changeset 25 c6bafb5162d8
parent 0 845549f293a7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/voicerecorder/RecViewSrc/CVRStateInfoPanel.h	Wed Sep 01 12:29:14 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 - 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+*     A compound control class. It is responsible for drawing and updating
+*     a set of labels, and a progress bar.
+#include <coecntrl.h>
+#include <eikprogi.h>
+#include <AknUtils.h>
+#include "MVRObserver.h"
+#include "MVRStateInfoObserver.h"
+class CEikProgressInfo;
+class CVRLabel;
+class MVRStateInfoModel;
+* A compound control class. It is responsible for drawing and updating
+* a set of labels, and a progress bar.
+	: public CCoeControl, public MVRObserver, public MVRStateInfoObserver
+	{
+	public: // data types
+	    enum TVRLabels
+	        {
+	        ELabelName = 0,
+	        ELabelDate,
+	        ELabelQuality,
+	        ELabelMin,
+	        ELabelMax,
+	        ELabelStatus,
+	        ELabelQualityText
+	        };
+	public: // constructors and destructor
+		/**
+		* Constructor.
+		* @param aModel Pointer to the state info model.
+		* Ownership is not transferred.
+		*/
+		CVRStateInfoPanel( MVRStateInfoModel* aModel );
+		/**
+		* Constructor.
+		* @param aModel Pointer to the state info model.
+		* @param aParentViewUid Uid of CVRRecView for fast swap
+		* Ownership is not transferred.
+		*/
+		CVRStateInfoPanel( MVRStateInfoModel* aModel,
+						   TUid aParentViewUid );
+		/**
+		* Destructor
+		*/
+		virtual ~CVRStateInfoPanel();
+		/**
+		* 2nd phase constructor.
+		*/
+		void ConstructL();
+	private: // constructors
+		/**
+		* Default constructor. Not implemented.
+		*/
+		CVRStateInfoPanel();
+	public:
+		/**
+		* Handles a change to the application's resources
+		* @param aType The type of changed resource
+		*/		
+		void HandleResourceChangeL( TInt aType );
+	public: // from CCoeControl
+		/*
+		* From CCoeControl
+		* @see CCoeControl
+		*/
+		void SizeChanged();
+		/**
+		* Called by the framework to get the number of sub-components
+		* contained in this component. 
+		* @return The number of component controls contained by this control
+		*/
+		TInt CountComponentControls() const;
+		/**
+		* Called by the framework to get a specified sub-component
+		* of this component.
+		* @param aIndex The index of the component to get.
+		* @return The component control with an index of aIndex.
+		*/
+		CCoeControl* ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const;
+		/**
+		* Gets called whenever a pointer event occurs.
+		* @param aPointerEvent The pointer event to handle.
+		*/					
+		void HandlePointerEventL( const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent );
+	private: // From CCoeControl
+		void Draw( const TRect& aRect ) const;
+	public: // from MVRObserver
+		/**
+		* Called to notify a change in the observed subject's state.
+		*/
+		void Update( TVRUpdateCommand aCommand );
+	public: // from MVRStateInfoObserver	
+		/**
+		* Returns the current progress bar position value
+		* @return Position value
+		*/
+		TInt ProgressBarPosition() const;
+	private: // Helpers
+		CEikProgressInfo::SInfo ProgressInfo();
+		void UpdateLayoutL();
+		void CreateProgressBarL();
+		/**
+        * Updates the progress bar 
+        */
+		void UpdateProgressBar();
+		/**
+		* Handles progress bar touch events
+		* @param aPBRect Current progress bar rectangle 
+		* @param aPressedPoint The x coordinate value that was pressed
+		* 			inside the progress bar
+		*/
+		void HandleProgressBarTouchL( TRect aPBRect, TInt aPressedPoint );
+		/**
+		* Rounds the parameter value to nearest second value
+		* @param aMicroSecs Time value in microseconds
+		* @return Rounded value in seconds
+		*/
+		TInt RoundMicroSecsToSecs( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aMicroSecs );
+	private: // Data
+		/**
+		* Pointer to the button panel model. Not owned.
+		*/
+		MVRStateInfoModel* iModel;
+		/**
+		* Pointer to an array of labels. Owned.
+		*/
+		CArrayPtrSeg< CVRLabel > iLabels;
+		/**
+		* Pointer to a progress bar control. Owned.
+		*/
+		CEikProgressInfo* iProgressBar;
+		/**
+		* Uid of the parent view
+		*/
+		TUid iParentViewUid;
+		/**
+		* Current progress bar position
+		*/
+		TInt iPBposition;
+		// Skin instance. Not owned.
+		MAknsSkinInstance* iSkin;
+	};