* Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Video session interface.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <mvtprotocolhandler.h>
#include "MVtEngMedia.h"
#include "vtengcommands.h"
#include "CVtEngLocalVideo.h"
#include "MVtEngSettingObserver.h"
class CVtEngLocalVideo;
class CVtEngRemoteVideo;
class MVtEngFrameObserver;
class CVtEngOperation;
class CVtEngExtensionBase;
* Media control.
* @lib videoteleng.lib
* @since Series 60 2.6
public CBase,
public MVtEngMedia,
public MVtEngSettingObserver,
public MVtProtocolHandler
public: // Constructor and destructor.
* Symbian two-phase constructor.
* @return media handler instance
static CVtEngMediaHandler* NewL();
* Destructor.
public: // From MVtEngMedia.
* @see MVtEngMedia
virtual TInt GetMediaState(
const TMediaDirection aMediaDirection,
TInt& aActiveMedia ) const;
* @see MVtEngMedia
virtual TBool RenderingStarted(
const TMediaDirection
aDirection ) const;
* @see MVtEngMedia
virtual TInt GetSource( TMediaSource& aSource ) const;
* @see MVtEngMedia
virtual TInt GetSourcesCaps( TInt& aCaps ) const;
* @see MVtEngMedia
virtual TInt GetCurrentCameraId( TCameraId& aId ) const;
* @see MVtEngMedia
virtual TInt GetCameraInfo(
const TCameraId aId,
TCameraInfo& aInfo ) const;
* @see MVtEngMedia
virtual TInt GetCurrentZoomStep( TInt& aCurrentStep );
* @see MVtEngMedia
virtual TInt GetMaxZoomStep( TInt& aMaxZoomStep );
* @see MVtEngMedia
virtual TInt GetMajorZoomStepCount( TInt& aCount );
* @see MVtEngMedia
virtual void GetMajorZoomStep( TInt aIndex, TInt& aStep );
* @see MVtEngMedia
virtual TInt GetFreezeSupported( TBool& aFreezeSupported ) const;
* @see MVtEngMedia
virtual TInt GetFreezeState( TBool& aFrozen ) const;
* @see MVtEngMedia
virtual TInt GetDsaState(
const TMediaDirection aMediaDirection,
TBool& aActive ) const;
* @see MVtEngMedia
virtual TBool VideoCallConnected () const;
* @see MVtEngMedia
virtual void GetVideoQuality( TVideoQuality& aVideoQuality ) const;
* @see MVtEngMedia
virtual void GetObjectSharingState(
TShareObjectState& aObjectSharingState ) const;
* @ see MVtEngMedia
virtual void GetCameraOrientations(
TCameraOrientation& aPrimaryCameraOrientation,
TCameraOrientation& aSecondaryCameraOrientation ) const;
public: // New functions.
* Tells if the Protocol initialization has completed.
* @return ETrue if initialized
TBool ProtoInitialized() const;
* Performs an operation in the handler.
* @param operation to be performed on the handler
virtual void HandleL( CVtEngOperation& aOperation );
* Returns if command can be performed by media handler.
* @return KErrNone if a command can be perfomed
* KErrNotReady if not in appropriate state
* KErrNotSupported if command is not for media handler
TInt ValidateCommand( const TVtEngCommandId aCommand ) const;
* Returns ETrue if video channel is closed.
TBool IsVideoChannelClosed() const;
* Request update last remote video frame through MVtEngFrameObserver::vtSetFrame
void RequestLastRemoteFrame();
public: // from MVtProtocolHandler
* Handles callback from protocol.
* @param aResponse response
virtual void HandleSessionCommandEventL(const TVtCommandResponse& aResponse);
public: // From MVtProtocolHandler.
* Handles callback from protocol audiocontroller.
* @param aId which command
* @param aCmd which audio command
* @param aContextData any additional data
* @param aStatus how did it end up with
virtual void HandleAudioOutputControlCommandComplete(TInt aId,
TVtAudioOutputControlCommand aCmd,
TAny *aContextData,
TInt aStatus);
public: // From MVtProtocolHandler.
* Handles event from protocol.
* @param aEvent event
virtual void HandleSessionInformationalEventL(
const TVtIndicationEvent& aEvent);
public: // from MVtProtocolHandler
* Handles error event from protocol.
* @param aEvent error event
virtual void HandleSessionErrorEventL(const TVtErrorEvent& aEvent);
public: // from MVtEngSettingObserver
* Handles shared data setting change.
* @param aId setting id
* @param aValue setting value
virtual void HandleSettingChangedL(
CVtEngSettings::TSettingId aId,
const TDesC& aValue );
public: // From MVtProtocolHandler.
* @see MVtProtocolHandler.
void HandleVideoEncoderCommandCompletedL(
const TVtCommandResponse& aResponse );
* @see MVtProtocolHandler.
void HandleVideoEncoderInformationalEventL(
const TVtIndicationEvent& aEvent);
public: // From MVtProtocolHandler
* @see MVtProtocolHandler.
* @since 3.1
void HandleH324MConfigCommandCompletedL( const TVtCommandResponse& aResponse );
* @see MVtProtocolHandler.
* @since 3.1
void HandleH324MConfigInformationalEventL(
const TVtIndicationEvent& aEvent );
public: // New functions.
* Initializes media handler.
* @param aStatus signaling handle
void InitializeL( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Cancels media handler initialization.
void CancelInitialize();
* Initializes default blank provider.
* @param aStatus signaling handle
void InitializeProviderL( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Cancel Image sharing initialization.
void CancelInitializeShareImage();
* Sets protocol interface.
* aProto2Way protocol interface
void SetSessionCommand( MVtSessionCommand* aProto2Way );
* Unitializes media handler.
* @param aStatus request semaphore to complete
* when uninitialization is complete
void Uninitialize( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Goes to next step of uninitialization process, it can
* be one of following
* - Cancel all Protocol commands
* - Protocol disconnect
* - Protocol reset
* - Switch blank provider.
void UninitializeNextStep();
* Sets selected camera ID.
* @param aId camera ID (primary or secondary)
* @param aUpdateRequired if ETrue switch could not be performed
* Switch will be done when engine has been initialized.
void SetSelectedCameraId(
const TCameraId aId,
TBool aUpdateRequired = EFalse );
* Handles source initialization or switch.
* @param aResult Symbian OS error code
void HandleLocalVideoOperationCompleteL( const TInt aResult );
* SDK init info.
* @return Protocol initialization info
TVtInitInfo& SdkInitInfo();
* Returns protocol state maintained by VTEngine, not by Protocol.
* @return state
MVtProtocolCommand::TVtProtocolState ProtoState();
* Sets up video connection to remote terminal.
* @return Symbian OS error code
TInt Connect();
* Disconnects session.
* @return Symbian OS error code
TInt Disconnect();
* Adds video data source to protocol engine.
* @param Video channel logical channel ID number.
* @return Symbian OS error code
TInt AddVideoSource( TUint aChannelId );
* Adds audio data source to protocol engine.
* @param Audio channel logical channel ID number.
* @return Symbian OS error code
TInt AddAudioSource( TUint aChannelId );
* Adds video sink.
* @param Video channel logical channel ID number.
* @return Symbian OS error code
TInt AddVideoSink( TUint aChannelId );
* Adds audio sink.
* @param Audio channel logical channel ID number.
* @return Symbian OS error code
TInt AddAudioSink( TUint aChannelId );
* Sets the output volume for Protocol.
* @param aVolume the level of the volume
* @return Symbian OS error code
TInt SetVolume( const TInt aVolume,
CVtEngOperation* aOperation = NULL );
* Enables video when primary camera becomes available.
* @param aEnable do we enable or disable
* @return Symbian OS error code
TInt AutoEnableVideo( TBool aEnable = ETrue );
* Deletes protocol instance and associated Protocol interfaces.
void FinalizeUninitialization();
* Creates extension according to API Uid.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aUid extension API Uid.
* @return Extension pointer
* @exeption Leaves if creation fails
CVtEngExtensionBase* CreateExtensionsL( const TUid& aUid );
* Checks if there is already an operation pending.
* @return KVtEngCommandNone if no operation is pending or Command identifier
TVtEngCommandId GetPendingCommand();
private: // new functions
* Sends a sync message to Protocol after provider switch.
void RequestFrame( );
* Sets video quality
void SetVideoQualityL(
const TVideoQuality aVideoQuality,
const TBool aSetPeerVideoQuality );
* Sets peer video quality
void SetPeerVideoQuality( const TVideoQuality aVideoQuality );
* Check's flag's validity. If not valid, panic's in debug mode.
* @param aFlag flag to check.
void AssertFlag( const TInt aFlag ) const;
* Gets the version information from SysUtil
* and sets it into Protocol.
void SetVersionInfoL();
* Sets supported resolutions to Protocol.
void SetSupportedResolutions();
* Sets used call setup enhancement parameters.
void SetFastCsupOptions();
* Does Protocol reset.
void ResetProtoL();
* Does the actual disconnecting with Protocol.
void DisconnectProtoL();
* Sets the defaults for volumes.
void InitializeVolume();
* Checks if a flag in iProtoInitFlags is set.
* @return ETrue if flag is set
TBool IsFlag( const TInt aFlag ) const;
* Sets a flag in iProtoInitFlags.
* @param aFlag flag to set
inline void SetFlag( const TInt aFlag );
* Clears a flag in iProtoInitFlags.
* @param aFlag flag to clear
inline void ClearFlag( const TInt aFlag );
* Requests the volume controller.
* @return ETrue if retrieved ok
TBool RequestAudioControllerL();
* Spatial trade off indication handling method. Indication is
* sent by the peer every time when its spatial trade off is updated.
* @param aLogicalChannelId Indication's logical channel Id.
* @param aTradeOff Indication trade off value.
void HandleSpatialTradeoffIndication(
const TUint16 aLogicalChannelId, const TUint8 aTradeOff );
* Spatial trade off command handling method. Spatial trade off
* command is sent by the peer whenever peer wants to adjust our
* video quality.
* @param aLogicalChannelId Command's logical channel Id.
* @param aTradeOff New trade off value.
void HandleSpatialTradeoffCommandL(
const TUint16 aLogicalChannelId, const TUint8 aTradeOff );
private: // constructor and destructor
* C++ default constructor.
* Symbian constructor that may leave.
void ConstructL();
* Operation values
enum TOperation
* No-op.
* 0
* Add video source to protocol.
* 1
* Add video source to protocol.
* 2
* Add audio source to protocol.
* 3
* Add audio source to protocol.
* 4
* Connect protocol.
* 5
* Mute audio.
* 6
* Resume audio sending.
* 7
* Enable video for peer.
* 8
* Disable video for peer.
* 9
* Cancel ongoing request to Protocol
* as part of uninitiazation process.
* 10
* Disconnect protocol.
* 11
* Destructs local/remote video and VS instances.
* 12
* Terminates H.324 session.
* 13
* Removing sinks and sources.
* 14
* Request 324 control interface from protocol.
* 15
* Set volume.
* 16
* Gets the maximum volume for Protocol.
* 17
* Reset protocol.
* 18
* Destruct switch blank.
* 19
* Reset protocol.
* 20
* Check Protocol state.
* 21
* Enables video internally (not originated by UI).
* 22
* Disables video internally (not originated by UI).
* 23
* Request H263Enc interface from protocol.
* 24
* Requests an intra frame.
* 25
* Set supported resolutions.
* 26
* Set video quality (by changing framerate)
* 27
* Remove H324 interface
* 28
* Remove video encoder interface
* 29
* Sends Video Temporal-spatial trade off command
* 30
* Sets fast call setup options
* 31
* Sets vendor id
* 32
* Set interval when I-frames are sent
* 33
* Operation and related command id.
struct TCmdOpPair
// Operation
TOperation iOp;
// Command id returned by proto2way asynch request
TInt iProtoCmdId;
* Enables/Disables video sending.
* @param aEnable ETrue if video is to be enabled
* @param aOp operation to be added
* NOTE. Valid only for enabling video, not when disabled.
* @see void AutoEnableVideo
* @return started operation or ENone
TOperation EnableVideoL(
const TBool aEnable,
const TOperation aOp = EEnableVideo );
* Calls Protocol pausing and acts according to the result.
* @return operation id for performed operation
TOperation DoPauseVideo();
* Continues to next step of uninitialization.
* @param aOp operation to perform
* @return command id
void ContinueUninitializeL( const TOperation aOp );
* Cancels all the running commands within Protocol.
* @param operation to be returned
* EUninitializeCancelAllProto if cancellation is ongoing
* (either because was already or just started)
* ENone if cancellation is not ongoing
* @return error code
* KErrNotReady if engine not in suitable state
* KErrAlreadyExists if cancel was already pending
* KErrNone if cancellation request succeeded
* other Symbian OS error code if cancellation fails
TInt CancelAllProtoCommands( TOperation &aOp );
* Stops view finder and remote video rendering.
void StopRendering();
* Updates volume to Protocol (if possible).
void UpdateVolume();
* Initiates protocol engine reset.
void ResetProto2WayL();
* Removes operation from pending operations array.
* @param aOp TOperation
* @return ETrue if operation was found (and hence removed)
template<class T>
TBool RemoveOperation( const T& aOp );
* Adds operation pending for callback.
* @param aOp operation value
* @param aCmdId protocol commd id or 0 if not Protocol cmd
* @param aResetExisting if ETrue removes existing operations
* from array
* @return index of the operation in array (i.e. >= 0 )
TInt AddOperation(
const TOperation aOp,
TInt aCmdId,
const TBool aResetExisting = EFalse );
* Checks if an operation is pending.
* @param aOp operation
* @return index if operation is pending or KErrNotFound
TInt IsPending( const TOperation aOp ) const;
* Checks if an operation is pending.
* @param aCmdId command id
* @return index if operation is pending or KErrNotFound
TInt IsPending( const TInt aCmdId ) const;
* Completes asynchronous operation.
* @param aResult
* @return KErrNotFound if no operation else KErrNone
TInt CompleteOp( const TInt aResult );
* Completes asynchronous operation asynchronously.
* @param aResult
* @return KErrNotFound if no operation else KErrNone
void AsyncCompleteOp( const TInt aResult = KErrNone );
* Checks if specific operation matches to response from protocol.
* @param aProtoCmdId command id returned by protocol
* @param aOperation operation to search for in pending commands
* @param aIndex index in iPendingOps array if found
* @return ETrue if there's corrensponding entry in pending ops
TBool MatchResponseToPendingOps(
const TInt aProtoCmdId,
const TOperation aOperation,
TInt* aIndex = NULL );
* Starts "self-destruction" timer.
void StartDisconnectTimerL();
* Assigns new pending operation. Only one can be pending at a time
* so if there already is pending operation it is completed with error.
* @param aOperation operation to assign as pending
* @param aReplaceError error code to complete penging operation if
* one exists. If KErrNone is passed, replacement is not done.
* @return KErrNone if assignment done successfully i.e. there was
not pending operation that was completed.
* KErrCancel if some other operation was pending and was
* completed with aReplaceError. Operation is
* still assigned successfully.
* KErrGeneral if operation was not assigned.
TInt AssignPendingOp(
CVtEngOperation& aOperation,
TInt aReplaceError = KErrCancel );
* Callback function that completes ongoing operation.
* @param aAny pointer to an instance of the class.
* @return always KErrNone.
static TInt DoCompleteOp( TAny* aAny );
* Implementation of self-destruction timer activity.
* Causes a panic.
* @param aAny pointer to an instance of the class
* Not used.
* @return KErrNone;
static TInt TimerCallback( TAny* aAny );
* Creates and enques async callback for uninitialization.
* @see iNextStepCallback
void NextUninitStepCallbackL();
* Callback method for async uninitialization step.
* @seeiNextStepCallback
* @return KErrNone;
static TInt UninitCallback( TAny* aAny );
* Query 2-way's additional interfaces, encoder and H324
* @return KErrNone;
void QueryProtoInterfacesL();
* Release 2-way's additional interfaces, encoder and H324
* @return KErrNone;
void ReleaseProtoInterfacesL();
* Check for pending Protocol extension interface commands.
* @return ETrue if one or more extension command is pending
TBool ExtensionCommandsPending() const;
* Checks is it possible to add sink / source from session
* state point of view.
* @return ETrue if adding is allowed.
TBool MediaAddingValidity() const;
* Provider initialization state
enum TInitState
* Initialization not ongoing.
* Initialize still image.
* Initilize default blank provider.
* Provider is set to none.
* Initialization has been cancelled.
* State flags.
// Protocol state flags
// Sink/source added
EProtoAudioSourceAdded = 0x000001,
EProtoVideoSourceAdded = 0x000002,
EProtoAudioSinkAdded = 0x000004,
EProtoVideoSinkAdded = 0x000008,
// Track paused
EProtoAudioTrackPaused = 0x000040,
EProtoVideoTrackPaused = 0x000080,
// Pause/resume related flags.
ETwoStageOperation = 0x000100,
ESourceUpdateNeeded = 0x000200,
EProtoPauseVideoRequested= 0x000400,
EProtoPauseVideoBlankProv= 0x000800,
EProtoContVideoBlankProv = 0x001000,
EProtoContVideoBlankInit = 0x002000,
// Must send intra
EProtoSendIntraFrame = 0x004000,
// 324 interface acquired
EProto324IFAcquired = 0x008000,
// Cancel all command is called on Protocol
// or there's nothing to cancel
EProtoCancelProtoCmdsOk = 0x010000,
// NON Protocol related flags
EVideoQualitySetByPeer= 0x020000,
// Outgoing video channel closed (after being open)
// Used for preventing video pause/resume when
// the channel is not open
EOutVideoChannelClosed = 0x040000,
// Outgoing audio channel closed (after being open)
// Used for preventing audio pause/resume
// the channel is not open
EOutAudioChannelClosed = 0x080000
* Defines actions that can be taken when sharing started
* and/or stopped
enum TVideoEngAction
* Helper class for handling video quality manipulation.
class TVtEngVideoQuality
// Forward for inner class
class TVQSParams;
* Constructor.
* Destructor.
* Sets new local video quality setting.
* @param aId Operation id.
* @param aSetPeer ETrue if peer video quality needs to be set,
* EFalse otherwise.
void SettingVideoQuality( TInt aId, const TVideoQuality aValue,
TBool aSetPeer );
* Get current local video quality setting.
* @return Current local video quality setting.
TVideoQuality VideoQuality() const;
* Setting video quality succeeded.
* @return ETrue if record with given id was found, EFalse other
* wise.
TBool SettingSucceeded( TInt aId, TVQSParams& aParams );
* Setting video quality failed.
void SettingFailed( TInt aId );
* Called when video quality indication is received from peer.
void UpdateVideoQuality( const TVideoQuality aVideoQuality );
* Converts given trade off value to video quality enum.
TVideoQuality FromTradeOff( const TInt aTradeOff ) const;
* Converts given video quality enum to trade off value.
TInt ToFrameRate( const TVideoQuality aVideoQuality ) const;
* Converts given video quality value to frame rate.
TUint8 ToTradeOff( const TVideoQuality aVideoQuality ) const;
* Finds id of setting param and returns index to it.
TInt FindVQSParam( TInt aId ) const;
* Video quality parameters.
struct TVQSParams
// Default constructor
// Constructor with initializing parameters
TVQSParams( TInt aId, const TVideoQuality aValue,
TBool aSetPeer );
public: // data
// Operation id
TInt iId;
// VideoQuality value to be set
TVideoQuality iValue;
// Defines whether peer video quality needs to be set or not
TBool iSetPeer;
// Current local video quality
TVideoQuality iCurrent;
// Qued params
RArray< TVQSParams > iParamList;
// Class for handling different kind of H.245 logical
// channels and their state in different MONA call setup
// scenarios
class TLogicalChannel
// H.245 logical channel ID to be established or
// already active
TUint iLogicalChannelId;
// H.245 logical channel ID that is currently closing.
TUint iLogicalChannelIdClosing;
// Variable to tell is same type (video or audio, incoming or outgoing)
// channel already started to close but not closed yet. If closing is pending
// same type channel cannot be opened until closing has finished or sink/source
// addition has failed for some reason.
TBool iSameTypeClosingPending;
// Variable to tell is same type (video or audio, incoming or outgoing)
// channel ready to be opened.
TBool iSameTypeChannelReadyToOpen;
private: // Data members.
// Protocol engine pointer.
MVtSessionCommand* iSessionCommand;
// Local video configuration.
CVtEngLocalVideo* iLocalVideo;
// Remote video configuration.
CVtEngRemoteVideo* iRemoteVideo;
// Pending internal operations.
TInt iCmdId;
CArrayFixFlat<TCmdOpPair>* iPendingOps;
// Video Source initialization state.
TInitState iVSInitState;
// Flags used to determine if audio and video sink/source
// is added to protocol and media state.
TInt iProtoStateFlags;
// protocol state.
MVtProtocolCommand::TVtProtocolState iProtoState;
// Initialization flag.
TBool iInitialized;
// Remote media state.
TInt iRemoteMediaState;
// Pending operation from client.
CVtEngOperation* iPendingOp;
// Protocol initialization information.
TVtInitInfo iSdkInitInfo;
// Request status for (un)initialization.
TRequestStatus* iRequestStatus;
// Audio controller handle.
MVtAudioConfigCommand* iAudioCtrl;
// Timer to detect failure in disconnection.
CPeriodic* iTimer;
// Protocol max volume.
TInt iProtoMaxVolume;
// Selected camera is not necessary activated also.
TCameraId iSelectedCameraId;
// ETrue when it is allowed to update volume.
TBool iUpdateVolumeAllowed;
// ETrue when it is needed to update volume.
TBool iUpdateVolumeRequired;
// Owned asynch callback.
CIdle* iAsyncCallback;
// Pending volume operation.
CVtEngOperation* iPendingVolumeOp;
// Used for various connection related operations.
TInt iConnectionStates;
// Used while pausing and resuming video.
CVtEngLocalVideo::TVtEngProviderType iTempProviderInfo;
// Used for setting the vendor info.
MVtH324ConfigCommand* iH324Config;
// Used H263 interface.
MVtVideoConfigCommand* iH263Encoder;
// Video quality
TVtEngVideoQuality iVideoQuality;
// Sharing object while video is disable will set this flag
TVideoEngAction iVideoAction;
// Logical channel structure for outgoing video channel(s).
TLogicalChannel iVideoOutgoingLogicalChannel;
// Logical channel structure for outgoing audio channel(s).
TLogicalChannel iAudioOutgoingLogicalChannel;
// Logical channel structure for incoming video channel(s).
TLogicalChannel iVideoIncomingLogicalChannel;
// Logical channel structure for incoming audio channel(s).
TLogicalChannel iAudioIncomingLogicalChannel;
/* For proceeding to next uninit step asynchronously.
* Needed because Proto extension interface cannot be released within
* callback
CAsyncCallBack* iNextStepCallback;
/* Do not complete operation on pause command. This flag
* is used when image sharing is stopped and video was disabled
* when sharing was initially started to prevent black frame sending
* during blank switch.
TBool iPauseNoCompleteOp;
* Result for asynchronous operation completion.
TInt iAsyncCompleteOpResult;
// End of File