author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Thu, 22 Jul 2010 16:34:21 +0100
changeset 29 c9ec3f2fcd87
parent 0 ed9695c8bcbe
permissions -rw-r--r--
Catchup to latest Symbian^4

* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Video Source subsystem.



#include "CVSCameraDataProvider.h"


*  Handles provider error notification using interface to provider callback
*  functions. Provider errors can occur in two threads and this class provides
*  error notification in the same thread context that the provider was created.
*  @lib videosource.lib
class CProviderErrorNotifierAO : public CActive
    public: // New functions

    public: // Functions from base classes

    protected:  // New functions

    protected:  // Functions from base classes

    private:    // Constructors and destructor

        * Static factory function to create instance of this class.
        * @exception Can leave with one of the system wide error codes.
        * @return Pointer to new instance.
        static CProviderErrorNotifierAO* NewL();

        * Destructor.

    private:    // New functions

        * Notify provider observer about error.
        * @param "aObserver" Pointer to provider observer to notify.
        * @param "aError" Error code.
        void NotifyError( MVSDataProviderObserver* aObserver, TInt aError );

    private:    // Constructors and destructor

        * Constructor.

        * 2nd phase constructor.
        * @exception Can leave with one of the system wide error codes.
        void ConstructL();

    private: // Functions from base classes

        * From CActive. See CActive for description.
        void DoCancel();

        * From CActive. See CActive for description.
        void RunL();

    public: // Data

    protected:  // Data

    private:    // Data

        // Pointer to provider observer that will receive the error
        // notification.
        MVSDataProviderObserver* iObserver;

        // Error code.
        TInt iError;

        // Critical section to synchronize access to this object.
        RCriticalSection iCS;

        // Thread id of the thread in which this object was created.
        TThreadId iThreadId;

    private:    // Data

        // This class is private to CVSDataProvider.
        friend class CVSDataProvider;

*  Makes onboard camera Reserve and PowerOn function calls synchronous.
*  @lib videosource.lib
class CSyncCameraReserve : public CActive
    public: // Constructors and destructor

        * Static factory function to create instance of this class.
        * @exception Can leave with one of the system wide error codes.
        * @return Pointer to new instance.
        static CSyncCameraReserve* NewL();

    public: // New functions

        * Starts waiting and returns when RunL is called.
        * @exception Can leave with one of the system wide error codes.
        void StartL();

    private:    // Constructors and destructor

        * Constructor.

    private:    // Functions from base classes

        * From CActive. See CActive for description.
        void DoCancel();

        * From CActive. See CActive for description.
        void RunL();

    private:    // Data

        // Active scheduler loop owner. See CActiveSchedulerWait for
        // description.
        CActiveSchedulerWait iWait;

*  Internal implementation of onboard camera data provider. This
*  class is inherited from onboard camera data provider base class.
*  @lib videosource.lib
class CVSOnboardCameraDataProvider : public CVSCameraDataProvider
    public:        // Constructors and destructor

        * Constructor.
        * @param "aObserver" Pointer to provider observer.
        * @param "aPool" Pointer to data MVSBufferPool that gives buffer to
        * data provider.
            MVSDataProviderObserver* aObserver,
            MVSBufferPool* aPool );

        * Destructor.

    public: // New functions

    public: // Functions from base classes

    protected:  // New functions

    protected:  // Functions from base classes

    private:    // New functions

        * See CVSDataProvider for description.
        void PrimeL();

    private:    // Functions from base classes

        * See MDataSource for description.
        virtual void FillBufferL(
            CMMFBuffer* aBuffer,
            MVTVideoSink* aConsumer,
            TMediaId aMediaId );

        * See MDataSource for description.
        virtual void BufferEmptiedL( CMMFBuffer* aBuffer );

        * See MDataSource for description.
        virtual TInt SourceThreadLogon( MAsyncEventHandler& aEventHandler );

        * See MDataSource for description.
        virtual void SourceThreadLogoff();

        * See MDataSource for description.
        virtual void SourcePrimeL();

        * See MDataSource for description.
        virtual void SourcePlayL();

        * See MDataSource for description.
        virtual void SourcePauseL();

        * See MDataSource for description.
        virtual void SourceStopL();

    private: // Functions from base classes

        * See MVTVideoInput for description.
        virtual void SetFormatL( const TDesC8& aFormat );

        * See MVTVideoInput for description.
        virtual void SetFrameRateL( TReal32 aFrameRate );

        * See MVTVideoInput for description.
        virtual void SetVideoFrameSizeL( const TSize& aSize );

        * See MVTVideoInput for description.
        virtual void GetVideoFrameSizeL( TSize& aSize ) const;

    private: // from MCameraObserver

        * @see MCameraObserver::ReserveComplete
        virtual void ReserveComplete( TInt aError );

        * @see MCameraObserver::FrameBufferReady
        virtual void FrameBufferReady( MFrameBuffer* aFrameBuffer,
            TInt aError );

    private: // from MCameraObserver2

        * @see MCameraObserver2::HandleEvent
       	virtual void HandleEvent(const TECAMEvent& aEvent);

        * @see MCameraObserver2::ViewFinderReady
		virtual void ViewFinderReady(MCameraBuffer& aCameraBuffer,TInt aError);

        * @see MCameraObserver2::VideoBufferReady
		virtual void VideoBufferReady(MCameraBuffer& aCameraBuffer,TInt aError);

    private:    // Functions from base classes

        * Get video frame size.
        virtual void GetVideoFrameSize(
            TSize& aSize,
            TInt aSizeIndex,
            const TDesC8& aFormat );

        * Get video frame rate.
        virtual void GetVideoFrameRate(
            TReal32& aRate,
            TInt aRateIndex,
            const TDesC8& aFormat,
            const TSize& aSize );

        void FreezeFrame( MFrameBuffer* aFrameBuffer );

        void FreezeFrame( MCameraBuffer* aCameraBuffer );

    public: // Data

    protected:  // Data

    private:    // Data

        // Onboard camera dublicate for the second thread. Owned.
        CCamera* iCameraDuplicate;

        // MMF controller framwork mixin for event handling
        MAsyncEventHandler* iEventHandler;

        // Enumerated values for possible states this class can have.
        enum TState

        // One of the enumerated states.
        TState iState;

        // ECAM frame rate index.
        TInt iFrameRateIndex;

        // ECAM frame size index.
        TInt iFrameSizeIndex;

        // Frame size.
        TSize iFrameSize;

        // ECAM Video frame format.
        CCamera::TFormat iFormat;

        // Pointer to AO that makes iCameraDuplicate.Reserve() and PowerOn()
        // synchronous. Owned. These are called in SourcePrimeL and because
        // it is synchronous, reserve & poweron must be too.
        CSyncCameraReserve* iSyncReserve;

        TBool iAsynchronousReserveIssued;

        // Pointer to dublicated camera bitmap
        CFbsBitmap* iDublicatedBitmap;

        // Camera lost by force indicator
        TBool iCameraLost;

    private: // friends

        // Stif test module must be set as friend to be able to call protected
        // and private methods
        friend class CstiffVideoSourceAPICases;



// End of File