changeset 29 c9ec3f2fcd87
parent 0 ed9695c8bcbe
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vtprotocolplugins/VideoSource/inc/CVSCameraDataProvider.h	Thu Jul 22 16:34:21 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Video Source subsystem.
+#include "CApiVideoSource.h"
+#include <cvtimagescaler.h>
+#include <cvtimagebitmap.h>
+class CVsFrameBuffer;
+*  Internal MFrameBuffer API.
+*  @lib videosource.lib
+*  @since 5.0
+class MVsFrameBuffer
+    {
+    /**
+    * Copies properties from the given frame buffer.
+    * @param "aSource" Source frame buffer from which propreties will
+    * be copied.
+    */
+    virtual void CopyProperties( MFrameBuffer* aSource ) = 0;
+    /**
+    * Copies properties from the given camera buffer.
+    * @param "aSource" Source camera buffer from which propreties will
+    * be copied.
+    */
+    virtual void CopyProperties( MCameraBuffer* aSource ) = 0;
+    /**
+    * Copies frame data and properties from the given frame buffer.
+    * @param "aSource" Source frame buffer from which propreties and
+    * frame data will be copied.
+    */
+    virtual void CopyFrameL( MFrameBuffer* aSource ) = 0;
+	/**
+    * Copies frame data and properties from the given camera buffer.
+    * @param "aSource" Source camera buffer from which propreties and
+    * frame data will be copied.
+    */
+	virtual void CopyFrameL( MCameraBuffer* aSource ) = 0;
+    };
+*  Internal MFrameBuffer implementation.
+*  @lib videosource.lib
+class CVsFrameBuffer : public CBase, public MVsFrameBuffer,
+    public MFrameBuffer, public MCameraBuffer
+    {
+    public:
+        /**
+        * Constructor.
+        * @param "sSize" Size of stored frame in bytes.
+        * @exception Can leave with one of the system wide error codes.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C static CVsFrameBuffer* NewL( TInt aSize );
+        /**
+        * Destructor.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ~CVsFrameBuffer();
+    public: // from MVsFrameBuffer
+        /**
+        * @see MVsFrameBuffer::CopyProperties
+        */
+        virtual void CopyProperties( MFrameBuffer* aSource );
+        /**
+        * @see MVsFrameBuffer::CopyProperties
+        */
+        virtual void CopyProperties( MCameraBuffer* aSource );
+        /**
+        * @see MVsFrameBuffer::CopyFrameL
+        */
+        virtual void CopyFrameL( MFrameBuffer* aSource );
+        /**
+        * @see MVsFrameBuffer::CopyFrameL
+        */
+    	virtual void CopyFrameL( MCameraBuffer* aSource );
+    public: // from MFrameBuffer
+        /**
+        * @see MFrameBuffer::DataL or MCameraBuffer::DataL
+        */
+        TDesC8* DataL( TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+        * @see MFrameBuffer::FrameL or MCameraBuffer::FrameL
+        */
+        CFbsBitmap* FrameL( TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+        * @see MFrameBuffer::Release or MCameraBuffer::Release
+        */
+        void Release();
+        /**
+        * @see MCameraBuffer::FrameSize
+        */
+        TInt FrameSize(TInt aFrameIndex);
+        /**
+        * @see MCameraBuffer::ChunkOffsetL
+        */
+        TInt ChunkOffsetL(TInt aFrameIndex);
+		/**
+        * @see MCameraBuffer::ChunkL
+        */
+		RChunk& ChunkL();
+		/**
+        * @see MCameraBuffer::BitmapL
+        */
+		CFbsBitmap& BitmapL(TInt aFrameIndex);
+		/**
+        * @see MCameraBuffer::NumFrames
+        */
+		TInt NumFrames();
+    private:
+        /**
+        * Constructor.
+        */
+        CVsFrameBuffer();
+        /**
+        * Second phase constructor.
+        * @param "aSize" Size of the frame in bytes.
+        */
+        void ConstructL( TInt aSize );
+    private:
+        HBufC8* iBuffer;
+        TPtr8 iPtr;
+    };
+*  Internal implementation of onboard camera data provider base class. This
+*  class is inherited from public provider interface.
+*  @lib videosource.lib
+class CVSCameraDataProvider : public CVSDataProvider, public MCameraObserver, public MVtImageScalerObserver, public MCameraObserver2
+    {
+    public: // Constructor and destructor
+        /**
+        * Factory function to create instance of onboard camera data provider.
+        * @param "aObserver" Pointer to provider observer.
+        * @param "aProviderIndex" Index of the provider to be created.
+        * @param "aPool" Pointer to data MVSBufferPool that gives buffer to
+        * data provider.
+        * @exception Can leave with one of the system wide error codes.
+        * @return Pointer to new provider instance.
+        */
+        static CVSCameraDataProvider* NewL(
+            MVSDataProviderObserver* aObserver,
+            TInt aProviderIndex,
+            MVSBufferPool* aPool );
+        /**
+        * Destructor.
+        */
+        ~CVSCameraDataProvider();
+    public: // New functions
+    public: // Functions from base classes
+        /**
+        * Initialize provider.
+        * @param "aInitParams" Initialization parameters.
+        * @exception Can leave with one of the system wide error codes.
+        */
+        void InitializeL( const TDesC8& aInitParams );
+        /**
+        * Cancel initialization of camera provider.
+        */
+        void CancelInitializing();
+        /**
+        * Return digital zoom factor.
+        * @return Digital zoom factor.
+        */
+        virtual TInt DigitalZoomFactor() const;
+        /**
+        * Set digital zoom factor.
+        * @param "aDigitalZoomFactor" Digital zoom factor.
+        * @exception Can leave with one of the system wide error codes.
+        */
+        virtual void SetDigitalZoomFactorL( TInt aDigitalZoomFactor = 0 );
+        /**
+        * Start view finder bitmaps.
+        * @param "aSize" Size of the returned view finder bitmap.
+        * @exception Can leave with one of the system wide error codes.
+        */
+        virtual void StartViewFinderBitmapsL( TSize& aSize );
+        /**
+        * Start view finder bitmaps.
+        * @param "aSize" Size of the returned view finder bitmap.
+        * @param "aClipRect" Required clip rectangle.
+        * @exception Can leave with one of the system wide error codes.
+        */
+        virtual void StartViewFinderBitmapsL( TSize& aSize,TRect& aClipRect );
+        /**
+        * Stop view finder bitmaps.
+        */
+        virtual void StopViewFinder();
+        /**
+        * Test if view finder is active.
+        * @return ETrue if view finder active.
+        */
+        virtual TBool ViewFinderActive() const;
+        /**
+        * Start view finder bitmaps using direct screen access.
+        * @param "aWs" Window server session.
+        * @param "aScreenDevice" Screen device.
+        * @param "aWindow" Displayable window.
+        * @param "aScreenRect" Portion of the screen to which view finder data
+        * is to be transferred.
+        * @exception Can leave with one of the system wide error codes.
+        */
+        virtual void StartViewFinderDirectL(
+            RWsSession& aWs,
+            CWsScreenDevice& aScreenDevice,
+            RWindowBase& aWindow,
+            TRect& aScreenRect );
+        /**
+        * Start view finder bitmaps using direct screen access.
+        * @param "aWs" Window server session.
+        * @param "aScreenDevice" Screen device.
+        * @param "aWindow" Displayable window.
+        * @param "aScreenRect" Portion of the screen to which view finder data
+        * is to be transferred.
+        * @param "aClipRect" The rectangle to which the screen will be clipped.
+        * @exception Can leave with one of the system wide error codes.
+        */
+        virtual void StartViewFinderDirectL(
+            RWsSession& aWs,
+            CWsScreenDevice& aScreenDevice,
+            RWindowBase& aWindow,
+            TRect& aScreenRect,
+            TRect& aClipRect );
+        /**
+        * Return provider information.
+        * @param @param "aInfo" Reference to variable to where the provider
+        * information is copied.
+        */
+        virtual void ProviderInfo( TVSDataProviderInfo& aInfo );
+        /**
+        * See CVSDataProvider for description.
+        */
+        virtual void SetViewFinderMirrorL( TBool aMirror );
+        /**
+        * See CVSDataProvider for description.
+        */
+        virtual TBool ViewFinderMirror() const;
+        /**
+        * See CVSDataProvider for description.
+        */
+        virtual void FreezeL();
+        /**
+        * See CVSDataProvider for description.
+        */
+        virtual void UnfreezeL();
+        /**
+        * See CVSDataProvider for description.
+        */
+        virtual TBool IsFrozen() const;
+       	/**
+		* @see CVSDataProvider::SetContrastL for description.
+		*/
+		virtual void SetContrastL( TInt aContrast );
+		/**
+		* @see CVSDataProvider::GetContrast
+		*/
+		virtual TInt GetContrast( TInt& aContrast ) const;
+		/**
+		* @see CVSDataProvider::SetBrightnessL for description.
+		*/
+		virtual void SetBrightnessL( TInt aBrightness );
+		/**
+		* @see CVSDataProvider::GetBrightness for description.
+		*/
+		virtual TInt GetBrightness( TInt& aBrightness ) const;
+		/**
+		* @see CVSDataProvider::SetWhiteBalanceL for description.
+		*/
+		virtual void SetWhiteBalanceL(
+			CCamera::TWhiteBalance aWhiteBalance = CCamera::EWBAuto );
+		/**
+		* @see CVSDataProvider::GetWhiteBalance for description.
+		*/
+		virtual TInt GetWhiteBalance(
+			CCamera::TWhiteBalance& aWhiteBalance ) const;
+		/**
+		* @see CVSDataProvider::GetColorTone for description.
+		*/
+        virtual TInt GetColorTone(
+        	CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::TEffect& aColorTone ) const;
+  		/**
+		* @see CVSDataProvider::SetColorToneL for description.
+		*/
+        virtual void SetColorToneL(
+        	CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::TEffect aValue );
+    protected: // from MCameraObserver
+        /**
+        * @see MCameraObserver::ImageReady
+        */
+        virtual void ImageReady( CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, HBufC8* aData,
+            TInt aError );
+        /**
+        * @see MCameraObserver::PowerOnComplete
+        */
+        virtual void PowerOnComplete( TInt aError );
+        /**
+        * @see MCameraObserver::ViewFinderFrameReady
+        */
+        virtual void ViewFinderFrameReady( CFbsBitmap& aFrame );
+    protected: // from MVtImageScalerObserver
+        /**
+        * @see MVtImageScalerObserver::ScalingFinished( TInt aError )
+        */
+        virtual void ScalingFinished( TInt aError );
+    protected: // from MCameraObserver2
+		/**
+        * @see MCameraObserver2::ImageBufferReady
+        */
+		virtual void ImageBufferReady( MCameraBuffer& aCameraBuffer,
+		    TInt aError );
+    protected:  // New functions
+        /**
+        * Inliner to return reference to the onboard camera handle.
+        * @return Reference to the onboard camera handle.
+        */
+        inline CCamera& Camera() const;
+    protected:  // Constructors and destructor
+        /**
+        * Constructor.
+        * @param "aObserver" Pointer to provider observer.
+        */
+        CVSCameraDataProvider(
+            MVSDataProviderObserver* aObserver,
+            MVSBufferPool* aPool );
+    private:    // Constructors and destructors
+        /**
+        * 2nd phase constructor.
+        * @param "aProviderIndex" Index of the provider to be created.
+        * @exception Can leave with one of the system wide error codes.
+        */
+        void ConstructL( TInt aProviderIndex );
+        void FreezeViewFinderFrame( CFbsBitmap& aFrame );
+        void ScaleFrozenBitmapL( TSize& aSize );
+    private:    // New functions
+        /**
+        * Return provider information.
+        */
+        void ProviderInfoExL( TVSDataProviderInfo& aInfo );
+    private:    // Functions from base classes
+    public: // Data
+    protected:  // Data
+        enum TFreezePendingFlags
+            {
+            EViewFinderFreezePending =      ( 1 << 0 ),
+            EVideoFrameFreezePending =      ( 1 << 1 )
+            };
+        // Camera handle number.
+        TInt iCameraHandle;
+        // ETrue after ReserveComplete for iCamera
+        TBool iReserverComplete;
+        // ETrue after PowerOnComplete for iCamera
+        TBool iPowerOnComplete;
+        // ETrue after Freeze
+        TBool iFrozen;
+        // Contains pending freeze flags after Freeze
+        TUint iFreezePendingFlags;
+        // has frozen viewfinder frame copy
+        TBool iHasFrozenVFFrameCopyCreated;
+        CVsFrameBuffer* iFrozenFrame;
+        RCriticalSection iFreezeCS;
+    private:    // Data
+        // Camera handle.
+        CCamera* iCamera;
+        // owned: Copy of frozen VF frame
+        CFbsBitmap* iFrozenVFFrameCopy;
+        //
+        CVtImageBitmap* iSource;
+        // owned: Scaled version of frozen VF frame (this is sent)
+        CFbsBitmap* iFrozenVFFrameToBeSent;
+        //
+        CVtImageBitmap* iTarget;
+        // owned: Scaler instance
+        CVtImageScaler* iScaler;
+        // ETrue when frozen VF frame is ready to be sent EFalse otherwise
+        TBool iFrozenVfFrameReady;
+        // Camera image processing
+        CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing* iCamImgProc;
+    private: // friends
+        // Stif test module must be set as friend to be able to call protected
+        // and private methods
+        friend class CstiffVideoSourceAPICases;
+    };
+#include "CVSCameraDataProvider.inl"
+// End of File