* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Operation base class.
#include <e32base.h>
#include "vtengcommands.h"
class CVtEngCommandHandler;
class CVtEngHandlerContainer;
class MVtEngOperationObserver;
* Operation base class.
* @lib videoteleng
* @since 2.6
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CVtEngOperation ) : public CBase
public: // constructor and destructors
* two-phase constructor
* @param aCommandId command id
* @param aHandlers handler container
* @param aObserver observer called back when operation is completed
* @param aDelete if ETrue command deletes itself after completion
static CVtEngOperation* NewL(
TVtEngCommandId aCommandId,
CVtEngHandlerContainer& aHandlers,
MVtEngOperationObserver& aObserver,
TBool aDelete = ETrue );
* Destructor
~CVtEngOperation( );
public: // new functions
* Performs operations.
* @return ETrue is operation is complete (i.e. sync).
virtual TBool ExecuteL( TDesC8* aParams );
* Cancels pending command.
* @return ETrue if cancelled was succesfull or there
* is nothing to cancel.
TBool Cancel();
* Returns command identifier.
* @return command identifier
inline TVtEngCommandId Command() const;
* Returns command parameter buffer.
* @return parameter buffer
inline const TDesC8* Parameters() const;
* Notifies observer on completion.
* @param aResult Symbian OS error code
virtual void HandleOpComplete( const TInt aResult );
protected: // new functions
TBool OfferExecuteSyncL( TDesC8* aParams );
* c++ constructor
TVtEngCommandId aCommandId,
CVtEngHandlerContainer& aHandlers,
MVtEngOperationObserver& aCommandHandler,
TBool aDelete );
* Handles asynchronous operation complete
static TInt ASyncHandleOpComplete( TAny* aPtr );
// Command identifier
const TVtEngCommandId iCommand;
// Handler container
CVtEngHandlerContainer& iHandlers;
// observer for command response
MVtEngOperationObserver& iObserver;
// Parameter
TDesC8* iParams;
// Delete command when complete
TBool iDelete;
// Pointer to asynchronous callback
CAsyncCallBack* iAsyncCallback;
// Asynchronous callback error identifier
TInt iAsyncErr;
* Utility class for unpacking data type with descriptor data.
* @lib videoteleng
* @since 2.6
template <class T>
class TVtEngOpParamUtil
* Sets parameter in aDes to aRef.
inline void static Set( T& aRef , const CVtEngOperation& aOp );
#include "CVtEngOperation.inl"
// End of File