changeset 27 dcbddbbaf8fd
parent 0 ed9695c8bcbe
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vtengines/videoteleng/Logger/Inc/cvtlogger.h	Wed Jun 23 18:14:26 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004 - 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Video telephony engine debugging support.
+#ifndef CVTLOGGER_H
+#define CVTLOGGER_H
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <flogger.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include "vtlogger.hrh"
+const TInt KVtDebugBufferSize = 100;
+const TInt KVtDebugReturnValNotApplicable = -1;
+#define DEBUG_CONSTRUCT CVtLogger::ELogConstruction
+#define DEBUG_DESTRUCT CVtLogger::ELogDestruction
+#define DEBUG_MEDIA CVtLogger::ELogMedia
+#define DEBUG_AUDIO CVtLogger::ELogAudio
+#define DEBUG_SESSION CVtLogger::ELogSession
+#define DEBUG_DETAIL CVtLogger::ELogDetails
+#define DEBUG_ALL CVtLogger::ELogLogEverything
+#define DEBUG_GEN CVtLogger::ELogGeneric
+#define DEBUG_RETURN CVtLogger::ELogReturn
+#define DEBUG_FLAG1 CVtLogger::ELogApp1
+#define DEBUG_FLAG2 CVtLogger::ELogApp2
+#define DEBUG_FLAG3 CVtLogger::ELogApp3
+#define DEBUG_FLAG4 CVtLogger::ELogApp4
+#if defined(VTDEBUG) && defined(__CS_VIDEO_TELEPHONY)
+* Write a text buffer to log.
+#define __VTPRINT(level,x) CVtLogger::Print(level, _L(x));
+* Write a text buffer and integer value to log.
+#define __VTPRINT2(level,x,y) CVtLogger::Print(level, _L(x), y);
+* Write a text buffer and two integer values to log.
+#define __VTPRINT3(level,x,y,z) CVtLogger::Print(level, _L(x), y, z);
+#define __VTPRINTENTER(x) CVtLogger::Print( CVtLogger::ELogGeneric, ETrue, _L(x));
+#define __VTPRINTEXIT(x) CVtLogger::Print( CVtLogger::ELogGeneric, EFalse, _L(x) );
+#define __VTPRINTEXITR(x,y) CVtLogger::Print( CVtLogger::ELogGeneric, EFalse, _L(x), y );
+* Initialize VT logging, must be called before any __VTPRINT's are called.
+#define VTLOGINIT CVtLogger::Initialize();
+* Uninitializes VT logging, must be called client using logging is deleted.
+#define VTLOGUNINIT CVtLogger::Uninitialize();
+* Returns logging and configuration flags
+#define VTFLAGS CVtLogger::Flags();
+* check if baseband loopback is enabled
+#define DEBUG_CFG_BB_LOOPBACK ( CVtLogger::Flags() & CVtLogger::ECfgBBLoopbackEnabled )
+* check if PV engine loopback is enabled
+#define DEBUG_CFG_PV_LOOPBACK ( CVtLogger::Flags() & CVtLogger::ECfgPVLoopbackEnabled )
+* Disables passing of audio source to PV
+#define DEBUG_CFG_NO_AUDIO_SOURCE ( CVtLogger::Flags() & CVtLogger::ECfgNoAudioSource )
+* Disables passing of audio source to PV
+#define DEBUG_CFG_NO_AUDIO_SINK ( CVtLogger::Flags() & CVtLogger::ECfgNoAudioSink )
+* Disables passing of video sink to PV
+#define DEBUG_CFG_NO_VIDEO_SINK ( CVtLogger::Flags() & CVtLogger::ECfgNoVideoSink )
+* Disables passing of video source to PV
+#define DEBUG_CFG_NO_VIDEO_SOURCE ( CVtLogger::Flags() & CVtLogger::ECfgNoVideoSource )
+* Disables VT Debug mode if __CS_VIDEO_TELEPHONY is undefined
+#undef VTDEBUG
+#define __VTPRINT(level,x) 
+#define __VTPRINT2(level,x,y) 
+#define __VTPRINT3(level,x,y,z) 
+#define __VTPRINTENTER(x)
+#define __VTPRINTEXIT(x)
+#define __VTPRINTEXITR(x,y)
+#define VTLOGINIT
+#define VTFLAGS 0
+#endif // VTDEBUG
+*  Debbuging support.
+*  To enable logging (either with RDebug or RFileLogger) follow steps below:
+*  1. Create folder c:\Logs\VT
+*  2. Create file VTLOGCONF.txt
+*  3. Open the file and define logging level by hexadecimal digit, 
+*     see TLogLevel in class declaration below. Example: 2007 means that
+*     constructors (0x1), destructors (0x2 ) in media subsystem (0x4) are 
+*     logged to file (0x2000), i.e. the values are bitwise or'ed. Log file
+*     name is "<thread name>.txt" where <thread name> is name of the thread
+*     where logging takes places.
+*  @lib videoteleng
+*  @since 2.6
+class CVtLogger : public CActive
+    {
+    public:  // Constructors and destructor
+        /**
+        * Two-phased constructor.
+        */
+        static CVtLogger* NewL();
+        /**
+        * Destructor.
+        */
+        virtual ~CVtLogger();
+    public: // New functions
+        /**
+        * Writes to log file or RDebug.
+        * @param aDes text output
+        */
+        virtual void Print( TDesC& aDes );
+        /**
+        * Log level defining logging behavior.
+        */
+        enum TLogLevel {
+            // Constructors are logged
+            ELogConstruction  = 0x00000001,
+            // Destructors are logged
+            ELogDestruction   = 0x00000002,
+            // Media subsystem methods are logged
+            ELogMedia         = 0x00000004,
+            // Session subsystem methods are logged
+            ELogSession       = 0x00000008,
+            // Audio subsystem methods are logged
+            ELogAudio         = 0x00000010,
+            // Details in methods are logged
+            ELogDetails       = 0x00000020,
+            // Generic framework methods are logged
+            ELogGeneric       = 0x00000040,
+            // Log return from function
+            ELogReturn        = 0x00000080,
+            // Everything is logged, as if all above were set.
+            ELogLogEverything = 0x0000007F,
+            // Insert time at the beginning of each log entry
+            // For file logging time is always written because
+            // it is automatically done by RFileLogger.
+            ELogTime          = 0x00001000,
+            // Log to file instead of using RDebug
+            ELogToFile        = 0x00002000,
+            // Application specific flag 1
+            ELogApp1          = 0x00004000,
+            // Application specific flag 2
+            ELogApp2          = 0x00008000,
+            // Application specific flag 3
+            ELogApp3          = 0x00010000,
+            // Application specific flag 4
+            ELogApp4          = 0x00020000,
+            // Configuration flags
+            /** Loopback configuration (set only
+            *   one of the following flags
+            */
+            // Baseband loopback enabled
+            ECfgBBLoopbackEnabled = 0x00100000,
+            // PV Engine loopback enabled
+            ECfgPVLoopbackEnabled = 0x00200000,
+            // Disable passing of audio source
+            ECfgNoAudioSink       = 0x00400000,
+            // Disable passing of audio sink
+            ECfgNoAudioSource     = 0x00800000,
+            // Disable passing of video source
+            ECfgNoVideoSource     = 0x01000000,
+            // Disable passing of video sink
+            ECfgNoVideoSink      = 0x02000000
+            };
+        /**
+        * Writes buffer to log.
+        * @param aLevel combination of TLogLevel values
+        * @param aBuffer buffer to log
+        */
+        IMPORT_C static void Print( 
+            TInt aLevel, 
+            TPtrC aBuffer );
+        /**
+        * Writes buffer to log.
+        * @param aLevel combination of TLogLevel values
+        * @param aBuffer buffer to log
+        * @param aValue value appended to buffer
+        */
+        IMPORT_C static void Print( 
+            TInt aLevel, 
+            TPtrC aBuffer, 
+            TInt aValue );
+        /**
+        * Writes buffer to log.
+        * @param aLevel combination of TLogLevel values
+        * @param aBuffer buffer to log
+        * @param aValue1 first value appended to buffer
+        * @param aValue2 second value appended to buffer
+        */
+        IMPORT_C static void Print( 
+            TInt aLevel, 
+            TPtrC aBuffer, 
+            TInt aValue1,
+            TInt aValue2 );
+        /**
+        * Writes buffer to log. This overloaded method is used
+        * for printing entry or exit from a function.
+        * @since Series60 2.8
+        * @param aLevel combination of TLogLevel values
+        * @param aEntry if ETrue "<" is appended to end of string
+        *               if EFalse ">" is appended to end of string
+        * @param aBuffer buffer to log
+        * @param aRetVal return value of the function. If this value
+        * is present (i.e. other than KVtDebugReturnValNotApplicable
+        * is passed) then aBuffer should include format tag '%d' where
+        * aRetValue should be placed.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C static void Print(
+            TInt aLevel,
+            const TBool aEntry,
+            TPtrC aBuffer,
+            TInt aRetVal = KVtDebugReturnValNotApplicable );
+        /**
+        * Initializes logging. This must be called before
+        * any use of __VTPRINT macros.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C static void Initialize();
+        /**
+        * Uninitializes logging. This must be called when
+        * client of logging service is deleted.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C static void Uninitialize();
+        /**
+        * Returns flags in configuration file
+        * @return flags
+        */
+        IMPORT_C static TInt Flags();
+    private:
+        /**
+        * Returns logger.
+        * @return logger
+        */
+        static CVtLogger* Logger();
+        /**
+        * Returns if certain log levels are set.
+        * @param aLevels bitmap of TLogLevel values
+        * @return ETrue if all aLevels are set.
+        */
+        TBool CheckLevels( TInt aLevels ) const;
+        /**
+        * Reads configuration file and starts
+        * monitoring changes on it.
+        */
+        void ReadCongigFile();
+    private: // from CActive
+        /**
+        * Handles file change notification
+        */
+        void RunL();
+        /**
+        * Cancels monitoring file change
+        */
+        void DoCancel();
+    private:
+        /**
+        * C++ default constructor.
+        */
+        CVtLogger();
+        /**
+        * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
+        */
+        void ConstructL( );
+    private:    // Data        
+        // Buffer size for printed lines
+        enum 
+            {
+            ETempBufLength = 80
+            };
+        TFileName               iFileName;
+        RFs                     iFs;
+        TInt                    iLogLevel;
+        TInt                    iAccessCount;
+        TBuf<ETempBufLength>    iBuffer;
+        TBuf<ETempBufLength>    iTempBuf;
+    };
+#endif      // CVTLOGGER_H
+// End of File