changeset 24 072a5fa0c63b
parent 23 2f5c9ee7098c
child 25 c6bafb5162d8
--- a/voicerecorder/group/voicerecorder.hrh	Thu Aug 19 09:57:40 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-*     Defines commands and control identifiers.
-*     The file can be included in C++ or resource file.
-#include "VoiceRecorderContexts.h"
-#include <bldvariant.hrh>
-enum TVRDialogIds
-	{
-	EVRSettingsListboxId = 1	//Dialog control ID can't be zero
-	};
-enum TVRButtonStates
-	{
-	ENormal = 0,
-	EDimmed,
-	EPressed
-	};
-enum TVRCommands
-	{
-	ECmdPlay = 100,			// Don't override EIKON IDs..
-	ECmdPause,
-	ECmdStop,
-	ECmdAutoStopInterrupted,
-	ECmdAutoStopAtEnd,
-	ECmdSilentStop,
-	ECmdRecord,
-	ECmdRewind,
-	ECmdForward,
-	ECmdRecordNew,
-	ECmdOpen,
-	ECmdDelete,
-	ECmdAddToPinboard,
-	ECmdRename,
-	ECmdSaveAttachment,
-	ECmdOk,
-	ECmdCancel,
-	ECmdSettings,
-	ECmdEditListCascade,
-	ECmdChange,
-	ECmdHelp,
-	ECmdEndKey,
-	ECmdCancelNote,
-	ECmdEmbeddedRecordingReady,
-	ECmdDisconnectCall,
-	ECmdNewFileServiceNotify,
-	ECmdMSK,			// When Middle Softkey is pressed
-	ECmdSetNewPosition,		// Progress Bar Touch	
-	ECmdNOP,			// No operation
-	ECmdGoToMyClips,	
-	ECmdUSBChange,
-	ECmdSendVia			// This MUST be the last entry
-	};
-enum TVRRecViewStates
-	{
-	EStateIdle = 0,
-	EStateDeleted,
-	EStateRecording,
-	EStateRecordEmbedded,
-	EStatePlaying,
-	EStatePlayingPaused,
-	EStateRecordingPaused,
-	EStateIdleEmbedded,
-	EStateIdleRecordEmbedded,
-	EStateNRTIdle,
-	EStateNRTPlaying,
-	EStateDisableButtons, // all buttons disabled for no in-call recording feature
-    ENumStates,		// this must be the last line
-	EStateInitial = 255
-	};
-enum TVRRecViewLabels
-	{
-	ELabelMemoName = 0,
-	ELabelMemoDate,
-	ELabelMemoQuality,
-	ELabelBarMin,
-	ELabelBarMax,
-	ELabelStatus,
-	ELabelQualityText,
-	ENumLabels		// this must be the last line
-	};
-enum TVRFunctions
-	{
-	EFunctionNop = 0,
-	EFunctionPlay,
-	EFunctionStop,
-	EFunctionRecord,
-	EFunctionPause,
-	EFunctionForward,
-	EFunctionRewind,
-	EFunctionRecordNew,
-	EFunctionDelete,
-	EFunctionRename,
-	EFunctionStopAndSave,
-	EFunctionStopWithNote,
-	EFunctionOk,
-	EFunctionCancel,
-	EFunctionAutoStopAndSave,
-	EFunctionSilentStopAndSave,
-	EFunctionAutoStop,
-	EFunctionNRTStop,
-	EFunctionNRTAutoStop,
-	EFunctionSaveBeforeExit,
-	EFunctionSetNewPosition,	// Progress Bar Touch
-	ENumFunctions
-	};
-enum TVRSpeaker
-	{
-	ESpeakerEarPiece,
-	ESpeakerIhf
-	};
-// EQualityMMSOptimized -> save file as amr
-// EQualityNormal is used only when mp4 is supported,  save file as wav
-// EQualityHigh -> when mp4 is supported, save file as mp4, otherwise save as wave 
-enum TVRQuality
-	{
-	EQualityMMSOptimized,
-    EQualityNormal,
-  	EQualityHigh
-	};
-enum TVRButtons
-    {
-    EButtonPlay = 0,
-    EButtonStop,
-    EButtonRecord,
-    EButtonRewind,
-    EButtonForward
-    };
-enum TVRSettingFeatures
-    {
-    ESettingQuality = 0,
-    ESettingMemoStore
-    };