author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Thu, 07 Jan 2010 12:47:29 +0200
changeset 2 4a81900cd18b
parent 0 ed9695c8bcbe
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 200951 Kit: 201001

* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Remote video handling class.



#include "CVtEngRemoteVideo.h"
#include "TVtEngRenderConfigDP.h"

#include <cvtimagescaler.h>


class TDisplaySinkParamsDP;
class CVtImageBitmap;
class CVtImageScaler;


const TInt KVtEngMaxBuffers = 2;


*  Buffer waiter observer API
*  @lib videoteleng.lib
*  @since Series 60 3.2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( MVtEngBufferWaiterObserver )
    public: // New methods

        * Buffer fetched without errors.
        * @param aBuffer Pointer to fetched buffer.
        virtual void BufferReady(
            CPostingSurface::TPostingBuff* aBuffer ) = 0;

        * Buffer fetch error.
        * @param aError Error code.
        virtual void FetchError( TInt aError ) = 0;

*  Display Posting drawer
*  @lib videoteleng.lib
*  @since Series 60 3.2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CVtEngDrawDP ) : public CVtEngRemoteVideo::CVtEngDraw,
    public MVtEngBufferWaiterObserver,
    public MVtImageScalerObserver

    public: // constructor and destructor

        * Two-phased constructor.
        * @param aObserver call back interface to Display Sink
        * @return instance of CVtEngDrawDP
        static CVtEngDrawDP* NewL( MDisplaySinkObserver* aObserver );

        // Destructor


        * C++ constructor as private.
        * @param aObserver callback interface for Display Sink
        CVtEngDrawDP( MDisplaySinkObserver* aObserver );

    private: // from MVtEngDraw

        * @see CVtEngDraw::BaseConstructL
        void BaseConstructL();

        * @see CVtEngDraw::CreateSinkL
        MDisplaySink* CreateSinkL();

        * @see CVtEngDraw::BaseRefreshL
        void BaseRefreshL();

        * @see CVtEngDraw::BaseRefreshBitmapsL
        void BaseRefreshBitmapsL();

        * @see CVtEngDraw::BaseDoCancel
        void BaseDoCancel();

        * @see CVtEngDraw::BaseVerifyConfigL
        void BaseVerifyConfigL();

        * @see CVtEngDraw::BaseRestartL
        void BaseRestartL();

        * @see CVtEngDraw::BaseAbortNow
        void BaseAbortNow();

        * @see CVtEngDraw::BaseStartDrawL
        void BaseStartDrawL();

        * @see CVtEngDraw::BaseStopDraw
        void BaseStopDraw();

        * @see CVtEngDraw::BaseSetConfigL
        void BaseSetConfigL( const TVtEngRenderConfig& aConfig );

        * @see CVtEngDraw::BaseSetUIForegroundL
        void BaseSetUIForegroundL( TBool aForeground );

        * @see CVtEngDraw::BaseVideoFrameSizeChangedL
        void BaseVideoFrameSizeChangedL( const TSize& aTo );

        * @see CVtEngDraw::BaseRequestLastFrame
        void BaseRequestLastFrame();
        * @see CVtEngDraw::Config
        TVtEngRenderConfig& Config();

    private: // new methods

        * Handles all delayed calls.
        void HandleDelayedCallsL();

        * Base construct implementation
        void DoBaseConstructL();

        * Base start drawing implementation
        void DoBaseStartDrawL();

        * Initialize posting surface implementation
        void DoInitializePostingSurfaceL();

        * Update sink params implementation.
        void DoUpdateSinkParamsL();

        * Updates sink params.
        void UpdateSinkParamsL();

        * Checks if the alpha has been trashed on screen buffer (ETrue if it
        * has been trashed, EFalse otherwise).
        TBool IsAlphaTrashed() const;

        * Sets clipping region (read from DSA).
        void SetClipRegionL();

        * Initializes DP.
        void InitializePostingSurfaceL();

        * Fills posting source params structure.
        void GetPostingSourceParams(
            CPostingSurface::TPostingSourceParams& aParams ) const;

        * Fills posting params structure.
        void GetPostingParams(
            CPostingSurface::TPostingParams& aParams ) const;

        * Returns ETrue if given format is supported, EFalse otherwise.
        TBool SupportsFormat(
            const CPostingSurface::TPostingFormat& aFormat ) const;

        * Returns ETrue if given size is supported, EFalse otherwise.
        TBool SupportsSize( const TSize& aSize ) const;

        * Returns ETrue if given rotation is supported,
        * EFalse otherwise.
        TBool SupportsRotation(
            CPostingSurface::TRotationType aRotation ) const;

        * Returns ETrue if mirroring is supported, EFalse otherwise.
        TBool SupportsMirroring() const;

        * Returns ETrue if scaling is supported, EFalse otherwise.
        TBool SupportsScaling() const;

        * Returns ETrue if brightness controlling is supported,
        * EFalse otherwise.
        TBool SupportsBrightness() const;

        * Returns ETrue if contrast controlling is supported,
        * EFalse otherwise.
        TBool SupportsContrast() const;

        * Returns buffer size in bytes for given size and current posting
        * format.
        TInt GetFrameBufferSize( const TSize& aTo ) const;

        * Recreates clipregion. May leave with KErrNoMemory.
        void RecalculateClipRegionL();

        * Fixes rect for DP.
        void FixRectForDP( TRect& aRect ) const;

        * Fills sink parameters.
        void GetSinkParams( TDisplaySinkParamsDP& aSinkParams );

        * Returns reference to sink.
        MDisplaySink& DisplaySink();

        * Stores given frame buffer.
        void StoreFrameBuffer( CPostingSurface::TPostingBuff* aPostingBuffer );

        * Creates frame buffer.
        void CreateFrameBufferL( const TSize& aSize );

        * Async draw callback.
        static TInt CallBack( TAny* aPtr );

        * Sets given buffer available to display sink.
        void SetAvailableToSink( CPostingSurface::TPostingBuff* aBuffer );

        * Creates instance of posting surface.
        CPostingSurface* CreatePostingSurfaceL();

        * Close the DP API library and free the allocated instance.
        void CloseDPLibrary();

        * Loads DP API library.
        void LoadDPLibraryL();

        * Converts YUV420 image to bitmap.
        void Convert420ToVtImg( HBufC8* aSource, CVtImageBitmap& aTarget );

        * Converts YUV422 image to bitmap.
        void Convert422ToVtImg( HBufC8* aSource, CVtImageBitmap& aTarget );

        * Updates Vt frame to frame observer.
        void UpdateVtFrame();

    public: // From MVtImageScalerObserver.

        * @ see MVtImageScalerObserver.
        virtual void ScalingFinished( TInt aError );

    private: // from CActive

        * Handles prepared bitmap from display sink.
        * @see CActive::RunL
        void RunL();

    private: // from MVtEngBufferWaiterObserver

        * @see MVtEngBufferWaiterObserver::BufferReady
        void BufferReady( CPostingSurface::TPostingBuff* aBuffer );

        * @see MVtEngBufferWaiterObserver::FetchError
        void FetchError( TInt aError );

    private: // inner classes

        // Buffer class for storing buffer.
        NONSHARABLE_CLASS( TVtEngBuffer )

                * C++ constructor

                * Sets buffer
                void Set( CPostingSurface::TPostingBuff* aBuffer );

                * Unsets buffer
                void UnSet();

                * Returns ETrue if buffer is set
                TBool IsSet() const;

                * Returns pointer reference to stored buffer.
                CPostingSurface::TPostingBuff*& Buffer();


                // Pointer's pointer to buffer
                CPostingSurface::TPostingBuff* iBuffer;

        // Waiter class for asynchronous events.
        NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CVtEngBufferWaiter ) : public CActive

                * C++ constructor.
                CVtEngBufferWaiter( CPostingSurface& aPostingSurface,
                    MVtEngBufferWaiterObserver& aObserver );

                * Destructor, frees all resources allocated by this instance.

                * Fetch new buffer (also activates listening).
                TInt FetchBuffer();

            private: // new methods

                * Activate buffer listening (also calls CActive::SetActive()).
                void Activate();

            private: // from CActive

                * @see CActive::RunL()
                void RunL();

                * @see CActive::DoCancel()
                void DoCancel();

            private: // data

                // Posting surface instance (not owned)
                CPostingSurface* iPostingSurface;

                // BufferWaiter observer who gets informed about buffers
                MVtEngBufferWaiterObserver* iObserver;

    private: // data

        // Posting surface instance
        CPostingSurface* iPostingSurface;

        // Posting capabilities
        CPostingSurface::TPostingCapab iPostingCaps;

        // Posting buffers
            iBuffers[ MDisplaySink::EFirstBitmap + KVtEngMaxBuffers ];

        // Buffer waiter instance
        CVtEngBufferWaiter* iBufferWaiter;

        // Rendering configuration
        TVtEngRenderConfigDP iConfig;

        // Clipping region
        RRegion iClipRegion;

        // Frame buffer
        HBufC8* iFrameBuffer;

        // Selected posting format
        CPostingSurface::TPostingFormat iPostingFormat;

        // DP API DLL
        RLibrary* iDPLib;

        // Source image contains converted YUV frame
        CVtImageBitmap* iSource;

        // Target image contains scaled bitmap
        CVtImageBitmap* iTarget;

        // Image scaler instance
        CVtImageScaler* iImageScaler;

        // Clip region updated
        TBool iClipRegionUpdated;
