* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Class for handling mpx collection interactions*
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include "CIptvUtil.h"
#include <mpxcollectionobserver.h>
#include "vcxnsdownloadupdater.h"
class CVcxNsUiEngine;
class CVcxNsService;
class CVcxNsContent;
class MMPXCollectionUtility;
class CMPXMedia;
* Class CVcxNsMpxCollectionClientHandler handles mpx collection client interactions.
* @lib vcxnsuiengine.lib
class CVcxNsMpxCollectionClientHandler : public CBase,
public MMPXCollectionObserver,
public MVcxNsDownloadUpdaterObserver
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aUiEngine Reference to CVcxNsUiEngine.
static CVcxNsMpxCollectionClientHandler* NewL( CVcxNsUiEngine& aUiEngine );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CVcxNsMpxCollectionClientHandler();
* Starts download of given item.
* @param aService Service data for downloaded iten
* @param aContent Content data for downloaded item
* @return System-wide error code
TInt DownloadL( CVcxNsService& aService, CVcxNsContent& aContent );
* Pauses download of given item.
* @param aContent Content data for downloaded item
* @return System-wide error code
TInt PauseDownloadL( CVcxNsContent& aContent );
* Resume download of given item.
* @param aContent Content data for downloaded item
* @return System-wide error code
TInt ResumeDownloadL( CVcxNsContent& aContent );
* Cancels download of given item.
* @param aContent Content data for downloaded item
* @return System-wide error code
TInt CancelDownloadL( CVcxNsContent& aContent );
* Get mpx data from collection to resolve ongoing or completed downloads.
void LoadMpxMediaObjectsL();
* Fetch single mpx object from collection.
void LoadMpxMediaObjectL( TUint32 aMpxId );
* Store the mpx id to content database.
* @param aContentId Target content id
* @param aCaIndex Target content index
* @param aMpxId Mpx media id
void StoreMpxIdToEcgDbL( TUint32 aContentId, TUint32 aCaIndex, TUint32 aMpxId );
* Get the mpx media object by id.
* @param aMpxIds
void GetMediaByMpxIdReqL( RArray<TUint32>& aMpxIds );
* Append the given content to download list.
* @param aContent Content
void AppendToDownloadList( CVcxNsContent* aContent );
* Remove the given content from download list.
* @param aContent Content
void RemoveFromDownloadList( CVcxNsContent* aContent );
* Reset whole download list.
* @param aResetCmdsFromContentItems If ETrue, resets commands
* from content items.
void ResetDownloadList( TBool aResetCmdsFromContentItems );
* Find a comntent by url from download list.
* @param aUri
* @return Found content item or NULL
CVcxNsContent* SearchFromDownloadList( const TDesC& aUri );
* Find a content by mpx id from download list.
* @param aMpxId
* @return Found content item or NULL
CVcxNsContent* SearchFromDownloadList( const TUint32 aMpxId );
* MarkVideoAsWatchedL
* @param aMpxId
void MarkVideoAsWatchedL( const TUint32 aMpxId );
* SetlastPlayPosL
* @param aMpxId Media id
* @param aPos Play position
void SetlastPlayPosL( const TUint32 aMpxId, TInt32 aPos );
* Gets media object details from collection SYNC
* @param aMpxId MPX Media ID, which to fetch.
void GetMediaDetailsSyncL( TUint32 aMpxId );
// From Base classes
* From MMPXCollectionObserver->MMPXCollectionMediaObserver
* Handle extended media properties
* @param aMedia media
* @param aError error code
void HandleCollectionMediaL( const CMPXMedia& aMedia, TInt aError );
* From MMPXCollectionUtilityObserver.
* Handle collection message
* NOTE: only one of HandleCollectionMessage callback can be implemented
* @param aMsg collection message, ownership not transferred.
* Please check aMsg is not NULL before using it. If aErr is not
* KErrNone, plugin might still call back with more info in the aMsg.
* @param aErr system error code.
void HandleCollectionMessage( CMPXMessage* aMsg, TInt aErr );
* From MMPXCollectionUtilityObserver.
* Handles the collection entries being opened. Typically called
* when client has Open()'d a folder
* @param aEntries collection entries opened
* @param aIndex focused entry
* @param aComplete ETrue no more entries. EFalse more entries
* expected
* @param aError error code
void HandleOpenL( const CMPXMedia& aEntries,
TInt aIndex, TBool aComplete, TInt aError );
* From MMPXCollectionUtilityObserver.
* Handles the item being opened. Typically called
* when client has Open()'d an item. Client typically responds by
* 'playing' the item via the playlist
* @param aPlaylist collection playlist
* @param aError error code
void HandleOpenL( const CMPXCollectionPlaylist& aPlaylist, TInt aError );
* From MMPXCollectionUtilityObserver.
* Handle completion of a asynchronous command
* All clients should implement this callback
* @param aCommandResult result of the command, NULL if error
* @param aError error code
void HandleCommandComplete( CMPXCommand* aCommandResult, TInt aError );
* From MVcxNsDownloadUpdaterObserver
* Notify, that the object with given mpx id has
* changed, and needs to be refreshed.
void UpdateVideoObject( TUint32 aMpxId );
* From MVcxNsDownloadUpdaterObserver
* Notifies that resume has started from beginning.
* @param aMpxId MPX Media Id of the video object.
void ResumeStartedFromBeginningL( TUint32 aMpxId );
* Searches given array and marks the item identified by
* iMarkAsWatchedId as watched.
* @param aArray media object array to be processed.
void SearchAndMarkItemAsWatchedL( CMPXMediaArray* aArray );
* Marks the given media as watched.
* @param aMedia media object to be marked as watched.
void MarkItemAsWatchedL( CMPXMedia* aMedia );
* Starts to play the given mpx media
* @param aMpxId Mpx Id
void PlayVideoL( TUint32 aMpxId );
* Starts download of given item.
* @param aAddress Downloaded content's address
* @param aName Downloaded content's name
* @param aIapId Download iap id
* @param aIsReadOnlyIap Is the given iap readonly
* @param aUserName Downloaded content's username
* @param aPassword Downloaded content's password
* @param aTransactionId Download request transaction id
* @return System-wide error code
TInt DownloadL( const TDesC& aAddress,
const TDesC& aName,
TUint32 aIapId,
TBool aIsReadOnlyIap,
const TDesC& aUserName,
const TDesC& aPassword,
TUint32& aTransactionId );
* Links the mpx media objects to contents.
* @param aArray Mpx media array containing the data.
void LinkMediaObjectsL( CMPXMediaArray* aArray );
* Sets the mpx media object to downloaded content
* item and refreshes the content view, if visible.
* @param aMedia Mpx media containing the data.
void SearchAndAddMpxMediaL( CMPXMedia* aMedia );
* Calls HandleSingleCollectionMessageL() for every message.
* @param aMessage collection message, ownership not transferred.
* Please check aMsg is not NULL before using it. If aErr is not
* KErrNone, plugin might still call back with more info in the aMsg.
* @param aErr system error code.
void ExplodeCollectionMessagesL( CMPXMessage* aMsg, TInt aErr );
* Handles one sinlgle message
* @param aMessage collection message, ownership not transferred.
* Please check aMsg is not NULL before using it. If aErr is not
* KErrNone, plugin might still call back with more info in the aMsg.
* @param aErr system error code.
void HandleSingleCollectionMessageL( CMPXMessage* aMsg, TInt aErr );
* HandleSingleCollectionMessage's implementation.
* Handle collection message
* NOTE: only one of HandleCollectionMessage callback can be implemented
* @param aMessage collection message, ownership not transferred.
* Please check aMsg is not NULL before using it. If aErr is not
* KErrNone, plugin might still call back with more info in the aMsg.
* @param aErr system error code.
void DoHandleSingleCollectionMessageL( CMPXMessage* aMsg, TInt aErr );
* Handle mpx item changed -collection message
* @param aMessage collection message, ownership not transferred.
* Please check aMsg is not NULL before using it. If aErr is not
* KErrNone, plugin might still call back with more info in the aMsg.
* @param aErr system error code.
void HandleMpxItemChangedL( CMPXMessage* aMsg, TInt aErr );
* Copy ecg data to mpx database
* @param aContent Source content, where copy values from.
* @param aMpxId Target media object id.
void CopyEcgDataToMpxColL( CVcxNsContent *aContent, TUint32 aMpxId );
* Notify to ui client that a download has
* failed and error note needs to be shown.
* @param aMedia media object, which download has failed.
* @param aContent Details of the video content which download failed.
void NotifyDownloadErrorL( CMPXMedia* aMedia, CVcxNsContent& aContent );
* Get VC error code out of S60 dmgr error codes.
* @param aMedia media object, which error code to get.
* @return VideoCenter specific error code.
TIptvDlError GetDownloadErrorL( CMPXMedia* aMedia );
* Writes given media attribute to mpx collection
* @param aAttribute Attribute
* @param aValue Value
* @param aMpxId Mpx item id to write
void WriteAttrToColL( TMPXAttributeData aAttribute,
TInt32 aValue,
TUint32 aMpxId );
* Writes given media attribute to mpx collection
* @param aAttribute Attribute
* @param aValue Value
* @param aMpxId Mpx item id to write
void WriteAttrToColL( TMPXAttributeData aAttribute,
TReal32 aValue,
TUint32 aMpxId );
* Writes changed media object attribute data to collection
* @param aMsg Media object containing changes, which to commit.
void WriteMsgToColL( CMPXMedia* aMsg );
* Gets media object details from collection
* @param aMpxId MPX Media ID, which to fetch.
void GetMediaDetailsL( TUint32 aMpxId );
* Constructor.
* @param aUiEngine Reference to CVcxNsUiEngine.
CVcxNsMpxCollectionClientHandler( CVcxNsUiEngine& aUiEngine );
void ConstructL();
* Deletes download from Ui Engine. Called when item deleted event arrives from collection,
* or when download cancel command completes (HandleCommandComplete).
* @param itemId Item to delete.
void DeleteDownload( TMPXItemId itemId );
* Reference to CVcxNsUiEngine.
* Not own.
CVcxNsUiEngine& iUiEngine;
* MMPXCollectionUtility*
MMPXCollectionUtility* iCollectionUtility;
* Id of most recent command sent to mpx collection.
* Incremented after each cmd to keep 'em unique.
TUint32 iLatestTransactionId;
* The currently / previously downloaded contents.
RPointerArray<CVcxNsContent> iDownloadedContents;
* CVcxNsDownloadUpdater.
* Own.
CVcxNsDownloadUpdater* iDownloadUpdater;
* Write pending play pos.
TInt32 iWritePendingPlayPos;
* Downloading has been resumed for these MPX IDs. Needed for showing
* note "Resuming download not possible, download starts from beginning".
RArray<TUint32> iResumeArray;
* Last fetched mpx media objects
RPointerArray<CMPXMedia> iLastFetchedMedias;
* Wait for the async media fetch
CActiveSchedulerWait* iGetMediaDetailWait;
* Id for the media that needs to be marked as watched.
TInt64 iMarkAsWatchedId;