changeset 27 dcbddbbaf8fd
equal deleted inserted replaced
18:d9b6a8729acd 27:dcbddbbaf8fd
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Mediator command sender implementation
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #include    "cvtengmdtrcommandsender.h"
    22 #include    "CVtEngEventManager.h"
    23 #include    "VtEngUtils.h"
    24 #include    "CVtEngSettings.h"
    25 #include    "CVtEngOperation.h"
    26 #include    "vtengcommands.h"
    27 #include    "CVtEngStateManager.h"
    28 #include    "VtEngPanic.h"
    29 #include    <MediatorCommandInitiator.h>
    30 #include    <MediatorDomainUIDs.h> 
    31 #include    <mediatorcommandstotelephonyapi.h>
    32 #include    <mediatoraudiocommandstotelephonyapi.h>
    33 #include    <videoteltophonecommandsapi.h>
    34 #include    <cvtlogger.h>
    37 /**
    38 * Three state classes for handling audio mute/unmute commands towards mediator when mute state
    39 * is changed locally faster than mediator gives response.
    42                                              IDLE <-------------------------|    
    43                                                |                            |
    44              NotifyOutgoingAudioState( x ) / mediator.Send( x )             |
    45                                                |                            |
    46                                                v                            |
    47     |--------------------------------------> SENDING -- CommandResponseL ---| 
    48     |                                           |
    49     |                           NotifyOutgoingAudioState( y ) / saveCommand( y )
    50     |                                           |
    51     |                                           v
    52     |- CommandResponseL( x ) / Send( y ) ---- BUFFERED
    57 */
    58 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( TVtMdtrStateIdle ) : public CBase
    59 {
    60     public:  
    61         TVtMdtrStateIdle( CVtEngMdtrCommandSender& aSender, CMediatorCommandInitiator& aMediator );
    62         virtual void SendL( TUid aDomain, TUid aCategory, TInt aCommand );       
    63         virtual void CommandResponseL( TUid aDomain, TUid aCategory, TInt aCommand, TInt aStatus );
    65         TInt DoSend( TUid aDomain, TUid aCategory, TInt aCommand );
    67     CVtEngMdtrCommandSender& iSender;
    68     CMediatorCommandInitiator& iMediator;
    69 };
    71 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( TVtMdtrStateSending ) : public TVtMdtrStateIdle
    72 {
    73     public:
    74         TVtMdtrStateSending( CVtEngMdtrCommandSender& aSender, CMediatorCommandInitiator& aMediator );
    75         void SendL( TUid aDomain, TUid aCategory, TInt aCommand );
    76         void CommandResponseL( TUid aDomain, TUid aCategory, TInt aCommand, TInt aStatus );        
    77 };
    79 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( TVtMdtrStateBuffered ) : public TVtMdtrStateIdle
    80 {
    81     public:
    82         TVtMdtrStateBuffered( CVtEngMdtrCommandSender& aSender, CMediatorCommandInitiator& aMediator );
    83         void SendL( TUid aDomain, TUid aCategory, TInt aCommand );
    84         void CommandResponseL( TUid aDomain, TUid aCategory, TInt aCommand, TInt aStatus );
    86         TUid iDomain;
    87         TUid iCategory;
    88         TInt iCommand;
    89 };
    92 // CONSTANTS
    93 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    95 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    96 // CVtEngMdtrCommandListener::NewL
    97 // Two-phased constructor.
    98 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    99 //
   100 CVtEngMdtrCommandSender* CVtEngMdtrCommandSender::NewL( CVtEngUtility& aUtils )
   101     {
   102     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtEngMdtrCommandSender.NewL" )
   103     CVtEngMdtrCommandSender* self = new ( ELeave )
   104         CVtEngMdtrCommandSender( aUtils );
   105     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   106     self->ConstructL( );
   107     CleanupStack::Pop();
   109     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtEngMdtrCommandSender.NewL" )
   110     return self;
   111     }
   113 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   114 // CVtEngMdtrCommandListener::~CVtEngMdtrCommandSender
   115 // destructor
   116 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   117 //
   118 CVtEngMdtrCommandSender::~CVtEngMdtrCommandSender()
   119     {
   120     iUtils.EventManager().RemoveObserver( this );
   121     delete iMediatorInitiator;
   122     }
   124 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   125 // CVtEngMdtrCommandListener::EndCall
   126 // Sends end call command via Mediator
   127 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   128 //
   129 void CVtEngMdtrCommandSender::EndCall( )
   130     {
   131     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtEngMdtrCommandSender.EndCall" )
   132     const TVersion KTelephonyCmdVersion(
   133         KTelephonyCommandsVersionMajor,
   134         KTelephonyCommandsVersionMinor,
   135         KTelephonyCommandsVersionBuild );
   136     const TInt res =
   137         iMediatorInitiator->IssueCommand(
   138            KMediatorTelephonyDomain,
   139            KCatCommandsToTelephony,
   140            EPhoneCmdEndActiveCall,
   141            KTelephonyCmdVersion,
   142            KNullDesC8() );
   144     __VTPRINTEXITR( "CVtEngMdtrCommandSender.EndCall res=%d", res )
   145     }
   147 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   148 // CVtEngMdtrCommandListener::VoiceFallback
   149 // Sends voice fallback command to telephony via Mediator
   150 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   151 //
   152 void CVtEngMdtrCommandSender::VoiceFallback()
   153     {
   154     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtEngMdtrCommandSender.VoiceFallback" )
   155     const TVersion KVtToPhoneCmdVersion(
   156         KVideoTelToPhoneCmdVersionMajor,
   157         KVideoTelToPhoneCmdVersionMinor,
   158         KVideoTelToPhoneCmdVersionBuild );
   159 #ifdef _DEBUG
   160     TInt err =
   161 #endif
   162     iMediatorInitiator->IssueCommand(
   163         KMediatorTelephonyDomain,
   164         KCatVideoTelToPhoneCommands,
   165         EVtCmdFallback,
   166         KVtToPhoneCmdVersion,
   167         KNullDesC8() );
   168     // response is not awaited
   169     __VTPRINTEXITR( "CVtEngMdtrCommandSender.VoiceFallback %d>", err )
   170     }
   172 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   173 // CVtEngMdtrCommandListener::SwitchToVoiceL
   174 // Sends switch to voice command to telephony via Mediator
   175 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   176 //
   177 void CVtEngMdtrCommandSender::SwitchToVoiceL( CVtEngOperation& aOperation )
   178     {
   179     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtEngMdtrCommandSender.SwitchToVoiceL" )
   180     iOperation = &aOperation;
   181     // add this as observer. Mediator command is sent when idle state
   182     // is reached (i.e. Protocol has released dataport and it can be recovered
   183     // by telephony)
   184     iUtils.EventManager().AddObserverL( this );
   185     // let current state handle actual request
   186     iUtils.StateManager()->HandleOperationL( aOperation );
   187     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtEngMdtrCommandSender.SwitchToVoiceL" )
   188     }
   190 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   191 // CVtEngMdtrCommandListener::NotifyOutgoingAudioState
   192 // Sends microphone state to telephony via Mediator
   193 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   194 //
   195 void CVtEngMdtrCommandSender::NotifyOutgoingAudioState( 
   196     const TBool aMicEnabled )
   197     {
   198     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtEngMdtrCommandSender.NotifyOutgoingAudioState" )    
   200     const TInt command = ( aMicEnabled ) 
   201         ? EAudioCmdUnmute : EAudioCmdMute;        
   202 #ifdef _DEBUG
   203     TRAPD( res, iSenderState->SendL(
   204             KMediatorTelephonyDomain,
   205             KCatAudioCommandsToTelephony,
   206             command ) );
   207 #else 
   208     TRAP_IGNORE(iSenderState->SendL(
   209             KMediatorTelephonyDomain,
   210             KCatAudioCommandsToTelephony,
   211             command ) );
   212 #endif
   214     __VTPRINTEXITR( "CVtEngMdtrCommandSender.NotifyOutgoingAudioState %d", res )
   215     }
   217 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   218 // CVtEngMdtrCommandListener::SetSenderState
   219 // sets new mediator sender state for audio command
   220 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   221 //
   222 void CVtEngMdtrCommandSender::SetSenderState( TVtMdtrStateIdle& aNewState )
   223     {
   224     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtEngMdtrCommandSender.SetSenderState" )
   225     __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_GEN, " delete old state %x", (TInt) iSenderState )
   226     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iSenderState != &aNewState, 
   227         Panic( EVtEngPanicWrongMediatorSenderState ) );
   228     delete iSenderState;
   229     iSenderState = &aNewState;
   230     __VTPRINTEXITR( "CVtEngMdtrCommandSender.SetSenderState %x", (TInt) iSenderState )
   231     }
   233 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   234 // CVtEngMdtrCommandListener::CommandResponseL
   235 // Mediator framework callback
   236 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   237 //
   238 void CVtEngMdtrCommandSender::CommandResponseL( TUid aDomain,
   239     TUid aCategory, 
   240     TInt aCommandId,
   241     TInt aStatus,
   242     const TDesC8& /*aData*/ )
   243     {
   244     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtEngMdtrCommandSender.CommandResponseL" )
   245     switch ( aCommandId )
   246         {
   247     case EAudioCmdUnmute:
   248     case EAudioCmdMute:
   249         iSenderState->CommandResponseL( aDomain, aCategory, aCommandId, aStatus );
   250         break;
   251     default:
   252         // ignored for other commands (so far)
   253         break;
   254         }             
   255     __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_GEN, " mediator command id=%d", aCommandId )
   256     __VTPRINTEXITR( "CVtEngMdtrCommandSender.CommandResponseL res=%d", aStatus )
   257     }
   259 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   260 // CVtEngMdtrCommandListener::HandleVtEventL
   261 // Handles state change event associated with "switch to voice" and "TerminateSession" command
   262 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   263 //
   264 void CVtEngMdtrCommandSender::HandleVtEventL( TInt aEvent )
   265     {
   266     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtEngMdtrCommandSender.HandleVtEventL" )
   267 #ifdef _DEBUG
   268         TInt err = KErrNone;
   269 #endif     
   270     if ( aEvent == KVtEngSessionStateChanged &&
   271          iOperation && iOperation->Command() == KVtEngSwitchToVoice )
   272         {
   273         const TVersion KVtToPhoneCmdVersion(
   274             KVideoTelToPhoneCmdVersionMajor,
   275             KVideoTelToPhoneCmdVersionMinor,
   276             KVideoTelToPhoneCmdVersionBuild );
   278         iUtils.EventManager().RemoveObserver( this );
   279         // send command (ignore possible error - no way to recover from it)
   280 #ifdef _DEBUG
   281         err =
   282 #endif        
   283         iMediatorInitiator->IssueCommand(
   284             //KMediatorVideoTelephonyDomain,
   285             KMediatorTelephonyDomain,
   286             KCatVideoTelToPhoneCommands,
   287             EVtCmdSwitchToVoice,
   288             KVtToPhoneCmdVersion,
   289             KNullDesC8() );
   290         iOperation->HandleOpComplete( KErrNone );
   291         iOperation = NULL;
   292         }
   293     __VTPRINTEXITR( "CVtEngMdtrCommandSender.HandleVtEventL %d", err )
   294     }
   296 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   297 // CVtEngMdtrCommandListener::
   298 // c++ constructor
   299 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   300 //
   301 CVtEngMdtrCommandSender::CVtEngMdtrCommandSender( CVtEngUtility& aUtils ) :
   302     iUtils( aUtils )
   303     {
   304     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtEngMdtrCommandSender.CVtEngMdtrCommandSender" )
   305     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtEngMdtrCommandSender.CVtEngMdtrCommandSender" )
   306     }
   308 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   309 // CVtEngMdtrCommandListener::ConstructL
   310 // 
   311 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   312 //
   313 void CVtEngMdtrCommandSender::ConstructL()
   314     {
   315     __VTPRINTENTER( "CVtEngMdtrCommandSender.ConstructL" )
   316     iMediatorInitiator = CMediatorCommandInitiator::NewL( this );
   318     // set initial mediator command sender state
   319     iSenderState = new ( ELeave ) TVtMdtrStateIdle( *this, *iMediatorInitiator );
   320     __VTPRINTEXIT( "CVtEngMdtrCommandSender.ConstructL" )
   321     }
   323 TVtMdtrStateIdle::TVtMdtrStateIdle( CVtEngMdtrCommandSender& aSender, CMediatorCommandInitiator& aMediator ) 
   324 : iSender( aSender), iMediator( aMediator )
   325     {
   326     __VTPRINTENTER( "TVtMdtrStateIdle.ctr" )
   327     __VTPRINTEXITR( "TVtMdtrStateIdle.ctr %x", (TInt) this )
   328     }
   330 void TVtMdtrStateIdle::SendL( TUid aDomain, TUid aCategory, TInt aCommand )
   331     {
   332     __VTPRINTENTER( "TVtMdtrStateIdle.SendL" )
   333     TVtMdtrStateIdle* nextState = NULL;
   334     const TInt res = DoSend( aDomain, aCategory, aCommand );
   335     if ( res == KErrInUse )
   336         {
   337         nextState = new ( ELeave ) TVtMdtrStateBuffered( iSender, iMediator );
   338         CleanupStack::PushL( nextState );
   339         nextState->SendL( aDomain, aCategory, aCommand );
   340         CleanupStack::Pop( nextState );
   341         }
   342     else
   343         {
   344         nextState = new ( ELeave ) TVtMdtrStateSending( iSender, iMediator );
   345         }
   346     iSender.SetSenderState( *nextState );            
   347     __VTPRINTEXIT( "TVtMdtrStateIdle.SendL" )
   348     }
   350 TInt TVtMdtrStateIdle::DoSend( TUid aDomain, TUid aCategory, TInt aCommand )
   351     {
   352     __VTPRINTENTER( "TVtMdtrStateIdle.DoSend" )
   353     const TVersion KVtToPhoneCmdVersion(
   354         KVideoTelToPhoneCmdVersionMajor,
   355         KVideoTelToPhoneCmdVersionMinor,
   356         KVideoTelToPhoneCmdVersionBuild );
   358     TInt res = iMediator.IssueCommand(
   359         aDomain,
   360         aCategory,
   361         aCommand,
   362         KVtToPhoneCmdVersion,
   363         KNullDesC8() );
   364     __VTPRINTEXITR( "TVtMdtrStateIdle.DoSend res=%d", res )
   365     return res;
   366     }
   368 void TVtMdtrStateIdle::CommandResponseL( TUid /*aDomain*/, TUid /*aCategory*/, TInt /*aCommand*/, TInt /*aStatus*/ )
   369     {
   370     __VTPRINTENTER( "TVtMdtrStateIdle.CommandResponseL" )
   371     // base class method should never be possible to call
   372     __VTPRINTEXIT( "TVtMdtrStateIdle.CommandResponseL" )
   373     }
   375 TVtMdtrStateSending::TVtMdtrStateSending( CVtEngMdtrCommandSender& aSender, CMediatorCommandInitiator& aMediator )
   376 : TVtMdtrStateIdle( aSender, aMediator )
   377     {
   378     __VTPRINTENTER( "TVtMdtrStateSending.ctr" )
   379     __VTPRINTEXITR( "TVtMdtrStateSending.ctr %x", (TInt) this )
   380     }
   382 void TVtMdtrStateSending::SendL( TUid aDomain, TUid aCategory, TInt aCommand )
   383     { 
   384     __VTPRINTENTER( "TVtMdtrStateSending.SendL" )    
   385     TVtMdtrStateIdle* buffered = new ( ELeave )TVtMdtrStateBuffered( iSender, iMediator );
   386     CleanupStack::PushL( buffered );
   387     buffered->SendL( aDomain, aCategory, aCommand );
   388     CleanupStack::Pop( buffered );
   389     iSender.SetSenderState( *buffered );
   390     __VTPRINTEXIT( "TVtMdtrStateSending.SendL" )
   391     }
   393 void TVtMdtrStateSending::CommandResponseL( TUid aDomain, TUid aCategory, TInt aCommand, TInt aStatus )
   394     {
   395     __VTPRINTENTER( "TVtMdtrStateSending.CommandResponseL" )
   396     __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_GEN, " command=%d", aCommand )    
   397     __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_GEN, " response=%d", aStatus )    
   398     TVtMdtrStateIdle* idle = new ( ELeave ) TVtMdtrStateIdle( iSender, iMediator );    
   399     iSender.SetSenderState( *idle );
   400     __VTPRINTEXIT( "TVtMdtrStateSending.CommandResponseL" )
   401     }
   403 TVtMdtrStateBuffered::TVtMdtrStateBuffered( CVtEngMdtrCommandSender& aSender, CMediatorCommandInitiator& aMediator )
   404 : TVtMdtrStateIdle( aSender, aMediator )
   405     {
   406     __VTPRINTENTER( "TVtMdtrStateBuffered.ctr" )
   407     __VTPRINTEXITR( "TVtMdtrStateBuffered.ctr %x", (TInt) this )
   408     }
   410 void TVtMdtrStateBuffered::SendL( TUid aDomain, TUid aCategory, TInt aCommand )
   411     {
   412     __VTPRINTENTER( "TVtMdtrStateBuffered.SendL" )    
   414     iDomain = aDomain;
   415     iCategory = aCategory;
   416     iCommand = aCommand;
   417     // iCommand is sent in CommandResponseL
   418     __VTPRINTEXIT( "TVtMdtrStateBuffered.SendL" )
   419     }
   421 void TVtMdtrStateBuffered::CommandResponseL( TUid aDomain, TUid aCategory, TInt aCommand, TInt aStatus )
   422     {
   423     __VTPRINTENTER( "TVtMdtrStateBuffered.CommandResponseL" )    
   424     const TVersion KVtToPhoneCmdVersion(
   425         KVideoTelToPhoneCmdVersionMajor,
   426         KVideoTelToPhoneCmdVersionMinor,
   427         KVideoTelToPhoneCmdVersionBuild );
   428     TBool nextStateIdle = ETrue;
   429     TInt res = KErrNone;
   430     if ( aCommand != iCommand )    
   431         {
   432         res = iMediator.IssueCommand(
   433             KMediatorTelephonyDomain,
   434             KCatAudioCommandsToTelephony,
   435             iCommand,
   436             KVtToPhoneCmdVersion,
   437             KNullDesC8() );
   438         if ( res == KErrNone )
   439             {    
   440             nextStateIdle = EFalse;
   441             }        
   442         }
   443     TVtMdtrStateIdle* nextState = NULL;
   444     if ( nextStateIdle )
   445         {
   446         __VTPRINT2( DEBUG_GEN, " failed to send buffered command with error=%d", res )
   447         nextState = new ( ELeave ) TVtMdtrStateIdle( iSender, iMediator );
   448         }
   449     else
   450         {
   451         nextState = new ( ELeave ) TVtMdtrStateSending( iSender, iMediator );
   452         CleanupStack::PushL( nextState );
   453         nextState->SendL( iDomain, iCategory, iCommand );
   454         CleanupStack::Pop( nextState );
   455         }
   456     iSender.SetSenderState( *nextState );    
   457     __VTPRINTEXIT( "TVtMdtrStateBuffered.CommandResponseL" )
   458     }
   460 //  End of File