--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vtengines/videoteleng/Src/Extensions/CVtEngExtensions.cpp Mon Nov 23 14:47:47 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Videoteleng API extension configuration
+#include "CVtEngExtensions.h"
+#include "VtEngPanic.h"
+#include "VtEngUtils.h"
+#include "CVtEngOperation.h"
+#include "CVtEngMediaHandler.h"
+#include "CVtEngCameraPreferences.h"
+#include "cvtengrecord2file.h"
+#include <cvtlogger.h>
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngExtensions::CVtEngExtensions
+// C++ constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ iExtensionArray( KExtensionGranularity )
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngExtensions::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CVtEngExtensions::ConstructL()
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "Extensions.ConstructL" )
+ __VTPRINTEXIT( "Extensions.ConstructL" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngExtensions::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CVtEngExtensions* CVtEngExtensions::NewL()
+ {
+ CVtEngExtensions* self = new( ELeave ) CVtEngExtensions;
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngExtensions::~CVtEngExtensions
+// Destructor. Cannot leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "Extensions.~" )
+ // Clean and destroy pointer array
+ iExtensionArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ __VTPRINTEXIT( "Extensions.~" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngExtensions::CreateExtensions
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CVtEngExtensionBase* CVtEngExtensions::CreateExtensionsL( const TUid& aUid,
+ CVtEngMediaHandler& aHandler)
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "Extensions.CreateExtensions" )
+ // init local variables
+ TInt error = KErrNotSupported;
+ CVtEngExtensionBase* extension = NULL;
+ // Check if supported UID
+ if ( aUid == KVtEngExtensionCameraPreferences ||
+ aUid == KVtEngExtensionRecord2File )
+ {
+ // Create extension
+ extension = aHandler.CreateExtensionsL( aUid );
+ // Push it to clean up stack because
+ // it needs to be append in to
+ // array and it can be failed
+ CleanupStack::PushL( extension );
+ // append extension in to array
+ error = iExtensionArray.Append(extension);
+ if ( error != KErrNone )
+ {
+ // if append fails
+ // clear clean up stack and leave
+ "Extensions.CreateExtensions iExtension.Append failed %d",
+ error )
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ User::Leave( error );
+ }
+ // append succesful
+ // pop extension from clena up stack and return
+ "Extensions.CreateExtensions iExtension UID[%d] succesfully Appended",
+ aUid.iUid)
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return extension;
+ }
+ // not supported UID
+ // leave with error
+ else
+ {
+ "Extensions.CreateExtensions Extension NOTSUPPORTED UID%d",
+ aUid.iUid )
+ User::Leave( error );
+ return extension;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngExtensions::GetClientInterface
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CVtEngExtensions::GetClientInterface( TAny** aInterfacePtr,
+ const TUid& aUid , CVtEngMediaHandler& aHandler)
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "Extensions.GetClientInterface" )
+ // if aInterfacePtr pointer is NULL -> panic
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aInterfacePtr,Panic( EVtEngPanicInvalidPointer ) );
+ // init local variables
+ CVtEngExtensionBase* extension = NULL;
+ TInt error = KErrGeneral;
+ // initialize IF pointer to be NULL
+ // if correct extension API IF is found
+ // then changed to valid pointer
+ *aInterfacePtr = NULL;
+ // Check if extension is allready in pointer array
+ TInt index = LookupExtensions( aUid );
+ if ( index != KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ *aInterfacePtr = iExtensionArray[index]->GetInterface();
+ __VTPRINTEXITR( "Extensions.GetClientInterface error [%d]", KErrNone )
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ // Create extension
+ else
+ {
+ TRAP( error, extension = CreateExtensionsL( aUid, aHandler ) );
+ if ( extension && error == KErrNone )
+ {
+ *aInterfacePtr = extension->GetInterface();
+ error = KErrNone;
+ }
+ __VTPRINTEXITR( "Extensions.GetClientInterface error [%d]", error )
+ return error;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngExtensions::LookupExtensions
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CVtEngExtensions::LookupExtensions( const TUid& aUid) const
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "Extensions.LookupExtensions" )
+ TInt index( iExtensionArray.Count() );
+ // Loop whole extension array
+ while( index-- )
+ {
+ // If matches in one of arrays UIDs
+ if( aUid == iExtensionArray[index]->Uid() )
+ {
+ __VTPRINTEXITR( "Extensions.LookupExtensions index [%d]", index)
+ return index;
+ }
+ }
+ __VTPRINTEXITR("Extensions.LookupExtensions Not Found index [%d]",
+ KErrNotFound)
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngExtensions::OfferOperationL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CVtEngExtensions::OfferOperationL( CVtEngOperation* aOp )
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "Extensions.OfferOperationL" )
+ TInt index( iExtensionArray.Count() );
+ // Format cmdComleted as false
+ TBool cmdCompleted = EFalse;
+ // Offer operation to all extension in array
+ while( index-- )
+ {
+ // If valid extension found
+ if ( iExtensionArray[index]->HandleL( aOp ) )
+ {
+ cmdCompleted = ETrue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ __VTPRINTEXITR( "Extensions.OfferOperationL cmdCompleted [%d]",
+ cmdCompleted)
+ return cmdCompleted;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CVtEngExtensions::ValidateCommand
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CVtEngExtensions::ValidateCommand( const TVtEngCommandId aCommandId )
+ {
+ __VTPRINTENTER( "Extensions.ValidateCommand" )
+ TInt index( iExtensionArray.Count() );
+ // Format oKToPerform as false
+ TBool oKToPerform = EFalse;
+ // Try validate command in all extensions in array
+ while( index-- )
+ {
+ // If valid extension found
+ if ( iExtensionArray[index]->ValidateCommand( aCommandId ) )
+ {
+ oKToPerform = ETrue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ __VTPRINTEXITR( "Extensions.ValidateCommand oKToPerform [%d]",
+ oKToPerform)
+ return oKToPerform;
+ }
+// End of File