author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Mon, 21 Jun 2010 15:43:21 +0300
changeset 26 b95d12697049
parent 0 ed9695c8bcbe
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201023 Kit: 2010125

* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Container for ETel session and subsessions


#include <e32base.h>
#include <etelmm.h>
#include "MVtCtlLineEventObserver.h"
#include "MVtCtlCallStatusObserver.h"
#include "MVtCtlCallControl.h"

class CVtCtlLineMonitor;
class CVtCtlCallMonitor;
class CVtCtlVideoCall;


*  Container for ETel (sub)session(s).
*  @lib CSCallCtrl
*  @since 2.6
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CVtCtlSessionContainer ) : 
    public CBase, 
    public MVtCtlLineEventObserver,
    public MVtCtlCallStatusObserver
    public:  // Constructors and destructor
        * Two-phased constructor.
        * @param aObserver call status observer
        static CVtCtlSessionContainer* NewL(
            MVtCtlCallStatusObserver& aObserver );
        * Destructor.
        virtual ~CVtCtlSessionContainer();

    public: // MVtCtlLineEventObserver

        * @see MVtCtlLineEventObserver::HandleLineEventL
        virtual void HandleLineEventL(
            const TLineEvent aEvent, 
            TDesC& aCallName );

        *   Series 60 Customer / ETel
        *   Series 60  ETel API
        virtual void HandleLineEventL( 
            const TLineEvent aEvent, 
            const RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus aStatus );

    public: // MVtCtlCallStatusObserver
        * @see MVtCtlLineEventObserver::HandleCallStatusChangeL
        virtual void HandleCallStatusChangeL( 
            TVtCtlSessionId aId,
            MVtCtlCallControl::TVtCtlState aStatus,
            MVtCtlCallControl::TVtCtlState aPreviousStatus );

    public: // New functions

        * Finds call by name.
        * @param aCallName search key
        * @return call or NULL if not found
        CVtCtlVideoCall* FindCall( TDesC& aCallName ) const;
        * Finds call by session id.
        * @param aId search key
        * @return call or NULL if not found
        CVtCtlVideoCall* FindCall( TVtCtlSessionId aId ) const;

        * Gets sessions.
        * @param aArray sessions are returned in this
        * @return number of sessions in aArray
        TInt GetSessions( RVtCtlSessionIdArray& aArray ) const;        


        * Removes call from array and deletes it.
        * @param aId session id
        void DestructCall( TVtCtlSessionId aId );

        * Checks that call is of correct type (multimedia)
        * @param aName call object
        * @param aName call name
        * @return ETrue if call is multimedia call
        *   Series 60 Customer / ETel
        *   Series 60  ETel API
        TBool CheckCallTypeL( 
            RMobileCall& aCall,
            const TName& aName );

        * Initializes video call object
        * @param aCallName call name        
        * @return ETrue if call was initialized
        TBool InitCallL( const TName& aCallName );


        * C++ constructor.
        * @param aObserver call status observer
        CVtCtlSessionContainer( MVtCtlCallStatusObserver& aObserver );

        * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
        void ConstructL();


        * Class for maintaining session identities
        class TVtCtlSessionIdentities
                // c++ default constructor

                * Create new session id
                * @return session id
                TVtCtlSessionId Create();

                * Returns current session id
                * @return session id
                TVtCtlSessionId Current() const;

                // Last session id
                TVtCtlSessionId iCurrentId;

    private:    // Data
        // ETel session
        RTelServer             iServer;

        // Phone session
        *   Series 60 Customer / ETel
        *   Series 60  ETel API
        RMobilePhone           iPhone;

        // Data line
        *   Series 60 Customer / ETel
        *   Series 60  ETel API
        RMobileLine            iLine;

        // Monitors new calls on line.
        CVtCtlLineMonitor*     iLineMonitor;
        // Array of ongoing video calls
        RPointerArray<CVtCtlVideoCall> iCalls;

        // Session id management
        TVtCtlSessionIdentities iSessionIds;

        // Call status observer
        MVtCtlCallStatusObserver& iObserver;

// End of File