changeset 29 c9ec3f2fcd87
parent 28 e26add186222
child 33 f504698d93b6
child 41 f65a18712d2e
equal deleted inserted replaced
23:c378a0498b84 29:c9ec3f2fcd87
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Video Source subsystem.
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include <imageconversion.h>
    21 #include <cvtimageconverter.h>
    22 #include <rphcltserver.h>
    23 #include <cphcltimagehandler.h>
    24 #include <bautils.h>
    26 #include "cmultiframeprovider.h"
    27 #include "cmultiframeloopao.h"
    28 #include "cmultiframedataao.h"
    30 #include "CVSStillImageDataProvider.h"
    31 #include "cvtimagebitmap.h"
    33 static const TInt KQcifWidth = 176;
    34 static const TInt KQcifHeight = 144;
    36 // Default bitmap size is VGA
    37 static const TInt KDefaultBitmapSizeWidth = 640;
    38 static const TInt KDefaultBitmapSizeHeight = 480;
    40 // MACROS
    42 #ifdef _DEBUG
    43 #    define __IF_DEBUG(t) {RDebug::t;}
    44 #else
    45 #    define __IF_DEBUG(t)
    46 #endif
    48 // ============================ TScalingMediator ===============================
    50 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    51 // TScalingMediator::TScalingMediator( )
    52 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    53 //
    54 TScalingMediator::TScalingMediator()
    55     {
    56     }
    58 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    59 // TScalingMediator::ScalingFinished( )
    60 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 //
    62 void TScalingMediator::ScalingFinished( TInt aError )
    63 		{
    64 		__IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("TScalingMediator::ScalingFinished() >>")));
    65     iWait->Signal( aError );
    66    	__IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("TScalingMediator::ScalingFinished() error %d <<"), aError));
    67 		}
    68 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    69 // TScalingMediator::ScalingFinished( )
    70 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    71 //
    72 void TScalingMediator::SetWaiter( CVSActiveWait< CMultiframeProvider >* aWait )
    73 			{
    74 			iWait = aWait;
    75 			}
    77 // ============================ CMultiframeProvider ===============================
    79 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    80 // CMultiframeProvider::NewL( )
    81 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    82 //
    83 CMultiframeProvider* CMultiframeProvider::NewL( MMultiframeprovider* aObserver, TDisplayMode aDisplayMode )
    84     {
    85     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource: [%d] CMultiframeProvider::NewL() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
    86     CMultiframeProvider* self =
    87     new (ELeave) CMultiframeProvider( aObserver, aDisplayMode );
    88     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    89     self->ConstructL();
    90     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    91     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource: [%d] CMultiframeProvider::NewL() <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
    92     return self;
    93     }
    94 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    95 // CMultiframeProvider::CMultiframeProvider(
    96 //  MVSDataProviderObserver* aObserver )
    97 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    98 //
    99 CMultiframeProvider::CMultiframeProvider(
   100     MMultiframeprovider* aObserver , TDisplayMode aDisplayMode ): iDisplayMode( aDisplayMode ), iObserver( aObserver ), iBlank( EFalse ), iGSImage( EFalse )
   101     {
   102     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::CMultiframeProvider() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   103     //Set target VF size QCIF as default
   104     iTargetSize.SetSize( KQcifWidth , KQcifHeight );
   105     iVFSize.SetSize( KQcifWidth , KQcifHeight );
   106     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::CMultiframeProvider() <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   107     }
   108 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   109 // CMultiframeProvider::~CMultiframeProvider()
   110 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   111 //
   112 CMultiframeProvider::~CMultiframeProvider()
   113     {
   114     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::~CMultiframeProvider() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   115     iFs.Close();
   116     iFreezeCS.Close();
   117     delete iImageDecoder; iImageDecoder = 0;
   118     delete iVtImageScalerInit;
   119     delete iVtImageScalerScale;
   120     delete iActiveWaitInit;
   121     delete iActiveWaitScale;
   122     delete iActiveWaitInitScale;
   123     delete iConverted;
   124     delete iMask;
   125     delete iTempBM;
   126     delete iDataTimer;
   127     delete iLoopAo;
   128     if ( iScaled != iBuffer1 && iScaled != iBuffer2 )
   129         {
   130     	  delete iScaled;
   131         }
   132     delete iGSBitmap;
   133     if ( !iBlank || !iGSImage )
   134     	  {
   135     	  delete iBuffer1;
   136 		    delete iBuffer2;
   137     	  }
   138     delete iFirstVfBuf;
   139     delete iSecondVfBuf;
   140     iFreeQueue.Close();
   141     iDefaultImageFile.Close();
   142     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::~CMultiframeProvider() <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   143     }
   145 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   146 // CMultiframeProvider::ConstructL()
   147 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   148 //
   149 void CMultiframeProvider::ConstructL()
   150     {
   151     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ConstructL() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   152     User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() );
   153     User::LeaveIfError( iFreezeCS.CreateLocal() );
   155     // Create waiters and mediators for scaling purposes
   156     iActiveWaitInit = new (ELeave) CVSActiveWait< CMultiframeProvider >( this );
   157     iActiveWaitScale = new (ELeave) CVSActiveWait< CMultiframeProvider >( this );
   158     iActiveWaitInitScale = new (ELeave) CVSActiveWait< CMultiframeProvider >( this );
   159     iInitMediator.SetWaiter( iActiveWaitInitScale );
   160     iScalingMediator.SetWaiter( iActiveWaitScale );
   161     iVtImageScalerInit = CVtImageScaler::NewL( iInitMediator, CVtImageScaler::EBilinear );
   162     iVtImageScalerScale = CVtImageScaler::NewL( iScalingMediator, CVtImageScaler::EBilinear );
   163 		iDataTimer = new (ELeave) CMultiframeDataAO( this );
   164 		iDataTimer->SetObserver( iObserver );
   165     iLoopAo = new (ELeave) CMultiframeloopAO( this );
   166     iFirstVfBuf = CVtImageBitmap::NewL( TSize( KQcifWidth >> 2, KQcifHeight >> 2 ), iDisplayMode );
   167     iSecondVfBuf = CVtImageBitmap::NewL( TSize( KQcifWidth >> 2, KQcifHeight >> 2 ), iDisplayMode );
   168     iSecondVFBuffer = EFalse;
   169     iFirstVFBuffer = ETrue;
   170     iIsVfStopped = EFalse;
   171     iWaitForConverting = EFalse;
   172     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ConstructL() <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   173     }
   175 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   176 // CMultiframeProvider::IniatializeGSL()
   177 //
   178 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   179 //
   180 void CMultiframeProvider::IniatializeGSL( const TGeneralSettingsImageType aType )
   181     {
   182     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::IniatializeGSL() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   183 	  if ( aType == EGSStillImage )
   184         {
   185         // Open connection to phone server
   186         RPhCltServer phoneClient;
   187         User::LeaveIfError( phoneClient.Connect() );
   188         CleanupClosePushL( phoneClient );
   190     	  CPhCltImageHandler* stillH = CPhCltImageHandler::NewL();
   191         CleanupStack::PushL( stillH );
   193     	  // Load images
   194     	  CPhCltImageParams* imageParams;
   195         imageParams = stillH->CPhCltBaseImageParamsL( EPhCltTypeVTStill );
   196         CleanupStack::PushL( imageParams );
   197         User::LeaveIfError( stillH->LoadImages( imageParams ) );
   199         // Duplicate to image
   200     	  if( imageParams->Count() > 0 )
   201            {
   202            __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("iImageCount > 0")));
   203            iGSBitmap = CVtImageBitmap::NewL( imageParams->GetImageL( 0 ) );
   204            }
   205         else
   206            {
   207            __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("iImageCount <= 0 -> User::Leave( KErrNotFound )")));
   208            User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
   209            }
   210         // Cleanup
   211     	  CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // phoneClient, stillH, imageParams
   212     	  iScaled = CVtImageBitmap::NewL( TSize( KQcifWidth, KQcifHeight ), iDisplayMode );
   214         // If bitmap has different display mode than screen, then new bitmap
   215         // is created and image is converted to screen's display mode
   216         if ( iGSBitmap->Bitmap().DisplayMode() != iDisplayMode || 
   217                 iGSBitmap->Bitmap().ExtendedBitmapType() != KNullUid )
   218             {
   219             CVtImageBitmap* temp = CVtImageBitmap::NewL(
   220                 iGSBitmap->Bitmap().SizeInPixels(), iDisplayMode );
   221             CleanupStack::PushL( temp );
   222             // Color conversion is done by blitting it to other bitmap
   223             CFbsBitmapDevice* fbd = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( &temp->Bitmap() );
   224             CleanupStack::PushL( fbd );
   225             CFbsBitGc* fgc = NULL;
   226             User::LeaveIfError( fbd->CreateContext( fgc ) );
   227             CleanupStack::PushL( fgc );
   228             fgc->BitBlt( TPoint(), &iGSBitmap->Bitmap() );
   229             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // fbd, fgc
   230             CleanupStack::Pop(); // temp
   231             delete iGSBitmap; iGSBitmap = NULL;
   232             iGSBitmap = temp;
   233             }
   234         iGSImage = ETrue;
   235         iCount = 1;     
   236 		    iActiveWaitInit->InitializeWaiter( &CMultiframeProvider::ConversionFinished );
   237         iActiveWaitInit->Signal( KErrNone );
   238         }
   239     else
   240         { // default still image prepared by using file handle
   241         InitializeL( NULL );
   242         }
   243     iInitialization = ETrue;
   244     iDelay = 0;    
   245     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::IniatializeGSL() <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   246 	}
   247 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   248 // CMultiframeProvider::IniatializeBlank()
   249 //
   250 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   251 //
   252 void CMultiframeProvider::IniatializeBlankL()
   253     {
   254     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::IniatializeBlank() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   255     iBlank = ETrue;
   256     iInitialization = ETrue;
   257     iDelay = 0;
   258     iCount = 1;
   260     CFbsBitmap* tempBitmap = 0;
   262     CreateBlankBitmapL(
   263         tempBitmap,
   264         TSize( KQcifWidth, KQcifHeight ),
   265         iDisplayMode,
   266 #ifdef _DEBUG
   267         KRgbYellow
   268 #else
   269         KRgbBlack
   270 #endif
   271         );
   273     CleanupStack::PushL( tempBitmap );
   274     iScaled = CVtImageBitmap::NewL( tempBitmap->Handle() );
   275     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // tempBitmap
   276     tempBitmap = 0;
   278     iActiveWaitInit->InitializeWaiter( &CMultiframeProvider::BMSScalingFinished );
   279     iActiveWaitInit->Signal( KErrNone );
   280     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::IniatializeBlank() <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   281     }
   282  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   283 // CVSStillImageDataProvider::CreateBlankBitmapL(
   284 //  CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap, const TSize& aSize, const TDisplayMode& aMode,
   285 //  const TRgb& aColor )
   286 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   287 //
   288 void CMultiframeProvider::CreateBlankBitmapL(
   289     CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap,
   290     const TSize& aSize,
   291     const TDisplayMode& aMode,
   292     const TRgb& aColor )
   293     {
   294     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::CreateBlankBitmapL() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   295     if( aBitmap )
   296        {
   297        delete aBitmap;
   298        aBitmap = 0;
   299        }
   300     aBitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
   301     User::LeaveIfError( aBitmap->Create( aSize, aMode ) );
   302     CFbsBitmapDevice* fbd = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( aBitmap );
   303     CleanupStack::PushL( fbd );
   304     CFbsBitGc* fgc = 0;
   305     User::LeaveIfError( fbd->CreateContext( fgc ) );
   306     CleanupStack::PushL( fgc );
   308     fgc->SetPenColor( aColor );
   309     fgc->SetBrushColor( aColor );
   310     fgc->SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
   311     fgc->DrawRect( TRect( aSize ) );
   313     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // fbd, fgc
   314     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::CreateBlankBitmapL() <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   315     }
   316 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   317 // CMultiframeProvider::Iniatialize()
   318 //
   319 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   320 //
   321 void CMultiframeProvider::InitializeL( const TFileName* aFileName )
   322     {
   323     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::InitializeL() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   324 		// Create bitmaps used for conversion and scaling  
   325 		iBuffer1 = CVtImageBitmap::NewL( TSize( KQcifWidth, KQcifHeight ), iDisplayMode );
   326 		iBuffer2 = CVtImageBitmap::NewL( TSize( KQcifWidth, KQcifHeight ), iDisplayMode );
   327     User::LeaveIfError( iFreeQueue.Append( iBuffer1 ) );
   328 		User::LeaveIfError( iFreeQueue.Append( iBuffer2 ) );
   329 		iLoopAo->SetFreeBitmaps( 2 );
   331 		// Create ICL decoder in its own thread for current file  
   332 		TInt decodingoptions( 
   333 		CImageDecoder::TOptions( CImageDecoder::EOptionAlwaysThread | CImageDecoder::EAllowGeneratedMask ) );	
   335     if ( aFileName )
   336     		{
   337     		__IF_DEBUG(Print(_L(" file name exist, creating CImageDecoder")));
   338     		iImageDecoder = CImageDecoder::FileNewL( iFs, *aFileName, (CImageDecoder::TOptions )decodingoptions /*CImageDecoder::EOptionNone*/ );
   339     	  }
   340     else
   341         {
   342         __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L(" default vt image file => use phone server")));
   343         // default VT image file handle obtained from phone server
   344         RPhCltServer phoneClient;
   345         User::LeaveIfError( phoneClient.Connect() );
   346         __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("  connected to phone server")));
   347         CleanupClosePushL( phoneClient );
   348         CPhCltImageHandler* handler = CPhCltImageHandler::NewL();
   349         CleanupStack::PushL( handler );                          
   350         __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L(" created image handler")));
   351         User::LeaveIfError( handler->OpenDefaultVtImage( iDefaultImageFile ) );
   352         decodingoptions &= ~CImageDecoder::EOptionAlwaysThread;
   353         __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L(" creating image decoder")));
   354         iImageDecoder = CImageDecoder::FileNewL( iDefaultImageFile, ContentAccess::EPlay, (CImageDecoder::TOptions )decodingoptions );
   355         __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L(" created image decoder")));
   356         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // handler, phoneClient
   357         }
   358     // Use ICL to calculate frame count 
   359 		iCount = iImageDecoder->FrameCount();
   360 		__IF_DEBUG(Print(_L(" frame count=%d"),iCount));
   361 		//If advanced flags are on show only first frame!
   362 		for ( TInt index = 0; index < iCount; ++index )
   363     		 {
   364     		 TFrameInfo frameInfo( iImageDecoder->FrameInfo( index ) );
   365     		 __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::InitializeL() frameInfo.iFlags %b >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint(), frameInfo.iFlags));
   366     		 if ( frameInfo.iFlags & TFrameInfo::ELeaveInPlace )
   367     		     {
   368     			   iDelay = 0;
   369     		     iCount = 1;	
   370     			   }
   371     		 }        	
   372 		//Set num of frames to viewer AO
   373 		iLoopAo->SetFrameCount( iCount );
   374 		//For default loopping frame sequence is disabled
   375 		iAnimation = EFalse;
   376 		iInitialization = ETrue;
   377 		//Start ICL image conversion (decoding) and local scaling 
   378 		ConvertAndScaleL( KFirstFrameIndx );	
   379     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::InitializeL() <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   380     }
   382 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   383 // CMultiframeProvider::SetVFScalingTargetSize()
   384 //
   385 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   386 //
   387 void CMultiframeProvider::SetVFScalingTargetSize( TSize aSize )
   388 	  {
   389 	  __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::SetVFScalingTargetSize() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   390   	iTargetSize = aSize;
   391 	  __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::SetVFScalingTargetSize() W %d H %d <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint(), aSize.iWidth , aSize.iHeight ));
   392   	}
   394 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   395 // CMultiframeProvider::ConvertAndScaleL()
   396 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   397 //
   398 void CMultiframeProvider::ConvertAndScaleL( TInt aFrameIndex )
   399 	  {
   400 	  // Variables related to Bitmap size
   401 	  // calculation
   402 	  __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ConvertAndScale()  aFrameIndex %d>>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint(),aFrameIndex));
   403 	  TSize convertedBitmapSize;
   404 	  TFrameInfo frameInfo( iImageDecoder->FrameInfo( aFrameIndex ) );
   405 	  if ( !iInitialization )
   406 		    {
   407 			  TInt delayindex;
   408 			  delayindex = aFrameIndex - 1;
   409 			  if ( delayindex <  KFirstFrameIndx )
   410 					  {
   411 						delayindex = ( iCount - 1 );
   412 					  }
   413 			  TFrameInfo delayframeInfo( iImageDecoder->FrameInfo( delayindex ) );
   414 			  iDelay = delayframeInfo.iDelay;
   415 		    }
   416 	  else
   417 		    {
   418 		    iDelay = 1;
   419 		    }
   420 	  __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ConvertAndScale()  iDelay %d>>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint(),iDelay.Int64() ));
   421 #ifdef _DEBUG
   422     TUint threadId( RThread().Id() );
   423     switch ( frameInfo.iFrameDisplayMode )
   424         {
   425         case EColor4K:
   426             RDebug::Print( _L( "VideoSource [%d]: FrameDPmode = EColor4K" ),
   427             	threadId );
   428             break;
   429         case EColor64K:
   430             RDebug::Print( _L( "VideoSource [%d]: FrameDPmode = EColor64K" ),
   431             	threadId );
   432             break;
   433         case EColor16M:
   434           	  RDebug::Print( _L( "VideoSource [%d]: FrameDPmode = EColor16M" ),
   435             	threadId );
   436             break;
   437         case EColor16MU:
   438           	  RDebug::Print( _L( "VideoSource [%d]: FrameDPmode = EColor16MU" ),
   439             	threadId );
   440            	 break;
   441         default:
   442            	 RDebug::Print( _L( "VideoSource [%d]: FrameDPmode = %d" ),
   443             	threadId, frameInfo.iFrameDisplayMode );
   444            	 break;
   445         }
   447     RDebug::Print( _L( "VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider:: frameInfo.iFlags %d" ),
   448         threadId,frameInfo.iFlags );
   449 #endif // _DEBUG
   451  	  // Use imagedecoder to calculate how many times source picture needs to be divided by 2
   452  	  // to fit in default (VGA) picture
   453 	  TInt reductionfactor = iImageDecoder->ReductionFactor( frameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels,
   454 		    TSize( KDefaultBitmapSizeWidth, KDefaultBitmapSizeHeight ) );
   455  	  if ( iImageDecoder->ReducedSize( frameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels, reductionfactor, convertedBitmapSize ) )
   456     	  {
   457     	  convertedBitmapSize = frameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels;
   458     	  }
   460 #ifdef _DEBUG
   461 	   RDebug::Print( _L( "VideoSource [%d]: convertedBitmapSize Width = %d convertedBitmapSize Height = %d" ),
   462 		    threadId, convertedBitmapSize.iWidth, convertedBitmapSize.iHeight );
   463 #endif // _DEBUG
   464 	  __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ConvertAndScale() iConverted"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   465 	      iConverted = CVtImageBitmap::NewL( convertedBitmapSize, iDisplayMode );
   466 	  __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ConvertAndScale() iConverted"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   467 #ifdef _DEBUG
   468 	  RDebug::Print( _L( "VideoSource [%d]: convBitmap Width = %d convBitmap Height = %d" ),
   469 		    threadId, iConverted->Size().iWidth, iConverted->Size().iHeight );
   470 #endif // _DEBUG
   472 	  iStartTime.HomeTime();
   473 	  if ( iFreeQueue.Count() < 2 )
   474        	{
   475        	__IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ConvertAndScale() iFreeQueue.Count() < 2 "), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   476        	iOldBM = ETrue;
   477        	iOldBitmap = iScaled;
   478        	}
   479     iScaled	= iFreeQueue[ 0 ];
   480 	  iFreeQueue.Remove( 0 );
   481 	  iLoopAo->RemoveFreeBitmaps( 1 );
   482 	  iActiveWaitInit->InitializeWaiter( &CMultiframeProvider::ConversionFinished );
   483 	  // Check if masking is supported
   484 	  if ( frameInfo.iFlags & TFrameInfo::ETransparencyPossible )
   485 		    {
   486 		    // Create mask for bitmap
   487 		    iMask = new ( ELeave )CFbsBitmap();
   488 		    User::LeaveIfError( iMask->Create( convertedBitmapSize, EGray256 ));
   489 		    iTempBM = CVtImageBitmap::NewL( convertedBitmapSize, iDisplayMode );
   490 		    iImageDecoder->Convert( iActiveWaitInit->RequestStatus(), iTempBM->Bitmap(), *iMask, aFrameIndex );
   491 		    }
   492 	  // No mask
   493 	  else
   494 		    {
   495 		    iImageDecoder->Convert( iActiveWaitInit->RequestStatus(), iConverted->Bitmap(), aFrameIndex );
   496 		    }
   497 	  __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ConvertAndScale() <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   498 	}
   500 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   501 // CMultiframeProvider::ConversionFinished( TInt aError )
   502 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   503 //
   504 void CMultiframeProvider::ConversionFinished( TInt aError )
   505     {
   506     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ConversionFinished() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   507     if ( iCount == 1 || aError )
   508         {
   509         // delete decoder if not needed any more 
   510         // 1) single frame image, no further frames to convert
   511         // 2) error occured, decoder won't be used anyway
   512         __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L(" single frame image => destruct iImageDecoder, err %d"), aError ) );
   513         delete iImageDecoder;
   514         iImageDecoder = NULL;
   515         }
   516     // no harm done if other than this used, handle would already be 0
   517     iDefaultImageFile.Close(); 
   518     if ( aError == KErrNone )
   519         {
   520 				iActiveWaitInitScale->InitializeWaiter( &CMultiframeProvider::BMSScalingFinished );
   521       	if ( iGSImage )
   522        			{
   523        			__IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ConversionFinished() scale GS "), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   524        			iVtImageScalerInit->Scale( *iGSBitmap, *iScaled );
   525       			}
   526       	else
   527       			{
   528        			__IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ConversionFinished() scale "), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   529        			// Blit mask into a converted bitmap
   530        			if ( iMask )
   531        					{
   532        					CGraphicsContext* bitmapcontext = NULL;
   533        					CFbsBitmapDevice* bitmapdevice = NULL;
   534        					// Create bm device
   535        					TRAPD( error, bitmapdevice = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( &( iConverted->Bitmap() ) ) );
   536        					if ( error != KErrNone )
   537        							{
   538        							iObserver->NotifyImageHandlingError( aError );
   539        							delete bitmapdevice;
   540        							delete iTempBM;
   541        							delete iMask;
   542        							iMask = NULL;
   543        							iTempBM = NULL;
   544        							return;
   545        							}
   546        					// Create GC for bm
   547        					error = bitmapdevice->CreateContext( bitmapcontext );
   548        					if ( error != KErrNone )
   549        							{
   550        							iObserver->NotifyImageHandlingError( aError );
   551        							delete bitmapdevice;
   552        							delete bitmapcontext;
   553        							delete iTempBM;
   554        							delete iMask;
   555        							iMask = NULL;
   556        							iTempBM = NULL;
   557        							return;
   558        							}
   559        					// Fill destination bitmap with white color
   560        					TRect rect( iConverted->Size() );
   561        					bitmapcontext->SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext:: ESolidBrush );
   562        					bitmapcontext->SetPenStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen );
   563        					bitmapcontext->SetBrushColor( KRgbWhite );
   564        					bitmapcontext->SetPenColor( KRgbWhite);
   565        					bitmapcontext->DrawRect( rect );
   567        					// Draw mask and data bitmap into a same destination bm
   568        					bitmapcontext->DrawBitmapMasked( iConverted->Size(), &( iTempBM->Bitmap() ), iConverted->Size(), iMask, EFalse );
   569        					delete bitmapdevice;
   570        					delete bitmapcontext;
   571        					delete iTempBM;
   572        					delete iMask;
   573        					iMask = NULL;
   574        					iTempBM = NULL;
   575        				 	__IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ConversionFinished() iMask"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   576        					}
   577        			iVtImageScalerInit->Scale( *iConverted, *iScaled );
   578       			}
   579         	}
   580     // Allways inform Decoding problems
   581     else
   582        	{
   583         iObserver->NotifyImageHandlingError( aError );
   584         delete iTempBM;
   585        	delete iMask;
   586        	iMask = NULL;
   587        	iTempBM = NULL;
   588         // GIF used when error happen
   589         if ( iCount > 1 )
   590             {
   591             iCount = 1;
   592             }
   593         }
   594     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ConversionFinished() error %d <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint(), aError));
   595     }
   597 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   598 // CMultiframeProvider::BMSScalingFinished( TInt aError )
   599 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   600 //
   601 void CMultiframeProvider::BMSScalingFinished( TInt aError )
   602     {
   603     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::BMSScalingFinished() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   604     if ( aError == KErrNone )
   605         {
   606         VFScalingReady();
   607         }
   608     else
   609         {
   610 #if 0
   611         if ( aError != KErrCancel ) // If KErrCancel, then ignore error!
   612             {
   613         	iObserver->NotifyImageHandlingError( aError );
   614         	}
   615         //Needs to be deleted also in cancel case
   616         delete iConverted; iConverted = NULL;
   617 #endif
   618         delete iConverted; iConverted = NULL;
   619         iObserver->NotifyImageHandlingError( aError );
   621         }
   622     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::BMSScalingFinished() err %d <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint(), aError));
   623     }
   625 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   626 // CMultiframeProvider::AddBitmapToFreeQueue( CVtImageBitmap* aBitmap )
   627 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   628 //
   629 void CMultiframeProvider::AddBitmapToFreeQueue()
   630     {
   631     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::AddBitmapToFreeQueue() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   632     if ( iOldBM )
   633     	  {
   634     	  __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::AddBitmapToFreeQueue() OLD BM"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   635     	  iOldBM = EFalse;
   636         User::LeaveIfError( iFreeQueue.Append( iOldBitmap ) );
   637     	  }
   638     else
   639     	  {
   640    	 	  User::LeaveIfError( iFreeQueue.Append( iScaled ) );
   641   		  }
   642     iLoopAo->SetFreeBitmaps( 1 );
   643     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::AddBitmapToFreeQueue() <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   644     }
   646 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   647 // CMultiframeProvider::UseSecondVfBuffer()
   648 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   649 //
   650 void CMultiframeProvider::UseSecondVfBuffer()
   651     {
   652     iSecondVFBuffer = ETrue;
   653     }
   655 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   656 // CMultiframeProvider::VFScalingReady()
   657 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   658 //
   659 void CMultiframeProvider::VFScalingReady()
   660     {
   661     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::VFScalingReady() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   662     delete iConverted; iConverted = 0;
   664     // Calculate frame update delay here!
   665     TTime refpointtime;
   666     refpointtime.HomeTime();
   667     TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds deltaTime = refpointtime.MicroSecondsFrom( iStartTime );
   668     iFrameUpdateTime = iDelay.Int64() - deltaTime.Int64();
   669     if ( iFrameUpdateTime < 0 )
   670     		{
   671     		iFrameUpdateTime = 1;
   672     		}
   673     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::VFScalingReady() iFrameUpdateTime %d>>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint(), iFrameUpdateTime.Int64()));
   674   	// Scale VF to fit in requested size
   675   	// size is as default QCIF
   676     if ( iIsVfStopped )
   677         {
   678         __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::VFScalingReady()VF Stop>>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   679         if ( iActiveWaitScale->IsActive() )
   680             {
   681             //ScaleCopy running
   682             //Waiting is OK
   683             __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::VFScalingReady()ScaleCopy running>>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   684             }
   685         else
   686             {
   687             //ScaleCopy is not running, Jump ScaleCopy
   688             __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::VFScalingReady()jump ScaleCopy>>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   689             iActiveWaitScale->InitializeWaiter( &CMultiframeProvider::VFRescalingFinished );
   690             iActiveWaitScale->Signal(KErrNone);
   691             }
   692         }
   693     else
   694         {
   695         __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::VFScalingReady()Normal run>>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   696         iVFUpdate = EFalse;
   697         ScaleCopy( iTargetSize );
   698         }
   699     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::VFScalingReady() <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   700     }
   702 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   703 // CMultiframeProvider::ScaleCopy( TSize& aSize )
   704 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   705 //
   706 void CMultiframeProvider::ScaleCopy( TSize& aSize,  TBool aVFUpdate  )
   707     {
   708     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ScaleCopy() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   710     iVFUpdate = aVFUpdate;
   711     iVFSize = aSize;
   712     if ( iSecondVFBuffer && !iFirstVFBuffer )
   713         {
   714         iVFbitmap = iSecondVfBuf;
   715         iSecondVFBuffer = EFalse;
   716         iFirstVFBuffer = ETrue;
   717         }
   718     else
   719         {
   720         iVFbitmap = iFirstVfBuf;
   721         iFirstVFBuffer = EFalse;
   722         }
   723     //If Scaling is ongoing
   724     if ( iActiveWaitScale->IsActive() )
   725         {
   726         __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ScaleCopy(): active, storing size"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   727         iWantedVFSize = aSize;
   728         }
   729     else
   730         {
   731         __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ScaleCopy(): scaling NOW"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   732         iActiveWaitScale->InitializeWaiter( &CMultiframeProvider::VFRescalingFinished );
   733         TInt result( iVFbitmap->Bitmap().Resize( aSize ) );
   734         __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource [%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ScaleCopy() result %d <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint(), result));
   735         if ( result != KErrNone )
   736             {
   737             iActiveWaitScale->Signal( result );
   738             }
   739         else
   740             {
   741             iVtImageScalerScale->Scale( *iScaled, *iVFbitmap );
   742             }
   743         }
   744     }
   745 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   746 // CMultiframeProvider::NextFrame()
   747 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   748 //
   749 void CMultiframeProvider::NextFrame()
   750     {
   751     iFreezeCS.Wait();
   752     iInitialization = EFalse;
   753     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::NextFrame() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   755     if ( iNumOfConsumers < 1 )
   756         {
   757         __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::NextFrame() Consumer < 1>>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   758         iFreezeCS.Signal();
   759         return;
   760         }
   762     if (iCount > 1 && !iActiveWaitInit->IsActive() )
   763         {
   764         if (iWaitForConverting)
   765             {
   766             __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::NextFrame() Because CMultiframeloopAO::RunL is executing, so Signal is not needed"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   767             }
   768         else
   769             {
   770             iLoopAo->Signal();
   771             }
   772         }
   773     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::NextFrame() <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   774     iFreezeCS.Signal();
   775     }
   777 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   778 // CMultiframeProvider::IncreaseDataConsumer()
   779 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   780 //
   781 void CMultiframeProvider::IncreaseDataConsumer()
   782     {
   783     iFreezeCS.Wait();
   784     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::IncreaseDataConsumer() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   785     ++iNumOfConsumers;
   786     iFreezeCS.Signal();
   787     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::IncreaseDataConsumer() <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   788     }
   790 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   791 // CMultiframeProvider::DecreaseDataConsumer()
   792 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   793 //
   794 void CMultiframeProvider::DecreaseDataConsumer()
   795 	  {
   796 		iFreezeCS.Wait();
   797 		__IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::DecreaseDataConsumer() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   798 		--iNumOfConsumers;
   799 		if ( iNumOfConsumers < 1 )
   800     	  {
   801   		  iLoopAo->CancelDataLoop();
   802         iDataTimer->CancelTimeLoop();
   803   	  	}
   804   	__IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::DecreaseDataConsumer() <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));  	
   805   	iFreezeCS.Signal();
   806 	  }
   807 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   808 // CMultiframeProvider::ScaleVF( const TSize& aSize )
   809 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   810 //
   811 void CMultiframeProvider::ScaleVF( const TSize& aSize )
   812     {
   813     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ScaleVF() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   814     iActiveWaitScale->InitializeWaiter( &CMultiframeProvider::VFRescalingFinished );
   815     TInt result( iVFbitmap->Bitmap().Resize( aSize ) );
   816     ClearVFScalingTargetSize();
   817     if ( result != KErrNone )
   818         {
   819         iActiveWaitScale->Signal( result );
   820         }
   821     else
   822         {
   823         iVtImageScalerScale->Scale( *iScaled, *iVFbitmap );
   824         }
   825     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ScaleVF() result %d <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint(), result));
   826     }
   828 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   829 // CMultiframeProvider::VFRescalingFinished( TInt aError )
   830 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   831 //
   832 void CMultiframeProvider::VFRescalingFinished( TInt aError )
   833     {
   834     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::VFRescalingFinished() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   835     if ( aError == KErrNone )
   836         {
   837         if ( iWantedVFSize != TSize() )
   838             {
   839             __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::VFRescalingFinished() REScaling needed"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   840             ScaleVF( iWantedVFSize );
   841             ClearVFScalingTargetSize();
   842             }
   843         else
   844             {
   845             iDataTimer->CancelTimeLoop();
   847             if ( !iIsVfStopped && !iVFUpdate )
   848                 {
   849                 //Normally, VF and VS work
   850                 iVFCurrent = iVFbitmap;
   851                 iYUVBitMap = iScaled;
   852                 iDataTimer->LocalBuffer(iVFCurrent);
   853                 iDataTimer->RemoteBuffer(iYUVBitMap);
   854                 __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ScalecopyRemoteAndUpdate() normal, iFrameUpdateTime %d>>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint(),
   855                         iFrameUpdateTime.Int64()));
   856                 iDataTimer->Activate(iFrameUpdateTime, iInitialization, iVFUpdate);
   857                 }
   858             else if ( iIsVfStopped && !iVFUpdate )
   859                 {
   860                 //VF doesn't work.
   861                 iYUVBitMap = iScaled;
   862                 iDataTimer->RemoteBuffer(iYUVBitMap);
   863                 __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ScalecopyRemoteAndUpdate() VF Stop, iFrameUpdateTime %d>>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint(),
   864                         iFrameUpdateTime.Int64()));                
   865                 iDataTimer->Activate( iFrameUpdateTime, iInitialization, iVFUpdate);
   866                 }
   867             else if ( iIsVfStopped && iVFUpdate )
   868                 {
   869                 //VF restart 
   870                 iIsVfStopped = EFalse;
   871                 iVFUpdate = EFalse;
   872                 iVFCurrent = iVFbitmap;
   873                 iYUVBitMap = iScaled;
   874                 iDataTimer->LocalBuffer(iVFCurrent);
   875                 iDataTimer->RemoteBuffer(iYUVBitMap);
   876                 __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ScalecopyRemoteAndUpdate() VF Restart iFrameUpdateTime 1>>"),
   877                         RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   878                 iDataTimer->Activate(1, iInitialization, iVFUpdate);
   879                 }
   880             else
   881                 {
   882                 //maybe this condition never execute.
   883                 iVFCurrent = iVFbitmap;
   884                 iDataTimer->LocalBuffer(iVFCurrent);
   885                 __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ScalecopyRemoteAndUpdate() last one, iFrameUpdateTime %d>>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint(),
   886                         iFrameUpdateTime.Int64()));                
   887                 iDataTimer->Activate( 1, iInitialization, iVFUpdate);
   888                 }
   889             }
   890         }
   891 #if 0
   892     else if ( ( aError == KErrCancel ) )
   893         {
   894         __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::VFRescalingFinished() CANCEL"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   895         }
   896     else if( aError != KErrCancel ) // If KErrCancel, then ignore error!
   897         {
   898         iObserver->NotifyImageHandlingError( aError );
   899         }
   900 #endif
   901     else
   902         {
   903         iObserver->NotifyImageHandlingError( aError );
   904         }
   906     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::VFRescalingFinished() err %d <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint(), aError));
   907     }
   909 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   910 // CMultiframeProvider::IsVFStopped()
   911 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   912 //
   913 TBool CMultiframeProvider::IsVFStopped()
   914     {
   915     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::IsVFStopped() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   916     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::IsVFStopped() <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   917     return iIsVfStopped;
   918     }
   920 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   921 // CMultiframeProvider::SetVFStop()
   922 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   923 //
   924 void CMultiframeProvider::SetVFStop()
   925     {
   926     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::SetVFStop() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   927     iIsVfStopped = ETrue;
   928     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::SetVFStop() <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   929     }
   931 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   932 // CMultiframeProvider::WaitForConverting()
   933 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   934 //
   935 void CMultiframeProvider::WaitForConverting()
   936     {
   937     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::WaitForConverting() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   938     iWaitForConverting = ETrue;
   939     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::WaitForConverting() <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   940     }
   942 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   943 // CMultiframeProvider::WaitForConverting()
   944 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   945 //
   946 void CMultiframeProvider::ReleaseForConverting()
   947     {
   948     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ReleaseForConverting() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   949     iWaitForConverting = EFalse;
   950     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ReleaseForConverting() <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   951     }
   953 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   954 // CMultiframeProvider::ClearVFScalingTargetSize()
   955 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   956 //
   957 void CMultiframeProvider::ClearVFScalingTargetSize()
   958     {
   959     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ClearVFScalingTargetSize() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   960     iWantedVFSize = TSize();
   961     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::ClearVFScalingTargetSize() <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   962     }
   964 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   965 // CMultiframeProvider::CancelInitializing()
   966 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   967 //
   968 TBool CMultiframeProvider::CancelInitializing()
   969     {
   970     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::CancelInitializing() >>"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   971     TBool lResult = EFalse;
   973     if ( NULL == iImageDecoder )
   974         {
   975         __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::CancelInitializing() iImageDecoder is NULL ==="), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
   976         // In this condition, Convert is already finished
   977         if ( iVtImageScalerInit->IsActive() )
   978             {
   979             __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d] Line[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::CancelInitializing() iVtImageScalerInit->Cancel ==="), 
   980                     RThread().Id().operator TUint(), __LINE__));
   981             iVtImageScalerInit->Cancel();
   982             }
   983         else if ( iActiveWaitInitScale->IsActive() )
   984             {
   985             __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d] Line[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::CancelInitializing() iActiveWaitInitScale->Cancel ==="), 
   986                     RThread().Id().operator TUint(), __LINE__));
   987             iActiveWaitInitScale->Cancel();
   988             }            
   989         else if ( iVtImageScalerScale->IsActive() )
   990             {
   991             __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d] Line[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::CancelInitializing() iVtImageScalerScale->Cancel ==="), 
   992                     RThread().Id().operator TUint(), __LINE__));
   993             iVtImageScalerScale->Cancel();
   994             }
   995         else if ( iActiveWaitScale->IsActive() )
   996             {
   997             __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d] Line[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::CancelInitializing() iActiveWaitScale->Cancel ==="), 
   998                     RThread().Id().operator TUint(), __LINE__));
   999             iActiveWaitScale->Cancel();
  1000             }
  1001         else
  1002             {
  1003             //In this condition, the convert,scale,copyScale were finished,
  1004             //so do nothing, Waiting for InitializeReady()
  1005             __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d] Line[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::CancelInitializing() Nothong to do,wait finish ==="), 
  1006                     RThread().Id().operator TUint(), __LINE__));
  1007             }
  1008         }
  1009     else
  1010         {
  1011         __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::CancelInitializing() cancel convert ==="), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
  1012         //Convert is not finished, so we can cancel it, and return ETrue
  1013         iImageDecoder->Cancel();
  1014         lResult = ETrue;
  1015         }
  1017     __IF_DEBUG(Print(_L("VideoSource[%d]: CMultiframeProvider::CancelInitializing() <<"), RThread().Id().operator TUint()));
  1018     return lResult;
  1019     }
  1021 // ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
  1023 //  End of File