changeset 24 072a5fa0c63b
parent 23 2f5c9ee7098c
child 25 c6bafb5162d8
--- a/voicerecorder/RecViewSrc/CVRRecViewModel.h	Thu Aug 19 09:57:40 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,761 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002 - 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-*     This class is the data model and state machine of the Recorder View.
-*     The state machine is defined by a VR_STATEMACHINE resource structure.
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <e32std.h>
-#include <e32property.h> 
-#include <AknNotifyStd.h>
-#include <badesca.h>
-#include "MVRIHFObserver.h"
-#include "MVRKeyObserver.h"
-#include "MVRDecoratorModel.h"
-#include "MVRButtonPanelModel.h"
-#include "MVRStateInfoModel.h"
-#include "MVRObserver.h"
-#include "MVRSelectionProvider.h"
-#include "MVRVolumeChangeObserver.h"
-#include "MVRSystemEventObserver.h"
-#include "MVRMediaRemovalObserver.h"
-#include "TVRContext.h"
-#include "voicerecorder.hrh"
-#include "MVRStateInfoObserver.h"
-class CAknGlobalNote;
-class CSendUi;
-class MVRMdaRecorder;
-class CVRMemo;
-class MVRObserver;
-class TResourceReader;
-class TVRState;
-class CVRSystemEventHandler;
-class CVRMediaRemovalMonitor;
-* This class is the data model and state machine of the Recorder View.
-* The state machine is defined by a VR_STATEMACHINE resource structure.
-	  public CBase,
-	  public MVRDecoratorModel, public MVRButtonPanelModel,
-	  public MVRStateInfoModel, public MVRObserver,
-	  public MVRKeyObserver, public MVRVolumeChangeObserver,
-      public MVRSystemEventObserver,
-      public MVRMediaRemovalObserver      
-	{
-	private:	// nested classes
-		class TVRLabelLayoutLink
-			{
-			public:
-				/**
-				* Constructs this object from a VR_LABEL_LINK resource
-				* @param aReader A resource reader object initialised
-				*		 to a resource.
-				*/
-				void ReadFromResource( TResourceReader& aReader );
-			public:
-				// Link to the latin layout
-				TInt iEuroId;
-				// Link to the APAC layout
-				TInt iApacId;
-				// Link to the A/H layout
-				TInt iArabicHebrewId;
-			};
-	public: // Constructors and destructor
-		/**
-		* Default constructor.
-		*/
-		CVRRecViewModel();
-		/**
-		* Destructor
-		*/
-		~CVRRecViewModel();
-		/**
-		* Constructs the model from a VR_STATEMACHINE resource.
-		* @param aReader A resource reader object initialised to a resource.
-		*/
-		void ConstructFromResourceL( TResourceReader& aReader );
-	public: // from MVRKeyObserver
-		/**
-		* This function is called when a subject wants to report a key event.
-		* @param aKeyEvent The key event.
-		* @param aType The type of key event: EEventKey, EEventKeyUp
-		*              or EEventKeyDown
-		* @return Indicates whether or not the key event was used.
-		*/
-		TBool ProcessKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
-								const TEventCode aType );
-	public: // from MVRDecoratorModel
-		/**
-		* Returns the resource id for current softkeys
-		* @return Softkey resource identifier
-		*/
-		TInt CbaResourceId() const;
-		/**
-		* Returns the resource id for current menu bar
-		* @return Menu bar resource identifier.
-		*/
-		TInt MenuBarResourceId() const;
-		/**
-		* Used to get the state of the volume control component.
-		*/
-		void GetVolumeControlState( TVRVolumeControlState& aState,
-											TInt& aVolume );
-		/**
-		* Specifies the current help context.
-		* @param aContext the context IDs are placed here
-		*/
-		void GetHelpContext( TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const;
-		/**
-		* Registers an observer for receiving
-		* update notifications from this interface.
-		* @param aObserver The observer object.
-		*/
-		void SetDecoratorObserver( MVRObserver* aObserver );
-		/**
-		* Tells in return value if CBA Buttons should be enabled or not
-		* @return ETrue if buttons should be enabled, EFalse otherwise
-		*/
-		TBool CBAEnabled() const;
-	public: // from MVRButtonPanelModel
-		/**
-		* Returns the number of buttons.
-		* @return number of buttons (>=0)
-		*/
-		TInt ButtonCount() const;
-		/**
-		* Returns the state of a specific button.
-		* @param aButtonId Button identifier
-		* @return ENormal or EDimmed
-		*/
-		TInt ButtonState( TInt aButtonId ) const;
-		/**
-		* Returns the command id of a specific button.
-		* @param aButtonId Button identifier
-		* @return One of TVRCommands
-		*/
-		TInt CommandId( TInt aButtonId ) const;
-		/**
-		* Returns the id of the button that should have initial focus.
-		* @return Button identifier
-		*/
-		TInt InitialFocusButtonId() const;
-		/**
-		* Registers an observer for receiving
-		* update notifications from this interface.
-		* @param aObserver The observer object.
-		*/
-		void SetButtonPanelObserver( MVRObserver* aObserver );
-		/**
-		* Checks if button panel model needs to reset the focus
-		* for example after a state change
-		* @return Is reset needed
-		*/		
-		TBool ResetNeeded();
-		/**
-		* Returns an ID of the current visual state.
-		* @returns Visual state Id.
-		*/
-		TUint VisualStateId() const;
-        /**
-		* Checks if there is a call incoming at the moment
-		* @return ETrue if call incoming, EFalse otherwise
-		*/
-        TBool IncomingCall() const;	
-		/**
-		* Checks if model is in a state where it can take and handle
-		* new commands
-		* @return Can model handle new commands
-		*/
-		TBool CanHandleCommands() const;
-	public: // from MVRStateInfoModel
-		/**
-		* Returns the length of the current memo
-		* @return The duration in microseconds.
-		*/
-		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds Duration() const;
-		/**
-		* Returns the playing or recording position of the current memo.
-		* @return The position in microseconds.
-		*/
-		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds Position() const;
-		/**
-		* Returns the text content for a label.
-		* @param aName Returned text is placed in this descriptor
-		* @param aLabelIndex Label identifier (>=0)
-		*/
-		void GetLabel( TDes& aName, TInt aLabelIndex ) const;
-		/**
-		* Returns the resource id for a label.
-		* @param aLabelIndex Label identifier (>=0)
-		* @return The resource id for the specified label
-		*/
-		TInt ResourceIdForLabel( TInt aLabelIndex, TAknLayoutId aLayout ) const;
-		/**
-		* Registers an observer for receiving
-		* update notifications from this interface.
-		* @param aObserver The observer object.
-		*/
-		void SetStateInfoObserver( MVRObserver* aObserver );
-		/**
-		* Determines if model has a progress bar
-		* @return ETrue, if model has a progress bar, otherwise EFalse
-		*/
-		TBool HasProgressBar() const;
-		/**
-		* Determines if model has a volume control in this state
-		* @return ETrue, if model has a volume control, otherwise EFalse
-		*/
-		TBool HasVolumeControl() const;
-		/**
-		* Registers an observer to communicate about the changes in InfoPanel. 
-		* @param aObserver The observer object.
-		*/
-		void SetStateInfoPanelObserver( MVRStateInfoObserver* aObserver );
-	public: // from MVRObserver
-		/**
-		* Called to notify a change in the observed subject's state.
-		*/
-		void Update( TVRUpdateCommand aCommand );
-	public: // from MVRSelectionProvider
-		/**
-		* Returns the current memo name in an array
-		* Ownership is transferred. Caller must destroy the returned array.
-		* @return The array containing 0 or 1 names.
-		*/
-		MDesCArray* GetSelectedFilesLC() const;
-	public: // from MVRVolumeChangeObserver
-		/**
-		* Called to notify a change in volume settings.
-		* @param aStep Volume level in steps
-		* @param aMaxSteps How many steps there are (10 usually).
-		*/
-		void SetVolume( TInt aStep, TInt aMaxSteps );
-		/***
-		* Indicates if volume can be set, because rinto tone
-		* volume change has no effect if the tone is playing.
-		*/
-		TBool CanSetVolume();
-	public: // CVRSystemEventObserver
-		void HandleSystemEventL();
-		void HandleMMCEjectEventL();
-	public: // new methods
-		/**
-		* Handles a option menu / command button / softkey command.
-		* @param aCommandId Command identifier, one of TVRCommands
-		*/
-		void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommandId );
-		/**
-		* Returns iInRecording flag
-		* @return True or False
-		*/
-        TBool GetInRecordingFlag();
-       /**
-		* set iInRecording flag
-		* 
-		*/
-        void SetInRecordingFlag(TBool);
-		/**
-		* Check if stop has been called before
-		* @return True or False
-		*/
-        TBool GetIfStopCalled();
-		/**
-		* Enters a new state machine context.
-		* Executes the initial state transition defined by the context.
-		* @param aContext Identifies the new context.
-		*/
-		void EnterContextL( const TVRRecViewContexts& aContext );
-		/**
-		* Leaves the current state machine context.
-		*/
-		void LeaveContext();
-		/**
-		* Sets the memo name. Forwards the call to CVRMemo.
-		* @param aFilename The new file name
-		*/
-		void SetMemoName( const TDesC& aFilename );
-		/**
-		* Sets the memo name to a new, unique, one.
-		* Forwards the call to CVRMemo.
-		*/
-		void SetMemoNameNewL( TBool aEmbedded = EFalse );
-		/**
-		* Sets the path to directory where memos will be saved.
-		* Forwards the call to CVRMemo.
-		*/
-		void SetSavingLocationL( const TDesC& aPath );
-		/**
-		* Returns the complete file name (path and everything).
-		* @return Reference to the memo name.
-		*/
-		const TDesC& Filename() const;
-		/**
-		* Returns embedding status.
-		* @param ETrue if the current context is an embedded one.
-		*/
-		TBool IsEmbedded() const;
-		/**
-		* Indicates if we are in a state that can accept
-		* more commands (i.e. all async calls have completed).
-		* @return ETrue if it's ok to proceed calling methods.
-		*/
-		TBool CanAcceptCommands() const;
-		/**
-		* Sends the current memo via MMS/Infra/Bluetooth/Email
-		* @param aSendUi The CSendUi object used for sending
-		*/
-		void SendViaL( CSendUi* aSendUi );
-		/**
-		* Activates the recorder view model
-		*/
-		void ActivateL();
-		/**
-		* Deactivates the recorder view model
-		*/
-		void Deactivate();
-        /**
-        * Sets the file handle to record into
-        */
-        void SetFileHandle( RFile& aFile );
-        /**
-        * Returns the active file handle of CVRMemo object
-        */
-        RFile& MemoFileHandle();
-        /**
-        * Enables or disables the Volume Control drawing in current
-        * visual state
-        * @param aVolumeControl ETrue if Volume Control should be enabled
-        * 						EFalse if disabled 
-        */
-        void EnableVolumeControl( TBool aVolumeControl );
-        /**
-		* Returns the active quality setting.
-		* @return Quality setting of the active memo
-		*/
-		TVRQuality Quality() const;
-        /**
-         * Send exit event to UI
-         */
-        void SendExitEvent();
-        /**
-        * Set the value of iIsDriveReady.
-        * @param The new value of iIsDriveReady.
-        */
-        void SetIsDriveReady(TBool aIsDriveReady);
-        /**
-        * Get the value of iIsDriveReady.
-        * @return The value of iIsDriveReady.
-        */
-        TBool GetIsDriveReady();
-	private: // new methods
-		/**
-		* Enters a new state.
-		* Executes a function identified by the state transition.
-		* Notifies all registered observers.
-		* @param aNewState identifies the new state.
-		* @param aForce force change state (even if new is same as old)
-		*/
-		void ChangeState( TUint aNewState, TBool aForced = EFalse );
-		/**
-		* Retrieves transition information to the given transition object.
-		* @param aTransition Transition to be filled in.
-		* @param aCommandId The command that triggered this transition.
-		*/
-		void GetTransition( TVRContext::TTransition& aTransition,
-							TUint aCommandId ) const;
-		/**
-		* Retrieves transition information to the given transition object.
-		* This is used the retrieve the initial transition of a state.
-		* @param aTransition Transition to be filled in.
-		*/
-		void GetTransition( TVRContext::TTransition& aTransition ) const;
-		/**
-		* Calls the specified function.
-		* @param aFunctionId Function identifier (TVRFunctions)
-		* @return EFalse if the function want's to cancel the state change
-		*/
-		TBool CallFunctionByIdL( TInt aFunctionId );
-		/**
-		* Returns the text content for a label.
-		* This is a leaving variant of GetLabel(). It is called by
-		* GetLabel() inside a TRAP.
-		* @param aName Returned text is placed in this descriptor
-		* @param aLabelIndex Label identifier (>=0)
-		*/
-		void GetLabelL( TDes& aName, TInt aLabelIndex ) const;
-		/**
-		* Stops recording and saves the memo.
-		* The specified note text is displayed while saving.
-		* @param aResourceId  Identifies the note text.
-		*/
-		void StopAndSaveL( TInt aResourceId );
-		/**
-		* Stops recording and saves the memo.
-		* The specified note text is displayed while saving.
-		* Leaves the memo detached so that application can be closed.
-		* @param aResourceId  Identifies the note text.
-		*/
-		void StopAndCloseL( TInt aResourceId );
-		/**
-		* Shows a global note.
-		* @param aResourceId Identifies the note text.
-		* @param aNoteType Identifies the note type.
-		*/
-		void ShowNoteL( TInt aResourceId, TAknGlobalNoteType aNoteType );
-		/**
-		* Loads the volume settings (IHF & ear piece) from VoiceRecorder.ini
-		*/
-		void LoadVolumeSettingsL();
-		/**
-		* Saves the volume settings (IHF & ear piece) to VoiceRecorder.ini
-		* Note: This method is non-leaving and ignores all errors, because
-		* it's called inside the destructor. LoadVolumeSettingsL() has
-		* sanity checking so the situation isn't fatal if the saving fails.
-		*/
-		void SaveVolumeSettings();
-		/**
-		* Sets IHF on/off, if the phone is not in voice on alerting state
-		* @param aIhf ETrue == set IHF on, EFalse == set IHF off
-		*/
-		void SetIHFIfCallNotActive( TBool aIhf );
-		/*
-		* Checks if the current default speaker is loudspeaker or earpiece
-		*/
-		void CheckIhfState();
-		/**
-		* Sets the volume on the media server client object according
-		* to the current active IHF setting.
-		*/
-		void SetRecorderVolume();
-		/**
-		* Reads the default speaker setting and sets iIhfState accordingly
-		*/
-		void ReadDefaultSpeakerL();
-		/*
-		* Handles error in Update method.
-		* @param aErr Id of the error
-		*/
-		void HandleUpdateErrorL( TInt aErr );
-		/*
-		* Formats time to R_QTN_TIME_DURAT_LONG or 
-		* R_QTN_TIME_DURAT_MIN_SEC_WITH_ZERO depending of time value
-		* @param aTime Time that is formatted
-		* @param aString Buffer that holds the formatted time
-		*/
-		void FormatTimeL( const TTime& aTime, TDes& aString ) const;
-		/*
-		* Generates an array of services that should be dimmed from the 
-		* options menu "Send" selection list
-		* @return A pointer to an array that consists of the service Uids 
-		* 		that should be dimmed
-		*/
-		CArrayFixFlat<TUid>* SendViaServicesToDimLC();
-	private: // data
-		/**
-		* The state machine structure.
-		*/
-		TVRContext iContexts[ ENumContexts ];
-		/**
-		* The current context.
-		*/
-		TVRRecViewContexts iContext;
-		/**
-		* Pointer to the current state. Contained in iContexts.
-		*/
-		TVRState* iState;
-		/**
-		* Pointer to the voice memo object. Owned
-		*/
-		CVRMemo* iMemo;
-		/**
-		* Pointer to the recorder object. Owned
-		*/
-		MVRMdaRecorder* iRecorder;
-		/**
-		* Pointer to a global information note object. Owned
-		*/
-		CAknGlobalNote* iGlobalNote;
-		/**
-		* Pointer to an array of UI states. Owned
-		*/
-		CArrayFixSeg< TVRState > iStateArray;
-		/**
-		* Pointer to an array of label sets. Owned.
-		*/
-		CArrayPtrSeg< CDesCArray > iLabelSets;
-		/**
-		* Pointer to an array of label resource ids. Owned.
-		*/
-		TVRLabelLayoutLink* iLabelLayoutLinks;
-		/**
-		* Pointer to the button panel observer. Not owned.
-		*/
-		MVRObserver* iButtonPanelObserver;
-		/**
-		* Pointer to the decorator observer. Not owned.
-		*/
-		MVRObserver* iDecoratorObserver;
-		/**
-		* Pointer to the state info observer. Not owned.
-		*/
-		MVRObserver* iStateInfoObserver;
-		/**
-		* Format string placeholder.
-		* R_QTN_DATE_USUAL_WITH_ZERO is loaded to it in construction.
-		*/
-		TBuf< VRLABELMAXLENGTH > iDateUsualWithZero;
-		/**
-		* Format string placeholder.
-		* R_QTN_TIME_USUAL_WITH_ZERO is loaded to it in construction.
-		*/
-		TBuf< VRLABELMAXLENGTH > iTimeUsualWithZero;
-		/**
-		* Format string placeholder.
-		* R_QTN_TIME_DURAT_MIN_SEC_WITH_ZERO is loaded to it in construction.
-		*/
-		TBuf< VRLABELMAXLENGTH > iTimeDuratMinSecWithZero;
-		/**
-		* Format string placeholder.
-		* R_QTN_TIME_DURAT_LONG is loaded to it in construction.
-		*/		
-		TBuf< VRLABELMAXLENGTH > iTimeDuratLong;
-		/**
-		* ETrue if the model has succesfully entered a context.
-		*/
-		TBool iContextEntered;
-		/**
-		* For listening call events. Owned.
-		*/
-		CVRSystemEventHandler* iCurrentCallHandler;
-		CVRMediaRemovalMonitor* iCurrentMMCEjectHandler;
-		/**
-		* Current logical state (i.e. what the user sees, not the actual
-		* state of the HW) of the IHF
-		*/
-		TBool iIhfState;
-		/**
-		* Prefered volume of the IHF
-		*/
-		TInt iIhfVolume;
-		/**
-		* Used to tell the IHF change event listener, that the next IHF
-		* change is not made with voice key and is to be ignored
-		*/
-		TBool iIgnoreNextIhfChange;
-		/**
-		* Indicates if the view is actually active, so that the model
-		* knows when to ignore IHF change events
-		*/
-		TBool iActive;
-		/**
-		* Default speaker when playing
-		*/
-		TVRSpeaker iDefaultSpeaker;
-		/**
-		* Indicates if End key is pressed so view deactivation can trigger 
-		* right operation ( paused memo is saved as well )
-		*/
-		TBool iIsEndKey;
-		/*
-		* Id for canceling waitnote
-		*/
-		TInt iNoteId;
-		/*
-		*
-		*/
-		TBool iIsNoteLaunched;
-		/**
-		* Default audio format for recording audio clip
-		*/
-		TInt iVRAudioFormat;
-		/**
-		* Allow In-call recording functionality
-		*/
-		TInt iVRAllowInCallRecording;
-		/**
-		* The call state retrieved on previous notification
-		*/
-		TInt iPreviousCallState;
-		/**
-		* Should the button panel reset itself on update
-		*/
-		TBool iResetButtons;
-		/**
-		* If model can handle commands. i.e. no critical command handling
-		* just ongoing, e.g. waiting start tone play before starting
-		* recording
-		*/
-		TBool iCanHandleCommands;
-		/**
-		* Pointer to the state info panel observer. Not owned.
-		*/
-		MVRStateInfoObserver* iStateInfoPanelObserver;
-		/**
-		* State of the CBA buttons. If EFalse LSK/RSK deliver ECmdNOP which
-		* causes no action.
-		*/
-		TBool iCBAEnabled;
-	    /**
-	     * To judge whether the current drive is ready for recording
-	     */
-	    TBool iIsDriveReady;
-	};
-#endif // __CVRRECVIEWMODEL_H__