author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Wed, 18 Aug 2010 09:50:14 +0300
changeset 52 e3cecb93e76a
parent 20 b9e04db066d4
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201031 Kit: 201033

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: VideoListDataModel class definition*


#include <QObject>
#include <qabstractitemmodel.h>
#include <e32const.h>
#include <mpxitemid.h>

class VideoListDataModelPrivate;
class VideoThumbnailData;
class VideoCollectionClient;
class VideoDeleteWorker;

class VideoListDataModel : public QAbstractItemModel
     * define to be able to use signals and slots
     * disable copy-constructor and assignment operator
     * private class declaration macro
    Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE_D( d_ptr, VideoListDataModel )


	 * Default constructor
	VideoListDataModel(QObject *parent = 0);	
     * Destructor

     * Initializes model. Sets model cache proxy and cache's plugin to 
     * to be this object. Creates videolist and puts it to observe 
     * collection client. Calls  connectSignals to connect signals into
     * appropriate slots
     * @return int: 0 if everything ok
	int initialize( );
	 * returns collectionclient object
	 * @return VideoCollectionClient*
	VideoCollectionClient* getCollectionClient();
     * Method calls video list data to check if there are valid media object 
     * at the given index. If there is, item id is returned.
     * @param index index of the item to be opened
     * @return TMPXItemId item id  or TMPXItemId::Invalid() if no valid item.
	const TMPXItemId& mediaIdAtIndex(const int &index) const;

	 * returns model index of id provided
	 * @param id of the item
	 * @return modelIndex
	QModelIndex indexOfId(const TMPXItemId &id);
     * Method calls video list data to check if there are valid media object 
     * for the given media id. If there is, file path for is returned.
     * @param mediaId id of the item to be opened
     * @return QString file path of the media at index, empty string if not valid item.
	QString mediaFilePathForId(const TMPXItemId &mediaId) const;
     * Called by the client when removal of videos are requested.
     * Sets video status to be removed to videolistdata and
     * eventually calls collection to handle the actual removing.
     * @param indexlist list of indeces of items requested for deletion
     * @return bool true if removal startup succeeds
    bool removeRows(const QModelIndexList &indexList);

     * Checks if the specified item belongs to currently open album.
     * @param albumId, Album to be checked. If zero, using the currently open album.
     * @param itemId, Item to be checked.
     * @return true if item belongs to the album.
    bool belongsToAlbum(const TMPXItemId &itemId, TMPXItemId albumId = TMPXItemId::InvalidId()) const;
     * Set album in use.
     * @param albumId, Album to set in use.
     * @return None.
    void setAlbumInUse(const TMPXItemId &albumId);
     * returns album id currently in use
     * @return TMPXItemId
    const TMPXItemId& albumInUse() const;
     * removes provided items from provided album id and calls
     * collectionclient to update mds as well.
     * @param albumId album from where to remove
     * @param items items to remove
     * @return count of items removed or -1 if failed 
    int removeItemsFromAlbum(const TMPXItemId &albumId, const QList<TMPXItemId> &items);    
public: // from QAbstractItemModel
     * Returns video item count to the proxy cache
     * @param parent, parent's index, not used
     * @return int count of items
    int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const;

     * Returns video item data from index pointed by
     * given QModelIndex's row index:
     * - video name
     * - video detail row
     * - video thumbnail 
     * If fetch more is setted for given index tries to append
     * additional details into map as well. 
     * @param index, index of the item data is requested
     * @return QMap<int, QVariant> item data
    QMap<int, QVariant> itemData(const QModelIndex &index) const;
     * data
    QVariant data(const QModelIndex & index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
     * columnCount
    int columnCount(const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const;
     * index
    QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const;
     * Parent
    QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex & index) const;

    * This signal is connected to video list's details ready
    * -signal indicating that video details data is fetched
    * and provides a QMap of the details'.
    void fullVideoDetailsReady(QVariant &);
    * This signal is connected to proxy models short details ready
    * -signal indicating that video details data fetching started ok
    * @param id of the video item
    void shortDetailsReady(TMPXItemId id);
     * Signals that the model is ready, ie. loaded all data from
     * myvideocollection.
    void modelReady();
     * Signals that all albums have been loaded from myvideoscollection.
    void albumListReady();

     * Signal to be emitted when something has happened in the 
     * model's data container
    void modelChanged();
     * Signals that album content has been updated.
    void albumChanged();
private slots:
     * signaled by the deleteworker in case some delete startup fails
     * @param ids list of ids whose deletion fails 
    void deleteStartingFailsSlot(QList<TMPXItemId>& ids);
     * Method connects signals used for delete worker
    void connectSignals();
     * method disconnects signals
    void disconnectSignals();
     * Generates a detail row string for the video item
     * at the given index. 
     * In case item is not found in the provided index, empty
     * string is returned.
     * @param index, index of the item data is requested
     * @return QString detail string
    QString prepareDetailRow(int &index) const; 

     * Formats a detail row string for the video item
     * at the given index. 
     * In case item is not found in the provided index, empty
     * string is returned.
     * @param index, index of the item data is requested
     * @param duration, duration of the video
     * @return QString detail string
    QString doDetailRow(int &index) const;

     * Generates a video count string for category or album at given index.
     * In case item is not found in the provided index, empty
     * string is returned.
     * @param index, index of the item data is requested
     * @param index, item id of the item data is requested  
     * @return QString video count string
    QString prepareVideoCountString(int &index) const;
     * Generates a video size string from video item at given index
     * In case item is not found in the provided index, empty
     * string is returned.
     * @param index, index of the item data is requested
     * @return QString size string
    QString prepareSizeString(int &index) const;
     * Called when there are status changes in some async operation
     * @param statusCode status of operation
     * @data data from operation
    void reportAsyncStatus(int statusCode, QVariant &additional);

     * Private implementation Contains the actual video data and
     * video array. Own.
    VideoListDataModelPrivate* const d_ptr;
     * Pointer to collection client. Used to send commands to collection.
     * Owned.
    VideoCollectionClient *mCollectionClient;
     * object for handling item deletion conveniently in small blocks.
     * Own
    VideoDeleteWorker *mDeleteWorker;
     * initialized flag
    bool mInitialized;

// End of file