changeset 24 072a5fa0c63b
parent 23 2f5c9ee7098c
child 25 c6bafb5162d8
--- a/voicerecorder/UtilsInc/VRUtils.h	Thu Aug 19 09:57:40 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-*     This class contains a collection of small static utility functions
-*     needed all around the application. The class has no prefix letter
-#ifndef __VRUTILS_H
-#define __VRUTILS_H
-#include <bldvariant.hrh>
-#include <f32file.h>
-#include <badesca.h>
-#include "VRConsts.h"
-#include "voicerecorder.hrh"
-class TVRDriveInfo
-    {
-    public:
-        TBool iDrivePresent;
-        TBool iDriveLocked;
-        TBool iDriveCorrupted;
-		TBool iDriveReadOnly;
-		TBool iDriveFull;
-    };
-class VRUtils
-    {
-    public: // New functions
-		/**
-        * Returns the currently effective path where to store voice memos
-		* The directory is affected by the settings and the availability of MMC
-		*
-        * @return Returns a non-modifiable pointer descriptor containing the
-		*         currently effective path where to store voice memos.
-		          The descriptor is left on cleanup stack.
-        */
-		IMPORT_C static void MemoStoreDirectoryL( TDes &aPath );
-        /**
-        * This method sets the default memo store setting (Phone Memory / MMC)
-		*
-        * @param aMemory Memory to set as default store
-        */
-		IMPORT_C static void SetMemoStoreL( TVRMemoStore aMemory );
-        /**
-        * This method returns the default memo store setting
-        * @return The default memo store
-        */
-		IMPORT_C static TVRMemoStore MemoStoreL();
-		/**
-		* This method returns the current status of MMC (inserted/locked/etc...)
-		* @param aDriveInfo MMC status
-		*/
-		IMPORT_C static void GetMMCInfo( TVRDriveInfo& aDriveInfo );
-		/**
-		* Set the default speaker
-		* @param aSpeaker ESpeakerEarPiece or ESpeakerIhf
-		*/
-		IMPORT_C static void SetDefaultSpeakerL( const TVRSpeaker aSpeaker);
-		/**
-		* This method returns the current speaker
-		* @return Default speaker, either ESpeakerEarPiece or ESpeakerIhf
-		*/
-		IMPORT_C static TVRSpeaker DefaultSpeakerL();
-		/**
-		* Set the default volume setting for specified speaker
-		* @param aSpeaker ESpeakerEarPiece or ESpeakerIhf
-		* @param aVolume New TInt value to save
-		*/
-		IMPORT_C static void SetDefaultVolumeL( const TVRSpeaker aSpeaker, const TInt aVolume );
-		/**
-		* This method returns the default volume setting for specivied speaker
-		* @param aSpeaker ESpeakerEarPiece or ESpeakerIhf
-		* @return The retrieved volume setting value
-		*/
-		IMPORT_C static TInt DefaultVolumeL( const TVRSpeaker aSpeaker );
-		/**
-		* Set the default quality setting
-		* @param aSpeaker EQualityMMSOptimized or EQualityHigh
-		*/
-		IMPORT_C static void SetQualityL( const TVRQuality aQuality );
-		/**
-		* This method returns the current quality setting
-		* @return Default quality, either EQualityMMSOptimized or EQualityHigh
-		*/
-		IMPORT_C static TVRQuality QualityL();
-		/**
-		* This method shows the out-of-memory confirmation query
-		* @param aMmc Shows qtn_memlo_not_enough_memory if EFalse or
-		*			qtn_memlo_mmc_not_enough_memory if ETrue
-		*/
-		IMPORT_C static void ShowMemoryFullConfirmationQuery( TBool aMmc = EFalse );
-		/**
-		* This method checks if video or VOIP call is ongoing
-		* @param aShowNote Show error note if ETrue
-		* @return ETrue if unsupported call is ongoing, EFalse otherwise
-		*/
-		IMPORT_C static TBool UnsupportedCallTypeOngoing( TBool aShowNote = EFalse );
-		/**
-		* This method returns the maximum length for a memo
-		* @return Maximum length
-		*/
-		IMPORT_C static TInt MaxLengthL();		
-		/**
-		* Check if variated feature is configured on
-		* @param aFeature Internal feature id
-		* @return ETrue if feature is enabled
-		*/		
-		IMPORT_C static TBool FeatureEnabled( TVRFeature aFeature );
-		/**
-		* Generate a filename that has unique body in given path.
-		* @param aFs Reference to connected file server session handle
-		* @param aName Path to destination folder. On return contains
-		*         a unique file name with full path and extension
-		* @param aType The type of file to be generated. Extension will be
-		          appended according to this parameter.
-		*/				
-		IMPORT_C static void GenerateUniqueFilenameL( RFs& aFs, 
-	                         TFileName& aName, TVRFiletype aType );
-		/**
-		* This method returns the running count of recorded memos
-		* @return Count of recorded memos
-		*/
-		IMPORT_C static TInt MemoCount();		
-		/**
-		* This method returns the running count of recorded memos
-		* @return Count of recorded memos
-		*/
-		IMPORT_C static void SetMemoCount( TInt aNewCount );
-		/**
-		* This method returns the bitrate that is used when recording amr clips
-		* @return Bitrate
-		*/
-		IMPORT_C static TUint AMRBitrateL();	
-		/**
-		* This method returns the bitrate that is used when recording amr clips
-		* @return Bitrate
-		*/
-		IMPORT_C static TUint AACBitrateL();	
-		/**
-		* This method returns the AAC-LC sampling rate that is used when recording AAC-LC clips
-		* @return Sampleing rate
-		*/		
-		IMPORT_C static TInt AACSamplerateL();
-		/**
-		* This method returns the audio mode that is used when recording AAC-LC clips
-		* @return audio mode
-		*/		
-       	IMPORT_C static TInt AACAudioModeL();
-		/**
-		* This method checks the drive is valid or not
-		* @param aDrive is the drive id
-		* @param aNoteId store the note id
-	    * @return The default memo store
-		*/
-       	IMPORT_C static TBool DriveValid( const TInt aDrive );
-		/**
-		* This method checks which MassStorage is/are valid
-	    * @return The MassStorage is multi (ETrue) or only one (EFlase)
-		*/
-       	IMPORT_C static TBool MultipleMassStorageAvailable();
-		/**
-		* This wrapper method return the removable MassStorage drive
-	    * @return the drive
-		*/
-       	IMPORT_C static TInt GetRemovableMassStorageL();
-#ifdef RD_MULTIPLE_DRIVE    	
-       	/**
-        * This method sets the default memo store setting (to support multipledrives)
-		*
-        * @param aMemory Memory to set as default store
-        */
-		IMPORT_C static void SetMemoDriveL( TDriveNumber aDrive );
-       	/**
-        * This method returns default phone memory drive
-		*
-        * 
-        */
-		IMPORT_C static TInt DefaultMemoDriveL();
-		/**
-		* This method returns the current status of Drive (inserted/locked/etc...)
-		* @param aDriveInfo MMC status
-		*/
-		IMPORT_C static TInt GetDriveInfo( TInt aDrive, TUint& aDriveInfo );
-        /**
-        * This method returns the default memo drive setting
-        * @return The default memo store
-        */
-		IMPORT_C static TInt MemoDriveL();
-	private:
-		/**
-		* Default constructor declared as private to prohibit construction.
-		*/
-		VRUtils();	
-		/**
-		* Store a setting in Central Repository
-		* @param aKey The Central Repository key 
-		* @param aValue The value for the key
-		*/
-		static void SetSettingValueL( const TUint32 aKey, const TInt aValue );
-		/**
-		* Get a setting from Central Repository
-		* @param aKey The requested Central Repository key
-		* @param aDefaultValue If key was not found, this is the value used
-		* @return The value of the requested key
-		*/
-		static TInt SettingValueL( const TUint32 aKey, const TInt aValue );
-		/**
-		* This method shows the out-of-memory confirmation query
-		* @param aMmc Shows qtn_memlo_not_enough_memory if EFalse or
-		*			qtn_memlo_mmc_not_enough_memory if ETrue
-		*/
-		static void ShowMemoryFullConfirmationQueryL( TBool aMmc = EFalse );
-		/**
-		* This method is called if video or VOIP call is ongoing and
-		* information note needs to be shown
-		* @param aResourceId
-		*/
-		static void ShowUnsupportedCallTypeNoteL( TInt aResourceId );
-		/**
-		* This method appends the requested file type extension to filename
-		* @param aName Contains full file name after completion
-		* @param aType File type that defines the extension to be appended
-		*/
-		static void AppendExtension( TFileName& aName, TVRFiletype aType );		
-		/**
-		* This method does the full check for the parameter filename existence
-		* @param aFs Reference to connected file server session handle
-		* @param aName Filename to check. No Path nor extension included.
-		* @return ETrue if file exists, EFalse otherwise
-		*/
-		static TBool DoesFileExistL( RFs& aFs, TFileName aName );
-		/**
-		* This method checks if parameter filename exists or not
-		* @param aFs Reference to connected file server session handle
-		* @param aName Filename to check. Path included. Extension excluded.
-		* @return ETrue if file exists, EFalse otherwise
-		*/
-		static TBool CheckFileExistence( RFs& aFs, TFileName aName );
-    };
-#endif      // __VRUTILS_H
-// End of File