changeset 29 c9ec3f2fcd87
parent 27 dcbddbbaf8fd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vtprotocolsstub/inc/mvtprotocolhandler.h	Thu Jul 22 16:34:21 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1124 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Video Telephony Protocol interface
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <mmfdatabuffer.h>
+#include <mmfutilities.h>
+#include <mmfcontrollerframework.h>
+typedef TInt TVtCommandId;                   
+typedef TInt TVtCommandStatus;               
+typedef TDesC8 TVtMIMEType;
+const TUid KVTUidYUVFrameBuffer = {0xFFFFFF0d};
+const TInt KVtUidDataSrcPrime	= 0xFFFFFF08;
+const TInt KVtUidDataSrcPlay	= 0xFFFFFF09;
+const TInt KVtUidDataSrcPause	= 0xFFFFFF0A;
+const TInt KVtUidDataSrcStop	= 0xFFFFFF0B;
+_LIT8(KVtVideoMIMETypeYUV420, "/video/x-pv/raw/yuv420");
+enum TVt3G324MSupported
+    {
+    EVt3G324MMissing,
+    EVt3G324MSupported
+    }; 
+enum TVtConfigType
+    {
+    EVtH324Config,
+    EVtVideoEncoderConfig
+    };
+enum TVtCommandType {
+    EVtCommandInit,
+    EVtCommandGetSDKInfo,
+    EVtCommandGetProtocolState = 3,
+    EVtCommandReset,
+    EVtCommandAddDataSource = 6,
+    EVtCommandRemoveDataSource,
+    EVtCommandAddDataSink,
+    EVtCommandRemoveDataSink,
+    EVtCommandConnect,
+    EVtCommandDisconnect,
+    EVtCommandPause,
+    EVtCommandResume,
+    EVtCommandGetProtocolInterface =20,
+    EVtCommandDeleteProtocolInterface,
+    EVtCommandCancelAllCommands
+    };
+enum TVtIndicationType 
+    {
+    EVtIndicationVideoSpatialTamporalTradeOffCommand,
+    EVtIndicationVideoSpatialTamporalTradeOffIndication,
+    EVtIndicationUserInputCapability = 6,
+    EVtIndicationIncomingTrack = 41,
+    EVtIndicationOutgoingTrack,
+    EVtIndicationDisconnect,
+    EVtIndicationClosingTrack,
+    EVtIndicationCloseTrack,
+    EVtIndicationPauseTrack,
+    EVtIndicationResumeTrack    
+    };
+enum TVtMediaType      
+    {
+    EVtAudio = 1,
+    EVtVideo,
+    EVtControl,
+    EVtData,
+    EVtUserInput,
+    EVtMediaNone
+    };
+enum TVtAudioOutputControlCommand   
+    {
+	  EVtAudioOutputControlGetMaxVolume,
+	  EVtAudioOutputControlGetVolume,
+	  EVtAudioOutputControlSetVolume,
+	  EVtAudioOutputControlGetBalance,
+	  EVtAudioOutputControlSetBalance
+	  };    
+const TUint8 EVtIncoming = 1;
+enum TUserInputType
+    {
+    EVtUiiDTMF,
+    EVtUiiAlphaNumeric
+    };
+struct TVtInitInfo
+    {
+    TBool iAMRWBOn;
+    TBool iDisableMpeg4;
+    };
+struct TVtIndicationEvent
+    {
+    public:    
+        /**
+         * Constructor.
+         */
+        TVtIndicationEvent(TInt aEventType, const TUint8 *aLocalBuffer) : iEventType(aEventType), iLocalBuffer(aLocalBuffer) 
+        {}
+    public:
+        TInt iEventType;
+        const TUint8 *iLocalBuffer;
+    };
+struct TVtCommandResponse
+    {
+    public:        
+        /**
+         * Constructor.
+         */
+        TVtCommandResponse(TVtCommandType aCmdType, TInt aCmdId, TInt iCmdStatus) : iCmdType(aCmdType), iCmdId(aCmdId), iCmdStatus(iCmdStatus)
+        {}
+    public:
+        TVtCommandType iCmdType;
+        TInt iCmdId;
+        TInt iCmdStatus;
+    };
+struct TVtErrorEvent
+    {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Constructor.
+         */
+        TVtErrorEvent(TInt aEventType) : iEventType(aEventType) {}
+    public:
+        TInt iEventType;
+    };
+struct TVtMMFDataBuffer
+    {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Constructor.
+         */
+        TVtMMFDataBuffer(CMMFBuffer* aMmfBuffer,TSize  aFrameSize, TPtr8& aPtr) : iMmfBuffer(aMmfBuffer), iFrameSize(aFrameSize), iPtr(aPtr) {}
+        /**
+         * Get the YUV frame size.
+         * @return The frame size, in pixels
+         */
+        TSize GetFrameSize() {return iFrameSize;}
+        /**
+         * Get MMF buffer.
+         * @return the MMF buffer
+         */
+        CMMFBuffer* GetMMFBuffer() {return iMmfBuffer;}
+        /**
+         * Get MMF buffer.
+         * @return the MMF buffer
+         */
+        const CMMFBuffer* GetMMFBuffer() const {return iMmfBuffer;}
+        /**
+        *  @return Returns a reference to the data buffer
+        **/
+        TPtr8& Data() {return iPtr;}
+        /**
+        *  @return Returns the frame size of the contained buffer.
+        **/
+        const TSize GetFrameSize() const {return iFrameSize;}
+        /**
+        *  @return Returns a reference to the data buffer
+        **/
+        const TPtr8& Data() const {return iPtr;}
+    private:
+        CMMFBuffer* iMmfBuffer;
+        TSize  iFrameSize;
+        TPtr8&  iPtr;
+    };
+class MVTVideoInput
+    {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Set the video frame format.  This must be from the list of supported formats.
+         * @param "aFormat" The mime string describing the video frame format.
+         * @exception Can leave with one of the system wide error codes
+         */
+        virtual void SetFormatL(const TDesC8& aFormat) {}
+        /**
+         * Set the video frame rate.  This must be within the range of supported frame rates
+         * for the current frame size.
+         * @param "aFrameRate" The video frame rate to set.
+         * @exception Can leave with one of the system wide error codes
+         */
+        virtual void SetFrameRateL(TReal32 aFrameRate) {}
+        /**
+         * Set the video frame size
+         * @param "aSize" The video frame size, in pixels
+         * @exception Can leave with one of the system wide error codes
+         */
+        virtual void SetVideoFrameSizeL(const TSize& aSize) {}
+        /**
+         * Get the video frame size
+         * @param "aSize" The video frame size, in pixels
+         * @exception Can leave with one of the system wide error codes
+         */
+        virtual void GetVideoFrameSizeL(TSize& aSize) const {}
+        /**
+         * This API returns multimedias type supported by the data source/sink - 
+         * Audio, Video, Data etc.  Each supported type is indicated by a MIME type structure.
+         * @return 
+         **/
+        virtual const RArray<TDesC8* >& GetMultimediaTypesL() const {}
+    };
+class MVTVideoOutput
+    {
+    public:
+        /**
+        *  Sets the data format using MIME string.
+        *  @param aFormat The format as a MIME string.
+        **/
+        virtual void SetFormatL(const TDesC8& aFormat) {}
+        /**
+         * Set the video frame size
+         * @param "aSize" The video frame size, in pixels
+         * @exception Can leave with one of the system wide error codes
+         **/
+        virtual void SetVideoFrameSizeL(const TSize& aSize) {}
+        /**
+         * Get the video frame size
+         * @param "aSize" The video frame size, in pixels
+         * @exception Can leave with one of the system wide error codes
+         **/
+        virtual void GetVideoFrameSizeL(TSize& aSize) const {}
+        /**
+         * This API returns multimedias type supported by the data source/sink - 
+         * Audio, Video, Data etc.  Each supported type is indicated by a MIME type structure.
+         * @return 
+         **/
+        virtual const RArray<TDesC8* >& GetMultimediaTypesL() const {}
+    };
+//This class is empty
+class MVTAudioSource
+    {
+    };
+//This class is empty
+class MVTAudioSink
+    {
+    };
+class MVTVideoSource;
+class MVTVideoSink : public MVTVideoOutput
+    {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Constructor.
+         */
+        MVTVideoSink(TUid aType): iDataSinkType(aType) {}
+        /**
+         * Method called by a data source to request the data sink to empty aBuffer of data.
+         *
+         * This is a pure virtual function that each derived class must implement.
+         * This method is used when a data sink is passively waiting for requests from a supplier ie a data source
+         * to empty a buffer.  The data sink must call the BufferEmptiedL member on aSupplier when it has emptied
+         * the buffer of it's data - the data sink can either make this callback synchronously or asynchronously.
+         * 
+         * @param   "aBuffer"
+         *          The full buffer that needs emptying of it's data
+         *
+         * @param   "aSupplier" 
+         *          The data source that supplied the data. The data sink needs this to make the BufferEmptiedL
+         *          callback on aSupplier to indicate to the data source that the data sink has finished with the buffer.
+         *
+         * @param   "aMediaId"
+         *          This identifies the type of media eg audio or video and the stream id.
+         *          This parameter is required in cases where the source can supply data
+         *          of more than one media type and/or multiple strams of data
+         */
+        virtual void EmptyBufferL(
+            TVtMMFDataBuffer aDataBuffer,
+            MVTVideoSource* aSupplier,
+            TMediaId aMediaId ) {}
+        /**
+         * Method called by a data source to pass back an filled buffer to the sink
+         *
+         * This is a pure virtual function that each derived class must implement.
+         * This method is used as the callback when the data sink actively requests a supplier ie a data source
+         * to fill a buffer by calling the data sources FillBufferL.
+         * When the data sink gets this callback it knows that the buffer has been filled and is ready to be emptied
+         * 
+         * @param   "aBuffer"
+         *          The buffer that has been filled by a data source and is now available for processing
+         */
+         virtual void BufferFilledL( CMMFBuffer* aBuffer ) = 0;
+        /**
+         * Method to indicate whether the data sink can create a buffer.
+         *
+         * This is a pure virtual function that each derived class must implement.
+         * 
+         * @return  ETrue if the data sink can create a buffer else EFalse
+         */
+        virtual TBool CanCreateSinkBuffer() {return EFalse;}
+        /**
+         * Returns a buffer created by the data sink
+         *
+         * This is a pure virtual function that each derived class must implement.
+         *
+         * @param   "aMediaId"
+         *          This identifies the type of media eg audio or video and the stream id.
+         *          This parameter is required in cases where the source can supply data
+         *          of more than one media type and/or multiple strams of data.
+         *
+         * @param   "aReference"
+         *          This must be written to by the method to indicate whether the created buffer is
+         *          a 'reference' buffer.  A 'reference' buffer is a buffer that is owned by the sink
+         *          and should be used in preference to the source buffer provided the source buffer
+         *          is also not a reference buffer.
+         * .  
+         * @return  The created buffer
+         */
+        virtual CMMFBuffer* CreateSinkBufferL(
+            TMediaId aMediaId,
+            TBool &aReference ) {return NULL;}
+        /**
+         * Method to 'logon' the data sink to the same thread that sink will be consuming data in.
+         *
+         * This method may be required as the thread that the data sink was created in is not always
+         * the same thread that the data transfer will take place in.  Therefore any thread specific
+         * initialisation needs to be performed in the SinkThreadLogon rather than in the creation 
+         * of the data sink.
+         *
+         * This is a virtual function that a derrived data sink can implement if any thread specific
+         * initialisation is required and/or the data sink can create any asynchronous events.
+         * 
+         * 
+         * @param   "aEventHandler"
+         *          This is an MAsyncEventHandler to handle asynchronous events that occur during the
+         *          transfer of multimedia data.  The event handler must be in the same thread as the data transfer
+         *          thread - hence the reason it is passed in the SinkThreadLogon as opposed to say the constructor.
+         *
+         *
+         * @return  KErrNone if successful, otherwise a system wide error code.
+         */
+        virtual TInt SinkThreadLogon( MAsyncEventHandler& aEventHandler ) {return KErrNone;}
+        /**
+         * Method to 'logoff' the data sink from the same thread that sink consumes data in.
+         *
+         * This method may be required as the thread that the data sink is deleted in may not be
+         * the same thread that the data transfer took place in.  Therefore any thread specific
+         * releasing of resources needs to be performed in the SinkThreadLogoff rather than in the destructor
+         *
+         * This is a virtual function that a derrived data sink can implement if any thread specific
+         * releasing of resources is required.
+         */
+        virtual void SinkThreadLogoff() {}
+        /**
+         * Method to 'prime' the data sink
+         *
+         * This is a virtual function that a derrived data sink can implement if 
+         * any data sink specific 'priming' is required
+         */
+        virtual TInt SinkPrimeL() {return 0;}
+        /**
+         * Method to 'play' the data sink
+         *
+         * This is a virtual function that a derrived data sink can implement if 
+         * any data sink specific action is required prior to 'playing'ie the start of data transfer
+         */
+        virtual TInt SinkPlayL() {return 0;}
+        /**
+         * Method to 'pause' the data sink
+         *
+         * This is a virtual function that a derrived data sink can implement if 
+         * any data sink specific action is required to 'pause'
+         */
+        virtual TInt SinkPauseL() {return 0;}
+        /**
+         * Method to 'stop' the data sink
+         *
+         * This is a virtual function that a derrived data sink can implement if 
+         * any data sink specific action is required to 'stop'
+         */
+        virtual TInt SinkStopL() {return 0;}
+    private:
+        TUid iDataSinkType;
+    };
+class MVTVideoSource : public MVTVideoInput
+    {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Constructor.
+         */
+    MVTVideoSource(TUid aType): iDataSourceType(aType) {}
+        /**
+         * Method called by a data sink to request the data source to fill aBuffer with data.
+         *
+         * This is a pure virtual function that each derived class must implement.
+         * This method is used when a data source is passively waiting for requests from a consumer ie a data sink
+         * to fill a buffer.  The data source must call the BufferFilledL member on aConsumer when it has filled
+         * the buffer with data - the data source can either make this callback synchronously or asynchronously.
+         * 
+         * @param   "aBuffer"
+         *          The buffer that needs filling with data
+         *
+         * @param   "aConsumer" 
+         *          The data sink that consumes the data. The data source needs this to make the BufferFilledL
+         *          callback on aConsumer when the data source has completed filling the aBuffer.
+         *
+         * @param   "aMediaId"
+         *          This identifies the type of media eg audio or video and the stream id.
+         *          This parameter is required in cases where the source can supply data
+         *          of more than one media type and/or multiple strams of data eg a multimedia file
+         */
+    virtual void FillBufferL(
+            CMMFBuffer* aBuffer,
+            MVTVideoSink* aConsumer,
+            TMediaId aMediaId ) {}
+        /**
+         * Method called by a data sink to pass back an emptied buffer to the source
+         *
+         * This is a pure virtual function that each derived class must implement.
+         * This method is used as the callback when the data source actively requests a consumer ie a data sink
+         * to empty a buffer by calling the data sinks EmptyBufferL.
+         * When the data source gets this callback it knows that the buffer has been emptied and can be reused
+         * 
+         * @param   "aBuffer"
+         *          The buffer that has been emptied by a data sink and is now available for reuse
+         */
+    virtual void BufferEmptiedL( CMMFBuffer* aBuffer ) = 0;
+        /**
+         * Method to indicate whether the data source can create a buffer.
+         *
+         * This is a pure virtual function that each derived class must implement.
+         * 
+         * @return  ETrue if the data source can create a buffer else EFalse
+         */
+    virtual TBool CanCreateSourceBuffer() {return EFalse;}
+        /**
+         * Returns a buffer created by the data source
+         *
+         * This is a pure virtual function that each derived class must implement.
+         *
+         * @param   "aMediaId"
+         *          This identifies the type of media eg audio or video and the stream id.
+         *          This parameter is required in cases where the source can supply data
+         *          of more than one media type and/or multiple strams of data eg a multimedia file
+         *
+         * @param   "aReference"
+         *          This must be written to by the method to indicate whether the created buffer is
+         *          a 'reference' buffer.  A 'reference' buffer is a buffer that is owned by the source
+         *          and should be used in preference to the sink buffer provided the sink buffer
+         *          is also not a reference buffer
+         * .  
+         * @return  The created buffer
+         */
+    virtual CMMFBuffer* CreateSourceBufferL(
+                TMediaId aMediaId,
+                TBool &aReference ) {return NULL;}
+        /**
+         * Returns a buffer created by the data source
+         *
+         * This is a virtual function that a derived class can implement.
+         * This can be used in preference to the above CreateSourceBufferL method in cases where
+         * the source buffer creation has a dependancy on the sink buffer
+         *
+         * @param   "aMediaId"
+         *          This identifies the type of media eg audio or video and the stream id.
+         *          This parameter is required in cases where the source can supply data
+         *          of more than one media type and/or multiple strams of data eg a multimedia file
+         *
+         * @param   "aSinkBuffer"
+         *          The sink buffer the nature of which may influence the creation of the source buffer
+         *
+         * @param   "aReference"
+         *          This must be written to by the method to indicate whether the created buffer is
+         *          a 'reference' buffer.  A 'reference' buffer is a buffer that is owned by the source
+         *          and should be used in preference to the sink buffer provided the sink buffer is not a reference buffer
+         * .  
+         * @return  The created buffer
+         */
+    virtual CMMFBuffer* CreateSourceBufferL(
+                TMediaId aMediaId,
+                CMMFBuffer& aSinkBuffer,
+                TBool &aReference ) {return NULL;}
+        /**
+         * Method to 'logon' the data source to the same thread that source will be supplying data in.
+         *
+         * This method may be required as the thread that the data source was created in is not always
+         * the same thread that the data transfer will take place in.  Therefore any thread specific
+         * initialisation needs to be performed in the SourceThreadLogon rather than in the creation 
+         * of the data source.
+         *
+         * This is a virtual function that a derrived data source can implement if any thread specific
+         * initialisation is required and/or the data source can create any asynchronous events.
+         * 
+         * 
+         * @param   "aEventHandler"
+         *          This is an MAsyncEventHandler to handle asynchronous events that occur during the
+         *          transfer of multimedia data.  The event handler must be in the same thread as the data transfer
+         *          thread - hence the reason it is passed in the SourceThreadLogon as opposed to say the constructor.
+         *
+         *
+         * @return  KErrNone if successful, otherwise a system wide error code.
+         */
+    virtual TInt SourceThreadLogon( MAsyncEventHandler& aEventHandler ) {return KErrNone;}
+        /**
+         * Method to 'logoff' the data source from the same thread that source supplies data in.
+         *
+         * This method may be required as the thread that the data source is deleted in may not be
+         * the same thread that the data transfer took place in.  Therefore any thread specific
+         * releasing of resources needs to be performed in the SourceThreadLogoff rather than in the destructor
+         *
+         * This is a virtual function that a derrived data source can implement if any thread specific
+         * releasing of resources is required.
+         */
+    virtual void SourceThreadLogoff() {}
+        /**
+         * Method to 'prime' the data source
+         *
+         * This is a virtual function that a derrived data source can implement if 
+         * any data source specific 'priming' is required
+         */
+    virtual TInt SourcePrimeL() {return 0;}
+        /**
+         * Method to 'play' the data source
+         *
+         * This is a virtual function that a derrived data source can implement if 
+         * any data source specific action is required prior to 'playing'ie the start of data transfer
+         */
+    virtual TInt SourcePlayL() {return 0;}
+        /**
+         * Method to 'pause' the data source
+         *
+         * This is a virtual function that a derrived data source can implement if 
+         * any data source specific action is required to 'pause'
+         */
+    virtual TInt SourcePauseL() {return 0;}
+        /**
+         * Method to 'stop' the data source
+         *
+         * This is a virtual function that a derrived data source can implement if 
+         * any data source specific action is required to 'stop'
+         */
+    virtual TInt SourceStopL() {return 0;}
+    private:
+        TUid iDataSourceType;
+    };
+class MCommServer
+    {
+    };
+class MVtProtocolCommand
+    {
+    public:
+    enum TVtProtocolState 
+        {     
+        EIdle,           
+        EInitializing, 
+        ESetup, 
+        EConnecting,
+        EConnected,
+        EDisconnecting,
+        EResetting
+        };
+    };
+class MVtProtocolHandler 
+    {
+    public:
+       /**
+        * Handle an event that has been generated.
+        *
+        * @param "aResponse"  "The response to a previously issued command."
+        */
+	      virtual void HandleSessionCommandEventL(const TVtCommandResponse& aResponse) = 0;
+	      /**
+	       * Handle an informational event that has been generated.
+	       *
+	       * @param "aEvent" "The event to be handled."
+	       */
+	      virtual void HandleSessionInformationalEventL(const TVtIndicationEvent& aEvent) = 0;
+          /**
+	       * Handle an error event that has been generated.
+	       *
+	       * @param "aEvent" "The event to be handled."
+	       */
+	      virtual void HandleSessionErrorEventL(const TVtErrorEvent& aEvent) = 0;
+	      /** 
+	      *  Signals completion of the audio output control command.
+	      *  @param aId The command id of the completed command.
+	      *  @param aCmd The command type.
+	      *  @param aContextData The context data passed in with the command.
+	      *  @param aStatus The command completion status.
+	      **/
+	      virtual void HandleAudioOutputControlCommandComplete(TInt aId, TVtAudioOutputControlCommand aCmd, TAny *aContextData ,TInt aStatus) = 0;
+	      /**
+	       * Handle an event that has been generated.
+         *
+	       * @param "aResponse"  "The response to a previously issued command."
+	       */
+	      virtual void HandleVideoEncoderCommandCompletedL(const TVtCommandResponse& aResponse) = 0;
+	      /**
+	       * Handle an event that has been generated.
+         *
+	       * @param "aEvent" "The event to be handled."
+	       */
+	      virtual void HandleVideoEncoderInformationalEventL(const TVtIndicationEvent& aEvent) = 0;
+        /**
+	       * Handle an event that has been generated.
+         *
+         * @param "aResponse"  "The response to a previously issued command."
+	       */
+	      virtual void HandleH324MConfigCommandCompletedL(const TVtCommandResponse& aResponse) = 0;
+	      /**
+	       * Handle an event that has been generated.
+         *
+	       * @param "aEvent" "The event to be handled."
+	       */
+	      virtual void HandleH324MConfigInformationalEventL(const TVtIndicationEvent& aEvent) = 0;
+	      virtual ~MVtProtocolHandler() {}
+    };
+class MVtSessionCommand : public MVtProtocolCommand
+    {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * This function is valid only in the EIdle state.  It is a no-op when
+         * invoked in any other state.  It causes the protocol to transition
+         * to the ESetup state.  The terminal remains in the EInitializing state during
+         * the transition.
+         *
+         *
+         * @param aInitInfo
+         *         A reference to a TVtInitInfo structure which set Mona on and off
+         *         
+         * @leave   This method can leave with one of the following error codes
+         *          KErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
+         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
+         **/
+        virtual TInt InitProtocolL(TVtInitInfo& aInitInfo) = 0;
+        /**
+         * For an incoming track (MVTVideoSink) this function  pauses sending
+         * media to the sink (output device) and stops the sink.  It then does the protocol
+         * negotiations with the remote terminal to pause the logical channel for
+         * the specified track.
+         *
+         * For outgoing, it pauses the sending of media from the source and calls Stop() on the
+         * source.  It also performs any necessary protocol negotiations with the remote terminal.
+         * EVtCommandPause will be sent to the observer when the processing completes.
+         *
+         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
+         **/
+        virtual TInt PauseVideoL(MVTVideoSource& aDataSource) = 0;
+        virtual TInt PauseVideoL(MVTVideoSink& aDataSink) = 0;
+        virtual TInt PauseAudioL(MVTAudioSource& aAudioSource) = 0;
+        /**
+         * Resume a previously paused incoming or outgoing track.  For incoming,
+         * this function starts resumes playing out the media to the appropriate
+         * sink based on the current settings.  For outgoing it resumes encoding
+         * and sending media from the source.
+         * EVtCommandResume will be invoked will be invoked on the observer when the processing completes.       
+         *
+         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
+         **/
+        virtual TInt ResumeVideoL(MVTVideoSource& aDataSource) = 0;
+        virtual TInt ResumeVideoL(MVTVideoSink& aDataSink) = 0;
+        virtual TInt ResumeAudioL(MVTAudioSource& aAudioSource) = 0;
+        /**
+         * This function is valid only in the ESetup and EInitializing state.  It is a
+         * no-op when invoked in the EIdle state
+         *
+         * It causes the protocol to transition back to the EIdle state.  The
+         * terminal remains in the EResetting state during the transition.
+         *
+         * While resetting, the protocol de-allocates all resources resources that
+         * had been previously allocated.  When it completes, ResetComplete is called
+         * and the protocol reverts to the EIdle state.
+         *
+         * @leave   This method can leave with one of the following error codes
+         *          KErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
+         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
+         **/
+        virtual TInt ResetProtocolL() = 0;
+        /**
+         * This function can be invoked only in the ESetup state.  The terminal starts connecting with the remote
+         * terminal based on the specified options and capabilities.
+         * The EVtCommandConnect command completion event will be passed to the observer
+         * when connect completes.
+         * Details about the negotiated session may be obtained by calling the GetSessionParamsL API.
+         * GetSessionParamsL may be called after call setup is started to get the list of available channels
+         * and their capabilities.
+         * Incoming tracks may be opened before ConnectL completes and will be indicated via the
+         * EVtIndicationIncommingTrack event.
+         *
+         * @param aComm
+         *         An optional pointer to a comm server to provide comm source and sink end-points.
+         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
+         **/
+        virtual TInt ConnectToProtocolL(MCommServer* aComm) = 0;
+        /**
+         * Allows an application to provide a media source to be associated with a logical channel
+         * of communication with the peer.  Sources should be added after the EVtIndicationOutgoingTrack
+         * indication is received for a newly established logical channel.  The media type and
+         * channel id associated with the logical channel are specified as part of the indication.
+         * This function accepts a MVtVideoSource which provides additional functionality
+         * for advertizing capability and exposing configuration APIs.  
+         * Data sources could be of the following types:
+         * a)raw media sources like camera, microphone etc.
+         * b)sources of compressed data like file, gateway component etc.
+         *
+         * @param aChannelId
+         *          Indicates the channel id to be associated with this source.
+         * @param aDataSource
+         *          reference to the data source
+         * @leave   This method can leave with one of the following error codes
+         *          KErrNotSupported if the format of the sources/sinks is incomtible with what the SDK can handle
+         *          KErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation
+         * @return A unique command id for asynchronous completion
+         */
+        virtual TInt AddVideoSourceL(const TUint aChannelId, MVTVideoSource &aDataSource) = 0;
+        virtual TInt AddAudioSourceL(const TUint aChannelId, MVTAudioSource &aDataSource) = 0;
+        /**
+         * Allows an application to provide a media sink for rendering an incoming media bitstream in a
+         * logical channel of communication with the peer.
+         * AddDataSinkL can be called only for established incoming logical channels identified by a unique
+         * channel id.
+         * Regular incoming channels are established by the peer and are
+         * indicated using the EVtIndicationIncomingTrack indication.
+         * This function takes in PV extension to MVtVideoSink or MVtAudioSink which provides additional functionality
+         * for advertizing capability and exposing configuration APIs.  
+         * EVtCommandAddDataSink event is sent to the observer on completion of this call.
+         *
+         * @param aChannelId
+         *          Indicates the channel id to be associated with this sink.
+         * @param aDataSink The data sink to be added
+         *
+         * @return A unique command id for asynchronous completion
+         **/
+        virtual TInt AddVideoSinkL(const TUint aChannelId, MVTVideoSink &aDataSink) = 0;
+        virtual TInt AddAudioSinkL(const TUint aChannelId, MVTAudioSink &aDataSink) = 0;
+        /**
+         * This API is to allow the user to cancel all pending requests.  The current request being
+         * processed, if any, will also be aborted.
+         * EVtCommandCancelAllCommands will be passed to the command observer on completion.
+         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
+         **/
+        virtual TInt CancelAllCommandsL( ) = 0;
+        /**
+         * The Disconnect call is valid only when invoked in the EConnecting, and
+         * EConnected states.  It causes the terminal to transition to the
+         * EDisconnecting state.  All the media tracks both incoming and outgoing
+         * will be closed on invoking Disconnect. On completion, the terminal
+         * goes to the ESetup state.
+         *
+         * It is a no-op when called in any other state.
+         *
+         * This is an asynchronous request.  The EvtCommandDisconnect event will be
+         * sent to the observer when the request processing is complete.  This
+         * is the only event the Phone application should expect after calling
+         * Disconnect.
+         *
+         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
+         **/
+        virtual TInt DisconnectFromProtocolL() = 0;
+        /**
+         * This API is to allow for extensibility of the protocol interface.
+         * It allows a caller to ask for an instance of a particular interface object to be returned.
+         * The mechanism is analogous to the COM IUnknown method.  The interfaces are identified with
+         * an interface ID that is a UUID as in DCE and a pointer to the interface object is
+         * returned if it is supported.  Otherwise the returned pointer is NULL.
+         * @param aType
+         * @param aProtocolCommand
+         * @exception not_supported
+         * leaves if the specified interface id is not supported.
+         **/
+        virtual TInt GetProtocolInterfaceL(TVtConfigType aType, MVtProtocolCommand*& aProtocolCommand) = 0;
+        /**
+         * This APIis to be used to release an interface that was previously obtained using
+         * QueryInterfaceL.
+         * @param aType
+         * @param 
+         * @exception not_supported
+         * leaves if the specified interface id is not supported.
+         **/
+        virtual TInt DeleteProtocolInterfaceL(TVtConfigType aType, MVtProtocolCommand*) = 0;
+        /**
+         * Destructor.
+         */
+        virtual ~MVtSessionCommand() {}   
+    };
+class MVTUserInput
+    {
+    public:
+        /**
+        * @returns Returns the user input type.
+        **/
+        virtual TUserInputType GetType() = 0;
+        virtual ~MVTUserInput() {}
+    };
+class MVtH324ConfigCommand : public MVtProtocolCommand
+    {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * This API allows the user to specify observers for the 324m interface.
+         *
+         * @param aHandler     the observer for command status and unsolicited informational events
+         **/
+        virtual void SetObserverL(MVtProtocolHandler* aHandler) = 0;
+        /**
+         * Sets the vendor identification data.  This does not cause the stack to issue a vendor identifiation request.
+         * Set to NULL to disable sending vendor id.  If set to a valid parameter before Connect, it will cause the stack
+         * to automatically send it along with the TCS message.
+         * @param cc
+         *         T35 Country code
+         * @param ext
+         *         T35 Extension
+         * @param mc
+         *         T35 Manufacturer code
+         * @param aProduct
+         *         Product number
+         * @param aVersion
+         *         Version number
+         **/
+        virtual TInt SetVendorId(TUint8 cc, TUint8 ext, TUint32 mc, const TDesC8* aProduct, const TDesC8* aVersion) = 0;
+        /**
+         * This API allows the user to send a videoTemporalSpatialTradeOff command to the peer.
+         * It is a request to the remote encoder to adjust its encoding in accordance with the tradeoff value.
+         * A value of 0 indicates a high spatial resolution and a value of 31 indicates a high frame rate.
+         * The values from 0 to 31 indicate monotonically a higher frame rate. Actual values do not correspond
+         * to precise values of spatial resolution or frame rate.
+         *
+         **/
+        virtual TInt SendVideoTemporalSpatialTradeoffCommand(TUint aLogicalChannel, TUint8 aTradeoff)=0;
+        /**
+         * This API allows the user to send a videoTemporalSpatialTradeOff command to the peer.
+         * It is an indication to the remote decoder that the local encoder has adjusted its encoding parameters
+         * according to the tradeoff value.
+         * A value of 0 indicates a high spatial resolution and a value of 31 indicates a high frame rate.
+         * The values from 0 to 31 indicate monotonically a higher frame rate. Actual values do not correspond
+         * to precise values of spatial resolution or frame rate.
+         *
+         **/
+        virtual TInt SendVideoTemporalSpatialTradeoffIndication(TUint aLogicalChannel, TUint8 aTradeoff)=0;
+        /**
+         * This API allows the user to specify the supported resolutions for video for transmit and receive.
+         *
+         **/
+        virtual TInt SetSupportedResolutions( ) = 0;
+        /**
+        * This API allows the user to set options for fast call setup procedures
+        **/
+        virtual TInt SetFastCsupOptions( ) = 0;
+        /**
+         * Causes the protocol to send the specified user input to the remote terminal using
+         * control channel.  The user input can be either DTMF ot Alphanumeric
+         * @param user_input A pointer to MVTUserInput
+         * @returns A unique command id for asynchronous completion
+         **/
+        virtual TInt SendUserInputMessageL(MVTUserInput& user_input) = 0;        
+    };
+class MVtVideoConfigCommand : public MVtProtocolCommand
+    {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * This API allows the user to specify separate observers for the extension interface.  
+         * 
+         * @param aHandler     the observer for unsolicited informational events
+         **/
+        virtual void SetObserverL(MVtProtocolHandler* aHandler) = 0;
+        /**
+         * Sets the I-Frame refresh rate of the encoded output.
+         *
+         * @param aIFrameInterval I-Frame rate in seconds per I-Frame
+         * @return True if successful, else false
+         */
+        virtual TInt SetIntraFrameInterval(TUint32 aIFrameInterval) = 0;
+        /**
+         * Requests the encoder to encode the next frame as an I-Frame.  If successful, the next encoded
+         * frame will be an I-Frame.
+         *
+         * @return True for success, else false
+         */
+        virtual TInt RequestNextIntraFrame() = 0;
+        /**
+         * Sets the frame rate of encoded output for the specified layer.
+         * @param aFrameRate Frame rate for the specified layer in frames per second.
+         * @return True if successful, else false.
+         */
+        virtual TInt SetVideoFrameRate(TUint32 aFrameRate) = 0;
+    };    
+class MVtAudioConfigCommand : public MVtProtocolCommand
+    {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * This API allows the user to specify observers for the 324m interface.
+         *
+         * @param aHandler
+         **/
+        virtual void SetObserverL(MVtProtocolHandler* aHandler) = 0;
+        /**
+         * Method to set the playback volume to the specified value.
+         *
+         * This is a pure virtual function that each derived class must implement.
+         * It is also an asynchronous function which will be answered with a callback.
+         * 
+         * @param aNewVolume
+         *        An input parameter to hold the value for the requested playback volume.  
+         *
+         * @returns   Returns a command ID that can be used to identify a command completion result with corresponding request.
+         */
+        virtual TInt SetAudioVolumeL(TInt aVolume) = 0;
+        /**
+         * Method to get the maximum valid value for the playback volume.
+         *
+         * This is a pure virtual function that each derived class must implement.
+         * It is also an asynchronous function which will be answered with a callback.
+         * 
+         * @param aMaxVolume
+         *        An output parameter to hold the value for the maximum valid playback volume.  
+         *            Note that the parameter should not be used until the callback indicates that the 
+         *            method has completed.
+         *
+         * @returns   Returns a command ID that can be used to identify a command completion result with corresponding request.
+         */
+        virtual TInt GetMaxAudioVolumeL(TInt& aMaxVolume) = 0;
+    };
+class VTProtocolFactory
+    {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Create one instance.
+         */
+        IMPORT_C static MVtSessionCommand* CreateSessionCommandL(MVtProtocolHandler* aProtocolHandler, TBool aEnableProxy, TVt3G324MSupported& a3G324MSupported);
+        /**                                                                       
+         * This function allows the application to delete an instance of a terminal 
+         * and reclaim all allocated resources.  A terminal should be deleted only in 
+         * the EIdle state.  An attempt to delete a terminal in any other state will 
+         * result in unpredictable behavior.                                            
+         *                                                                        
+         * @param terminal the terminal to be deleted. 
+         * 
+         **/
+        IMPORT_C static void DeleteSessionCommand( MVtSessionCommand* aSessionCommand ); 
+        /**                                                                       
+         * Creates an instance of a DevSound audio data source.
+         *                                                                        
+         * @param None
+         *                                                                        
+         * @returns A pointer to the interface
+         **/                                                                      
+        IMPORT_C static MVTAudioSource* CreateAudioSource();
+        /**                                                                       
+         * Deletes an instance of a DevSound audio data source
+         * that was previously created with CreateAudioSource();
+         *                                                                        
+         * @param aSource The audio data source to be deleted.
+         *                                                                        
+         * @returns status
+         **/                                                                      
+        IMPORT_C static TInt DeletAudioSource(MVTAudioSource *aSource); 
+        /**                                                                       
+         * Creates an instance of a DevSound audio data sink.
+         *                                                                        
+         * @param None
+         *                                                                        
+         * @returns A pointer to the interface
+         **/                                                                      
+        IMPORT_C static MVTAudioSink* CreateAudioSink();
+        /**                                                                       
+         * Deletes an instance of a DevSound audio data sink
+         * that was previously created with CreateAudioSink();
+         *                                                                        
+         * @param The audio data sink to be deleted.
+         *                                                                        
+         * @returns status
+         **/                                                                      
+        IMPORT_C static TInt DeleteAudioSink(MVTAudioSink *aSink);
+        /**                                                                       
+         * Creates an instance of a comm server of a particular name, to be used to
+         * initialize the terminal.
+         *                                                                        
+         *                                                                        
+         * @returns A pointer to a terminal or leaves if the type is invalid or the system is out of resources                                                              
+         **/                                                                      
+        IMPORT_C static MCommServer* CreateCommServerL(const TDesC & aName, TBool aEnableBitReversal=EFalse);
+        /**
+         * This function allows the application to delete an instance of a comm server
+         * and reclaim all allocated resources.  A comm server should be deleted only when the 
+         * protocol is in the EIdle state.  An attempt to delete a comm server in any other state 
+         * could result in memory corruption within the protocol.  This function will leave  with
+         * KErrInUse if the comm server is still in use.  However it will not check the state of the 
+         * protocol that is using the comm server.
+         * 
+         * @param aCommServer the comm server to be deleted.
+         * 
+         * @returns a status code indicating success or failure
+         **/
+        IMPORT_C static void DeleteCommServerL(MCommServer* aCommServer);
+        /**
+         * Create instance.
+         * @param aUIITyep
+         * @param aTone
+         */
+        IMPORT_C static MVTUserInput* CreateUserInputIndication(TUserInputType aUIIType, TUint8 aTone);
+        /**
+         * Delete instance.
+         * @param aUII
+         */
+        IMPORT_C static void DeleteUserInputIndication(MVTUserInput* aUII);
+        /**
+         * 
+         * @param aAudioSink
+         */
+        IMPORT_C static MVtAudioConfigCommand* GetAudioConfigCommandL(MVTAudioSink* aAudioSink);
+    };
+//  End of File