcast feed view options menu.
//d:Opens the feed and displays the Vodcast video list.
//d: Ui Spec sec 7.1 Video feeds main view (p26)
#define qtn_iptv_open_feed "Open"
//d:Command in vodcast feed view options menu and in context sensitive menu.
//d:Opens the Vodcast service list in the service selection settings.
//d: Ui Spec sec 7.1 Video feeds main view (p26)
#define qtn_iptv_feed_subscriptions "Feed subscriptions"
//d:Command in vodcast feed view.
//d:Connects to the server and updates the contents of all subscribed feeds.
//d: Ui Spec sec 7.1 Video feeds main view (p26)
#define qtn_iptv_feed_refresh "Refresh feeds"
//d:Additional text for the vodcast feed list item indicating that
//d:feed is being updated
//d: Ui Spec sec 7.1 Video feeds main view (p27)
#define qtn_iptv_updating_feed "Updating"
//d:Additional text for the vodcast feed list item indicating that
//d:update of the feed was failed
#define qtn_iptv_feed_update_failed "Update failed"
//d:In case there are not any feeds subscribed this text is displayed
//d:in empty feed list.
#define qtn_iptv_no_feeds_selected "(No feeds)"
//d:If downloading of content catalog fails for some reason
//d:this error note is displayed
//d: Ui spec sec 17 Error cases (p108)
#define qtn_iptv_content_update_failed "Content catalog update failed"
//d:Additional text for the video list item indicating that video is being
//d:%N is the percentage showing how much of the file is already downloaded.
#define qtn_iptv_video_downloading "Downloading %N%"
//d:Additional text for the list item indicating that downloading of the video
//d:is paused.
//d:%N is the percentage showing how much of the file got downloaded before pausing.
//d: Ui spec sec 7.1 Indicating progress in list items (p27)
#define qtn_iptv_download_paused "Download paused %N%"
//d:Additional text for the list item indicating that downloading of the video
//d:has been failed.
//d:%N is the percentage showing how much of the file got downloaded before failing.
//d: Ui spec sec 13.1 My videos- sub levels (p78)
#define qtn_iptv_download_failed "Download failed %N%"
//d:Additional text for the video list item indicating that video
//d:has already been downloaded.
//d: Ui spec sec 8.4 Video list (p35)
#define qtn_iptv_video_downloaded "Downloaded"
//d:When resuming the download has been failed this information note
//d:is displayed to user.
//d: Ui spec sec 8.4 Video list (p39)
#define qtn_iptv_resume_not_possible "Resuming download not possible, downloading complete video"
//d:When the user selects to play or download a video which cannot be found
//d:from the server, this information note is displayed.
//d: Ui spec sec 17 Error cases (p108)
#define qtn_iptv_video_missing_from_server "Video missing from the server"
//d:During the ECG update this info pop-up note is shown to user.
//d:Ui Spec changed to qtn_vcx_ns_updating_feed on Nov 2003
#define qtn_iptv_updating "Updating"
//d:When device memory is full and user tries to download video or update
//d:service contents (ECG), this confirmation query is shown.
//d:Ui spec sec 16.5 memory full (p98)
#define qtn_iptv_memory_full_delete_data "Memory full. Free some memory by deleting videos or some other data in the phone"
//d:If the user tries to install a service through provisioning and service type
//d:is not supported, this information note is displayed.
//d:Ui spec sec 17.4 invalid service type (p110)
#define qtn_iptv_invalid_service_type "Invalid service"
//d:This error note is displayed when invalid data is received
//d:eg. some metadata related error occurs.
//d:Ui spec sec 17.4 invalid service type (p109)
#define qtn_iptv_invalid_data "Invalid data received"
//d:Title pane text for Vodcast feed view where subscribed. Used in VC Rel4.
//d:feeds are listed.
//d:Ui spec sec 7.1 Video feeds - Main view (p24)
#define qtn_iptv_video_feeds_title "Video feeds"
//d:Title of the window that shows the list of
//d:videos in the resulsts view
//d: Ui Spec sec 8.5 Video Search (p12)
#define qtn_vcx_title_video_search "Video search"
//d:When Video feeds view is opened and before list has been
//d:created, this text is shown in the empty list.
//d: Ui spec sec 7.1 Video feeds - main view(p24)
#define qtn_vcx_ns_opening_feeds "Opening"
//d:page 25 qtn_iptv_list_video_directory
//d:opens the browser and goes to the Nokia video directory
//d: Ui spec sec 7.1 Video feeds - main view(p25)
#define qtn_vcx_ns_list_video_directory "Video directory"
* ==============================================================================
* Soft Notification
* ==============================================================================
//d:Service settings can be received over the air. After the settings have been received,
//d:the phone asks the user if the service should be installed.
//d:%U is the name of the service
//d: Ui Spec sec 16.3 Receiving OTA settings (p98)
#define qtn_iptv_install_service "Install video service: %U"
* ==============================================================================
* Rel2 new strings
* ==============================================================================
//d:Menu item in "Service selection" view of application settings state.
#define qtn_iptv_web_link_details "Web link details"
//d:Menu item in "Service selection" view of application settings state.
#define qtn_iptv_remove_web_link "Remove web link"
//d:Displayed in confirmation query when user removes a web link service
//d:in "Web link service selection" view of application settings state.
//d:The service type is Web link.
//d:%U is the name of the web link
#define qtn_iptv_remove_web_link_confirmation "Remove web link %U?"
//d:In case there are not any web links subscribed this text is displayed
//d:in empty web links list.
#define qtn_iptv_no_web_links "(No links)"
//d:Author of the video in Video Details dialog.
//d:%U is the author of the video
//d:see UI spec chapt 8.6 figure 8
#define qtn_iptv_author "Author: %U"
//d:Copyright of the video in Video Details dialog.
//d:%U is the copyright of the video
//d:see UI spec chapt 8.6 figure 8
#define qtn_iptv_copyright "Copyright: %U"
//d:In case there is an account management URI available for the service this
//d:option item is displayed in options menu
//d: Ui spec sec 7.1 Video feeds main view (p26)
#define qtn_iptv_manage_account "Manage account"
//d:Prompt text for the remove service message query
//d:If there is URI available for the service, a message query is displayed with a
//d:prompt text, message text and a link.
#define qtn_iptv_remove_service_header "Remove service:"
//d:If there is URI available for the service, a message query is displayed with a
//d:prompt text, message text and a link.
//d:Message text for the remove service message query
#define qtn_iptv_remove_service_with_account "Do you want to remove the service? You may need to unsubscribe the service before removing."
//d:If there is URI available for the service, a message query is displayed with a
//d:prompt text, message text and a link.
//d:Text for the link in remove service message query
//d:UI spec chapt 7.1 p 20
#define qtn_iptv_link_account "Manage account"
//d:If there is URI available for the service, a message query is displayed with a
//d:prompt text, message text and a link.
//d:Left softkey text for the remove service message query
//d:when the link is not highlighted in the query
//d:UI spec chapt 7.1 p 20
#define qtn_iptv_remove_softkey "Remove"
//d:Text shown in information banner when thumbnail download is ongoing
//d:%0N is the amount of fetched thumbnails
//d.%1N is the total amount of thumbnails to be fetched
//d: Ui spec 8.1 openning a video service (p28)
#define qtn_iptv_updated_thumbnails "Thumbnails %0N / %1N"
//d:Additional text for the video list item informing user about the video length
//d:This text is shown if length information is available for video
//d:and if the video is less than an hour long
//d:%N is the length in minutes
#define qtn_iptv_video_list_length_min "%N min"
//d:Additional text for the video list item informing user about the video length
//d:This text is shown if length information is available for video
//d:and if the video is more than an hour long.
//d:%0N is the length of the video in full hours
//d:%1N is the minutes exceeding the last full hour.
//d: Ui spec 8.4 Video list (p34)
#define qtn_iptv_video_list_length_full "%0N h %1N min"
//d:Indicates Windows Media DRM status in video details dialog.
//d:This value is shown when usage rights are ok.
//d: Ui Spec sec 16.12 Windows Media DRM (p103)
#define qtn_iptv_wmdrm_valid "Rights are valid"
//d:Indicates Windows Media DRM status in video details dialog.
//d:This value is shown when usage rights are not ok.
//d: Ui Spec sec 16.12 Windows Media DRM (p104)
#define qtn_iptv_wmdrm_invalid "Rights are invalid"
//d:Command in My Videos video list options menu
//d:This option opens UPnP renderer UI from where user can starts showing the selected
//d:video on remote device. Homenet refers to UPnP home network, not to any brand.
//d: Ui spec sec 13.1 My Videos sub-level (p81)
#define qtn_iptv_show_via_homenet "Show via Homenet"
//d:Command in My Videos video list options menu
//d:This command stops the showing via remote UPnP device. This option is displayed only if
//d:showing via homenet is currently on
//d: Ui spec sec 13.1 My Videos sub-level (p81)
#define qtn_iptv_stop_showing "Stop showing"
//d:Additional text for the video list item informing user about the video size
//d:This text is shown if size information is available for video
//d:and if size of the video is less than one megabyte
//d: Ui spec sec 8.4 My Videos list (p34)
#define qtn_iptv_list_size_kb "%N kB"
//d:Additional text for the video list item informing user about the video size
//d:This text is shown if size information is available for video
//d:and if size of the video is less than one gigabyte
//d: Ui spec sec 8.4 My Videos list (p34)
#define qtn_iptv_size_list_mb "%N MB"
//d:Additional text for the video list item informing user about the video size
//d:This text is shown if size information is available for video
//d:and if size of the video is over one gigabyte
//d: Ui spec sec 8.4 My Videos list (p35)
#define qtn_iptv_size_list_gb "%N GB"
//d:Name of setting item in application settings state.
//d:Opens data query item for selecting the parental rating value which is used
//d:to rate the video content.
//d: Ui spec sec 14.1 Video Settings (p87)
#define qtn_iptv_setting_parental_control "Parental control"
//d:An item that is presented as e.g. '18 years', on the setting list .
//d: Ui spec sec 14.1 Video Settings (p87)
#define qtn_iptv_parental_control_n_years "%N years"
//d:When OMA client provisioning message is received, message contains title text
//d:as spesified below
//d: Ui spec sec 16.13 OMA Client provisioning(p104)
#define qtn_vcx_ns_service_settings_title "Videos & TV service settings"
//d:This is a text that is shown in error note in My Videos when deleting of some files or folders
//d:has failed.
//d: Ui spec sec 13.1 My Videos sub-level (p81)
#define qtn_iptv_cant_delete_items "Unable to delete some items which are currently open."
//d:Menu item that when selected brings user to scheduling dialog/view.
//d: Ui spec sec 8.3 categories (p33)
#define qtn_iptv_schedule_downloads "Schedule downloads"
//d:Title for a view where user may schedule downloads to be performed later
//d:Note: in the actual product this header string's layout can adapt to
//d:long texts and provide more space than is currently available in this
//d:1-line localisation layout (by providing smaller font automatically).
//d:If your translation needs more space than the currently allocated pixels,
//d:you can ignore the macro error about text not fitting in the layout:
//d:just make sure your translation is correct, but try to keep it as short
//d:as possible while avoiding abbreviations.
//d: Ui spec sec 8.7 scheduled downloads (p44)
#define qtn_iptv_schedule_title "Schedule downloads"
//d:Settings dialog item title letting user to choose from number of download
//d: Ui spec sec 8.7 scheduled downloads (p44)
#define qtn_iptv_download_setting "Download"
//d:Item in a list that forces user to pick one of download methods for a scheduled download.
//d:Selecting this item causes the download not to be automatic in any case.
//d: Ui spec sec 8.7 scheduled downloads (p45)
#define qtn_iptv_manual_download "Manual download"
//d:Item in a list that forces user to pick one of download methods for a scheduled download.
//d:Selecting this item causes the download to happen automatically if wireless lan
//d:connection is available at the scheduled time.
#define qtn_iptv_automatic_in_wlan "Automatic in WLAN"
//d:Item in a list that forces user to pick one of download methods for a scheduled download.
//d:Selecting this item causes the download to happen automatically if multimedia computer
//d:is not roaming in other operators gsm/3g network at the scheduled time.
//d: Ui spec sec 8.7 scheduled downloads (p45)
#define qtn_iptv_automatic_in_home_cel "Automatic in home cellular"
//d:Item in a list that forces user to pick one of download methods for a scheduled download
//d:Selecting this item causes the download to be started regardless of network conditions.
//d: Ui spec sec 8.7 scheduled downloads (p45)
#define qtn_iptv_automatic_always "Automatic always"
//d:Setting dialog item title for letting user to choose preferred download time
//d: Ui spec sec 8.7 scheduled downloads (p45)
#define qtn_iptv_download_time_setting "Download time"
//d:Item in a list that forces user to pick one of preferred download times
//d: Ui spec sec 8.7 scheduled downloads (p45)
#define qtn_iptv_scheduled_night "Night"
//d:Item in a list that forces user to pick one of preferred download times
//d: Ui spec sec 8.7 scheduled downloads (p45)
#define qtn_iptv_scheduled_morning "Morning"
//d:Item in a list that forces user to pick one of preferred download times
//d: Ui spec sec 8.7 scheduled downloads (p45)
#define qtn_iptv_scheduled_noon "Noon"
//d:Item in a list that forces user to pick one of preferred download times
//d: Ui spec sec 8.7 scheduled downloads (p45)
#define qtn_iptv_scheduled_afternoon "Afternoon"
//d:Item in a list that forces user to pick one of preferred download times
//d: Ui spec sec 8.7 scheduled downloads (p46)
#define qtn_iptv_scheduled_evening "Evening"
//d:Text that appears in a dialog warning user about multimedia computer battery limitations
//d: Ui spec sec 8.7 scheduled downloads (p45)
#define qtn_iptv_battery_note "Note that automatic download is done only when there is enough power in the battery."
//d:Softkey text for softkey that lets user to download a video clip
//d: Ui spec sec 8.4 Video List (p36)
#define qtn_iptv_softkey_download "Download"
//d:Dialog text field prompt for a text field where user is supposed to write a word to search for
//d: Ui spec sec 8.5 Video search (p41)
#define qtn_iptv_search_query "Search:"
//d:Text in wait note dialog displayed during search
//d: Ui spec sec 8.5 Video search (p41)
#define qtn_iptv_searching_wait_note "Searching"
//d:Menu item for letting user to select a new search
#define qtn_iptv_new_search "New search"
//d:If video search fails for some reason this error note is displayed
//d: Ui spec sec 8.5 Video search (p42)
#define qtn_iptv_search_failed "Search failed"
//d:Second line for "Download time" setting item.
//d:Describes that there is no selected selected time for scheduled downloads.
//d: Ui spec sec 8.5 Video search (p45)
#define qtn_iptv_none_selected_time "None selected"
//d:In case there aren't suitable destination when schedule settings view is
//d:closed, a note is displayed to inform user that destination has to be selected by
//d:using destination selection dialog offered by platform.
//d: Ui spec sec 8.5 Video search (p44)
#define qtn_iptv_scheduled_define_destination "Scheduled download requires destination to be used. Select the destination now."
* ==============================================================================
* ==============================================================================
//d:Command in options menu.
//d:Opens Sort submenu.
//d: Ui spec sec 13.1 My Videos sub-level (p81)
#define qtn_iptv_sort_by "Sort by"
//d:Command in option "Sort by" submenu.
//d:When selected, videos are listed in chronological order.
//d: Ui spec sec 13.1 My Videos sub-level (p81)
#define qtn_iptv_sort_by_date "Date"
//d:Command in option "Sort by" submenu.
//d:When selected, videos are listed in alphabetical order.
//d: Ui spec sec 13.1 My Videos sub-level (p81)
#define qtn_iptv_sort_by_name "Name"
//d:Command in option "Sort by" submenu.
//d:When selected, videos are sorted by size, smallest items on top.
//d: Ui spec sec 13.1 My Videos sub-level (p82)
#define qtn_iptv_sort_by_size "Size"
//d:Command in option "Move and copy" submenu.
//d:Opens memory selection dialog for copying files.
//d: Ui spec sec 13.1 My Videos sub-level (p82)
#define qtn_iptv_copy_submenu "Copy"
//d:Command in option "Move and copy" submenu.
//d:Opens memory selection dialog for moving files.
//d: Ui spec sec 13.1 My Videos sub-level (p82)
#define qtn_iptv_move_submenu "Move"
//d:List item text on Video Storage UI main level.
//d: Ui Spec sec 13 My videos (p73)
#define qtn_iptv_storage_all_list "All videos"
//d:List item text on Video Storage UI main level.
//d: Ui Spec sec 13 My videos (p73) (no longer needed)
#define qtn_iptv_storage_tv_recordings_list "TV recordings"
//d:List item text on Video Storage UI main level.
//d: Ui Spec sec 13 My videos (p73)
#define qtn_iptv_storage_other_list "Other"
//d:Title pane text on Video Storage UI for All videos view.
//d: Ui Spec sec 13 My videos (p75)
#define qtn_iptv_all_videos_title "All videos"
//d:Title pane text on Video Storage UI for TV recordings view.
#define qtn_iptv_tv_recordings_title "TV recordings"
//d:Video list title pane text for other videos.
#define qtn_iptv_other_title "Other videos"
//d:Command in option "Mark/Unmark" submenu.
//d:When selected, starts marking mode (user can mark items from
//d:video list by clicking them).
//d:This string is required by single click implementation and
//d:doesn't appear in UI specification.
#define qtn_iptv_menuitem_markmultiple "Mark Multiple"
* ==============================================================================
* ==============================================================================
//d:Text for note that is displayed after user has installed a new service to
//d:Video Center for example through messages, over the air, etc.
#define qtn_iptv_service_installed_to_vodcast_note "Service installed to Video feeds"
//d:If user tries to install service that has already been installed, a
//d:confirmation query with this text is displayed to confirm if an existing service should be overwritten.
//d:%U is the name of the service
//d: Ui spec sec 16.3 Receiving OTA settings (p98)
#define qtn_iptv_service_exists "Service already installed, installing again will reset the service: %U"
//d:Right softkey text in confirmation query that is displayed when user tries to
//d:install service that already exists. Selecting this softkey resets service.
//d: Ui spec sec 16.3 Receiving OTA settings (p98)
#define qtn_iptv_softkey_install "Install"
//d:Text for "Add feed" submenu item. Opens the embedded browser
//d:with service catalog web page.
//d:Ui spec sec 7.1 Video feeds - Main view(p26)
#define qtn_iptv_service_catalog_submenu "Via Video directory"
//d:Text for "Add feed" submenu item.
//d:Opens Add service state for adding manually a video feed address.
//d:Ui spec sec 7.1 Video feeds - Main view(p26)
#define qtn_iptv_insert_address_submenu "Insert manually"
//d:Text for "Add feed" option menu item in internet videos view.
//d:Opens Add feed submenu.
//d:Ui spec sec 7.1 Video feeds - Main view(p26)
#define qtn_iptv_add_feed_submenu "Add feed"
//d:Text shown in information banner when thumbnail download is ongoing.
//d:Special text for case when there is only one thumbnail to download.
//d:Ui spec sec 8.1 Opening a video service(p28)
#define qtn_iptv_updated_thumbnails_one "Thumbnail 1 / 1"
* ==============================================================================
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//d:Text in empty view when no videos were found in search
//d: Ui spec 8.5 video search (p42)
#define qtn_vcx_ns_no_videos_found "No videos found"
* ==============================================================================
* HG UI strings
* ==============================================================================
//d:Ui spec sec 7.1 Video feeds - Main view (p25)
//d:Followed by the date and time of the last update of the feed.
//d:Replace %U with the following strings:
//d:qtn_date_usual and qtn_time_usual
#define qtn_vcx_hg_last_update "Last update: %U"
//d:List item in list that, when selected, brings user to video search dialog
//d:Ui spec sec 8.3 Categories (p31)
#define qtn_vcx_hg_video_search "Video search"
//d:String used to indicate that one video was found in a search ; string appears
//d:in a list together with a heading text telling search category name,
//d:for example "Search / 1 video found" where / is actually a line break
//d:Ui spec sec 8.3 Categories (p32)
#define qtn_vcx_hg_search_videos_found_one "1 video found"
//d:String that is used to indicate how many videos were found in a search
//d:%N is the amount of videos found
//d:Ui spec sec 8.3 Categories (p31)
#define qtn_vcx_hg_search_videos_found "%N videos found"
//d:List item in list that user may select to get into video list.
//d:Ui spec sec 8.3 Categories (p32)
#define qtn_vcx_hg_categories_video_list "Videos"
//d:String used to indicate the amount of videos in category.
//d:%N is the amount of videos.
//d:Ui spec sec 8.3 Categories (p32)
#define qtn_vcx_hg_videos_in_category "%N videos"
//d:Same as qtn_vcx_ns_videos_in_category but used in case where only one video is
//d:in category.
//d:Ui spec sec 8.3 Categories (p32)
#define qtn_vcx_hg_one_video_in_category "1 video"
//d:Second line for My videos category list item, there is one new video.
//d:%U is the name of the new video.
//d:Ui spec sec 13 My videos (p73)
#define qtn_vcx_hg_one_new_video "1 new video: %U"
//d:Second line for My videos category list item, there is
//d:more than 1 new videos. %N is the count of new videos, %U is the name of
//d:last added video.
//d:Ui spec sec 13 My videos (p74)
#define qtn_vcx_hg_n_new_videos "%0N new videos: %1U"
//d:Second line for My videos category list item, there is no videos.
//d:Ui spec sec 13 My videos (p74)
#define qtn_vcx_hg_no_videos_in_category "No videos"
//d:List item text on My videos UI main level.
//d:Ui spec sec 13 My videos (p73)
#define qtn_vcx_hg_storage_downloads_list "Downloads"
//d:List item text on My videos UI main level.
//d:Ui spec sec 13 My videos (p73)
#define qtn_vcx_hg_storage_captured_list "Captured videos"
//d:Additional text for the video list item informing user about the video length
//d:This text is shown if length information is available for video
//d:and if the video is more than one minute but less than an hour long.
//d:%0N is the length of the video in full minutes
//d:%1N is the seconds exceeding the last full minute.
//d: Ui spec sec 8.4 Video list (p34)
#define qtn_vcx_hg_video_list_length_min_sec "%0N min %1N sec"
//d:Additional text for the video list item informing user about the video length
//d:This text is shown if length information is available for video
//d:and if the video is less than one minute long
//d:%N is the length in seconds
//d: Ui spec sec 8.4 Video list (p34)
#define qtn_vcx_hg_video_list_length_sec "%N sec"
//d:Command in options list
//d:Opens use video as cascade menu
//d: Ui spec sec 13.1 My videos - sub levels (p81)
#define qtn_vcx_hg_options_use_video_as "Use video as"
//d:Main view item text for last watched
#define qtn_vcx_hg_list_last_watched "Last watched"
//d:Main view item text for videos other than captured
#define qtn_vcx_hg_list_storage_other "Other videos"
//d:Main view item text for captured videos
#define qtn_vcx_hg_list_storage_captured "Captured"
//d:Main view item text for Ovi Store link
#define qtn_vcx_hg_list_ovi_store "Ovi Store"
//d:Second line for main view item, amount of videos in category.
//d:%N is the amount of videos.
#define qtn_vcx_hg_list_videos_in_category "%N videos"
//d:Same as qtn_vcx_hg_list_videos_in_category but used when only one video in category.
#define qtn_vcx_hg_list_one_video_in_category "1 video"
//d:Second line for main view item, there is one new video.
#define qtn_vcx_hg_list_one_new_video "1 new video"
//d:Second line for main view item, there are more than 1 new videos.
//d:%N is the count of new videos.
#define qtn_vcx_hg_list_n_new_videos "%N new videos"
//d:Second line for main view item, there are no videos.
#define qtn_vcx_hg_list_no_videos_in_category "No videos"
//d:Second line for main view item, Ovi Store link.
#define qtn_vcx_hg_list_ovi_store_videos "Videos"
* ==============================================================================
* Fusion strings from VIA Player localization file
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//d:When user tries to connect to service ( for example for downloading a video )
//d:and service url ( or video url ) is not valid, this error note is displayed.
//d: Ui spec sec 17.1 Error cases (p108)
#define qtn_iptv_invalid_address "Invalid address"
//d:In case the username and password are invalid or missing when the terminal
//d:connects to the service, this error note is displayed.
//d: Ui spec sec 17.3 Invalid user name or password (p109)
#define qtn_iptv_authentication_failed "Authentication failed"
//d:This error note is displayed when application does not have
//d:valid access point for connection
//d: Ui spec sec 17.1 Error cases (p108)
#define qtn_iptv_invalid_access_point "Invalid access point"
//d:Prompt for the password text field in authentication dialog.
//d: Ui spec sec 17.3 Invalid user name or password (p109)
#define qtn_iptv_query_password "Password:"
//d:Prompt for the username text field in authentication dialog.
//d: Ui spec sec 17.3 Invalid user name or password (p109)
#define qtn_iptv_query_username "Username:"
//d:Video is paused, ready to be played. Pressing soft key with this text resumes paused playback.
//d:This is a text for softkey.
//d: Ui spec sec 8.4 Video list (p36)
#define qtn_iptv_softkey_resume "Resume"